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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1960, p. 2

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~PAGE TWO ____ .1The Orono News Mrs. James E Richards, Editbr Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Loga vlsited Ni-s. Gco. Bickell, Mr-. -m 4ndNis. Wm. Found, Bow- mnanville, on Sunday. Janette and Linda Bryson, Downsvicw, spent the week- end with Ni-s. M. Sberwin, Mr-. and Ni-s. Brysan. Mi-. anddNi-s. D. G. Hooper were dinner guests Sunday of Mi-. anddNi-s. Raymond Clapp, Tyrane. Mrs. J. E. Richards attended the Shaw-Ar-cher wedding in the Apestolic Churcb, Lind- say, on Seturdny. Ni-s. Harman Visser return- ed home this weck from Me- mnoili Hospital, Bowmanvillc. Ni-. and Ni-s. C. V. Wilson and tarnily attendcd the fua- KENI ci-al et bis brother Mr. Basil weekend guest et Mr-. and Wilson ini Toi-ente on Wednes- Ni-s. Lavern MeCambsanad Clay. daughier Ferne, Lindsay. Ni-. Stan Seymour, Toronte, Mr. and Ni-s. Wm. Mitchell visitefi bis aunt, Ni-s. Wm. spent the weekend with Mr-. Seymour. and Ni-s. Burns Kittmrni and Ni-s. J. Noden, Mms. S. Bei-iy sans, St. Mai-y's. and Miss Viola Noelen called Ni-s. John Bigeiow et Kirby on Ni-s. John Bigclow in Port is a patient in Fort Hospital Hope Hospital on Satutrcay. witiî a fiacturcd hip as welli Glenn Grady , son etfNi-. as ber airn, and Ni-s. Bill Grady, fell on Ni-. and Mms. Ted Wilson Sunday and broke bis collai-in daughtcr have movef inl bonc. wt i onFtesno The teachers ot Clai-kelwt r onPtesno Township beld tbeii- annuel' Churcb Street South. banquet et Kirby on Nov. 23.1Ni-s. Mary Almeda (Neda) Mr. John Berry bas been a Sowden Henry, wite et the patient in Nemorial Hospital, late John Henry Qi-are, pass- Bowmanille. d away on Sundey. Funerai Ni-s. J. E. Richards was a! wes on Tuesday. Interment la Qi-ueo Cemetery. Mi-. and Ni-s. Albert Mitchell DAL visited NMr. W. C. Cresslcy in D LOshawa Hospital on udy .A carload et ladies trorn anniversary and MNis. Whitc's Kendai attended the concert' birtbday. We ail join in wish- In Ncwtonviile churcb put on ing tbcm niany mare years et by Cobourg(' Kiltie Band on bappily mariled lite. Monday evebing. This week, tr&ffie stei-ted te Miss C. Vit. Stewart attendedi use thc ncw bridge at Jack- the conieficernent at Whitby sons. Now another rend pi-oh- )District 11,gh Sehoal where lem cames up. A petition was her nieces, Misses Marï and circulated this week asking Jean Lotttousc won sveral that the new road go up the awerds. 6th lire instcad et the 7th, MrsMdr Luxen spent a, which is et present the eeunty few eyin Port Hope lest ronad. This new road which 15 week. to be started next yer, la the LittleTt ss Sylvia Nikule lest link in the Bewdley-Hanip- entertained some of ber littie ton-North Oshawa highwey, schoolme Saturday to eldc-and wiil carr-y considerabe brate her sixth hirtbday. trattie se we hope that the Ni-. and Ni-s. Carl Langstaff 44pewers that be" wil study and Ni-. and Ni-s. Gordon the situatians cerefully and Langstaf attendcd a hockey choose wisely with .an eye te garne in Port Ferry Seturdey the future. evening. Mi-. and Nrs. Willis spent Ni-s. Alexander and Ni-s. Sundey elternoon with Ni-. and Fred Falls wcrc dinner guests Ni-s. Bob Youngmen, who la Wedncsday evening with Ni-s. the evening visited bis brother Chas. Thompson and Arthur. Mi- and Ni-s. Ernie Youngman.