THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANM 1L 5eth. nosMlde d Maple ..ear Circle 143 mondson, Hattie Armstrong, Recnl I.. I k ~ LIwere appointed convenors for O tilS.ç ew Officers the turkey dinner. Teewl be an excbange et Christmas1 !iIstri t Deputy Peggy Wake- District Deputy Peggy Wake- gifts. Companian Edith Hil-j iy, Chief Companion Mary ly officiated at the installa- ditcb. was appointed convenor Braadbent and 30 members of tion of afficers for the coming for the program of entertain- Queen Mary Circle. I.O.O.F., year in an impressive cere- ment. were guests at the dinner held mony. She was assisted by - _________ bY Maple Leaf Circle. Inde- Chief Companion Mary Broad- Pendent Order of Foresters, in bent, Part Hope, and the Mar-, CI the Union Hall last Thursday shal, Mary Highfield, PortýJ .P usWS The guests ivtre welcoined The new officers are: Chief' by Chief Compaiod Rena Companian Rose Bate, Sub-'M ay Arrange Bathgate, wopeie The, Chief Companian Polly Tkatch, hea4ý*nble was centred with Secretary Eileen Large, Treas- al!yarrangement of tulips,* urer Hilda Humphrey, Cbap J it M e ing narcissus, and Mies of the val-: lain Aima Perfect, Right Guide 1ey. and lighted by tail red Evelyn Beard, Left Guide On Tuesday, Nov. i5th, St. and green tapers in crystal';Beryl Hughes, Inner Guard Paul's Afternoon W.M.S. met candlesticks. Roses in crystal, Nina Clarke, Outer Guard Jean: at the home of Mrs Ross vases decorated the other Wood, and Pianist Audrey Stevens, Scugog St. Mrs. Da-1 tables. Bate. ývid Armistead presided forý Convenors lor the dinner A tribute ta Past Chief., the business session and led in were Cliief Companion Rena Companion Rena Bathgate wasý a prayer of remembrance and Bathgate and Right Guide voiced by District Deputyý tribute of the late Mrs. J H. Evelyn Beard. A draw for 24'Peggy Wakely. She spoke of H. Jury. attractive prizes was conduct- the wonderful work of Pastl The worship and study per- ed by Companion Hilda' Humn- Chief Companion Bathgate lad was conducted by Mrs.: phrev. during ber terms of office,l Kennetb Werry and dealt with! After dinner a short meet- and especially mentioned berl -Our Mission"'. Mrs. Chas. ing of Maple Leaf Circle was unfailing graciaus kindness.1 Carruthers and Mrs. Annaj held before the retiring offi- She extended best wishes ta, Watson assisted with the read- cers left their places. C hief Chief Campanion Rose Bate, ing and explanation of thel Companion Rena Batbgate ex- and the new officers. seripture passages. pressed her appreciation af the Chief Companion Broadbentý It was decided that we unfailing support given ta her Of Queen Mary Circle, Port ýsbould try ta arrange a joint' during ber four years in office Hope, also offered her bestl meeting with the Woman's As-ý bv the members. wishes. She thanked Past. sociation for a Christmas Ser-1 Çhief Companion Bathgate and'vice of Worship, and the mem-ý the members of Maple Le-if bers were tirced ta keep the Use Our . . . Circle 143 for inviting her and, Baby Band Thank-offering in the members of Maple Leaf, mid and ta, assist in their pro-. CHRISTIMAS Circle ta the deliciaus cinner! ject of the sale of cburch LAY-AWAY PLAN and ta attend the installation' calendars. Mvr. and Mrs. Carma A small deposit will bold ceremonies.i fo]lowing their marriagei any article *til Christmas Chief Companion Rose Batel manilo