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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1960, p. 5

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IHURSDAY, SEPT. 22nd, 1960 I 'i t 4 i aMn. srte'v e ns t old u s- af blie, OTHE wI~ING O US. APLIA CESwork beiug donc by the Gid-. OTHE WETIN HOUS , A PLINCES1 enstheplacimîg of Bibles iu aur schoois, haspitals, jails,, PRCE FR UIK AL otels and motels fnee of PRICD F R QUCK ALEchange, and asked ta bc sup- ported by aur prayens and donations. The chir favoured 1ONLY il1 CU. FT. REG. $369.95- SALE with the appropiate amthem AUTOMATIC REFEIGERATOR S . - - a "h ase$letmewak it Wcduesday evcmiug the se-' l ONLY - 12 CU. FT. DELUXE AUTOMATIC ZERO REG. $459.95 - SALE coud of tbc Kendal-Wclcome' REEZE .REFJGEITOE - -play-offs was played at Wel-' FREL-ECT IIDIII' WR$6-0 oe wih Ktnal caugnaulte. a. 7-5 score. The third game i O LY D LUX ~is sc eduled for M o day, 1O L - EU E3"REG. $339.95 - SALE j Sept. 19. ELECRIC ANG - -- $69.0 ýMsKathy Foster, daughter 1 ONLY - DELUXE 12 CU. FT. - 400 LB. CAPACITY REG. $36995- SALE ;who was chosen Tobacco Queen at Orono Fair an Sat- U PII H T R EE E R * - - - - - - - - $29.OO urday evening. Alsb ta con- UPRIIET FREE ER - - -- -- - 29900 ratuateMr.and Mrs. Blil 'Hoy and Mrs. Martin Faster SEE HESEAT YUE UTHOIZEDWESTNGHUSE EALEinusecuring second place bu SEE RES ATYOU AUROIIZEDWESINGOUS DELERthetieing coutcst. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Cour- aux and family visited lu Ton- auto Sunday with the Ray Lander Hardware& Electric pial as hehas had bis nase brk nwhen bit by a bal. 51 ]KING ST. E. A357 Mrs. Gardon Kenned theif infant son. Wonk bas been going en this High School Dele gatesI Picture Home of the lo Kingston UN Seminar Report to Rotary Memblers The two Bowmanville Higb who had been chosen to at-Ithe mny intricate gadgets School students, How~ard Run.. tend the UN Seminar in Aug- and modern scientific equap- die and Aileen DeWith. who ust, would give an accolant of ment that had been viewed by had been sponsored by the their experiences in Kingston. the v~isitors. Bowmanville Rotary Club for L-nforgettable Expermence Whle ait R.M.C. the visitors' the United Nations Seminar r ne1 njd a schm i n ne theol at Queen's University,Kngs- Thelrti oKingston and anod a shickn nnr the o ton, Ontario. addressed the participation in the United, college. Mr. Rundie told the luncheon meeting of the club Ntos ennawaanu- Rotarians. held in the Flying Dutchman forgettable experience for the, He spoke of the six group * Motor Hote] on Frida . wo Bowmanville students,moeSerty ouclht Mr. Rundie told the Rotarians. the stuients at the UN Sem- *Rotarian L. W. Dippeil, th(- He expressed their appreema- inar took part in. Each groum, Bowmanville H i g h School tion to the club for its spon- had Il delegates rpeetn principal, introduced the two sorship, and added that hi iee nt - nresTena-n' guest speakers. He said that and Miss DeWith had been tions %vitîî permanent security each year the club sponsors honoîred by being selected.!cuclsashdtergtt a tn foreac 0f hreetop Enroute by train to Kings-: veto, young Mr. Rundie point- students to attend an educa- ton they had met several other ed out. tional conference. He remind- congenial young people on, At the model security coun- ed the meeting that Verne their way ta attend the UN ci] Apartheid was debated, Chant, who 'iad attended the Seminar. lie described the an-îiand there were some heated A¶iventure in Citizenship Con- rival and registration at Que- arguments, the speaker