THTr~~'i. OC. 27h. ~~flTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO <1/e /ewc4leY4sepenitewd 1 ordon. Agnew, Edilor Phono 36211 ,4 word Water Con tracts Toy Shower at1 At Much Lower Figure INext Meeting WA Makes- Donation To Golden PIow Lodgeý Newcastle- The regular1 Day. meeting o! the United Church; The president, Mrs. Garnet Womans' Association was heldi Rickard conducted the busi- in the Sunday School Hall on ness portion o! the meeting, Thursday afternoon. The de- when a lengthy discussion votional service opened with took place making plans for a hymn !ollowed by a short the Bazaar to be held by the readîng "God in the Morn- Association on November 9th. ing" andl prayer by Mrs. Da- Mrs. Rickard announced thq vid Gre'. Semi-Annual meeting of thi An otstadin papr ~ Oshaw a Presb3'tery held in "Reverence" was prepared Aa nOtbr2lh and presented by Mrs. How. The Association voted dona- ard Allin touching on man;y tions o! $10 each te the Dea- ents. She said War is a gre Than Origînally E stim ated Nwatle-Zhe 2S derstroyner Rverencefr nrua othe Evenîng Branch o! St we nedReecfo r Newcastle-____________D. George's Womans' Auxiliary andpfower and ail good thin Newasle Reve D.J. the well and the supplying of 1 met in the Parish Hall 'on in Ife. She said, Man, i Cunningham announced on I the pumps nor the fees o! the Wednesday evening, October and Nature are ail link Friday the Ontario Water Re- edCh osipo heLr souce Cmmsson awr-consulting engineers, R. . os th. Ail officers reported toe ihwrhpo h o dcd the con'tract for laying: Kilborn and Associates, which!md yteatn ocsI5*5 the Newcastle Municipal Wa. i illbe added ta the cost of mad1I) fO c Scetary theat sei te o: r'u terworks system to Armstrong 1the system. However, the LindIay foromateritlLiossap- c Erothers of Brantford for a i reeve said, the cost will be Lindrave y her mebers. iw price of $109,192.80 for lay-1 considerably lower than theC Iintc Littl the ers nvnoheg 1n'ý the pipe with house con- J original estimate o 170,355Clnc W d nounced that thVie oe nàost th tet iei he a prvdb hinstalling fire hydrants, bu- Ontario Municipal Board îast i Newcastle- The Bowman- have not ail been returned as Ig r ilding a pump house and the spring and if the project is vilth isrc rnc i . V concrete base for the stand accepied by the Governmnste Canadian Red Cross *Soc- Chtribtdt h e membears by aldis pine. as aneligible prject underiety of which Newcastle is an btdt temmesbyV a Mve pîne. as an eligibaedprinectunder The contract for tol. the Municipal Winter Works affiliate is planning a blood Mrs. enyd fin a las ing and constructing the 1Incentive program the costdnoscln ta be held in i a te ionus Dnringf elwth ast -CAnada to t S,ý,nd Pipe or tank was aw- ta the village taxpayers wùi the Lions Centre in Bowmnan- lote ionsvein. ntefi houhCnd oteC arded by R. K. Kilbcrn and be reduced considerably again. ville on Wednesday afternoon lowas deeide ta at gary Stampede in Calgar .A-zociates, the consulting en- Reeve Cunningham said hi nee niNavember 2nd tsdcd thata yAlberta, recorded on col<i an d veninann.:shower would be beldi at te hyLo geesta Platean Struc- understood work on the sys- Blood is supplied by the!I next regular meeting o! thp film yLo Irwin Colv tural Steel Limited of Tor. tem would be started within Red Cross ta anyone in the Branch ta be held on Novem- was