TEUPSDAY, SEPT. 22nd, 1960 TIEE CANADMANSTATMM. N,BfOWMANyH.LU. OirrMO .4, The Commission reserves the Williams'- riglit ta rectayolaltn- Ma. and Mas. Leslie Hoskin,' crs, and thec îowest or anyr Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hoskin,' o ayalf tender wiil not necessarily bel Miss Irma Hoskin, Tharnton's io a nspect alf acceptcd. Corners; Mr. William Vaughan, V* Dr. A. E. Berry, Whàtby, werc Sunday visitors ametign General Manager. atRyCmrns Mr. and Mrs. Keirth Stainton I. K. Kilborn & Associates and Clarke, Ma. Russell Stain-i 36 Park Lawn Road, ton were Sunday supper guests Toronta 18, Ontario at Roy Thomas, Scarborougb.I 381Mas. Russell Stainton returned Includes: License. Gas, Wind- LvsokfrSl home ater spending a week, shleld Washers, Electric Wip- _____________for__S______ Mr. and Mrs. Thonmas and! ers, Recllning Seats, plus PONY and saddle. Telephone Samily. Service. MA 3-2412. 38-1 Miss Joyce Fisher, who isý attending Teacher's Callege ati DELIVEREDYOUNG boar, eleven young Petrboromugh, spent the week.- Suggested Retail Prices Start at EVRD pigs, and straw. Austin Wood, end with her parents, Mr. andl $1 7 5 COMPLETE MA 3-2388.-___- 31-1* Mrs. Harry Fisher. 1 TWO rcgistered Yorkshires, W.A. meeting was openedbr ac 1 90 hn ypeietMs rodi a l ABY Blackstck 8 - 4. 38-1 Geissberger with a poem. The& ~I M E A R ~ U L R Y S L iiiYOUNG pulets, Grey Rocks. crpture was given by Mrs:;s a w o o Optonl quiinnt trnsoratin ndlocl aze etr. art ad ervoeoeat o oat.Canada and U. S.castle. Phone 2113. 36.4*!13011 gave the tapie. It was1 --decided to, take the bus trip DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM Six hundred Ycar-old hens, ta the Chamber Food plant at 8 ICES.S A811 H-yline Leghorns. Fifty cents' Scarborough on the evening 04. each. 'Telehone CO 3À.251.84 SIMCOE STet.mber.g-TRAPH8-1617 k~PLviRI1OlO SLsNowak's Chickcn Farmn. 38_j, grOup, Mrs. Arthur Dart, Mrs.!9TEHMF s PA M R MT R S L S HOLSTEIN springers, rtad lnGapiMars. Frank:L BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2130 second calS heifers, due now, Pasooe and Mrs. Walter PingleDO N W S WOMOIN 20 KING ST. E. ~~~~~vaccinated and blood-tested. .erved rcfreshments an!d aiIO No q fo afl PE1 20 INGST.E.BOWMANVILLE Caîl N. C. Wotten and Sans, :ocial ball hourj was enjayedj CO a-2512. 38-11 b~ar0L. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _T h e O ro n o N e w s r __ Cars for Sale Tenders Wanted Mrs& James E Richards, Editorc *CHEV. Good condition. 1947 PLYMOUTH 2-dr. seda,. ONTARIO TENDERS wll be reoeived ta cx ,one MA 3-3959. 38-1* excellent tires, in good runningý WATER RESOURCES supply approximately 5,000 Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan Snay with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.1 A very happy event to i2~tr ruc, l rer,$00.8 Queen Street COMMISSIO. gallons fuel ail at Lions Centreset h eeedStur-Hnderon and famîly at their! place last Saturday evening, 1 box. Phone'MA 3-2075. after 5 p.m.; before, Phone MA PROJECT No. 59-WV-38 Bowmanville. Tenders ad- iandlogqu igtaronn i-cotgLkSuogth 7, enmrthn4 _______ .38_l* 3-3303. 38-lf TENDERS FOR'THE SUPPLY dressed ta the undersigneditdAgnunPronS- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitch- friends and relatives of Mr. 198 ONICead nin BYJGORSELIG AND ERECTION 0F A ýwill be received until noonday. ell and family spent Saturday Fred Trull gathered at the5 198 OTIC go egie BUIG SE IG STEEL STANDPIPE Thursday, October 6th, 1960 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gamsby, with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Emn- home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1 an tre, 75 Pôn Nw-SE I TE owsttede ntnecessariIý Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. W. orey, Whitby. Hancock, on the occasion of, castle 2207. 