stated. ference in Ottawa, had already en's University, and said that He told of ioving an amend- addressed the club, al the visiting students were'ment to a resolution, but ad - * Mn. Dippeli stated that the given rooms in the residences ded that it was frustrating toi two leading students, Howard of the university. hiave it pronîply vetoed by Rund]e and Aileen neWith, Dr. R. A. Preston, the dir- the -acting Russian delegate. ector of the seminar, gave a lie rernarked that he hias con- tstiinulatim-g address on "The siderable sympathy for the Unitedi Nations, Past and Pre-j real delegates at the United ~,IItI,,.~ sent," Mr. Rundle said. He em- Nations Security Council. phasized the fact that the A> ~ peke hdstte tatth Non Polîtical Groups The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm J. Found, Coi WEL AE~main purpose offthe UN is the An account of the second hiaif was the one pictured in last week's Home of the Wee YOUROHE A'.~ prevention of war. th fo- fteUN eniarvsgvn fied the photo shortly after the Statesman was in c i After breakfastontefl by Aileen DeWith. She spoke tangJmeMrsad rie YRHOE tlxlowing day, a vivid travelogue of the instructive address by drew the envelope coninigJmsMr' de 90NICEL1EAEDW~ lecture was given by Profel- Professor H. B. Douglas on was made out to Mr'. Marr and the lucky winner as sh( THAT MUAN OLO CUILL sûr Jones, Mi. Ruindle report- heonpitalotibtosi However, he took it back shortly after the photo wa EArD! d. He said that Professor of the United Nations UNES wife hadn't made up their minds what to buy with t WLSED EAE! Jones had descnibed thie fight CO, an' organization -,itli ___________________________y____ for independence and the rap-' the UN, deals with education, idly increasing desie for self she said. it tries ta assist in- Seminar the students took part E . goermet f th ntiethe preservation of eh lu a model General Assembly peoples in different parts of country's culture and provides! Of the UN, Miss DeWith sta- ~±A~l ~ Afic.educational opportu n i ti es5'ted. Apartheid xvas the sub-j Mrs. Esther Kemsla ke, who, Mr. Rundie stated that the wherc they are needed, Missijc icsc, n h ee lias been with lier neice, Mrs. FIBPOPJ~~ ferent manner of dealing wîth that çhe lîadabeen most inter- by the officiai South Africai home bu St. Catharines efter the negro population of the ested by the addness givemi by îpolicy ini this regard vehe- they attcnded thc gaine at ___________great colonial powers. The mna- Professor Douglas, the only mently debated the matter Langton. tives were educated by the womnan lecturen at the UNý with those wlba attemnptcd ta r.Ni ea n r * British and inculcated with Seminar. defenid it, Miss DeWith Mrs. Nois MKay and Mn.' ideas of freedom and respon-' Orono Native Speaks Sh-e thanked the Rotary Roy Mercer and David anc HELL EATIN OILS seblctyTFrew ncbut ted ia Amerfn pec !vsClub tfor lhaving made it pos- evemiig last week. Mrs. N. HLEMTNG OILS selcthat btrtefessonn 1 sblefor lber ta attend the UN McKay lbas been visiMmîg lier GASOIETROI S rvnenaiedelp nt Seminar and profit by it. 1 son Ross anîd bis wifc in Port Durng he ftenoo thse spke n te poblms f u- 1Stewart McTavish an behaif Hope. attndng hesemna vsitd dedeeloedcontres Mis!ofthe club thanked Miss De: Wayne Hogg stayed ovcr: teRundle sid.lie sp oklegei DeWith told the Rotarians,1 With and Mr. Rundle for their with Wayne Foster Sunday. Mr.Runle aid Hespoe O 1 hatProessr Kox elivesexcellen addnesses, and their M .lamîd Mrs. Ldne Barmies tha th pepleofthese count-1 grapbic account of the UN Of Castleton