enjoyed by the membe onto for a contract price of two wecks o! the signing of district needing a transfusion, ber 2nd and also that fees of the Newcastle Lions C]i $16,150. tecnrcsadta h free of charge. There is pas- 1 would be paid at the meetingathrrgurmein Reeve Cunningham said the cortract called for completion itively no substitute for blondJ of November 16th. Thursday evening in tl above prives do not inc1 de within 20 weeks which would and through the efforts of the There was some discussion Lions room o! the Communi the wvork donc by the Ontariobring the system into opera- Canadian Red Cross it is made rgrigteBac' hit Hall following a delicio Water Resources Commsso tion in the early spring of free toaal. rma Dinneg the me d'sCh i nnrprprt.ndsr for drilling and--developing-__1961. The quota for the Bowman- was brought ta a conclusion by members of the Even:i ville and District Branch is with the serving of refresh- Branch o! St. Georges W 250 int twce yea inor-men s.mans Auxiliary. 250 pnts w_________ino._i____s The meeting was conduct Recreation Sponsors der ta keepI the bank sup.J erae y Wren Harry Jase ai th ge f18 and 6 years 1 eot o aiu Lions Cli R D t+are asked ta attend the clinicM a qucommojct e iteesy ha Se'wing, beBaton of a lv1 vasucharge. Frank Ha eot -C m u it l ss soe,.. iF r Ci lI] a n the recent turkey shi EveryFor's urgndiarenttconducted by the club whic ~C m unt C ase n~ sugd aatedkv Ngt due tathe opening o! t the bloo nd Wednes-eso ad hefi Newcastle- .Chaîrman o!f, the direction oý Mrs. Irene aNvebr2om :0 n aysn seonad h the Newcastle Recreati o n1 Cunningham every MonMday ta43iighhatroo n holiday weekend weather w Commîttee Sam Brereton, re- afternoon at 2 o'clack. There fo :0t :0i h vn ecsl-Tebbgb breaking even financial1 ported at the October mect-J are twelve ladies registered fo :0t :0i h vn ecsl-Tehbgb poorly attended, just abo, ingof he ommtte tat t peset or he 0 weking. Persans in this district; lins and spoaks will be out Lion Frank suggested one ing f te Comitee tat t pesen fo the10 eekwishing ta attend and need- in ail their glory on Monday the turkeys left in starage1 Sewing Classes had commen- course with Mrs. Charlotte ing transportati o n shouîd levening (Hallowe'en) October 1-sed as a prize for the mont ced in, the -Lions room under Riekard as instructress. phone 3551 and transportation 31st, and once again the an- ly fifty-fifty draw instead Mrs. Stan Brown reported will gladly be arranged. nual masciuerade party spon- an the Ballet Dancing and Give Life - Give Blood. sored by the Newcastle Lions Mrs. Eddie Couroux were IV Sle inBaton Twirling classes being _________ Clu'a will be In full swing in dMr.Ry oreadS hedsoidStere wafere 17 reg-the communîty hall startîngaTo rt ayor n o Sh "dthr wr 1 egat 7:00 p.m. for the yaung ofroeetene A n Extra I-our istered for the classes andix r w is people of the cammunity. So *roi re anedt clsesmydo s.ta jai JGary Hancock, chairman o! rdyheîd ytesae lases ay o s. Tosethe Boys and Girls Commit- the late Mrs. Underwood. This Sund'ay wishing ta Join should con- FI y up to tee o! the club informs us In spite o! the drizzle W& tact Mrs. Stan Brown. the lions will be shelling out nesday a good crowd turr The secretary was instruct- toai ,-lre aper gin ott py, e for uk Newcastle -Residents of jed to write a letter ta Mr. uidetu chisdn teppder i atta atk ! u