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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1960, p. 11

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THURSDAY, DEC. Ist, i 900 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVITJLE. ONTARIO - PAftF I!T.WVUI S7k /ewcade 9ftee4 Gordon Agnew, Edifor Phone 3621 Mrs. D. Wright Three Robbery Attem pis Wins Cake in Net Thieves $60 in Cash W. A- DrA ý'~ Newcastle - The Afternooni ]Brancb cf the Wemnn's Auxili- ary Of St. George's Clîurch met ïn the Paîish hall on Tuesday, Novemnber 22nd for a quilting Bec. During a short business ses- sion the draw was inde on a Christmas Cake for wbich the ladies have been selling tickets. The Christmas Cake, se kindly donated by Mis. E. Aldread, was won by Mis. Douglas Wright of Trenton te whom thie 1lcvcly cake wiil be given. 1 Mission Band Makes Santa Using Apples Newcastle-The Mission Band m~et in the United Church Sun- day Sehool hall on Monday afternoon November 2lst. After the childien formcd the friendsbip circle the meeting was opened with the repeating of the Mission Band Purpose and the singing of the Mission Bland Mrs. Gordon Gray rendth last portion of the Study Book on "Boloji and Old Hippo. The business portion of the Infqting was conducted by the president, Gordon Alliri, vile the worship service was conduet- ed by Mrs. Powell. Mrs. Flintoff demonstrated the making of a Santa Claus with apples and marshmallows for the chîldien. The "World Friends" were 'distributed to the niembers and the meeting was adjourned. Community Bowling Resu Its Ncwcastie-Folhowing is the Eist of bigb scorers in the vani- ous lengues on tlhe Newcastle Comîîîunity Bowling Alîcys dur- Min the past week. jleaday, Ladies League - 31. r ýaskerviîîc 251, Marilyn Coucli f743, Rita Poster 224, Dorothy SNfeicer 222, Alice Hoocy 221, * Eleanor Perina 217, Diane j,*4angstaI? 215, Myrtle Naylor Nayier 200, Mildrcd King 200. Tuesday, Men's Longue - Bil Lake 296, Gordl Garrod, 2G4, Tracy Embley 259, George Kinm- liaIl 258, Bud Wagan 2-17, Irv. McCullough 242, and Ken W/it- iney 234. Wednesday Atternoon. Ladies, League - Jean lUIcCuliouglu 256, Alice Rowe 219, Gent Gray 217, Bessie Fenguson 203. Wednesday, Teenage League - Larny Pearce 296, Shoron Han- coek 230, Wayne Flintoif 209 and Rennis Rudman 202. Thuîsday, Mixed Longue-Mari- Bria Rwe 205, Bessie Fergu- son, 202, Grace Couchu 202. 1 Friday, Mixed Lengue Mary flewdaey 271, Murray Patersen 271, Veine Jones 265, Hazzei 1ai Munro 237, Derotlîv W/it-1 ile t3, etty Brown 233, Kayi K imbaîl 230, Rom Munie 227, Jean MeCulloughi 225, Bill Mc-i Crneken 219. Bon Hoegknmin 218, Ken Dean 216, Albert ceance 214, Tracy Embley 212, Stan Powell 209 and Jack Lees1 Newcastle- Thîce thieving' attempts weîe madc in the village over the weekend with one aetting the cuiprits $60 and near dîscoveny scarng them off on the other two oc- casions. The home of Murray Pater- son on Church Street was en- tered for the second time in thice weeks early Friday ev- ening. A neigbboun, Albert Nayhor Jr., heard the sound of bîcaking glass as they tried te enter a ceilar wia- bour, Maîiow Hancock, who phoned police and Mr. Pater- son who was at the IGA store. Mi. Paterson said the thieves bad evidently been scared The third was a weil plan- away as the broken window 1 aed attempt which failcd was the onhy damage dîscov- wben an OPP patrol officen cred. The home et Miss M. Ciem- arrived on the scene when ence at tbe corner of Benven the attempt occurncd. Con- and Edwand Sts. was entered stable Tilison vins cmllcd eut sometime before 8:30 the same of the village on a hoax cali cvcning through a kitchen win-I Satundmy at midnight and dew. The sereen was removed whiic he wms away an attempt fnom the ahuminumn window was mnde te enter the cern- and was laten found under the înunity hall thnough a base- bcd. The thieves did net do ment window. The window any ransasking bere, as n was bioken but another OPP drpsser drawer and a jewcl efficcu on negulan patrol an- box on the dresser showed rived on the scene and gave the only signs of being dis- chase when the thief staîtcd tunbed. Sixty dollars la cash te rua but lest his trail. wms removed frem the jewel Constable Bruce Tilîson is box. investigating the bîemk-ins. Twenty