rdyNve atstated she feit bonoured by ber nBT A YR vilH.euoneFrdaNoere at election ta higb office. She ÛB UbrYie, .frnere wa e n tanked everyonc for their' rdfrerBrelm K A E oo ises~ and promised t_"!o MRS. MARY WARD Mr~. an .d Mrs. Clifford Er K A Y E !d her bet fr Male eaf Mrs. Mary Rebecca Ward groom is the son af Mr. anc SPORTSWEAR & Circle 143 with the continued o R.R. 5, Peterborough, died Bowmanville. LADIES' WEAR assistance of its members. in Civic Hospital on Tues- Plans were made for ai day, November 15, in ber 9lst M~ 68 Simcoe St. N. Christmas Party for Maple yaOwsFrni ehn,,~ n l1 OSHAWA Leaf Circie 143 to be held on, Recl Thursday evening, Decemberý daughter of the late Mr. and !Mrs. Johnston Morton. AUTUMN he sbadpredeceased by ber learns 1Abc husbad, GorgeWardand three daugbters Myra, Maryï Kendal W.I. met Thursday DECOR TIN EU R and Helen. Immediately sur- evening at the home of Mrs. "THIX" FLAT PAINT viving are ber daugbters Miss Martin Manders with Mrs. E. Reg. $2.60 quart -------- For $1 8 and a son Earl Ward, all of cal was answered by "Say "THIX" SEMI-GLOSS Peterborough; ber sister Miss sometbrng good about the per- Reg.$19Laura Morton and brothers son on your right," wbich ac- Re.$2.85 quart -------- _ For $ . 1 Robert and Thomas, all of casioned considerable merri- All olor Excpt WiteBetbany. Also surviving are ment. The motta was "Child- AilCoorsExeptWhtenine grandcbiidren and six ren often keep a marriage ta- PITTS URGH LAT L TEX granclidren.wa gether by keeping their par- PITT BUR H F AQU A TEXThi etfnlsebrubourviws dy, Ms. W. Me t rr convene QUAR3T5 rom t he Kaye Funeral Homne eacb other". GA. $ 5 3 ,w$.th n ete Rev. Ma n ursa, M Mric .P-o itznhpadEdctonee ,,loe of Ail Saint's Anglican introduced the guest speaker, J 1'1.c officiating. W. Kay Lycett, B.A., of Or- J. H . uerneiti> 's Palibearers were Edward ana, vho bas tknoe h Webb, Edward McLennan, offices of the late R. R. Wad- Paint and NaIpaper Store Orville Moncrief, Chari1e s deli. Mr. Lycett gave us a PPRigSt WNorton, Lloyd Moncrief and very informative talk n 33Kig t.W.MA 3-5431 Neil Thomson. wiils and toucbed on many of Burial was in Little Lake the laws linked in with them. - -cemetery, Peterborough. He stressed that everyone ________________ with either large or small es- tate, sbould make a will ta A N Ainthe estate witb as ltl ru ANNUA Zion(Hop Townhip)assist in the distribution o bic and expense as possible. *Mrs. Carmen Irwin, Mrs. The will may be filled out an *'Harold Caswcll, Mrs. Elsworth will forms purcbascd at the i were among those from Zion for a small fee. SALE in the HYDRO OFFICE King St., Bowmanville Friday, Nov. I5th 9 a.m. Io 9 pa. and Saturday, Nov. I6th 9 a.m. Io 6 p.m. Be generous . . help those who try to help themselves. . . ail work done bv bands with no eyes to guide them! MALCOLM THE MILKMAN #FrPrompt Delivery iPhoem MA 3-544 who attended the Garden Hill United Church bazaar last iWednesday afternoon, Nov. 9. Mrs. Harold Caswell attend- ed a shower last week forI Miss Gwen Stark, Newtonville. Congratulations and best wishes ta Mr. Jim Purcell and býis bride, nee Margaret Ford of Camborne. The young cou- pie were married Saturday afternoon, Nov. 5th, 1960, at Camborne, and are residing in Cobourg. Ail members of the Zion congregation are invited to at- tend the Presbytery Rallyý being held in the Cobourg United Church