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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1960, p. 4

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THIJRSDAY, NOV. 24th, !90U T~E f~A?.7AflTA~E ~'rA 'rV<~iA ¶~ 9f t~'Iff A M~??? Il' ~.ttPt' A EDITOKIAL COMMENT It iust Doesn't Seem Right For many years, The Canadian Statesman has always contained an editorial at this time of year stressing the great responsibility citizenis have 'n attending municipal nomination meet- ings and allowing their names to stand for clvic electian. This year there is something miss- Ing for the first time. Bowmanville wiIl have no nomination meeting, no election - nothing.. This is the off year because the two year term started last January. Somehow, it just doesn't seem natural or right, but ye electorate passed it and until they decide to change the system, we are stuck with it. How- ever, in ail fairness, we do believe that very few would wish to return to the old annual elections. The present niethad gives municipal officers an excellent apportunity of carrying through their programs without being rushed. It enables them to plan more leisurely and extensively, knowing that they have two years ta. show resuits for their actions. But, such is not the case in the sur- rounding areas. Most of them will hold Recent figures released by the federal labor department indicate that Canada's farm labor force is continuing to decline, but in Durham there is no evidence of any slackening farm activ- ity or interest. To us, Junior Farmers' Award Night, last Friday at Orono, speaks for itself in this regard. When a couple of hundred youngsters show such an enthusiasm for 4-H Club compe- titions of many kinds, the future of farming in this area should be bright. Much of the credit for this enthus- iasm by young farmers must go ta the high caliber of Provincial Agricultural Representatives who have given the lead here in this work for many years. Many of the young men and women who through the efforts of the late Ed. Surnmers became convinced that there was an excellent future in farming, have remained on the farms and become the leaders who are encaurag- ing, coaching and guiding the new crop of future farmers. Fortunately, Mr. Summers was iollowed by another outstanding man, This might very well be termed Royal Commission Year, with so many of our problenis under study by experts that the cost cf preparing briefs must be staggering. Also, for the average layman, including us weekly editors, the rn'aterial being accumulated on these subjects is so extensive that there is very little hope of f inding time ta give them the study they deserve. 0f particular interest are the studies being made an the auto indus- try and, more recently, the one now at Its peak concerning the periodicai f ield. While bath are different in many re- spects, they also are similar ta the de- gree that neither probe would have been necessary had some section ai this economy nat been hurt by imports frani oether countries. I the periodical or magazine f ield, at least two major US. publications have made extensive invasions in the past few years by producing gimmîck, so-called Canadian editions. A bit ai Canadian news has been added ta the regular American edition, enabling these magazines ta build their sub- seriptian lists in this country and, more important, enabling them ta sell adver- tising in large quantities ta Canadian finms. Fearing that other U.S. mag- azines couN follow-this comparatively "'cheap" example and eventually take ever the Canadian periodical field ai- niost completeiy, the large Canadian publishers have appealed to the govern- nment for heip. It