u Newcastle in common wîth DIon Marsden president o! the G uicostumes aicknd u the judes cis- supper. While folks were wai rn'ost communities in Ontarioa Bowmanville and District Red * be picing uthe beost cas- . . hteshw wilbealet cthup on:Cross thanking the saciety Newcastle- On Tuesday o! rusfrseilpie.g interesting slides and M that hour of sleep they lost1for the $100 cheque received last week the Brownies o! the grhis ifonseciaf pries.a Westhauser favoured with sE leAt Aoril when the village 1ta heIn )caver the expenses o! lst and 2nd Newcastle Braw- Thmi is oevco! hl the an ection s on the Hammondo adopted Daylirht Saving TimeJ the swimming classes conduct- nie Pack visited wih th amuit erieswic h The financial resul forh thhemmr.ILions Club has been carrying wregan.raifig.T fo h umr ed last summer in the Wal- Newcastle Guide Comnpany ta out since its inception and i eeqit rtfyn. ' 1> According ta a proclama-, tana Park pool. Accounts hold their fly up ceremnony. nîean tao entertain the child- helpers in the pantry are ho tion appearing eisewhere on J amounting ta $89 were order- Ateth Gudshdtirirnotecmuntfra ing that part o! the legacy le <bis f ~~~~~~~~~~~pnîng ceremonv aeyh ilg fNw e ado oinaFe p thev forn- coup le o! hours on Hallowe'en the church by Mr. D. Elli »,stle will returîî ta Eastern Couch and Brenton Rickard. ed a horsesh oe with th e Div- ta keep them off the streets wîll be used ta provide an tl Standard Time beginning at Many topics were up for ision Commissioner, Mrs. Wm. an out of trouble, and, tha- to-date pantry before the ne: 12:01 a.m. on Sunday. Octo- discussiJon at this meeting in- RudelI at the head of theiugh the children continue ta supper. ber 3th. At this time Reeve, cluding the propased shuffle horseshoe with Guide leaders make their rounds for "treat Sunday sehool and churî D. J. Cunningham urges aIl'board court, Arena manage- Mrs. Quinney. Mlrs. Steph ,.' ýor trick" during the earîy were held as itsual Sundz cilizens ta turn their o cks ment, Hockey, Figure skat- son and Mrs. Wincop ta wel- hours o! the evening, the mas- with Rev. R. C. White &nd watches BACK one hour, ing etc but no definilte action caeteBonisa hyiquerade tends ta take themi charge o! the service. TI thus reverting ta Standard, oeteB wnsashe was taken on any of the !teins. entered into Guides. off the streets earlier tha chair, with Mrs. Swarbricki Time.! Chairman Sam Brereton M l terieb tecs. teog sang that fine o Persans failing ta turn back1 called on volunteers ta act as Mrs. Simnson and Mrs. Caî,o11terieb h cs LodIm Cm their docks taking advantage1 coaches for the Minor Hockey Plathered the Brownies and selHoe."Lrhur Thomn o! this extra hour of sleep, Lealgue teams and stated any- Tweenies into a fairy circle' raue !Kna hr themselv ceren i ny. The sLixo netteswas caîîed ta the front ta hou ealy or ile! s flving up to Guides were ceive the cheque for $10,0( mients on Suinday morning. 