« A vcry pleasant atternoon Ni-s. Jack Neel, Neisha and andi evening was spent Friday Kenny spent Fridey in Qi-ana et the parsanage et Newton- with Ni-s. K. Neel. ville when Rev. and MNis. R. C. White held "Open House" to Mr. and MNs. Ernie White view the loveiy new sun porch et Oekhili visited Ni-. andt recently completed. Fricnds Ni-s. Bei-t Thompson Sundey.1 tram Roseneeth and Bobcny. Ni-s. Chas. Thompson andt geon, where they were pi-ev- Arthur visitcd relatives in Co-s iausly stetioned, and aise bourg.s lriends fi-rn many other With Ni-s. Neya Little Sun- points, joinef i wth this cii-- day wcre Ni-. and Ni-s. Ayl- .Cuit in the celpbration et Mi-. ward Little andfi amlly of and Ni-s. White's 38tb we4ding. Markharn.t To the Eleclors of th Township of Clarke Having served on yoi two years as Councillor, careful consideration, to s as Councillor. If you fee support on Dec. 5th, it IN JO 3Ni-s. E. Grady bas returned .home frem visiting in Hamil- rton and Dundas. Cougratulations te Mi-. and oMrs. Carlas Tamblyn who celc- brated their silver weddinI. annîvcrsary on Wednesday. Mi-. Jack Hudson, wbo Is a patient in Oshawa Hospital, had bis other limb amputatcd last Thursday. Ed. Samuel Candidate for Clarke Council Edward H. Samuel (Ted) Fresident et Curvply Wood Froducts Ltd. of Qi-ena, is running for Council et Clar-ke Township. Ris decision, hie states was brought about this summer, while travelling ai- ong the ruttcd, bumpy road called the 6th Line. On being intervicwed in this respect, be observed thet lie could not sec why, with the budget of the Township, such a disgracetul condition shoulfi be aliowed ta exist, especialiy wben this rond was pavefi just a yeer ege. This incident alone peints up cer- tain inetticiences whicb ex- Ris Flattari- atherefore, for improved roada in the Township, m o r e efficient 10 planning of the Council and foilowing through on pelicies wbich bave been adopted. * Edwerd Samuel Is the pro- prietor et the only lndustry n Orano and wouid bring to ýur Council for the Past Clar-ke Township- Cauncil the experience et e business mer, 1 have decided after which he states is e prime ieekre-lecion or 961 neccssity et every Ceuncil. eek e-eecton or 961 Edward Sarnuel was cdu- cated in Tarante sehools and Il I amn worthy of your is a Veteran et the Secondi Worid War. He la niariid vould b. appreciated. andi the father et two daugh- ters. He bas rcsided In Qi-ana where be bas conductcd a business since 1949. Adyt. ihn Stne~ ____ ---a-aa %W a %e 5 COUNCILLOR. Clarke Township elect EDWARD SAMUEL Councillor Dec. 5th Nesileton Station Mi-. and Ni-s. Arthur Hy- landi spent the weekcnd in Tarante visitîng Ni-. and Ni-s. Win. Adamns and Mi-. and Ni-s. Clittord Hylend. Ni-. and Ni-s. Francis Gist and family cd Lelng visitefi Sunday et Davison and Gists. Mi-. Alfred Dowding et Weston, bis deughter Anne and friend ef Toi-ente were recent visitai-s with Ni-s. A. Dowding and Ni-s. Hoiton. Messrs. Cecii Wilson and William Haoey ettendefi thc EIders' Canference Sunday ef- ternoon and evening in St. Feui's Freshyterien Churcb In Peter-borough. Ni-. and Ni-s. Cecil Wilson visited Mi-. andi Nis. Norman Lyons et Uxbridge, and Mr-. and Ni-s. Hermen Rodmen et Little Britain were weekcnd visitors with Eunice's par- ents, the Cecil Wilsons. Recent visitai-s with Ni-s. Herman Samelîs were Ni-. and Ni-s. ElwaodGray endi David ilAfter AIl I've Done For Yod'fi One thing we usually regret not doing is taking more pictures of our children. A camera and film f rom Jury & Loveil would make a wonderful fcrmily Christmaxs gif t. --TME CAIOAfl!AN TATESMA? IROfWAVffT.?.UM ,A UTn.