I ' . A I..II JIdonc by different firms. story was told b2 r7 ~ I.g111~ U UiTyiropnies Thecoitte agrced to Woodan ut ~ ~S4rriI 1~1 L~esonI LUold ...L.JPary ~"by sessor for the United Coun-I gaine wspa ru DmrtI1Ibav rresenrea ties of Northumberland and cd in te ls j. muSrt da P rtySOse 5dby Durham te attend a meetinghynin. Ph n(AC-3 3ontinued froni page one) ~ f er of the proposed rc-asscssmentnosCelad MA ~~~~~ ~'O 1 t hAn n iv rsa i g eon Club tolakoeaiusapcsM. r.S iclub have now been received plan weekend guests -w Mr.an Ms. . . uI1,ýtie lstwek.with one exception. That isý The annual Birthday Prytngt I wish happiness to. The Bow-manvillc Racing If Bowmanville's assess- Mrs. James McKii Mr n Ms . .GIltmels !e.ithe returns to be made at the of the Bowvmanville artysjtonight. san onine ment should be matcrially in- Mrs. Ina Gribb] Toronto, %vere Sunday guests, Glad te cee Mr. Jini Cairns: dinner meeting of the Bow-:ienCu ldtiraul!cas b aspilr-s svstngwh offD.Dar. Ms.ndo.W.rJmes arundtowWlatly.OurloclAmnvileiBsinsstnd the uxiiar tothe Candiansucesstot he otmaeîle imeeingon Sturaymcebtriesseonwha efectwillthi MotonandTho A reminder - Trinity Fali travel agency has planned his. fessional Womens Club te bLegin edi h einLde'Axlay oteCnd 2d ttehm fPei have on the town's levy from M ýr. and Mrs. H Fair is just four weeks away! 1ittip te Scotland for Christmas iheld at the Balmoral Hotel, wHsall n oay, cctober 17,ia L eu tegin" cae.Wrigh met L h a brds at wiche Uie onieM.Si hv ucae Circle the date on your cal-!and New Years. For healthlion Thursday evening, Octo-waagrtsucs.adasheutheak.im th mmbsrcivd eld will be asked. gender- Nov. 18th. 43-11 reasons, Mrs. Crns isnot r'ber 27th. A "Pot-Luck" Suppen"' was Past President Florence! their trophies and diplomas. 1 The committee will also in-I Mrs. L. Casseli, Penny and taking the trip this time. At this dinner meeting thei'sevdadteewsa ie ngtmvdta h er- h lba hl ol'quire -wihat Mr. Shield could SanraGai, Ot..spet a 2vI. ad Ms. . MFeeersmemerswiî tua ito v -r, ariety of main dishies, relish- .tary, Comnade Helen Wallis, be'l ike to convey their thanks to1 do in such an event re equal- M Saeer, wit hr Othe, aiMrs . nd las Leekend aters!a Lid llt it Ms.es, salads, also a number of' instructed te write a letter to Firth Bros. for donating the1 izing Bownianville's position 1nemoede e ctable desserts, candies: Tom Carter thanking him for trophy which wvas won this frth nieO'Etisrae M. E. Leask, Ontario Street. 1pîcasant week's vacation mot-: ceived for the UNICEF tags ad deliacies.se generously donating the year by L. Richards.frte Conis ae hi Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allin,! r oing te Cleveland. Ohio, via: they were allotted to seli to1 Th . A)ay ak. Tis Etobicoke, spent the weekend Buffalo, N. Y. While theyi their relatives and friends. irectanelon tbe omed aîwrioonerfu bitha ca Tiir C. Lmorwn alsohwon0ai W.v'l J . erying S threet Esý were gua est fivMr. adrni sat along the outer sides facing 1 seconded by everyone at the Mile Old Bird Race. E H NTh n. andBe rsy, K ing treH an-. wRlphAessof. ad .. .