- '------------t----------------- 4 zLdMIJJA , £DaéIn .6 toU PAM %'XLVLP ?KE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMA!rVILLE. A ~ et leu Tuesat4:0pm Births - Cards of Thanks 1 Corning Events Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Auction Sale Cars for Sale IReal EstaefrSl ex saefrSl BELL-Alfred and Marie are ~wud1:et hn~Ens ~'n e~tt'îitv Co (ni- 00D used coal furnace, $35.!BOY'S bicycle, 24" wheel, $5.1 The undersigned auctioneer ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. SEVEN-roomerc osLakRa happy ta announce the arrivai killen Comniunity for the ImIIUjtv 11:11. sitiiilIt. it-v. ('aIl Newcastle 4356. 47-2* MA 3-5230. 48-liwill seil by public auction the Save 20%. Six months to pay. hardwood for hogot Lit onThrsay ov~br 7t.beaut ishlgites ai. -1? .tm nie.nkfoma LAGEoi sov, oo ýhoseol e fctian grdn orpesoalsevie t o al hatng Cntalloaton rombrckne en0 their sdy on at lr, lta. 9 - 1'.if pesntd a e 1r. u0 ,'r", i r,()Ebtand one pn oma AG ilsoe go o-tools for the estate of the late home cal] Oshawa RA 5-2802, Apply 112KigS.EBw 6buao, Mr. Bel] is a formeF pastor ofEIn iub. r- dress. CaIi Ne%,.castle 4122. idition. MA 3-5257. J. H. Jury, 3' Silver Street, collect. _____________________ the Batist Curch ere. 4-1b 'arr:i &t oi Rat -e------ - FURre adchom kthen Bwanile'n Dec. 10. List yorefao Uel2tmnil.481amnu srmansce the aptsm h47- hee.o8-l 48urnaceUR ed3adbcrorooic snifaile,. -3533. in hismsteeicais hoe~~of articles next wcek's paper. Buy y sl go sdCar lcuyadKd î omo anfor j GRAHAM-Harvey)ilSCO andpiJoaChrstms rea9irs hoeMA3Termns cash. Cliff Pethick,l for a change si frise o mpy Oa. GAHAppytarvya oano ncet. sneeyaprcaerci-Dcmh~ t:t.s~î3 ft. and up. Phione C O Sremlkrui,3ti-actoer24589.EATR e oigtact ndwl aring the basket of fruit, cardsbooth, honte biking and cotun- -- le_______ LS steelor.O Phone f shwa& isrit ep3-2sn4leo5.r arrivai of their sonl aMfarksfrn m egh rysor.e-I1 *; WýA'FI1 for sale and delivered. Issssteel.- Phone CO 3-2425. o barrey 10MIb., onTovembeY andealweEstate m BoardtWe have. --oey__a1a -iaRea arey.10lbs, n Nve brs and friends while I %vas -'Cal] Clii! Pethlck. CO 3-2.131.1TWO 8" Quaker space heaters, WIKI Buy from the Top Seller 23, 1960, at Port Perry Hos ln opial Ladies, plan ta attend thie.-2_tfýwith thermostat and fan. MA' E LER,, YVALBUR at Today's Prices $7,900 ful piefr6roifrgo is irggs and lAr 48-1forearney. Home .Baking Sale, sponsored - 3..396l. 48- rk eny.1 FURNITUBE & FARM SALES Wise people who thlnk twlce bungalow onzo 2'x15,i .E ES and Blair 48-1 48jby Womicn's Iinstitiutv, ta be ALSCO doors, %vindows. awn -_____________ ____in___-onile omunIngs, sidings, carports and rail-! POLAROID camera and flash A SPECIALTY always say It'. none other Bowmanville.ia ~aeBoe HENNING -Clinton and hcld1,111Ncwtoni-ll- enL erunings. Lamne Allun, MArket'attachment. Phone MArketi 30 Years Experience than . .. $10,500ful rc o -6 nal t om~m Marion announce the arrivai' 1 would like ta thank mny D 8c-éber3871. 