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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1960, p. 13

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THURSDAY, OCT. 27th, 1960 TEE CANADTAN STATUMAN. DOWMANVILLE, O1~TARIO PAGE THTWrEWTI erty St. N., was arrested about a - noon today driving bis car. ~p., mc4',.+~e £~ mu4 Corporeal Freethy followed te M a i t a e o r I on Church Street te the t Office. Hia license was sus- Tuesdal , OW. er . R. 1pended, he is a borderline cae penddOcL e io n Aor viarcil BenrP.LmiuR . of whether he should be on cuuain o 3dmrtF r L g io w 2, owmnvîlewhowastricthe highway or net. Witlh points. at a previcus sitting on a yhoux disegrdf te. Hsl,eyou He had forwarded his lie-1 At a meeting of Branch 178 Branch," Piesident- naid. cb-arge of Careless Driving insoln' e" Hi ies ense te 4he department 'Onl:of the Canadian Leglon, held Other members of the ex- which three persans lost theiri was further suzpended for a Monday lth. rcnly at the Legion Hall, ecutive present a h et lie,,hadth aitaeperiod of six months. ;eeta h et covet ha tod ay.Penalty' Donald T. Kenq,, 21, New "The oniy way any teeth Jack Knight was unanimaus- ing were vice-president Bill was$1 ad cst o $5.4.!castle, pleaded guilty t& a can be put into the law is toa recommended to Provincial Bates, secretary Ron Rich- was 10 nd ost of$5740.charge of Impaired Driving. send them te gaol. We mnust! Command for a Certificate cf ards, treasurer Jack Rice, Ser. Tlp accident was on August. He was remanded out of cus- weed out the poor drivers on:ý Services of Met te the Le- geant-at-Arms Jim Wood- on4AMtW el îRa.tody until January 17th, 1961. the highway." gion. Mr. Knight recelved an ward, James Firth, Glen 'This punishinent may. bel He must seil his car and must 11 have already sent one, ovation frein the meeting Hughes, Alex Mairs, Doug- eriticized by the press as beinglot purchase another one. He man ta gaol today for drivingi when this motion was put by las Walton. Inadequate. You have lOsi is te abstain from alcohol and while under suspension. CanI George Grahamn and second- On motion by Ted Sheehan, your wife and your son. Thati he is ta take trêatment for his you give me any good reasonî ed by Dan Dudley. seconded by Jim Woodward will be more punishment andl drinking habits under the dir.- why you shouldn't be sent? President E. J. Rundie told it was declded to donate $10 will last longer than any pen- ection of bis father. Buma offered the excuse that the members that Jack had te the Canadian National In- alty I could impose," said the Henry Bumia, 18, 75 Lib- he was only using the car on -rnDu ao !teL-sttt o h ln n 1 znagistrate In giving judgment. a part time job, te pick ap- gian Pipe Band since its ta the Polio Patients Coinfort Lemuel Davis, 19, 261 Cor- AIfT'Tp les, and get back and forth formation in 1951 until he Club. [t was moved and sec. dova Rd., Oshawa, was con- [ HAMPTONJ VI fromn work for bis lunch. retired last month. "Major onded by Jack Maguire, and victed of being drunk, penaltyi Knight's work for the band carried that $50 be given ta $18,andbein a ine ob- M-r axi Mis. m. Dds «Il" will remand you Out 0f! has been fan beyond the caîl the 3rd Bowmanville Cub $1aînn lio, $8. e ith a Peter.badorogspent the weekcustody until Nov. lst and I cf duty and the Band has Pack whicl lu sponsored by juvnigl were $2icke pb n with h er pentshe. and arn going to note the charge brought renown to t h e the Legion. poel