THURSDAY. DEC. ist,- 1960 --THE CANADIAN -STATESMAN, BOWMNVLL, ONTARIO " don Millson. adM.Gr ,k~ l~ ~ I I ec~ igae n n w, For the reception and dinner Colorado IIIdinuIof Local resident. Mrs. Werry hai in the beautifully decoratedbendm supytal fo Suniday School Room, the bride's E4<"teasseelyarndts mother wore a blue taffeta dress ya eun atepoeso W e d n swith pink carnation corsage.onaui-mebss W eddings ~~~~The groom's mother wore a roy- Rv .R esnpy ai blue flowered irown and yel- wel ii atesho»t low corsage. cnutcassi eiiu For the wedding trip te Ot- euain n tawa, around the lake and Wnaotcre ahwe through the U.S.A., the bride t ec ui.Tecrtk chose a black suit with corsage ,.esaeM.adMs ap of red sweetheart roses.Hntr The bride attended Blackstock High School and is employed r, GIBBS - ROSS losit, Mrs. Lorne Thompson, at Schultz Die Casting Plant, who sang "Oh Perfect Love" Lindsay. The groom attended " A very pretty weddiing was and "Oh Promise Me." school in Tyrone and Bowman- Solemnized in Blackstock Unit- ville High School, and is em- ed Church on Friday, Nov. 18 The bride, who was given in ployed at General Motors, Osh- . . .~x 1960, when Joan Marie Ross, mrig yhrftewr awa. They will resîde on Kent only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a floor length gown of net orSteet, Lindsay. f WlimRoss, was united in white satin with boat neckline Guests were present from M inarriage with George Stephen and tapered steeves. She wore OtwOhwTrnBw Gibbs, son of Mr. a n d Mrs. a finger-tip veil and carried red mnilTrno roln y:'. Richard Gibbs, Tyrone. The cer- roses on a white Bible. Zi , oobsnoBaksok. _____________ emony was performed by the Maid of honour, Miss, Beth Rey. P. Romeril. Strong, wore a gown of shrin h naeet sanucdofMs hre The church was decorated chiffon with headdqess consist NORRIS TURNERThena mnti no cdi t-t Mae Mills, Reg. N., Enniskillen, daughtro telt wiha lovely arrangement of ing of bows of shrimp net and Baskets of white and yellowHaodCW.MlsndVr is 'munis. she carried yellow a n d blue 'mumis formed a lovely setting Mrs Grdo Sron, hurh roo Uitd Curh o St-Robert Peter Bryce Larke, Toronto, sono evAE Mrs. ardo Strog, curch mUms in rono nite Churh onSat-and Mrs. Larke, R.R. No. 5, Peterboroug.Temr *rganist, played t h e wedding Mr. Ralph Davey supported1urday, September 24, 1960, atagisttaepaeTudyDcmer ,16 ]nu ic and accompanied the so-ithe groom and the ushers were 3 o'clock when Rev. Basîl Long 29thstotk laeTusdy ee __________________________united in marriage Helen Marie at 7 p.m. in St. James United Church, eebruh Turner, daughter of Mr. and i ~~~~~~~~~Mrs. Austin Turner, Newcastle, Ilnfothsco,"epa- ~~ WL and Mr. Bruce Norris. Mr. Nor- w ~ ar laed fr. J.h.eace Sce I wiael vSuawa ~~~ris is the son of Mr. and Mrs.Traue o!teBrd f flThe wedding music was play- fl O i-a "because the Pann or uIRS ed by Mr. N. Williams of New- 1 survey showsthttthpes Ai'i!II'castie and the soloist was Miss V" N ent rate ofgrwh ema aL~~~~~~ ~Carolyn Jones of Orono. r pined6ro stheby18. EEE~ Thebride, given in marriage Architects frtesho by hier father, wore a princesa sTi alEatWib on were the firm o ako-ps () dstyled floor-length gowvn of white shi opllEneas t hird mTodemand the constrcinwsde S0fl'~'czlw oodsatin peau de soie which swept four-rom edishlinsevdenby John HarjsadSn back bite a chapel train. The fer ame the of hea Pickering. d lw ENJOY WELL gown was fashioned with long ysurban hn gr oinup Tepaoftenwsho COOKED MEALS IN THE pinead sleae e a rounek-... .. outside the northern and narth is quite diffentfo te RELAXED ATMOSPHERE 0F at the neklije and wastline. An honor guard fomï asag eway as'Lieut. Richard 0. Fish and Mrs. easten boundies ofh a- central hall syea awl QUIET, PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. Her elbow 1 e n g t h veil was fish left the Chapel of Our Saviour (Epis copalian), Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Kedron