îinwards. The inner edgesj party. Mli BtsThe meeting closed and secalyong1 Mr. ad Mr. Vitor Hn-ýR1ph mes.and sides of. the tables were President Mli ae ask-j lunch was served to end thIîs' . a yu people's h cock returned last Sunday Ray Preston, well-knowni -Sbautfuly ecIatd y the e orsmemmer o sisiyarsaciite.service was held in the Unitedî Ani from a motor trip te Elliot i local hockey player, was oneL convenor Past President Flon- in canvassing for Poppy Day'.1 Church on Sunday morning in Lake where they visited o f the first casualties of theL e ence Knight to resemble a The volunteers are: Comrades i charge of the HI-C Club. RoSsT friends. igame hene this season when huge birthday cake. Tur- Nellie Maison, Irene Candier, ; Neals, President, led the serv- Ani Mr. and Mrs. O. Carlini andihis nose wvas accidentally bro- (Continued from page one) I quoîse blue streamers werel Marvel Harper, Grace Mun-i j rn ittee jice assisted by Ray Porteous,1 Yel son James, Buffalo, N. Y., werei ken by a stick in a Goodyear small part of your day- 1,looped along the snow whitedoch, Mary Westover, Edythel George Scott, Linda DavidsoniW Mn ad rs WllamBaretLeague game last weekend att it m.ay possîbly t iecluteso and Ine owerasIuls, ery Huges, HJen an irhand Dianne Porter in reading weekend guests of her parents, Mmra nn.btmean ieHln 1 ltesrpuelso n ry Duke Street. The "beautiful white stuff' thousands of hospitalized !and gold leaves. Elda Brown, Jean Hicks and iua ers. Rev. George Richardson's that feil last Monday nemind-, patients In need ef blood.I Crystal vases of pink andéMna Swan. sermon was based on the text Mr n r.FodHale an white cosmos adorned the Bauesrihi tege Mr.E. . airyallofNw-terwc do her yavea n -j t Plan now to attend this 'tables. Each member presentl The wînners of the at-i e- ss ssn d Beastraigtis the a e market wE. re uy, ah o e-r s eao vr adta clinic, Wed., Nov. 2nd, at the ' received a lovely gift, a real-'l tractive prizes, selected for the leadeth unto life. and fewII mat, er Sund s .J ay itrs1 Chistmnas is only a couple Of Lions Centre, Bowmanviîîe, istic rose in a cutgass btîd special draw by 2nd Vce-Pres-I A meeting f the ne-as- itere be that findit", nelatingl Ani ing th n n . Eas . J. aîry onths away. Maybe aften from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 pin." vase. a brass wall plaque, on aident Mary Westover, were as sessinent committee was held it to young people and the 1 Kng St. East. this cold snap we'Il have a bit in the afternoon and 6:30 iiaueoraet. oceanfoîîows: Comrades Bella Bois-1 on Monday of last week after, decisions they must make in Mr.Genom Hgewh'o Ida Smir- we hope. p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the even- animal. vent, Pain Aide, Grace the meeting o! Bowmanville 1following the right way of life An: spnt, the woededvstn eBupctnT .MEe, n. rnprainwhb The enormous binthday cake Downey, Annie Wright, Ruth Town Council was adjourned. and the teaching o! Jesus I h aut h outs cBry, l former inspect-on of schools in! pnovided to and froni the frosted with golden coloured Osborne, Audrey Cook, Gailý Members of the committee Christ. Johin Earl Of Fair. Vil Montreal, neturned teVo Bw- Oshawa, on Friday aftennoong, clînic for anyone wishing it. îcing with lettening and dec- Hooey, Nellie Mason, Millie present were Councillor Ross, mounit was guest soloist, sing- V manville on Tuesday. Octoben 2lst, laid the founda- You need only call one Of orations in turquoise blue Bates, Elva Beckett, Thelma Stevens, the chairman, May- 1 ing "How Great Thou Art". Asi Mn. and Mrs. Don Williams, tien stone of the new seniori the following numbers and frosting had a place of honour