e r aîawnon Sugogen arntMr. ndthat you should be sent to poic rona aw n cgoiMrs. Clarence Tink. gaol. You are net going tae St.1 Mr. and Mns. Pency Dewell drive. In addition your lice-vw to the Bowmanville Training MaS. Henry Goschl, Oshawa, for six months."nd M s R a G bb School. He had been In court'o Sunday. n e e r to of theft and malicious dam- Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Mr. and Monk St., William Norman A age. He had been placed on Mrs. Elmer Wilbur and Mrs. Doidge, 21 Stevenson's Rd. S, a 9.00 p.m. curfew. He was 1 Sam Dewell were among the John Thomnas Milîs, 16 Stev- a arrested at 10.13 p.m. 1 visitors with Mris. Elmer Gib- enson Rd. S., and Edgar Blouin Tu Frederick J. Thompson, 19, son and Keith at Blackwater 16, 599 Montrave Ave., all , t d e a er C m p n victed of drixing while hisi Mi-. and Mrs. Harold SaIter; tributing to Juvenile Delin-, R. H. Gibbs, Bowmanville's car. the Hawk. were also much license was uncler suspension.1 and Mrs. T. Salten wene Sun- quency dismissed as they said, Studebaker agent, and his He was sentenced to 30 days' day supper guests cf they didn't know that a 14-1 wife motored to Hamilton re- At a reception held atsi wi*hout the option of a fine. Mris. Wilbert Craig, Salem., year-old girl, whomn they wereý cently te attend the Stude- o'clock that evening at the His license had been sus. and attended their special giVini- wine ta, was in fact a; baker-Packard Company Of Royal Connaught Hotel, A. pciedfr onh fra c. church, serv-ice. Juvenihe, aged 14. Canada, Limited's cehebration Grundy, Hamilton, presîdent curnulating là denierit points.. Mr. and Mris. Mem-wn Mount-! James Par-kinson, Tyrone. fisSteri uiesi fte Sueae-akr He had purchased a car after JOY visited Mr. and M-ns. A. was convicted of assaulting this countr-y. The parent com- Company of Canada, Limited. he- had been laid off woi-k.ý Galbraith, Bowmanville, and the Dog Catcher by thr*eat,s , f pany in the United States has received the dealers and their Six convictions were register- attended annivesary~ services. 'shooting him and assessed a been active there for 108iwives, and introduced themn ed in the period May 12th,l Mrs. Claude Kilmer of1 total of $19. years. ta F. Churchihl, South Bend, 1959 ta July 2th, 1960. Bowmanville visited Mrs. A.; "The dog catcher had no More than 700 Studebaker Indianna, president of the p , dealers from aIl parts of Can- firm's parent company. Mr. 61 point out ta you th;at you W. Pnescott.i way cf knowing that you had, ada from the Atlantic pr- and M-is. Thomas Pryde. mniight also be charged with Mr. and Mrs. John Cai-ri- no gun. He has a hazardousvincns te the Pacific coast at- Hamilton, were in charge of Public Mischief. When the gan, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pi-es- occupation and bis life is an teinded the 5@th Anniversary aIl arrangements forth e p9ice stopped you, you gave i cott, Miïss Marie Prescott an4d unenviable one. If he does celebration. The visitons reg- ception. ter- 4.e¶im a taIse naine. Then you Mi-. A. L. Prescott were Sun-i his job properly, he must pick istered and received their The wonderfuhly decerated, t~ught better of it and gavei day guests of Mn. and M-ns.1 up evei-y dog he sees and Jet name candi on arrivai at the Birthday Cake was se iminen- younselt up withlyour father. 