Candidates Nominated For Village Elections Newcastle - Twenty candi- school. The council also set up former reeve J. Harry Jose, dates were nominated on Fri- a Civil Defense Committee to said hie had not corne to the day evcning for the fine va- work with municipalities in civ- meeting sceking office and hie cant offices in the civie admin- il defense work. had flot clianged his mind. Mr. istration of the village, council, Locally, Mr. Cunningham said Josýe said lie would like to sec sehool board and hydro commis- work was procceding on the a sumarnry of the audited sion between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. new Westview Heights Subdi- financial report of the village witlî the village clerk Mrs. Net- vision with the roads nern published in the local paper s0 tcButler prcsiding a nd ap- completion. He said ehsarng the citizens could sec how the proxirnately fifty residents at- xvas made a restricted area with village was doing financially. tending. 64 lots on which it is intended In accepting his nomination, Nominations were as foilows: to build single family dwellings. Fred G. Couch, thanked his Reeve, Douglas J. Cunningham, He said the community hall is nominators and had a special moved by P. Hare, seconded by now operated entircly by t he word of praise for the work of J. T. Brown; J. Harry Jose, Community Hall Board withi a the clerk. H1e also thanked the Moved by Reg. LeGresley, sec- budget of $5,000. lie said the press for the coverage of the onded by E. A. Walton.. hall was formerly under the council meetings. 11e said hie Counillors, Fred G. Couch, control of the B3oard on the in- wondered somnetimes how the W. Frank Hoar, R. Brenton side with the council responsi- reporter g-ot as mucb as lie did Riekard, Lorne W. Johnson, T. hIe for the outside and the care- out of the meetings. He paid G. Wallace, George Chard, Jack taker's salary. tribute to the members of the Nesbitt, J. T. Brow'n, Murray Mn. Cunningham said the vil- Fire Departmneat for the work R. Wnlton, Murray Paterson, lage tax roll this y e a r was thcy are doing for the village. John Scott. $70,000.00 with $11,750.00 go- H1e said there is a lot of talk School Board, Mrs. Pauline ing for County rate and $34,- about the firemen but when Storks, 'Mrs. Margaret Brereton, 317.00 for Publie and High there is a fic the men are al- Francis Jose, George Chard, sehools or a total of $46,065 over ways there on the job. He said Tracy Embley. 1wbîch the council has ne control the fire budget is $1,500. wbicb Hydro Commission, R. Lloyd and leaving only $33,935 for lo- pays the firemen, buys gas and Stephenson, George A. Waiton. cal council use. He said the po- repairs for the trucks, heats Reeve Cunningham moved that lice committee had budgeted the fine hall, pay for the opera- Mns. Butier continue as chair- $2,500 for police protection this tion of the sirea and any new man for the memainder of tîhe year, but it had cost $2,930. equipnîent added. He said hie meeting to licar from the nemi- In a discussion wvhich follow- xvas aIso, chairman of village iin.ted candidates. Reeve Cun- cd, the reeve said council hiad property withi a budget of nigham was the first candidate been informed Armstrong Bros. $1,000. lie said this includes calld ad ater haninghiswould be commencing the con- tree trimming wveed cuttiag and nomid nas tsoeofthe ine hi struction of the waterworks sys- general upkecop of village pro- noperaton lipe adtreive du- temi on Monday. Whcn asked perty and street iighting. ing the past year from ail mem- what the cost would bc, Mr. Mr. Couch said hie feit there bers of the council, tlie clerk Cunningham said no one could was need of a War Memorial and the members of the Hydro tell that. He said council had in the village and suggested the Commission and thelir manager. flrm bids on lnying the system \vest side of the community hall Thereee gve bnef epotand for the Stand pipe. Tbcy as a good location. H1e saîd if of the meeting of Counties know the cost of the well, tlhc veterans îvished to proceed Council hield îast wceek saying pum ps, etc. but tlicy can net ith such a projeet lhe would first and second reading hnd figure the grants fromn the Gov- give it his support. been given bylaw's authorizin craments