-14 M- rid ft he -- *'~~ 41~4W4~TauRD, DEC. lut îmN 4 - H Club Dele gale Describes Details 0f Thrililing Trip ~,ucst speaker, Ni-s. W. Teeple, Ni-s. A. V. Edwards nnd AI- '111 iJ\\~~ 1 ui The Temperance program Thne western delegates fi-on at Sunda'y School on Sunday B .C. te Manitoba arrived tha morning ineluded a story read night after being on the traii by Mrs. Don Taylor and a for about thi-ce days but wi vocal trio by Marie Flettal ad te wait till next mern Diane Tink and Evelyn Hock- ing te meet the castcrn kids aday. From that minute on we werg At the church service Rev- te spend the most wondcrfi. erend James Ormiston of week of oui- lives. missionary fi-rn Angola Af- Every morning, naon anç rica, spoke, presenting a chai- night we had banquets, anc lenge for Christian workers what banquets! They wer( amoîîg the Afrîcan people. spansored by the various bus. The C.G.I.T. group who for- iness members associa*ted witi mcd the choir sang a select- the Canadian Council on 4-F ion and the Explorer girls ai- Clubs. We were honoured a s0 contributed a pumber. thesc with speeches by suc], The beautiful flowers at men as Hon. Goodfellow the aiter were in loving mcm- Hon. Hamilton from th( ory of Mrs. W. T. Baker, a Canadien Dept. ef Agriculture former faithful and regular Cisco Kid and Mr. Clerene( attendant at Elded Church Campbell, the Pi-es. of N.H.L. and Sunday Sehool. Next Sunday evening, Dcc- During this week we took ir ember 4, the C.G.I.T. group most everything - a tour ai will hold a Vesper service at Tarante, a visit ta Casa Loma 7:4.5 o'clock. Note change ef attended a hockey game a, time pleese. Maple Leaf Gardens, aftej The C.G.I.T. met in the which we m et hockey Gerdens, church basement on Saturday TV persenalities. We went tc atternoon. Gail Baker led in the Royal Agriculture Wintcz the worship service with Phy- Pair and stayed for the Horsc llis Westlake and Wendy Nes- Show at flight, and madez bitt assisting. The group plan- tour et the museum and theî ned ta attend the Vesper ser- Parliament Buildings. On Sun. vice at Northminster Church day morning, we reccivcd a in Oshawa. Mrs. Don Taylor funny sensation as we rode ta then practised wîth the girls the beautiful Metropolitan for Sunday and also showed United Church on a subway. a film on the United Nations. It truly gave us an inspiring Quite a number tram bei-e feeling as we, the delegates attended the Bowmanville from ail over Canada and Highi Sehool Commencement U.S.A. worshipped together. Exercises on Friday night.' O h udyatron Friends of Mr. J. Kiveli On the unday aonteoonse are pleased te know be i-e- whwerail bundaen one usf turned home from Oshawa which wr aur ain mode ai Hospital lest Wedncsday. trnptao, dwetc Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Har- Niagara Falls. We stopped er rison, Lois and Ralpb O(:sh- route te view the locks at the awa, were Sundey tea gucsts Welland Canal and t:hen, aftcî et Mr-. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- seeing the feuls and the sur- lowlecs and family. i-ounding parks, we hed dinner Mrs. Bruce Tink visited et the Shereton Brock Hotel. her mother Mrs. W. A. Orm- 0f course ,when we weren't iston, Brooklin. away seeing something, we. Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer, were having parties and get. Bleckstock, visitcd Sundey togethers in variaus rooms of cvening with Mr-. and Mrs. the Royal York at which wc Harvey Yellowlees and tam- were quite often entertained ily. by TV and radie celebrities. Mr. and Mi-. Wm. Knox, We were delighted te have Braugham, visited Mi-. and 'King Garinon and his orchestra Mrs. J. Knox and femily. play at our Friendsbip Party Two carloeds of C.G.I.T.ion the Roof Garden. girls attended the Vesper ser- ed hvousrosm- vice at Northminster Church, W ddh v u eiu o Oshawa, Sundey evening. O I Mr-. J. Baker visited Mr. O IU R and Mrs. J. Smeles and tam- ily, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mr-. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, CHARLES S. WOOD Bowmanville, visited Mi-. and oIwnabreilesth M4rs. I. Hardy and Stanle. Foîîhoin a ref utlne;s, the Miss Lena Taylor, Bar -Hosdat ourred e Memora rianville, and nephew Wal- HsialamniIStr ti- Taylor were weekend day, Nov. 19, of Charles Sam- guests et Reverend and Mrs. uel Wood in his 74th year. R. H. Sberwin, Belleville. Bora Aug. 1, 1887, in Clarke Mi-. and Mrs. I. Hardy and township, the deceesed was the Stanley were Sunday visitai-s son of the late Richard and with Mr-. and Mrs. Roy Black, Mary Grace Wood. Ebenezer. On Mai-ch 1, 1910 he maried Miss Jean Cryderman, Mi-. Hilda Mary Johns and farmed George Bkùtncr, Oshawa; Mi-s. in Darlington township until A. J. Balson visited Mi-. and 1915. Since then he had lived in MIrs. E. Cryderman. Claîrke township and the village Mi-. and Mrs. Ken McMinn of Orono. nd childi-en, Oshawa, were He was a member of the ses- guests of Mr-. and Mi-s. Keith so fOot ntdCuc Cryderman. so IOot ntdCuc Mi-. and Mrs. Keith Ci-y- and for some years priai- te his erman visited Mi-. and Mrs. vassing he was a faithful sex- L.Steinton, Enniskillen. ton. He ives actively intei-ested Mi-. and Mrs. Herb Rich- in ail church and eommunity ards, Mi-. R. Harding, Mr-. enterprises and a niember of dwin Cook, Mi-. and Mrs. F. the Odd Fellows Lodge No. 436. ECook and farnily, Bow- Basides bis wife, he is sur- îanville; Mrs. Lena West- vived by thi-ce daugliters and ake, Miss Ola Westlake and one son (Frankie). Mrs. Rloy 'jeanne, Mi-. and Mrs. J. 0v- Berraball, Orono; <Hazel> Mrs. mden and family, Oshawa; George Crowtiîer, Newcastle; [r. and Mrs. N. Fice, Keith (Mary), Ni-s. Fred Brooks, Osh- td Douglas, Mi-. George awa and Neil Wood of Lake- ertrim, Taunton; Mi-. and field. i-s. Percy Westlake and Alse aurviving are a brother, amily visitcd Mi-. and Mrs. Wesley Wood, Orono, and four P.Westlake, Jr., and family sses r.Wse okn id Mrs. F. Wcstlake, Si-. sistrs, ni-s. WeleyHosn, Mi-. and Mrs. Lloyd Bro- Hroy r.Hr ude ne and sons were Sunday BowmanviIle; Mi-s. D. Flintoif, ea gucats of Mr-. and Mrs. Oshawa; Ni-s. George Arnieur, Vallace Munday, Bowman- Hamiptan; Miss Allie Wood, île. Newcastle and t he foiiawing Mi-. and Mrs. D. Flett anld grandchildren: Ni-s. Harold inda visited Mi-. and Mrs. Murphy, Mr-. David Phascy, Ty- LLeach, Taunton. rafle; Mî's. R. Gilmer, Saskat- Mr-. I. McAvoy and Kath- chcwan; Ni-s. 