spemît Sunda«y tris sffe frrna lack of emn- Semnnar. R. P. Rickaby. the with Mn. anîd Mrs. Lloyd Glass erg tht mkesit impossible presidemît, also convcyed hjs and report a good ci-op of tob- YOU HE DO ART RSfood. She added that he had; that their parents sould be aound there. FOR stated that if their healtb justly pnoud of them. Mns. Editiî Ferguson, Ton- NT R R DE O A NGcould be irnproved, and hence ý Guests at the lunclicon onto, speut a long weekend INT RIIR MbetNGter abe ta udrtan wud b meeting wreMrs. H.B. Run- with h mother, Mrs. Alva SUPP ES rbles uesand tacion. dle, Bowmanville; Mn. aud Swarbrick. Visiting tbem on Misles dWtk cio. Ms John F. DeWitb, New- Sunday for a family Party SUPPLIES spo~~~~~ke ofth rsGanad students watching one of their' atl;A M ihoB lle eno e, Mr. aG ramt.d ville; W. M. Dustan, Fresno. lm fLsan1M.adMs LARE ELCTIN F ALLApRSgroups taking part in a mod- California: Charles World and Fred Anderson and baby. LARGE SELECTION OF WALLPAPERSel secunaty council on tele- PAINTS - ENAMELS - VARNISHES vision. She also referned toa KnehMni, aho a r. WTr oo, nd OrMno.n ALL ACCESORIES an enjoyable picuic held ait faMr. nd Mrs. Be rtmghleOono. ALL CaElake a1 utsîde Knstnfor The birthdays af Rotarians ! Mr. accmpad Mr. endThomi- the studemîts.i Peter G. Newell, Rex Wal- 1 Bob Youngman and family to A lecture by the eminent t ers, Leomard Hooey and Stan- sec the ncw towcr vý ich bas J fl A b ne h s 'writer Professor Lowery was ley Wilkins were celebratcd enrctdothhilnrh lis subject was South Afnica, Lake Ontario are easily vis- Paint and W allpaper Store tý piinthtth othA- To provide emergency as- the nThthbctwyini rm ican Gavernment was at- stneiahurte Can- The W.A. meeting was lield 33 King St. W. MA 3-43 tempting ta salve the housing adian Ried Cross warelîouses ____________Obn o the n t yo i UN relief supplies in France, Friday evenimîg at the home On he astda oftheUNSwitzerland and Turkey. of Mns. Chas. Thompson with ___ --Mrs. G. Catheant prcsidimîg. The seripture rcadings were taken by Mrs, H. Foster and Mrs. W. Mercer and the De- votional by Mrs. Cathcart., Mrs. White accompanied by' Mrs. Swarbrick on the piano,ý Holy City." lde a broghtthebandages ta be i sent to the leper colonies in' Nigera. Cl a Iod white sheets and pillaw cases arc ta n a Ilt ii r s tbe torn inta threc-iuch stnips r Ws .eve fomth Bawmanville Choral Society saying tbey could put on their concert bere in October. The' date was agreed ou. The-, Ot. 1 6saheldethut staken because lie and his the winnings.SA EI Our Rally Day service for' D A L Sumaday Sehool was held lastl Sunday wibb a gooci attend- ' past two weeks n the road ance. We tmsed the program oný fron the Seventh ta tbc south tbc Rally Day service of xor- i ship, bbc theme 'beiuîg "Imitaj side of Carson's Hill. At least' ail the warld witb bbc Bible".' tîmat "man-inade bill" is being Rev. Lockmorst gave bu e stary eut cown and bbc roaci strai- "The Bible lu bbc pieke jar." glitnedoutdow by theOur special offering will be' bride, s we'l hoe f useci ta send Bibles ta Korea. brigeso e'l hoe or a Salem W. A. will hold thein' good noad soan. The hales lu Septemben meeting at bbcj Week bbc Seveuth Line road have home of Mns. E. Twist on IGA Fancy - Save 16e - 15 oz. tins APPLE SAUCE 8 for$ IGA - Save 24e - 15 o. tinsfo DEANS with PORKS or$ Luncheon Meat - 12 oz. tins US. No. 1 LARGE SWEET JLJICY CLUSTERS SEEDLESS OR TOIKAY Ibfl GRAPES Ibs.379 Pre-Cooled No. 1 No. 1 Grade Crisp and Tasty Bradford Grown - 3 lb. pkgs. m m Doz.39c Fancy GradeI IBARTLETT PEAUS kor 29Cj FRESH - BONELESS- WITH