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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1960, p. 9

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M'UESDAY, OCT. 27th, 1980 TEE CARADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILE ONTARIO 'IMinor Hot S After many hours of hard work, the teams have been selected for the Minor Hockey groups this year. A total of 423 players have registered, compared ta 457 last year. As a resuit, there are 27 teams participating, seven a t o r seven pee wee, eight bantan and five midget. Ail games will be played on Saturdays between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Some of the new rules in- clude one stipulation that players signed by the Mfidget or Juvenile Ail Star teams wili flot be eligible ta play in Minor Town League hockey. Ail players must now sigi their name ta the score sheet before the start of their game. Players flot arriving an time to sign the score sheet will flot be eligible to play that game. Ail players must use the dressing roomrs ta change into their equipment. Body checking wiii be ai- Iowed on]y behind the defen- sive team's blue line. Viola- tion of this rule will bringa two minute penalty. Ail teams wiil be in the playoffs. The teams, including coach and players, are as follows: Atom Hockey League Bombers - Coach, C. Cat- YOU CAN BEGIN CAREER TRAINING AT ANY TIllE The Oshawa Business College is open all year and aur method of individual in- struction permits you ta start at any time. 8 Day-School Courses from whlch to choose Evening Classes Tuesday and Thursday 7 - 9 p.m. Cholce of Subjects Special Classes for Housewives - Shlftworkers Teen-Age Typists FREE LITERATURE AVAILABLE 10 Simcoe Street North Dial RA 5-3375 Morris, lan McQuarrie, Day: Edmondson, Brian Ogden, Gez cl keygtTavimsane:t ckey eums Leafs - Caach, John Fowl e:Doug. Brough, Tom Car ter, Robert Large, Wray Ren -d tran: Jlm Robsan, Gregg Cor- deil, Verai MacLean, Pau ýn den, Michael Gilhooiy, Wayne: Huggett, Bryce Balson, Terr y McRoberts, Bob Dustan, David: Smith, Greg Hutchinson, Bria f Willoughby, Bill Hurrie, Bill HaHne, Howard Mutton, Dann: , Mils, James Scott, Paul Sie-I Hooper, John Oyler, Doui Ls mon, Douglas Crough, Chri-s Lowe, Lanny Burns. is McTavish, Darreli Hunt, Char- Bruins - Coach, I. Beau a, lie Cattran. prie: Peter Tardiff, Mike Et SIndians - Coach, J. Mur- cher, Donald Taylor, Pau Sphy: Bruce Simpson, Ronald Parker, Raymond Ripiey, Ast Is Webb, Doug. Sieep, Tim Tay- loy Osmond, Rodney Syej lor, Kenneth Tabb, Richard Ken Martin, Kent Cleianý t- Ellis, Clayton Camipbell, Har- Randy Beauprie, John Baliar it ry Willoughby, David Passant, tine, Paul Meadows, Pau ýt Randy Rogers, Daniel Cowle, Charbonneau, John Warder Ls Harry Qyler, Donald MacMui- John Ellis. n len, Kenneth Rîce, Tom Lead- Canadians - Coach, C. De . beater. vitt, R. Perfect: Lloyd Gra ni Bisons - Ooach, R. Stevens: ham, Ailan Maguire, KarE tCharles Stevens, J. Brandon Waversveld, William Eby, Bri Lander, Ricky Knight, Michael an Sau.nders, Tauno Bacl e Waod, Randy Henry, John stroni, Bud Depew, Ronni, iSpry, Barry Virtue, John Hen- Simpson, Rickey- Wooine: tdry, David Lee, James Rogers, Ronnie Carter, Randy Snow e Doug. Hayes, Daniel Nowian, den, Donald Rogers, Johi el Kari Kent, Lennis Ellis. March, Keith