1 J. S. Eddyvean, Qi-anc. the chips fail where they ma3rj Royal Connauaht Hotel. Ham- After you received notice of, Mn. and Mns. Herb Prescott. "It has been the expenience ilton. the headquartens fon the Ise that it required two wait- your suspension, you bought a Roger- and Erin, Entield, were cor the courts, that one-halt cf event. ers te carry it inta the room. car. Your parents had a car. recent visitons wit'h Mi-. andý the people who dlon't have During the aftennoon a Mnt a cut by the president. You utin teddt.epogM.A Pect. dogs, complain about thei sales meeting was hehd for Mr Grundy, and sices wene dnvn.Mr. and M-ns. J. W. Chap- other half who dogs. Ifîthe eaer and they wveie served te ahi the guests with "You had accumulated 15 man, Tononto, and Mns. 1H. E. he gets a coniplaint he must taken to view the luxunîcus teir deassgeEa chd e demeri poins by une s itk on thM-s. ereY ay ct. He could drive around al new Studebaken, Lai-k and in a pale gold shade. Whn divr' 11 cns i ss- Vsior wthMr. oeC jp day. and net see a dog, this! Hawk 1961 cars on exhibition. xeln ninan _!< ýed man. ~~~~wo uldn't be doing his duty. at the auditorium.Exeln tirament Mrs. Luther Allin and son' and cannying eut the provisions The dealers wives were en-. vas pnesented by Billy O'Con- Geoh r sant th.ier.eeendof the Dog By-Law." trtained by the wives cf the nor and bis troupe, Jack Duf- 4' wih Mn.and Ms. Olver C-_ ury onSeiaen 7 company's officiais. T h e y, fy. and the Hanson Sisters Mullen, Wodstock.MuryJh had,27 were transported by chait. with their viohins. There were c ~~~~Mns. R. J. Hodgson bas re- 15 Mai-Y St. E., Lindsay, waseedbsstanwHmion evrlmungcoasad tunedficma isi wthrea-ccnvicted of Impaired DrivigShpin enr weethe magicians on the second pon- t ives in Michigan State. This and fined a total cf $87. Hîs Morgan Depantinent Store tien of the prograin, as wel piivilege and pleasure camne license was suspended for three put on an outstanding Fash- as a~ French T.V. star whose tbrough the kindness cf M-ns montbs. Two passing inotor- inSo n e nalresinging was much enjoyed. Otto Vutue, Tyrone, and their iSts had complained cf the and wehl appointed restaur- The next monning the deal. driver, M-ns. Talber;t Findlay diving cf tfus car fi-cm Whit- ant. ers and their wives were - ,of Thornhihl, Ont. by east. Later In the afternoon the taken ta the enormous Stu- Miss Nina Hodgson motored Twenty-thnee other charges ladies were accompanied te debaker-Packard plant. After from Washington, D. C., ariny under the Highway Tnaffic Act the auditorium te see the new a tour cf the buildings break- ing on Sunday evening fan a biougbt penalties cf $83 cars with the latest styling inl fait was sei-ved te thein in viit with hen parents, Mr. Five changes cf allowing a dog attractive colouns, and the the plant. Then adieus were ý3.and M-ns. R. Hodgsog.a ag ruht$0 or ni up- ta- date Impreve- said. '~~~"R . Mr. Macolm Reedl, who has adjounned at 5.40 p&m. ments. Mr. and M-rs. Gibbs visited England working for the Lon.-l were the leaders, but the M-r. and Mns. Charles Fletch- don ouny ComisionhasStudebaken - Packard Coin- er, and their son and daugh- DUIRO PUM«P retuned home and is with bis Lai-k, panmdimpear the fiin. p rts- a wan he.oe rtunn parents Rev. and M-is. F. Reed. TeSoiaGodNegb r ,adtefrssors eBwavl A'veanâ Better Living ! ! Mrand M-ns. Ken Caver1lub T hSl hclGd hei anul er'weekend guests o r lbwl odterana UR DURO Water Svs- and M-s. J. R. Reynolds, Holaw'e party in the schol K insrrîG o i ala wae hnand where we Fail Reunion of the Alumni 27 rganwil begin sharp need it. ... adds ta our con- at Albert