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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1960, p. 3

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TBURSDAY, SEPT. 15Vh, 1960 THE CANADIAN BTATAN.. WIWEWAUWILI.R ~AUW~ - -~ ' -- w*r~w ~MWU~VI showyo 410w Ca syl ijs to benefil two ways wvith aiD. Sa½imgs Accot "It's ail a simple matter of habit. .. it's a matter of saving systematically for the things yau want through a convenient Toronto- Dominion Savings Account. SAToron to- Domninion ., Savings- Account benefits yau two ways. Firstly, through regular savings deposits. Every payday yau can set aside money for the things yau want and need. Secondly, your Savings Accaunt can function as a solid, month by month investment pro- gram that accumulates interest as it grows. Whichever way you use it, a Toronto-Dominion Savings Account is downight goad business. In fact, dealing regulLïity with your nearest Toronto- Dom inion Bank is always good business, k makes good sense ta rely an the people who know good financial housekeeping best. If you'11 drop in ta your neighbourhood branch of "The Bank", the individual, efficient service you'I1 receive wilI soon convince you that ..."I peole akethe TORONTO- [DOMINION b*i. L. BURK. Manager 0 ,iwmanville Branch ,r r M Wedin trp t M. ad Ms. . Dvenor in Newcastle United Cburch Wheeing, West Virginia, the and boys, Richmond Hill, vis- E~ Don Saturday, August 20, 1960, bride wore a mauve dress, ited Mn. sud Mrs. H. Stainton. ( L JfCwhen Marilyn Joyce Osborne, white feather bat, hite c r n r.LreMCy F IS H C H I S dughteTof Ms. Rse Os cesorie andcorsage of yel- Broklin, visited Mn. and Mrs. dean bonne, Newcastle, became the îo oe.M.adms ry ode.m al e Trie o g . ro i th e n an. emn will reside in New- Miss June Taylor and Raiph ThDVIINei gu ro s. thson ofry.n castle on George Street. Davey visited her sister Mns.fod ikc 22DVSO T n R s. ,Bonrnanv ih an, Priar ta ber marniage, tbe D. Read at 'their cottage on body needs ex Rev. M. C. Fisher was the friends ai the bride held a Canuing Lake. (Just North of Eaton's Order Office) aMritn lrya u b srrs ichaeu hwn . Pency Byers visited Mrs. 100' pure 01 weddiug music was played Y ini Newcastle Cornunity Hall. M Vrt.n r.DnTo Mrs. Jean Rabb. otsefothocainwr son, Donna sud Bevenle.y, TROPICANA 100% pure Orange 0Given in marniage by Mr. Mrs. Agnes MaUiewicz, Mrs. Courtice, wene supper guestsi Florida oranges and has a delicious 1 Fr in ou s Carman Patton, the bride wore Pst Bernard, Miss Judy Brown of Mn. sud Mrs. A. Youngmau. abridal gown of nylon net anld Mrs. Barbara Hockin, ail Mn. sud Mns. T. Collis, Osh-, o dozen oranges so the cost is Io, wi*i lace. The sequin sud ai Newcastle. awa, were guests ai Mn. sud carton . it lu your guarautee of p, pearl euibroidered ba-dice was Mrs. James Waodley. 11:30 a .. 2:00 pen. designed with long paited - N n u r.W sleeves lu classlc style sud the Mn. sud Mrs. Ray Hoskiu, bouffant skirt oi double nylon QRCH shawa, visited Mn. sud Mrs. w TR PC N 4: 0 p m : 0 pO o net !eatured frnt andback 111, .bSW Mn. dMr.C.W Rh fave T OI A Deliver 4: 0 p m 7 0 . . lace panels. Her siauler W. Vivian.MM. and Mr.C . Jh beaedheiaddreas ud he coa s j ogme..d & l visited Mn. sud Mrs. W. Rahm. iéaed ed res sd he cr ycu bk6 mud Mr. and Mns. John His, OPNFIA IL90 ..with ivy trails. ind * __Te