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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1960, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN tion by Mrs. Ernest Larmer>. _____________________________ (3) The 0. N. O. prizes foi highest standing in Grade 9 - Ist, Bian Staniland; 2nd Donna McLaughlin. (Present& tion by Mrs. Neil Bailey). Racing Cars 'in Display f(4)hThe ststandingllprz (or)hThe Sustandinaywnell ri lihadHistory in the school- ElieMountjoy, Grade 10 At Orono Dinner Meeting to)(Prize fatoyr. .A (Peontainb)i-..Ai in nGrade 9 Mathematik. For Unique Mos port Park and Science, donated by Fi-anà Hoskin. Brian Stanilanid. PrizE for highost standing in Gi-adE "The track at MosPoi-t Park1 Hanna, displaying bis new ventjure of this magnitude, 10 Mathematics and Science bas been entirely laid out and "Lotus" for the first time, and inifiated and executed through dntdbyMs eog lt finished to gradîng. The as-! Mr. Dan Shaw. Mr. Sbaw's. such voluntary effort, is proJmain y. Priefor gByh pbalt top will be added in the1 Formula Junior was built by ably unique in the history of tanding in Grade 12 Matheo spring as early as weather the Sadler Car Company, the, the sporting world." To date, mis adSincdnt wil pemit redyfornex ony Cnaiancomanyman-1enthusiasts have supportedl by Harold Martyn, Lawrence season's motor racing." So saidl facturing racing cars. Mospart Park to the extent Of, iutt. (Presentation by Mi-. Ne!] Mi-. Bunting, Chairman of thei Mr. John Wilson, of Mos-1I over $100,000.00.r Baly). Board for Mosport Limited port Limited, paid tribute ta! As a major tourist attrac- 1 (6) The principal's prizes and designer of the new cii-- the tremendous enthusiasm of tion for the whole area, Nos-'1 for highest standing in Lang- cuit near Bowmanville, On- the motor sport clubs that had'port Park promises ta be one uages - Grade 9, Brian Stan. tario. made tais project possible. 1 of the most important develop- iand; Grade 10, Helen Busch- The occasion was a dinner "Undoubtedly," ho said, "a' ments in recent years. Ion, Jim Swain. (Presented by meeting under the joint aus- M. Paisley). pices of the Qi-ana Chamber D (7) Grade 13 Dominion- of Commerce and Clar-ke B L C K TK Provincial Bui-sary Type A Township, on Wednesday ev- ($500) and Atkinson Founda- ening, Novembor 23rd. The Recreation Centre was presented by Rev. Romeril to tian Scholarship ($400)-Johr An interested group of 125 fiiled to capacity for the Com-!i Joyce Hooey, Gloria Sadler, Foddema. local residents listened whiîe mencement Exorcises of theý Aileen VanCamp, John Fed- (8) The Henry Thompson Mr. Jim Gunn, President of Cartwright High School Fri-. dema, Jack Swain and Lloyd Memorial Prize, sponsoi-ed by the Canadian A u t o m o b i1 e 1 day evening, Nov. 25th, 1960. Wilson. Netleton Women's Instituteý Sport Club, announced that After the singing of 0 Canada, Tepeetto fSno for highest standing ini Grade for the first time in Canadian the Principal, Mr. Gardon1 h rsnaino eir1-oaad inotor-racing history, 1961 wiïu Paisley, and Dr. J. A. McArth- Debating Trophies was ma de il-no aird.hirsn seo two sporting events that ur, chairman of the Board and by Ni-s. R. Litt to Frances ilsris' cwhow s "an d s h~ave been sanctioned by the also chairnian for the evening, SLawrenc, e t.Shirey Die an"High Hopes". F. I. A. The Federation Inter- each made a few welcomîng Lwsaen t. SilyDa John Feddema, Victoria. Col- national d'Automobile is the i-emariks. wsasn.loge, University of Toronto, world governing body for auto. The girls' choir with Mrs Athletic Ti-aphies wore p- gave an excellent valedictory racmng sport, just as