for labour as they are W. Frank Hoar said he had clbentures for a new Highý based on actual man hours. H1e been assistant te the Rond Comn- Sehool in Clarke and an addi- said $125,000 wvould be a close mittce chairman and that lie hnd tion to tlîe P o rt Hope high estimate of the final count not had ton mueh to dIo at that whicb is approximatcly $50,000 ns the chairman dicl n good job less than originally estimated. j looking aften the ronds. He said ýNo Election The second candidate called, as chairrnian of th e Welfare ln Newcastle Newcastie-Theie wiil be ne election ia Newvcastle this year despite thue large sînte of can- didates nominatecl at the annual' nomination nmecting on Fidmy evening. Thue present reeve, four candidates for counicil, twe for school board and one for th,ý hydre commission filled eut tlîeir qualification papers on Fîiday night and when the time came at 9 p.m. on Satur- day for flic closing of nomina- fied fer the Public Schîoel Board malzing an election uîînecessaîy. Those electLcl bv acclamation, Îflewca st/e Social and1 /eeronal Mis. May Walton and daugh- Mr. and Mis. James R. Wright ter Helen of Agiacouit, Mrs.1 mmd famihy whe have purchas- Elsie Milen et Milliken and: cd tlîe George Walton pnopeuty1 Mis. Ida Amstnong et Toronto! and have taken possession et weîe Sunday visitons with Mr. their mew huomue. Mr. Wright and Mis. H. C. Demnis. is a forrnesident et the vil- The Badminton Club bas lage. Mr. and Mis. Benson L. been open thîce nights a week uao Ohw ccmaid sînce Octoben lst amd theclbiDnofshw cmpne is planning a Round clb by Mu. anîd Mrs. Alex Prout J__R.oi-,--A"lspent lnç,t.weelc isi~tinE XXithl 1 committcee he had censiderabie work te do since September.. He said there are ncw 3 village families receiving weifare in addition te some charge backs from ether municipahities. R. Brentan Rickard in aceept- ing nomination said he had been chairman cf the sidewalks com- mittec. 1He said ne sidewalks had been constructed this ycar and enly $150. of the $1,000. budget had been spent on main- tenance and repairs. He said ns one cf the council's repre- sentatives on the Recreation Committcee be tbought this wns the most active cemmittec in the village. H1e said this com- mittee looks afteî the arena, the park, Badminton, Swimming Lessons, Dancing Lessons, scw- ring lessons and were a large fonce behind the establishment of the cemmunity bowling ai- tleys. He paid tnibute te the 1chairman of the cemmittee, 1Sam. Brereton as anc of the tmost energetie leaders in the -village. Mr. Riekard said he -was a memben of the Dog Con- trol Committce wbicbhnhd been one of the biggest bugbears te the council. H1e said tbcy have finnhly got a dog catcher and wene hoping hie vould be able te kecp the dogs under control. Murray Paterson thnnked lus nominators for their confi- dence in him and gave a com- plete repert ve Ibc work donc and moriey spent on village rends during the pnst year, wbich ivas t oo complete for publication bere, suffice it te say that the village ronds are in the bcst shape they have ever beca. with the large mnjority of the eronds now bard surfaced, witb- eout an exorbitant budget. He said bis budget was $6,000. of îvhich $4,400 b a d been spent with sufficient ieft for snow ne- moval, sanding etc. for the ne- mainden of the year. Mn. Pater- cson said due te the pressure of business lie was net geing te stand for election this year. 1He expnessed the hope that lie hînd net made tee many enemies fduring bis thîce ycnrs on coun- cil. George Chard said lie was net going te ncccpt nominatien to council hie hîad enjoyed bis work on the sehool beard and would prefen te romain there if it was the wish of the electorate. J. Thomas Brown said he bnd served in 1948 and \vas willing te allow lus name te stand and if there is an election lie invit- ed the vetens te mark the finst name on the ballot. The otiier five candidates nom- inatcd for council left the room before their names 'vere called, and se dîd net speak. SCHOOL BOARD Mis. Pauline Storks tbankcd lier nominators a n d snid she fliad servcd as vice chaurman of ;the board during the past year. ISlîc said she eîîjoyed the werk and would like ta retuin. She said the Board and the teachers had co-eperated weil during the