PAGE SIX ~~~~~~~W IA UzJ'I TTftW UMftj B 5WMANU I I, OIA ER H ISD Y E T lt.l BelIaUns iBrood mare and Foal- Keith Hobden, 2. Claren Buckley, Lindsay. Two-year-old gelding filly- 1. K. Hobden. 1One-year -old gelding filly- 1. K. Hobden, 2. ar 3. Len Stephenson, Burketo 1Foal by mothe- i.1 Buckley, 2. K. Hobden. Yeld mare or gelding- K. Hobden, 2. and 3. C. Bu<] loy. Road or Carrlage on Rali Brood mare and foal- Ralph Saddler, Nestleton; Lloyd Atchison, Newtonvill Two year old Colt- David Brent, Bowmanvill Foal by mother- 1. L. A~ chison, 2. R. Saddler. Hamness Classes Heavy Draft Teai- I.1 Down, 2. and 3. A. ToIl. bight Draft Team- 1. A. To 2. H. Down, 3. A. Toîl. SBelgian toam- I. K. Hol den, 2.C. Buckley, 3. and bon S-tephenson. Percherorn Teamn- 1. Cookson, 2. W. G. Shea, 3. Cookson, 4. K. Hobden, 5. D Cochrane. un Commercial tean- 1. Rus sel Cochrane, Burketon;, you r Norma n Dennis, BracebridgE 3. R. Cochrane. SHOPPING Hoskin, Burketon; 2. Lori 1Cochrane, Nestieton; 3. Leon neyer ard Blight, Brooklin; 4. Bur ritt Mnnn. fai .. B.C2rrioge teamn- 1. and2 0 0 a B.Maznn. Commercial single horse- 1. and 2. R. Cochrane, 3. N Dennis. 4-Horse team- 1. V. Cook. son, 2. A. Toîl, 3. R. Cochrane Roadster Single small-1 1. Cochrane, 2. L. Blight,3 B. Mann, 4. L. Blight, 5. 1 Cochrane. Roadster Single large- 1 L. Hoskin, 2. L. Blight, 3. Bil to huy0 0 4Reid, Orono; 4. 1. Cochrane, to buy..~~~ 5. B. Mann.Sngesal arri .B.Singln. a-1 an.Bage . Carriarle Single large- 1. and 2. B. Mann. Commercial single horse ligh- I. and 3. R. Cochrane, GINGER ALE Get urot 1. L. Blighl. Lady Driver- 1. Leonar< -more Bli,,Tht1. 2. L. Atchison. gaver Single Road Race- 1. Bill flavorReid, 2. B. Mann, 3. 1. Coch- -more- rane, 4. B. M\ann. SparkleSingle road rice under 1l! hands- 1. and 2. B. Mann, -mare 3. 1. Cochrane. for Team Road Race- 1. anc 2. B. Mann, 3. 1. Cochrane. your Single Hackney on Rein- money 1.L. Hoskin, 2. B. Mann, 3. money ~L. Atchison. Single on rein Perch Drafi ýi Commiercial or Behgian- 1. h V. Co!zýon, 2. A. Toll, 3. W. ~ G. Shea. Sndd1e Onn- 1. L. Hoskin, 2. L. Atchirl!on, 3. D. Brent, V 4. Linda Little, Agîncourt. Pony Classes Brood mare and foal- 1. Geo. Hayes, Columbus; 2. and QUARTS-lGc, 2 FOR 35c 3. Ra-y Cochrane, Enn5skillen. SIX 12 OZ. BOTTLES 41c Pony Foil- 1. and 2. R. PLUS DEPOSIT Cochrjýne, 3. G. Hayes. WG 2-R Sin'l1o in Himness other thnn hackney 46" and under- 1. Clore Vernon, Port Perry; ROYAL BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5589 THURS. - SAT., SEPT. 15 - 17 "Wake Me When lIfs O ver" Comedy with Ernie Kovacs MON. - WED., SEPT. 19 -21 'The Cap fain's Table' (CoIour) Aduit Entertainment ALSO SECOND FEATURE "Too Many Crooks" SPECIAL 73 size Brylcrcem 73e size MacLeans Faste Both for 73c Bufferin 1.89 1.23-79c-39e Anacin 1.29 85c-53c-26c Bayers 87c 53c-32c-20e SPECIAL 98e size Colgates Faste 35e sîze Colgates Faste Both for 98c 1Fay Fever Relief Privine Nose Dnops- 95e Vicks Sinex ----- 1.15 Bayons Nose Drops- 99e Dristan Spray .. 