1 the committee. Tina Kozub, Eleanor MeCra-; ' j. hieh Mr. White had receiVE cken. Beth Powell. Isobel' an rParty from the estate o! the la- Pearc, Bevrley ickar andDavid Elliott on behaîf o e Sharon Barchard. While Mrs.' dal church. fl ix casteSimpson pinned their fni.rv At Chri stmas Mrs. Mar-y Luxon and Rc wi siîs Mercer were dinner gues oresnte thm wih teir Newcastle- Fifteen mem-1 Sundav evenin, with Mr, an rowenieemnswih ther bers of the Newcastle Lion- 1 Mrs. Ray Hughes and atten- I . iewngwhc H oneHloyesarn nI atHp nie hrh are allowed ta wear on their ettes Club gathered at the l ed the anniversary servicei Socia/ and' fPAerson a tG: ladr Visitors calling on 'Mrs. Kentucky. six Brownies ta Guide Cap- chicken dinner wîth ail the Miss Selena Thertell ha Frank Parker from out of Friends o! Mr. Clarence AI- tain, Mrs. Howard Ouinney1 trimmings the president, Mrs. I the misfoxtune ta fail Sunde tawn recentix' included Mrs. lin will be sorry ta learn that who introduced each Brawnie 1 Uauline Storks conducted the 1 afternoon and received quite Charles Tliackcry o! Toron to, e is a patient iin Memorial ta the Guide Company. Two i[ business meeting when $5 eut over hex- eyebrow. Mr .and Mrs. C'ýires Parker Hospital, Bowmanville, as the ather Brownies who have was voted ta the United Na- Mrs. Hatchex' Foster an of Grim;bv Mr. and Mrs.î result o! injuries suffered in warked verY. hard. Brenda tions International Chilldren's Carolyn returned with Jerr Cordon Batchelor of Toronto. an accident. Brown and jean Montgomery Emergency Fund (UNICEF).,i Byers Saturday after spendin Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bailey W Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Williams also walked inta Guide land. Lionette Charlotte Rickard ,a most erijoyable visit wit Brooklin and the Rev. M. C.-lo! Gueln)h were Sunday vis- Mrs. Rudeil thanked the, invited the club ta her h ome the fa rmer's mother, Mrs. Goc and Mrs. Fisher and Veldi itars with Mr. and Mrs. Gar-' Brown Owls for the work for their annueal December ney ancd family in Virgini, of Fenelon Fails. don Agncw.J thev had done ta, prepire meeting and Christmas party _Mrs. Foster and Carolvn wer Mrs. Kathleen 1.3vam o! MNr,. John Lodiof< Kirk- thc,,e Browni es for Guides ta which the members bring! particularly pleased with th Conxcord, vi d with Mr. field and Mr. andi Mrs Len and i7lso thanl:,ed Mrs. Quin- their huýbands. A cammittee'cn Yt n ucnes0 h and Mrs. John Voutt andi Neil Thomas, John and Bonn ie0f 1ney for receiving them. composed a! Lionettes Jeai n e ofotndowicn. s fte on Frid',ý,. Lindsny. were Suinday v isîtorsI he Erownies and Guid2es Ric!z!rd. Mariorie Diekinson I __________ Mr. Bob Brown has r-ýwt Mr. and Mrs. John o hn c x-edth: meetin'ý and and Kiy Stephensan wr D turned 1h'0me followi'ng a ac el enjoycd thrrme rousing games pointed ta makze plens for wcek's nmator trip wit~h M~ir CMi. rl Gould was pleas- nuMdbv l\frs. Win,'o,,this aninuelpat ad aes N ew O ticers a n d P r.'lrs* Gor'don Biccon M r- id i-nadîvtCed> erdr%, b h mme of Toronto, Vi tmi1g in Col- antiy surpriseci when, work- - rlo., S'a o t ani M rs.c for' tee edrawn te o nf mber umbs, hia Tene:ee ng m~on the propertv of W. A.JFlo n hctpn r-frThe Noemehn e gitLetch * Froncz et R.R. 1, Newtonville, în yY l?1~;7.ingo e s n1o la1rge ripe red strawberrxes' and sin- sanq ta bring tehl tteHnyHlo e-w'kt idaptha l ~' A- o"dthm abereilImost etjoyahie evening ta a taurant and !ollowin' 'Ce ub 15 r u I mid anci a nie surprise foi'close imrtn~ M r s. Fairrte'G o Octob nda er.'siui-pridsesrain ! lb 5.a efreica We folks around Kendalý Club ST ND RD TI EThomas Chandler Halibur- awakne .ria morning tat Club 15 at its recent et ON ton, who gaineci world fame as finci that a killing frost had ings also campleted arrange. SUN AY OV