year. Mis. Margaret Breneton snid 1she iîad feit she wvould like te Ebecome a inemben of the beard some years ago but tbought slîe slîeuld wait until she lîad someone in sclîooi. She said that 1tume bas come now se she wvould stand. Francis Jose said hie had ne intention of accepting office whien hoe came te the meeting 1and weuld have te tbink it oven before deciding. George Cliard s a i d e had been chîirman of finance dur- ing the past year ugnd was wiîl- ing te stand for re-election te the board. Tracy Embley-said lie did not expeet te be nominnted and xvas net sure that bie wouid ac- cept. H1e said however, if lie did dcidee te inn hie would give the jeb bis best if eiected. HYDRO COMMISSION George A. Waiton tbanked bis îînîinators and said hie had been 17 years in municipal work in Newcastle and if elected wvouId carry on as in the past. Mn. Walten said the new hydre sub- Scnoeî and is aow tcaching tfon a couple of weeks nemi Cavan. Mn. and Mis. Wm. Stapleton, Mn. and Mis. Jack Kimbal and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ad- anis of Rosencath calied on Bey. and Mis. W/ite on Sun- day. Newtonville ,W. 1. fHears Mrs. R. White Mis. S. Lancaster was hestess for the 20 ladies wbo attended the Nevember meeting ef New- tenville W.I. Mis. Mihigan opened the meeting, thon weI- comed back oui president, Mis. C. Brown, wbe, though feeling much better, was glad te heave the meeting ia the cane of the vice-president. Aften the minutes, and fian- cial reports it was' decided te held a bake sale in the Newton- ville community h all n ex t montb, the proceeds te bclp pay for receîit improvements in the hall. It was aise suggested that we ail save labels from York, Canada Packers, and Maple Leaf pioduets. Five dohlars was donated for the blind. The Decemben meeting is te be heid Dec. 14, (one week carlien) at the honmeetfMis. C. Fengu- son, Newcastle. Each is askcd te bring a gift for the Golden Plough Lodge, and there is aIse te be an exehange of gifts, the cost net te excced 50 cents. Mis. T. Hendenson, convenen for the citizensbip and education gnoups, then took charge ef the meeting, and called on Mis. McCulhough for a papen on cun- rent events. The biglîlight of the meeting was the splendid report ef the Toronto convention given by aur delegate, Mis. R. C. White. The theme of the convention, attend- cd by ever 600, was "'Remember the past with pride face the future with confidence". Mis. W/ite brought back inspiration, as iveli as information, fiaom ber tbnee-clay visit te the Royal York. She still bas additienai material for us, and we aie hop- ing, te hean it at soie future meeting. -.y turnamnt fo thisSaturay' """u " " v"1%, VVL111te vilagefad shthd beable' -1- l1l; Li, ual ,-,t ln, are Uecve Douglas J. Cunning- evnin tohn the ms es 1V7eds nHiltonad Ïlan i adira ses for the UU1U ofmanners I admire," ail en- ham, Councillors W. Frank eeigwe h ebr ford Station. . tet cr.1esi hodjydtesca or n h Hoar Frd G CochR. renand any prospective new mcm- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tnîgg stti e asHne y aid eodcloutesolun h serv d yMis Christmas Trees ho ,Fe G oc, .Be- bers are invited to attend ad Agyvstdrcnlywt ade60kwts an d eicio R cdk p a tedfo rtuat ton Rickard, and the new mem- Lancastersitd rcandy ithe gtatoeup. nlMmas.t For Sle ler J. Thomas Ben.Frparticipate in the games. Mrncande Mns.tAeex Prout.s Sclieol Board, Mrs. Pauline Mn. and Mrs. George Walton W/e notice several homes and village is prcsently using 850layt eivthluk cp NwateUie hrh Storks, lUis. Margaret Brcie- have moved out of their home businesses in the village have kilowatts. H1e said the new sub- lady e rciete uk u Ne fsteited hurc ton, and George Chard. George on hMireet R oaert t ayi!aready started thei decora- station will handîe up te 3,000 Pîe HI-E C GOTCI PI A. W'iîton wvas re-electcd te the; atno1 tiens for the Christmas seasoni kilowatts. PRUEDSCTC FNE Hydre Comiss;ion. North street prier te leaving: with their coloured li«hts, etc., Mi. Walton said lie was proud Li ~15O an $2.OOCounceiller Murray Ptie for the sunny south for the' brightening up th ak cor- fwittevlag yr e-UÂ atCmmnt Hl bsrwîntfi n h vla e î ners on these drery dark mission iad donc since its es- at Communitayn Hallr vilageo We welcome otevlaenit. tablisbment in 1937 and gave Ladies of the Nestieton W. DEC. 9, 10, 16 and 17 crount cil a n Bardow hn footiilaenhs credit te Mr. C. R. Carveth, A., Mrs. George Bowers Mrs. FREE DELIVERY r0asons of h3ns a n dl Tom Mr~M. E. Rincb and the late Mr. Ken Sameils, Miss Ruth Proutt1 Phoe Nwcatle275 Br'own and Mis. Marg:îrct Bic- r v . 