Keatley, Josepl Rarns - Coach, B. Marjer- Hircock. -rison: Larry Devitt, Stephen Wings - Coach, Bert John -Sumersford, James Dustan, son: Wayne Barrett, Rickeý -Bobby Flintof!, Jerome Biliett, Dewell, Jay Rogers, Michae aRonnie MacLean, Richard Bothwell, Brian Peters, Mich sShackelton, John Langley, ael Shuiga, David Kellar, Johi Garfield Graham, Joseph Booth Russell, Donnie B a t h w e i1 h Tin-my Walton, Brian Black- George Holmes, Murvin Fred burn, David Wiggans, Mark ricks, Tommy Jones, Rand, Johnson, David Johnson. Donoghue, David M. Gibsor BaronsJim Wright. Baos- Coach, Geo. Caw- Bears - Coach, Bob Rog ker: Rodney Langlais, Murray ers: Michael Lavery, Roi Cawker, Michael Cawker, Shackelton, Gary Bail, Ragei Randy Cunningham, Gerry Swan, Michael Oke, Dana Da. Snowden, Mitchell Donaghue, mant, Gardon Booth, DaviÈ Donald Hutton, Gary Wilson, Barrabali, Don Jamieson, Roý Douglas Parker, Kim Rogers, bert Jackman, Dennis Tierney Doue Parker, Bill McCullough, Douge Tighe, Jerry Johnson Terence Shuttieworth, Laurie Robert Welsh, Alan Calver. Gay. Rangers - David Fountain Giants - Coach, H. Balson: Alan Brown, Donald Forsey Tony Balson, Ronald Van De Glen Finney, David Burdeti Walker, Warren Aider, Billy Donald Baragar, Robert Sie. Woodward, Sandy Brown, mon, Kris Balson, Gary Shmyr Gary Preston, Ronald MeMul- Bobby Ellis, Doug. Harness len, Graham Burgess, Darral Wayne Hunt, Norman Neads Osmond, Harold Strutt, John 'riniy Brooks, Carl McMul. Kramp, Bruce Welsh, Danny len. Weish, Dougie Stutt, Stephen BatmHkeLege Nicholson. Bna okyLau Hornets - Coach, E. Ballan- Huskies - Coach, Jim Mur- tine: Robert Wilson, Bruce phy: James Mclntyre, Geraic Walters, Paul Stocker, Jackie Hardy, Lockie McNair, WavnE MeKnight, John Sturrock, Harrison, John Huggett, Bul Tommie Puk, Leslie Vandriel, Depew, Irwin Coiwell, David Claire Syer, Richard Vanstone, Allison, Arthur Jackson, Da- Steven Forsey, David Stutt, vid Crawford, Wesley Lane, Borys Wereszczynski, Bobby James Dilling, Don Murphy, Howes, Stephen Reynolds, Larry Rand, Ailan Fiintaff, John Tiliey. Ken'M*iher. Pee Weo Hockey League Tigers - Coach, John Puk: Hawk - oac, Dn Gl..John Gilbert, Richard Shee- Ho ksy - av c Wih,Jeff Gil- han, John Lockhart, Larry hooy: avi Wrght Jef GL uxton. Randv Dewell, David hooly, George Connors, Paul Puk, Aiber Lebel, Kerry Dick- Lucas, Phillip MacDonald, ens, Gary Akey, Barney Haw- I John Taylor, Lee Lemon, AI- thorne, Steven Burns, Gordor lan Foran, Jamie Cobban, Paul 1,,d.Tiot cra. Dennis Oshawa Little Theatre presents The Royal Winnipeg Ballet at DONE VAN COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY, NOVENEER 9 at 8:30 p.m. sharp Tickets may be purchased at Jack's Smoke Shop Fa!! Decorating Supplies Wallpaper and Murals Paints and Enameis THE "KEM" PRODUCTS SCARFE'S THIX, ail types SPRED SATIN and SPRED LUSTRE Ail Colors REZ Products (for natural finish) . GLASS and PUTTY WINDOW BLINDS Full Line of Canada Paint Producis CAULKING MATERIALS PAINT BRUSHES and ROLLERS CLEANERS, ETC. STA-DRI . .. Waterproofing for basements J. H. Abernethy's Paint and Wallpaper Store 33 KING ST. W. MA 3-5431 To our Bowmanville and Hampton Customers Homeniuk, James Horneniuk, David Nemis. Pirates - Coach, Ed. Run- die: John Cunningham, Wayne Foster, Tom Worden, Laurence Wright, Jim