Tuesday even- ing, Nov. 22, at 8 o'clock. Dr. Robert McClure, a noted mis- sionary doctor, will be guest speaker. Transportation will be provided for those who re- quire it, providing they con- tact Reverend Mr. Norman, Welcome, phone Plaza 3-2297, before Sunday. Mrs. Robert Morton, Mrs. E. Caswell, Mrs. H. Caswell, Mrs. D. WOhitney, Mrs. C. Irwin,ý Mrs. M. Irwin and Mrs. Max jMoore were among those from Zion who attended Newton- ville United Church bazaar last Friday afternoon, Nov. 11. - *by GLEIN GLEN RAI DAIRY In Ontario the law requires the will must be signed by two persans who witnessed your signature ta the will, at the same time. Mr. Lycett brought out a great many in- teresting facts and later in a, BETHÀ Ma rried ian Glenn Shirk are shawn in St. Paul's Manse, Baw- nber 11, 1960, at 5:30 o'clock. officiating clergyman. The English, is the daughter of 'nglish, Bawmanville. The d Mrs. Henry Shirk, R.R. 6, t itut e Cut WiIs mdiscussion period answered the many, mare individual queries asked by the ladies. 1Mrs. Couroux expresed the appreciatian af the W.I. ta Mr. Lycctt for coming ta give us sucb an interesting and worthwhile talk. The ladies beartily applauded. The sending of aid woolens ta Fairfields for blankets came up for discussion. It appears tbcy arc moving their busi- ness from Preston ta Jamaîca and are not filling orders un- tii early in 1961. Mrs. H. Fos- ter will have furtber informa- tion later. Mrs. Couroux was given ber expenses for taking the carload ta the W.I. con- vention at the Royal York. The penny collection which is used for cards, plants, etc for the sîck, was taken up. Mrs. H .Foster read a 'W.I. Carol' and also 'A tribute ta aur 60th Anniversary'. A cou- ple of short contests were also held. Mrs. Couraux auctioned off the ýarticles br9ught. Al enjoyed the social chat and deliciaus lunch served by Mrs. Manders and Dale and Mrs. G .Cathcart. A vote of thanks îwas extended aur bostess for a pleasant evening in her home. Tbe W.I. members decided ta give gifts ta be sent dawn ta the Golden Plough aiang with the W.A. gifts. ANY Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whil- Hall of St. Paui's Church, with ian, Toronto and Mr. Fred wark continued on "The In- 1 Wbillan, Bowmanville, were terest Book". Songs for the I recent gucsts with Miss Win- approaching Christmas play nifred Nesbitt. were practîced under the dir- Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Speller ection of Mrs. Walter Evans. gave a party for their son teMr.Neting codute Donald on bis eighth birth- temeig day. Guests werc Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Neals, Glen Wrigbt, Douglas Carr wcre in Toronto for the White, Davis Raynsford, Ricky weckend, guests of Mr. and Wentwortb, Kcnneth Part- Mrs. Mervin McGee. eaus, Murry Edmunds, David Honor Bride-Elect Catherine and Lynda Speller. Miss Colleen Durham was Games and contests were en- hanoured with a miscellan- jayed with moving pictures soergvn b br taken. The highlight of the erous hwrgvnb he lunhen ws bithaycake red in the cammunity an iune o wofas aitbday p.1Wednesday evening, prior ta, in~~~~~~ lh omo asiigs iber marriage ta Lawrence Miss Laura Hutl2binson, Brown of Peterborough which Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. will take place an Navember Herb. Kennedy during the 26th. wcek. Dr. H. W. Scott and Mrs. Alex McMaster