5 l ~ '~ George Jamiiesen tlhe feuiiders and Mrs. V. Malcolm accepted PhetenNeacselbeon75eloctedMtea teasen f the commission. 1He said the an invitation te attend the tlieir pnee. present commissieners are try- special address by the Hoa- ru~--- -- ~ i<~ 5m 4ju 5ing te follow in thîir footsteps ourable M. B. Dymond oni ElectI d P res d n in planning for tlic future. Retanded Childnen, given iný FUD~'P A~ l!P lDI 'IfhI e He said the new substation the new Port Penny Municipal' CHR8ISTA S DEIULI RLAT UI had cest $28,000. whbic b they Building, on usalst 1 ~F ri nds ip Iii~1 opd te be able te pay without M. and Ms. Rae Malcomj ,rrie d ship C lub ssuing debentures, by cashing of Janctvilie wene supperi CON ESItheir bends, iîowevcr with the guests at the home of Mn. and CONTESTNewcastle-The regulan meet- gîoup is invited te the home of drop in value of these gevei'n- Mis. Chbas. Fallils of Nestieton.1 SPNSRE B EW ASLELON CUB~ ing of the Friendsbip Club Mrs L. S. Miklos for a social ment of Canada Bonds this \vas Wane Minshall Is pîesentiy' SPONORE BY EWCSTLELIO S CLB ias bcld la the United Clîurclî evening te be iii charge of greup net possible without losing a spending a few weeks withi Sunday school hall on Wednes- 2. Groups 3 an r i hrecnierbeaon ftert is grandpanents, Mn. and Mns.' day, Nvembe 16thwith bout Ththecomisi, rat- Harold Aimas of Waterford, £RRL . P IZE da, Noembr lth ithabou oftueClîistas treats fer i e rs9 Oflyon. Ontario. forty menîbers and guests in "Slîut-ins". The members who hîad $12.500 in Dominion of Mis. M. Emerson just re- FOR THE BEST DECORATED HOMES attendance. voluntecred te heîlp decorate the Canada Bonds and $10,000. in turned from several days at- The meeting opencd witb a Christnmas Trec in tlîe Sunday cash in the bank. Rather than tendance at the Womnen's In-; t O tid aor ton ) devotienal service conducted by Sehîcol 11all 1aie te nîcet on De. lose t e meney on the bonds stitute Federated Board M eet. 1 [Judging to be done on the weekend of Dec. l7th Mis. Stan Brîown. After thiceall cember 6tIi.thie commission asked the village ing, beid in Guelph. te wonship, the byîiin "I Necd Tlie slate cf officers for 1961 Peunci e nose-1 5,0 00.b (de- Mr. and Mis. Meredith Fallils SThee Every Heur" wvas sung wns presented as foîbows: Past henture and* sei $3,500 in and Bud and Anna of Toronto and Mis. Brown read thie mcdi- Presidont Mis. Rena Megit; Bonds plus their $10,000 in cash weîe Sunday visitons with th& ORDERYOURtation. A tiq "The Lord is Mly President, Mis. Marjorie Pater- te pay for the new substation. Chas. Faîhis'. OUDER YOUR Shepherd" Nas sung by Misses son; lst Vice Mis. Jean Holmes; He said the commission had Th adIn amiyonSn Betb Powvell, Candy Storks and 2nd Vice, Mrs. Evelyn Smith. neyer raised the rates te the day went to Bowmanville tO! C hristm as Poultry Now Sharon Barchard with Mrs. Ron Secretary, Mrs, Hlen Bowen; consumer since the establish- visit Vivian and Mrs. Robt. Munie accompaning at the pi- Treasurer, .Mis. Wilda Johnson; ment of the systemn in 1937 and Sadier. Also made a quîck, SMALL LINK ana. Correspondiîîg Sccretnry, Mis. they had been iowcred severai inspection of Baihyduff School Lb.Mrs. Edna Darling led the Bessie Dean; Group Leaders ies in that period, thanks to No. 2 wbere Gloria and an-! L. p group la prayer and the woi- Mis. Pat Parker, Mis. Kay the earhy conimissioners. He other student tahrwl , Pure Park Sausage 3 .5c ship service closed with the Quinney, Mis. Evelyn Northrup said the present commission had practlsing the ladyhîke art of' sum,.inging of the hymn "My Faith and Mrs. Jeanî Aldread. been abhp te hold the line an oral instruction. Skinless Wie ers - Lb3J9c Looks Up te Tbee". Mrs. KaY Powell intîoduced rates and hoped to continue in Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson The business peried was con- Mrs. Fairbiothier wiio demon- the future. were visited by the faxnlly,i ' ducted by the President, Mîrs. stnnted te the ladies h o tvtae Sunda nd iiast.son ýRena Negit, wvbo gave a cordial make most attractive Christmîas OuSrndbsnesn ntt a tgtIngnra ni K E L S E Y ' S welcome toa alpresent. It was centre pýeces' and clecorations.1 Or gadb inessdimiy at a twrteIn nalandar K dEHolcsd t urnnthneism a vot e wîpre -eda!hactins dqu:ata esleonin cadtes lar d;eto oof the cub ntnias A o t tnlks was c;xtcnded idistance, but te do what lies activeiy inteîested In the forth Q ~ALI~ M ATSmeeingoftueclu atHony t Mi. airbrothier by MIrs.. ri-arly at band.