School, just south of hall in the KernScal1 ____________________________________ caught ta a tiara of seed pearis following their marri age on Saturday, November 5, 1960, at 2:30 o'clock.Th KernUidCuchteeinhefr ainH, ih I l andshecarie a ouqetof bride is the former Patricia Mary Slem on, daughter of Air Marshal and Mrs. was nothing but a well at the offices, suply om n W loCaierfo stephanotis and snowdrift but- end ai the sehool term in June, washroomns filignthtw ton 'mums. C. Roy Siemon, Colorado Springs, Colo rado, and granddaughter of Mrs. C. W. but an attractive red brick central spacesThstnsa hnquels - Weddngs * P ri lesMrs. Brian, Caswell, Newton- Siemon, Bowmanville. The groom is the soni of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wesley Fish building was ready for school separate theclsrosfm r Banquets_____-_____________-__Parties__ ville, was matron of honor and of Wayne, Fa. opening in September. each other andtcudonn the bridesmnaids were the bride's "We baught six acres of noise. There aefu usd PHONE RA 5-9111 cousin, Mrs. Jim Hutchinson of . LEDDY - CORMISH doors, s0 that ahcls a Toronto, and Miss Donna Loc- Meridnterrn U i' ~~aspatedoi Dn I~ 1626 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA ke, emrktThywr"iTe araga ivnM- the bride, who sang "The i [i ue princess designed apricot liro- rie Leddy, daughter of Mm. and Lard's Prayer" and "O Perfect This yea r 1reo tefu cade with squared snecklines, Mrs. Cyril I. Leddy, Bowman- Love" as a prelude ta the cere- Oroos are in usadthrir three-quarter length seeves and ville, and Mr. James Edwardmoy 83 studentsin tenac very bouffant skîrts. Their Cmih o mrs .ThgmuwicconsfonPitieaxws apnynar. small braided hats were of the EatD onsOhw, Gie nmrig yhrf-the south of thesho itit a emgtwne o eg and they carried baskets of ~~~~November 12, 1960, in St. joe- tique sîlk, fashioned with a par- travels ta an( mmsiolb h teraiasluhdten wiee'misJanTunri . seph's Church, Bowmanville, at trait neckline and close fitting bus each day. il o'clock by Rev. F. K. Malane. sleeves ending in points over The Board hsbe otn evsoohtisg1fi Bowmanville, the bride's cousin,Thcurhwsdoatdwt the hands. The gown was ate in pmocurîn nepmec u ax a h stluhb was flower girl wearing awhtbaksofylo and white draped at the waist falling in ed and wel-qaiidsaf utn aueseeg awv s. mhtful- eaddress , Se and 'mumis on the altar. The wed- soft folds at one side ai the The Principal, m ni~~.e~~ama ow~ matchiîig headdress.usic Sheplcarriedh] full-length skirt which extend-ukewoehmesSabt basket af white and yelîow digmscws lydb iss d. h ri d Lk.M uk agtfrCaUO What your Dollars MasterJerr LmerMary Fagan, Bowmanville, and d n rî h am it o-several years i lvab!r x aaaorma mota in white jacket and dark trou- sang "On This Day" and " Ave' ice ta the hem af the skirt was coinîn ati omnt.~~rysuc sptoem I did at my Bank . sers was ring bearer. ;.,,~,Mra"a spryohnnd ~u e s ~ s i h eanolamd via Tegroom's cousin, Mm. Bob . Given in marriage by hiem fa- ofd the dress. Hem full-length five, lives iniPr er.Se!a~e edd rc ' tltJohuston of Toronto, was best ~ '* ther, the bride ware a street-eihchhdasbenemastutinEtWibyrgtapoutqIthaee I in 19mn6n0teuses ee h length gowa of white delus- mothem's bridai veil, wa s ai Township for ix ema osatyipoe.Gsl bride's cousin. Mr. Bill Hunter ter cd satin. The bodice wasemosdikontleated MacKenzie an Continotefreap, selpma of Lakefied, aud Mm.Jack Lam-styled with a round neckline,onoaiaaf H i Schools. Ms.r ol ery bert ai Toronto, brother-in-Iaw ot ir fpears. er ony hge o hni a o e ai the groom.liypitsevswtha id jeweîîery was an heirloom goldag-hl itemrepio Jamtes Bell, Manager The reception was held iun iimotdItla m cross, set with pearis on a gold eaontmpilreeefra Bowmnvile Branh Necasle Uite Chuch un-broidered satin, whicil was re- chain. She carried a white Bi- UsOr day School Rooin where