OB R 31ha humourous writer under the~ at last sti'uck us and left a ments for a "Stay-at-HomE SUNDAYOCTOBE 301h seudonym Sam Slick, wsas coating o! c over the water.' Btidge" ta be held in Nov. at 12:01 a.mnl 3udie o! the Sumrerre Court' Somne a! the early risers on ember. Similar "Stay - at AUl citlzenq are requ-,sted to turn their lork. and of Nova Scotia: Ontar"o's Hql- ' their way ta the General Mo-f Home" parties planned and watrhs BAK on hou at his ime.iburton courity was namned for tors tell us there were snow-1 arranged by Club 15 havE wathesBAK oe ouret hi tîehim thrauih a land cevelon- flakes flvîng. Monday morn-1 proved ta be tremendou,;l D. J. CUNNINGHAM, Reeve. 'ment -rrgram there which he îngc the.v were moie plentiful.! ponulpr anîd success!ul in pre. Lheaded. Sunday guests wit.h Mr, andi viaus years. reat and to the Auxiliary to the and, Golden Plow Lodge at Co-1 . th bourg. rigs Folowing the meeting a Lie frlendly social time with a ied cur, of tee was enjoyed by the id's ladies. oy Trip fo Stampede iq Pictures the cash ta whicb the mem- bers agreed, with Harold Gib- son wînning the turkey. Percy Hare reported the blitz for the blind conductedý by members o! the club had been most successful callect- ing approximately $200 for the CNIB in Newcastle. Gary Hancock, chairman o! red ~ I *f :1 SBEST BUYS Nbb- Orange Pekoe 15e Off Pack TEA DAGS Pkg. of 60 m a- - -64cl Special Purchase! 12 oz. Jar Coronation Brand - Special SWEECT GHIERKCINS -2.9c Nesties 2 IL Tin Save 24e GUICIK CHOCOLATE -85 C Golden 48 oz. Tin Glory Pineapple Juice 4 for $1. Heinz 48 oz. Tin TONATO JUICE 3 for $ Kon-Tiki Brand 20 oz. Tin Cho ce -f rs Sliced Pineapple 5fo$1 Detergent Giant Pkg. 12e Oîf Pack73 TIDE aSOAP - - Serve Soup'N Crackers! McCormick's - Save 5c - Special SALTINES- 1 lb. Pkg. m- 33cl SHELL OUT . SHELL OUT Hallowe'en - Monday, Oclober 31si Manning's Quality ShelI Out Kisses Beaver Brand Peanuts in Sheli Alla.n's - Hallowe'en Pop Suckers Carousel - Opera A. B. Gums Carousel Jelly Beans McCormick's - Individual Sheil Outs le Individual Shell Outs Chiclets 1 lb. Pkg. 29C 16 oz. Pkg. 33C Pkg. of 75 59C 14 oz. Pkg. 29C 12 oz. Pkg. 29C Pkg. of 60 79C Box of 100 98C BAKERY FEATURES Plain, Sugared or Cinnamon - Special - Pkg. of 12 Donuts 2 for 49C Christie's - Honey Mince - Special Coffee CakIe General Bakeries - Special Brown'n Serve ROlUS BI!SCUIT FEATURES! Hilltop - Chocolote - Special Dainty Mallows Each 38C Pkg. of 12 25C Pkg. of 30 29C Hilltop - Chocolate or Vanilla - Special - 1 lb. Pkg. Harvest Creams 29c - PRODUCE SPECIALS Florida No. 1 - Marsh - White - Size 48's SEEDLESS 8fo.5 C GRAPEFRUIT or C Ontario No. 1 3 lb. PoIy Bag %ONOIIS0NS . .- .bagl4c Ontario Grow.n - Fancy sNmG0w APPLES 3 lb. Poly Bag - -,bag 23c Firni, Golden R I PE BANANAS. . 2iis.29c Ontario1 H OTHOUSE TGNATOES - 2.bs39c California - Emperor l' ED CHRAPES a . IIbs.19c Saturday, October 29th, 1960 DOMINION STORES LIMITED THTrRqn,%V. OCT. 27th, lqgn uus 1 .-J 1 Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Stores Ltd. is unconditionally guaranteed to, give 100% satisfaction the Boys and Girls Commnittee reported his committee were preparing for the annual Lion s Hallowe'en Party for the chîldren in the Commun- ity Hall on Monday, October 3lst. Prizes will be awardedi for the best costumes in the various age groups. 