1 * 30.PON trybrick nlrelt'nl~kt351 ~fa son Barry Neil on Thurs-"friends and neighbours for thei 3rd, 2- p.ni. --4 Oron___ 1to330. 81 POEri.Mrki On]y$.0 on day, November 24, 1960, atîîoveîy cards, flowers and giftsý Durhaîn Draira orkshop' 6 ft. and up, approximatelyîditian, $20. Phone Newcastle Hampton CO 3-2294 Forthe Best Deal Anywhere acsaTatoRod Memnorial HospitaBo a'-I received during xny recent presents thrce oiie-act plays,'-00 Priced to sell. Telephone 3256. 48-1 44-tf 48-1 dw.$,0.$.0 Jjrv~ -ville. 43-1* illness. lFridavý, Dcocenib r 9 Ili10A' BO l3ckstock 82- 12. 47-2 FakPre.îjivil:StraDcnbr PRUNED Scotch pine ChrCARS 8D 3 .acrea 48-l1 lj in Oroiîo, at 8:15. Aduitsil MTXED hardwood, $35.00 aams tres. Prncard.enI Aland.salFrfame Bmacin-817. oit.gar HIND.%AN - Barbara and _____75c. stiîdenrts 50c. 43-2, Ioad, 2 cords resttçwed. limbs 3-3871. 48-2 ery and èquipment, tools, furn- house with batflve.BwlavIe Orville Hindman wish ta an-."30 J A Crcde INL ~ . - iture, hay and grain, etc., at! 94PNIC4D. Lreban sig$5Oo fie nouunce the arrivaI of a daughtlt- Iws a hn r.Mko.The Bouwmanville Business!eectocntrai, extr5the.frm of Ken Moses, anc Gd dtR td 300ow 'r Janet Lorraine, a sister for-and the stàff for their crre P~n m'Poi rn 39 39-tf track, switches, jigger and cars,.iees!o otpol e-o condition - Rpainted$,0 on Iiorothy and Diane, on Nov.'duigmysC n eoilub îî)i ital "Xe\v Yorkz SAVE on lumber, direct from MAn3-5001. Dec. 7 at 12:30 p.m. 1955 hMETEOR 2-Dr. Foar et -Mdm hm5 Kn t . M 23 90 tM;4i1 optl 8Hsia, omnil.As nlhinsdachier r.i e neti adareonil ihtre Bowmanville. 48-1* my friends for their enquiries, Dec.8. Tickets still avaiIabIeý Co., Kinmount, Ont a riao. Scotch pine, $1 up, delivered.I condition and practically new. 195DDE-D.ehaealresicon!wthbî-ngrgen ie RAINE-Gerad an Darine (ameron Perrault. ýfroin*any member. 48-1 Phone 17m11. 45-tf Geo. Mutton, MA 3-5981. 48-3'Sec bis for camplete list. Ted' Motor Job - Repainted fanms,hoeanbuisss retTi homehaaith (nec Danks> annaunce th&' 48-l*ý Dance an Friday, Doc. 21d KE1,S eut automatically, while TRADE-IN chrome kitchenjSecîY ucine. 4- 1956 FORD 2-Dr.Calrmsreilpciu.Pcd arrivaI of their daughiter Linda iat Bowmianvle Leion H1all YO0u wait, at Mason & Dale chairs, table, rug 9 x 12 andi ,.ow.,, 1age -('1ea..WALTE RN t$5,5.0 ens Darene 6 bs 15 az., n'We %vish ta thank aur'at 9 p.in. fawhiide flanblers'I Har-dware. 36 King St. E., record player. Murphy Furn-! Auction sale of hlgh c Lav s Sunday, November 27, 1960, at' relatives and fricnds for the Orchestra. Proccecs in aid of'Bawmvianville. 