-Thomas Car- ceming ehection, when fifteen PHONE 2411 huaciosofme rete hufedito the elght vacan- NEWCASTLEitrDeer f hircesi Municipal and Board, of a banquet and aftenward theiserved by the group in charge. 1tuoughts.-John Locke. cof Education offices. eu unurenLL L;pajso na1de, Lme oc- casion being the celebration of the 38th wedding anniversary of Bey.. and Mis. R. C. White. It aise marked the anniversaiy of a biîtbday for Mis. White. The gucsts came from Bob- caygcoa, Roseaeath, Bowman- ville, Brooklyn, Port Hope, Welcome, Orono, Newcastle, Tynone, and fnom the Newton- ville charge. A great many cards, gif ts and other tokens of good wiil came from those who werE unable to be present. Potted plants and many lovely gif t were from Newtonviile, Ken. dal, Shiloh, Bobcaygeon and Roseneath. The hostess was ably assist. ed by the presidents and mem- bers of the Woman's Associa- tien and the Woman's Mission- ary Society of the charge and of the Women's Institute. Thnoughout the day music was provided by the Newtonville church organist, Mrs. Frank Gilmer. As the day ended one anc ail expressed themnselves as having attended a veny happy and enjoyabie occasion. BETHANY Mr. and Mns. James Fraser ieft on Saturday to spend the winter months in Flonida. Mr. and Mns. George Coons, William Coons, Mn. and Mrs, Sidney MeKinnon, ail of Cleve. land, Ohio, were guests witl Mr. and Mns. James MeKinnor during the past week. Mrs. Ruth Cockenam, for. meriy of Toronto, bas pur- ehased the home of Mrs. Frank< White and moved here or Tuesday. Mrs. Fred S. Gnay, who has been 11l at ber home for some time, is niow in Civic H-ospi- tai, Peterborough. Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Spelier and Mis. Speller spent several days last weck in Buffalo, N.Y. Mrs. Hattie Pellyca, Tononto, was the guest of Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Jennings during the week, ieaving for ber new home In Calgary, Alta., or Tbursday. Mrs. Thomas Jackson was ir Whltby visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hall from Wednes. day to Sunday. Mrs. Verne Muiligan, whc bas been a student at the Osh- awa Sehooi of Hairdressing, bas now eompletcd ber course and was successfui in the ex- aminations, receiving ber dip- lomna last week. Mr. and Mis. Harry Saridy, Peterborough, were Sunday guests with Mn. and Mrs. Wal. ter Rowland. Mr. -and Ernest Cavano Admission Worthy Mistress J a y e e Youngrnn tcndered a vote of thanks te the visiting lodge membens. Lunch was served and a very pleasant social heur enjoycd. It wms announe- cd that the recent sale of home baking had acttcd $26.00. ZION ~A U -left on Sunday for terwn N E v T i V IL LE ter home in Kissimee, Fia. Mr. and Mis. Frank Prus- Miss Dorethy Stapleton of In last week's items, the sak, Cobourg, were guests wlthi Kingston spent t.he weekend name of George Eley was Mi. and Mis. Cîeighten Carir with ber parentsç, Mn. and Mrs. omitted when mentioning the for the wcekcnd. Geo. Stapleton. name of the winners cf inter- There will be no municipal Miss Audrey Teens under- mediate certificates. Sorry. election In Manvens tis year. wcnt an appendix operation at Mr. and Mis. Lawrence GiI- The Council remain the same: Memorial Hospital, Bowman-1 mer of Ridgeway spent the Reeve, Robît Brown, Ponty- ville, on Fniday. weekend with bis parents, Mr. pool; deputy-reeve, Henry M. Mn. and Mis. Lawrence Sav- and Mis. Frank Gilmer. Jakeman, Betbany; councillois, eiy of Oshawa wcne Sunday John Payne, Pontypool; Fen- guests with Mr. and Mis. Mr. and Mis. Sld Lancaster tan Fallis, Manvers Station; Clcland Lane. wene in Toronto oni Wednes- Alex McMaster, Betbany. At Mn.andMis Res Bownday attending the Massey Fer- the nomination