1.25 Drîstan Tablets- 1.25, 2.25, 3.75 Co-Pyronil Capsules 2.25 Coricidin D. Tablets - 1.00 Tyzine Drops ... 1.00 Roz Mah Capsules- 85e. 1.65 Wampoles Magnolax 75 - 1.50 Wampoles Extract 1.59 -2.75 Wanupoles Phospho-Plez 2.50 Halibut 011 Capsules - Tri VI Sol 1.65, 2.95, 4.25 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 Haliborange - 1.25, 2.10) Cod Liver 011 Caps. 98c A.D.C. Drops - 1.60, 2.85 Cod Liver 011 89c, 1.50 Mulcin- 1.95, 3.25, 5.50 Scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 Mlaintenits 2.00, 5.50 Geritol Vitamins and Minerais 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 O)ne-a-Day Multiple Vitamins 1.49, 2.75, 4.49, 8.75 COWLING'S MIA 35695 D RUG STORE V m Light and draft on halter, Clydsdale two-year-old geld-ý fg- 1. Aubrey Toil, Blyth, Ont. Yeld mare or gelding, light draft- 1. A. Toîl, 2. Heber Down, Brooklin; 3. A. Toîl, 4. H. Down. Yeld mare or glding, heavy draft- 1. A. Toîl, 2. and 3. H. D)own, 4. A. Toîl. Dard. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E SeB1 r.b ryant, 2. Mns. G.R.Pt Cherry Pie-I Mrs. Harry man, .1. Mns. C. Mcbaughlin; Van Camp, 2 Mns. R. Mcbaugh- New Cushion Idea - 1. Mrs. in, 3 Mrs. L. Thompson. S. Moore, 2. Mrs. V. Skerratt, Cor Lemon Pie - 1 Mns. b. . ~Mr. E. Passant; Corduroy rhompson, 2 Mrs. G. Brown, Sofa Cushion- 1. Mrs. G.- 3 Mrs. S. Moore. Brown, 2. Mrs. M. Coates, 3. 10 Frosh Frit Table Centre- Mrs. V. Skerratt, Lace Table 1 1 Mns. S. Moore. Cloth- 1. Mrs. b. E. Bryant, Salad Plate - i Mrs. G. 2. Mns. G. R. Putman; Need- Brown, 2 Mrs. A. Card. lepoint Article- 1. Mrs. M, Mai Chiocolate Fudge-l Mrs. D.1 Coates, 2. Mrs. G. Brown, 3. Dorrell, 2 Mns. H. Van Camp,' Mns.L.E. Bryant. 3Mrs. H. Mcbaughlin. Doilies *3 Different Type Dozen White Eggs-1 Mrs. Work- 1. Mrs. S. Moore, 2.AD H. Mcbaughlin, 2 Leslie Coch-h Mrs V. Skerratt, 3. Mrs. G. A rane. Browin;* Buffet Set Embroid- Dozen Brown Eggs-1 Leslie ered - . Mns. b. E. Bryant, Cochrane, 2 Stanley Taylor. ý2. Mrýîs. S. Moone, 3. Mrs. V. Plate of Fancy Cookies-1Skerratt; Pace Mats- 1. Mrs. Mrs. G. Brown. G. R. Putman, 2. Mrs.G. Whole Tomatoes-1 Mrs. H.h Brown, 3. Mns. M. Coates;, 'an Camp, 2 Mrs. F. Dayes, 3!Luncheon Cloth and Serviet- - Irs. S. Moore. tes- 1. Mrs. L. E. Bryant, 2. RE] Salad Dressîng-i Mrs. L. Mrs. G. R. Putman, 3. Mrs. M. rhompson, 2 Mns. G. Brown. Coates; Fnamed Oil Painting-.. 