'R. Horner, Osha- en, Mi-. Frank McAvoy and wva; Mrs. Fred Perrish, Osha- amily, Mt. Zion, isited Mr.1 wa; Mi-. Neil Barrabail, Winni- id Ni-s. Lloyd Broome and peg; Mr-. Wiliis Barrabail, Oro- Ms. nao avsf; Chai-les and Jamie Crowth- ci-e anday teeRlpguests eterNewcastle; Gail and Sandra r. and Mrs. Ed Davis. Wood, Lakefieid; Chris Brooks, Sunday School and Church Oshawa and eight*great grand- iill be et the usual heur next childi-en. at in ve e 'i id id e th t- ,h er ie t, ce 4 sy gi de L. ar EÉ E. la] IDi cn I ai Be Mi fai F. an teE vil N. lee far ari we w:l Su ThsWeekps croceryFetrs Robin Hood Deluxe, Banane, Orange, Cherry. Reg. each 37e-BAVE 110 CAKE MIXES 3 2-oz pkgs 1 0 Plectin & Colaur Added, 4c Off Deal Reg. Jar 31e--SAVE AN EXTRA 2o IONA PLUM JAM 24-oz jarl9C1 A&P Fancy Quality Reg. 2 tins 25e-SAVE li TOMATO JUICE 42-oz tis45cý 20e Off Deai Reg. box 65o>-SAVE AN EXTRA de SURF giant size box.5 9c Westm inster Reg. pkg 49*-SAVE 4e TOILET TISSUE Pkg Of 4 roII45g Detergent - 12o Off Deal Reg. btl 77c-SAVE AN EXTRA 2o LUX LIQUID giant sizebî75c Red Rose, Orange Poko. - Reg. pkg 79-8AV. Moe BAKER Y SPECIALS! JANE PARKER Reg. 59r. - SAVE 100 CHn-ERRY PIE eaich 4 9 JANE PARKE R, 3 VARIETIES Reg. doz 29C - àAVE BU dozn ko21 c ROAT LEAN SHOULDER CUTS GRO'UND CHUCK Froshly Ground CHOPPED SUET Muat PORK HOCKS Fancy Quality Siiced PORK LU VER Lean Mcaty Park SPARE RIDS Pancy Quality SIiced CALVES LU VER Fresh Lean MINCED -BEEF Wlientiey Brand Haddock Se* Seald Occan PERCH FILLETS 1-lb pkg 3 5 c or winu i'25c ib 29c i>35c in49c 1b99C n39c ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEEO THROUGH &ATURDAV, DECEMBER $rd, 1I60 PRdcEgH Ws Spec,0î5, IV A E N W gj sTy , C Oi CE RAD EZ VALENCIA ORANiGES cello bag 5 size 176'., 645C dozen49 ONTARIO GROWN, COLD SrORAG.E STOCK< Mc1NTrOSH APPLES d-quart basket 8 9C FANCY GRADE REU CAIJFORNIAPAt4Cy GRADE RED EMPEROR GRApES 229« et Port Hope, Ni-s. Miltoi Fisher and Mr-. and Ni-s. C Wilson. Mr-. Charles Briggs of Tor ente was a weekcnd visito with Nestieton fricnds. Mi-. and Mrs. Alvin Bruc, of Seagrave cailed on Ni-. ar Mi-s. Bruce Heasiip.. Ni-s. John McCalden lel this moiring te spend th winter in Victoria, B. C. Mr-. and Mrs. Neil Werry Carol and Lai-iy taak -th, Grant Tbompsens te Beaver ton te visit his met.hcr, Mrs Jas. Thompson, at the home u Mi-. and Mrs. Russel Francis. Ben and Michael Crawfox( arc staying with their graed parents Mi-. and Ni-s. Jas Crawford et Orono end Stevcz with Mi-. and Ni-s. Carl Ad amis while their mather Ni- Hai-aid Crawford is in Fa: Ferry hospital recovering nice ly from surgci-y. A gaodly number ot ledie! from Nestîcton, Bleckstock anÉ Betbany arc attcnding thý three-dey milllncry c o u r sf spansored by Nestîcton Woîr cn's Institute in t.he Fresby. terian Chureh Sunday Schooi Hall. Miss Nora Creyke ci the Home Ecanomies Servie Extension Brarch et the De. partment et Agriculture is the capable and lnteresting in. strlct-ess. SOLINA SHORT U iu59c PRIME RIB ROASi b69C ing and a littie sleep Vaear- and soloist, Mm, A, Merkley,l rived in Ottawa at 7:30 