Groen, John Hughes, Wayne Down, Terry Devitt, Walter Rickard, Char- les Ewart, Nelson Fowler, Joe Reader, Glenn Rabb, Peter Holmes, Harold Cooney, Rich- ard Perfect, Greg. Bro-iking. Tee Pees -- Ron Harper, jPeter Vanstone, Tira Prout, Larry Lee, Donald Shortt, James McDonald, Peter Buck- 1er, Larry Heliam, George Leadbeater, Michael Leddy Rickv Lucas, Kenneth McDon-" ald. Ron Hooper, Werner Wail-1 raff, David Rogers. Thomas Veitch, Greg Couch. J Lions - Coach, Keith Shack- elton: Allan Raby, James Kit- ney, Barry Whiteman, Gordon Poste, Wayne Burgess, Casey Denhertog, Bill Sumersford, Ivan Milis, SteDhen Jeffery, Henry Kooy, Wayne Leach, Bruce Coombes, George Bail, Bob Thompson, Ricky Gay, Larry Nemis. Braves - Coach, Doug. Wal- to;î,: Terry Walton, Peter Werry, Douglas Peeling, Alex 1Mackie, Gave Truil, Terence Cox, Bob Fernlund, Michael Russell, Terry Baker, Danny Lemon, William Malley, Bruce Barrett, Dennis McFeeters, Howie Edmondson, Randy Cale, Howard Burgess. Cubs - Coach, Jim Crorn- bie: Wayne Hancock, Peter McCullough, Danny Wilkins, Michael Gibbs, Michael Shut- tleworth, Bill Buday, Garfield Webb, George Moore, Bill Crombie, John Ccnnors, Jim Hendryv, Dennis McDonald, Bob Bothwell, Bill Wright, Gary Anderson, Leon Carr, Morris Honeyman. Flyers - Ricky Ellis, Wayne Beckett, Ross McPhRil, Charles Evans, John Rose, David Brid- ges, Bruce lVeadows, Larry Simpson, George Saunders, 1Rickv Barnes, Dennis Lemon, Stephen Wright, Danny Mc- Donald, John Kilpatrick, Brian Forsey, Larry Perris, Don MeMurter. Mldget-Juvenlle Hockey League Generais - Coach, Bruce Colweli: David Kerr, James Finn, Bradley Yourth, Murray The Bowmanville Business Office will close October 3lst. You may pay your telephone bill without extra charge at this new convenient loca- tioni - INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OFFICE Town Hall - Temperance Street Bowmanville p or you may continue ta pay your telephone bill at - ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS 5 King West - Bowmanvilîe 3. H. SLEMON H. A. BARRON Enniskillen Hampton These are payment locations oniy. Please pi-osent billi with yaur payment. To make enquiries about your account or to discuss any other tele- phone business matters, just ask the Operator for Zenith 67300 - she will connect you ta your Oshawa Business Office (no long distance charge) - your Service Represen- tative will ega to help you. J.glW. LOWRY, Manager i THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA id 1- r- in iy il 1- r, 1- 'i 1, h~ 1- ý1 e r, n 'y 1- y ci DýRecreation fReViews By Douglas RIgg Murray Davis, af the Crest Theatre, Toronto, wiii speak at the Lions Community Cen- tre on Thursday, November 1Oth, at 8:30 p.m. The next regular meeting o! the Drama Warkshop wil be Thursday, November 3rd, at the Lions Cammunity Cen- tre. This change of dates was unavoidablo. Three one-act plays are being prepared for production on December 9th. New members are welcome. Town League Basketbaii There will be a meeting at the Lions Community Centre, Wednesday, November 2nd at 7:30 p.m. ta discuss plans for the formation o! Town League Basketball. Ail interested per- sans are invited ta attend. Beglnner's Bridge Lossons We have had a few requests for the formation o! a Begin- ner's Bridge Class. If you are interested in