46-tf iture, King W. 48.1*, niodern and antique w,,alnuti Good Tires - Rcpaînted 17 hchS. M 33935ombuglwnOtao funtrLimoge china, cut! 1957 FORD STATION WAGON Bolmnll t~coet col o ae Memorial Hospital, Eowvman- lovely gifts and cards of con-'tlie Cerebral Pals7 School and iULECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt VENETIAN bîinds, 2 o! 6' 1glstea sets, electrical ap-!! 4-Door - Low Mlleageofes 4s- rt'toso orSle;C lc S e esn 72service ta electrical appliances, 4W~; 1 o! 41/2 x 21/2'. Pa 1~ ST P E-velnla a al h h n M ad n w Ie, k ew. 710115 plînces, linen, etc., the esae E c lent Tires - Repinted Pedw ell R a s ao ce~ in t J n til vil.Wedding Anniv-crsar3-. Thank'TheAnnuel Meeting o! largec and sma. LndPhad-son esA 3-7138 .64'lSaofthe daecemrol d. Sel fam osOrBrg, afe pleesed toaennounce the' Bill and Ruby Malley. Tyone tic ofnte: aliad,-i3ty Centre.; ware. ette, siîelf; ta ehldi h A -iStrato Chief 200 Acres frm hos,6omh arrivai of their daughtem Nancy'41cmsin fteHald 43tf' 1-ha.cairDwlnstee hircltrlBuhld ing teA -iRadio - Good Conditioni bank barn 40 5',pnalt$ooo..Teis 8:30 .nî.,la Tyone lai]. oad lngth, frfmeplace 15-coul radiatar; 41 x 5' window; nlddi hssl ilb Bowmanville. A sister farKenzie, nurses and staff foritoattend. 43-1l delivered. Phone CO 3-2275.f mOwem. MA 3-5684. 48-11 suite with reflectomite table,4- $15,000. Tem.Crei frdtis ___ __1 - 100 AcresT Wendy and Butch. 48-1 their came and kindness duing, enr'___---______ 41-tf NURSERY PRUNED - pce. walnut bedrooni suite! QUPM NTCO10AceonN.2Hg-Slsen 'mny stay in Mýemoniel Hospital.1 ,ud ev'Commnumty Pen-RUNDSocepn hit with poster bed and ure way East acNi asl,8 om WILBUR-Gomd and Doris are Also ta relativ es and frieîîds -M1oiister EBi ilgo. 1 xçentv uHRISTM cmbicotion oal andheict-ic1134.King St. E. Bowmanvlle salid brick houe( avnecs C oe A322 a son, Kevin Lewis, on Wed-<beskets* of !ruit. j ganies--thirty dollar~-s: so c1e Ekto Rbet oug-enditables, etc. For funther __________ 48-1 painted; riverndsalbh, nesday, Navember 16thi, 1960,ý Henry Pow',eii. iackpot, aidw alnt îmn edi hn rn Van Belle uarun particulars sec bis. Every-IT eta aI ee edm at Memoial Hospital, Bow- 4P-1s'250. Door nriz. e7ýt,29 r 15. 48-2*' Hi.-hway 2 MA 3-5757 thing in immaculate condition,U sed Car SPECIALS 100 Acres, bikhue i rnanville. 48-1 '\oiday, 8 oarn.. Red iram.IISLTO loigmt- BWAVLETernis cash. Sale ta commence! conveniences, akbmfo-RA SAEBOE I wisiî ta xrs ot Uoh~" __- 46-t!'i, viSLTh rowi. Wmk- BO48-2 Lpromptly et 10:00 a.m. Na 1957 PL1'1MÔUTH HARLDTOP ing weil. WM d tc n rhadfn-Ô cebn iýnqagements f thanks ta attending doctorsj IA T IN o nianship guaranteed. Free esti- 30,, DNN-omtal rc-Pese oe ch eiae o te Treesioi excellent con. ca faurth floor nursesL.Jack Reid, auctioneetabl Radio, snow tires.anAe sharpncarlan No. 2 Higha.dto ra oe-ae Mr. and M rs. Lawrence'lergymen; for cerds and gifts,'phione Clarke 2420. 