Little and Susie Graham. or Wilfrid Carruthers, andi The offering was received A David and Nancy, Guelph, public school on Wilson Ave.,1 leave your naine, address and on an effectively deconated Duning the balance of the Deput3'-Reeve Ivan Hobbs. i by Murray Henderson and Yet Ont., spent the weekend with Oshawa, that is to bean his' the time you wish to donate. table standing in the centre of evening quite a number o! The proposai of the Coom- Garth Wilson. Thý his parents, Mn. and Mrs. namne. The school will be MA 3-3585, MA 3-3882, New- the triangle formed by the games o! bingo were enjoyed. bes Company, Toronto, in ne- At the meeting o! the Junior't Frank Williams, Church St. known as the T. R. McEwen castle 3551. dining-tables. This wonderful Many useful, pretty, and amus- gard to making a special ne- Auxiliary of St. Paul's Ang- Un Messrs. Jim Firth, Jack Ad- Senior Public Sehool. cake had been donated by Tom ing pnizes xvere won. assessment o! the Town o! lican Church held in the Par-Un ams, Wm. Bates and George Mn. and Mns. Denver Daw- -Carter, a member o! Bnanch Bowmanville was discussed. ish Hall, the young people 'tN Graham attended the Legion son Durharn Street, attended a o 178 of the Canadian Legion. It was decided that no action agreed that instead o! the Div District F Council meeting the' 35th Annual Dinner and Poc d resident Millie Bates called wO~ill be taken until the comn- usual Ha]lowe'en panty they Ify held in Port Hope last Sunday. Graduation of the Certified- on Comrade Annie Wright, one M on fs mittee has talked the matter would collect for the U.N.I.An One prize in the Bechive Public Accountanits' Associa- m.bo! the ohdest and most valued oven with othen municipali- C.E.F. Their new Auxiliary A Rebekah Lodge Penny Sale has tion o! Ontario held at the C u members, to cut the cake. eth avhdtiswr1bne a iply.Asot neot been claimed. The hold- Royal York Hotel hast Friday, (Continued fnom page one) "It is a great pleasure te C lulb & fticket No. 4553 may ob- October 21st. They werc the whene he will complete his have the honour o! cutting1 the rizeby ponin MAthis beautiful binthday cake. (Continued fnom page orle) th389eF JrizerC..Abyesonp-honing te usneMAor guests o! their son-in-law, Mr. book."The Finst Bînthday Party hehd Foîigthbunesp-I COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Mr.andMrs Heber Tog.Ont., a member o! the gradu-- Mn. Arnold lis aiso activehy by the Bowmanvlhe Ladies' tion of the meeting members'ý hMn and Mrs. ert ibe t iTo g cas intenested in a project to en- Auxihîany to the Canadian o! the club were shown some' Cham , a ndtn., elton Gxentaigcss able students to visit another Legion in my house 15 years wonderiiut ccoured moving ChatsfthaniOntuiner r.Nt Miss Vena Clark of the Commonwealth country after 0g is nemnembened as a wond- and stil] pictures of a trip ____________________________________ anuesss ithersn m Ht Uisoeo 5Pbi dctoadb Mn orthuniberland and Durhamn completing thein secondary enful night. There vere about made hast sumnmer to Quen- and Stre. Rs ihrs ai eihUi soeo 5Pbi dctoadbfore going 35 membens out for that party, tico Park by Laurence "Deac" bet tee.Health Nurses attending a on te ufiversity, Mrs. Wenry and there are many more hene Goddard. Mrs. Harry Hosback and week's Refresher Course in stated. "ec ln ihD.Bl twi dauhtesAhceandMaenaland Child Health that Mn. Arnold had