bkhd Mrs. A. Hilîs. Miss Judy Brown af New- tuW eg« W jrdm & hm. Mn. sud Mns. W. Stapies, castie w,, maid oi honar i uldi u ze fl,6 . ht'a Bowmauville, w e n e dinuex: IeR stneet-length pink nylon over o, t te edD«Ws '. ?M& guests oi Mn. sud Mrs. E. A. tafieta with very full skirt. D $u"th .jjs e na Virtue. l nR Try So e od y! The flower girl was the bride's&c"g h j foi eau-d Mr. sud Mns. W. Park vis- niece, Miss Betty Anu Hockini btte-verk botter. Got DoM'.» ited Mn. sud Mrs. G. Wilhis, ai Newcastle, and she wor ià P smCanuington. 1 MW GS.W W Pink nzwlou with a obort bWlow-1 Mr. and Mnà. Norman CoX, 1 PasKesA19D w-hitWEan ~ h Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McCoy was in 1 gldoiformied a pretty sett- IY arried inIlToronto adgrsSAfvil;M. n nong igailti Pu' Uie Mrs. Jack Oliver and child- flra t ing i omaile n St.Pu a ntd ren, Fenelon Falls, were Sun- fromn Dur Churh, ownanvlle onSat , ~day visitors of Mrs. Percy o fthe Ea uÜrday, August 20, 1960, at 2:30 MCY ____ ' 'cock weMcCoyH.A Tr-Lodge,à o dok, wen Rv. H A Tr- ~Little Augusta Lokbors t ner united in marrilge Joan had a tonsil aperation on Mon- Gail Snowden, daughter aof . ay ermay iti fied Mr. and Mrs. W. Lloyd Snow- \Y: wshewel den of Maple Grave, and Mr. Heny WynePicar. Te ~~~**~* ~Family gathering was held groom is the son of Mr. and *. at the home af Mr. and Mrs. The odi Mrs. J. Denis Pickard ai Baw- . W. Murphy and Mr. 0. Beck- ino h manville. mother m Miss L. Osbarne piayedth Mr. and Mrs. A. Haar and pile of dig wedding music and accompan- - family attended a re-union at«*Y<,u shi MACEIL CRSN bckta a haeltrin lAied the soioist, Mr. Laurie Sprin~g Hill Park on Sunday. tus Iý siL ASO ak torgaa pleatrd alA Stapleton af Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. M. Slute and . sl raz lae hao Given in marriage by her Allan, Bowmanviile, visited elmd ch k lail n whitei outlined in seed pearîs and father the bride ware a floor- " Mr. and Mrs. . r gusn he ai Queen East Presbyte r i a n! str.saend er aistlen.h, hifon gwn iTwhte ylo ChucbTornt, Otaro, ohndle ede tlengllusian ffed styled with a shîrred attended the Ferguson-Wol- worman'si CuhTrnoOnaio adrle detleilso itdbodice featuring a sweet- ~.~ osewich wedding in Oshawa is as true ~- July 30, 1960, for the wedding veil. She carried a white heart neckline edged with on Saturday. But tbere' of Miss Helen Louise Carson, Bible crested with deep rose seif-materiai petals, the bouf i .adMs .Fegsnta' J Oshada, dauhter ai Mr. ad i at'moaore a eCrsonNe.tond Sweetheart roses and white fant skirt sweeping back to moor b is brothers F. 0. the job of vill, arnasndMr.wRonert baby 'mums with flowing formn a brie! train. Her waist-~'~ * ~ isnFruo aTetnfml' vilOtro n r oetstreamers of rase buds, and length veil feil from a rhine- and O. C. Gary Ferguson ta regulari Bruce '3arton MacNeilI, Osh- wore a single strand choker stane and peari tiara and she aa iiay lee at clothes w. awa, son af Mr. and Mrs. John ai pearis with matching ear- carried a white Bible crested KinRoalgs toa uy.ll making bi MacNeill, Village G r e e ri rings, the gift ai the groom. with a white orchid and pinkMr.WRamad n.nduten Prince Edward Island. rsbd.Mrs. C.W. Rahmawder.Mon- uth The Rev. John C. Robson aTishmyCesnbiriu n~ des.d sister, Mrs. G. ~ ~ . a alr iMs .Ndey O awa, Ont., sister o thebrd,] Z af Toronto officiated atth wsmadihouad the Petti.t, Maple Grove, was mat- . . . . .