3- e apnM tr VILLAGE 0F NEWVCASTLE !accepted.WiiasChrmnr L. King8 attended Beavertan Ms letRnal ht his 83rd birthday and surpris-1 SEAED ENDRSclearly Far. aturda. bymvi.site sisterrMrs. Due ta the Hydro break, can- 1 ;I~TATE Auto Insurance.1 RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574marked as ta contents and en-r ovavleLosM.adMs o icc ury llgtwsteodro h S% ,20%7. Six months ta pay.i 607 King St. East closed in the envelope provid-1 Huse Committee, and family of Leskard moved ligtwsheodrfte For personal service at yourl (Jusi East of Wilson Rd.) lePi.b ecie yteO. Box 119, into Hooey Partmnent on Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Irwin at-i evening, but the singsong andr home cali Oshawa RA 5-2802,1 OSHAWA Bowmanville. 38-1, day. dancing and goad timne wereà colet.2-f 0-fSecretary of the Ontario Water ther-in-law Mr. Frank M.: undeterred. The evening camef ResuresCommission, Roo m.TWSI fCrwih aî Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Johnston, Laxby of Port Credit in Tor- i ta a close with a delicious 5502, East Block, Parliament1 tenders for heating equipment, Mrs. Frank Page, Hastings, onto, on September l2th. lunch, including a huge birth-a Buildings, Toronto, Ontario, units and installation, for Cart- Mr. and Mrs. James Davis, untl 1 non, .D..T. anwriht ownhip Hal atSutton; Mr. and Mrs. . Mr. Wmn. Burnett of Bow- day cake. Relatives were pre- I Il '~~~~~~~THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, ,Blackstock. Tender bids for Morton spent Monday with manville spent Stra ihsn rmTrno iio k, 960 ai, gs o elctrc hatig uitsMrs. John Morrs Mrs. Fred Tamblynon the oc-'Oshawa, Whitby, Kingston, F a ll i C lie a n -U p ir for the suppîy and erection of, wilî be received up ta 1 pM, Mrs. Frank Werry, Tyrone; cassion of bis 83rd birthday.1 Port Hope and Garden Hill,e a steel standpipe in the Village October 3, 1960 Ecane'l Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper Congratulations, as well as from Orono. t AT of Newcastle, Ontario. The tank lowance on present heating returns home this eveninga is ob 150,000 limperial gal- units requested. For details fram spending a week withS I A~Ions capacity, 20 ft. diameter,rand inspection caîl at Town- Mrs. C. P. May, Windsor. Instail N ew Plas for m er m~,tD.~ a e '75 ft. high, and is ta be erect- ship Hall, Blackstock. Miss Jean McLean, Toronto, cd on foundations constructed Clerk, V. Malcolm. spentaweedwtmr n *by others. 37-2 Mrs. Wmn. Miller. 1Nw16PLM UH4D.Tender documents may be - Congratulations ta Mr. andA hot C u c 1 New 1960 VALIANT 4-Dr. ~~obtained from R. K. Kilborn &Ms .D rw h ee New 960VALTNT -Dr 36 Park Lawn brated their 55th wedding an- t Ass 16 IMA4Dr"oaTote,18Onaio niversary on September 13th. On Friday night, September brought the greetings from 2 ew 190 IM A -D .Ra d, rnt o , 18. O t ro f l Mr. Milton Tamblyn is a 2nd, the Rev. John C. Ver- Classis Eastern Ontario, the E parmetof ah deposit of 515b00 patient in Memorial Hospital, brugge was installed as pso district of which the local l dnQteTfom oftwoTENDERed Bowmanville. of the local Rehoboth Christ- church forms a part. 1960 VALIANT Demonstrator 4-Dr. foALEo twoTErNDER Mr. and Mrs. Arthur New- ian Reformed Church, ta suc- Wrso ecm eeas cheques payable ta the Ontfi K b s of wtelcReA C er- s iWater Resources Commission man and famiy, Kirby, have ceed the Rev. A. Schaafsnia, pknbthRe.AC.Hr n bertvedofhthenglocalonAnglican 196 FAGOb-tn Pckp, on helbseand n t ehequ e i$.0 n theCHRIS TMAS TREES armednto heKurie p-womsev195 e on reinCuch srpesnaie Station Waýý- onu, longe