wiil be recalled that the former Liberal gavernment met the ehailenge by imposing a special tax on these invaders, but this was removed by the present administration. We in the weekiy newspaper field are in sincere sympathy with our magazine publishing colleagues in Cana- da. They are doing an excellent job of promoting our Canadian way of life and keeping alive the history and tra- ditions of this country. Certainl'y, their success and veritable existence could be threatened by an extension ai the practice which allows Canada ta be flooded with a spili-over of corn- paratively low-cost publications from the United States or any other Country. If the situation were reversed, we have ino doubt that the United States authori- ties wauid move qulckly and ruthlessly Oliver A. Dalrymple, a hard-working, knowledgeable representative, who in a short time has won the confidence of the young people with the resuit that at present there must be even more 4-H groups at work than formerly. Sa long as we have this type of leadership, plus the willing sacrifice o: time and effort by those who in ear1ier years were the 4-H Club members, we have no hesitation in farecasting that this is onie county which will continue ta hold its head high, proud of its farm- ing reputation. In this cannection, Durham County fariners certainly excelled themselves inl sa many competitians at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair this year thal aur reputation as a top agricultural area must be even more widespread than ever. Our sincere congratulations tc every man and womnan, adult and ado. lescent, who has the courage ta believe there will always be a worthwhile future for the good farmer who enjoys his work and knaws what he is doing. ta stop il and proteet their own. At the moment, the U.S. post office even grants special rates ta these publica- tions, encouraging theni ta extend their influence outside the confines ai the U.S. The cammisgioners have no easy task in determining wbat action bhey should recommend, but being weli- acquainteti with at least two ai them, we have every confidence that they will came Up with a workable solution. The magazine publishers, however, are nat the only anes who are suffering from U.S. invasion of one kind or an- other. Every rebailer must have sbud- dered last week when he saw the huge advertisements announcing the opening ai U.S. owned discount bouses in Canada. These wili add yet anather difficulty ta their problems of trying ta make ends meel. We, in bhe weckiy newspaper field, aiso have problems connected with a diminishing volume ai national advertising. This opposition is flot necessarily af U.S. origin, but there is a tic in because a portion of aur form- er revenue must now be gaing ta sanie of the Canadian editiohs ai U.S. publica- tions. Il is also being diverted int the multi-color magazine sections of the weekend daily papers, which in sanie cases are printed in bbe United States, as well as into Canadian magazines. Possibly our.biggest competitor for tbe langer advertiser accaunts is television which is so expensive even tbough sub- sidized taxpayers that adverlisers feel they cannot afford la use this medium and the weeklics boa. Our printing departments aiso have suifer- ed because ai the inroads ai duplicating machines which are now almosl stand- ard equipment in schois, churchies and factories. Sa, while we are sympathetic la the Canadian magazine publishers who also have taken sanie ai aur former business, we hope bbc ioderai gavern- nment will think very seriousiy before il again imposes a tax an advertisiag content. This is anc fieldi which s0 lai' bas escaped bbc cagle oye af