39-tf tension), good condition; elcc-1 and place. 48.î*il956 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN 65 acres, clstaecs Courtice Mason, Bowmeîw-ilie, the miany friends v-hio visited, -tic hockey game; double sidedl mîefPrce $2500,00Teris annaunce the engagement O! ta those who ioened cars end: f idyDc r indaci Neerlwtrs er encrfaehosbn an their daughter, Carolyn Lor- helped et home, foilowing n.yislî Onions, $2.5 0 bse.Bing tweed top coat, sz 0 electric has receix-ed 27nacrestetnselcom1955nsul- j miles fCOACBo27anviesea, raine, ta 'Mr. Kenneth Bert recent accident and ste" ini'Ili the containers. 1V. Eymen, ½ý mile motor, heevy duty, 12 hanse seli by public auctian for l Radio, autoniatic, V8 stone house, bn an i 0x9,nc iw ee-al Marden. son o! Mr. and 'Mns. Civic Hospital. Your mai; iO ,NS Co-% -NITI yC !NTEe.-st of NichaIs Garage, Court-lo 'cm, encîosed switch. Phanel Percy Drysdale, his farm îm-j tnotgre ol S e The, kincdnesses are deeply ap- Il l.I 7_-E Go north ta first corner.etAsom3622. 48EDAN $9.500, easytensTri. Bertmner.f MAOshwa-3pl22.tsand smehousehold .. ce it amhue, eea0am-0ars ' trenille, o a Fnida, aDeceinh ciae . Eanl Ague WOK boat a&d sEWs et ar- m mils east hof esien, J Newrings, eondtoEDNoy e2 aroo , in etaiarswkb 7oo ou, iflth, 1960. 48-1*1 48-È at 8 p.nî gain prices, brown and black, j UR EYVS o! Lots il and 12, parcssin ilo o - I _______ ' ~~~~ail sizes. Bowmnanville Shoe R!8, Darlington Township, oni Two ta choose froni 4 room haoeadlrelt- fmae an3 6 DeahsTh eectie f heIoàI 1Reai, 0 in S. .,B Fr1eshly killed, dressed and 'Dec. 3. Ford-Ferguson tractar,ý Reasonable In Newtanville' 370 ens ens __________otheBbleS ciety ojr P iLSe - S 00 j manvile. East o! Bovwmanvilie' delvered 5 years old, equipped w ýl om HNRYeMry27th, 1960,Mary vassers eîd o hnltribuorsfor' 1G .ClS T nerE ( 42-tf f SPECIAL PRICE on 26 lbs.. power take-off anîd hydraulic 1952 CHEV. COACH veniences, $4.0.Esten.CekeTnhpt-f y -At orono onSun ass aid service. Tfoe'0sting1T BookAC andover Iift; two-furrow plougl, cuiLti-1 Good running order New brick nsonrachoslgeakbanOwr Noeme 2th 96, ayIIEA1lDNG adsrie etnr okYour order noi' and vator, discs, front end nianume house in Newcslalcniutsî rc ny$2Oo Almeda Henry, wife o! the their help and contributions ini TWO SPECTAL GAMES !service and complete stock ofaid iaponmn late John Henry, Oroxia, dear this year's can-ass. A ve-r N 50 AKrOT bteisad od1tHggn aoddsapltet loader, grader blade, 3-secti ~ ~veniences, ailunce$1.0Trîs ynte a idrd(me alspecial