was the Mrs. Scott of Burlington werc hostess, witb ber home pret- recent guests Mr. and tily decorated for the occa- Mrs. Thomas Jennings. sion; Mrs. Gardon Finney, Miss Marie Carr spent the Mrs. Morley McGill, Mrs. AI- past wcek in Toronto with vin Robertson and Miss Bar- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gaymer. bara Baker assisting with the The Rev. Bishop H. R. Hunt, arrangements. Toronto, conducted the ser- Mrs. Alvin Robertson read vices in St. Paul's Anglican the address of congratulations Cbî:rch on Sunday. adminis- and gaod wisbes, with other tering Holy Communion. members of the committee The Ladies Good Luck Or- assisting in apening and pre- ange Lodge field a successful' senting the gifts. sale of Home Baking in Georgc Mrs. Thomas Jennings sang Waddell's store on Saturday two sangs with bcer own gui- afternoon, with Mrs, Hilliard tar accompaniment and led Bristow, Mrs. Win. Phillips! graup singing. Mrs. Ralph and Mrs. Bruce McGill as Preston gave a reading "5:1l- salesiadies. I cnt Husbands". Mrs. Addison Friends will be pleased ta Scott cbaired the pragrami know that Mrs. Earl Argue and conducted two contests is home again from Civie Hos- which were won by Mrs. pital, Peterborough, where Raiph Preston, Mrs. Walter she xvas a patient for everal Neals and Mrs. Hugh DeGeer. gays. suffering from minor Lunch was served by the injuries reccivcd in a car ac- bostcss, assisted by Mrs. Wal- cident last Saturday night . ter Neals, Miss Patricia Green The Junior Auxiliary mieet- and the committee above men- ing was held in the Parish tianed. Miss Durham expressed bier i RAE pAIR y , icere thanks ta everyone W.L Meeting TROUON SAs1aW! jBethany Women's Institute jmeeting was held an Monday night at the home of Mrs. i Emory Smith, program con- vener of Citizenship and Edu- Mrs. Mervin Smith, Prin- cipal of Bethany School was the guest speaker, titling her talk "Child Education as a Preparation for Citizenship". "Children today are faced wîth problems neyer thought ofa in aur grandparents day, and yet with ail these chan- ges the rudiment of educa- tion are still the same." Con- Milk Bar tinuing, the speaker said "We must, ini the. total pro- 98 King St. W. cess of assisting the youiq.& peraatedevelop te mdui THuRSDAY. NOV. 24th. 1960 Patricia jJavîison, grade i tral Area Convention rielci in 1[ VIII pupil at Betbany school' Toronto. and expressed ber H £ O gave ber prize winning speech thanks ta the members for the in the recent Oratorical con- rvlg of attending as the test an f"Citizenship in Can- B ethanyi delegate.IYunmsheouby:He ada."It was agreed ta send a ý The evening's motta: "Ad- donation of $5 ta the UNESCO mommly, samethlng's wrong. minister the parental lave pat Gift Coupon Plan 400. An-'I can't stop walking in circles."1 a bit barder and lower down nounicernent was made of the! for best resuits" ,was bumor- 4-H Award night ta be held Exasperated mather: "Shut Up, ously discussed by Mrs. Ralph in Orono and a Millinery !uir rlI alyu te Preston. The roll cail was !course ta be heid at Nestie- Juir rli alyu te answered by "A change in ton and to which aIl members' shoe ta the floor." Education since my school werc invited ta attend. Tenta-1 days" bringing out many ,tive ph ris wcre discussed for points for discussion. the ce1ebration of East Dur-;If you'vc been gaing around in Mrs. Addison Scott, Presi- hamn