THE CANADIAN STATzsmA, DOWMANVULE, TAE!O Su rplus Sales Take Town ']MtiIU15£ Yem League Softbal Satu rdaây, e ax.. b 10:30 ai.. Dave Higgon, Foreman Murdochi Beaton Mcl Dale Walter DeGeer Forbes Heyland Tom Palmer Bill Rudel Ian Smith Morley aVnstone Keith Slemon Glen Htigh-, 10:30 a.m. to 1 P.m. Bill Morrison, Foreman Bill Coggins Frank Jamieson Marty Martin Walter Reynolds Mark Roenigk AI Strike Jesse Van Nest Stan Wilkins Clame Garton 1 j.m. to 3:30 P.m. Bill Thiesbumger, Foreman George Stephen, Fareman John Bain Len Hooey Lbou Dippell Tom Relider Ross Gilbart Rc ikb Ted Mann Rc ikb Don Morris Garnet Rickard Pete Newell Bob Stevens Art Ribey George Vice Howard RundieReWler B3ih Steven eWatr Jim sttutt AI Witherspoon Keith Biliett ;te,% 'ITax'ish 3EPT. l5th, 190 ------------------ Surplus Sales defeated Ste-1 a thriller ail the way for the for hall of their runs, with a Dadson fanned and Don Mas- got Masters at the plate on >phen Fuels in a thrilling 8-7 largest crowd of the season at home run and a pair of sing- ter's rapped a double-play "Jiggs" Cowling's bouncer to s o - ~~game îast Thursday night to the Central School diamond. les. oe h crbI o tid u "Buck" short and Jack Bond ground- take the Men's Softball Cham- The Fuels oee h cr ed out to end the threat. o v g . Sf b l S P O R Ir 'pionship away from the losers The winners camne up with ing in the bottom hall of the Cowle 's bad throw left both After George Stephen had T w T1 u iC s in the fifth and deciding a real team effort, but if a first w.ith a single run, but it runners sale. Laurie Garbe's retired his fifth straight bat- gaeo hesre. shm game of the series.single hero had to be singled was to be the only time they wrong-field single scored a ter, Jones smashed hshm * h '1 e A tough one to lose- a good out it would be left-fielder led in the game. Bob Abbott run, leaving runners on sec- run to tie the score. Surplus By F"rank Mohun MA 3-7234 one to win, but the game was George Jones who accounted dropped a perfect bunt, Ted ond and third. Maxie Yourth picked up a pair of unearned S a M -* . ~~~~~~~~ first-sacker Jim Allin drop- A couple of otileswr inr fteBwin MMPLS $AES NW CH MPS.ped the throw on a bunt. Ste- ville Surplus Sales' What a game that was Thursday nlght when Surplus .. .." rhie Crosey nd Y tout daohrecletotalsaol ek Sales edged defending champion Stephen Fuels 8-7, to singled. capture the Men's Softball crown! Last year a smail group The defending champsgt Ted Dadsonwathsarotefuthg eonb of enthusiasts met at the Lions Centre in an attempt to . . : ; i hnDdonldofw t h ul edn - asnmd estoa unn reorganize a league in town. It was a tremendously success- dn dkinth on oMalster sFel t Mu comeback, but this year's loop was even better. triple and scored nMse' The main reason men's softbail dropped out of the aciice fly ta right. Surplus shoe-string catch too ai orh fabs i n maeit 5-2 in the fourth ona picture beforé was because Cowan Harvesters got too strongel homer by catcher Erv Brooks, doubled the base-runeif is osopaSrlstra i for the other teams. Now the overaîl calibre of players off Garbe's glove, followingI the sixth. performing in the league is better than ever before. " a single by Jones. However, lookmg to the futre, it would appear that Abig two-otsnl yMs In the next frae e tre iernrlyt u Hoee, okngt heftr, twul pea htters plated a pair of runs i the game on ice, withel nesdreofteean.Ddo Surplus Sales and Stephen Fuels should be favoured to repeat the bottom of the fourth ta In the finals again. Ken's Men's Wear wound up first îast*.tetesoafrAlis swatted a two-run 1oe ihoe h etfedfne season and in the cellar this, mainly because manager