thank you ta. Mr. I'R.1 1 Lîied 8KigS. . for ucsa EW . E. b 'ted 38 ingEt.R.,flexible h erow s, m owem for Llack f oU ,f 'L A L uck sle ac n l n f c ng H gh Israel (Kitchener, and Dorothy, Bikbfrteueo l1- _ýov-iiialiviL1e. Phone AktoorhdspaeaCkhu'PHN701 Twsl. Toot.Rse tNrhut ickaby for the dse o!hL.AdAistotal - fMALEGRVE A -509Anke -t fel PIOE 7 a-hns o rneat0 4areeceln gre &Smîith Funeral Home, 53! of $1,050.00 -as coIIected. _______ 48-3itractor comiîanation drill, s Oen venigi Money aLa $5.0pe ce Divieon ,St.,id ownvesy.____ 48-11f In Memoriamn 'or rooni size. Free estinietes TUR on aces;, we-ird',ag- 5 ro8-1ungaow, ydro Seviewmahed nvlie. RODLOM wal-o-el tRKEYS3 il pae1heladtre 8îaRLC.PD LL wpeur ytmbah Noebr 29th nat 2 &p.m~. 1§havn-sh taextend mny sincere ;ALMOND-Iiivn nii il wall ontoyourhonime'roiurFrk- 3 Y-secti'on farni alien, trailer,,--~ rkrHgw ta assoted1.ilc-, o r:ichesutd ent ewcastle Poe35~Es't~~~2 rc 50 Cemed kt by reuete.!thnsbo rlies, clubs nd wstke wyNo- "f îddeoaîg da. F . By KlId Young Turkeystosui. 10 ciHOS in amon PhnHgwaN.Z 48Iote agniaiosfo isfs Fou lngyershae 'îs KmLap Ltd., 37 King St. E., For Christmas and New Year's npeeletrc fnin, lHcrimMA3-o91.41 eJohn Heatie, Nwate33 ato omnll flowers, cards, gifts and en-; rm7 son, 1 M-, -701.3-tf 1jieg lipneeti ril1 aTlphn Akt334 WATSON-At the Hospital quinies. 'Also speciai tiîaxks' Sinec ou -weme taken tram 'PC.nBK0-R.E. K electî cti c1pe l -37.4f W__vorikvane fon Sick Children, Toronto, on ta Dr. E. L. Ev:cîiu- and ta ail otir anus, T R E teci ,Ccsut ilne d A337.43____ Saturday, November 26, 1960,,the. nursing staff! during rnyAs long as wev v ot9r HampCEtonG BID9 peaer, gs awnnk ,tid pm, iDUTCH girldesimes v'ar.Ic BIileve PaulvWdtsono! Mr.1and Mrs. icn tay nMe, alHs Deep in aur hearts you are DesdadDi 'rd PoeC~stoiie-boat, sno'?r f -,nce ei ~~aeentrance, 4-piece bath,',________ __ .R oeln ecî,30 beovdso O r.an 1,200ial Dese adbaivre es ai hav, iUu$L. Phone MA 0-393 .48-1CUTMcanswîg Tr B- ihusýet pOsts,1200'a. H{arold Watson. R.R. 3, Bw1Gardon Be-ech, -t U e.Discount an Quantity Orders Phone whea3-s2297. 1' -andf-ur-rorned sef- ' cha -nsosco. manill: dan rohera! ed 8-IV'e Iovecid you fodecply ta M-NArket 3-5058 __________b4 aelie3 s'r a1e .ndoHlad Reby, 9 DkeSt ______ ______ 4-e ofTe2'De1:W W4 TEE-thriReaSlf' Esial ldy and David. Service washeid' oi çîid ptaer amriorget. 'ewasl Moristhe Morriseembre, FumnPHL FNNY.FEE$60KichelCroehSt fiamiaw c' of theco tand patir apntîîetsliLNecatletw- dls veek' 10 crePhoneR! In te FnemiChpel, Tle tmul o! yliande A a ddy-~ ~cc~. 48-1 or 'Platfonni" Rocker" or 'setýchairç. bý_cd c'ûucîi, o: i Phe MA 3-3102. 'hn evate26. 