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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1960, p. 1

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SHOPPING %DAnother Contest Winner Receives $5 Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb, 125 High Street. Bowmani cheque for $5 this week when they recognized their homej 4 Contest page of last week's Statesman. They drew the env P. G. NewelI Lumber Compariy's advertisement and, as a resu I Newell at left bo arrange their purchases. When you are Chri r mem-ber to fil] out the coupons at stores participating in th t ïUpon could win you a new Polaroid Camera for Christmas. iii be held in time for the winners to have their cameras for event. Etects New Officers Men's Canadian CG Address on Cana c Given by Dr. Claud The importance of Canada'sý In introducing the speaker aignificant i'ole amocng the G. R. Elliott spoke of Dr. Vi- nations of the world was em-1pond's broad knowledge and phasized by Dr. Claude Vi-!outstanding experience. He' pond. Oshawa, at the Men'sitold of bis early education in Canadian Club last Thursdiy: Quebec and Ottawa, and of his evening. He was the special. graduation in Medicine fromi speaker at the dinner meeting Queen's University. His post ~.held in St. Paul's Unitedý grad uate studies were in Bir JChurch Sunday School Room.ý mingham, England, and Edin-, Those at the heaci table ini burgh, Scotland. where he re-: 14, ldtonto the president Alvini ceived his F.R.C.S. ë vs. Dr. Vipond, werel "Dutring the war Dr. Vipondý Len Lucas, the vice-president,i served as a Captain in thei Joe O'Neill, the secretarv-' R.C.A.M.C. overseas, Mr. El-< treasurer, G. R. Elliott, and liott said and told of his large, Glenholme Hughes, vice chair-1 surgical practice in Oshawaýi mnan of the Memorial H«ospitah where he is on the staff ofù Board. Oshawa General Hospital. He Milton Elliott, chairman of'is also a member of the staff j! thie nominating commnittee,1 presented its report. Othcg, rnembers of this committA were Frank Rickard, New- castle, and S. G. McMurter.1 Officers elected for the com-! ing year were President Len' Lucas, lst Vice-President Ro- bert Mutton, 2nd Vîce-Presi- çlent Walton Pascoe, Secretary-ý Treasurer Joe O'Neill, and'..... Auditors L. W. Dippeil and W. Mansell Stacey. Three cars were involved in an accident on 401 highw'ay and Pîckell Road on Tuesdav aflernoon at 5:25 o'clock. A V. car going east pulled ont 10 pass a tractai ti'ailer. when a Ihird car' was making a! Len. Lucas left hand turnin mb Pickel of Memorial Hospital, Bow-ý Road, Darlington T\vp. nianvîlle. M'. Ellilott pointed The dr'iver's of the velîlcles Ont. wvere Donald McDonald. Corn- I vancadeso wall, who h ada rvi wcd -l a di'namCed"Dr. on by Mac'ý, Mtors, Corn\wall' aainCrd"D' i Edward C. Blakely, King St. ponld stated that this country Oshawa, who was driving the because of ils fine traditions,j tractoi tî'ailcr owvned b liv c- cosnopolitan population, and' Clun Tr'anspor't; and. Jeanl as its lack of territorial ambi- Krolevski. R. R. 3 . Bownman- t ions, is well equipped bo tak ville, a leadîîîg part iin internationý,l Mr. McDonald was injured afis in the accident. He is a pa-1I He discussed 'the part laken tient in Oshawa General Hos-1 in the formation cf the Cana- pitl. Velnia Beatty and 'dian national background bv' Stella Rink. both of R~. R. 3,ý the early French explorers., IBowvmanville, who wvere pas-ý English and ýrench seîtleî's sengers in the Krolexvski car, ' and the United Empire Loyal- ývere treated for minor in- sts. He also refcnred ta the juriesaI tbe hospital.