taking part in this type o! activity would you pleaso contact the Recrea- tion Office at MA 3-3335, as soon as possible. If a large enough graup is interested in taking such a course the Recroation Depart- ment will be anly ta happy tai arrange for an instructor for this group. Art Lessons Anyone interested in taking Art Lessons is requested ta contact the Rocreation Office. Wo have had a number of in- quiries regarding the forma- tion of an Aduit Art Class. Figure Skating The first class for the now- ly formed figure skating les- sons wiil be held today (Thursday) at 4:00 p.m. in the Memoriai Arena. The ciass is under the dir- ection o! Miss Barbara Ann Smith and wili meet everv Thursday for the next twenty weeks from 4:00 ta 7:00 p.m. Chlldren's Skating Tho Recreation Depart- ment's Childrein's Skating class wil get underway on Monday, November 7th at 3:00 p.m. The ciass is open ta chihdren seven years o! age and under who wish ta skate. Supervisars wil be on hand ta assist where needed from 3:30 ta 5:00 p.m. Parents are cordially In- 1 Mixed Bowling1 Spicer odged Etcher 4-3, Friday night at Liberty Bowi ta tie Elton Brock's bowlers for top spot in the Mixed Bowling League. The leaders dropped a 5-2 encounter ta Sieep, but the other Brock club, captained by Hilda, downed Nowian 5-2 ta take over the runner-up siot, one point back of the leaders. Yeo hung a 5-2 setback on Brunt's cellar - dwellers to keep pace with Sheep in third, but Yake, missing a great op- portunity ta gain, were up- set ta the tune of 7-0 by Pal- mer. The bowlers callectively turned in the lowest totals on record. Only five were able ta hit the 600 mark. Hap Palmer didn't have any trou- bhe, coming through with a 732 triple and a 288 single ta tako ail the honours. Bob Yake had a 686 triple, Norm B roawn, David McFeeters, Steve Barclay, David Conroy, O'Rourke-673, Arnold Sleep -624, Joan Brunt- 617, tops for the ladies, and Glenn Hodgson- 599. Mary Harrison's 271 game was high for the ladies, fol- lowed by Arnold Sieep- 264, Joan Fry-262, Hap Palmer with a 258 ta go with his 288 high, Howard Bromell-249, Norm O'Rourke-246, 220, Bob Yake- 244, 233, Ken Luxton-245, Fern Bradley- 241, Elton Brock-240 and Art Spicer-236. Toams Standing Team W L.- Pts. E. Brock - 14 7 32 Spicer - 14 7 32 H. Brock - 13 8 31 Yeo Il 10 27 Sleep 12 9 27 Yake Il 10 26 Palmer .. 9 12 21 Etcher ___ 8 13 19 Nowhan ___ 7 14 17 Brunt 6 15 13 Avorages -Danny Jones, Don Martin, G. Ave. Douglas Hurrie, Grant Thomp- Onie Etcher - 21 222 son, Jim Archer, Paul Mcmn- Bob Yake- 18 222 styre, Ken Veitch, Rick Val- Elton Brock-___ 21 219 lieres, Bill Emburgh. Hap Palmer 21 211. Raiders - Coach, Bill Nich- Art Snicer 21 209 oison: Cari Hoffman, John Hilda Brock 21 207 Depew, Doug. NichoIs, Paul Arnold Sleop - 18 201 Mutton, Bob Whahen, Don Jîm Castle 21 194' Riekard, Dan Hughes, Raloh Ken Luxton 21 1931 Cole, Albert Goodwin, Neih Joe Nowlan --- 21 193 McGregar, Dennis Danku, Bob- Emma Bromeli 21 193 by Clai-ke, Robert Blackburn, Nonm O'Rourke- 21 190 *John Baker, Gary Tubb, Earle Morlev Etcher 21 înqî Keathey. Lau Wehsh 21 188 Orp'hans - Coach, Murray Matt Harrison 21 1861 McKnight: Bruce Adams, Erie Gond Wiicox 21 1851 *Fernhund, Alan Cale, Rae Pic- Pat Yeo --- 21 184 keli, Keith Bail, Woodroxv Duke Brunt_ _ 21 183 Perry, Jim McKnîght, Peter Cec. Mutton --- 21 182 Groen, Rod Taylor, Edward Howard Bromel - 21 17', Stephen, Larry Hately, Bill Glebn Hodgson - 21 177 *Hall, Chai-les Murphy, GeneBo Glanville - 21 177 Balon Pal eteso, Hr-Fred Luxton - 21 176 Balon Pal eteso, Hr-Clif! Trewin .. 