f lC inndtheeaMiunts oS $5,00manhdanrtmensfrm 1954aeta 99.Te e.the Ministerial Association, and aonof$10.00 will bc re- 5450 trimmcd Scotch Pine MsRaerymth nd errugg am aBowinan-b Miss Marlene Graham left on ville from Chatham, Ontario. by Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers1 box. Only 700 miles, like new. lturned to the tenderer upon Christmas trees at Durham Sunday ta attend Queen's Uni- of Bowmanville. the return in good conditionland Northumberland County versity, Kingston. The Rev. John Van Har- A large crowd attended ther Ail Priced for Quick Sale - rta the consulting engineer of Forcsts ivili be sold by tender. Mrs. H. Murray is assisting melen from Oshawa was in service. Teewsacao- within three weeks after the from District Farester, Depart- tbree weeks. former pastor, the Bey. Scha- in the form of a bouquet of closing date for tenders, ment of Lands and Forests, TeCak onhpTa fmpece h emn lwrwt 1959 C H E V . 2-D r., auto rnatie The larktTow ship ea-starn , pre ched the ermonOntoarsiwith a card on w hich Eomah eder austie a- inda, tro chers held their September The Rev. John Hanenburg, was inscribed: "Welcomc iný r cmpnie b a crifed H. W. Spooner, meeting at Kendal on Monday from Holland Marsh, a close our Cornmunity." Inasmuch as 1958 DODGE Regent, 2-Dr., Hardtop, 6 cyl. lcheque in the arnount ofj Minister, afternoon. persona-1 friend of Rev. Ver- it is not kno>wn who brouglit1 Radio, gold and white. Lady's car $2,000.00 payable to the Ontario Departmcnt of Lands Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Jordan, brugge, addressed a few well- this greeting in. flowers, the wihony2,00mie.Water Resources Commission. and Forests. 38-2 Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis chosen words ta the new min- Rev. Verbruggc desires in this' rihol 700mls Tenders are subjeet ta a Jordan and son, Ajax, visited ister of the local church. The way ta make grateful acknow- 1958PLYMUTH 6" -Dr. Rado ,aexcuntrced. prepared o n upO Mr. and Mrse Win. Mitchell Rev. G. Ringnalda of Lindsay ledgment of thus cordial greet- andexeCommsson reereon Saturday. 1955 MRCURY -Dr. *The ri mmitsto resan ervah Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton, 195 MECUY 2Dr th rghttorejctanyorall Dal1itn Coîbourne and their daugh- - 95POTA 4D.,rdotenders, and the lowest or any ter Mrs. M. Irish, Petcrbor- S O L IN A 15 NrA -rrdotender will not forsarlyb ough, visited Mrs. R. R. Wad- Two members of the Gîdeon, day night, when thrce guests accepted. ncsaiyb Tenders fo GrWoodl dcli. r took part in the Sunday' wcre honorcd: Harvy Ycl-1 1955 PLYM OUTH "6" Suburban, radio. ONTARIO Several from Orono district m igroup erie t o leasi a hsbrh 1955 PLYMOUTHT "6" 4-Dr., radio. WATER RESOURCES Model S. 50 or attended the trousseau tea morning185ch frch s ervice. It oss as tz w bi ir- COMMISIONgiven on Saturday by Mrs. the wonderful work in spread- es for Regina on Thursday ta, 15MEER4Dr. DrA. E. Beri'y, Equivalent Austin Turner, Newcastle, ingtegse ypaigBbji h OPadHrl 1953METER 4Dr. eneal Mnagr. fr he ony daghtr Heen, les in schools, hotels, etc. Now Yellowlees wbo leaves anj R. K. Kilborn & Associates, Sealcd Tenders plainly mark- wbose fortbcoming marriage in aver 50 cauntries they are Wcdncsday for Guelph ta en- 1952 PONTIAC "6" 4-Dr. Consulting Engineer, ed as ta contents will be receîv- is on Sept. 24th in Orono Uni- continuing this work in an cf- roll as a four-year student at 36 Park Lawn Road, cd by the undersigned until ted Churcb. foart ta present Christ ta the O.A.C. 1951 FORD 4-Dr. Toronto 18, Ontario. 38-1 12 Noon, Monday, October 3, Mrs. R. Gardiner, Garden ntos 1960, for a Gar Wood Model Hill, rcturned home Monday ntos Mr. J. Kivell is receiving! 