4- ot~Pî eî ihlreL November 29 et 2:30 p.nî. relatives, fiends and necigli- MILLSON-In Iovin- nmemomv Bookimg Orders Now for Tables" during aur Liquidatiaxîj stand fon saie, tali f hýi,,FîVE-roîn heated prmnPis Have I ocbfr nescslec;8roe Intemen Bomeniil Cene-hor fo tle lvei flralfnb !a dear vif.', tmther endi Christmas Sale. This is it! We're not vac1-uun cleaner, clark n ups10, -s lauir,- and cdryer Cýiinistmias. Fne statsboewihilmdm c- tery. 48-1 utes, cards and rnany acts of graîîdniother, Pearl IMihIson,; _ 47-6 !ooiing; $50,000 stock mîust go. ircking chair, pair of Frncl a&. î.Piione Newcestiej Phone MA 3-22 72vnecs sigpie$100 'kindness, in the sickness and who passed aw-ay Nov-. 30,' Srt -pce. Set.a ut,!doors, DirLaro -Matie garbse 48 rs WILSO. Basl W.-uddeny,'los o! lovig daulîterend oani cushions, reg. $349, Liqu - 1 disposa], hlp rbe ùts~, HIGII Schooi l,1ye an Sunday, Novenîher 27, 1960,;ý sister. Our thanks also ta Rev Dean iather voit are not 9 P E C 1 A L ýdation Sale $269; 2-pce. Sofa-,new; high leeticr liulntin gFOL R-rooni apartient and i.vants part timewm îcu"i2 cefn 2 ce et St. Michael's IHospitel,!A. C. Herbert for bis comnfort-. c e rimdwt -sh ot nw), ouantity o! dress-,bath, heavy wnnheated, ing bahy-sittuigvnns nfokîe, tem,2 an, Toronto, Bas!]l Wý. Wilson o! ing assistance; Dm. Storey, Dr., horhottenthyuaro on Famous SAMPSON beFaSet te, reg. $49, îu-%vas i.bot ner otw ie16ad1, tiaeeta .,Cî Oadwekns hn Akeîae oldrv1hd t. Thouli o earh ý-ii ae n' abe Farilie, rg. $49,8iq1--es7w58.r 4at-iize16rada18edivho etrace.ithl oaan wmod-d 2651 Bloor St. W. (fonmer-Ewert and Dr. Grant, special re:T TfW R dation Pnice $168. Kroehler'slightiy used; niglît stand,'3-2692. 48-1_____________-27058n.ne. skn manager a!' the Fairbaniz Ha-nurses and staff of eari Stili iiliisunnaorvyau are ývutll Airfoami andNyo Chester- 1 LTlddr hom ice tel), beloved husband of ThelIHospital, the Canadian LegionfiI Set, rgNy29,ln tepîddeo c rono kitche SELF-CONTZAINED upstaims VnB 1.0 ih$,0 on ni Btea Cbbeic, eaýomn' uxliry heC,-iid- ls 4-f.tower structure 1fle lrg.$l, iudainstool. Farni soid. aNorrenserve I Immiferman D I 7Ar AR AMwt sonaof hat e an C b ldcd t e erfWme 's fS uxJiiirfli ul As yu awavs w-ýere before. iit-l îsingle Radess A C $8. 2-piece "Eariy Ladies and gentlemen, ifo patîîî, hetd I m dAt Ge NE f pal-hnelAnria"ssessiaii. M~A 3-5891 or M EEA OTATRI6cn utaohr 0 so o Camesan te et ete o S.ion's Church, tle-i d- nisdbyhsan n 21!licaneced,'mnia"Chesterfield Suite; needs be implemeuîts or fuma.> . 06" 1t'BC.Be Mrs. Hilda Wilson, brother a!, Memioniel Park Association and .ni~48-P, $64.95 completeIly In- with foarn cushions, attractive'ý iture you'd be z-ell advised to i 'Žf_ - - 43_- Brick hc,(oeee~ ce etd ~khm .