18 176 mon Prakken, John Adams. G~ iy2 7 Maroons - Coach, J. Cayhe, Bob Mitchell-- 21 172 G. Malley: Jim Coyho, Peter DnBaly 2 7 Bothwell, Bob Sleep, Wayne Joan Brdnt 21 171 Devitt, Doug. Lane, Don Keri-, éAura Trewin 18 170 *David Thonipson, Bob Wilhs, Mary Wilcox 21 170 Pat Vinish, Larry Jamiesan, Dave Park --- 21 169 Larry Rogrers, Ted Bate, Jerry Aida Luxton .. 21 169 *Falls, Bri an Bradley, Murrayý Essie Cox -- 21 1681 *Taylor, Gary Down, Bob Murray Grant 21 168 Sît.Marge Hodgson- 18 168, Comets - Michael Dickens, Mary Harrison - 18 16,9 George Kennedy, Ted Brown, Jim Thonipson 2 1 167 Jack Whalen, John Phillips, Audrey Sieep 21 16 James Lane, Leo MacLean, Marion Wiseman 21 162 John Allin, Gary Neil, Bob .jim Cox ---- 21 1611 MeManus, Bob Hellamn, Andyý Kay Luxton ..~ 21 161 Murphy, Walter Ehis, Jamesi Bill Chai-les - 21 160 Vinson, Scott Rudeli, David Foi-n Bradley 21 1601 Woolner, Jdhn Beresma. Mary Nowlan 21 159 Ruth Mitchell- 21 159 Dore Mutton 21 156 HAYDON Marie Yeo . 18 152 Mel Wiseman - 21 151 Ruth Grant 21 149 The Coîmunity Sale will Duaine Palmer- 21 143 ho helci in the church shed on! Vi O'Rourke__ 21 148 Saturday, Oct. 29th., proceeds, Ruth Yake 159 149 for church. For particularsý Dot Ca'fýtle 21 147 see Auction Soles. Mai-g Welsh ---- 21 145 Hallowe'en Party wili ho Doreen Charles - 21 143: hehd in the church. Joan Fry -- 21 1411 Sunday sehool and church He-1len Park -----21 131 service wvas well attended en Nettie Glanville- 21 123 Sunday. The girls' choir sang, Ruhy Spicer 21 105 and Barry Lamne, infant son Dot Thompson-- 21 95 of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gar- Lais rhsnge ar rard, xvas haotized. Lde'hq igeMr Mi-. and Mrs. Chai-l'p Gar- Hrio-21 rard, Mr. and Mrs. L. Griffin,' Men's h;rh Single- Hap Mi-. and Mrs. Don Cameron, Palmei--283. Mi-. and Mrs. Walter Love- Ladies' high triple- Joan ridge and Joy, wene Sundav Brunt- 617. ovening visitai-s at Mi-. and Dien's 11!-h triple- Hap Mrs. Alfred Garrard's. Palmer-732. Sympathy is extended ta ______ Mrs. Norman Woadley and re- latives in the passing o! Mr-. L N L Woodley on Saturday. L N A L The ladies o! the church catered te the Lions Club at Mi-. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk the Lions Centre on Monday were Sunday alternoon visitors night. Io! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vanoyk Mr-. and Mrs. Walter Rahîl and farnily, Newtonville, and' were Sunday supper guosts at' Sunday supper guests ot Mr-.: Mi-. and Mrs. Cleni Rahm's. and Mrs. H. DeMille, Bow- Mi-. Gardon Wenry, Toronto, manville. spont the weekend with Mi-. Mrs. G. McLaggan and fai- and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and iyadM- n r.Gro !amiy. IBaker and Garry visited Port Mr. and Mrs. Elgie and Tei--Pryfrte. 5hwdig ry Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Prvfrte2t edn Donad Tompon, r. arlannîversary o! Mr. and Mrs.' Danald on psan Mi-. Earht A. J. McLaggan Si-. Mr-. andý edM .Thoni pson. wavhe ih Mrs. Smith, Brian and Jackie,' edMrs. W. Thisankin .vs-Ajax, were Saturday af ternoon iting her sisýter in England. visitai-s o! Ms-s. G. McLaggan.