meeting on Mr.andMrs Ros Bownguson banquet beld at the Friday thene were several and son spent the ekn Royal York. nminations: Lawis McGill for with ber parents, Mn. and Mis. ev;HryMacl fo Harry Taylor of Brucefield. Mis. David Mcrrill, son Wal- d yreeve Ha eMoem fors Congratulations te Mn. Eau lace Mcmriii and granddaughtei HoeutarcvownGergeyNe-s Waikey who. received the Lorraine Mcrii cof Dantfordi MHo ad B orlWey Mc-ett reeveship for Clarke town- spent Sunday with Mis. WillisMEach one p and oîiey eet ship for 1961 by acclamation. e. their intentions te run for of- Mis. Wm. McHolm cf Mon- Mi. and Mis. Corum White, fiee, but by Saturday night rish is staying for a while Miss Keitha White and Mi. had changed their minds and with Mis. W/m. Ugîow. Clausin White of Cannington did net quaiify. Mn.andMis LelieRei ofwere Sunday visitons with Mr. rn.seaSn day w esithMnR adeisdWlfodWod. The Ladies Good Luck Or- Oron spnt undy wih M. ad Ms. Wlfrd Wod. ange Lodgc No. 1207 held their and Mis. Fred Nesbitt. Mn. and Mis. Wallace Bou- annual meeting in thc Orange Mr. and Mis. Clarence Hay- ghen spent the weckend with Hall, Bethany. and elected the wood of Onillia spent the Mn. and Mis. Arthur Campbell folhowing officens for 1961: weekend with ber parents, of Peterborough. Woîtby Mistress, Joyce Young- Rev. and Mis. R. C. White. Mn. and Mis. Frank Ander- man; deputy mistress, Ina Pal- We have four male student son of Ailsa Cnaig and Mr. mer; junior dcputy, Denenal teachers fîom Toronto visitîng and Mis. Nornis Davis of Clark; rccording secrctany, oui- scbool this week. Wickiow spent Sunday with Violet Philiips; financiai sec- Mn. and Mis. Earl McCloud Mr. and Mis. Sid Lancaster. netary, Bertha MeGili; treasur- of Oshawa and Mis. Henb Gib- A presentation was heid ci, Mihdred Bîistow; chaphain, son and fnmiiy, Billy, Lynda Thunsday evening at the home Bertha Ferren; senior hectur- and Dale, of Newcastle, were of Mn. and Mis. Roy Hall for ci, Mabel Whitnell; auditons, Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mn. and Mis. Harry Hatherly. Denene Clark, Mabel Wbitneli, Mis. Raymond Bruce. The young couple wene pie- Bertha Fernen; sick and visit- Mr. and Mis. Chanton Brown scnted with a swivel chair and ingc comniittee, Ina Palier, spent the weekend with Mn. cushions. Violet Phiilips, Bertha Ferren. and Mns. Ken Joy of Belle- Bey. and Mis. R. C. White The veny wonthy deputy- ville. attended a Young Peeple's tîcasuner and Past Mistress of Little Denise Tufford had Wonship Ser-vice at Weicome Prlde of Pontypool 1314 L.O. ber tonsils nemoved at Memen- Sunday cvening. They aiso at- B.A., Sîster Thelma Payne, ial Hospital, Bowmanviile, on tended the gathering of the conducted the election and la- Thursday. Pnesbytery at King Street Un- stallation of officers. Visiting Mis. Don Stapieton is on ited Cburch, Oshawa, te bear Sisters present fîom Ponty- sick leave and bas been going the message of Dr. Robent Pool aise weîe Wonthy Mis- te Oshawa for treatment for McClure of Indin. tness Kav Youngman, Yvonne infected cars.OnFia fennan als wnCrsTlm Miss Joan Walkey bas ne-eOn Friay ft 0genoon and Filisn, GwenCRichrdmon ceîved ber Honour Graduation ceig bu M10getsnt- BGil bk, ily RiLeandson Diploma fîom PrtHope Hig erd attheNewtnvilett. KEDRON The W. A. held a speclal service in Kedron United Church on Sundmy evcning Te opon the programme Mi. William Werry led a siag song cf oid favounite hymas. Spe- cmal music was pîovided by Mn. Orvel Selleck who play. cd severni saxophone num- bers, and Mus. Donald Gibson whe sang "In a Monastery Garden." Bath soloists weie accompaaied by Mis. Ross Let on the ergan. Rev. Ronald Love spoke bnicfly te welcomc everyone who had cerne out for the evening. The special fMature cf the evening was an Oriental Tua- velogue by Miss Inene Paw. son. Miss Pmwson showed pic. turcs she had taken when she visited Hawaii, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thaind and India. Partcuhaîly stnessed was the peveîty, especially ln Hong Kong and India, and thé tneed for ail possible help from Canadians. The evening ended witb light refreshients scrved lIn the Sunday sehool room. The newly formed Mothens' Auxiliary cf the Scouts and Cubs sponsered an evening of square and round dancing in the Comîunity Centre on Sat. unday evening. 