141 M Strawb2rries - 1 Mns. F., 1. Joyce Graham, 2. Mrs. M. Offiei )a7-es, 2 Mns. E. Leask, 3 Mrs.; Coates, 3. Leslie Cochrane-, Tel 7Brown. Hooked Wool Rug- 1. Mrs. Rasubennies - 1 Mns. F. b. E. Bryant, 2. Mrs. G. ~ )ayes, 2 Mrs. S. Moore, 3 Mrs.; Putman, 3. Mrs. G. Brown; LLeaslc. Braided Rag Rug- 1. Mrs. Lm Percherons Brood Mare and Foal- i. W. G. Shea, Sunderland; 2. V. Cookson, Bowmanviile; 3. Les Cochrane, Burketon. Two-year-old gelding onl tIly- 1. V. Cookson, 2. W. G.1 Ehea. One-year-old gelding on jilly- 1. W. G. Shea, 2. an,' 3. Les Cochrane. Foal by mother- 1. W. G. Shea, 2. V. Cookson, 3. Les Cochrane. YeId mare or gelding- 1. 'V. Cookson, 2. V. Cookson, 3. W. G. Shea, 4. Keith Hob- den. Brooklin. Box 9, Newcastle Pl!zorie Newcastle 2246 msuflation by appointment only. V. KAT LYCETT, R.A. Barrister and Solicitor Ina the offices of R R. Waddoll, Q.C. n Street Orono Ontario Mori g age s Il HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 fIrst Mortgage Funds Residences - Farina Business Properties ITHm M. BILLETT, O.D. Optometrist King St. E.. Bowmanville ce Hours: By appointmnent fephone MArket 3-3252 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Saturday Thursdav evenings Wedndays: 9 to 13 îner 2. and 3. G. Hayes. Peaches-1l Mrs. S. Moore, 2 îSingle ini hamness other than Mrs. F. Dayes. =ce hackney over 46"- 1. and 2.2 Pineapple-1 Mrs. A. Card, or Single in harness hackney- Pears-li Mrs. S. Moore. 1. C. Vernon, 2. and 3. R. Raspberry Jam-1 Mrs. G. or Cochrane. Brown, 2 Mrs. S. Moore, 3 Mrs. nd Pony team other than hack- A. Card. ton. ney- 1. G. Hayes, 2. R. Coch- Strawberry Jamn-1 Mrs. A. C. rane. Card, 2 Mrs. S. Moore, 3 Mrs. Hackney team- 1. IR. Coch- G. Brown. 1. rane, 2. G. Hayes. Marmalade 1 Mrs. G. .k- Single Saddle- i. b. Atchi- Brown. son, 2. R. Cochrane, 3. C. Ver- Chili Sauce 1 Mrs. F. ter non. Dayes, 2 Mrs. G. Brown, 3 Mrs. Pony Tandem- 1. R. Coch- S. Moore. 1, rane. Nine Day Pickle-1 Mrs. H. 2. Best Group of four or more Van Camp, 2 Mrs. W. Wright, lle. commercial horses- R. Coch- 3 Mrs. A. Card. 1, rane. Bread and Butter Pickle-i l1e. A-Cattie Mrs. S. Moore, 2 Mrs. F. Dayes, 3 Mrs. H. Van Camp. Shorthorn prizos were ail Corn Relish-1 Mrs. G. taken by three Bowmanville Brown, 2 Mrs. E. Leask. area breeders, Garnet Rick- Pickled Bots-i Mrs. A. H. ard, Russel Osborne and John Card, 2 Mrs. S. Moore, 3 Leslie Allin. Cochrane. 011, Aberdeen Anigus. All pri- Three Jars Jams or Jellies zes were taken by Malcolm decorated for Christmas Gîft- b- Bailey of R.R. 4 Port Perry, i Mrs. D. Dorroîl, 2 Mrs. Violet 4. oxcept 3rd pnizo on heifer Skerratt, 3 Mrs. G. Browvn. caîf which was won by Ken- School Lunch-i Mrs. H. V. ny Wilson, Janetville. eagln2Mr.DDoel,> V. Hereford heifer caîf under 3cagl 2Mr,..D. Dorrell, oes one year- 1. Murray Brown. 3 mns. .Seratt. il- Holtens.AUliize wreMrs. G. Brown, 2 Mrs. S. as- taken by Waltor Holliday and Moore, 3rd Mrs. L. Thompson. 