A a Je M M,.1 moue , CT. L 4-196 PAGE TWO ManersWiiI Protest Demolition Manvers Township Coun- cil at the meeting held in Bethany recently, decided to protest to the Board of Trans- port Commisioners, Ottawa, the appeal of the CPR for the demolîtion of the railway station at Manvers. Accounts amount in g to $3,775.47 were passed for pay- ment. Payment of $25 to ]Harold Stewart was author- ized in connection with a winter road over bis property for the winter pf 1959-60. Lake Shore, Clarke id' a IS. )b re 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell and Mrs. Bev.. Jaynes had tea Sunday with Mrs. M. Gari- ishore, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Keith MitcheU and family, Lotus, spent Sun- dayv afternoon with Mrs. Chas, ]Bedwin. Mrs. Roy McKay, Mrs. Bob !vlcKay and Susan and Miss Sharon Inglehart, Bronte, were S:inday v Isitors with Mr. and Y\-s. Robin Alldred. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Woodhams a.nd Marie, Toronto, and Mrs. F. Couch, Mrs. N. Samis and lir. Les Allun, Newcastle, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs Chas. Alldred. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Adams, Mrs. Bob Rutherford, Orono, Mrs. W. Adams and Mrs. Ross Adams spent Monday at Hes- peler. LECTIi CONTRACTING REPAJ « REFRIGERATION -ELECTI 190TOR - SALES - SERICE T..- RADIO - APPLIANCES of Station A delegation of residents living on South Cavan-Man- vers boundary appeared be- fore council and asked that the brush be cut on the south boundary road, and also re- quested improvements to this road. This matter was taken under consideration. The Township Council re- ceived the Assessment Roll as compîled by the Assessor and [returned on September 2th. The Township Clerk, Ross Da- vidson, was instructed to ob- tain several copies of the re- vised Dog Tax, Poultry,. Cat- tie, Sheep and Protection Act for the valuators. A By-Law setting forth the location of polling booth and necessary personnel for the December election, was given three readines, passed and numbered 1373. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wenryl bad dinner with Mr, James A.1 Werry on Sunday.1 '. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright id wcne guests of their daughter t and son-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. 1 P. A. Tresise, in Oshawa on October 22, when assisîted by SMiss Marguerite Wright, St. 0Catherines, Mrs. Tresise en- ;S tentaincd at dinner i honour -o! Mr. Wrigbt, bis sisters and brother, Misses Annie and Effa Wright, and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Wright, ail o! wbom bad birthdays withîn the montb. During the a!ternoon and ev- ening their nieces and nepb- ews froin Toronto, St. Cather- mnes, Cedarville, Janetville, Blackstock, Bowmanville, Osh- awa and Enniskillen called to extend their best wishes and to have a short visit witb aIl. Our regu lar C.G.I.T. meet- ing was beld on October l9tb. Betty Wright and Laura Bow- man were in charge o! won- ship. The next meeting will be October 26. Lois Ashton and Kathryn Siemon will be la charge o! worship. Mission study was taken by Mary Yeo and Donna Yellowlees. Our Vespen service will be beld on Dec. llth. We closed witb Taps. Mrs. W. A. Logan, Mrs. L. Ashton, Mrs. L. Wearn, Mrs. M. Hobbs, Mns. F. Toms, Mrs. E. Trewin, Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Mrs. E. Wright attcnded W.M.S. Presbyterial al, Maple Grove. Mrs. A. Sharp, Mrs. I. Sharp and Mrs. R. Sharp attended a shower for Miss Jean Edwards at the borne o! Mrs. M. San- derson, Toronto, on Fniday evening. Watch Coming Events for hlot turkey gupper in cmurcn, Nov. 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Balph Virtue were visitors at Mrs. Russell Virtue's, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin on Sunday visited'Mrs. Geo. A. Scott, Oshawa. *1 ss The Orono .,aturaIzy evenïng visitons wit) Mn. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Mns. N. Collacutt and Mis; Fave Jiles, Bowmanviîle, weri with Mr. and Mm. Wailaci Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry Mrs. O. MeLcan, Toronto, wer( Thursday visitors at Mr. anc Mrs. A. Sbanp's. Sympatby to relatives in th( passing o! the late Normar Woodley, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wrigbt Doris, Lawrence and Betty at. tended a presentation for Mr and Mrs. Ron Clemens ai Hampton Hall on Saturday evening. Mrs. H. Stevens bas return- ed home froni speading four weeks witb Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ton, Kingston. Miss Clara Page, Toronto, accompanied ber mother on a holiday to Brockville and on to Ottawa visiting F!L and Mrs. R. Rowiands. Congratulations to, Mr. W. H. Moore whio celcbratcd bis 87th birtbday on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Moore will celebrate their 49th wedding day on Friday, Oct. 28tb. Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Tur- ner, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland, were Sunday tea guests o! Miss Elsie and Albert Oke. Mrs. Eva Tyers, Toronto, visited Mrs. T. M. Slemnon last week. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beec' were pleasaatly sunprised o: Wednesday, October 12, whe thein brothers and sisters carn in to spend thceyening wit theni, it beikg the occasion c their 20th wedding analyci sary. Progressive echre wa enjoyed for the first part c the evening, after whicl Messrs. William Bragg ani Ross Richards made very fit ting speeches on behal! o! thi families and presented Alic and Gordon with sorne loveli gifts. Guests were presen frein Petenborough, Port Hope Teronto, Oshawa, Port Pern3 Blackstock, Enniskillen, Pro vidence, Bownville and Ma pie Grove. Little Tanya ]Russell, daugh. ter o! Mn. and Mns. Ced. Rus. sell, had ber tonsils removec last Monday. Mrs. L. C. Snowdca attend. cd a family gatherlng at thE b omne of Mns. Elmer Gibson near. Uxbridgc, on Wednesdaý evening. Couples Club will meet al Courtice United Chunch on Thursday, Novemben 3nd, al 8p.m. Trudy Anne Russel spcnt last week on bolidays with ber grandparents, Mn. and Mns. R, L. Westaway, Camenon. Laird Wiltoa spent a wcek. end leave with bis parents, Mn. and Mns. R. S. Wiltor and farnily. Mn. and Mrs. Alan Snow- deon, aceompanied by Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Taylor, Oshawa, visited Mn. andMrs.__Ernest bh n e th Df rS 'f .h id [y it e, t. n Most people regard sorromi as a very great affliction. Of. ten it cornes suddeniy anc unexpectedly and overwbelm! us witb an ineffable sense oi Lloss, sepanation and loneli. yness. Deatb bas corne te oui home and bas takea our loved one away, as a thief la thE rnigbt. We are mystified and bewildered, and are incliacd te tbink that God is unkind and cruel. Our heant hardenE and we throw ounselves down in a panoxysin o! grief and are fillcd witb bittcnness and despair. Ia aur anguisb we cry: God cannot be a God ci slove, for He bas cruelly sep- arated us fron cur loved one, and crushed us with grief. Ail tbrougb the ages the loving beants c! mea and wo- mca, fathens and mothers, bave been brokea and for ïlong ycars tbey bave bewail- c d their beneavement. Long!fellow la bis tender îan.dinspiring pocin, IResigna- ttion," writes: "The air is full o! farewells te the dying, And meunnings for the dead; The heant cf Rachel for ber childrnacrying, Will net be comfontcd!" The wonld will neyer fonget the deep sonnow and the bit- 1ter wail, cf King David, upon neceiving the ncws o! tbe Ldcath o! bis son, on the bat- 1tlcfield. Wp read la the Scnip- turcs- "The King covercd bis face and cried: O, my son Absalom, O, Absaloin, my son, my son! But, let us neyer forget that bowever fonlora and sad wc may be, «"God is love," and is always «"merciful and gra- clous, slow te angen and plen- teous ia mcrcy"l. Sonrow is indecd one o! God's great gi!ts. Now wbat docs it do for us? We note finst, that life la this world is God's scbool, a place o! preparation for the greater life ia the wotld bcyoad. To enter this school and te enjoy ail its benefits, wc must surrender ourselves fuily to God, and pray earnestly every day: "Not my will, O. God, but Thine be done." Wc must ac- ccpt Christ as oun Lord and Savioun and bumbly follow His teaching and example. Ia this hard school o! life, t Wilkins at Port Hope on Sun- rday. t. Mns. Robent Rogers Sr., Bowrnanvillc, visited ber son and daughter-in-Iaw, Mn. and Mrs. Hon Rogers last Tuesday. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Smidth and family, Whitby, were -Sunday guests o! Mn. and Mns. IRon Rogers. Mn. and Mrs. Alan Snowden tvisited Mn. and Mns. John Aitchison, Blackstock, on Sàt- urday. Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. Cecil MilIs and family wcre Mn. and Mns. Jin Gib- son and Patty, and Jin Jen- nings, ail o! Acton; Miss Shir- ley MHIîs, R.N., Chester and Bruce Milîs, Mn. William Be- ley, Carole and Bruce, ail o! Enn !skillen. Flying up to Scouts last Wednesday evening wcne Da- vid Barnabali, Jimmy Gould, Danu-yl Dobbs and Jini Todd whca a special ceremony was beld et Maple Grove Chunch. Several badges were present- cd te other Boy Scouts and Cubs by Mn. Howard Brad- ley. Scout motîhens wbo serv- cd lunch were Mns. Phil Fin- RonPineand.. .... Mn. and Mns.-Luther Davey Mission Band! lage ndMr. . o! Baltimore spent Sunday The second meeting o! the with Mn. and Mns. Win. Stap- wissionBanmebers pre Hi-Teens 4-HI Group was beid leton. ih 1 mebr pes et Maple Grave Cbunch on Several young couples frein Most o! the tine was spent Wednesday witîh eight meim- here attended the Nurses' handwork, depîcting scei bers and two leaders pnesent. Dance beld Friday cvening at frein the study book. Bob The girls were- given bat the Lions Centre, Bow-man- Henderson vice president,a standard pattens and chose ville. Audrey Teeuig, secrctary, cc thc colour o! papen to cever Little Liada Cox, daughter ducted the meeting. their bat boxes. Next meet- o! Mn. and Mrs. Clive Cox, Aften the Mission Band hyi ing wili be on Wednesday, bad UicrniisfortUnc ta break and Purpose opened this pi 1October 26, froni 4 to 6 pm her arn, while pîaying. o! the meeting, the minu- et the churcb. Mn. a.nd Mrs. C. M. Joncs and roll cail were read. TI wene ln Toronto for a !ew diays business o!f fnd raising, me: Circie Meeting attending the Can. Indep. Tel bcnshup and attendance m The October meeting of Uic Convention beld at the Royal discussed- It was expiain L. N. O0. Circle net at the York. Mn. and Mrs. Fred that ail offening rnoney gc home o! Mrs. Cedrlc Russell Hendenson went up for the te Missions only, thus eafne witli.nine members present. for local funds. Mr.Ken Kuhnkce, Mrs. Ced- teran as foilows: Mms. Jack Brenda Hendenson receiv ric Russell and Mrs. Dick Wood Hunnie, president; Mms. Cedric the offering wbile everyo were la charge o! the even- Russell, vice presideat; Mrs. sang "Hean the Pennies Dn< lng. Tbe wonship service was Cecil Jeffney, secretary; Mm .prng." Peter Henderson a: on the theme of Thanlcsgivinq. Albert St. Pierre as treasuren. Linda Teengs read a peen. jThe business opened witb Mrs. Snowden thanked ev. bymn was Sung and two gan Mrs. Bert Snowden, president, eryone for their co-operation. were enioyed before thc meo welcorning everyone. A dis- Miss Betty Ellen Kuhnke gave1 ing was closed. Dorotby1 cussion was held on thc joinlng, a bumorous solo, and a gaine liot belped with the music. of the thnee Cincles into one;' was playcd. Womnan'a Association Thc election o! o!ficers wasý Lunch was served by thef The October meeting o! t! held for tie 1901 and 19621 comnuttee in charge. Newtonville United Cburch1 News Mrs. James E Richards, Editoi Mr. and Mrs. McCaw, Coe Hill. Mr. Geo. Armstrong and son John, Timmins, visited bis mother, Mrs. John Arm- strong. Mrs. Harry Mercer and Mrs. Ivan Farrow are botb patients in Memorial Hospi- tal, Bowmanville. Visitors with Mrs. John M. Moffatt were Mr. jWill Car- ley, Mrs. Grace Johnson and Mrs. Mae Sylvester of Tor- onto; Mrs. Lauretta Allen, Peterborough; Mr. Ron Mo!