the Peated in the front panel ai ble, the gift ai the groom,galnagaoneaiondu, Bane * Moirel .guests were received- by thethskt.Apn adcysa cre'sted with a corsage of whiteCRSTA bride's mother in Brittany vil rw edhe hudrInt roses and trailing ivy.LA A AYP N let pue silkchiffo with atch- eil aisilk ilusion and se car-Miss Diana Radcliff of Otta- Asmldeoi ilod ing accèssories and corsage ai ried a cascade ai yellow roses, -r with ivy and stephianotis. wa .a ada onrwaig an ril9ti hita About Ihis lime of year the deep rose carnations. To assist mit-green chiffonset Ban o Mntea maesit Anul Rpot o il the groom's sister, Mrs. Jack The matron of honour, Mms. with panels o! matching satin BakoLambertaie l AnalRpott aimeto Toronto, chose beige ~- Kenneth Noonan, sister ai the flowing behind the back hem- lis ustoera wel ove îwomillon o îhe. I ace.Hem orsae wa of ink r-~bride, wore a street-length dress lin,. Hem headdness was aoKfU PRAL01 would like 10 make my own condensed report Duî'ing the receptian, toast- SP..' etORI lepaud-oemthngleasadvelrg I IE fauigaround neckline with Bridesmaids, Miss Stoney Car- SOTWA to the customers of my branch of Canada'. Firsi master Chas. Hunten, uncle o Main Ms Bruce Norris are shown ing appliqued leaves on the front ter ai Colorado Springs, and the LADI' WA . o 0yasCnd' Bank. the bride, commented on a spe- Mrfn r.sgîga the bodice. She wore a bride's cousin Miss Marianne 68 sinceS.N edn uplrfe.g cial significance ai the wedding the register following their marriage in Orono United matching bandeau and hiem flow- Slemon ai Niagara Falls, Ont., 1 think il is a report that you can take somne satis. date-that the bride and groom Church on Saturday, September 24, 1960, at 3 o'clock. ers weme a cascade ai yellow wore similan ensembles in cap- OSAW had chosen as their wedding The bride is the for-mer Helen Marie Turner, daughter and white munis. per chiffon. Miss Pamela SIe- faction in. t concerns the good things whjch the date the wedding anniversary aiM.RyodCoOhwmosse ftebie a hiem parents. He then called on of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner of Newcastle. The Re aymo nd Mr.oK en-haw mn, itr h bride , waina rso snelirmte ihasrn odHl.neth Noonan, Oshawa, was the copper chiffon with an ovcrskirt BS Temoney you deposited ai ',MY BANK" wenî etdhmmte it tigmn ii usher. ai matching satin. Ail carried ta wok expnding impovinfand fnancig ni ers rmanda ouquhetn-A receptian was held at the bouquets ai bronze and green Shock reglsterei nteSn right owr xadniipoigadfnacn iesr ro n oqe BROWN DURIIAM thein retumn they will live at 453 Flying Duteliman Motor Hotel, chrysanthemums with trailing day Schoal tecr'faes Canadian enterprises - âmall, medium and lage of rases as their remembmance. Wellington St. in Peterborough. Bowmanvillc. The bid's moth- ivy. -h okda ag When the happy couple icit On Saturday morning in St.shIoedatepiurae ic:s...c "> ecause of your deposit dollars, highways were on their honcymoon ta St. Wil- Anne's Church, Peterborough, Prier ta hier marriage a com- er wore a two-piece turquoise Lieut. Robent W. Fish of Ab- of hem littie byppî a 't ~liamsburg and Washington D.C., Rcv. Fathier John Vanston offi- înunity shower was given in blue dress with dusty rose ac- erdeen, Md., was biest man for drawn. "Whythssaplue research was financed and education encouraged. brown sheath dress, beige fea- mony uniting in marriage Col- Alex McMaster. Fellow cm- chose a purpie dress with Lieut. James R. Banham, Lieut.shsad thered hat, brown accessonies len- ea T- hindagltela lloyeeps atthe Regal Statinery -matching hat. Bath mothers (Gardn.French, Cat.1E4- "hA-' ory"he mi LOANS: Many thousands of loans were made tbroughout the Stankville, wha was assistcd byl Naia Jakemian and M-s. Alvini IH-SEO year ta people in ail walks o! ile - ta farmers, miners, fisher. Mrs. Brian Caswcli. A similar Robertson werc heer attendantsý ELCTRIC LD j