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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1960, p. 9

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TmYRDAYSEPT. 22m ,16 PffU (b-W A blffl, BOI A VR AI& O * A-O 1' k p 4 41 1: j' .~ j,. 7.'. /. 1959 VAUXHRALL 4-DIR. DELUXE SiI'ver Grey 1958 2-VAUXHALL SEDANS Both with custoin buit radios 1957 BUICK 2-DR. HAEDTOP Hydraiatic transmission, excellent condition 1953 VAUXHALL SEDAN 6-cyl. Bargain at $100.00 S-frai. which Io choase 1953 - 1954 CHEVS. and PONTIACS 2-Drs. and 4-Drs. In dlean and no rust condition, sorne with custorn buit radios ]BIG DEAL BARGAINS - 10 Io choose frant 1948 la 1952 - - - - - - - $50.0 Io $150.00 We have 7-/2-Ton Pickups Io choase fro. $150.00 and up Corne into our Used Car Lots and look over our selection of Good Buys! a Chevralet . Corvair and Envoy (Brilish luill) Cars DOWNANVILLE Chevrolel Trucks P'hone MA 3.3353 COURTIE Phone MA 3,1922 4 BETHANY Th-ere bas been a mild build- ing booi in Bethany thîs srum- mes with three new houses' going tmp. Almosf ready for occupancy are the new homes built by Mr. and Ais. Ross Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Gos-ý don Woods and Mr. and Ms.ý James Fraser. Mr. and Mrs.ý Murray Wilson have buiît a new b owling alley in connec- tien with their store andý restaurant and it is expectedý to be ready for use by October: 1sf. Miss Laura Fallis r-eturneclI home on Saturday h aving spent f the past month in Torontoi with ber sister and brother-I in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C ecil' Hughes. Mr. and Mss. Howard Law- Ion, Peterborough, were guests' with Mr. and Mns. Ross Carri on Sundav. Mfrs. Clasa Armstrong re-: turned to ber home in the village on Friday.i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pbil-1 lips, Peterborough, spent theý weekend with Mr. and Mrs., William Phillio)s. Ms. and Msis. Frank White,ý Trenton, were guests wifh Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Ryley oni i Sunday.i The members of tihe Wom-:' en's Missionary Society of theý United Church were entertaîn- ed at the home 'of Mss., Florence Johnston and her sus- ter, Miss, Marýy McKenzie, for their meeting on Tuesday inight. with Mrs. O. Spencer presid;ng. Mms. Edgar Beer too-k charge of the devofional period, the theme being ýeOur Needv Brethren."1 Using th, scriPture leSson taken ffronm the ffth Chapter of John'&, 'I I So c r H g lg t ote drive this Saturday,ve e of te ror m gO pvt ¶Ms. P me. r. Z>occer Highlights ep tembes prt2 . Pe s i eIon Home Econornics, express. Mrs. Mansel Fn e e a, assedb1r. I tr.myour s.uport.. G oo ye r ow lngI the thanks of :the membersi members to attedHryRly n r.Wle Mor i e L a s r tr. aon o M rs.Dogle a kw- ~ te Mrs. Hanes for her inter- ithe Golden Pog LFe Nas e i end guests of ili(. and Mrs etn mosrinadai1 Home for the Age nCbug Ms amsFae xrse penter, orot er e etn dnostain n on cèe 5 1'8. ~~~~~~~~~~gave a humorous reading, on Ote 5 r.T e-tethnso h ebr c Gene Dobbs. ~The defending champion Walter IGode, bath at 273, 1imn "Grandpa's Aversion to Slang." r eaneghas e Ms ulia o teueo A ~~~About 25 were present at a Braves posted a 7-0 shut-out AMin- 259, Blackburn- 256, Mrs. Mansel Finney read a cernent top had be u nhrhmt h ots ru 'D e feafîn g 4 TO~ ~~~~~~~~ corn and wiener roast at the over the pointless Lead Press Floyd Bradd- 250 and Biii poem AWoa' at .He the W.I. cistern oae ttefrteritrsigporr Df a iH am p to n hoe f0i, ad0 's Cecilto take aver the league-lead- Harrison- 244. Affaîr." United Church asngadt hegetsekr m Mils on Saturday evening, ership in Goodyear bowling, Tena"Sc-suwhic a soe of aerwM.ans which was held ta honour the last Thursday Tnight. First ces The vein's noto:"Su- sul ic acseo ire Nn UAl 'T'I.I Junior Soccer Team. Messrs. week leaders, the gFan eits, MeTh es eves in Cs -Fotemeste:ie ter C o u r ic J n i r v il ii e Don Flint and Howard Brad- were joîted 7-0 by theaBraid- Braeh 12..uxes in Can' s, wasgv n membeship ppinI S RVC C u1 e ley were presented with tek. r who moved intoa third Macine____1 exlained b Mrs. Walter Mr. Add so t r i e J n o s i eiens of appreciation for their place tue with the Cornets, 7-0 Braiders 9_______ Neals. pointd as delegtefoiheDAOD&CPLE Courtice broke loose for, Lloyd Coverly picked up:day, a goal by Pickeil after work with the teani. AIl re- winners over the Combines. Cornets _________9 Mr.AdoncttpeidbadiaatndheCtalFR SOK darniht i Hampton -,Sti rgvay through the second half ,urtice1aul1 victory and the rain toward the end of the the Tigers 5-2 ta hold down Belta _______ the absence of. the secretarv, Toronto, Nov.2- -4.M.Imedte4HrSeve da oneghti am ptoad n teDak nG ratDw ull adEns e adFml r-evening. the runner-up position, while Office ________... 714the minutes and correspond- Ralph Preston wl asmatn alng Scer Leagu tea'-,inal edanr olowed bcy add ngpyemblWemyandc f the junior Mrs. Jean Wilson, Toronto, the Office moved into the *i Fan Belts 7 ence were read by Mrs. Thomi- as president of Es uhn s orOea o lingtn Socer Lagues finl; e avpsrtingowneicesinlMr1.hycoblemn, by thvîrniueisofside- hCombinesMr' aslmJenningrue anad5-wncludCobdnDistrictnniganad Mn.udRosistCarrad ML series. The ten minute flurrv: goal by Ken Coverly. championship. The losers real.. George Black and Janice. cision over the Belts. ____Pres_ 0____ ZEe"intes romMrs.UVnenerofJ ai nt e d fo r a h e l so ir L a ineTh ursday n hu t n a s a ledbt ie essre n M r.n ah w a e l y d s u i r g m , C uti e s u- l s af u al d t annd M rs. John Aitchi- Itn isthe ladi e divis on dthLLedieres 1 Er__ _ hnst You "n otes fan m M is. co eearaH ti al Re far. Wednesday nlght in Cour-i out Solina 2-0, on a pair of the equalizer. Solina will re- son and Billy, Blackstock, cal: Petunias t121her ecndCalernest onaannor irseache ndr nt vnsfo oTiCag De r.Aa taish ei s 5- setak. Vyvie Daisies ____ 2 ceived during illness; thanks Lunch was seie b h scareless draw. i ell and Scott Essery. On Mon- Family Trophy.Sodno udy. Rogers set the pace with a Jac eBnds58HIgh Asersefriathe oCnradin entl Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Morton 612 triple and a 238 triple. JakBn ______25HelhAsctinfraect and Mrs. and Mrs. Cecil Jef- called on Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Irwin Beauprie took ail Jini Bedford______ 220 donation; aiso announcement M A P L E G R O V E fery. îîamn Munroe, Baltimore, on the honours in the men's lea- Frank Mohun_____ 209 of the date set for the ShortR E E F R E E ! M AL G OEMr. Leonard Hindman held Saturday evening. gue, rolling a 687 triple, in- Ron White ______ 204 Course on "Sandwiches fori Symipathy of the commun- Oakwood, vîsîted Mrs. Ayl- a shower at her home for a Mrs. Lawrence Brown and cluding a 276 single gamne. Jini Ron Maynard_____ 199 All Occasions" which will be F R tisetnetoManMrmrBeconudy cousin, Miss Carol Clarke of son, Burk's Falls, spent last Bedford totalled 660, followed Bob Noble -_ __ 198 held in Bethany on Februaryliiheey ucaeo W.H. Brown and famiîy on1 Oshawa, a bride of last Sat- week with hier sister, Mrs. by Joe Piper and Ron WhiteJakPt _____ i Gen Dobb and amilyiMr. ith 61 apece, Frank Mo- IwnBapi 9 the death of hîs father.Eeîn uiry wîll meet Gurday. $dlamly.Mr OO or5 more ofBaupie19 MisSnr nvdnKtIat the home of Mrs. Steve1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waller and Mrs. Dobbs drove her hun- 646, Ron Maynard- Arnold Lobb 194111i1 Misso TusSy vnîgandfam l y, owmaKiit- home on Sunday evening. 607. Murray Grant- 602 and Ladies' Hlgh Averages ~- ~. GASOLIE - OL - CESRE cihner wars Me.kend g r. toiht).wr supper guests of Mr. and Sunaday dînner guests with Farewell Blackburn- 600. Vyvien Rogers _____ 172 anth er paentsandMr.d e B ob Mr. ndg wErlVn y e e._y u149ecieBnu opnsyn AlaI nwe n rBb M n r alVnDk Mrs. C. Barr last Tuesday ev- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs and Other high singles were re- Brenda Oke.. 150 y__ eniing Gaodmurphy was a guest on ý Carnbray; Mr. and Mrs. Den- ening on the occasion of Bren- family were Mr. and Mrs. corded by George Dadson and Marg Osborne 149 ~ ll Sunday evening. ton Worsley and daughters, da Barr's fifth birthday. ýGordon Shunk and Ron, Port YO.wUu Mr. im hai, Oangvile Caero MrandMrs Ch Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tonkin,!i Perry. Miss Marie Shunk, Gospel, Mms. Beer applied it members were entertaineda _ called on Mr. and Mrs. Ross les Rundle, Oshawa, were Ohwvste r n rs todav's needs. the home of Mrs. Gervin Mull- R Plazek lasf TUesday. Sunday guests with Mr. and'Ron Howveli on S unday even- Little Nancy Morton enter- Miss Margaret Lowes, Toron- igan on Monday nighlt. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ i g w h n C hyler turnd fam l a in e d sev era l frie n d s o n th e , t , g a v e an in te restin g a cco u n t M s . M a e , P t r .C t l g e A a l b e a e v c t t o Mr. and Mrs. Clare WrightM tv oleadfml home after a week's vacation,11 occasin fie seventh birth.' of ber surnmer's work as borough, milliner and instrue- Ctl Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Swal- da at ek low were te1guestseof National Director for Youth tor of rnilliner3r courses at Rsli erkinagstsod r. a A K RusellPerinsandMargaret Joint Circle Meeting Caravans of Canada. She spoke P.C.V.Sb and the Adam Scott! at Zion on Sunday evening. Maple Grove United Church of her training at Five Oaks Collegiate, was guest speaker.~ Mrs. Lloyd Beech, Burke- Circles held a joint meeting Camp uner the leadership of She demonstrated ber work,______________ ton; Mss. Arthur Rahm, Ty- in the basement of the church Rev. Beverly Qaten, who aîong discussing fabrics, design, suit- ron, clle o Ms. Ahîer n Tesdy venngSeteni- -th Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel, a ability te the wearer, etc. Her Becho Mnay er 13th. There ivere 22 lad- foi-mer Bethany minister's clever fingers niade a numi Maple Grove Boy Scouts* îes present. The meeting was wife, had been among the ber of hati in a very shoît andCub wil hld paer chrgeof he"We Need first to start hins work. finie, showving how they could drie n Studa, Ot.7, ndU"Circle. Mrs. John Noble oîoighecosing pray- be varied with trimmnlng to, ___________________and Mrs. Neil Browneîî con- ers, the hostesses served lunch suThespae s individual' ducted a Worship Service. and a social time was enjoyed. Tesekrwsîtoue Members were asked t0 by -Mrs. Haig Bothwell, Peter-- keep saving labels to ex- W. 1. Meeting borough, who aiso acted as a » c o Fer eonfor thenienceeSeeicehStatio change for a coffee urn. Plans healtenbem elorhedfretat Will eoonfo i mbo lpm were inade for our Turkey Bein i ng sns. te s. Hco orocn Supper to be held in October.Bean Woe'sIstte M.HcorMrncoI Watch the Coming Events colunin for further defails. If -' was dlecided to have a handi- craft boofb af the supper and Mrs. Dean was chosen ta look affer same. ~~ A Commit tee ot the tbree treasurers was nanied f0 look after îecuring new curtains for the choir loft, aiso to get suggestions and prices for fix- Acien 1V ex oitmetngwr ing the windows of the church ane*. d sur Sickness& and placing a hand rail on the Planhe tî,esfeps leading to the basement. held the first Tuesday in Dec- tO U income protection, tool' ember when reports will be presented and the nominafing Here's big news! 0f course committee, Mrs. John Noble, ouu- Sickness and Accident Mrs. H. Bradley and Mrs. W. R U U F3 SP NG TE H E SS O uRm policies help you meet most H. Brown, will bring in a slate ,4 hospital bills and major med. of new officers for the next rr mur* ~~*. u W E, HNL 'ernh.anent type ical expenses; pay benefits tae w er. h etn be in charge of the "U and 1" your dependents if your circle m m m mm .. a~~+ifirw~ injuries prove fatal; and pro- Mr. and Mns. Wmn. Laird -.,"' TERRIFIfVALUE .'vi~~de lump sumn benefits for showed pictures they had is~ -- . * . accidentai loss of sight or taken and which tey had'" '.?ý c provide icm ehl tures had been taken in our i ~~ Tk, your traninto olimbou, ow cMauniy ofand showed Wt IMPEIAL isablity too C~I LL~. us what beauty there is in r even the common weeds if we but look for if. AGENT Mrs. Stuart M orton tanked . the Lairds on behaîf of the jà%Rw»Sladies. The meeting closed k« Cai yor I peral ssoAget tday fl AIT R. JME with the beniediction. Lunch! Callyou Impria Ess Agnt tdaywas served and a social haîf INSURANCE REAL ESTATE hour enjoyed. A . . S ur ock & S ns King St. E. Dowmanvillo The first fali meeting of the A. H St rrocic Son Pirt MpleGrove Cub and: Office Residence Scout gsoup comînittee was DO W AN ILL MAret -556 5( ~ A 3493held af the home of Howard BOW ANVLLEMAret -556 & 3-n M 3-493Bradley on Monday evening, September 12th. Present were Ron Brooks, Howard Bradley,, * bail and Cecii Burton. * ~ Reports were given on the 1 I P successful camps held for both: ~. ea ~ n e ubs and scouts during the Full C earanc summer. If was decided that thanks be expressed to the GAATE leaders, cooks and drivers who OF 1 ~helped with these camps. UR 1Coming eet were discus- .. mu sed. A date, Saturday, Sept. -~~d 1 ~- " 24, xas set for a bofle drive 'r.,0 M ' . 'ý Oldsmohile id, 1960 IIM emAntAlpe -qTAnnezuan à%qklma a 1 1 m

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