the tax collector and we in the town weekly field vicw with alanm what appears la be the thin edge of a wcdge being aim- ed in that direction, Surely, there nmust ho a better way ta avercome the diii i- culty. ,%tatetmn Durham nCounty 3 Great Family journal Estcibilh.d 106 yecars urgo in 1854 Aise Incorporcuting The Bawmnviîî. New& The Noecauîl Independent The ~:Oronc New& ~ Produced Every Thuru*day by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 82-66 Kng Si. W., Bowrnmnvîile, ontcrio JOHN M. JMMES GEO. W. GRAHAM ADVM MMACAU SUBSCRIPTION RATES a4.0Tom.., outrictu I dvane. 5.00 a YomI la1 awa GEO. P. MORRIS Busuoes Mra. the United States Do ff Hiats to Canada's 4-H Clubs itheir nomination days as usual this iyear, with Friday of this week being the selected date. From information which we have received, there should be some warm, possibly heated discus- sions at some of them, if they live up to the advance notices. In others, un- fortunately, only a few ratepayers will turn up at the meetings to hear the reports from the politicians and fewer still will ask any questions of those seeking election. In these days when the business of local governmhent is becoming more and more complicated; when zoning by- laws, building codes and ail the rest tend ta confuse the council and the electorate, it is most important that good men and women are eiected to run our coxumunities' affairs. We urge each and every one of you to attend your local nomination meet- ing so that you wil have a better idea of what is happening in your area. Your councillors who have worked hard ail year will be happy to see you and will relish any questions you may have. Don't let them down. Four hats f ly through the air fromn four pretty misses of Canada's 4-H clubs. The girls were among 149 boys and girls fromn 4-H clubs across the country who visited Ottawa and Toronto in connection with the group's 29th international gathering recently. From Ieft are: Marilyn Barnes, Shoal Harbour, Nfld.; Betty Allison, Ladysmith, B.C.; Donna d'Entremont, LoxVer East Pub- nico. NS.; and Donna I-aggerty of Pense, Sask. Durham's 4-H clubs were represented by Miss Pat Knox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, R.R. 1, Hamp to n. it r e Th ote chbig w ieToe iinwius were a con ii ce t.~we miaclemeiCUg AJVe. infliIftwe'l]. DUadjusteda ater hatenihbga-te Exhibition Park. Toronto,l 1918, whenaoui, Division re- tinual source of amusement,lMy own life bas undergone ai another 10 years, And when ulYsleepy, 1wn to bed during the wic'ter of 1914-15,1 lieved the British Guards, and delight and irritation. Welgenerai uprooting that bas that happens, Fm gOingà o -quite early, bad a good snloozej and helpin-. in April, 1915, to we were stock in the "llinoe" for made many frientis who werel made it almost unrecogniz- leap o111. of my rut againM wokc np about 2 a.m.. couldn'tidrýy-nurse 1. 84 horses across.:a continuonus 92 days because a continuai source of good fiun, able. For example: I used to.ý head fnr another one, w -M rgo back to sleep, sa Iistened to the *'herring pond", to Bighty.1the Limey Generals refused to good food, gaod talk and bad put on 14 storm windows1 ever the cost. Maybe go Sthe wind bowling through the I remembered crossing the' release us to aur own Corps whisky. eveirj fall; bere I just slidei farming. 