___ (Continued on page seven) Carfwrighf Will Have, Fui! Twp. Elecfion for i I TtlUI LOSS - Thei community goes out tf Harold Watson, Kingst Paul, age 13, took illi k. died in the Hlospital f( Saturday about midnig few years ago the Wats themnselves as valued r and their miany fric saddened by their tragi T t ELECTION TIME - Ir and Car'twright Towins] tion activity as municip areas aI al houî's in pi next Monday, Decen electors to make thiat tix ballot for the canididateý offer congratulations t( acclamations to continti the citizens cf their cei m~ii DViuritp ricefJs II1~i MANY THANKS - Wl of The Canadian Statesi At the icNominiation Meetinig i5h Iiiîacliaîî. La% 1i'lce Mal- yupoal iln Jicld lu th Town~hîp o Cait- coin, Evelyn "P'oseL e'il o rbbvwl fied i th TNvnhil ofCat- '0111 EvlynProse, Mrrili amount cf effort that w; ,wri-ght Hall in Blackstock. 0 VanCamip, Henr'y Wobîen. Foi' 2 nienmbeî's of Publici They have worked han I"'iday Novenmbei ' 2th, 1960, a School Aiea, Trustee Board,ý and early mornîngs te p total of 1V)inominationis Nwce Harv~ey Gialiani, Ralph Lati'nit-, record time. The Christ j'ceeived, of whoîn bhe followiîig Nekl Malcoliii, Chai-lotte Siiiith, further complicated b! ,qitalifiedl as candidates foi' of- Walter' Wriight. niaealow td ~ :(Ail îesidents of the Polils vili he open ail Moîîday. caniae iewne eoxvnship of Car'twright). Decenîbei' 3îl, bonis 9 a.mi. to As Ibis is being writter SReeve, Bruce Ashton anîd 7 p.în. as follows- believe we shahl meet tl y ~C. Sweeî. I. Purpie Hill Or-ange Hall, 2. Oui sincere thanks in ~eputy Reev'e, Beit Gibson laekstock Township Hall, :. Tarwr n h e &aid Fred Trewiîî. Caesaî'ea Fiî'e Hall, 4.C.*O.'F Thi'wradteme For .3 meniers of Countcil, Hall, North Nestîcton; 3 . De-î ing can only be justified À.1iJohii R. Hainîto. Willianivitt's Orange Hall. in local stores this vear. O Io SECTION IýNSIDE... l Durham Uountys Great Family Journal VOLME 06 4 Pge BOMANILL, OTAIOTHUSDA, DCEBER Tht, 1-960 10e Per Copy -UBER4--8 Acclaim Reeve and Deputy Post Off ice 'Gene' Dopp Retires .HoId Election for Councililays Please Af fer 42 Yrs Editing e (aoodyear's Wingfoot to e a- id 1 eople are urged byth bouth #irea 'choo, BoardK- Pt Office Department te In__Dalingln Tow ship . They' are asked tc reember that overseas mail extremely heavy. so it tti esn0 h eri5 A large crowd filled the Reei'e Rickard's Comments Wise to allow Plenty of time Township Hall, Hampton, on Reeve Rickard stated he is for it to reach its destina- 'Collct $ 75 1Friday afternoon for Darling- aware of the ever increasing tion. Cole t ~ 75 ton Nomination Meeting. Re- responsibilities of the Town-. Christmas letters, eards, r eGarnet Rickard and De- ship Councîl. He said he had and parcels for adin ~rorn ale or puty Reeve A. L. Blanchard! tried to promote five points n hve been re-elected by ac- in particular during bis termn should be mailed eariy, and clamations as Roy W. Nichols as Reeve.Polar s eqstdo CCr twho was nominated for Reeve, The first he asserted is that esr optlcamils Blin Cr ft ad A E.Thompson, who was! il is necessary to have a strong, The Blindcraft Sale cf VWork nominated for Deputy Reve, counicil. He had encouraged: a csbe flwas held under the auspices ofj did flot elualify afterwards. o pendicson nalsu- flclpeie illav