- fatt and Mrs. Elizabeth Cain, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moffatt, Mr. Gordon Moffatt and Miss Brenda Moffatt, Bowmanville. SMrs. John Morris, Mrs. Robt. Stewart, Mrs. Geo. Morton and Mrs. Geo. Rutton were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morgan. Mrs. Robt. May, Brooklin; Mrs. Brooks Cowan, Miss Joyce Jones and Miss Glenda Cowan attended a misceil- aneous shower in Whitby for Miss Velma Jones of Scar borough, a bride, elect. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mal- lory, Hamilton, were week- end guests of Mrs. E. Grady. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chat- terton, Carol and David vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, Scarborough, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Pay- ne, Mrs. S. R. Caldwell, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn. Mrs. A. Archer, Ev., Geo. Shaw, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Keats were dinner guests of Mrs. J. E. Rich- ards on Friday. The Kirby Anniversary Service will be beld next Sun- day, October 3th. Rev. Wal- ter Logan o! Enniskîllen will be the guest speaker for both services. There wîll be spec- ial music in the afternoon with Mrs. I. J. Thompson of Port Hope as guest soloist, and in tbe evening wben tbe Orono Choir will be in at- tendance. Afternoon 2:30 EST. Religion for Today What Sorrow Does For Us A weekly Talk- By Rev. R. R. Nicholson. rsorrow is a great and efficient 'II had a littlc daugbter, .teacher. One thing that son- And she was givea te me trow does for us, is that it To lcad me gently backwand ;makes us humble, tender- To the Heavealy Fatber's Chearted and sympathetic. knce, Sorrow is always la the That I, by the force o! nature, wonld and the ram o! buman Might la sorne dim wise tears neyer ceases. The pnob- divine lem o! carryîng on, after a The deptb of bis lafiaite pat- shattering bereavernent, is a ience neal one for thousands o! To this wayward soul o! people, but many o! thein mine". have gained a glonious vîc- Now, we mnust ever be ready tory by the power o! God. for the shock o! sorrow, which Fortunately for us, the ne- will corne te most of, us, soon- cord cf thein lives and noble er or laten. We must be fort- triumphs over self and sor- ified by inner nesounces, and row, have been recordcd in "a vital experîcace o! God, thein biographies, for our in- as a living force in daily life". spiration and blessing. We must bave a living faîtb Another thing that sornow in Christ, and the inner wit- does for us, is te iatensify our ncss o! tbe Holy Spirit with oun spirit, that we are a child of God. Any person stncngth- cned spiritually in this fiay, will be able te stand and en- dure, la turne cf trial. Iwell rernember the day, wben the farnous English -i-- preacher, Rev. Sylves te r - ~ Horne, felI dead on the boat e ntcning Toronto barboun. His wife was by bis side. She was calin and sclf-controlled. " arn fone-arrned" said Mrs. ~ ~-~- Horne. 'II had prayed about -~ ' it; I have talked with my bus- . .. .. .. .. .band about it; I an not at al taken by surprise". Is it any wonder that as soon as pos- sible, that brave worn be- gan te cemplete sorne o! lier farnous busband's uncomplet- cd work? Ycs, sorrow comes to aIl o! us and as Henry Wadswe)nth Long!fellow says: By Rev. R. R. Nicholson "There is no flock, bowevcr watched and tcnded, usefulness. It fits us for great- But one dead lamb Is er service. tbere! Elizabeth Fry, saîd ber best There is ne fineside, bow- work for prison rc!onm, was soe'en de!ended, donc after the Lord bad tak- But bas one vacant chair! en away, the desîne o! ber ** eyés, la the dcath o! ber much Let us be patient- These sev- beloved child. ene afflictions1 Sorrow oftea leads the son- Not froin the ground arise,1 ely bereaved te God. It was But often times celestial bene- not until the