Thurs- Bowmanville. The W. A. lad- day ai-e invited te' attend, We were Instantly ushered Mr-. John Cook, Miss Audrey te thc Chatcau Laurier HIotel Smaie visited Mi-. and Ni-s. for breakfast. Clifford Cook, Georgetown, on Atter making a tour of 5unçlay. Ni-s. J. C. Cook Si-., beautitul Ottawa ard Iiavlîqg retirred borne atter spcndingi a quick dip in the ciassy hotel several weeks with her son, poal, we wcrc thrilled te wit- Ni-. and Ni-s. J. C. Cook. ness the openlrg et Parlia- Mi-. and Ni-s. R. GlaspelI, ment by Goverror Vanter, this Grant and Gwen, were dinner in tura closing oui- fabulous guesta Saturday evening etf week. We almsot flooded Ot- Mi-. and Mrs. George ilts, tawa la tears as we ail board- Oshawa. ed separate trains homeward Mr-. and Mrs. W. Park Si-. bound. accoînpanied Mr-. and Mrs. A. Now you are likely sayirg Geisberger and famlly te Por-t te yeurself, juat where de Hope and visitedi Nr. and Ni-s. thase blue ear-mnuffs corne In. L. Stapieton. Wouldn't yeu weer ear-muffs Ni-. and Ni-s. Arthur Webber to if you were used to sunriy of Manitou, Manitoba, visited Fiorida weiather? lest week with Mi-. anid Mrs. Fatricia Knox, H. Skinner. R. R. 1, lHampton, NMr. and Ni-i. Earl Prescott, Ontario. Ni-s. Ken Hardy and Jei-wv, Mrs. Ace Abbott visited Mi-.1 and Mrs. Donald Murray, Qi-il-1 TYRO E la. and aise called on Mi-.i TYRONERoertson and Jean, Udney, an Sunday. The home ot Gwen Glaspell Mi-. and Ni-s. L. Pbillips on the atternoon ot Saturday, and farni.y, Bowmanville, visit- Nov. 201, served as the tourtb cd Ni-. and Mrs. T. Phillips. gethering place et The Eight Mi-. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Cloeteere. The 4-11 lde Columbus, visited Mrs, Fir-t provided the introduction, and ence Scott. with both leaders attcnding, Mi-. and Ni-s. Chai-les Mur-« f ive members voiced a reply ray and family, Peterborough, ta the rolll eaU "My plans for Mi-. and Mrs. D. Park andi rods nnd shelves et the Cioth- Thomas, Bowmenvilic, were es Closet." Lynne Staintaa Sunday gucsts ot Mr-. and Ni-s. delivered a report on the pi-c- W. Park.1 vious meeting. Further dis- Ni-. and Mrs. Harold Trlvctt, cussion was heifi on Achieve- Wcsten, visited Ni-. andi Mrs. ment Day and the members H. Carneran et the home et wLre requested te think about Mr-. and Ni-s, A. Wood, Setur- thc skit we will be present- day. ing entitied "A Place fer Congr-atulationîs to Mi-. and Everything." The afternoon's Ni-s. Allison NcQuinn <Fatti activities consisted of the cev- Page) who eri- mariled last iring of coat hangers and bat Friday et Fort Ferry and are boxes, foîîowed by refresà- living in Mr-. O. Beckett'sI ments. Esther Anne Rosevear apartment.1 offercd ta hoid the next meet- Mr-. and Mrs. A. Mai-shall ing in her home on Saturday, and Jimnmy, Humber Bey, Dcr. 10. visitcd Mi-. and Ni-s. T. Scott Thr Christmas meeting et on Sunday te celebrate with he W.M.S. wiii bc helfi et the them on their l7th weddîng home of Ni-s. Aldin Hoar. anniversery. Y, Have yeu ever seen anyoe he wearing blue car-mutta ln the r- Royal York in Toi-ente? WclI, ýs neither had I until two wceks ufago and then many things hap- pencd I hed neyer ex'peiienced d before. 