College- an Saturday. ait 8 o'clock.A veninceandconiortof ail Mr.andMrs Jac Manab Thefirst meeting of the 4-H vifencanandr.oanortrf.daiiald Bal-Hoîernking Club lteA p aghetti N igbt - son attended the wedding o! .oes ýpt date" was heldth G DURO Pumps are avai- thein niece Erma Hoskin and in Solina Conimunity Hall on An 'Italian Nlght", the Gest speaker for the oc- able in ail sizes to meet ti- Mr. W.m. Vaughan in Ahi October 8th, with the leaders, finît o! its kind held by te casion was Dr. Al. Politi cf dividual needs. Set. your Saints Anglican Church, Whit- -s .FaeradMs ain oa isenCuwsaH Plumber or DURO dealer by, on Satunday, a.nd thei- in charge. The tollowing of. decided success. The cohonful w.rit hum . f i o Spîn forful iforaton r rit Iception in the Sunday school ficens were elected: President, social evening was held ini fameus bull fights and thi-cu- for FREE~ folder, *'Running hal Thornton's Corners, on Juanita Fraser, Secnetary, the Lions Centre on Wednes- Water, the Farm Necesty"l auda nn. Jean Hancock. The Solia day, October 12th. ghout the showing cf thein Saturay evhing.gave a most interesting coin- A numben cf ladies fromn Closet Caperettes was the The Italien theme was car- mentary. The speaker was Hampton attended the Eastern namne chosen foi- the club. Il ied out in the menu. decora., thanked biTKKm "Jake" S ection FaIl Rally at Maple Topics dîscussed were "What tions and entertainment. The Brown. Dancing foihawed for -Gi-ove United Ohurch on Wed- 's a good clothes closet?" and food, which was prepared by the nemainder of a delightful j i j'Oui- ast. "Essentials foi- good clothes the ladies aind senved by the evening. OrFall Church Thank- Icosets" men, consisted o! spaghetti, _________ offering service will be beldî The ExpIai-en met In the special spaghetti sauce and DURO A If on Sunday afternoon, AOct.a30, chunch basement on October ineatbalîi.No hNeie n at230pm'Rv 22 with 16 members present. A soft glew frein canuies Not eltn i ing cf - Rev.vA. - 111 b The new officers are: Chie! in bolders cf wax-dipped bot- -ge Bowsp a nv withe Explorer, Peggy 'Million; As- ties spread fi-cm each table M-r. and M-ns. Telbert Kel- sic by oui- chair und i I sîstant, Eileen H oce k a d a y; ta envelope the i-cer. Large lett, Millbi-ook, Mr. and M-ns. leadershi of M-is. K. C teryiKeepe,. of the Log, Jennifer bowls cf fruit, together with Albert Kehhett, Oshawa, Mn. assqisted by Mn. Jin Sm1ahes st; Assistant, Sheila White- a tavounite Italiati drink, Arthur Jamieson, were Sun- andM-r. M Buley' ccomnpanied Mr and -issug. Minutes wcre read and 5f% B N SMrnd OMesM. visieyd Ivan Law tovisit M.Ambrose approved. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs and fain. on hià lO2nd birthday et Islay. Severai thank iou cards MATU ING NOV1BE wene received a.nd read. Cor- 1M-r. an-d M-ns. Bruce Taylor M-r. and M-ru. D. Coates and respondence lettens were elso 1961 $2,000 1971 $3,000 ' and family were tee guest on Phyllis, Whltby, M-r. and M-i-. read a.nd d1seussed. Jean Ad- 1962 31000 1972 3,000 î Sunday with Mr. and M-ns. R. Anthes and family, Durn- ami suggested that the sere- 1963 31000 1973 31000 Don Taylor and childa-en. - awr udy"sa- lhtai-y rephy to Red Cran letter 196 3,00197 3,00 Mr. and M-ns. E. R. Taylor M. and Mni-. Stan M1ison and re Hme Nursing Courue a&&k- 194 30017 ,0 wene tee guesti cf Mir. and son. ig themn to write us at a later 1965 31000 1975 4,000 M-rs. Bruce Taylor and ehlld- Mr. and M-ru. Wes Yellow- dat. 1976 $4000 i-en on Satunday, Mr. Taylor'% lees, Harold and Murnay wero 1974.000 blrthday. Sunday dia-mer guests of Mr Moved by M-ns. Hoaalip, Abu1597n7p lVe-.d -u Ca.Aln secanded by M-is. Bowers that 19841000 bou t5Young people en. anvît Mrs. lr l,1O r. T. Semels b. asked to 1978 10 dyngt thank the speaker of conven- 19794,00 I dy nlht.Several famrs onf0 this, tioa A.n anaendînent was 1980 4,M 0Mr. and M-ns. 1. Hardy viait- eommunity wei-e gueuta of the moved by M-r. Ileaslif, sec- od M-r. an-d Mrs. Frank West. Oshawa Rotanians et an en. onded by M-r. K. Same Is fiat InterestIsl payable by coupon on aire Sr. oyabic banquet in Harmony M-ru. G. Johns thank speaker 1 November each year. Mr. Kelth Fiee. Taunton. Church hall. as Cedmus wu Introduclng visited et Frank Westlake'à Jr. bor. Carned. Bonds avallable In denonilatlonu Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Broome of $1,00., and sons visited M-r. and M-n. One-sixth o! Canada'@ Pop. Min*. L. Macolm handed ln Lai-iy DewelI, Bewrmanville. ulation wau aftected and from!$5.00 which waa given ta her Price: 100 to yi.Id 5.50% 1Mr. and M-is. Rae Pascot: 30,000 ta 45,000 dled ln the I froin Bey. Loga for the Bond Orders may be placed with your bank or and childi-en attended a fan-1 1918 Influenza epldemlc; la fie' fatil3' la appreeiat.iaa cf kind- purchased direct from the underslgned. ily " atherln.g la Columbus hall world mort flan 20,000,000 noua showa to their nuother. la I bonor of their cousin Ed die ed lu Inte epidomie. Moved by Mrs. L. Malcolm, Dyr wd hia; bride of Prince * e * conded by M-i-. C. Adai D AWSOND HANNAFORD LINITED Rulert, B. C. Ta15 Canada'& exporte, et !fiat we put $5.00 ito Mis. 50 KNG SREE WES, TOONT Mn.Edwt Ornlutn. Kren$6,857 million, amounted ta si«a..Mru. W. Jackson 8120 50 KNG SREETWEST TORNTOand Rosemary Ormiston, Eh.1 19.2 per cent o!fieh value of handed hI$5.00 given ber by TELEPHONE EMpire 8.9271 enezes-, were Sunday guests: the country& Greai National;j Bond !amily. Moved by M-ns. ____ 1with Mr. and Mmru Tom Baker' 1 PXoduct. L. Malcolm, ueconded by Mn. lq Knighf of Merit cals made on the uicir during the monfi.1 Pi-agi-ar: R.edlng, Middle Age, by Helen Neebitt; r-ed- ing, Capsule Prayer, by Grace Jackson; readlng, Ode te, Oui Chunch. compeued and i-ed by Gwen Malcolmn. Our meeting closed wlth a The treasurer, Jack Rice, hymn and the W. A. benedie- gave a satlsfactory firianclal tion. M-zs. G. Johns movçd à repor whih wa adoted.heai-W vote o! thanki to M-m-. repot whch as aopte. iRooke for fie use of her home James Finth announced thatian<i also ta fie group M, the Bnanch had jained the' chai-ge Oshawa Film Council and;e that movies wouhd be shown! et ail gemeral meetings._ James Kane will be the pro-. Special Events chairmn ('D n Sesio Bihl Bates announced that the D ni5 I f Armistice Dinner will be held i -r -- on Satunday evening, Nov-.1 emben l2tb and said ticketsi 46 rresent are naw on sale. The speaker will be the fariner Chief cf The first Senior Citizens the Army Staff, Lieut-Gen- meeting of the eutumn seasonj eral Howard Graham. Thel was beld under the auspices; Zone Ralhy will take place in cf Club 15 et the Lions Coin-1 Claremont on Octoben 22nd. munity Centre on a recent evening. The well-plannedI G. Johns that we buy twe function was enjoyed by 46 dozen hymnanies in meor Senior Citizens. o! M-ns. Bond. Carnied. M-ns. Don Manîden as Mis-, We asked members to bring tresi of cenemenies warmly;ý saine amount et food as for welcomed aIl the members o!f silvyei tea. Moved b M-is. the Senian Citizens Club. She Steele, seconded by M-ni, 0 also ably acted as M.C. for Quackenbush, that M-ns. A. Hy- the excellent pragrain, and land and M-ns. G. Campbell be canducted the remnainder of ushens foi- convention. M-ns. the agenda far the evening. HEýalio and l\l:s. Jav'ýson of-1I Mn. Mansden Introduced, tered ta makçe tea. Mrs. Ad- M-is.N. Pring. who gave two ami and M-is. L. Malcolmn cf- avehy vocal soles, "Grannie's! fered to pour tea. Highland Home" and "The Moved by M-ns. L. Malcin Road te the Ies." M-ns. Pring seconded b- M-ns. Mairs, that;bas a beautitul singing voice, M-is. Heaslip give a two min-1 ute repent. Canî-ied. Moved lj5 bv M-is. Heaslip, seconded- _'y1For uns mAppliances M-ns. Jackson, that we int I du-bei ta Annie Redmond for Getl ah o ber recepticn. Carried. Cs oay Oui- tieasu:-en gave us a re- tlrougb Port of a bank balance cf $263.50. M-is. Samnells gave a 5 T A T E 5 M A N paper on Fellowship. Rall ca 1 C L A S 5 1 F 1 E D 9 was "A favourite verse fi-cm Phone MArket 3-3303 the Bible." There were thî-ee1 and she waa trewarded wlth much appas for ber ren- dition o! fiuse two populan ffottiah numbers. Mis. Rus- seU Oke, who la also a talented singer, was the planist. An exceedingly fine wall ornement made and carved by John Tabb was donated by hlm ta fie Senior Citizens meeting. A rafie wua held for lt, and M-rseMtnnia 0ke was the lucky winner. The members then divided into groups ta enjoy varlous card gaines Including, euchne, the lest hein, and cnibbage, crokinale was also played. In enether room nearby Mrs. Manthe Burgess conducted an interestlng reedlng and dis- cussion forum for another gnoup of Senior Cîtizens. Thte nncuncen-ent w a s. made that Mrs. Neil Mutton was the lucky prize wimner for the evening. A delicious lunch was served by the mem- bers of Club 15. 1q IRE y AVAILABLE FOR NORTGAGES RALPH S. JONES Drstr and Solicitor 130 King St. E. Oshawa RA 8-6246 FREE! FREE! With every purchase of $1.00 or more of GASOLJNE - OIL - ACCESSORIES you will receive Bonus Coupons entitling you to F'REE -GUE:T.S Catalogue Available at Service Station ~? SEVICESTATIO l'or your convenience Service Station wiII be ovn nfronu8 R nm fn 9 nm. ASH SATZNG&TALUES WEEKEND SPECIAL! BOKAR COFFEE SALE i-n>img 63C Reg. 67o - SAVE4 3-fb bolg1885 Reg. $1.95 -- AVE 10o su-SPECIALS!l British Honduras, NO- i9G adMa Soecdless,Extra 1Large S V# 2' nd3' GR-APEFRUIT tg, lor0wefl shelloutS.frahco*" OntarlO Growft SI40W- APPLES 8b.celle bal9 C gqt.bae65 c Ontario Grown, preuhl Grees, N~o. i Oradle 13RUSSELS SPIROUTS 2.1b 40 bal3 9c panoY Oracle, Golde" RIP. BANANAS MEATY SHORT OR CROSS RIB ROASI n 5 9c FRESH LEAN MINCED BEEF MEIATV PORKc SPARE . RIBS SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD SKINL.ES PORK SAUSAGE AL.LGOOD, SMOKED, GLICEO. RINDL.E SIDE BACON 143C P49c in 53C 1-lbpk 57 C Extra Specluls ut A&PI 4.E. Fra-sted 25, «400 Watt Rteg. 4 bulbe Wo-SAVE Mie LIGNI BULBS 2 blx39e A&P Chooce Quality Ras. tin ao--GAVE 15" TOMATOES 478 otn85c CASE CF 24 TINS $5.10 - SAVE 90o A&P Choies Quflty Reg. 2 tins 39o-SAVE 1Me (ORN RU AMSTYLE 5 2o.-tis8 5C CASE 09F3TINS "408- SAVE 600 Puire bhertonlng--k Off Deal -Reg. lb 31c-SAVE AN EXTRA f. FLUFFO 2-16 kgs 5 3C RAISIN PIE Reg. 49c-$SAVE 14. oa.h 3 5c' Ail Pries lueh Ad G»ant.ed Thr.ugh Seturday. Ott S g TMMSDAT, OCT. 27th, 1960 TM CANADUR STATISM". BOWMANV= OMRIO PAGE =TEEN

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