the Cana- Loi-ne Thompson accomnpanist sentod by Ni-s. Swain Van- address. dian Automobile Sport Club is and Ni-s. Harold Kyte direct-. Camp and 1&-. G. Sebben to The boys put on an exhibi- the governing body for auto- ing sang two nurnbers, "Tubl June Akehurst. Sylvia Laur- tion of Tuinbling exorcises. racing in Canada. There Was You" and "Do-Re- once, Laurel Mackie, Frances A one-act play "The Happy M."Staniland, Bruce Gibson, Ai-dis Journey"l was well presented Sanction bas also been M. MAi-thur. Ian Frayer was by Larry Hoskin, Sylvia Ko- granted by the Federation In- Lloyd Wilson, president Of 1 absent. zh ensPosr ao ternatianal Motocycliste for a the Students' Council, reviow- Tislio eio o Ca-Rh, Lenc reruttarod major international matai-cycle ed the year's activities, intro- r-colSno o hm am arneBt n event, also ta be held next duced the members of the Stu: pion (tie), Ai-dis McArthur. Elaine Nountjoy. sumnier at Mosport Park. dents' Council, and presented Ni-s. Romeril made the pre Six girl cheer leaders gave One of the interesting fea- Mi-. Paisley witlh a plaque in sentation of the Encyclopedia their school yell and cheer. tures of the evoning was the appreciation of bis work. Britannica books for tbe school Mi-. Paisley thanked ail who display of a selection of racing Mi-. E. Hon-on presented In - libi-ary donated by the W. W. helped, and Ni-s. Thompson cars brought by Canadian rac- termediate certificates ta Joan Vnapfml.adMs yewr ie it ing drivers and their spansors. Bradburn, Helen Buscblen, Presentation of Pi-oficiencybytegrschr.Evng As mttr f o*al ntretBeti d Vres Lrr Hskn:prizes followed: closed with "The Queen". Ase aofte crsofloal ner, etie de Vo Hskni, LryHsSaturday night the Recrea- oneof he ar wa th Loa on osknLaurel Mackie, (1) The Wallace Mar]ow tion Centre was again jammed "Miss Wbiz", sponsored by the Peter Mante], Elaine Mount- piizes-Grade 10, lst pize, for a shower in honour of Mi-. Hoilingshead Company of Can- joy, Jim Swain and Dianne Helen Buschlen; 2nd prize, Jim and Ni-s. Grant Edgerton (Loi-- ada, which has one of its fac- W-haler. Four. others eligible Swain. Grade 12, lst pize, na Harris). Mr. Herb Swain àiiin Bowmanville, Ontario. foi- these were unable ta be Lawr-ence Butt; 2nd prize, flo was the genial M. C. for the A"~O*~er car displayed was pi-osent. award. (Presented by Jim ovenin.g. The happy couplej the RS-60 Porsche, sponsored Secondai-y School Gradua- Marlow). were pi-esented with two swi-i by Eglinton-Caledonia Notai-s, tion Diplomnas were presented (2) Blackstock Womnen's In- vol chairs, a caffee table, twor Toronto. Its driver, Ni-. Fi-an- by Canon Ashmore to Mai-g- stitute piizes for highest stand- stop tables, a floor lamp andE cis Bradley, lu woll-knoxvn in aret Hoooy, Frances Staniland, ing in Home Economics and numerous miscellaneous giftsz Canadian motor-racing cii-clos. Lawrence Butt and Ai-des Mc- Industrial Arts - Gi-ado 9, for which bath bride andc Also pi-sent were two Arthur. Donna McLaughlin, Br i an groom expressed he a rty1 equally well-known and ex- Secondai-y School Honour Staniland; Grade 10, Bettie de thanks. The i-est of the even-1 perienced drivers, Mr. Bob Graduation Dîplomas 1 wei-e Vries, Jimn Swain. (Presenta- ing was spont in dancing. Ac DrehIurch ehackles by C&Rwilim' AA LE G O E rdled 1a oath,, leader and oacedteappre. d, Ro ito orth timne and effort a Mr. and Mrs. O Colss, Courtice Church on Thursday, puc noladn ohGr Kui and Michael, Minden, December 1l(tonight). Guides an rwis ze T. Colliss and Ernest, and at- phy, Oshawa, were weekend i voiced her thanks for the co. 9- tended the Best's auction sale guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roni1 operation and help the girls' - at Pontypool on Saturday af- Rogers, and Sunday dinner mothers and the Local Asso. 0.ternoon. guests were Mr. and Mrs. John ciation had shown._ à- ~Mr. and Mrs. CecilMUisI Aitchison and Billy, BlacK- Mrs. O'Neil's address and Mr. R. C. Milis visited Stock. plained ivhy and how the ?ej Mrs. Joe Cowie. Beaverton, on Sorry te hear that Richardi were necessarv and als;o how Sunay.McLean lu a patient in a hos-1 the funds were used. She in. iF Th CrcesofMaleGrv pital in Saskatchewan after troduced the headtabe guesta UnTedCurch wofil o ah aving an appendectomy. beginning with Mrs. J. Ged. ýe U ited C h ur h wi l h o d a M iss S an d ra S n ow d en , M r. des, G irl G u ide C ap tain , L ieu. le ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~oint meeting in the churh an r.WlimHwsatensLosSlk pr. ebasement on Tuesday, Decem- n r.WlimHwsa eat osMs ber 6 at 8 p.m.. Ladies are land famnily, Kitchener, were. Ken Stalker o o vl1e requested to bring the labelsWee~~ n r.Fak omn~eV they have been saving, also a' Mr. An Sowden. Linton, Qi-ana: Mrs.ONei c_ý ý Thesympathyv of the com. Dstrict Commissioner; Mrs. !d!sm ll Chis ma gft te be ý unity is extended teo r. d Rudeli, Div. Comnmissine packed in parcels for the Ms aoî asn and omni ~Ms W ar need . ID vidin the sudden death f iBothwell, Brown 0w]: Mrs. Mrs. L. C. Snowden was a ýeir son an d brother. Paul, John Noble, Tawny Owl; Mrs, * dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs.ý last Saturday. JmClis ryOl J. D. Hogarth, HamptonolM.adMs lnSodn, Mrs. Linton, w ' sGud Saudyevening. 1eecompanied by Mrs Bil Tramner - Arca Training Chair. * . Raymond Ireland, Nowod Hawkshaw of Kitchener, cail-! man, explained guiding from ~,called on his uncle and aunt, ed on the ladies' parents, Mr. the beginning of Brownies yM. and Mrs. Jim Laverty, on and Mrs. Ernest Wilkins, Por thi-ougli Girl Guides to the' c OS Tuesday. Hope, on Sunday. The occa- code of honour of Patrol ]ead. Mr.M William Brittin, N-ew sien was the Wilkins' 54th !ers. She explained that those Brunswick, was an overnightj wedding anniversary.1 who receive their goîd cord "Bo yo'd ove 910GBwhlh oe'sfil Pator guest wîth Mr. and Mrs. Cecil I Congratulations are in order are few, but that nany badges "Bat oud nver qBurton and family, on Mn-toseveral B.H.S. students fi-r and honours mnay be liadfo of wbich churdl"' day.Mo- ou r community who won the effort thait can b(> put i Couples Club will meet at' prizes and high standings, forth by the girls. fbountiful lunch was served. presented ber with her cr fJawrdd at the Comne- Mr.RdlDvsoCrn ce.rtndiM ae Kence-h i-sn.cRudeof.lDivision Corn. Mr. nd rs.KenethSam cat oflif meberhip Laughlin were in their places.'1 ment Exercises held last week. nlissioner. also spolie briefli- melsattnde a.nivrsay se- ReveBrue h andConiderable business wvas dis- Only seven tables wei-e The girls thcn receiv~ed the Hesarmodd nyndray sr e rc Ashton and eussed. Decided te send $10 played at the euchre party various badges they had wog wereices ts arof Mr. ndaMr. a nd ed Counveety Cou n at- t meetngs delaide. No more held at the sehool lastWe-1 du-ing the past year froni Mrs. w e r g u sts of r . n d rs . t e n ed o u n y C u -n il t C -1 e et n g s a re to b e h e ld u n til n e sd a y e v en in g . H ig h prize I 0 'N e i l an d a il sa n g G o d S av e Meshilae Sammiels and fanily, bourg last week. spring. for men went to Mi-. Cecil 'the Queen to close a very Oshwa.Mi-. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Lan-, Mai-ion. Oshawa; high lady, pleasant evening. A full siate will be on the Mi-. Bei-t Gibson Mr. and Mrs. sing. Shirley, were Sunday Mrs. William O'Neil: low ---- ballots election day in Cart- Merrill VanCamp and Mi-. and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil prizes went te Mrs. Axiourne wright Township. Those seek- Mrs. Victor Malcolm attended Forder. and Miss V. Johnson. ing election are: For Reeve- the Warden's Banquet in Co- The Hi-Teens met at theI BrceAsto, i-set eeebourg Thursday evening. church on November 23 with p and Wesley Sweet; for Deputy Mr. and Mrs. Austin Frank- TsLae Sore Clarke in emesadtw edrsr___ Reeve-Bert Gibson, present lin, Oshawa, visited Mi-. and pr iiesent. The meeting opened, ,enu».-I Depuy, ad Fed Towi, a rs.Loit Byrs Wdneday. Mi- Chas Bdwith the 4-H Pledge. The' iiJUST PIUjP TH.E PMOE 1960tv Concdllredfor Council-Mr. Land Myrs StanesRah.M rs hs ewnsegirls brought their recordl GIVE Ug A CALL ! La6wdrec aclMrillor frvon isit Mr. and Mrs. AnRthur some time with Mi-. and Mrs books up to date and those VawncMp,190councMill s ahMTrone andar. AthrEai-l Gilbank, Pontypool. MKho had brought material for' WE'REALW4/S READ, Henry Wott960 Jon ailtos a yon, Snd.Sory to hear that gi-et as ee be a AND ON TU.E BALL ! William McenacJhanHandltrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berriy, Wallace Holmes is a patient n start on the new article in,! Evelyn Prosser; foi- School O vil, eeFidy uesBo anleMmoalHSPi.- thoir chosen pattern. Next, ' Boad-aroyGraam Nilof Mrs. W. W. VanCamp and taI. We wish her a speody meeting will ho held on No- Marcom-Harey raiht, Ralhattended tho CommencementIrecovery. vif'r30 Lai-m,WlM rs. hte Smth. exercisos. Mr. Bei-iy was a' Mi-. and Mrs. Bill Lake vme 0 Thre to h lote Smieah o former member of the staff fI wei-e Sunday visitors with Mr-. Girl Guide ad Brwi Thre e e lete i echoïthe local High School. and Mrs. Everett Brown, Or-. Banqueti those two gi-oups. Mr. Vincent Ai-cher, Bow- ono. About 150 Girl Guides,!p A vei-y pleasing event took manvillo, Mrs. Beirt Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding, Brownies, Leaders and guestsl place at St. John's Church on Toronto, Mi-. and Mrs. Elmer Port Peri-v, spent Monday ev- enjoyed a hot dinner a tthe Sunday morning when Canon Archer and family, Whitby, oning with Mi-. and Mrs. Bill church last Tuesday. The dn-1 Ashmore conducted a service were Sunday guests of Mr.j Lake. nei- was planned and soi-yod in which St. John's W. A. and Ni-s. W. Archer and Mi-. Mr-. and Mrs. Robin Ail- by local Association members members mid Miss Eva Pari- A. Dever. dred and Bruce wore visitai-s and other ladies in the com -____________ a life meinher of the W.A. in The Mothers' Auxiliary met on Satuiiday evening with Mr. munity. ENNGOS appreciation of -lei- many yoars at the home of Mai-ion Rahm and Ni-s. Fred Henderson, Following the bounteous ÈrN OL of service to lier church and Wednesday night with seven Newtonville. dinner, a toast to the mothers j AOIE.OOOL W.A. Ni-s. John Hamilton mnothers attendîng. The new Mi-. and Ni-s. Doug Rowe, was pi-oposed by Ni-s. William pinned a golden pin on ber president Doris Suggitt and Newcastle, spent Sunday with O'Neil and Ni-s. D. K. Whit- ~W ~ > g coat and Mrs. Jas. Farder secretary-ti-easurer Edith Mc-, Nr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. ney replied. Mrs. Howardr LET'S BE A - FAMILY WHOLE AND SKIM' Ask Your Milkman ta Leave a Quart of Skim Don' t Settie for Less . Get the Besf rit 98 KING STREET WEST E AE A I MA 3-544~1 - - - - -u- PHONE .lv4àdLérU9 vàtl.1tuu TRUMDAY. DEC. ist lm IliL L)1'4'1,Akiitl m AI

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