Sthe Bowmanville-West Durham Those nominated to contest'lects and to provide leader- their Christmas card iists of Advisory Committee to theý the three places for Council- ship he had tried to supply Fiowmanville naines at the iville, received a CNIB in the PUC Office on! lors were the three 1960 Coun- himself with ail information Post Office, the P. O. box in the Polaroid Friday and Saturday. This cillors, Fred G. Smith, H. C. possible. numbers wili be written relpe ontîmn anîuaevet i mch ookd Mir nd idny Crnih, He mentioned that he had opposite each name for theni vetp me taîthgMr. peopl e veatich er b mny d M ary udi nd rs. gone with members of COUn- Putting the proper box num. ult, et wth M 1 1Leona Cochrane. The latter cil, or other township repre- , ber on each envelope ex- istmas Shopping', Mrs . C .Tewn hgndid not qualify. isentatives tb municipal con- pedites deiivery. us~rs C.tet.OnWea con enor o the Blind- Those nominated 10 contest ventions, regional meetings, The next draw 'craft Sale of Work, was pleas- two seats on the South Dar- planning conventions an d 'ed by he pubie's rsponselingtnAe colBadmn te ahrns0 that ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' meoabe' y h pbicsrepn e.go reat School a rd m au n oter gawthing loe ta enrbeThe proceeds amounted to $375. wrdarttMake ape aueon bmaningpalwortwe Mrs. Trewin xvas assisted on sent member. Harry Qyler, data don municipa mts.a i Friday by.- Mrs. Ron Haw- Rus.sell H. Dow and Robert W a w eua et th o r n , M s . D a i derc y G e i e d i r î .( o t n e d o a e s v n Mrs. Mabel Bagneli, Mrs. Geo.;!Dm g e op Vce and Miss Isabel Davis. Egn oehDp dtr4 er seio aehn h ENThose who assisted on Sat- U niftedCi untji ies fGoodyear's N eýridito,2as as f ei'gave him fub ea rs'uray wre rs. ame BeW,[ ngfoot Clan foir 42 years wvas1 "Mr'. Wingfoot Clan. "This titi. ýMis Mar JewllMrs.Franý 4 0 Crs ýonbis recent retirernent. Mit.!bestoiNed honouî' of "Mr. La- 'rMis s.ryJe ae , Mrs. rank e d tu es 1 1oupied at seer-a f cios e "algwthapeiuy Howard Gibson, Mrs. Jack' i)op isa bîoîhu'-damagofehecoss Iia is ~ roeMrs Jei Cle Ms.~ R o d E x en itu esM~da agw in 'Misses Iae and Edna BottrellA large crowd of fredas unTnoMsteenCyea,1 fcl $ 1,2 75 ,145 ~ the early hours of Sunday le loo ona Bottrell,ian ejybeeeti h e morning. Nothing was stolenTG i'ekk Hi wife is the fornieriToronto Pr'oduction Squadroomi. e 1,'i,, onci lef ~~~~~Road expenditures in the road development, and this is fo n ftevhcei î ltilI eîg asn aae fI e V ipN hoefin trdayfer, A eibr United Counities foi the f11511 essential 10 cope with increas- was straight vandalism. Plas.. Mi's.Dopp have 22 gi andchild dusti al Relations and Personnel ___________home__in__Red__________ Alberta._____ nine months of 1960 amounted j ing traff ic, and proper devel-! tic Windows in a bouse under' 'en' !expresse(l the best wishes of all, b tO$1,275,145, il was shown in, opnent. construction were rîpped toi Unpî,ct'dented in the ranksf and presented Mr. Dopp with a Ithe report of the Counties Debentures for the Durham shreds. lof industrjal editoî sMr._Dopp'sI_(Continued on page seven) Engineer. George L Totten, County District High Sebool The vandal or vandals sa ~lIts i'id /I~îec s stswere asTotalows: bdi ds aca odingto the0report is, uled tbes ouIr, rippedi J o usiyws$7383 price was the highest of eigbt off acrials. let the air out fH w r uIl i e lasts wee sTotll r e sacsod agthe0035. t!is, edulsidetumirrors, ripp