1TV aerial. and got bo thinking, English Channel in 1915. laý Commander, Sir Arthur Cur- about thec significance of Re- France and Belginm, where weýrie.f brought back oid forgotten tmembrance Day. which, in learned to, exist with short Renicmbered l.oo. , h '- d î r mernorie of my yonthful dlays" 1turn, startcd nie remcmberingi rations, lice. slime, rats, wetilast 100 dayso 1twaxhe in rs 112e lin over 50 years. lying lleedding, bo£embtser Iighe exploto- go.i1hope fthaiyoti will con- things filai have been 1yn.idng obhihepo-wc'piished Ille gru'al, xermani lhauet' t do more Of this sort dormant in the ahi "think box1 jve sheils, mud. gas. sudiden rnilfnr machine towards his' Box 1123, passing of Ada Dadson.Ofwiigan ehpevt, attic"', lcr Vears. death. and wherv. Our fanOusýowi1 baiiwick, resulting in an Bowmanville, Ont,. I can't remember bow Or0f xritinassembehaps n oo 1Iueniemibcred ni' sister boost- unit xwon acclaira for niany Armistlice. Nov. 20, 1960 wben I first came ta k-now om ing me, a six-yeac-old, on b ýfine soldierly exploits, includ-, 1 remembrd'ihe 10 young Dear Mr. James: Ada, but il was over 10 years fo. ulydaw icu b ler shoulder i ordier that Il ing the first daylight bornbing men af our~ battalion, nieetn ago. 1 came to know more Thutflydaaicre might scec Biitaiiin's leroes re-Iraid on enemy trenches; the det ut2 or eoe the May î~, througb your paper, about bier bbrougb ber mather, of this sort really bell the bis- turniiig from thc South Aftri can1 capture of the siigar refinery cease fie sotindcd. 1 rememn- pay tribute ta a wonderful wben Ada had ber major op- tory of a place. Ia my travel- 3War, amiong whorn. \vere Gen--oni the Somme, 1916. wherc we!bert'ed heing witlîflic Army of girl? eration and was on a Stikrligaround and always visit. erals Buller. Roberts anid werc the first Caniadians to USe*cuto Gravad Last week, as you know. we frame for so many weeks. As: ing the publie library iii Kitcerer ridng,,thoi beirIiýlhenewl ithnt' long trek back to Canada, were saddened at the sudden my husband bad bad a banie every towa ITarn anlazed how ful chargers thcongh London's'1 thoughit of Virny Ridge ncîmnîn ata.pelosgaltow a oehn in littie local history they hava 'dene. elcmiig cowd: ad1 917 whrc ~Lîzic Baks ttle oid document conmmonly man and Debbie were ta common b btalk about. 1 knowontirhevsItsagea there xvas the lady \vho sobbed risked bis lite, in broad day- referred ta as the Army dis- Orillia Saturday ta sec Fran- wbat Ada went through and shamne, 1 feel. noita keep a because lier Jim \X,ýLisn't coai- iighit, ta belp nie out af a very charge papier. ces. how brave she was. raal eoda oeo h 1n al eaueaBc ullet nasty, situation, anîd bow, six tneilîdhebhjis RoSeespntewek Hwer.I o ctznsndwa adfad fonnd r Us1mo mark.r a P.-s months 1fichih ins oySlaterntte ee- oate. dPassehendahvedoc orthclcon 1 cremeîd ow :ad was mca and animais sîîffocated Ilo of flue 192«1 Corpîs Reunion, in end with bis sister, Mrs. Lena enjoying fellowship and friend- nthty.hv ocfrterc tb( firsu iiitar iitîîneil h 'de-ith lainhe hicllish muuid;i Toroîin. W1' we slept la Kerby in Toronta. sbip wîth Ada in the Business 1mnnity.kthtwthflf e sPV a "îIn ecae]W here a mile . slowl siniuilrn'hianlteis, in il lînse box Mr. and Mrs. George Mac- and Professionai Wiomen's iwodthkthtwh h hv îore~:11e casket' in the' s]ime. turnd his bieadistaîl. Visiied tefric ilI Vil- Donald spent Sunday with her Club. She was always readyBihsMc.ugin. ase, 1). e h fil î actwadm, writb sîîh a I)lead - lage" iin tht' Coliseum., etc. And mother, Mrs. Selleck al, Om- to take ber part and share in etc., in youir neighborhood. wil 'tt r'viui, iucludingliuug look that; 1 ended liis1 I lhave iont arpotien thiese emee. the respoasibilîties of bbe Club. ta ~~cudbr palta mut w"d oi îns i misery with a builet, tllelli liret' lectue d;zivs <if the' 19.38 Mrs. E. Couroux, Ray and When the St. John's Church very readlable profiles, includ.. Tlui. 1' U lilie i1\tîi 19; cried Coiî ilion, in Toronto, Marie and-Mrs. Wm. Mercer