1- s. About twe monthu ago, ny n mother cae running down the d-. lare te meet me !rom school, -s shouting that I bad just i-e- rt ceivefi a cel trorn my Homne e- Eeonornist, Miss Lillycrop, saying t.hat I bad been one of es seven girls chasen ta represent id 9,000 4-H home-rneking club .e memibers et Ontario et Nation- e ai 4-H Club Week in Toi-ente. SI could haeidiy believe it! r-The 14 delegates froim Ont. al met on Friday atternoon, Nov. f Ilth, te become acquainted be- ýe fore greeting the other dele-1 agates fi-arn al e ver Canaodri ie end tic U.S.A. There wcro iseven beys and seven girls ti'om evcry province, i-cpie- scnting tth total et 70,000 4-1-'ei-s in Canada and cight delegates fromn U.S.A., ahl the wey ftram Florida te Alaska. - - - 1 ---- 1 Weekend Super-Right Quulfty Mfeut Feutures! CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF STc S PORTERHOUSEb7 ir, À& KOR l 1 By Patricia Knox m bert, Welland, spent a day last week with her daughter, T. scott.e Mr. Peter Hodgkinson, 1 u. rora, Mrx. Dennis Hickford, Toronto, are visiting Bethea school this week and stay with Mr. and Mrs. J. WoodI. A very large crowd attend. ed the sale on Saturday of Mrs. Normnan Woodley. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McCoy and children, Stouffville, spent a few days with his n~er, Mrs. Percy MeCy. Club 49 held a qullting bea Monday and Tuesday. I have neyer heard anYthlng about the resolutions of the apostles but a great deal about their acts.-Horace Manin. Action may flot always bring happiness; but there is no hap. piness without action.-D is. racli. Who ot us is mature enough for offspring before the off- spring themselves arrive? The value of marriage is flot that adults produce children but that children produce adults. -Peter de Vries. FINE QIJALITY M<ONUMENTS AND MARRERS~N O 'f em f# e uwo. OF STAFFORD BROS. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works 318 Dundas St. E. Wltbr Phone Whltby ý MOhawk 8-3552 ý0 ments joo. On Monday and! Tuesday mornings we had group discussions led by Dr. Tyler, Professer of Psycholog-y, Dept.. Brandon College, Man.,' on the subjcct "'4-H and Educa- tion". This flot only praved in- teresting but also beneficial to us all, learnIng the thoughts of our fcllow Americans. Everything we did was such a great thi-ili, but I think most of us enjoyed the werking, ý laying and lving with people om. such a broad expanse of land. My room-mates werc from B.C., P.E.I., and Arkan- sas, U.S.A., sa you cana imagine how mueh we had to talk aïbout. It went on almost ail night evcry night. Of course,c cvcryone was the same and by the end et the week we were just diragging ourselves aroundi tram lacic of sleep, but we r didn't mind a bit.v I just Ieved the Frenchf 4-H'lers fromn Quebao and Newt Brunswick - it was s0 murh1 fun trying te talk to them andc make Yourself undcrstood. 1 must admit most of their Eng- lish was better t.han myc French. Oui- neighbors tromin the south werc simply terrifýcv too and oh, the way they talk- cd. One of the Saskatchewan boys said he was going to goa home speaking French wt southern accent. witea lb On Wed. nlght, the whole! t gang of' us, we numbered ? about 170 in aIl], boarded a i train for Ottawa. We travc]led n41 nighit and so had sleeping! b-erths which was a new cx-lti perience for many of us. With I a lot of chatting, a lot of sing-C 4

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