AI double, a walk to Stephen and Gog Gn a run-scoring single by Ab- GereGeea"Jnswstebg ansSups Osborne couldn't get his players out regularly and heavy- ot Sales edged Stephen87toakth capisipnte hitting John Mason went to play basebaîl with Gaît. Snuffy's ** Surplus rallied for a pair in thrilling final game. Gog lse oernadapi Auto Body, with a lot of good players, improved greatly, but the fifth with two out. Yourthofsnestdrv ithernsadcrenter(ndiin mot nouh t chalene Srpls an Stphe's.started the uprising with a flot eno gh a ch lle ge urp us a d S eph n'striple. Ted H oar drew a base to the hom er). This is just one person's opinion, but we thlnk if the on baîls and Jones continued managers got together with the league executive and came his great hitting, smashing a Jones was laiulal fetv i h lth fe up with just two or three trades, the loop would be more clutch single. Stephen took two were out, drivingmapi !rn adsatn nte balanced and the danger of one or two clubs being too strong himself out of the game with rally. eliminated .*~~~~~~~~~~~ H-arry Snowden taking over ___________________________ élimiate.i.n relief. When we started to write this column we had just Stephens got one back in Intended on scribbling a few side-llghts to the final game, ~i~ he boomhfonigesb no bck o ou orgina inentins.Bond and Vince Vanstone. .0 bck t ourorignal ntenions Vanstone's hit also came withL B R Y The crowd, which must have been the largest of the two out. season, was treated ta the best game o! the playoffs. The. The sales came up with the sales really came through in the clutch, scoring six of their eventual winner in the sixth- elght runs after two were out, four of them alter the first twn were out! "'Red" Davey sing- BS N batters had been retired. The Fuels picked up three o! their TOWN LEAGUE CHAMPS- From left ta right, front Cow1e back row: George Taube, the sponsor; G. Joncs, lete-dwinning ud oble. - henerunms a wo outns.hir a row: E. Broks, G. Crossey, M. Tighe, R. Pollard, U.1 F. Coewle R. Davey, D. Girardi, T. Hoar, B. MacDonald Abbott legged out a doubleFetrn Thteohmsaperdt n i Parker, M. Yourth, C. Ferguson and in front, batboy andL. Crago. oApeUteOMATICdonfle victory after building up a 5-2 lead in the fourth, but Stephens ta left, but Masters singled ta tied the score in the bottom hall, and from there on it was drveioccerrt un wl anybody's baIl game. In thc sixth, thc Fuels nearly tied the S ce Highlights to Garbe and a line shot over score and again in the seventh a long drive, which might second by "Jiggs" Cowling ap- peared taat least have the O E have went for a home run, curved fouI. ME 5 game tied up, but Davey made Lourtice - H-am pton îveet in 1inals ~tch 5ff:ecod o bedsPIBWLN TEEN BOWLING STARTS SATURDAY the victory. VEA We have been informed by Harold Bennett that Teen- vin1 (Nb erly ig nttae cerPhin N agc Bowling wiil get underway again, Saturday afternoon, atSc r l s D a o Junior O pener fou and Stephen Fuels lost AIt £ 1 o'clock. This season, there will be two leagues in each o! LimcaponhptoSrlu âe .1valAauA orMr the boys' and girls' divisions. One group will include the In a pair of sud den-death ed Zîon's only goal. In the opening game o! the Sales. 