Guildettes beld a tea il was aliglIacl cTvsM enls~ u f'uhlccafaItht'; 1 remembered flie Germnan w"c 'en met cairade,; whom spent the *~eekend in Tor- wci aplasrJ.baeAd Fnick, W. W.nd TambelIyn, Firt \x i id War; tr;aiuîig ila -break -th rough" in March, ""llut .rili2)years, anta visiting Ray Marres and "wait" onus. Sthe aîwea* s JducGil.fillan and the r~.ri aund eederi lwi? 10 toget, Mr. and Mrs. hale ochgeeduswbasieaneuctr.Tres h - back tarc nia' doing aI taaccç, raisiig; ai lvi ag and family. "o r o on? utl nlxadahrtig i lieu ou u iç~ dîl-. Iremin T ~J T~ îeud max Iiiuîs' eîîneted Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colan A nyCndinLgion thaï; have liad an iuîfluueice iii I ' ~ ~ in Lrie utni xith Ilt' misuv ri Hlamilton. spent Sunday withWoesAuiarevnAd the town and district affairs. In the D îît t art, f M Mrs. Hattie Martincli and kept pace witb tbem ail. Anyway. 1 arn glad ta bave heu uîJîyvhuildfo alas îe ere f took her for a drive and visnt 0f Ada, 1 tbink we cati say your article, which T bave ta Pterbroug in be a le-athough sbe was smallin lacipped, and I.o kaow Ihat al- German 1 ý1 ýýig(l.iigscur 1s f o etrbroghite ae astature, sbe was indeed big in thouglh yOu.uart' -Editor Emn- t r.Nv itesetGr I mpei-ialiEn.non.neyer ltigpass an Pi va"yolare tl raigt -_________Ms Cdopportunity t worýk for tbbc afle stilaia o h i,,cravi a~rIcrfew days iast visiting at Mii- good of bier church or ber a1 eai sfa a a11 - to aîi wit memers f be muny. r ui se ougbttheWorJd Series ta renew youîr D î s t a t P a ton and ith e m b e s of h e m nity T ru y syoutlght.h eM r-Fstreuugth la you! FrmTe ttennE NFIELD family na Toronto. big good fighit and kept bbc Iaith~ Your ohd boyhiood rueighbor. ____he ___ema Fle The e cement big and of e can be said: Wl1 Douglas Fraser. -~~ ---- - ~~~~Mr. dnd l'irs. Alhan Taylor: buili. near Jacksons bas set for donc tbou good and faithfull dto'NteT'wrero 19 YEARS AGO 25 YEAIRS AGO adMs.TTlo vsie tencsar tnean f11servýnî." nie above letter us son of the w'ith thle Hartman's ai Enter-: foi-.flhe approaches is being Sincerely. late Rev. D'. R. Douglas Fraser <November 30. 1911) <Noveinber 28. 1935) Pi ~ put ia. We wiii soion bave a IV I ( 1 Mcaud Ms.I'îd ;î'fîa fnestrigt radinstead aof Eva J. Whitehead. !wbo was minfister of St. Panl'% MissJaîe Giggentctaied r. ~ar .tîfniigîaii i IPresbyîeriauî Church here in about thirty youîug fiends on flic Training School staff has alid salis visited with Mr. and' al the curves. Sandvit be ing lier birth- been appoiîfled by flie Miruls ' ' 1ne cdiî n a b eot IIeWA 10WesetAe. th limes aud90s the nunse SatulîrlaenBeaverton, adswmeeting last week il shouid ai iai lne as uihed bu day. The little folks liad a'ter of EdLucatioli. Du.* L.have reHi'MusstJoaend sa North Hollywood, Calif. ~ondaî cuidb veiy pleasaîIt tile. Simpson, as one of three cV-ýtle- xv wiîî "boys.hv ra MisJyc lit rGog:ýD.F .Sso iet I jAvu a iilii ut'-ilian niembers ofIftie Strath-: Mrs. R. Griffin visited \wiîhî ifavonred witb an instrumnen- 1DeanksGeor: e Dr. 1)at'No-I.! We ,itn it-herd Si Ae aver.\ sad iaide otue< Trust Cornuittee (On- 'î. S Hockaclay, Sîiîîa. tai. The W.A. is also piann- Tak o"'eSaemî orh.Tt'lurbrcrié Seynt ionC Paw r C, Newcas- arin.iTe iaîc ftt' 1l~.HrldOuîsoî.iag an bringing gîlîs ta next witb your appreciative profileýSI. Pnuîl's slsa show Ihat '- lari) Te moiesof te 111-. HaoldOrilisin 5 meeting for the aid folks at of Fraîîk (Barb) Pethick. Il Fraser buphw Gça-,rge Wfi- tic, SunclIv uftenou xvicî Stratheconà Trust Fuuîd ai,(,spendiiig a weck withî Pats*vi the Golden Plough. was sa vcry well donc that it l1iam. Saaguine James" in 1886. Chale MSotey aynuîg uscd ta prourote and encouir_ and lanet Grav, Oshawa, ._-__-- ---- ----- -___ nian eloîîiiî a lui iowI. dgt' plvsiyscl traiîni' 'iri thc',Air. anîd trs. Lar ogl agm vant!ioii nni to ii. rn!schools'of tit' province. 