bcloved daugh- dictions ter o! Jairus, a ruler o! the Assume this dark disguise. Jews, took ill, that he went to* * Jesus, and publicly confessed Tberc is ne Deatb! Wbat bis faith in Hlm. seem sos is transition; This thought has been cx- This lîfe o! montai bneath prescd by James Russell Le- Is but a suburb o! the life well in bis beautiful poem, elysian, "The Changcling": Whose potai we caîl Death."' NEWTOINVILLE 1 Brigadier and Mns. J. T. 1Gillingharn, S. A. o! Vancou- Sver and Mrs. Allan Preston o! kToronto wene weekend guests >of Rev. and Mrs. R. C. White. Mr. and Mrs. White and thein gucsts and Calvin visited at the borne o! their daughter and soa-ia-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haywood o! Orillia. Calvin remained witb bis sis- ter for a prolongcd visit. Mn. and Mns. Cleland Lane wene Sunday gucsts o! Mn. and Mrs. Hubert Canberry o! Lake- field. Word bas been received o! the passin, on Friday o! Mrs. George Jaàynes (nec Annie Wnagg) e! Leth'lbridge. Miss Judy Brown, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Sid Brown, had ber tonsils nernovcd at Menionial Hospital, Bowman- ville, cn Satunday. Mn. and Mns. Jack Gloven, JToan and Bull, o! Oshawa, spent Sunday witb Mn. and Mrs. Ha rny Wade. Congratulations te Mn. An- drew Reicbnatb wbo was 81 banquet Thursday evening. j Mn. and Mns. Frankc Gilmen' and Phil spent Sunday wîth! Mn. and Mrs. Raymnond Gil- j mer and family of Toronto. 1 Ncwtonville Communîty Hall, bas had a complete ovenhaul-, ing. The ceiling bas been low- ered, fluorescent lights ae been added and e ncw gasý beater instaled aIl for the, c'onvenicnce o! whatevcr forrn o! entertainment rnay take, place there. Tucsday evening, about 75 attcnded a mniscellaneous show- er held in the church hall fer Miss Carol Reichrath whose marniage te Mn. Robent Mac- Munchv o! Hillsbungh will take place la the Newtonville, United Church on Sat., Oct. 29tb. Fricnds and relatives' fron Toronte, Newcastle and1 Onono juined witb the local group for this happy occasion.1 Carol neceived rnany lovely gifts and la ber own quiet way made sure that cacb one ne- ccived ber pensonal thanks. Lunch cîosed a very pleasant~ I Thanksgiving Service Sun- day afternoon bad a well fill- cd cburcb attendance. A mix- cd quartette from, Kedron fur- nisbcd the musical numbers, and S. G. Sayweil, Oshawa, was the speaker. The pro- ceeds, wbîch went tiowards the organ fund, amounted to $169.45. Mr. and Mrs. Frankc Pascoe visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sleep and daugbters at Cold- waten. Mrs. F. B. Glaspell, Mrs. Tracy Glaspeil, Mrs. Alex Me. Master visited Mrs. W. Bath- burst, Scarborougb, on Wed- nesday. Mrs. L. MeKenna, Jamie and David, Oshawa, wene Saturday visitons at Perey Davidson's. Miss Joyce Fisher, Peter- borougb Teachers' Coliege, was borne for the weekend. Mn. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton, Mn. and Mns. Jin Stainton, Mn. and Mrs. Keitb Stainton attendcd the Electnicai Main- tenance Club Dance at Oshawa Airpont on Saturday night. Mrs. Fred Robblns and Isa- bel, Oshawa, were Sunday visi- tons at Hans Geissbergen's. Mr. and Mns. Jack Camenon and famIly, Orono, wene Sun- day supper guests et Wes Cameron's. Mr. and Mns. Archie Pannan- der, Myrtie, were Saturday visitons at Allan Fishen's. Mn. and Mns. Michael Nenisl visited at Wilfrcd Frank's,j Toronto, on Saturday evening.I Mn. and Mns. Howard Ab-!I bott, Burketon, were Satuîrday evening guests t PercyuDay- idsoa's. Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshawa, was a weekcnd guest et Keitbi Stainton's. Mn. and Mns. Fred Dant and family, Mn. and Mns. Ross Dart and daughters, Woodville, were Sunday visitons et Henry Dart's. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher and Jîm, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Webster, Little Bni- tain, wene Sunday visitons et Allan Fisher's. Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Down, Larry and Roger, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mm. Chuck Terry and Launie, Maple Grove, weneý Sunday visitons at Percy Day- idson's. Mn. and Mns. Douglas Skm-. nen, Oshawa, Mr. and M.1 Kelth Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Min Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton, went to Toronto on Monday evening for dinner, at the Town and Country Club.1 Misses Laurle and Maria Stainton spent Monday even- ing with their grandparents, A. was held Wednesday even. ing, 19th inst., ini the Sunday seliocl hall. Mrs. Arnold Wade, president, was in charge of the business period. Comniittees were appointec to take charge of bazaar in Noveniber; also to cater to tw< weddings in near future. Tw< hundred dollars was voted to Church Board. In view of the new Wom-an's Organizatiai coming into being on Jan. 1, 1962, ail officers were askec to remain in office anotber year. Mrs. J. T. Pearce and Mrs. Wilis Farrow, the flower com- mittee, asked to be relieved of duties and each group leader wvas made responsible foi church flowers for a month. Mrs. Sidney Lancaster moved a vote of appreciation to these ladies for their untiring efforts to keep flowers in the chprci' and Sunday sehool. Miss Berniece Milligan was in charge of the worship ser- vice assisted by Mrs. Geo. Mc- Cullough, Mrs. Fred Nesbittl and Mrs. Cecil Burley. Mrs. Don Vinkie and Miss Milligan showed slides of interesting places they bad spent on holi. day. The autumn colours of the north country and pictures of the ice storins of last win- te- were especially good. unch and a social timel bi ught the meeting to a close. Nurses HoId lAnnual Danctl R-oi cal met witih a good response, e contribution for the tou.cb and take table. Mrs. C. Irwin had charge o! the devotional pr'ogram; Mrs. M. Gerow the regular prograin. Meeting closed witb prayer. Lunch was servcd by bost- ess and comniittee, Miss H. Raby, W. Meneiley. PHONE MA 3-3303 THE NEXT KINSMEN SUPER CAR DINGO FRIDAY, NOV. 4 at 8:30 p.m sharp InPrze 720000 lIize $900.00 SRowhall Jackpot (50 Nos.) »4 $ 1,000.00 Special Hi-La Jackpot $600i Reg. Games ITHE BIG GAME IZ S$450 ini Spec. Games FOR A "1961" Ford FOD PETERBOROUGH NENGRIAL CENTRE KNs mEËNý CARS ut NICHOLS 1961 Ford 1961 Ford ROY W. 1954 DUICJ< 4-DR. SEDAN Custom-built radio. No rust, a real dlean car. 1955 OLDS. 2-DR. HARDTOP Automnatic transmission, custoan-buit radio, white wall tires. Excellent shape. 1957 CHET. 4-R. SEDAN DELUXE A one owner car. SEVERAL 1953 -1954 CHEVO and PONTIAC Selection of modela and styles, most have custom-built radios. No rust, ail dean cars. 1952 PLYNGUT 4-Dr. SEDAN This car Iaoi exceptionally good shape for its age, and must be seen to be appreclated. Meke an excellent second car. OnIy Oldimobie andEnoy BrChrolel Crar DO WNAN VILE Chevrolol Trucks Phone NA 3-3353 Phono NA 3-3922 COUTICE Under New Management We announce that OLYMPIA RESTAURANT is now under new management OPEN DAILY 7:00 A.M. to 1:00 A.M. Waich for Dally Specials TRY OUR . .*. ]BAR-IE-8 CHICKEN WITH OUR OWN BARBECUE SAUCE EASTERN STANDARD TIME ai 12:01 a.m. SÇunday,, October 3Oth On this date &Il citizens are requested to turu their dlocks and watches BACK one hour and thus change froan Daylight Seving Time te Eastern Standard Time Wilfrid D. Carruthers, Mayor, Town of Bowmanvile GOD SAVE THE QUEEN r Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, Miss Sheila Allun,I Bowmanville, were Sunday teal Mrs. Myna McCulloch left guests witli Mr. and Mrs. E. Malton by 'plane today to Trewin. spend the winter in Braden- Gordon Werry, Toronto, Mr. ton, Florida. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton ancd L.A.C. Neil Barrabali of Ronald, Haydon, were Monday R.C.AF., Winnipeg, is spend- dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. îng three weeks leave with R. J. Ormiston's. his parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mr. nd rs. . E WrihtBarraball. Mr. and Mrs. . E. Wrightr Mr. Jack Hudson and Mr. Wednesday evening tea guests W .Cose r ohpt of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Clemens, ients in Oshawa Hospital. Hanipton. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Keats, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp and ICbatham, were week e n d children were Sunday visitor gues of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. at Mr. and Mrs. Don Lake 's,1 es Newcastle. Mr. Tom Walsh, Buffalo, Mr. nd rs.Ralh Lmb N.Y., was a guest o! his aunt Mr. nd rs. alp La Mrs. Howard Walsh on Sun- are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. day. T. Grawbarger', Restoule. Mr. and Mrs. John Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill Mr. and Mrs. Jin Middleton and family were with Mr. and visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Reg. Brock, Bowmanville. Cowan on Sunday. Miss Heather Brunt, Bow-, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sug- manville, spent a few days gitt, Toronto, visîted ber with her grandparents, tbe A. aun't, Mrs. Wm..Seymour on Brunts. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jin McLaugbh- Mrs. L. Lunn spent the lin. Brenda and Ralph, were weekend with ber parents lm 1--=- --.w- i-ýý TM CMADIM BTATESMM. BOWMANV=,& ONTAM 1 0 shawa. A most enjoyable dance Mren r. a aeo was given by the Bowmnan.. n .and MlywrsuppyCer ustsville Nurses Association et and ami y w re upp r g est the Lions Com m unity Centre a t Gilbert Metcalf's, Orono, on on Fnîday evening. There r Sunday. was a large attendance at Mrs. Don Prout and Donnie, the successful event. Mrs. W. Bowmanvile, were visitons at M. Morrison, Director -o Ray Cameron's on Monday. Nurging at Memorialli î ~tai and Mrs. Donald Mýiic*e. r gor, president of the associa. (HopeTownhip) Miss Veina Gay was gen- Zion (Hpe Townhip) toneeved frthe Mr. and Mrs. Norman Earl rlcnenrfrtede- sadfamily of Ida spent last1 lightful party. She was as- Sunday with Mrs. Earl's par- sisted by the members o! the lens, r. ndMrs M.Irwn.committee in charge of ar- ents Mr an Mr. M Irin.rangements, Mrs. D. C. Peters, s Mrs. R. Gerow visited with Mrs. Tom Rehdler, Mrs. Jack -Miss M. Hawthorn Saturdayl Emmerson and Mrs. Kari -afternoon. 1Squair. t Mn. an~d Mrs. Fred Tufford' A varied prograi of ex- had dinner last Sunday with cellent music for dancing was Mr. and Mrs. John Meneilley, Provided by the Cavaliers Port Hope. Orchestra, Oshawa, led bv Ted Coss. The able caller f Annivensary Service was , for the two square dances sbeld Sunday, Oct. l6th, at il was A. Lonsberry. During the a.m., witb Rev. E. K. Norman. evening a number o! attract- in charge. Reading Romans ive prizes for the winners of 16, the text was "Carry the; the Spot Dances, and thoAd torch for C'hristianity with'celebrating Birthday and An- Pride."1 Wesleyviile choir pro- niversaries were presented vided special music for this by the orchestra leader. Prn- service. Beautiful autumn zes were donated by the Bow- flower arrangements were, manville Nurses Association. othcen huchi n the c ircuitA The spacious ballroom was oth e ch r ch s o n t h e ci r uit e ffe c tiv e ly d e c o ra te d in o r- were well reprcsented. Lunch ange and black, Hallowe'en was served to the visiting choir colours. Miss Rhoda Gordon et the close o! the service, and and Miss Lillian Hancock grateful tbanks was expressed were ia chbarge o! decorations. to thern for thein spendid con- A delicious supper was srved. tribution to the service. The Zion Woman's Associa- *' tion met Thursday eveaing, Oct. 20, at the home o! Mrs. M. Irwîn, There was a good attendance. The meeting op- Y U ened witb prayer led by Pre- 1 sident Mrs. E. Caswell. Minte wrerea b Sc- NEWSPAPER retary Mrs. D. Wihitney. The:ý treasurer's report was giveni Minuts. .wer radbySec-al byte Mrs R. erow. thevemfrl PA K notes re ed.yThe Coufort ness o! the evening consisted fWMf o! making plans for the ba- zaan and fornning committeles, 1 1 KiNs- . m $2951-. a Chevrolet m Corvair