w rd R nd e G i e FIFTY - NOT TWENTIT - Since writing the velopment roads and genieral,jo h United Counties Coun-] off turning signais, pulled edît r a"npage four concerning damnage dn 3889;mitnne $137,- ci fnance committee. Iwires out, and ripped off someV a e it r d r s editoriaY ~~~~~~~~824; construction, $480278;! New qiiethsbefies lts here on Saturday night by vandals, w ae miscellaneous, $38.348; new1p w aequipr tetbowas en-icen e tplates carsrne ceg m en lere htth ime f fecsws50, flot 20 building, storage and eC i- vll Rgitr OfieRem edneonGergmerette as previous]y believed. If those responsible are ment, S50,69. ' ,'viA.le enan, Cobourge, Rtold lingtonGLoe raeentre reading this item we would in ail sîncerity reqUest 1Tte tesdtene Counties Council, in the re- Street, Scugog, Prospect and 1It i 15Myr honour and privi- gf long terrn planning. He ýpr fteseilpoet ihSres them to write a letter to this newspaper telling u adteeute ee ~ lespeilpoetyHg tts. h cars of two legeeta represent the graduaI 1 _____the___________________ committee. Further documentý members of Town Council, îgcaso 1959-1960 here this ~ why they feit împelled to cause so much damage eritering the second stage Of files will be needed, and the Deputy-Reeve Ivan Hobbs evening. For the past fivelI without any apparent reason. Such a letter would - committee recommended buy- and Councillor Ken Nicks years this High School, andl ý be most useful in deciding what action should be IS ie ing a cabinet for them. were affected. the people and activities as- taken to forestail any further developmnents of a N"4ew er ic Plans for increased accom-l I soiatdwînthv l simiar nture Miht w als sugestto tosemodalion at the Counties Jail ia ajor role in the lives whola tooktheuare.Mgt and atchsestom juvee lsale tare b lie delayed. The in- B u e Y u ms of us. Tornany cf you wh oo h wlet n wths rrnjvnie In tled at spector o Reformn Institutionsie S r o 5 years ano seem long,, hockey players, that they should at least return has notified municipalilies Ihali but to us it right now repre- thewflescotainng re osI ithut 1PoStaion a committee is invesîigating u n ents more than a quarter of, th alt otiigdrivers' licenses and ohr lice Sttia il accommodation. No gatsB y n se loulieie Itsbadtd-j. . an il av owatwek orrplcmet.Aneceln pee f}ill lie made until the find- scribe the feeling one has asW an wllhvetowatweksfr epacmnt. e xcipm ent a aded o saidare made public, itl T ose Bwe realize this is probably the! t' qimn a de t ad h s BS as last tim-e we will lie meeting I.l" our to-wn police equipmnent Ten By-Laws werepssdI together in this school as a ATTACIV SORS Amot vey ay recently, inl the formn of an bv the Counties Council. Twoi The Anti-Tuber c u 1 o s i sr class. we are net sorry another store along Bowmanville's Shopping answrinosevie, easd ew construction.i Christmas Seal Canîpaign is to be leaving and I arn quile frona the Bell Telephone. aftoriz d eetrsf ifulsigan pepe-rehé s' oefusht Section completes its Christmas windows to add The new machine makes One wasfo denteso.nfulsigan pope urIhein'oe0fstaI b te olo ad atrctienss f hestret itposibe or flOii cll $675,000 for the construction!I are urged to donate gener- 1 wishes he were back in High PubicUtliie saf mebes av aredy ing the police station to of a niew Higb School iný ously to this v'orthy cause.i School. However, on the other Public Utilleavestafmessager ifvpoliceadyClarke