been the Rudell, Scotty RudelI, Erice _________________________________ ed her aunt, Ms. T. S. Ilol- perntnent o! Health in Toron- leader of the Oxford Expe- Johso ad A Suroc gate, Division St., for a short to. Dr. James R. Nornis, Chie!, dition to the interior of Bon- cspe t nine daysthpravlng - . ..Obstetrical Department, Wel- neo in 1955-56. She annuonced A cc canthnougotP ark.loae FrOdA pelesley Hospital, Toronto, Dr. that the topic for his addness Qbuet 1, icoPakes oat edIo SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK IIILS Wn1-.Johnston, SafPe-wudb "Among teHa (Continued fnom page one) Fort William and lies along G t ah ody Childncn, Toronto, Dr. Normna also deal with nelated pnob- Auxiliary, was made by Mn. the Minnesota-Ontario border. WCet CaDihetor'odlems Hughes, seconded b Mrs. Most o! the area is covered Warren and as canied. by laes oohtlare aedssahl through Departinent o! Genetics, Hos- T h e Oxford ExpeditionWarsen c an wsmcrith to ld e" asbt gias emos. pital for Sick Chii1dren, Ton- spent more than al ayenhhe rs.DuthantSth Woen' woderfulaifishing areahe ot C L S I FI ED S fields o! mental health, physie- the intenion of Sarawak, Bon- Hospital Auxihi a n y would has ever seen and recommend-E EM o y- a ig S CI S T A T E S M AN ontolank othrtleaders lrathsexphoningta neote plateau in Phone MArket 3-3303 thenapy ,and nutrition are con- neo, Mn. Arnold said. He ex- forik et kate r apes ig f e i et ineglwasmem ens cTeBad-Frts ah-5Pu tributing to this confenence. plie"ha«h uroews o h eDr e wnA!Th etngwsude h E?11t~ to athat teial o the the hospital. Mr. Crydernian ehairmanship o! Walter Rua- 1 t gthe mteralon hegeo- said that the board shiould dle ai-d the speaker wvas in- E sm Sl logy, fonestny and animalsas formi a Furnishîng Committee. tnoduced by Lion Bob Kent, EsmS i fllason ofth riiutm n The Women's Hospital Aux.. chairman o! the prognain cm ST. AND EVV fok areo! he riitive peo- ilary i anxious to do even mittee and thanked. on lft~10 Off regular 78e size - - - P RESBYTERIAN CHURCH "1The Dyaks of Borneo are hospitai, Mrs. Sminth sad.Doald. h lub acr~-Aika-Selizer Miitr e.A .Sotfaimous for heï.c i uin-g. She asked fer suggestions. _________________________________ Minister: Rev A. G. ScottThis practice was fairly well Mr. Hughes advised that t'le',0 f eua 8es ntn Organist: Miss L. Bragg, A.T.C.M. stamped out durnîg the first furnishings o! the new large!o If iglr 9 sz Itn few decades of the 20th cen- main lobby o! Memoniai Hos-L g a tury. However, head hunting pital would be a worthwhileW Air Wick Spray' - - L a man s ervce~ ' ~ ~iior~decdedtosecne A ctio nl Heene Curtis - Reg. 1.59 - will be held anese during WorhdWr l the services of an assistant UN A I C OD R 30hThe speaker gave several administrator for Memonial (Continued from page one) Shampoo Plus Egg SUNDA ,, O TOBER 30thamusing yet ghastly instances Hospital on nimotion by '.rs. Hanold ±uin seconded by (Standar Time) ethod o!riaring e told n, seconded by Mn. Cry- Councîllon Sidney Connish, il a.m. (tnadTm)tdo f ilîntrat e tis barbarie ibs It was moved by ta a By-Law be prepared toe 50 Tablets Free with purchase o! 20 5.4 SPA E:one British officen who had MsO Con ecndd yMr a-hrzeth.ise f e-n SPECIAL benParcAteERtoth Jacks on, and carried, that the tures for an amount not ex- Ulin Mr oglsTnnhl en o! racue neo e in- cl'airman appoint a three-man ceedîng $175,000 