1Braokliui, vusiieri hleir daugli- 11 n ai 2 s r. ii lieniLoi Cill~ec ~' ~ fmh.:h aodb ~ otNew Christmas Light'n F.( i,- 'a, dedalhis hme n . 'cidl' libe I. /. tmerchants of Bovmaîîville's ih. fil(' h eve'u t le<ne l r cileti .ut'.ial ie <die([ ilsi. Fidayý t',id rab.~ani,, shopping section have now been can- good if il, makes lis ;aI1 pull tagPthlr* Necvast le.,xveue witb Mcs. R.1twr otno olo aigoi Melîel1 s iîd .Torol-ia. Pcovîicîal Molaorc (rie Con- Griffiii li!si veek. vassed by volunit-ers and the response toda m1unga u mkn lu Manid:iv. aeEd. Puîcvus of Bowunaîi- Mr. anid dus. Harold Av'- las ',beeca 50 grat ifying that il, seems talwrt a botter place lorý citizens ho abtain Mis. Lii1<Becerlit ('- 'ilc s yin u th' ariHoe ecv anîd lilrcen speuit Sai- ' certain Ihai we shall have new. maie thelu gonds and ser'vices lurued iCi ji I'- t'weckt'. lspiti I as a resuit. of uilrus j ex cli ug xi h hIe C. hlidlî tr ii xiip ' eCieî % cx MIax i"tA e:x EiîuîiskiIIen elaborate Christmas lighling for, aur In Ibis eonnertion, linei-clhants have Nexu Yiî k a Il 'iiurii i ul. lin he figured iii a cal lision ' Itî r.T. Ta\ lai aeex d~ main sti'eeh . This shonld bc' erected iin alreadv ielt t et er and decided on M i. îrlMi F,N . S \ esxvitlia cïtr On ie-Provincial lcp-cuiiie(il fraci lieu, plenty oa iie ta be enjoyed ta the full their sioppiiiug baurs for the Chi'istma. hiax v i l iiitI u"I gita ci l xes a Xe ,uî Of tel.Mrs. Rv£g Titconibe by (oui, citziens. seasanl. Thîey}have' also decidec Iot uieî htin îîîî.mai. I . ie is coitioiiai 1oi00r of JN. Vîioîxe.ICI, heara that i Te taes \hq i'.. 'îll iîîcan tl daI le ietîla'bcalible ax\7e herl uurcnîiltu Cutîa The' merchatits, assisted by F- asctehnîlv wbTh Sat. 4d li îeu lal Toi-Onito Cou- xvithuuti a short tînt' li ad w ouithe scatiiuîg chanmp- fessiotial men whose offices are on King maila produciagp a special lire-ChrxSt - servaîaî'\(il' Viii î bv M:. Amig the successuit exhihi- iolîshup oI B.C. for girls under St., will be spending almost $2,500 an mas Shopping edition whut'h will hi' iRusseil G.VIla Saturhay tors al the Royal Winter Facrtxvtlve. ti rjctercnrbtosbsd ieue spr fteDcme s eVcliiuî' fl spntSundavs ha.F. Rice whio won 4,Miss Exelyi Cuniniigham, thrt teir on t rbutin sed incsuedase a r antheaDelee .is xvîllu rît ýJix s i lin' ity liessand 3 seconid,;onuiKhi Pranifori, wxviasaxxeekench vis- uoIl rnaea h poete hy ise eerlmrhnshv led i ,W T1uWhI Iih 'll itt, ~1Ft,,'rd Black SIpaîîisi iior xxitli, . jii is. w. : oeeupy. The maximum amount will ho started workin ' tuaon Noir advertising fou' rla'ilmî. . AN. Sirbl.aî Buff Rock fowis. Pascoe. ; $50 for the largest stores, and laler an, thaï; week and we u-ge others planning HaielIn. ie'ii$.~h'~ M. ad Ms. hut11 ~ur- M. aîulMis :Vuccy Pes-1 we hope ta publish a complete list ai ta take part la begia ilueir pieaain nov il, '1'îiî'nî b vith lier licY, Morgan anid Rov, vîsited cott, Susan anîd Cindy. St' graiidIuîj,'iteu. hicr a lex" frieuids iii Graveuihiorsi an ýCatIcriues: Mr. andid 'îs. Jiu'î those who have agreed ta parlicipate in as soon as possible. Wt' also 'ad vise onU week,, x tile Mr. and m Mcs.W.sîuuicav 1Harri.s and '.hilîdueii, South the program. subseribers ta be oi liw al<'uh.foir thîs Normn ix'are onia t1111 The hlIag was flxuuîig ai bliIfoIuohauvisildxvili htht' i Actually, this new project is an special edit ian \h le wi Il presenii I taEuiltîiil îîî~t n MuîdiN'ai h asiE c. ;il Dnad i ot extension of a plan which came