Township. The other' The proceeds from the sale 'hand, tbere are many evenîs, started stringing the wiring for the new brackets' are out of the office for any for debentures of $125,000 fan i0f Christmas seals sent out many memrnoies of days in Ibisj whîch should arrive soon and wilI be erected as reason. Ithe building of an addition bo by the Durham-Northumber- j building. that will livenwîîh j quickly as possible. We can foresee that this year When you phone MA :Port Hope High School. land Taberculosis Associa- jus forever. the town's business section will present a.far nicer dures3 ouwîlrcev an A opte by-l coveeupntionhlpfnac teT 'W9.oldeerfr e , s i answer day or nîght. If ,cedue dpe yCute , first few days in Grade . e appearance than has been the case previously. 1 no one is tlxere a voice wilî Council. Others approved in-! thought is cool asinthe r prvenîtie prgra in th gh' thsb' oowasde- HoadRne The only item lacking is a huge crowd of shoppers1 tell you to wait until you îcluded those for the appro-1 Unlited Counties.j (Continued on pagesex'en)Hoadunl to inspect the wares of the merchants. Quite son hear a double beep, yoj priationfiof land under the'!- --- have 30 seconds to leaver Higbways Improvement Act i town residents will add brilliance to the scene your namne, address and Peî'cy and Alnwick Town:Mafly Prizes with their house decorations. Then, everything! telephoîîe number and any ýships, by-laws amending pe mill be in readiness for a wonderful Christmas message. This is recorded ivious ones on road allowances season - especially now the seasonal snow covers and played back immedia-i in Alnwick and Brîgh ton the gro nd.,,tely the constable on duty 'Townships; and one to im1pe- the ground. ~~returns to the office. !nient employee benefits to 1a ailMai n rspc 1' i' ~fice. employed by the United Coun-. A *~ ,,t If he is patrolling along ties. A ýe sympah fteetr ton Road West. Their son 1answering service goes mb eak Here 1i9 luir Il gl %0 I f ms than two weeks ago and obrgtreighton ornes onks H req cn for Sick Children, Toronto, :tth main intersection T m ro 4e! 4 t n l c a t 1 /e .ght. Since coming here a downtown. When the con- T m ro son family have established stable sees this, he hurries1 nmeso hsom uiy back to the office. plays Hundreds of wmnfîomîl-- - - ------ nember of tîs com uniîy back the recording and con-Bo anieadth dst'c ýends were shocked and tacts the caler.Benjoy e yd ho trict!h î & J r a h r e a 'ic scbool hcld under the, - - aspice cf he Women's Aux Hot Eliection iliary of MroilHsi~ ~ x M s a e f M n nip Claier ingo, o , hby the PUC and Ontario Hydro' lstheisplenty o c Sh p n - n on Wednesday and Thursday pal oiiin avs their in the Town Hall auditorium., r n politicians canvass e]The'convapong mn1eMrs. ** 't h r h e v c weparation for the big day Hop T. Alan B. Sylvester, Mrs. W. M. IThe ak ndJîIC lub aI (00erie nber 5th. May we urge H p w TeJc n Jl lba100yasago - 'ip bO the polis te cast their Reue ndMims. otan e'G und er the ieadershîip of the orated uipon by Mi'. Banlîing, -s of thir choie. We alMc1uAnter.y Membersd ofctthe presidents, Mr. and Mis. Ddug-, who POinted out thait they are cf teirchoce. e ase ke n oteTdetownship Auxiliary looked afler the! las Wight, conducted the even- equally applicable today as :o those who were given wil be held in Hope Township tickets, distributed a pocket'ing service a rnt ntdte eei yoetms t hs h eegvn next Monday for ail municipal! - edîtion cookbook ta each per- ChurchonS nyAniedo-The six istakgoe îte h .e their work on behaif of off ices. Stewart Gray, the ! Thneh stidxan uhec immunities. piesent Reeve, is being opos-- uigth heesos quent sermon vwas gîven Y Mr. Banting were as fo>llows: 11 ...drn'tetre hw. Elmet' T. Banting. 