~é Mrs..KK.raham admMand .. Fs. MoF.sF.o.MorristrCa.veri-1 -. -g-$,. - ome to-l'ls sal. EntryliiegiFIEgaragepshalkapcoolert; Ca ofTooto Ms AturFai W -ih aexed urhar-Cfads of Thanksoeya.'iudainPie$1.4, t Slk e..Terni' cash. sepl1r&,e entrarce and bathInnigwtr sig$500 toexen or l cmt - rChesterfield Suite, foanuI' Sale et 1:30. Cli!!ff e- îae.Auispeeai.15 PHO-NL Mr '31fm:sarag (Belle'> of Bowinanville; Virtie feit thnkan aprtin ni" .,îcee ap1.eRAf n A___1____-__MA_ 48t:lcii, eae,, 43- peerbl11951h1Lat Reetin ýfl tinl-s aou ait r1, 3 Kn S.E.Bwna Euped KHOE WORK ailChriuman!cPhne3-piec684bat Cntwo R e c e p- -t- -ntie stt a nd ri s o r tlie vi , l c .i h a ' :, i c oîiý) i epin g t. . B orn av ille , r rb e a u tifu l sp a rk lin g g i ts a n d 'si 0h S t . W e s t. 4 7 t B A C K H Osu's st m . k n Mdllr eetd M s. F nred L ci ' s and ~fie,)dz O < lii St zi ,31A 3-'89regular lne needed every day HE TEDd t khi _____ KOIN betandhmoom4 TopcSemstio, Tans,,n ils.Rookteheebrickn homehools wili be et home ta their fiends brother Paul. Wce of taN J.5~.'i itua Sah-atiaiî 'd :ý - - ______ ù Ne E ,.5C iqiato Famiiex products, Dept. R.D. wsim rc- 6.M -96 e qlmn eha ihmdm cn tonighit (Thursday, Deceib' wi1 1tawhani: - ' Amiv tr'r$t60.jrana3-5996U it) fronu 7 fa ta'ciock. Rev. W . HoruY-- È:-b:-Tiý 1 "ýîSr'.C ilcsaiîs;veve iAND .1600 Deloinien, Montreal APt. 7, 63 King St. W. As lA ONJI fvnec odlcto o 5 leai a 'lok 11 pder, Dm. K. Sicuion, Dr. TI. lt:c-rdý;ani -i e{~ iùpdpie ntis.BE\atd --l LAtrUoNan tet. 4-ffBDk.ok8Er4tRETTg oe Akn $E00 the occasion o!flîceir Sth B. Rundle, Dr. L. S. Mikios t, e' 4-r lA'th-l'.p e Broadiopped Scates en'atsz,9,_ AATMN,2i - f are an.or fe .m er wedcing anniversary. 43-1- nurses andi stafe o! Mýenijorial ioite luat 'h-1 ixi.tIi'lias- Rainer Chairs $M, Tri_.ite FEATURING DOUBLE -LOAD -----ronsad 'A ýAGOOD Mandolin.- MAnkzet bath) with sho-.ver. Shop or_____1-t13omehmenOao F-Ptl o mnvle n h loor Lani, values ta S1948-1 OUBL-PRicTe____________________ eeh wih a '.Y.afi Mrs. NeilMuti , HosptlfnSc hli en. c, andi th"? uwti ýir Ch itSS iS t Liquidationu Pnice $7; RostessmprnctB wY ul Im~ 93tChnme ta 484St$888;aPLUS COIN OPERATEDatsoLL kinds o! l veipouîtspAppiy ae>emnoo PLU23CTIN-OE"Aeniences.kindsfufnacespetc. atvsadnfleirs oinste.-'Ted and Davidi. 4- it woulc! lie xoUtc Ierraia Sprnîg-fiiled Cr-lo1 Matti-Esses, DRY CLEANING MeAhrsCwINoESan4duk, nvie LLU I n cUvesand eiglborson fic_0__11 MACHINES fr laiso aid fea hier ticks wanted; _4-fMTOS 0Roîd oena rn occasion ofit-.hrir 50tii W"'d'.ds.re- $12,95, cash and carry, j wîth ail modem conve%.nlenccs1Nbrgh, el-cntind!EP IR ad ocaina hi OhWdigj We xish ta exprcs ur sin- Mi.'. Ostiioît u'a i --au -9'Upine olzaé-.Fo opet eal ce llaginshrt- ir! 0Behay .1 1 Phne 13f âapantnient wt cupboards,!al your Electnicl qup etsng$00. December "dth, 1960, froi 2 ta aur nuany relativ-es. fnientis wizhssor a :c.p: . -rg 3.9 n-P vtut obligation .. Write. ~ ..