inta worthwhile gifilct:i lus to heip yvan Mc. Il. m F1i .Srj'k;îtîîei Office in îuo fth unv' Mr'. and Mrs. E, HTwfs. Va k 1 v Lo Jhi. lcuîh rv ofr a the' deaîh af Lor'd I-ci' Gacrich, vîsited wîîîî theR being t wo or three years ago when the' wibh your Christmas shopping. Mr. T ; i ilc Principal nt:Ilc. Oke's. first strînso emnn ihswr Shap in Bowmanville, the Fruciidlvý tht i'!f ub1 ýchonI Mîvr Beut Warwvick, Winîîu- îîîstalled at the initersections, The pro- ow. Mesc.Clt.Fih~rd aa icg vi sutred hîs tnile and aunt. po-sed li,-htirug wlli be in the forni of Geo So h ti.i i iie ta Ak- q r aidirlm., Neil Ye1howleez. KENDAL i zeparate fixtures, attached by bracket.1, roc. 10 e in, tc- ýýhart tin Next'cpstle Mcs, Olga Gîb- NîlsNa Mi'xlPria-1it 0zl -h.opaîet evatle ,duai au triesl' a în. thue reguulr --ret lgliht-5,Ton r in- a'wa. tCiîtkxvicllier ii-!ni-lrîi', eIectpd hy the. Nov, ,5li. i ç oe<înung thca. ploes l9b fiîgthebracket's ta S oO cIe McW . Fui,'. tludcati~as the outstanding îîlgb tht' day, xve verc visitedj the 36 light standards under an agree- W. I î.'u exitlstar unlasi ee'sCoulty': by a scrues oaI hbindt'rstorms etwîhcucl bas bmî'h icilile . AlhîîBell- Draina Fesilval ai Newcastle.! lW11(h seenied uuuisuah fori hsi nte xml ftego xvooid lw'.ridCak.ilî Newtvivllc iMr.George M'l i:hils tumc<of vear. Otie Tisi aobe xmpeaitt'go thict dt'. " ti iarhfor ('illîi'h ui-re svlac heion rccardig flth ilin-ý which can be acluîeved through the ca- S2.î(e 'catuons about the' head. acces- (Ici- starm... imîdpied an open 1 perative efforts ai al merchants,wr- uI-ieo" V\i.înîlx G1orl- ;itatinz niedieal aid. un a nia-i jailý We hope i.l ixl, igi ghît ough the offices of the Chamnber "-in hiý etlu-i id mcfoi visit- for aci denti Sunday. Pheasedt auîe-- as if seenis ta be sO afCommerce. In the past, there have ing fceuii- n rimeIrtitra Io knoxt that he us naf injured fa" Sol'îa. i te MisE 5 eruosly.Sorme fromf here atnei been occasions when this ca-operative Werrx n t r f'c iu'br Ilmtn ouriltonstitht' Public speaking ia Orano spirit bas been lacking, but w r Weif iue-I. i i-l, u Mc. amtnd Mons. tlCaton Wcduesdlay. A luttle mare ""'tsethtmsmrcasno (-if Mr. and Mrs Ted Chant' on ýbenefit mighi have been de- hapto e ta ms erhnt o Eniîiiskili'cý Txv mare the birth of a san.i rived if the varions ones tak- realize il ils ta their advantage ta join voug mc a'creuiret frm rane: Little Mis Jaee part hati been infarmeti with their neighbors and local com- zi trip ta Ilh(, Nnrtliwest -l Wood']cy bad ber t.onsils re-iu Messrs. Gog Gilbert and inoeiinowafil -a their gond points anti petitars sa thal a joint merchandising rnve i owanileHaspî- 1 whîere tbey needeti improve- ga He-rbert 1 1hli a nTisdy mn effort may be made toward the ga of Hamuo: c ,c. lt'Kela EnisilenSarybtepot calMs Orval Zea- attracting customers from the surround- has t-ecentlIv hiet"i îaiiiitedýMr JohnSienion Jr. bas ,,anda~ familv of Campbell- ing area ta aur stores and keeping thosr Section-boss on te C N R Wb aiia is Aa lla croffi wece diuîner guests Sun- un town at home as much as passible Itmkw'eln L e a u u î î u u i - g r w î p r v - S l aw 's . s n t t e w e e k n d Ax_ e v e n u n. w it h - M . 