ý Mi-. George Tabb spent aý Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Cari- and. !ow days with Ms-s. Norann Brenda were Sunday visitai-s Collacutt, Bowmanville. o! Mi-. and Mi-s. W. Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon Oshawa. were Sunday visitai-s at Mr.1 On Saturday evening sover- and Mrs. Ailan Tayior's, En-aifonsgtee at he fle1d. home of Ms-. and Mrs. W. Cair. Mi-. ad ay and Mr. sho, for a party ta, celebrate the Ronld nd ayandMi Ga-j birthday af Narman Davis.! don Werry were Sunday visi-!-ed ianLn tors at Mi-. and Mrs. Ross Saht, Tyere, Tuntfor ont-I Ashton's. j any androshaunonGaie and Mi-. and Mi-s. J. Jones and 1aîoy lunh was soi-yod and family, Miss Coi-a Degeeraenjoyed y lhossepi-osan. visited Mrs. Kellar, Oshawa.' noe yaltoepeet Mr. and Ms-s. W. Blackburn, Miss Sandra Gibsor, and Mr., Doug, Dale and Wayne attend- Narman Davis were Sunday, ed Salem Thank-offering soi-- ovening visitai-s o! Mi-. and vice on Sunday ani wero teaý Mrs. B. McQuaid, Miss G.*Me- 1 guests at Mi-. and Mrs. Fare-! Quaid and Mr-. Nick Sckui-a- i well Blackburn'&. toi!. i v'itea to attend and assist their child with skating. There wiil be no charge for aduits accompanying chiidren. Broombail The girls broombail league has not been formed yet due to the small number of par- ticipants. We require an ad- dîtionai fourteen players to teamn league. If you are in- make a weil balanced four terested in playing broombaîl please contact the Recreation Office as soon as possible. Al broor'iball games wili be play- ed on Monday's fromn 5:00 ta 7:00 p.m. Minor Hockey Practice Times Saturday, October 29th Pee Wee-7:00 - 7:40 a.m.-- Canadians. 7:45 - 8:25 - Bruins. 8:30 - 9:10- Wings. (Clean Ice). 1Bantam-9:-S - 9:55- Cubs. 10:00 - 10:40- Tiqers. 10:45 -11:25- Huskies. (Cican Ice). Atom-1l:30 - 12:10- In- dians. 12:15 - 12:55 p.m. - Bombers. Midget-Juvenile--.1:00-1:40 -Maroons. 1:45 - 2:25- Co- rnets. BLACKSTOCK We are pleased ta report that Mr. Harold Barker who suffered a heart attack and isý in Doctors Hospital, Toronto, is doing nicely.1 St. John's W. A. met in the Parish Hall Thursday night with 16 members present, withý president Mrs. J. Hamilton presiding. After the opening hymn, Mrs. MeArthur road the scripture passage and prayers and the members' prayer was repeated in unisan. Miss Parr, Doreas Secretary,1 treported the bale would he shipped soon. Mrs. T. Lang- feld gave a splendid report o! the recent Deanery meeting at Pickering. It was suggested by the president thant St. ZJohn's might have a Dennery 1meeting. 7 Meeting voted to gratefuily 7accept the gift o! a cook 3stove fi-rn Fred Hamilton. 1Final plans were made for the ehicken pie supper and eu- ichre this îonth and the ha- zaar in November. Sanie arti- cles were receîved for the bazaar, and committees were jappointed for the different tables. The Wardens asked the as- sistance o! the W. A. in decor- ating the Rectory and a coin- rnittee was named ta see and York- Cream Style Save 6c - 15 oz. tin FANCY COKEN Aylmer - 24 oz. jar STRAWDERRY Detergent - 12e Off T 1ID E - Giaint 1Sunny Morn - Save 6c - IGA COFFEI York Fancy Cut- 15 oz. tins Wax Beans 2 For29c BD WNAN LLE Purchase what la needed. Mrs. Scott read