- Hampton. double-ring ceremony. Mr. F. bridlesmaid was the gnoom's ron ai hanour and the brides- H. Redwod, Toronto, played sseMs etrMcel maids, alsa aIl iram Maple sisterMiss HstOBITUARYll the wedding march and accom- Elliot Lake, Ontaria. They Grave, were Miss Pauline La- * panied the soloist, Mrs. Mar-. oeietciwlzint brecque, Miss Marie Cooney r #tUAR garet Rennie, Toronto, wha dresses of lime-green silk or- and Miss Betty Lau Snowden, "- . sang "O Perfect Love" before gazaeaturing scoaped neck- another sisten ai the bride. M:- MRS. JOHN E. WHITE the ceremony and "The Lord's illnes accented with a ilower All wene identically gowned ~ ~ i Prayer" during the signing aiaoafin raz advr, in. sea aqua onganza designed li The death accurred on the register. full skirts, also veiled band- with scoop necklines, basque in Memorial Hospital, Bow- Givn i marige y lereaux ai the same matenial,' bodices with short sleeves, Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce avle ofFncsLh father, the bride wore a floor with white gloves and shoes. and very full skirts. They Bartan MacNeill who were married in Queen East White, aged 87 yeans. AI- iength gown ai white silk or-1 They carried cascades ai white wore matching petal head- Presbyterian Church, Toronto, an Saturday, July 30, though in failing health for ganza and chantilly lace over and mauve cbrysanithemums. dresses and carried nosegays ." tie tedeese a of pink gladioli witb white 1960. The bride, former Hellen Lauise Carson ofsmetehedcadws f satin, styled on pnincess lhues. The best man was Stanley streamers. Oshawa, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Car- Tnhe itlteors. Whiteuras The lace bodice ieatured long'MaeNeili, Toronto, and the The groom's brothen-in-iaw, son Nwoville. Mr. MacNeill, who resides in Osha- oT h oplae Tos. hipe ad sleeves with points over the usher was Mn. Preston Mac- Mn. Garry Pettit, was best yNewtoni HoeLTwnhipan bands and a sabnina neckline Neil, also ai Toronto, brothers man and the ushens wene Mn. wa, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John MacNeill, Village was the daughter ai the late J quins. Panels ai chantilly lace Sbe attended Elizabethvilie encused it panî ad s- i he rom.brie.thowen, rother ai the reen-PrinetowardIslnd. n. nd M. Jhnudide accented the front of the Sirt' A reception followed at br. ide the gra nd brote.Poob Dyih Sui chool. and aiso a cascade ai flounces Woodgreen Community CenM.BaiePcrdadMn. On December 7, 1898, she ai lace in the back, with the; tre, Toronto. The bride's mo- Wesley Down ai Oshawa, bro- mridlt on Emn fullness af the skirt swept ther wore «a blue flowered tber-in-law ai the bride. An o ncang a m e tWielte nd n ed t h nylon aven matching tafieta The neceptian was held in A_______Engagemenbehie ant ei 1947. Mrs.- ensemble, with white access- teCuc udy Sho ht ilt er eie cr aies and a corsage ai whiite room. The bride's mother ware Wit erofdauteer Mrs Ros I ~~~~baby 'mumis and ieathered a beige eyelet lace sbeath with Hloel t 10 Suo SIcarnations. A dance ior the mint green accessanies and Streoe, wauv10e.Seuwas weddiug arty and guests fol- corsage ai pale yeliaw glad- amme iTiiyUie ldheine.ol.To assist, the groom's mo- a - - fTrnt Uie DONT woe OIJR WORD .