1M a y . f o r t h &Zcl vo'ungm an esCoIumr -:SUGAR and SPICE-' Dispensed by BW Smiley A couple of months ago wei 0f course, it wasn't ail roses, clown the aluminurns, 1 used began a new life in a different mmd you. The Oid Battieaxeý to write this columii on the town, wath a new job and a! and 1 tought frequently and1 kitchen table: now I write it difeen bre. Have you hotiy during those years, aver, on the card -table. I used to ever coýnsidered pulling up 8flythingfl ram iiy iaziness' have just a cup of tea for stakes and making a cotaplete- around the bouse te My in-J breakfast; now 1 must gag ly fresh start? It's quite an adequacy as a father h ve neg.It1 you, I don't experience. Let me tell you kids compiained bitteriy abouti know whether I'mi cox gon about ours. goling te bed so eariy and not goin g beneenmoeof For ten years. I was editor bavlng more spending money.! lt's*be vnmroe of a small-town weekly news- 1 taiked continuaiiy about bow wrench for my f. Used te paper. When we began that bard my job was on the the deep, rich satisfaction of life, I worked very bard. We nerves. My wlfe rareiy ceased iooking after a big eight-room, didn't have any money. What iamenting her meniai raie In bouse, she's frustrated by the; we had was faitb, hope and lite. ýease with which she handlemt mortgages. The faith and hope But on the whole. we led arn this mere six-rocmer. Used te seemed to decrease much more average, wildly disorganizedl Iugglng the garbage cans oui rapidly than did the mortgages. normai. Canadian family life, from the back shedi. she f1ndN But gradually, things im- and most of the time thorough- 1It no challenge at 11l to hoise provd. itee grt, hnesy b enjoyed it. We had defin-j them the 20 fret requlred' and. gorneere ot ta be itey put down roots, eveni here. SII&s quite at a loss dn.ornexampi e: tterb though mot of them werel wlth doors that cose tlghtlv miehadFeen cooking for busily engaged in either muk-, ani windows that go up and' ony yieal on a ta-bne fr ing up our drains or heaving, down. These may seem like ot-piaset on atoe irnng our foundation.1 litte things, but they mean à. hotplae st u ontheiroing WIhy would a family, moor- lot to a woman, andi sbe's be- bord w wreabe a uyed to a snug beKlh, suddeniy curne so neurotir froni the an electrie stove. This was eut its hawsers and drift off lelsure of life here that she's aecmpised by boro in unnow waters? You';taken up the vlolin. money en my insuraiice policy.mghaselakwyahn After this, life got betterf wants to cross the road. or an' Kids are tougher than adultsi steadily. I was able to borrow octogenarian decides to get" but the change lias upset even enough to put a down pay- married. It's a cross betweenxi' thern. lU's obviolsnsii young ment on a used bouse. An ",to see what it's like" andý Hugli. Sornetirneq he's s'O dis- oid aunt of mine died and left "just for the bell of it." tre i ansacl a me a legacy of $50. With this,ý As Brutus said: "There i 'thrbd pie acrcfe.Lle Kim I was able to buy a car, five~ tide in the affairs of men . . .'ý too, bas been deeply affected years old, with only 36 monthsl This was just before he went' lw the novc. The usually to pay. We managed to es- out and got his head knocked, boistcrous ho\ den lias becom'e tablish a fuel bill, tax arrears off bY the bad guys. Or, as, 50 quiet and repressed that and several grocery bis, sureý Robbie Burns put it: "You takc there are daYs 0on which she signs of success. tbe bigh tide, and 111 tak the knocks over hier nilk only Despite our steady progress' low tide . . I' Well, we tookfJ once. downhill, those were the god~ the family size tide, and we'vel Ail in ail, it's been quite a years, as people in their dotage been at sea ever since. 1 glake-up. and ît's a pretty are fond of saying wben hey* * tragic thing to see a family recall those horrible early You've no idea of the tre- torîi up by the roots and shat- years of marriage. We raised mendous changes in oulvs tered like this. However,I We Keep 'Em Down on the Farm Probers Have Their Problems TUE CANADIAN sTA7vz,,%vAlv- eural*te% 9 c r(m Mr %anùtan

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