DRESSING Pork Shou Ider Fresh - Boneless - Oven Ready with Dressing POIRIK BUTT BOAST Lb. 49C Alpine Brand Chopped RoEEF uSTEAKETTES Lb. 5 oyal BACOt-RNdls Sliced 1 lb. pkg. Libby's in Tomato Sauce - Save 23c - 15 oz. tins SPAGHETTI- -7 For $1.00 IGA Dog House - Save 8le , 15 oz. tins DOG FOOD --- 12 For $1,00 Westing-house 25-40-60 Watt- Save 50e LhIiHTBIJDSCross$.0 ILTe oSSUE TOIEGISU magarn 1 lb. pkgs. VOLUME 1 ONLY 49c VOLUMES 2 TO 16 - ONLY 99e EACH F8ruirvl roe Sirawherries 15 oz. pkgs. Beautifully Illustrated For Young Children Bowmanville IGA Market Toms' IGA Market EwcAsT, OnutRo ricession St., Bi ek canbest - anld their hands. 11:30 an.-2:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. Try Some Today! a Grade - Golden Tender Kernels ý m m m m a a a TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILL& ONTARIO been filld and it is now in' Tbtrsday. Sept. 22. Betty Lu, Miss Susan Rivers, good shape. Mn. and Mrs. George Par- Town, were Saturday eveumng Recent guests witb Mrs. SOîis, Mrs. Margaret Mack ~ L u x o n ere M rs. R . H u g h e s a n d G l ria , T o ro n to ; M n a d s to s w t M r. a n dM r . L and Gloria and Mn. amnd Mns. M£rs. Herb Pansons and Bey Welsh. Orval Zcaland and family. enely. Town, wcre Sunday m n r: rdTit Satunday a bus-load and Mvisiton .ib n n Mrs. M.! Whitby. wcme Sundav visitons threc cars journnyd ta Lamî- M nh mt with m M . and Mrs. E. Twist. ton fan the second of the Bamn- Mss.RyTws dDn Mn. and Mms. W. Craig, Miss tampla-ofs nd gai threWelsb atteîîded the Ottawa-j Gencia Craig, attended chunch seemed more Keudal thami Argonaut football game in services at Tyrone Suuday home fans present. It ivas a Toronito on Sunday. moruing when Manicue Faith, good gamne, weli played, cx-' Miss Geî-da Craig, Las An- daughten of Mr. and Mns. Da- cept for a fcxv errons whicb geles, Califonnia, arnived by vid Cnaig, was prescnted for Langton madle tbc most of. plane last w-eek ta spend about baptism. They were dînner f _~ The score 7-1 in favan a irhlme weks' holidays with er guests aftem the services with Langton hardly depicts bbc parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Davidi Craig. play of bbc game as Kendal Craig. Misses Grace Blackbumrn and had two ad three on bases M. amd Mrs. F. Blackbun Bea Cnaig, Mn. Bob Davies at- s0 many times when bbc 3nd and Bian spent bbc weckeud tendedci curcb at Bunketon aon nc was put out. The Ken-. with Mn. ad Mns. Len Bnock, Sunciay and werc visitons at dal lads are ta bc congratula-' Hamilton. the home of M. and Mrs. ted on bbc fine showing tle y M. and Mrs. L. Rundle andGlenn Larmer, Blackstock. have macle this year amnd we hope they cen continue next = year. Allen Poster is sporbing a Fr' new 1960 Fond and he ;amd, Fo ' iosty aieat... Mms. Poster stayeci aven aitený the Langton gamne. Mr~. and Mmrs. Frank Stoker retumueci home Thurs d a v night fnom their two-month G l e r s visited relatives ini Yorkshine, Lancashine, Lincolnshire ncmd Durham. They haci a rctmniomî of bbe Stoker famiiy ai six F S H P their families at the yoummgest! bnatlîer's at Biîîgley, Yoî-k sbire. The home erassing was22DVSO ST stonmy on the Corintlîia foi- the finst four days. evidem itly ,( u t N r h o a n' O d e Of i ) c aused by bîme hurricane. This iJs at fEto' re fie 3awmanvi11e, was bbc first sailimmg of ilic they identi- Coniîîthia. since thc stnike M.Faundstartedl July. A skeleton lqefor $5 teers frnmtbbcpassengers n .n H u s ý9cýý m RoIls $1,00 m m 2 For 25c, SHOP AND SAVE AT 30 urvi= m OBTIMO

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