PAGE 'TN THE CANAIDIA1N STATLSMAN, BOWMANVILLIC, ôOTAPJo YELVERTON a-aiaeof this week5 l ox t- ix Ilitiîtuk 1-11 ('airf mb. Pl- li -vaer10 a ttenýd t10 -,ruilalinis x\%vif, made ni Fri- Roval Wintc'r Fair. uda\ 4c-;~ i1 te I)iham .VU-. âad NrRae Malti nu mi i . :An aid N'ght ai of Jaii le.pent :lîi -t-eek Ori-m nlîtîg x t1ii the Ra1wi Na.- R.!cp.a et tof S. 'S. No. 1 coIn,, and RnO W: i f \ianx t el f x \el tori! plici Tut-uont. e cta11Cnded t i- 'chlimcidîiisec thie lune of Saiiita Ci prae .and i - aciron :akei ixilsbrasieers al, buird lime on Siicli,x xxiiii a x Ialitc-ded school meet- tiiN Hairx-ex NIa (h n nan~ d îuîHi 'l'li Te coiîsidered V~xrNa cou nnex Ii xx rý ' st- uor:he ic I îtilî unew -schooi i ir~tor- itue dwx ai bu ni heu n as a-ceplîed anîd the trustees R i ipli' '.n ci-i. enîipoxvered b v a stiitg 1 leai. % (M ît1d II ai 110uii51. 01oaffîrîtatixe vote o îssue the lir ,nîn Nlise Helen Sti 0114 iieces.sarx debentLues 10 cox'er of Lîiui d uirof NI'. ils cost. andi r~ Rox Sîiitg xxlîo xxa, Rulot atii o 0ftue piesen*i th1e 1eumt piîofuta xxrsî x'îi.sciiooi ofcenitenîîîal x-tage t;'le axxai- î cI g:x Iothote oi'- x\%a.,nmade tîrcessain- thi-ough s'aîlug4-H Agincuiltuiral ]Clu b tlie wn rîng of the ex îslîngi in. n Dunliatni Cornt 'xviin 1960. 7A h glixxax to eticompass a (;iad 10 sCC 1 la isonoui-r(corne poi-t-m of ibbc grourids anîd ta- in NIatîxerx ovîsip .XAlo 10 cludîtmg pr-eseimi locatioui of the IisJauice Tuinis of Lufbordu -ho slifchorx'cas Contest FREE! FREEI With cevpuirchase of S1.0)0 or more of (I4SOLINE- OIL - ACCESSORIES yot>u wvil receive Bontis Couiponls etititling you to FîREE GIFTrSi C'atalogue Axailable ai Servic-e Station For y'our convenience Service Station wiIl be open frorn 8 a.rn. to 9 Winners Pick La ncaster's Garagie and MTrsflAV nnOV 'an, 1W~ Do You Remnember, BASE LINE and rnso n Jak.W ldWe Oust One Year Ago?'M. and Mrs. K. C. Hopkins they were there they att id. visited recentiy with her bro- ed the Royal Winten Fair Peter Reynolds gives Vale- ther Mr. and Mrs. Geraid Sod. Mr dictorv addess at B.H.S. Com- Nichols, Wooe. H r Sd a li n.o shaxa;Mr. menemet.The reguiar monthiy rmeet-, and Mrs. Charles Snowden, Lieutenant Jack Kitson now ing of the Base Lîne No. 3. Maple Grove. were recent serving with the First Battal-. Mission Band xvas heid in the. dinnen guests of Mn. and Mrs. ion, Princess Patricia's Cana- school on Wednesday aften- Rox- VanCamip. dian Light Infantry ai Vie- noon, Nov'ember i6th. toia. B.C., bas eceived word Mrs. J. R etcalfe eft on n n r. el Bo n of his promotion tothe rank Wednesdiay to visit her dau- eil Vaerie aîd Lee and Mrs. of Captain and posting to ghten Mr. and Mrs. Bucr Rot- VanCamip isitcd Njâ Headquartens. Saskatchewvan, Steven s on and grandsons, ndM os n sley Wcm. Area, Regina. as. a general'Genn and Paul. Detroit,' Toronto,onSda. staff officer. Mih. ,M. and Mrs. Alex Leaitch, ht xvs announced on Wed- Mr. and Ms. George Co- Ajax, were Satudav after- nesd y t at oxvm nviie i ombs spent a few days in To- noon calers w th M r. an dl ner a midgeî-javile W'am1 onto with their daughter Mn. Mrs. Art Barnes and family. in O.M.H.A. this season. Vet- enan coach Mike Osborne whoi led his midgets to an O.H.A.ý A L Y S S D C R titie iast yeaî' xiii coach the, A L T S D C R club, xith Don Gilhoolyas manager and Sam Black as KIN G ST. E. BOWMANVILLE MIA 3-2301 secretary-treasurer.I Atrseveîal veais in Bow- 1~ u ~... Mi-. and 1\'rs. William H. Cowani. 8 Pine St.. tonville. advertisement, and visited thei'e with ouri Boxxmanvilie. recognized a photo of their home in la.ýt photographe>' and the $5 cheque they wvon. At right, week's Home of the Week adveitisement. Thev select- Mrs. Sid Lancaster and her daughter Darella. ed the envelope conîtaining Lancasteî-'s Gairage, N e\w- seticînent it'hithe Dept. iof Hîghwax s xiii ailexiate in pari the lîîgh cost of c s jutori of a lien edilice. Th le ri epaxeus aie ho bu- &conMieded for thie I)irioiiollî- cM ImIIItlv spirit exenip]i ihec n theirapproach 10 1the pîob- lemî. Wr trusit th saunle spirit xiii be rinulaterd on lVoîdav exeniig xx'eri the uîexx loca- Sitou of i hu-ch anîd bal il xi be icîlix'settled. Nomination iiay Ileni so . Arte>' the initial meeting or- go out to vote. Nouminationi Day ini :Vanx-er-shsock xx-ars off they no doubt sliouid be the Iast pet-sun o1 1Toxxnshitp xx']] take place thins Miliappi-eciate Youi- moral eath to squawk if mnunicipalý Fridax'.v Nov. 25. froi onme to supportl. If -ou haxe beefs t affaim's don't suit-if thev lon'ýt txxo &octk lut Belltai-t-. Maî- air, or questions îe umunicipal ,1ra nwlwd x-ers5 atepaYers xxh'l-oare in- Wxx-1,k ou x'OuI]d like a-s eî- el lbeinrodsoxpxed tel-es led (andcl al should bc)i cd. ibis is the lime and the gî-avelled or- maintaii-ed, if areLiîi-ged 10 be preseuit on tiîpace. theti- taxes Jump 2 on 29 mls oiccasioni 10 kcep i-formcd as:mI doesn't matici- too much t toTowshi andCoutv ro- Donttxxait til1 next Jatuar.' cone voting day if you go oui gi-cas duî-ing evar or E ebi'uai-v and then bloxv 10 vote if suitable 'names are the vear. yoîîî top. Itlibas aiways been not bo be found on the balloi. If' x ou are happy xxibth I-i our contenition that any' tax- This is the taxpayers individ- 1service gixeui by incurnbeîit payer wl-o fails 10 take time ual nesponsibility! Will you coulicîlîteiicorn-e Out and tell ofi' 10 attenmd the Nomninationi ahink t? IIIdIville and dist.rictiMr. and Mrs. M. Hoiinat v and their. dau-gh~ter Sheila left recently for the mission fields in Ecua-, dor. Mr. and Mrs. Walton Pascoe' xvere in Toronto last Friday, and attended the dinner andi: annuai meeting of The Cana- dian Cancer Society held ir> the Crystal Ballroom or the ,King Edward-Sheraton Hotel. Blacktock: Harold Martyn returned home froni huntîn g Thursdiav ilight with a bear and John Carnaghan on Sun- dayv withi a deer. Bîîrketon: Sorr orprt the moss of the barn destroyed by tire of unknown origin on the prenises of Mr. and Mî's. Fred Pascoe and famiiy. Orono: Mrs. Eva M. Quan- tril], Kinby. is on a trip to Florida with Mrs. E. Bryson and Mi. anid Mrs. Milton Tam- Air. Rail or Steamship TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JUR Y & LO0V EL L 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 Boivrnanvilie s Aau vaia. acuan am i~ 1958 Merc. Sedan 1958 Dodge Custom Royal Fully Equipped 1955 Ford Coach 1953 Chev. Belair Sedan 1952 Chev. Sedans Twvo to choose froin TRUCKS 1956 Ford 3½/-Ton Stake 1954 Chev. Panel 1952 Chev. Panel NO DOWN PAVMENT UP TO 30 MONTHS TO PAY Harley Hayes MA 3-7218 I. __________ The Canadian Statesman APPIANCE' SPECIALS 15 eu. ft. Freezer - $'!49.0 il cu. ft. Refrigerator - S239.00 Only S5.00 Dowvn No PynintsUrtl16 961 Pull PS TV' $150 on ,otir oid 1T COWAN Equipment Co. 1.34 KING E. - 31A 3-5689 MURPHY FURNITURE NOVEMBER SALE (iicsterfields and Home Fui rnishings 417 KING ST. W. MA 3-31781 LLOYD ELLIS SHOES (oricflte ile or SKATES lor boysa and girls. in and wonnen 'ITRADE-INS ACCEPTED 419 KING ST. W. 3-1A :)-539 41 Robson Motors Ltd. Pontiac -Buick Vauxhafl GMC Trucks 166 King St. E. MArket 3-3321 "Se* Our Fine Selection of lised Ceara' J. H. ABERNETHY Decorate Your Children's Rooni with DISNEYLAND WALLPA PER 4 roils pre-pasted walIpaper and $ .9 water container Reg. $4.89 Value 33 KING ST. W. IMA 3-54311 We xiii check. Anti-Freeze. Radiator and Connections, Battery. Exhaust system. M otor Tune-Up. 160 Chur-ch St, MA 371 Den hertog's Clothing Girls' 3-Piece COAT SETS sî/c, 2 10.x S13.7.5 sizes -4 Io6)c S 17.7,5 I:, Kiiîg Si. W. - MNA :1-5041 Lander Hardware C.I.L. Pain ts Enaimels Cilux - Super White Phonîe MA 3-5774 KING ST. E. BOWMA NVILLE STEPHEN FUELS FaniousReaîding Anthrac ite Fuel 0>1 - Stove 0>1 ý\Viner Veather Ahead Bownianville. Ontario MArket 3-5410 O. F BOW.,MANVILLE CHRISTMAS SALE is on> COME IN AND BROWSE ABOUND 5 King St. E. NIA 3-a-451 LIBERTY BOWL LTD. For ('Iran F"un and Fan>ily Receation VISIT OUR NEW AIR CONDITIONED LANES Base Line Rd. ÏMA :-566:1 See Us for The Best.. NEMAC 01L- FURNACES W. H. Brown J. 1. Case D)ealer PHONE 3MA 3-5497 McGREGOR HARDWARE LIMITED YOUR ONE STOP HARDWARE SHOP I>IONE MA 3-33:86 BOWINANVILLE, ONT. WESTERN TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY Co. Novv is the tirne for W INTER TUN E. U 1 Make sure of quick atart ln iinter elîr 85 KING ST. WV. MA 3:13:4 let George D)o It Bu., Now for Ch ruzînaa Men's and Boys' Wear Foot ca r Hutinig Equipment (Foru-terlx Sur plus Storpe 42 KingSt. E. MA 3-3211 J. BROUGH DURO hAil-R PUIJPS AND SOFTE%LRS Plumbing - Heating Oilaîud (;as Burners 1MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE HOOPER'S JEWELLERY &Gif t Shop 29 King St. E. MA 3-5747 Do You Lîve In This House? [f you are Ille househoider of this hom-e, cal] ai The Cailadian Statesman Office and 'you wili receixe FREE a $5.00 cheque good at one of the places of business shown here. BONRUS MONMTHLY PRIZE "POLAROID LAND CAMERA Yes. you too niav xin a Poiaroid Land Camera. Sirnply visit allîV one ofthie stores listed hene for your free coupons. Thene's nothin- to bu ' . no Jingles to write . simply sign 'your' narne and deposit the silp. A local