District Womcn's Insti- circles searcbing for a dry tutes 60th anniversary. cleaner who will always bc on OBT A YFollowing the singing of the the "square," your search wl OBTU RYNational Antbem and a n b ver when- you send your MRS W.T. AKE stitute Grace, lunch was ser- dry cleaning ta us. For bigb- MRS.W. . BKER vcd by the bostess assîstedi by Mrs. Ralrnh Preston, Mrs. est results at lowest prices this On Saturday, November Addison 'Scott and Mrs. Wil- is the place. Wby nat make a 19, 1960, the death occurred in' îiam Pbillips. beeline here soon? Cobourg, Ont., of Mildred Baker, aked 68 years, aftcr Mrs. Hector Morton voiccd an illness of tbree weeks. the appreciatian of the meim- bers 'ta the guest speaker, Support The I The deceased was born in Mrs. Mervin Smith and ta Darlington Township at Eb- Patricia Davidson; ta the bos- enezer and was the daughtcr tcss and ber group for a very Hydro Office - af tbe late Mr. and Mrs. John educational programn. Penfound. On December 15, 1915, sbe married William The Christmas meet i n g Themas Baker wbo prede- will be beld at the home of fw A ceased ber. She attended Mrs. J. C. Cummiskey and _, school in Bowmanville. each member is asked ta brincrr .l' oM ~7 a Christmas gift for a needy Mrs. Baker was a resident cbild in answer' ta the roll af the Sauina area all ber caîl. marrieci lite ana for many, years was Sauina reporter for the Oshawa Times. She was a member of Eldad Unitedi Church and of Sauina W.I. for a number of years, and re- ceived the honor of beingi made a life member af Eben- ezer Churcb. The deceased is survived by twa sans, Roscoe of Mont- reai, Que., and John af Bow- manville; and a daughter, Louise of Cobourg. Eight grandchildren also survive. The funeral sdrvice was beld in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanville, on Monday, November 21,- and Was conducted by Rev. F. J. Reed of Hampton United Churcb. Interment was in Zion Cemetery. Palîbearers were Messrs. Wes Werry, Sam Dewell, Tomn Baker, Bob Snowden, Bruce Hogarth and Jesse Van Nest. Among the beautiful floral tributes were those from Goodyear Tire & Rubbcr Company Departments 275 and 273c, RCAF, Sauina W.I., Eldad Bible Class, Ebenezer Churcb, Darlington Football League and Town Hockey League. GET YOUR FREE TICKETS ON CHRISTMAS DRAW AT FIRTH> BROS. QUALITY MEATS 47 King St. E. . MA 3-5081 ORDER' CHRIST1NAS POULTRY NOW ... or Fi ECONOMY CORNER Pure Park LINK SAUSAGE- For Your Christmas1 CHOPPED 1,k SUET .- &RD THI ON ?I Carl Leslie Ilindcraff Sale - Nov. 25- 26 FRESH, MEATY, FORK SPARE lb. 49C FOR FRYING.. CENTRE CUT HAM lbL69 STEAKS .nest Selection ONE POUND .39tc1I- BUTTER Cake lb. MARR'S JEWELLERY 43 King st. W. Bowmanvill" for .59c WITH EVERY $2.00 MEAT PURCHASE K Marr's Jewellery Pe»foi-word PREPA;D " ewa$ch m aipr dp g ttcc . Na . . .. .... ....... .. .- ..-- -..., . I I Add. . .. . ........... ... * i' ... ow . ........ - ... . ................. C. I . Mofy oder encimed< on I YCUEDIfTTRMSC A - - ;ML£E, ONTARIO PAGE THREU maaturity, provide both a tech  A Gillbanks; towel set-Mrs. Al-! -Mrs. Maurice Bradley; haqi. rilcal and prafessianal train- iM anvers W . A vi Porter; cup and saucer- -Velma Guthrie, Millbrookc ing which wil çirectly pre- Madeline Boggs; tea pot-Mrs.