1 h eOso htiniita ed by Weston Banister, a mem-j - Ivan Holils, chairman of the ..Tedtso htidvda betf h 96 owsi Board of Directors o! Memo ' n ih aeth noa dac s made by crusbing Cerocie. 1960ospapaipbih ribtetion, and announced the first'others. 2. Attempîing 10 cam- hen you receiv'e this issue Another 1960 counril mcm-, 10 the Womi'nen's Auxili aly of hymn, "Blessedi Be the Tic pel other persans la belmeve sman'- on timne, uve hope r ber, Noîay Gobeen, is stand-,r the bospital in a short address that Binds." The seripture and live as we do. 3. Refus- eot realize the tremendous ing foi election ta the post of!rat the Thursday presentation. lesson, Matîhew VII, verses 1 ng to set aside trivia. pie- as put mil by our staff. Deputy-Reeve against Fred! HIe said Ihal many years ago a 1-5 and Matthew XXV, verses, ferences. 4, Negiectimg de- Bamsy, te pesen incm- group o! ladies with foresighî 14-29, was rcad by Mis. Wight. velopment and refinemejit of 7d ar evealnigts Bameepeent icmj D. onCne started the organization, and; The Men's Chorus under the the mind, and not acqtti'.Ig put this edîtion together inl There are five candidates,i "The Magie of Modern they wouid indeed lie proud cf, direction of Dr. Keith Slemon 'the habit o! rcading and study. ;tmas edition situation was Councillor George Finnie, Wil- Metals" xill lie discussed aI the the present auxiliary. ' sang a beautiful Negro Spirit- P. Insisîing that a thing is ecause so many political liam Ligbtle, George Staple-ICanadian Club tomorrow, Fi-ý "The auxiliaîy was foundcd ual, "Someone is Knocking at; impossible because we cannnt 1cards prînted in a rush, ton, Simeon Dickinson, and day, Dec. 2nd at 8:15 p.m. Dr. 42 yeaîs ago. The good work Vour Door." The iovely voices accamplish it. 6. The tend- Lonne White. for the three John Convey, Director cf bbc it bas done during the years of the Ladies Trio. Mis. L. W,.Î rency to worry about bhings n at il p.m. Tuesday, we caunciflors' scats. Mi. Light12 Mines Branch, Dept. of Mines 1-as been outstanding and the, Van Driel, Mns. -Russell Oke i that cannot be cbangcd, or he deadlines we have set. and Mr. Stapicton are bath and Tecbnical Surveys, Otta-' Boards of Direcbors of Me-' and Mrs. S. J. Black, werecorrected. advance bo a great' staff, former Deputy-Reeves. Mn. tva, will lie tbe gucst speaker. morial Hospital and of bbei heard in "Softly and Tender- Mu. Wight announced the ýrchants' costs for advertis- Dickinson was naminated two1The meeting will lie beld at former hospital have mulch'ly. " The Men's Chorus sang'hymns "Rise Up Men o! God" vears aga, but did flot q ualify. jthe Lions Centre, Bowman- 1appireciated the great assistance "I Believe" impressively. and 'Breabbe on Me Breaîb of d if you. aur readers, shop Mr. White is a newcamer injvillc. Member$hips still avail-'that bas been given. TeSx isaso!Mn0!Gd" heBedctowa Try l. wn't ou.bownhip oulis. able. ___ (Continued on page seven) autlined by Cicero more than also given by' Mr. Wight. A - King St., he wilI be on the fiisàYear I £PECIAL We Urge ai Hfoine" Poe 9!iauwi;;-- - q,ý11--- air, ým

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