14-19-year-olds, while a junior loop wiil be formed for those clashes last weck, Courtice Saturday night in Bowman- Junior finals, Courtice and under 14.. downed Zion 3-1 and Hamp- Solina ate oI crls ton edged Bowmanvillc Hoop- ville a goal by Joe Balson, a atldaascees Everyone interested should be at Liberty Bowl for e' eeîr - aeal early in the game, stood up al draw, last Thursday night. registration and instruction, this Saturday. Parents will be the winners to advance into the way in spite of tremen- Rslso odysgm p especîalîy welcome. the senior finals. dous last half pressure by the parelswe o h rs iYB i. w w rui v iu Jewellers. Only a great save peag es w eo tesot The cail is ont for more instructors. It is expected that Zion didn't appear nearly by Smith on Charlie Terp- The third and possibly decid- more bawlers will participate this year than ever before, and1 as sharp in the fourth and fin- stra's penalty shot, prevented ing encounter goes tonight at( therigt wy. ala game as they had in the Hampton from going two up. 6:30 p.m. in Zion.L to get these young people startedth itwamn first three contests. Grant instructors are needed. Down shot Courtice ia front R oa r Cu t t t tearly in the game, with Ken KILPATRICK GIRLS LOSE SERIES LAD)IES' SOFTBALL TITLE TO BOWMANVILLE the hall ended. Bowmanvilîe's Juvenile Girls' softball teamn, managed Ibrings to Bowmcmville and Distic Coverly bagged bis second by Bruce Colwell and sponsored by Kilpatrick Plumbing &i Bowmanvîlle's Pearson Smoke Shop trounced Millbrook marker soon alter the second1 for second year U~-5 to win the Durham Ladies' softball championship last hall got underway, ta put the Heating, lost their series ta Port Hope by scores of 14-4 and week. The first threc games were real crowd-pleasers, the ning on GranWill iamsscru-135 locals winning twicc here in overtime and dropping a one- igotGatWlamscr135 run decision in Millbrook. This was the bcst ladies' softball club ta represent T p G le s a o t ve Bwavlei ayyasada lot o! credit shouid go ta o o f r a o t v e Tickets__ Ap. . Jim Richards, AI! Sameils and Arnold Etcher, along with ...... tlhc sponsor, for making it possible. Ma'ny be In the past !ew years a junior age limit prevcnted s. several top players !rom piaying, 50 it was doubly nice tasece obtalned these players get a chance, and also that some who were . developed ln the junior set-up, also made the teanl* froin We understand that the girls tossed Jim i.n0t the lu creek at a post-game celebration, but he undoubtedily figurcd iBtiyCu thec championship was worth it. Members 0F Goobdwil 1958 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDANS One owner, locàlly owned cars. Two ta choose from, bath fully power equipped and ini immaculate condition. 1957 NASH METROPOLITAN 2-DR. Red and white. A-i condition. 1957 DODGE 4-DIL STATION WAGON Two-tone paint. Locally owned with l0W mileage, ini A-i shape. - ~1956 DODGE 2-DIR. Locally owned. Only 25,500 original miles. Immaculate condition. OnIy -$9950. MANY OTHER MODELS FROM WHICR TO CHOOSE - 1949 UP IJN-A-SPRAY Prevents Rust and Corrosion. $7.00 Proteet Your car atainst wlnter weatherl > uardian Ma intenance For convenience cf Oshawa customers Phone direct RA 5-2712 Tt Pays to Buy From a Certified Dealer LOW DOWN PAYMENT - EASY GMAC TERMS eg :I: .. -qjjM ý ...... Over the weekend, at Southview Golf & Country Club, the senior top golfers completed their elimination matches in the handicap tournament. Top photo shows Mrs. Nelson E. Osborne receiving her trophy in the ladies' com- petition with Mrs. Tom Coxvan, the runner-up irn the centre background. The Iower photo shows Wibb Hall, the rrn's winr-r, with his tropbv and P3ud Jarvis ln the ceiÈre. Bolth trophies were prescnted by Joe Smnith, a mernuer of the tournament committee. 4 A 17 8 A.M. ta 6 P.M. i'BELP THE CLUTB . . THAT HELPS OHERS" PROCEEDS FOR ROTARY CLUB CHARITABLE WORK - PAGE IGT Work done by niembers cf Bowmcrnville Rotary Club at Robson Mot ors Ltd. KING ST. EIL BOWMANVILLE ENER RGBSGN'S LANE OFF BROWN STREET Sept, ROTARY MEMBERS ON DUTY qnnm-qnAv ci 3:30 p.nt to 6 P.M. arletle lýýe04