~- then chose an ice orange silk f'Chc.14K FO TSYW.For a wedding trip ta New sbeath with matching access Left ta mourn ber passing 14Y York City and Prince Edward cries and corsage ai whitearbeduhtnMs.Rs JUT IE ~A AL.~ Island, the bride donned a gladioli. Hallowell (Ernie), Bowman- 1960 M AND YOLL£ ! white silk anganza ensemble Befone leaving an a boney- ville, and hier son, Lawrence with over-aIl blue embroid- moon ta points North, the bri- White ai Maple Grave. Also A ery. The blue arganza duster de donned a white linen en- - surviving are five grandchild- IN had a detailed neckline trim- semble embroidered in sbad- - e n 0gra-rncid med with a large rose ai the ed greens and coaas, match- - ren. samie matenial, which was car- ing accessanies, and white or- Th -ea eriewscn ried out at the waistline ai the chid corsages. Mn. and Mrs. -- ducted by Rev. H. Stainton 16 dress also. White accessories Pickard will reside at 65 On- - n asss eld in th e Morris and a corsage o! white baby tario St., Bowmanvilie. adwshl nteMri tmian ompleted e r uii. Funenai Chapel an Saturday, 1956 Fý n ti ns omp eted her outit.Septem ben lO th. Interm ent Guests were present îrom E.OG- iW15 i' Newtonville, Newcastle, Osh On Saturday, August 27, PL~lIGHETNG wElliot Lake, Eugena, 1960, at 4:30 o'clock in Reho- t0I PLM M H Ny M"xwlWindsor and Toron- bath Christian Reiormned Chu- - 1953 CI ta. rch, Bawmanville, Rev. Van Intrid Adella Conway Robert Falrbairn Love AVMILABLE FOR ~9BRt DEALRLs Upan their retunn Mn. and Harmelen united in marniageM adM Marc CnWy fBo a-TE ORONO 1782 Apt. No: 1, 22% Simcoe Street ghter ai Mn. and Mrs. Will- ville announce the engagement of their eldest daught- N ORTSAE<i157 G South, Oshawa, Ontario. iam F. Drew, and Mn. Thomn- er, Ingrid Adelia, to Robert Fairbairn Love, so of Mr. A15 as de Joug. The groom is the and Mrs. Ross Love, Hensali, Ont. The wedding will 1949 CI son o! Mn. and Mns. Jacob de tk lc nOtwOt nOtbr8 90 Jong ai Newcastle. tk lc nOtaa n. nOtoe ,16.R LPE S. JONES 1949 CI Counfy Cream fome a eysetig fdoriU y N EBarrister and Solicitor 1947 Fi Producers Annual theceremony, and the wed- 13 KinaL e shaws UT'S~XT M .NTH t. John .Vandenkooi. The September meeting ai to the cernetery grounds. Ia w NEXW MON Given in marniage by ber the Tynone W.M.S. was beld Next Suuday m--i-g-a- SETRWatch this space for fathen the bride wore a bouf- at the home ai Mns. Percy Baptismal Service will b1-êj dat ad lae.fant - skirted street - length Wenny when the Baby Baud senved. dat ad lae.gown of white silk orgauza and thein mothens were pre- Rev. and Mrs. F. G. n USNE ven taifeta with back bow. sent. President Miss Grace drews, Toonto; Mn. and Mnsý. UTanI@ CÉRAM PE@DI(It The basque bodice was appli- Smith welcomned ail those pre- D. G. Hoopen, Orono; Mn. aud MAREETINS LDOARD qued with Aleucon lace and sent. Mns. W. Rahm bad the Mns. C. D. Hodgson, Bowman- A bateau neckliue. Hen should- ner neading the ScriDture. o! Mn. and Mrs. F .Werry. en-length veil was caught ta Mrs. R. Glaspeil introduced Mrs. F. Wenry visited lien a star sbaped crown acented the new Study Book. sisten Mrs. C. T. May, Wind- BR O S. with nhinestones aud she car- A Lufe Membenship Centi- son, who is ill. BOW AN ILE RCRATIN DPATMET ied a cascade ai yeliow roses ficate danated by Miss Eni- Mn. and Mrs. Clinton Eug- BOWM NVILE ECRATIO DEART ENT and white carnations. ma Werry, Toonto, in mem- iish and Paul, Peterborough, QUALIiT MEATS The bride's sister, Miss Don- ary ai ber mather, former visited Mrs. W. Miller. 