The Chapel ai Our Saviaun men ai ma, umbrmn, anber; t slared eale;ta shower was hcld at the home ai wearing identicahly made gowns COIACTING RPAR (Episcopalian), Broadmoon, at meolmn lmemn achr;t aaie epe o Mrs. Jalinstan, Toranto, assisted ai bronze, gi-cen and gold chif- E NEColorado Springs, Colorado, industrial and business enterprises; ta community arganiza- by Mrs. Jack Lambert. ion over taffeta, with baIlenina. ERGRTO-LCRC U .Aenacdb tn-P o Tn T N E E tions; and ta Provincial and Municipal Governments. Total Mrs. Hutchinson, Toronto, lcngth bouffant skirts, fitted'M -AE EVC rs fwiegail n ban aiyer.ed . .$1,77,62,66.assisted by Miss Donna Lockie bodice, short puif sheeves, with I MTOR.- SLS-SEVC m*sa ht-gaihiadD E gave nmisellanous hower ..thi$1,7at2,6hat2,ndmat-1 .V1-RADIO -APPLIANCES white iugii chmysanthîerums T gavea mscelanousshoer.matcingfeaherhat an ma-ilwith palm leaves, was the> set- INVSTENT: he ofM as 76,50,85 avete inhih- The Turner iamily aisa hehd a ching shoes. They carried bou-: ' : ting on Saturday, November 5, IVSMNSThBoMbon s $765,o0,855 publc srtes bing a h- misceilaneous showem at the quets ai yeliow and bronze1 90 t23 ocakwe a grade gavernment bnsado rpbicscrte aiga home ai Mrs. Samn Turner. munis. The winsame little flowen'196, at 2icia Mary Semn a-ter m. The girls ai Prudential In- girl wvas Marilyn Brown., sistcîj A *May -eon dugte ready market. This money helps ta finance government pro- surance prcsented the bride ai the groom, wcaring pink ny- 'BRA IDS> oa Air Marshai and Mrs. C. Roy QULITMET its citizens. Other securities behd include a diversîfied hist and an ehectric kettie, and the hat and carryingje o h etr e t a h o nr n h efr fwt î e h es iî w c ss In o e afft ihnseatchinfSeo n Co a md adg rofS rin s, Cal-ING . E. UA ITM ATS-5081 ofaiihquality and short-term indîîstrial issues. Total invest. groomi's icllow wonkens pre- muiti-colaured nawese a iTai Special Cifi C W d on ndan ailMs.47KIG T sented hini with a purse ai The gromsm-an was Gcrahd* . . Poto.oor was united in mariage with ORDER YOURLENFES inents at October 31, 1960 ... $983,256,199. money. B i o d g e t t ai Peter-borough. and ortCobur Lieutenant Richard Osborne L fl E AA On Saturday, September 17, Ushers wcre Douglas 'Reyod, dohrpaems uy . . . Fish. The groom is the son ai C H RISTM A S Whether Yau want Io gave rnoncy or horrow it for smre Mrs. Turner was hostess for a and James Munroe.' FOSTER M. RUSSELL Mn. and Mns. R. Wesley F'ish H A M B I mmulpupse yu'lfind the B of M is a good place to do it. trousseau tea in honor af iher The wvcdding neception was publisher The Cobourg ai Wayne, Pa., U. S. A. daugliter. hcld at Club two Twenty-Three'i The bride's parents are at Soe, if it's about money, see Canada'& First Bank firme! in Peterborouîgh whcre Mrs. Sentinel-Star presenit living in Colorado NOW!E werig mat rci seah bound book lI embossed, Sieman is serving as Deputy For Besi Sellectian and Low, Low Pricea!3 5 dunnre ce ilchad e gess- n trcie cloth S nrin hie AifMathe DACKIACf cs ihbac aindacs goîd lettertig NrhAeia i ees TREAT YOURSELF TO A WhenkLidneys faxl saies and corsage ai yellawv CommhanerinC ir efe tO reo¶-e nases. Tegraani's vas r-, s$4.00 pspi omn, tejoint UTOEiSted bfe eln. itred ing a beige sheath dress with , ganization. aC IC E ea.c rest of ten follow. 1 green bat and accessories. 1 JThe Cobourgf Dm. J.Lida Patton, C9 9KE REO RE:$,8,7,3 il tmlDodd'a Eidney For travelling ta Buffalo,~ sisted by Rev. W. R. Shannon, RESURES:$343,47,33 illa stimul&te N.Y., and other points in the 1 a fflciated U kidneys to e-.îa .On. Pint of woria muh andins e te' ,al .I lte<"-e_ , Ytifel' - ' U.S. the bride wore a twa-pîece' SenfinlSa Dr. J. Julius Baird phayed theNelOf' c .ra ~ ae>wt -( p 1 1 rose woolsuit xith h]-nkardOnai Cobourg . wddn usie and the soioisthe purehs f*c rmtMbe corsage of white 'munms. On]i i Niagama Falls, Ont., brother of 1u r bd -" PACZ TEMM m