9 Lion Phil Williams announ- ced the Scouts and Cubs were holding their annuel Apple Days on Friday evening and Saturday and urged the sup- port o! the members for this projeet. Jr. Farmer Award Night 'Friday, Nov. 18 The Durham County Junior Award Night for 4-H and Junior Farmer members in Durham County hes been moved ahead one week to be held on Friday evening. Nov- ember the 18t.î'iin the Town Hall ln Orono. The guest speaker for the evening will be Mr. K. E. Lentz, Director o! Extension for the Ontario Departmentý o! Agriculture from Toronto. Specia] presentations will be made ta the winners in ail 4-H clubs as well as meny of the oustanding prizes for Junior Farmer activit i e s. Prize money will be pre- sented that evening to the 4-H club members. Ail par. ents and !riends are extend- led a cordial invitation to at- tend. PAGE ELEVEN ICartwright Councilj The rnonthiy meeting of Mr. Wallace Marlow was Cartwright Council was held present regarding building per. on October 3rd with ail mem mits and business assessments. bers present. Township Cour The Road Superintendent of Appeal met at 1 p.m. and presented monthly buis of certain tax refunds or adjust- $1,725.57 which totalled ex- ments were granted to the fol- penditure to date of $37,956.22, lowîng: Messrs. Arthur Bailey, leaving a balance $6,043.78, John Rahm. Richard Wall, plus credîts of $2,242.22 or Walter Durston and the Can- $8,286.00 to the end of the adian Christmas Tree Growers. year. Four Assessment Appeals Tenders for the installing of were referred to the County a new heating unit in the Court of Revision which will Township Hall, from following: be held later this month. I Selby Grant, Bowmanville; AI! The regular meeting com- Harreil & Son, Oshawa; Ross menced at 2 p.m. and the Duff, Blackstock; Partner of minutes of the last Regular Tyrone, and Pickard's Hard- and Spýecial Meetings both ap- ware, Port Perry. Same were proved for adoption. declared received and turned A motion approving the in- over to the Parks Board for stallation of the Bell Telephone decision. Fire Caîl System was intro- Correspondence was read: A duced by Deputy-Reeve Albert letter from C. E. Wilson of Gibson (also representative Toronto requesting Council's member to the Fire Brigade) permission to build a second and seconded by Councîllor cottage on his 200' x 166' lot, Fred Trewin and carried. was approved and Clcrk to Mr. H. Putsey of Caesarea advise accordingly. Notice o! was present and requestedi Jury Selection was received that a survey stake be replaced I from the Clerk of the Peace, at the corner of John St. and Harry R. Deyman, Cobourg. the Eighth Concession Line.I BY-Laws No. 1058 and 1059 He also requested the CouncilI were read three times and to arrange with the Uxbridge passed, signed and sealcd. Hydro Office for instillation "These By-Laws authorîzcd the of one street light in front of re-s2lling of property, reffister- his home, on the corner of the ed to the municipality through i 8th Line and Ccdar Girvetax arrears, to the former Drive - west in Caesarea, and owners who have now paid al that he would b2 willing to in full with costs to date. pay for the installation and the Next meeting will be held service. Clerk to contact on Wednesday, Nov. 2nd at Hydro re same and also forlhour of 1:30 p.m. Adjourn- some used Hydro poles for thel ment followcd. Rowan's Beach Association.---- Clerk, V. Malcolm. À