47 KING ST. IL M A 345081 DAN C ING C LA SS een Dnew, was ber only at- membens ai Tyrone W.M.S. Miss Meta Campbell, Hart- tendant in a iull-skirted street- was presented ta Mns. Aldin lngton, and Mn. David Drain, lengtb white dress dotted with Hoar. The Certificate and a Lakciield, are our new teach- Lean, Fresh l s 9 REGI TRA ION mave lowrsfeaurin a orsge as resnte byMrs. er's at Tyrane co with aven r m mauve satin cummerbund wîth P. Werry. Mrs. Hoar spoke lui 0 ppl. uThe chi3dnen are for back bow and scalloped neck- alppreciation ai Miss Werny's enjoyîng the new swings put a'D R line with V-back. She wore a generosity aud oailber contin- up in scbooi yard.Fit rs w Wednesday Afternoon Class matching mauve satin band- ued intenest lu aur W.M.S. Mrs. Jean Abrams and sou, itBo.Ow Miss Irenie Harvey eau and carried a nosegay ai AUl enjoyed lunch an the lawn. Leslie af Sydenham, mved SAUS G mauve and white 'mumis. Que ai the largest gather-inito the apartmeut ai Mn. aunAd _ and The groom's brother, Mn. ings at tbe Betbesda Ce me- Mns. Howard Philp, Mrs. A- A 3 16s. 9 9 C Peter de Joug ai Newcastle, tery Decoration Servicewa rams is teaching at Sale T *J IS Satuday ornug Casawas best man and Mn. Seird elTunay_Îv . k coiadLsi sgigt ~~~~~~~~~~was uhrTyHad" eutf io rs itohho mean TPqin t ihla IS AT COWAN EQUIPMENT CO, ING ST. B. MA 3-! 5689 VETEOR 4-DR. DEMONSTRATOR Nutomatie transmission, white wall tires, wheel dises, windshield washers, two-tone ýaint, radio. New car warranty with large liscount. FRONTENAC 4-DR. STATION WAGON teduced iprie. [ETEOR 2-DR., radio ýONTIAC 4-DR. 'HEVROLET 4-DR. GGOD USED TRUC] RMC 3-ton, V-8 engine BHE. 2-ton, stake body 'HEy., cab and chassis PORD 2-ton, with platform Iown Paymenl - Finance GUARANTEED TENDER, JUICY 131~OII~ e ArrangedI Î9I enr Look for this Seal on your Beef! Only at Firth Bras. can you buy "'ProTen"' I ENDERED DEEF Swift's Guaranteed Tendered Beef at Regular Prices. Why Pay More.. . Get-the-Best-for Les- ,e ,IntoI aplete al the ANA Hality juxce n the ýman y ý-5444 ropicana VIE FLORIDA 3nge Juic filk and Orange Juice FOR GOOD HEALTH 1aduits should drink at least a pli mcuse milk is the world's most con -ontains every vitamin and minera icept Vitamin C . .. and TROPICÀ range Juice is rich in Vitamin C Juice is made from highest qu flavour. One carton contains the-. >w. Look for the USDA shield on purity. 'ed Daiùly by Your Milki me Dair, 't jrd%%Xib à gazuffl Y'elcome Cemetery. Group of Trinity W.A. 9the many beautiful Pallbearers were Gerald ibutes were those Hallowell and five grandsone.' irham Chapter, Order Melvin Edwards, Arthur Bur-' astern Star, Jerusalem gess, Ted White, Elwyn White and Churcx Street and Jack HalloweIll era teen-ager burst ~ "' ~ kitchen to fini! ber worklng on a huge Ishes. muldn't be doing that Is Mother's Day," she i"IVait 'ilafter 1saying about 'la work is neyer done" today as it ever wvas. 's one job we can do ýal mother-saver ....... ýfdry cleaning ail ber garments. And with dry cleaning care rlII last much longer, budgets stretch much Cari Lesle AITCARWAS -SEPT. 17 77 ie IM CAMAMM STATMULAK BDWUAWMJI.& OMAý - a ý ým» 1 j

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