to cover the 4 TILT wvar. He landed quite ne.,rr n mite oda it p oto!bidn evnPbi ONLY Helene Curtis - Reg. 1.95 plc wee 4Jas~ plications fon the position. Sehool chassrooms in the of Winchester, Ontario plcmp re1 p ed.' r. Hobbs, the chairmnan, South Darlington Aea sub- 5 ALL ARE WELCOME ed.appine Hay V. Cryder- ject to the approval o! the ~ a e AL AEWECO EThis officer asked help o! ni, Rex Walters and Keith Ontario Municipal Board. The Wi ýE a Dyak agaiast the Japs, Mn. Jackson to this conmfittee. motion "Vas cannîed. RIChTARD HUDNLT ____________________________________________ Anohd told how laten thatiAccounts pnesented by the Tesvnnwcasom rievening the Dyak accomipain- chairman o! the Finance Com- he ncî n new wo srooni uni lied by some others o! his tnibe mittee, Mn. Hughes, for Sep- l: i lue ne wad-' ni Egg Creme Shampoo Ret. 2.00 IJ e.: .. ...~±. L .L Ibnuought ahi 14 Japanese heads jtember ainouating to s7,301.53 îc. .Il à-nfn 'h, -r i- >y Mrs. Noel residence of A. H. Monk and rated on the moved into their new home on rd An Indian Saturday. and ai lfl.in Weekend guests with Mrs. prayers anld Ina Palmer were MNr. and Mrs. Hally MeMahon of Peter- idney MeKin-! borough, Elmer Hart and Ohio, were'Lawrence Hart of Mount with MIr. andIHoreb. innon. M.vr. and Mrs. Russeil Earl, ble. Lambeth, John Earl of Fairmounit: MNr. Miss Lauraý and M\rs. Fred Barnard and mas Morton. jMiss Glee Barnard of Feter- Harold Green' borough were Sunday- guests the former with ',%r. and Mrs. Allan Beer. XJPON MY KNEES! y soul sifts sottiy back er a much-travelled track irough cornfort and through pain littie sunshine. a littie rain. irough Friendships ever dear. ýrs, Fun, a manv a fcai. irough softly falling leaves d briskly baring trees. irough Peace, Yes, and War d doubts more than a scoreý t, I find eternal easc. lien I f ail UPON T\Y KNFE S -Miarion Ford r t t t MY IDEAL to the officer. were passed for -pnvîrent---i UîiaJ~~~Ui Looi iorie tlimp- Mn. nnohishoed afine The hairan, lut.-hob 1 ton School, and two addition- Mr. rnol shwed fie Th chirma, ýî. o S.ai rooins for the Mitchell's Minstr-ev.Wm K Hosindr, .A, D senies o! coioured slides and bnought up a coiIaiint re- Corner.s Schooh. accompanied their presenta- gaig difctier iitaîceý'. d Organist-M\r. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.-M. tion with a vivid commentary. holg aydocor oen theDr cy*_ i---Law wasissdne-i He told o!f the long journey1 vester explained ýhat two doc- 1l i-~vsofo!the up river fnom Kuching, the' tors are avaiuable for every 1 townsbip. i, divides No. 6 !capital, to Bahaga, the hast Iwekn n oia ihth oln u iiin fi government station that had iweedadhldywt h Oln u)-dvso rn 1 25 th 1ieescmuiainwt exception o! Thanksgivng Courtce t Mtc al'sCon- A nniversarv Services na ve along niveut-' niedical staff to have provis- I lsve in the Brok:en Front,i canoe ath we k s walk eution made for ti setwo holi First and Second Concessions:ý 11 A.M. - îgte a ihogh jungle days. us ~ 6B, Lots 31 to 35 inclusive in, to the Kaluhong plateau in Thle chairnian of the Build- the Broken Front First andi Rev. . DoglasJaMA.,BA. Ph. the nemote interior. 