2.Sons. R.R. 3, Oshawa.Mai kngPwe ce e~Best Fat Steer- Garnet MaiBkigP drSp- Ricard ial-1 Mrs. S. Mooro, 2 Mrs. Rickard.D. Dorrell.1 ne Best Beef Herd- Malcolm Lake of the Woods Milling( n Bailey, 2. G. Rickard. Co. Sp2cial-1 Mrs. S. Moore,t n- Shee-p 2 Mrs. F. Dayes.1 ir- Hampshires. Ail prizes tak- Five Roses bight bayer Cake1 2.en by Lloyd Ayre of Bowman- -Mrs. D. Dorreil, 2 Mrs. S. 2ville and Keith Van Camp of Moore. Burketon. Five Roses Raisin Pie-I - Suffolk. AIl pnizos taken by Mrs. S. Moore, 2 Mrs. A. Card. N.Boyd Ayre, Hamoton. Domestie Apple Pie-i Mrs. South Down Aged Ram- A. Card, 2 Mrs. S. Moore, 3 i- . and 2. b. Ayre. Mns. L. Thompson. e. Shearling Ram- 1. K. Van Domestic White Cake-i Mrs. n L Camtp, 2. and 3. L. Ayro. H. McLaughlin, 2 Mrs. D. Dor- F 3. Ram bLamb- 1. and 2. L. rell, 3 Mrs. S. Moore.èV 1. Ayre.Lais eprmn R.Aged Ewe- . L. Ayre, 2. L de e a me t 1R. H. Dow, Bowmaipvilre, R. Baby's Wool Set- I. Mrs. il .4; 3. and 4. K. Van Camt. L. E. Bryant, 2. Mrs. G. e, Shearling Ewe- 1. and 2. b. Brown, 3. Mrs. M. Coates; In- Ayr, 3 K.VanCam, 4 R fant's Fancy Nightgown- 1. H. DowK anCp 4 . Mrs. V. Skerratt, 2. Mrs. M. Ewe bamb- 1. and 2. L. Ayre, Contes, 3. Mrs. G. Bnown; 3. K. Van Camp. Baby's Fancy Short Dress- Oxford. Afl prizes taken by 1. Mrs. S. Moore, 2. Mns. G. se H. Skinner and Son, Tyrone, R. Putman, 3. Mrs. M. Contes; eand R. H. Dow.' Baby Doîl Pyjamas- 1. Mns.- Market Lamb- I. L. Ayno, V. Skerratt, 2. Mrs. S. Moore, 2. K. Van Camp), 3. H. Skin- 3. Mrs. G. Brown; Child's -non, 4. R. H. Dow.' Smock-ed Dress- 1. Mrs. V. Make Labsonb boy Skenratt, 2. Mrs. G. Brown, C( iorgirl -1 n .L Ayre, 3. Mns. L. E. Bnyant; Chld's 3. K. Van Camp.' Plain Cotton Dress- 1. Mrs.- Best Flock of Sheep on the E. Leask, 2. Mrs. A. Card, 3. eà grounds- I. b. Ayne, 2. H. Mrs. b. E. Bryan; Little Boy's Skinnen, 3. K. Van Camp, 4. Cotton Sun Suit- 1. Mrs. A. R. H. Dow. Cnrd, 2. Mns. V. Skcnnatt, .1. L d Mrs. M.; Little Girl's 64 Swine Cotton Sun Suit- 1. Mrs. V. - Yorkshire: Skennatt, 2. Mrs. M. Coates, 3. Boar 6 month to i yoar- 1. 3. Mrs. S. Moore. F. Donald Bnadburn, Bunkoton. Child's Denim Overalîs- 1. Ib Sow 6 months to 1 yocar- 1. Mrs. V. Skerratt, 2. Mrs. M. 1Jir-i Byne-, Bunketon; 2. Don- Coates, 3. Mrs. A. Card; ald Bradburn. Child's Sweater Coat and Sow unden 6 months-- i. Socks- 1. Mrs. G. Brown, 2. *and 2. Donald Bradburn. Mrs. G. R. Putnn, 3. Mrs. t, lerd- Donald Bradburn. b. E. Bryant; Child's Pyja- Taniworths: mas- 1. Mns. G. R. Putman, pa AIl Tamworth pnizos were 2. Mns. M. Contes, 3 . Mrs. V, Hz taken by Leslie Taylor, Bur- Skerrai.t; Child's Jumpoer with A. keton. Blouse- 1. Mrs. M. Coites, 2. Dlr P'ndce nd Mrs. L. E. Bryant; Nnvelty D-ir Prnlncf and Apron- 1. Mrs. M. Coate7, Domezýtic Science 2. Mns. G. Brown, 3. Mrs. V. Fruit Loaf, yeas-l Mrs. Skcnratt. rCordon Brown, 2 Mrs. Lor:-ée Kitchen AYron- I. Mrs. G.