ý shampoo and set - Maureeii. pare hirn for his job in life, C Ivan Kellett, tiered plate-i Bradley; candy dish-Agnetr and also a Jiberal educationiennfl Sale. Mary Pat Bradley; apron-, Martichenko, Bethany; oniont, designed ta help him ta dev- Gwen Ough; nylons-Madeliene -Maurice Mitchell; ash tray-w ela hi paentaliiesflo any f __ N.A *Boggs; sait and peppers-Thel- Mrs. Walter Argue, Pt. Hope- as a carpenter or a plumber, rizeWn]flners ma Gilbanks; glass bowl-Mrs. dresser scarf - Mrs. McLeodZ or a Doctar or Lawyer, but . Alvin Porter; devilled egg tray Ancaster; bot pad--M a r 1ao n. simply as a human being. Following are the winners' -Shirley'McGiUl; cup and sau- Hetheri.ngton; towel - Mrsp From Canadian schools mustiin the Manvers W. A. Penny cer-Mrs. Leslie Argue; cas- Porter, Toronto; ash tray-e corne that important product, Sale held recently: Parsnips- metics-Mrs. H. Thompson; ap- Tommy Wbrr; bun basket--, competent personnel, that Marion Hetherington, Toronta; ron-Mrs. Rita Falls, Africani?,Mrs. Cheshire; glass dish- will keep Canadian wheels. garbage can-Mrs. Earl Fallis; violet-Mabel Baskerville; doi-1 Mrs. John Worr, cup and sau.: turning while Canada's des- 'tea tawels-Rita Falls, apron- lie-Mad. Bloggs; p i t c h e r- cer-Ruth Bresinan, Pt. Col% tiny unfolds. Some business! Mrs. Leonard Porter; table mat Murray Porter; clothes pin ap-i borne; carrots-Mr. E. Cavano>.. executives have voiced grave -Ron. Van Wieriengen; socks ron-Mrs. Cheshire-, plate and! cake pan-Mrs. Williams, Pt..- concern at the inability of ---Mrs. E. Fallis; pillow cases guest towel-Mrs. Jim MeMul-! Hope; planter - Mrs. Murraey many. high school graduates -June MacGregor, Hamilton; len; carrots-Mrs. Alvin Par- Logan; doiie-Mrs. Cheshire>. ta write straight-forward, con- beads-Mrs. Ed. Youngman; ter; pillow cases-Mrs. Wilmot glass dish-Mrs. Murray Par- vincing Englîsh. Others have doilie-Barbara White. apron- Horner; billfold - Madeleine ter; sait and pepper -Gloriaw serious misgîvings regarding Mrs. Browning. Hamilton; but- Boggs; cup and saucer-Mrs.' Suffield, Windsor; glass dishi--.,. the present tendency ta teach ter d1sh-Glorîa S u f f i e 1 d, H. Tbompson; cup and saucer Mrs. Deug. Fallis; pickles-. a child only that in which he Windsor; apron - Mrs. Doug. -Mrs. Cecil Argue, Toronta; Mrs. Tom Ward; refrjg. bowls* displays an interest. The func- Fallis; refrig. bowls-Mrs. Ber- onions-Mr. E. Cavano; gladioli -Gertrude Johnston, Toronto*-* tian of education should be ta nice Stark; fruit centerpiece- bulbs-Mrs. T. A. McCamus; crocheted shoes-Dora Young-O- enrich the mmnd, not iust in- Mrs. Murray Logan; toiletry tea towels-MrIs. Thos. Ward; man, lighter set-Donna Pa r-'" terest it. The years of edu- case-Murray Porter; cheese luncheon clath set-Mrs. C. ter; carrots-Mrs. Murray Por*Î cation should lay the founda- dish-Johnriy Van Wieriengen; Ashton, Burketan: apron-Jim- ter; towel-Gladys Wood; ap-. tian for future development picture-Mr. Walter F a 11 i s; my Tyrrel;, towel st-Made ron-Mrs. Keith Fairbairn; ashv, on a broad basis. Education towel and wash cloth-Mrs. leine Bg; sugrand cream raeacnaye tlphn should also be for leadership Alvin Olan; wallet-Mrs. Joyce -Mrs. Rita Falls; sait and pep-1 index--Maurice Mitchell; pi-., and sbould set a high chalper-Mrs. Cheshire; table cloth, law cases--Mrs. Murray Log-. lengefr. esoa"aev-dent, gave a' very comprehen- -Ed Youngman; pillow cases 1 an; apron-Mrs. Muir, Caledon..,1 ment."sive report of the recent Cen-.I