1.600 et n CoiitL!Mr y' ev * bovng Commievc, Mn. Crder. Second Concessions: 6C, Lots' e oe ealeel mn, reporùt-ç on excý,Ibnt 25 to 35 inclusive in the Fourth of Emmanuel College, Toronto The base camp o! the ex-1 progress in the building o! and Fîfth Concessions. SOLOIST - MR. DON ALL31AN of Oshawa pedition n'as supplied by air! the ne\v additioil to the ho,ý. This By-Law -as pa--5ed byý by an RAF flight froîn Sing- 1 pital. The excavations c ouncil for the conveniencê 7:00 P.M. - apore, '-%I. Arnold explained. I well, he said. lhf2 aiýo l rtfe voters, and . neccs- He told o! the life and dit! of the piacing lo!f ot îg ,lan tted, it was stateci, h,'cause; 11ferert eustioms o!thue Dyaks, founclations, anxd told (À oftrie~< increased poroul:-tio:î .,.n Rev. N~. T. nolmes, Bl.A., B.D. Penans, Kenyahs andi other ' pluunbiiz work being done. . -olu of the fov. ý1p. of Hanmony United Cliurchi. Osbawa tribes of the area . -'Il cr2. Rex Widter:. chairiman o.'-' fi it'. rt, ciîi %Vacs SOLOIST - MR. ROSS METCALF, A.R.C.T, pagan animists and thein liv- r thei By-Laws Conirnittee, ste- a By-1_a'.ç w oaîend the ZA es are governed by a system ted that a copy of the By- ing By--Law. li aceommiodate., Nursery and Beginners 11i a.m. jo! taboos and çunenis, he ex- Lexvs, revised according to the J. W. Watson propprty ci, ý plaied; ýthe recommendations made the Lakeshore for the regi- Kindergarten and Primary- 11:20 a.nî. iaedseke. Irbe h by the committee, had been tration o! a plan, and ,vill bc Thespekerdecnied hesent to each memben o! the submitted to the Ontario Mun- Junior, Intermediate and Senior - 12:10 p.ni. 1 great long houses o! the Dy- board. He asked if a!ter stu- icipal Board for epproval. a s These habitations arei dying thema any member lied The Road Con-mmttee wvas: r_ fom 200 to 250 f eet long, and' anv funther ameadments, Or instructed by the council to bouse an entire village, he io ros poite ou. he on jIsuggestions. opps. pouse1 motionTo! Mn.g hoters, carry on with iniprovement.ý isalay bil o hghsis OimtoofM.Wle to the Ormiston Road and the isaies ultonhghsilsseconded by Hanry Jose, construction o! a. footpath R EHOBOTH CHRISTIAN for two reasoas, he ed ded. este, the baduai hrwihwl eo ee The finst is to provide safety mNewc boart d ane itere hichilI bdteesofee from the fioods, and the sec-,mosy adotdteamne i uisad eceso By-Laws. tenrnesfrmHampton Sehool. REFO RM ED CHURCH 1~~~~~~~~~~ injuning the inhabitants y1-rWikntehsta I w mvdb Dpu- EF RI~ E C UR H ndt pevntenmis r ni o israsrtoldte oad Rev movehur byacacsc Scugog Street Bowmanvillethrusting spears through the that he hed appointed Bill ne ntu lnhacse ScggSreBwavlefloor. Wallis heed o! the house- lufuir by Councihior Harold, '.%fMnrthat Councillon Fred Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D.. Arnold told o! the ne- keepiag depantment. The ad- G.'Smith contact Charles Ministerutin feats of the ; ministrators report for Se- Campbell for information r.>- fotblow pipes and poisoned! vere 243 admissions lna ta garding land aveilable in t;-, dart s. The coloured siides ý period as compared with 211 Seventh Concession for noa à 10 AM. -SERVCE I ENGIS'gave splendid views o! theiduring the month lest year. r w-idening. This wvas carni i. 10 AM. SEVICEIN NGLSHemazing countryside, its na- He reported that in Septem-. The Road Coinmittee ' Ii tives, thein dress and iack o! ber there wene 1,645 patient the Road Superintendent R. 7:30 P.M. - SERVICE IN DUTCH Lli it, huntiag, !ishing and tri- days this yean, and 1,484 lest M. (Mac) Short were instruc-' Sbal dances. yean. The numben o! dischar- ted by council to arranuge to Sunday