a letter from Miss McNabb the W. A.'s prayers partner. Rail cal was ans- wered with a toy for a Christ- mas stocking ta be sent ta the children of Oidsun. Offering was received and president closed the meeting wîth pray- er. For ontertainment Mrs. W. W. VanCamp read a humorousî reading "Don't Brag.'" Mrs.1 Grahanm read greetings for the! 75th Anniversary of W. A. sent by president Mrs. Britton Os- iers. Mrs. McArthur read "Ketchin' on the Bobs" and "I'm Fine." Lunch was serv- ed by group one. Saie Hawkins Dance The students of Cartwright High Schooi donned their best "hilibiily" clothes for the an- nuai Sadie Hawkins dance held in the Recreation Centre Friday night. Music was pro- vided by Johnny Jones and his Terriview Trio from Osh- awa. Among the guests were many "Lii Abners" and "Daisy Maes" and other Dogpatch characters. The prize for the bost Daisy Mae costume wns won by Babbie Mackîe, and the prize for the best Lii Abner was won by Leslie Asseistine. The prize for the best couple costume was won by Elaine Mountjoy and Alian Asseistine. The olimination dance prizeI was won by Laurie Mackie and John Doyle. One of the highlights of the ovening was the Sadie Hawkins race. In spite of the handicap granted ta the boys, it was not long before the first girl, Carûl Peticouchki, returned with her catch, Art VanCamp. At this point the crowd assembied around the wee 'chapehl' ta witness the marriage cere- mony, inerformned by Marrvin' Sam (Harvey Grah am). Foi- lowing the ceremony the doomed bridegroom wheeled his bride away in a wheei- barrow. During the intermission, po- tata chips and eider were served. After a few more square dances, polkas and rock and rail numbers, the weary Dogpatchers made their way home. Correction: Last week we said the short course in mil-ý linery sponsored by Nestletoný Women's Institute was ta hol the iast week of October. Ra-I ther, it is the hast Fni., Mon. and Tues. of November. The local association meet-' ing of Girl Gudes and Brown- les was held Monday evening at Elaine Bailey's with 12 present. Minutes were read and adopted. Jean Kyte gave'l m ONTAIO Toms" IGA Market NEwcALsTLED ,oinAmoI the treasurer's report. Brown'] îOwi Tuirner reported there are1 10 Tweenies and two goldeni bars in her group. Captain Thompson reported there are 40 Guides wîth 12 recruits, and 3 pioneer badgces. No meet-I ing will be held Oct. 31. Next meeting will be held Nov. 8th at Jean Kyte's. It was voted to send $50.00 to Camp Ado- laide, Haiburton, and hope to1 send the balance after Christ- imas. The hostess served damn- ty refreshments. The Couples Club of the United Church enjayed a1 bowling party at Bowmanviile1 Saturday evening. With the1 new officers in charge, ahi re-1 turned ta the home af Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughhin, con- venors, for a business period9 and lunch. A hymnary was1 presented ta Mr. and Mrs.1 Miko Past, and final plans were made for the Smorgas-1 bord.1 About 20 relatives and fri- ends gathered at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor Sat- urday nîght ta honour Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor on their lOth wedding anniversary. The occasion was a complote sur- prise ta Arnold and Joyce. They were presented with a beautiful eiectric lamp. Mrs. John McKee has beon spending a few days with Peterborough friends. Mr. Earl Dorreli is visiting friends in Western Ontario. Mrs. John Marhow is a pa- tient in Port Porry hospitai. Mr. Donald Sinclair is stili very ill in Oshawa hospital. Mrs. C. Hihl is under the doc- tor's care at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stan. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmor attended Burketon annîversary services Sunday and were din- ner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hughes and family, Wo'odstock, visitod a few d3ys this week with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Larmer and Doughas. Mrs. P. Ramoril and guest Mrs. Russel o! the Bahamas, Mrs. J. A. Johnston and Mrs. NE LHEATING ILS a SLI E-MTRO FLOYD H. NcKINLEY representative MUTUAL LIFE 0F CANADA Inquire About Our Children's Educational Plans Mearns Ave. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5372 ENTER THE IGA COFFEE CONTEST NOW IWIN A WEEK EN... EU'eA"OPE M-., Entry Blanks With Full Details Available at Your IGA PIRIZE DETAILS WimmNu h dico of man ieop.,,.. pï tip fw two. by Pan-Americin jet alrcrwft Ob Lon.don ,or Paris, ith .ccommodatio'U for two aetithe G, W the. mource M Food Prices Effective October 27 - 28 - 29 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LMUT QUANTITIES -2for2.9c JAl 39C ýSize S1 1 . 53c 1 -P- - otel (Paris) for moyen da.Wrfs *VIA ,uided tours to pointl, çRCW- cty are ao cludad.v \ J~1 's, P-R "PGRK LOIN SALE" RIB PORTION 3 lb. Average CENTRE CUTS CHOPS or ROAST Ib.49c Ib.59C Ib.69c Jubilce Pure PORK SAUSAGE b. bag Kraft --- 69c VELVEETA CHEESE Luncheon Meat - 12 oz. tins O IL T SPORK - 2 l'r 55cCO FL ET Instant - Save 20c, 3 Mb. pkg. Simoniz - 6c off - Pint tin NUMILK - 79c LIGUID WAX 55c Pineappie-Lemon Angel IGA Deluxe Food Plllsbury - 15 oz. pkg. Instant - 6 oz. jar CAKE MIX 49c CGFFEE - 89c 5o Off Deal - Large Size IGA Royal Guest - 1 lb. bag DUZ - - 41c COFFEE - 67c 3c Off - 1 lb. pkg. FLUFFO - IGA Deluxe 29c CGFFEE IGA Biscuits CHOCOLATE NALLGWS -M l. tin m 73c m m neg 29c1 SHOP AND SAVE AT m Lb. 45C1 Lb. Pkg. 55C m a m Lb. 29C 1Treat With Health Giving Fruit SUNKIST ORANGES A Doz. S Size 180's A Hallowe'en Favourite - Fancy Grade - 6 qt. bask. SNOW APPLES - - - - 59C Florida New Crop - U.S. No. 1 Grade - Size 96's GRAPEFRUIT - -lOFor 59C SGolden Ripe BANANAS m m m a 2Lb.. 29c1 1~ I a 0 a b I - TENDERLOIN PORTION 3 lb. Average Bowmanville IGA Market Erniest Lariner attended the W.M.S. Presbyteris.i Fail Rally at Maple Grave Oct. l9th. Mr'. and Mrs. George Dun- bar, Denise and Catharine, Scarborough, were weekend guest.s of Roy and Bill Fergu- son. Mrs. Ed. Darcy, Mrs. Ira Argue, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock were Tuesday guestu o! Mr. Russel Spinks, Oshawa. Miss Dianne Blair, Oshawa. was a weekend guest, and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird, Brook. lin, Mr-. and Mrs. George Ru- therford and Allen, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. George Fowler. Messrs. Roy Turner, Dale Gunter, Noil Bailey and Bryan Ha.milton spent the weekend partridge hunting at Coe Hill. Mr'. and Mrs. Ted McLaugh. lin, Patsy, Jimmy, John and Paul, Columbus, wero Sunday guests o! Mi'. and Mrs. Harold PACM Nnu 1

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