( ThomoDson, 3 Mrs. Ewart !,eno'-k. Brown, 2. Mrs. b. E. Erynnt, XVhite Brcad-l Mrs. Waitcr 3 Mrs. M. Coates; Duster*Coat i Wright, 2 Mrs. Sondy Moore, -1. Mns. S. Moone, 2. /rs. 3 Mrs. L. Thompscn. M. Co)ate-, 3. Mrs. b. E. Bry- 0ff Brown Brend-1 Mrs. G. ant: Knitted Wool Cordigan- 15 j Brown, 2 Mrs. E. beask, 3 Mrs. ý Mr-. C:-rl Mcbaurhl'in, 2. b.SThompson. Mrz. Gý. R._Putmnan, 3. Mrs. b. Off Six Pans *Buns-l Mrs. L. E. Bryant; House Dre-s- 1.- Thompson, 2 Mrs. S. Moore, 3ý Mrs. G.R. Putman, 2. Mrs. S. MPan E. lak. 1Mr.G.1Moore, *37 Mrs. ,G. Brown; PanChescaBun-i rs.G.Knitted Stole- 1. Mns. G. R. IBrown, 2 Mnrs. b. Thompson,. Putman, 2. Mrs. b. E. Bnyant,< 3 Mns. S. Moore. 3. Mrs. M. Coates; Crocheted 4o0 Bnnana Layer Cake-i Mns. Stole- 1. Mrs. b. E. Bryant, Off G.* Brown, 2 Mrs. ROYv M/c- 2. Lloyd Ayre, 3. Mrs. V. Sl:er- Laughlin, 3 Mns. Allen Card. ratt; Ladies Baby Doîl Py- Ci( Chqcolate Chiffon Cake-l jamnas- 1. Mrs. G. Brown, 2. C ýMrs. R. M\cLaughilin, 2 Mrs. G. M.r. V. Skernatt, 3. Mns. IM. Hot 'Brown. 3 Mns. Frcd Dayes. Contes; Summer Nightgown - Angel Cakze - 1 Mrs. G. 1. Mrs. M. Contes, 2. Mrs. V. Brown, 2 Mrs. L. E. Bryant, Skerratt, 3. Mrs. S. Moore. 3 Mrs. F. Dayes. CardiFgan Bulky Knit- 1. Io() A lOth Wedding Anniversary Mrs. G. Bnown-, 2. Nancy Stan- Light Layer Cake-l Mrs. G. iland. 3. Mns. M. Coates- T-)i- Brown, 2 Mr:. Harold Mc- lored Skirt- 1. Mns. L'E. Of Laiighlin, 3 Mrs. Dalton Dor- Bryant, 2. Mns. S. Moore, 3 ChcolataerCk- Mns. A. Card; Mother and --lo ChoclateLaye Cak _-1 Daughten Dresses_--1. Mrs. S. Det Mns. R. MeLau'ghlin, 2 Mrs. H.1 5/Toore. 2. Mnsq. M .Coates. 3. D aL n k F r u 1 i t C a e- i M r . r n dT lu g h er-A r o ns11 .-m . E. Bryant, 2. Mrs. G. IR. man- 3. Mrs. S. Moore; B cd Rag Rug- i. Mrs. G Putman, 2. Mrs. L. E. Bn, 3. Mrs. M. Coates. Dressing Table Set EmI dered- i. Mrs. M. Coate Mrs. L. E. Bryant, 3. Mn: R. Putman; Pillow Cases bnoidered- i. Mrs. G. Bni 2. Mrs. V. Skerratt, 3. Mr R. Putman; Pillow Cases cheted Lace- i. Mrs. Brown, 2. Mrs. G. R. Puti 3. Mns. L. E. Bryant; Pi Cases Cut Work- 1. Mn! E. Bryant, 2. Mrs. G. R. man, 3. Mrs. V. Skerratt;1 Towel Crocheted Trim- Mrs. L. E. Bryant, 2. Mns Coates, 3. Mrs. G. Brown;1 Towel Embroidered- 1. G. R. Putman, 2. Mrs. Brown, 3. Mrs. L. E. Bry Guest Towel- 1. Mrs. Moore, 2. Mrs. L. E. Bn: 3. Mrs. G. Brown, Top S and Pillow Case Set Emi dered- 1. Mrs. M. Coateý Mrs. L. E. Bryant, 3. Mn: R. Putman; Quilt Applic and Embroidered- 1. Mn: Skorratt, 2. Mrs. L. E. Bry 3. Mrs. G. R. Putman; Ç Appliqued- i. Mrs. M. C os, 2. Mrs. G. R. Putman Mrs. b. E. Bryant; Ç Double Wedding Ring- Mrs. G. R. Putman, 2.1 L. E. Bryant, 3. Mrs. S. Mc Quilt Pieced Any Other1 tomn- i. Mrs. M. Coates Mrs. S. Moore, 3. Mrs. G, Putman. Crib Quilt-- 1. Mrs. M'voore, 2. Mrs. M. Coates M.'rs. V. Skerratt; Kniti Bag- 1. Mrs. V. Skerratl tfrs. G. R. Putman, 3. I M'. Coates; 5 Different Q~ Blocks- i. Mms. G. R. F man, 2. Mrs. L. E. Brya Pyjama Bag Novelty- i. 1I