School immediately after During the question period:gsfrth ot ws22ohv anîgsgseput îp J JaMn. Arnold gave comprehen- ' and for the same month o! at the approaches t eee Sunday mornlng service. sv nwr omn nun 1959, 227. ~rsdne l nanrow bridges la the town-, sie s west n nur Patients i eiec nship. F're ranpotatonforthse ilingbu unb es The president, Mrs. \Ver-iSeptember numbe n e d 50. It was moved by Council- Fretrattndpotheionser iesho in MAt 3-5037 y, hiseceneddesenderfor' Thene wene 38 births. The hon Muir, seconded by Deputy- to, tted te srvies.Phoe M 3-037 howng he nteestng eri.:1average aumber o! patients Reeve Blanchard thet while before 9 showinattheavinterestiog sertes daily la the month wene 54.83. investigation had sbown thei beoe .. aura igt. !sids« The average nunîber o! aduits municipality bas no liebility, Mns. Wenry announced that jdeily being 47.7, and 'infants regarding certa.ia conditions1 the next meeting o! the Cen- 1 7.17. la the Hancock Road anea, if ~Bak o Gd our Boadas qadian Club o! West Durham 1 There were 38 major op- Peter Sikma does not agree ""Bak T GodHou" Boadtai illbe held et the Lions enations performed la Mem- with the decision, counicil wil Com mnunity Centre on Decemn-, orial Hospital in September;. discuss it funthen, providing CKLB, Osha%%a. at 3 p.m. every Sunday ber 2nd. D)r. Covrey-s address i103 minon operations, and 74. Mn. Sikma has eny aew in-, will be on "The Magie o! emergencies. Outpatients num- 1 formation rcgarding the mat-1 P 'D iL iModern Metals."1 bered 247. ter-. 33C 79c 98C 4value 3.95 1.49 1.29 Ireme Ilinse Ret. 2.00 ---I.29 Creme Rinse'n Sel Reg. 2.oo- 1.29 Free Dispenser Pumji with 1.15 size JergensLotion ---- 1.15 30 Kerr's - in Cello Bag!' Lollypops . -- *39c. 10e Off reg. 65e size Brushless Palmolive Shave Creani 1 55C1 Itegular 63c Pepsodent Dental Cream 2 For 99C Schick Safety Razor Sel wlth Noxzema Shave Creani 89C Hgelen e Curtis - Reg. 69e Suave . . . . . 2 F- 9r8c CHRISTMAS CARDS 50 CARDS Deluxe Assorimeni ivith Envelopes Only 98C a box 12 Religious Cards wlth Envelopes59 18 Slim Pastel Cards wlth Envelopes ___ 1.00 12 Nature Prints with Envelopes 1.50 Other Boxed Assortments ---39o to 1.50 look into the skv id wvonder why, oh. wli,. iere is loss and sorrow xiety for the morrow iear a child's soft crv ind through a field of rye, )ices lifted in angry tone is to shape Destiny alone, t, there is one Ideal iat is ever, ever real is Duty, daily done inoticed, e'en in the sun. will bring you happiness vidends and much- interest you smile thoughi on you piod id just leave the rest to God! -Marion Ford nis UTFAST RELIEF WthffY, GIN PILLS PORi THE KDNEYS/Econoniy 1.19 ' BE READY FOR WINTER WAMPOLE EXTRACT of Cod Liver Compound It's Tonictime. Winters coughs end colds ore just around the corner. Help your famiIy to botter hoolth this winter, build up their resistance te colds... give thom Wampole Extract repulorly. .. start todayl 15 ouNcES - $1.59 34 OUNCES . $2.89 ECONOMY SIZE f SAVES YOU -70 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY I lex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 Got the Finesi Antacid-Laxative YOD CAM BUY- and, SAVE MONEV TOG r.CO' 2 'My SIZE HLIS 26 ouflc2s IA~GNESIA ONLY Z. $113 .1 ALSO AVAILABLU 4 ounces 12 ounces 33'Ç 67Ç THUFMAT, OCT. 27th, 1960_ TEE CANADL« STATESMAN, BOWI&ANVtLle ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN