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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1960, p. 14

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tffl VOURTEEN TEE CNADIA STAESMAN BOWMNVILE. ONAMO t7?Tl?)A Wins Ed. Summirers Scholarship Top 4»H Club Members 4-H Club Stresses.araft Receive Wrist.Watehes At Junior Award Night Helen Strong, Bethany, and watches by Mr. Hooey, Man- urbamn 4-H Sheep Club, Grant Donald Welsh, Bowmanville, ager, Canadian Bank of Co, Glaspell; Durham 4-H Poul- were selected as the outstand- merce in Bowmanville. Helen try Club, John Allin; Durham ing 4-H Club members for had completed six caîf club 4-H Grain Club, Harold Yel- were presented with gold projects and was this year lowlees; Durham 4-H Potato chosen as one of the Short- Club, Larry Welsh; Durhanm .1. horn Lassies to attend the 4-H Tractor Maintenance Club, ~~ nm kilinRoyal Winter Fair. Donald Loran Pascoe; Durham 4-H Ennis illenhad completed sixteen 4-H Automotive and Farni Safety *Club projects, was the high Club, Doug Jose; Grand W .M .S.Elects man in the county liye stock Champion Live Stock Show- W .M .. EI e is udging competition for the man, Paul Tamblyn. past two years.'iAspca N ew O ff iicers The E. A. Summers scholar- was the presentation of he ship of $100 was presented to James T. Brown Memorial Mrs. A. Sharp was hostess Harold Yellowlees, Enniskillen, Trophy to the high daîry club -, or he utuin han-Ofer-who is now a student in the member in Durham County. fo metngr the W.M.S hnkOfer degree course at the -Ontario This was presented by the Tuesday aftemnoon, Nov. 15th, Agricultural College. family of the late James T. with a good attendance. Mrs. The guest speaker for the Brown in his memory and the W. Logan conducted the meet- event on Friday evening, Nov. wînner for 1960 was Douglas ingin he bsnceof res- 8th in Orono was Mr. K. E. Jose, Newcastle.' dent Mirs. F. Toms. Lantz, Dîrector of Extension, Awards were presented for The roll cail was answered Ontario Department of Agri- wînners in tlle various judging culture. Mr. Lantz pointed out competitions withDona1d with a verse or thought on that opportunities await only Welsh winning the trophies for "Pinea boe""The s hpter those who are prepared to take both the Seed Judging Compe- j~ romtheboo "Te Sip n-Durham County for 1960. They tition and the Live Stock der the Cross" was well given the opportunities and go after Judging Competitions. Ronald M by Mrs. L. Wearn. them.Wlhwsa rd $50t- Mrs. R. Ormiston, supply T~Wlhwsaadd$50 o .. secretary, read a letter from. trhie were presented to ward a Soil Short Course at Sthe Overseas Relief Depot inth following members who the O.A.C. as winner in the Sacknowledgment of the parcel were high in their respective Durham County Land Use * received freim Enniskillen, and clubs. Millbrook 4-H Caîf Judiging Competition. als thnke evryoe w:)Club, Janice Timms; Durham The top five members in c ilot btakevi eron e who t 4-H Beef Club, James Rickard; each club were called to the cr ontioueds o eynitn Hope 4-H Caf Club, Ruth platform and their prze money Precdmgthereciv~ ofMarvin; Durham 4-H Junior was presented by the club M Prcedig th recivin 0:1Dairy Caîf Club, Larry Welsh;, leader. The others in the club the Thank-Offerinig, Mrs. M. Durham 4-H Senior Dairy Caîf received their prize mironey at Harold ellowles of EniskillStaintonstugaveatsoeeOntaro fuliClub Doug Jose; Durham 4-H the conclusion of the even- Harld elowlesof nnskile, nw stdet a te Otajo g1- thoughts on Christian Steward- Swine Club, Donald Welsh; ing's programme. cultural College, Guelph, was one of the big wvinners at the Durham County ship and closed. with prayer. Junior Award Night on F'rlday at Orono. It was announced that he had won th7e Mrs. T. M. Slemon, treasurer, . Following the accident survey in thiscunyoemotsaanw4- E. A. Summers Memorial Scholarship, worth $100. Clarence Allun, left, Secre- gave the financial report. Mrs. Automotive and Fanm Safety Club was formen h nyoeo t idi W. Logan gave a complete re- Onao.son n tary-Fieldman of the Durham Federation of Agriculture, is presenting Harold port of the Eastern Sectional Ontario... *Wînner this year was Doug Jose,Ne atlhecnr with the cheque. We regret that our photographer caught Mr. Yellowlees Presbyterial Rally which was , holdiflg a beautiful silver tray presented by Duh1Fdrto fArclue unawares at a time when he was wetting his lips with his tongue. held at Maple Grove. 'h Other top club members were John BoughenPrioe et n aod uIh.-IvvlTIIt ereatteded he anualcom-clas - Pnny ebstr frni Te metingclosd wih 4' , L'AItL. Je Yelowles, Eniskllen her teddteana on ls en ese ri prayer and lundh was served WY-EJJaJEiVL L mencen ont exercises at Port Port Granby who was weîcom- by group 3. n bobdtewrt fa og n es.Ifl ht I iwo h atta n The old ord r i ch ngi g H peo ige se ool and locl1odohlthaoderl0oocao brihdt Mr. Wthean co ven r o 20oooin atu al one se n wth ven one ca.hyLungateest had lag ed or heoas an d re s c an i students who received certifi- eyed small tots. Mrs. R.the nominating committee, pre- v 1 4V J v1 . ho ughn te av laris s edoors, ths near atic f vs o pe f y as i h l b came to the lakeshore last diplomas-Bill Barrowclough, Superintenden~t Murray Payne officers for 1961. The worship ' he itriu teifde f. its pylacelopne imrtltlie .lcc rsntdt week when dial phones were J. Webster, Pt. Grab;Gau odce h col was in charge of Mrs. L. Ash- thEudtrimitef.isplceuîprdton s.Wt te inra the cu.Hw installed beginning with the ation diplomas -Bonnie Aus- Sunday churcli service was ton, the theme being "Work.- k VDROH KI cannot imagine a more ota es n eoal vrwt hrytocnet Reeve home and in a few days tin, Marie Austin; Intermediate in charge of the laymen of ers with God," Who would have thouglit, and lier coterie of friends had controversial production couldou tlatner Dinners. Everyone is deliglit- Jean Freeman. Congratulations and Murray Payne conducted lst Vice Pres., Mrs. R. Virtue; that I wauld be conveyed to Urne we could all have to- ing of this theatre than the "golpdited trky" hthssoiutra hmcasLmt 2nd icePres, Ms. F Tos; aword ofpreiereof ase its fate. we rlikeedbtorepresentCaelt.hetiwatch tsande but whatha e elinisola-ent bsteilro PotGr andyw h rivineRoyAeaush rsndTreasurer, Mrs. T. Slemon; atrical performance in a rail- train to Stratford for the Fes- weird and wonderful pot-I bto for a f eelays!oftisn'lar esthise Pr rnClbu hor- a indt e r a e coirinud- Rec. and Corr. Secretary, Mrs. way coach! tival. What a relief. it had pourri of wit, wisdom and! Instead, I hope bfr tscii aeti er toen or m f my!It he paty sary. Bih aind me t uur- nd e Arnoh ThoireChar- H.McGill; Assist., Mrs. M. This was a prom.ised "re- been* not ta have ta worry gorgeous color, woven into the bits Broadway the autosil Cngautosaeete- nec4sr ecmi h aty sar.Bl n i eundedAnl hrdkCa-Hobbs. Une sin of "listening in," to from Queen's for the evening ence Nichols, Truman Austin, Adio, r.O.CAstn peat performance". During about dniving or parking. New age old dream of thc possi- find the secret of on i te daKnPoerfPnypo feel companionship when a with others of their class. Percy Snell, John Grocneveld, Ciitao teadi Mrs. M.C.Ahtn the summer, my pal Maggie with the opening of the Cy bility of "rh'ght without miglit." play's characters, whis e nbsottnigwni neihbur' rng ores nandDona ugtre ws *one~ arolNichais and Allan Stainton; Su.pply Sec., Mrs. R. Keefeinttrensinosento the A "m oesae" plo is a hdefbi- cribeda nelyergowigod eykencmeiin it was also convenient ta ans- from lier course in nt.rsing in Clarke. The speaker was Mr. Ormiston and Mrs. A. Brunt; m non Ston cveingTrnthe iles fcutig t an tpr me o anr the b sicornsta n y yu nn" wryour own phone when you Toronto for the cvening aiso. Q0 Robbins of Roseneath who Missionary Monthly Sec., Mrs. Loc a 1 bmewenfhmcade ter- le atigtstandy ime ahrn MaIbe ix o e kniyasfoT Tefrtuiest rtr were at a friend's home. How- Ronnie Dinner attended a brouglit a message of empliasis E Trewin; Literature Sec, * ment was a joy to anticipate. I arn afraid, have not hit the train ta New Yorktoc-achpeofeaPstT- ever the feeling of beinig ahane meeting af the 4-H club on on Christian endeavour and lÎirs. I. Sharp. C.j~rib c \c* Ito«tImgtfe ackpot of success wîth this brate the long run of:nee otabu 0yasao soon passes and is more than the samne evening. . fellowship. Mr. Rabbins and CG.IT., us.O. Ihton 'ht " IeeVlJa compensated by the doser as-ý Hutr aertre oeis fmiy er lte ete- a . BndMrs 0. Virstun e rn e hii ittlc conspicuous, in a dinne effort they did with "My Fair fresh, ever young prouto socatin wth rindsin ortfrm te wldssSdiHskiPotredbyor.andMrs Crrol Ms. . cGir. ssoint cpelt dapCaarrnomy Themuic s lve. bu nt tousnd ixhunredpeoie Hope. I and 'e wilpueSid rskveldress with a fluffy brown fox Ld" ald"aeo" it ee Edga Barowcoughon1Nichis.Members Sec., Mrs. L. Ashton Mshoulders, riding in a comn- haunting, thc plot invoivcd Who paid ta attendthsr- 'A meeting of thc fficiai Friday evening, and Harold Mr. John Anderson af Rose- and 'Mrs. R. Ormiston; Mission smeedrn t h board of Welcome charge of and Arnold Austin during thelneath brought bis father to Band Sec., Mrs. E. Wright, and Twenty-seven members of muter's coach. I needn't have but not arresting or suspense- mcedrn t be ek~ the Unitcd Church was held weekend. Ithe home of Mrs. Clarence Assistants, Mrs. W. Griffin, Bowmanvile Wamen's Insti- worried. At least a dozen fui and 'the ending leaves one run in Toronto, probaby ad at Weslcyville hast MondavY There were 66 present at' Nichols during the weekcnd, Mrs. A. Werry. tute visited the Maple Grave women, sporting a spark-le that depressed rather than elatcd. the saine wish. evening with about 20 prescrit Sunday schooi on Sunday anid was also accompanied by Explarers, Mrs. H. Ashton, branch at the reguhar meeting would put the crown jewels It is hard ta put one's linger representing ail churches. morning with anotber new Miss Dawn Bromley. Mr. An- Mrs. R. Virtue; Organists, Mrs. an Navenber l4th. ta shame in a glitter of fancy On why Camelot is flot an Irterested famihies f r0o m little lady in the__beginners' derson Sr. wcnt an ta Toronto M. Staintan, Mrs. L. Lam'b. Higihlight af thc business ýinery boardcd the samne train. entirely satîsfying theatre ex- KnPre with daughters Ruth adGaeCormmunity redhp Mrs. eso conducted by President They were acconipanied by à perience. Costumes and set-Ke Po t where he wîhlouundegagoLsurg- F. nToms; Birthdayebcyond description,BUTHR SN E ...............~werei an neffr arostre LF. Tams;B. hd Box, Mrs. Mrs. K. Hopkins was the fulgopa a ohra ~dn 0 <T OPR reprtofUi.Cetrl.ntri ner jackets, tucked shirts and thcy are se loveiy. The con-ec ve-RFIE£VE partial siglit. Wc ail sincerely United Nations and Chris- W. I. Area Convention.heid in black tics. tributian the stars make ta theh OICICVRRA! hope this will be successful. tian Citizenship, Mrs. R. Vir- Toronto carlier in the month. Mrl ilr ndmloa rdcto evsntingtaGode tue, Mrs. L. Ashton, Mrs. W. The delegates, Mrs. David an astonisbing mural and Uic be desîrcd anid ccrtainiy the vvd alr r7Tn~~~T Ashton and Mrs. R. Stenger; Park, Bowimanviile, and Mrs. odtosn lmru e uhciiic cgho i 'Christmnas Cards in charge af Cecii Mils, Mapie Grove, di- male aenyîrtipe-promnewsfo adt Mr. F. S. MalcolmMaa M1rs. E. Wright; Every Day vidiflg the report, gave in- 50lo giutrlCeias Mr.andMr. Tm SinonCarsMrs E.A.Wery. spining information f r om centre "for the penforming Pcrbaps if thc audience had Limitcd, Part Hope,ba an Tor nwrsunTmdamiioson i ilgii h o hr speakers, discussions, recrea- arts" a memorable one. When been able ta tnip up the aisies nounced the coiny ih Perkinns'.lnginte otwhr tien and frani the theme of I cauld take my eyes off Uic of the theatre hapiyhm aanprstagodwcha at Russell th frer ColerHae te ovetin "Remember fashiaIn consciaus w o nien ming a tune as catchy as "I the wînner in the Durbm 0 DavyhetaftonerctCto To-rstood the past with pride, face the 'promcnading Uic foyer long could have danccd ail night" Bushel Potato Club. Tewr ente on Saturday ta sec the R. Wor. Sister Cara John- future with confidence." eriough te grasp Uic bcauty af it wouldn't have mattercd that ner this year was M.Kr Sanita Claus parade with Mr. stan, Past Grand Mistress af Public Relations afficer, Mrs. mny surroundings, I found York they watcbed a wife scuttie Porter, Pontypool. MnPotr- a..Ms.ogls.inra..n.Esvsie rd I hre rehai hnr Wilson's interprctivc mural a king's ideal of an eternal bas been a member ofte5U EE T U LD(~ fandmy. DBasrSkinner antypootL.O.B.A. 1314 on Carlsc prgnam, imncdarge "The Severi Lively Arts dlown peace by foiisbly fallirig in Bushel Club Uic last fwyer CNR TIBlASlUU staycd at Jim Stairiton's. Wcdnesday evening and con- the mette, "Labour is the lot tbrough the Ages" majestic, lave with anc af the knights and bas continued taieas Mrs. Wes Caxneron visited ducted the eleotion anid instal- af mari." She said, "Man per- if a bit ovcrpowcning. It has of his round table. Camelot bis production and qaî' RFIEAINEETI the Barlow Funeral Home at lation of officers. Vcry War. fects bimscîf tbrough labour, been cleverly placcd se that is neither a musical comedy aver the years. Thisyanh OO-SAE-SRVC Onono, Sunday, ta pay bier re- Sisten Kay Youngman was re- and labour is the foundation it docs net domninate the en- (tbough comcdy there is a-ý did have the highest ult spects ta the late Charles eiccted Worthy Mistress arid af ail of man's achievements" trance. One suddcnly be- pienty interpnctcd by thel and an excellent yiedwic T.-RDOAPINE Wood. we wish ber and hier officers Work is man's privilege. We cames aware af its colour and character Peihinore), nor a' combîned ta make hm te ' e : Mr. and Mrs. Don Prout and cvcry success for the coming would be and have. nothing imaginative stary ater hav- tragic light opcratic gemn such I winner in the 500 tushe lb Donne, Bowmanviile, visitcd ycar. without it, and it brings jay 1r -' ~ Mn and - ""Ou .r " aru standing wrdeet n if~ and Mrs. Gcrry Glaspell truick garden ... proides reservm ncriwng any eebntiendo adMarilyn visitcd at John for fiue protection. A dclightful program b Metraiiler's, Hamipton, on Sun-,Seyu PubrorDR'Bownanville W. 1. was pre- MnNIdMs WlimBa dealer for fui! information abouti sentedwibPsietM M.and shaWviidat oran- the type of DURO Shallow or, Samt Buttcr5r in the chair. Kan, ap.te a rvI Deep Well Pump you need, or Mrs. Wm. Roberts sang 'Dad-- ~~~ MrKap. adMs avyWb rt o odr Mumu aue dy's Sweetheart" (in costume), ~jP - maLD Littie~r~t"" ~ the.Farni N.c.uit7". and "Forgotten," accompanied fI ln ill' r, ii A1If i iDiui ster, Ltl rtivisitUat at the piano by Mrs. Albert l u andMUIM !l'JLII s...bou VwaheD 555P'I~~e Allan Fisher's an Thursday. ~Cl.Ms aeadMsRs Pln e ry to travel CM fR Scott Staîiton bas had ton-. Colioe. .lad twostiRoss Poan early sie stisice piano duets, "Fanfare" and for epen able serice "~Nu~. The Venetian Waltz", and PONTYPHEOOLIL Mrs. Park read (in costume) At dines Mecths man's Ibest friend is ecrta!nly no Mrend ci Godgon ro rda s frEONM OAHIo u. any get. rdg asgtmothee's!1 But, when mother is modern she needn't worry about marning until 2 p.m. return tickets for 2 or Mrs. Eani Argue sustained f -- Roll cail, "A radia or TV Sunday. Return Ieaving up more. Available anywhere i face and nib injuries whcn ber programme 1 enjay and would the mesn, because she bas the efficient help of electricity-and that ta Monday midnight n Canada on fares o',cr car left the road in Cart. recomniend ta others" was $5.00r wright Township. Her friends, answered 100 per cent. magie pair . .. the modem automatic electric washer and dryer.~NY R riighbours and pupiis wish Mrs. Buttery tbanked Maple «rRvE OFTA reai tckt aks n dea Critms era pedyreovry Ms.Grove for Uic opportunity af For built-in insulation against washday weariness, instail a ift-brings loved ones home for holidays :Argue is teacher at Fallis visiting, and Mrs. Howard mdmatmtceeti ahradd Yul idt Se orL calNR Agent for scbooi. Bradley extended thaxiks ta oe uoatceeti wse n ryer. YuI idtey pay LV ETR Se youadr esLocal nMr. and Mrs. Bill Hackwaod Mrs. Pollockc and ail others lei ~ t o j deal n eevtasand Shaaron visited witb fr. who had provided a fine hmevl many tmes oveinhper aygn lvg1 endsin ontyoolon Satur- rmo eafo al JACK. i agranon b. . eif ai po- Te get mm am of life, get the most oue of electricit: Mr. and Mrs. Ozzie Whitmnee grain wilI be in charge ai and Iamnily were Suriday visi- PLMIOadHAIG C6ômmittee on Agriculture and tors with the Paynes. Division Street South Canedian Industries, Mrs. A Vast improvement *15 be- 1 Howard Bradley convenor; înig Made on the four corners jMA54l5 OWMNANVMIbfNtiemUn'a night and pot ai our village. Colin Richard-' zppev TUE CANADUN STATIESMAN BONMIANVII.LE, ONTARIO -Y, NOV. 24th, 1960

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