V. Skerratt, 2. Mrs. M. Cc es; Artificiai Evening Cors Business Direcor Accountanc, RAY J1. DrLLING Certified Public Accounta 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WTtL J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building ýor. King and Tomperancec Phone MArket 3-3612 Y-ALE, FR-IEDLANDER HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditor. iconsed Trustee in Bankrup- I King St. E. RA 5-11 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. Fniedlanden, B. Com., C.P &10NTEiI - MONTEli RIEHL & CO. 135 Simcoe St. N., Osha-a Chartered Accountanta RA 5-3527 Bowmanville CaU ZEnith 45750 :rtners:, buor. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A B. Monteith, B. Cùm., C. G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. -R. F. Lightfoot C.A. C h iro rr a c f i G. EDWIN MANN, D. çueChiropractor iEgnSt.. cor o? Horseye Phono MA 3-5509 fice Hlours: By Appontm< - Denfal1 )R. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. King St. W. Bowmanvil fice Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily losed Saturday and Sunda Office Phone - MA 3-5790 )use Phono - Newca,ýtle 35, DR. E. W. SISSCàiJ L.D.S., DDS Office in his home Liberty St. N.. Bcwtmanvil: Phono MA 3-5604 fice Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daiîy osed Wednesday - Sunda: '.. C. FCATTiRAN, .D-.S Office ROASTS Ibo m m Lb. 45C1 COTITAGECRYO-VC-Ld ur SWIFT'S EVERSWEET - 1 IL pack Lb. 53C1 HITBU ~SAVE 9c15oz Lb. R. Teen-Age Girls S. Huck Guest Towl- 1. 3.Nancy Staniland, 2. Donna Mc- tigLaughlin; Knitted Article- 1. t n. Nancy Staniland, 2. Donna Mrs. McLaughlin; Fancy Article- rsit . Janice Byers; Jumper- i. Put Janice Byors; Apron Peasant in, . Donna McLaughlin; Cot- il tn Pyjama s- 1. Nancy Stan- ýoat- iand; Cotton Skirt- 1. Donna SJoy, 3. Sylvia Lawrenco, 4.j yNancy Staniland; Cotton Blo-I - use- 1. Elaine Mountjoy, 2.! Donna McLaughlin, 3. Janicei y Byers; Cotton Dress- i. Jean -Hancock, 2. Anne Werry, 3. .Aa'ene Westlake, 4. Lois Ash-i Mtton; Woollen Skirt- i. Gail, LftBaker. Teen-Age Boys Wood Turning Lamp- 1.' Neil Palmer; Coffeo Table- 1. Donald Swain, 2. James Byers, 3. Neil Palmer; Step- Sts. Up or End Table- 1. Neil; Palmer, 2. Jim Swain; Plantý -Stand- 1. Noil Palmer, TieI Rack- i. Noil Palmer; Wood- en Bowl Turned on -Lathe- s1. Neil Palmer. ity Plants and Flowers )tyAsters- 1. Mrs. E. Passant, 2. Mrs. A. Whitmoe, 3. Mrs. F. .A. Bailey. Dahlias- 1. Mrs. F. Bailoy, '~2. Mrs. E. Passant, 3. Leslie, Cochrane. va Giant Zinnias- 1. Mrs. A.: Whitmeo, 2. Leslie Cochrane, 3. Mrs. S. Moore. .Ms Pom Pom Zinnias- i.Ms P. Bailoy, 2. Mrs. S. Moore, 3. Mrs. A. Whitmeo. A. Phlox- 1. Mrs. S. Moore. .A. Snapdragon- 1. Mrs. E.' Passant, 2. Mrs. S. Moore, 3.' Mrs. F. Bailey. Single Petunias- 1. Lesliei Cochrane, 2. Mrs. F. Bailey, k 3. Mr3. R. Mebau,'ihlin. Double