'A gioup corn; poscd cf Mn. Douglas Skinner, guitar, Mn. Earl Rose, guitar, Mr. Kenneth Neai, violan, and Mis. Kenncth Neai, piano, puo- vided the music for the even- 1. At tUichcunch service on îng. Mri. H-arold UansberrY (lid eSundny the Aeverend James a very effective job cf cniiing d Ormiston, a missionary from for the squane dances. Cafte. ;s Angola, Africa, wns the speak- and doughnuts weie served. erc. The C.G.I.T. and Explorer At the regularý meeting ot i girls fuînishcd the singing. the 20tb Bîownies, Mus. J. C. Each gnoup sang once. There Stephenson, Commissioner of -was a good attendance. the Rosslnnd District, enrolled Mrs Alx eMate, Janfour aew Brownics, Donne -and Ross, Mis. F. B. Glaspel, lvr aa Jn ae hl -Mr. and Mis. Gciry Glaspel,' ley Fisher and Carol Gifford. d Alan and Marilyn, were gucsts Open House was hcid at at George Hiit's, Oshawa, on Kedron Public Sechool on Mon. s Snturday evening. day cvcning. Most cf the par. e Mr. and Mis. Don Prout and ents avnilcd themnselvcs cf the cDonnie, Bowmanvilie, visited oPppetuaity ta visit the new at Ray Cameion's on Suaday. schooi ta discuss their child. d Mr. and Mus. Hans Geis .s- ren's wonk with the teachers, s egrvisited at Edwin Geiss- Mn. Earl Burke, Mis. Roy y bergeî's, Victoria Corners, on Woertn adMs.Hrl Sunday. Wry Miss Benniece Chapman, Dale Mountjoy, smai! Smx, Tenante, was a wcekcnd guest of Mr. and Mis. Murray' at To Sobl's.Mountjoy, bas been a patient at To Sobl' Oshawa Geacral Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wood this week. rvisîted at Norman Wood's, Mi. and Mis. Lisle Noble eOshawa, on Satuîday. wene guests et Mi. and Mis. Mi. and Mis. Howard Ab- Glen Noble in Toronta on Sat- bott, Burketon, visited at Per- undny, and teok in a penforn- cy Davidson's on Snturdny ance of Motorarna. evening. The negulan meeting ofthei à Mi. and Mis. Jim Staintea W. A. will be on Tuesday, De- i and Davy attended the Shaw- cember 6th, in the chuncb, in~- McCuilough wedding at Osh- stead cf on Wednesday. awa on Saturday. The Kedion Doubles' Club Mr. and Mis. George David- is holding an evening et Court cson and Patti, Whitby, were Whist in the Comîunity Cen- i supper guests at Percy David- tic on Satunday, December 3r4 sen's on Friday. s Mis. William Stonehouse and aBlle, W/hitby, Mis. Harold -Fiee, Rochester, U.S.A., Mis. Russell Pierce and Diane, Osh- rawa, were Saturday caiheus at 1Nelson Fice's. W EE Mr. and Mis. Ben Angi VOUR I4OME U~T Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Howard WE ALWAYS AK Kmapp mnd faîihy, W/hitby, A CLEA*UP CHECK<!. . rweîe Suaday visitoîs at Ouvel KnaDp's. Mis. A. T. Stainton, Peter- borough, is spcnding this weck at Tom Sobil's. Mr. mmd Mis. Douglas Flett mnd Linda, Solina, were Sun- day suppeî guests at Norman Leach's. DMi. and Mis. Wes Cameron wene dinnen guests at Jack Cmmeion's, Oreno, on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Ivor Spumck- 49' ling and Amy, Enniskillen, were Fîidny evening visitoîs [PLUM B NG HEATIN j at Mis. Alex McMasteî's. ,Mrs. Pearl Tichie, Ivan and ïSSo ,BÙRNER DEALR~ jDanny, Pontypool, weueSa- *uudny evening visitais at Or-_ vel Knapp's. ORONO 1782 Mr M _Mrs._Ken Wo __ DON'T MISS THE -75c and 50c M Minstrel Show Produced by the Oshawa Branch of the Society for the Preservation and and Encouragement of J3arbershop Quartet Slnging in America, in the Newcastle Community Hall Saiturday, Dec. lOth ai 8 p.m. SPGNSGIED BY THE NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB SGO 1IMPMAY, DEC. Ist, 18 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ' vislted at George F'ogg', Or- ono, on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Ray Walteru and Kevin, Islington, were weekend guests at R. C. Stain- ton's. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Down, Larry and Roger, Ebenezer, were Suaday suppen guests at Percy Davidson's. Mr. and Mis. Fned Cameron visitcd Mn. and Mis. Lloyd Gilmoun, Peterborough, on Sat- unday. Mis. Keith Stainten, ae- ccmpanied by Mis. Pat Rob- erts, tock littie Scott Staintan te Sick Cbildren's Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday. He Is baving bis fourth attack of pneumonia since hast Manch. PAÉM ZLEv=f

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