draw wvii bce led monthly. The custoiiicr whose naine is on the coupon xiii vin a new Polaroid - and so xiii the menchant whose name is on the couponî. Sa tisfac tion JUM1ER SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER COMjTE0 CONIPANY LIMITED Guaranteed "Everythmnq lor Buildes' Phone MNA 3-3388 BOWMANVILLE 96 King St. E. A. H. STURRGCK and SONS Lid. ~ Fuel O"l ]BOWMNANVILLE MArket 3-5516 LADIES' WEAR BOWMANVILLE We invite you to corne ini and see our large selection of CHRISTMAS GIFTS 9 1961 ADMIRAL TV 21" CONSOLE MODEL s219. aftcr trade HARRY LOCKE MAPLE GROVE TV PHONE MArket 3-2312 BO WMAN VILLE SHOES & REPAIR Repairs While Voit Wait Repairs on ail types of Ca nv a 80 KING ST. W. PHONE MA :3-5073 F. A. KRAMP LTD. HOME FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS 37 King St. E. Bowniaaiville Phone MA 3.7071 N EWCASTLE P. G. NEWELL Lumber Company We Seil the Finest in Building Materials NEWCASTLE 3456 LUCKY'S B.A. ~IJIIi:~ and Towing Sr vice It's Tinie Now to Winterize Your Vehidle Perey S. Luxton, Prop. PHONE 2081 NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO SID LANCASTER YOUR MASSEY-FERGUSON DEALER FOR CENTRAL DURHAIM Corne in and see the new Massey-Ferguson ""35" Diesel now on display NEWCASTLE CLARKE 2703 ROY W. NICHOLS Oldsmobile, Chevrolet, Corvair and Envoy (British Built) Cars Bowmanville MA 3-3353 Courtice MA 3.3922 FRANK'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION Deaier In Shcit Products 72 SCUGOG ST. MA 3-3231 NARR'S JEWELLERY AND GIET SHOP 43 KING ST. W. BOW31ANVILLE Phone MA 3-5463 PHILCO now presents a revolutionary n e x COOL CHASSIS TV Beats the Heat, the major cause of ail TV breakýdo\Nns' Ex- clusive air-flo mounting ot components on vcntilated base -no parts undernuaîli. no heat traps- Beats al TV in per- formance, i elîab lity an d sel viceabilityx COLLISS ELECTRIC MA 3-5901 44 King W. DYKSTRA'S Variety Foods PREMIUM TV TOY DOG Only s2,,29 with a $3.00 Purchase 77 KING W. NIA 3-3541 HIGGON ELECTRIC Sales and Sei-vite PHONE 3MA .313305 42 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE. ONT. SPECIAL G. E. VACUUM CLEANER Reg. .88 50 Special$6 9.8 8 & NEWTONVILLE MERCHANTS Soe Our GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES One tteek's Free Trial on Autornatie Dishwashers R. B. RICKARD Plumbing, Heatinit and Electric Newcastle Phone :3938 PAULME'S SPECIALTY SHOP Latest Styles in . TAPESTRY AND PLASTIC PURSES $2.99 Io $5.99 Newcastle Phone 2021 GOODE'S HARDWARE NEWCASTLE Santa'% Corne and Gone... Corne in and see our New Line of CHRISTMAS TGYS PHONE 3321 CAR VETH MOTORS b-Oîd -~ c Salu a nd Service Used Ca"S - \Pcit Repains 24 Hi. O.IM.L. Towiîîg Service NEWCASTLE :3251 NEWCASTLE GARAGE Dependable Personalized Service FRANK HOAR, Prop. PHONE 2671 PORTERS GENERAL STORE AND SNACK BAR Qualîty Merchandise with Personalized Service NE WTON VILLE CLiRtKy- A:3020 BOWMANVILLE LOCKER'S SPECIAL! HRome Freezers 4rm $239 up 73 KING ST. W. MA 3-3578 Àm m m m m mmow THURSDAY, NOV. 24th. 199M ý:4tn, iutiv 1 f Barley liayes MA 3-7218