Petunias- ï1. Mrs. -S. Moore, 2. Mrs. Ralph bar- mer. Marigold African- 1. Mrs.; E. Passant, 2. Mrs. A. Whit- St. rnee, 3. Mrs. R. Larmer. Roses- 1. Mrs. S. Moore,' nt 2. Mrs. E. Passant. Saligosss-1. Mrs .A.1 Calendula- 1. Mrs. S. Mo-' Sore, 2. Leslie Cochrane, 3. îeMrs. E. Passant. Sweet Peas- 1. Mrs. E. Passant. Scabious- 1. Mrs. E. Pas- y sant, 2. Mrs. A. Whitmeo. Low Basket- 1. Mrs. E. ý5 Passant, 2. Mrs. F. Bailey. High Basket- i. Mrs. A.' Whitmee, 2. Mrs. E. Passant, 3. Mrs. S. Moore. ie Gladiolus- 1. M r s. A. Whitmee, 2. Mrs. E. Passant,, 3. Mrs. R. barmer. 4 Small Potted Plants- 1., YsMrs. V. Skcerratt, 2. Mrs. S.i !Moore, 3. Mrs. F. Bailey. i ~. Cut Flowers 12 Varities- l.' Mrs. S. Moore, 2. Leslie Coch- le rane, 3. Mrs. F. Bailey. 4 African Violets- 1. Mrs. E. Passant. [y Four Diffrent Cacti-1 MrsJ.. 9 F. Bailey, 2 Mrs. V. Skorratt, 3 -Mrs. S. Moore. Table Centre-i Mrs. F. - Bailey, 2 Mrs. E. Passant, 31 Leslie Cochrane.1 Overaîl Points in Class N-, Mrs. E. Passant. Grain, Seeds, Hay, Vegetables and Roots [e Bushel Fali Wheat-1 Jack Cruchshank. Bushel Oats-l' - SWhitney Boyd. Bushel Oats,' Late-1 Jack Cruchshank, 2, Whitney Boyd. Bushel Bar-'ý le ley, two row-1 Jack Cruch-1 Baled Hay First Cutting-1 - 1. Leslie Cochrane, 2. Mary, Lou Malcolm, 3. Jamie Mal-! colm; Baled Hay Second Cut-I tîng- 1. J. W. Mann, 2. Jamie le Malcolm, 3. Mary Lou Mal- colm. McKee Special- Leslie Tay- lor. Early Potatos- 1. Mrs. H. Van Camp: bate Potatoes- 1.. 1Mrs. A. Whitmee, 3. Mrs. F. Bailey; Table Turnips- 1.1 Leslie Taylor; Table CarrotsI - 1. A. Card, 2. Stanley Taylor, 3. Mrs. F. Bailey; Win- ter Cabbage- Mrs. A. Whit- mee; Two Pie Pumpkins- 1. Leslie Cochrane, 2. Mrs. A. Whitmee, 3. Mrs. F. Dayos; Table Bots- 1. Leslie Tay- A FI m si ci ci KE BR CAKE MIXES 3 For$10 'cature - Save 2c PYLMER - 10 oz. tlh regela-le Sup 3 Fr 35c Peature - Save 22c fonarch Angel Food - 15 oz. pkg. ARE MIXN -35c ZiI DOG FOOD- Best Buy - Save 20e SUCCESS - Hcavy Duity - 40 oz. tin PLOIEWAX -99c F'eature - Save Se ECULVERH0USE - Halves - 20 oz. tin Golden PEACRES 2F.or 49C Feature - Save 10o GEM - 1 lb. pkg. MARGARINE 3 For 67c m - m m m BEST BUY - SAVE 3c Quick or Instant - Large pi BUAKER OATI 39C BEST BUY - SAVE 6c LIPTON - 60 bags TEA BDAGS 73C BEST BUY - SAVE 6c TIDE - Giant pkg. DEMRENT 8iC 8 for69 c tg ýg Jresli Çkrocluce FAMOLJS RED TOKAY GRAPEI No. i Grade ILs.for 2 7 C Ontario No. 1 Grade Fancy - 3 lb. poly bag NcJNTOSHR APPLES 33c Direct from Spain - No. 1 Grade Spanish Ornions 2 For 25C Fresh, Green - No. 1 Grade - 1I L poly baj ERIUSSELS SPIGUTS 29c New Crop - NVo. 1 Grade Sweet Polatoes 3 Lb.. 25< EATURE - CHINA LILY - 10 oz. tin MHOLE IIUSHIROONS - 35c ;UNBEAM - Fresh - 12 per pkg. INNlAMON lBUNS - - 31C lean Sweep BROOKS 'elvel Tip BROOKS FIRISTIE'S - 8%/ O.pkg. ANTILLAoz.WaFr 'AFT W . R DHNSON'S RAID [OT PROOFER BOND BIRDS EYE FROZEN F0ý REEN PEAS - 2 lb. poly bag - ---- ERNEL CORN - 12 oz. pkg. -- IOCCOLI SPEARS - 10 oz. pkg.