195 CEV 2Dr BordrsSAaned S. 50 ail fired snspended unit after spcnding ten days with Mers and Mrs. Wes Ycllow- medical care in Memorial, 191____-_______Wned o quvln, opetl n-Ms oh ori.le and Harold matored ta r Hospital, Bowmanville. His Ail above cars guaranteed . . . ready to go .* ROOM and board available for stallcd not later than November Mr.a.ndMrs.OrvlledCa-GulhonWansa oyweare may rendswiblma pe at Scrifce Pices 15or 2 men MArct ~ 15,1960. terton, Carol and David, spent Hald nolda orya d eoc 15or20mn.MAke -347 1,student at O.A.C. Mrs. J. Wadge of Winnipeg,i ___acrfic____es 36-tf Plans for same may be seen at Next Sunday morning, Sep- visited several days with Mr.'i OLD-,TownshiplOPric e ,qodon5H ampo. ZION tember 25, Rally Day service and Mrs. Bruce Tink PrNoWn? Ostrex fe tnk cuo n a. will b belýd at 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. H. E. Tink was a guest' - feltak nd n 100 ga. unay Seteiier25h, is This will be a cambincd ser- at the Clemens - Wright wcd- onie Talets hlp p-stëulctonk ytedr.lo alSunday: setmeri 030vcding in Enniskillcn United' thousands of menwomen past necessriîy acccpted. c urch :service WiIl 10be3atvice.wh cett locok on P A L4E R ony69c. t lp druists. aor.m.tener ot Beginning October 2nd. On Sunday, October 2, ser- Cburch on Saturday after- M uT R ~A L ~ HYENICsuppies ~ 381~ Cîî,,~2 1n~"~vencs~y evningcohrunio servceicel b JohPeerorouhvirePW' 40. nly 9c. t al dr ggist5.for the w intcr m onths and M rs. G raham H orton and l CHRYLER - PLMOUIT - VALANT good s upiedpsp-id iuplainONTARIO Septcrnber 28, ait 8:30 there CHYSE - PLM UT VLIN s a iled vel p iiprielaistn AE E RE will be a demanstrartion of the The Thrce M group will ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bru- seald evelpe ith ric lit. ATERRESURCS cet on Monday night, Sep- ce Tink and family. FARGO - SIMCA DEALERS Six samples 25c, 24 samples COMMISSIONHamnOrnfoth bc. tember 26. Mrs. C. Cook, Brantford, ao ingSt.E. owanvlle MA -587 $10 MilEvcrybody is wclcame. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Davis visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Yel- ,0 Kng S. E. Bowmnvile M, 3-587 o$.0.uMai Order Dcpt. T-28, PROJECT No. '59-W-38 Mr. and M'rs. Chrarles Naylor entertained several fricnds lowlces and family. ilton, Ont. 1-52 TENDERS FOR THE matored their daughter Janet and relatives at a party Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs at-I CONSTRUCTION 0F A tc Guelph on Wcdnesday., WATER WORKS SYSTEM Thursday morning Janet leSt on a week's educatianail tour VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE, of New York City with the ONTARIO tihirdï-year students of Mac- p ~ AIe th . ~K h e S I \/IeDÔ, edt tenders, clearly mark- donald Colleige.ylamla W e t a .,K th e IM C A ed a tocontents and encloscd Mr. and Mrs. Keitlh Stainton inteenvelope provided, wiîî took their small son Scott ta be received by the Secrctary the Sick Chàldren's Hospital, o v n r h v r t t e e of the Ontario Water Resources Toronto, On Sunday. Blok, Parliament Buildings, low, Maple Grave, werc Sun- Q ute I wshto dvse outha IToronto 2, Ontario, until noon day supper guests at Russell ve ry vvo rd s.o have purchased a SIMCA. The Car TnHURSDAY, OCT. 6th, 190 Mr nd Mas. Joe Allen, To- for the construction of a water ronto, werc Monday visitors * - ~ ..orks system in the Village oS at Norman Lcach's. has poe so completely satisfactory that 1 îeel impelled to Newcastle nai.Gog SneTrno a The work includes the sup a Sunday vistor at Fred Cam- let you know how enthused I arn about it. It handies like ply of materias for, and the eron's. Marilyn Pascoe leSt 4800 feet oS 8" and 15,000 Seet Malton on Friday niglit for a Ifyuaepnig obld ordemh e nothing 1 have driven before (it is my 9th car), is smooth, of 6" pipe mains, 33 valves, 33 wcek's tour oS New York City. I o r lnigt ul ordemhm hydrants, and 253 bouse service Ma. and Mrs. Ken Wood this year . . . take advantage of Oshawa powerfui, and full of "go". 1 look forward to each trip. Your connections, concrete founda- visitcd at Normnan Wood's, Wood Products... Progressive-Conservalive Association of Bowmanville ANNUAL MEETING ELECTION 0F OFFICERS BALMORAL HOTEL THURS., ,SEPT., I9th, Dr. P. Vivian, M.P. and Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. XVERYONE IS WELCOME Or F For the Oshawa Wood Products lias FREE PLANNING SERVICE Over 1,000 Different House Designs from which to choose. Qualified experts on staff to assist you. luilding Naterials Availahie 'xtures for your new home displayed in their LGW DGWN PAYNEN AEEANGED MAIN OFFICE AND SHOWROOM COURTICE - RA 8-1611 SERVE YOU AJAX ZEnith 2-9600 FRJDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. ~1' * j t E -t l .-,-- tended church service at Ty-j Mr. Charles Allun, Bowniân- rone on Sunday when Marlene. ville; Miss Nan Allun, Toron- Craig, daughter of Mr. and ta;, Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees Mrs. David Craig was Christ- and Miss Gladys Yellowlees ened. They were guests after- were Sunday tea guests of Mr. wards of the Craig's. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor sons. and children, Miss Lena Tay-' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox lor, Bowmanville, and Mrs. A. entertained relatives at a par- J. Balson were Sunday tea ty Saturday night in tonor of guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Helen Knox who entered Taylor. Oshawa Hospital as a nurse- iMr. and Mrs. J. R. Rey- in-training last week. nolds, Belleville, visited on Laura Lee and Martha Sna- Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph les, Oshawa, spent Fridaý: at Davis'. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and Gail Baker spent the week- family visited Mrs. Thos.' end at Mr. and Mrs. Ho-t'àrd Flett. Columbus. Orniiston's, Bowmanville.-, 1Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and grandson, Douglas Lar- were Saturday evening guiests mer, Blackstock. visited Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, and Mrs. H. Yellowlees and Oshawa. family Sunday.1 Mr. and Mrs. Johin K4ox Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and family visited on Sunday and Pat and R. Kossatz were 1 at Mr. and Mrs. Grant Glov- Sunday tea guests of Mr. and'er's, Kedron. Mrs. E. Davis, Oshawa. Miss Lena Taylor, Bown-n Mr. and Mrs. Arnot Wotten ville, visited, Mr. and Mrs. enjoyed a motor trip to Ot- Don Taylor and family. tawa last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Crydernian Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gifford and Mrs. H. Pascoe visitcd Mr. and children, Taunton, were: and Mrs. Lewis Trull at their Sunday tea guests of Mr. andi cottage, Chemong Lake. Mrs. Arnot Wotten and fam- Mr. and Mrs. George Kpox ly. and children visited Mr. and Mr. Wesley Powell and Miss Mrs. Keith Rowe and chiild- Mabel Powell, Oshawa, vis-: ren, Bowmanville. '. ited Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Wot- i Mr. and Mrs. Wes Wçrry ten.1 visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Met- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgson, caf, Oshawa. Bowmanville, were Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebsoa evening visitrs at Mr. and and Dorothy, Beaverton, vis- Mrs, J. Yellowlees. ited Mr. and- Mrs. Ruseli Vice. PAGE THMTM and will be held at the 1 il p ers y Experience in Building Trade T