- F n withcol ta ad t 9 47* ndnegbomsfo kndî~s nd nt e11m ci; c rtu~ ,rg. n.99,o auîv unualn tei'et.icj21-tf ciothf.s and linen closet space'Sae&Seic MA-03;6LtonTuonRdut to an 7ta .-d-eghbrsf ad aHapy ew , ',rto '11-nrni u2,,Students' Ds,$14,1 oHhne îIGHES' r oces na!d faor A3362atr6 rStray.________ 9-fLn.Prc 60pe o. -oic ssynipathy shov.-n ta us Intrihe, Maýttliow 1 :21 - Tiiou rSu tChe--t cf Dranxers ýl7, Vniypoultry. goose fea thers, fea-l.%A359 e rStra .~TfdS. Bwnnil;es ahntnCak o2 Ntcslss o! a loving husband, !ath- cal] I","!ale Jesu's. for I-eDLz loeCveinloif Laundr Sales, cm ticks, scrap iran,ras1______43t,6Roehmewh nal- ____________- - rcmand grar.d!ather, Charles S5 il save ftue nPoP1>- frotîi thou-'-rs. Falveosr euc r ntasadrwfrs.PoneSTOE orretcetrl22F rnueFnshdbnan24ce ldoct FOR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ thi Wood. e Csdciii- w ii e nt ep .toîîetiLn RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. jKingi Street West, Bowman- irPotHp.Akn T ~ ~ ~ ehnk Dr. McKenzie, special G . . 43-1 coniffletc, s;ingle size, reg. 48-tf. ville, (now Nortbcutt and1 or Ref$100don $.9 Insurance Cove'age~ise and staff of '.Iemoriail - - -___ - ',9.9, Liquidation Special $23i.1 20 COLLEGE STREET If Smithi) 18 feet by 90 feet plus Rfnse Hospital, Bownianviile, Rex'.' \anted A.ýrbonite Student-,' De sk s, TORONTO. ONTARIO i Pets for Sale 't-ogreaes.PkigBt -FeraorWdnJhn .DeWh S e Bill Morrison Lonfobcooîng forru.N - -- - - - $1, s9.95. Piatform Rockers, neg.ý TELEPHONE: WA 5-4515 f_____________ and eîifnance by alley direct;'eardadRfnse elo n eoa nuao fledooso!hatifV11 - ANTED-C-t>'"e fa'- v tn ___________________ fthding. Pluofue NcwcacUe fl96 93 Liquidationî Price $29.1 4-,-l PIN-POM.I lennels offrp you tram King Sf., also floor above; 96 ONCESSION ST. %. crs, flhc Odd Fellox, and Re- -dg MA 3304 beahiLodesMr.andMu-s _ Phone____2196_____ prnig-filed 1M.attresses, dur-I "PR," UKC. rgîtrdTiny -*£9 feef hy 50 feet. Renova 'f.Nwesî hoo34 MA 3-3048Autmobiekan d,_.ai ndothrs vh DED ed crumld tickîng, Liquidation .uorues v ateajToy Fox Terricn Pups, 3 lhs., tion arrnged for relibeJacob &DnldMntJy A - Thf . AtmoieBalw an l ohrs-ýhoDA adc;nýd siock,'$14.88. AhI sales final. No. 'black, white ad tan mnarkings.; steady, tenant. Possession Jan-' -ere so vemy kind. ipicked up pra'îupti:y. Telenhane exchanges or refurids. Wilson'ROOMl and hoard available !omîWill hold for Clu:Îrias.RR'am1f,16.Apyoowî Phono NE IVCASL431oRoaavdo.Bha, O UI-ttg -am and family. 48-i Fnrai. Tà-rone. 37-tf Oshawa. 48-1 a6-tf 8-8038. 48-1'W, Bowmanville. 46-ti 82 ___4- - -'--- -........ - TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIL&N'Vl=, ONTAMO