- EEN BEANS - 10 oz. pkg. -79c -$1.29 m 35c e nd nylon with à $1.39 enin binding. on colourful *ODS 1 Individul1 - .-49e plhoffim bug for 39o Ui. 5VALUR R10L WNNVE IAPLE -R.VE BLARONG ~LACKSTGCJ< - - - - - - DIylh's Narkel 1 -m Ral NcBui' arelra - n- -Cornish Narketeria - - Dlu«ckslock Fuir -1. Mrs. V. Skerratt, 2. Ms. IPot h«ww rg Bailey Blackstock; E wa rt S. Moore, 3. Mrs. G. R. Put- Nolirg , il't v , î Vùpùhitei esk o man; Cross Stitch on Finish- Ma(.iç,i perild Attractions 1 lcaoina. Jh V ed Articles- 1. Mrs. L. E. N'flinc4 rntt rt , v«I l~ , u~ij(-e tât* for Boyis und"r Allan Haines. Bryant, 2. Mrs. M. Contes, .3. il( n Mpjf.,I, 12 J. Iougliai Aîseltine,t Decorated Farmn Float Mrs. S. Moore; Oven Mitts.-- < 'dj ~ r,, 5L l$ai~o1 2. [ton Davidsion, Donna McLaughll.n,_Nestletcn.ý M rs. G. Brown, 2. M rs. L. E cyjvj; Jhjla 3 . lito M artyn, Black-;- - _ _ _ Bryant, 3. Mrs. M. Coate; M I 4. tu.:,selI Carniaghan, Tea Towel 2 Hand Finished--- opf .1,rîI Y uti ¾ ,Jv~~Ic~ . Jim mny Carna- 1. Mrs. V. Skerratt, 2. Mrs. - Ivai llIrsirtiijrns. f iiitcso.k. 9 » G. Brown, 3. Mrs. M. Coutes; ' it JL 1Ji( 3 Fancy Handkerchiefs- 1. i {t Jyû<)ti <Ba for lBYS ov M rs. L . E . B ry an t, 2. M rs. G . Tf,!; K ÇLII Viit h'r l et 1 t oelk I> v d al i g i, B a - Brown, 3. Mrs. G. R. Putman; Donffld frarhîrri. DI rite Business 3 Varities Pot Holders- 1. SrsIrllu >V L-m1, urrîk in-Jlokl, Black.tock. Mrs. L. E. Bryant, 2. Mrm. V. Mappin.I»ezad Bicycle Girls- Skerratt, 3. Mrs. M. Coates. Prals ete't -Mark Nancy Staniland, Blackstock; Mats for Hot Dishes- 1 Malcf)lul. Nncy Dorrell, Blackstock. Mrs. G. R. Putman, 2. Mrs. L. Larjgest Fur Pet- - Sylvia IJ)ccorattd Bicycle Boys- " E. Bryant, 3. Mrs. V. Skerratt; Lawrence. 1Jei'hern Green, Dwight Gre- Group of 6 Pictures- 1. Mrs. Largest Feather Pet- Syl via en. S. Moore, 2. Mrs. V. Skerratt; Lawrence. Decorated Auto - Linda Child's Stuffed Toy- 1. Mrs. Most Unusual Pet- Donald 1Vnnng, Blackstock; Mm . V. Skerratt, 2. Mrs. G. Brown, 3. Mrs. L. E. Bryant; Dressed' Dol- 1. Mrs. V. Skerratt, 2. Mrs. G. R. Putman, 3. Mrs. G. Brown; Best Gift Parcel- 1. Mrs. V. Skarrett, 2. Mrs. S. Moore, 3. Mrs. M. Coates; Ar-~ ticle of Wood Cones and Nuts - 1. Mrs. V. Skerratt, 2. Mrs. G. R. Putman; Women's In-i stitute Exhibit- 1. Black- N stock, 2. Bowmanville, 3. Shirley, 4. Nestieton; O.N.O0. Special- 1. Lynda Kyte, 2. Cheryl Meteaif, 3. Donna Mc- t Laughlin; Men's Special- Mrs. M. Contes; Overall Points in Class K.- Mrs. L. E. Bry- < Feature -... Save lie Prize n n I '0 w '4 s -e -w i. ~*L. ZE Ml - . i Jà PAGE SUC ý- à 9mm rawAlwaw ýAýwàkm -. SWIFTS BUTT P 4qtý»wv una CIROPS SWIFTS CRY-0-VAC - Mild Cure 59C 1 - 20 oz. pkg. 3 Lbs. 25c 5ç