4 -%~.-... -. .- s .-.- - - - .---~-~e~-t.,-, ~ ~ ~ s- s '-t ..~ - * - ----r- O. Artists Sketch of New Courtice School GARNET RICKARD ITO DARLINGTON ELECTORS: SRe - Elect Fred Smiti AS COUNCILLOR During his four years on council a great dealih be e n a suppo' accomplished for ail citizens of the Townsh: ouncillor Smith respectfully requests yoi St again on Dec. 5th for the 1961 Counc TO THE ELECTORS 0F bIARLINGTON TOWNSHIP: For Fair Practices . and ..a Sound Econoiny VOTE and RE-ELECT SIDNEY CORNISH for a Second Term on Darlington Township Council Polis are open 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. NONDAT, DEC. 51h, 1960 Vote an d Re-elect %Harold C. Muir FOR DARLINGTON COUNCIL, 1961 If you see fit to Elect me to, Council again 1 wili stress these points in Council: I1 . Sound Administration of Townsbip Affairs 2. Provide Services for Weifare People 3. Try and Hold Rising Tax Rate 4. Speak up in the interest of you, the Taxpayer ýk After having served Darlington for a number et.f years on Scbooi Board and one year on Council w-ith the best of my ability, 1 solicit your support and influence at the poils on MGNDAY, DECEMBER 51h Harold C. Nuir RATEPAYERS 0F DARLINGTON VOTE and ELECT Mrs. Mary Budai asNILO 'aUsILO for DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP Ensure imbiased representation for ALL PARTS of the township. Having attended'ail but two of the Council >,sÎetigssince the formation of the Ratepayers' 4socaton, 1 have first hand information on our Township's affairs. My ai»> is to preserve our democratic rights and give service to the best of my ability. Your vote of confidence is respectfully solicited. - May 1 take this opportunity to exn'pss My hanks to the people of Darlington ini the accla- 'nation to Reeve for another year. 1 wili continue to work in the interests of the people of this township and may 1961 be aà year of progress and prosperity. Idress on that country andth Ebenezer W .M..Schurch's work there. Ti a Cel ebrates 70th ence Nichols who slya was present i the afternoon An nverary ov.Regular choir practice was On November 12, a beautiful1 tions, and a report broughti held on Thursday evening so Indian summer day, some 85 l back to tne auxiliary. District'1 that some of the members h embers, past and present, of~ convention convened at Ebene- could attend the concert in Ebenezer W. M. S. auxiliaries zer in 1908adaani 95 h otHp ntdCuc h assembled at the church for, ondagin 195.te rtHesyUvniedChrc dinner meeting, honoring th! Among arrangements made,onWdsayenng 70thanniersay of the fr-ýor these occasions was a coin- Mr. and Mrs. E. Barrow- 7Ohanves 1f hso~ mittee of men, "1to care for the clough, accompanied by Mr. ganization. Representing both afternooný horses" Various types of soc- and Mrs. Robert Hill of port andeveng uxiiares rs~i als, ice cream, raspberry, pie Hope, attended the funeral of A. J. Gay and Mrs. W. j. and scald cream socials, were their nephew, Will Gott i bas Brown welcomed the guests at methods used for making Caledon East on Saturday, and the door. The Sunday school money, with admissions of 15e on Sunday Mrs. Barrowclough * hall and tables were artistic- for aduits and 10e for children. left for a visit with relatives *1* ally decorated by the commit- In June, 1911, a chicken-pie in the Ottawa valley. tee i charge, i colors of gold supper was served for 35c, n- We are glad to report satis- and green.Adiiosure cluding the concert which fol- factory progress following eye bir dinner was served by the lwd surgery in Toronto for Mrs. menibers of Coutice W. A. Quiltings have always gone Clarence Nichols' father. Mr. cil. Mrs. K. Hopkins as presi- hand in hand with this socie- Anderson is from Westmeath, dent extended a cordial wel- ty, and axe still being made, flot Roseneath as we said last corne to ail. Pastor Rev. H. yearly, and distributed where week. - Stainton pronounced grace. needed. A mission circle was Since the days of rabies, Mrs. F. Reed brought greet- formed in 1916, with Mrs. G. foxes seem to be rare animais ings from the Oshawa Presby- F. Annis the first presidentoe about s the outryide ibu terial on this'happy occasion. which later became the Even- oernars h ani Mrs. R. E. Osborne, a charter ing Auxiliary. front of Archie Ford's house meni one morning last week. It was me rberf the afternoon aux- snFb 94 iso ad a healthy looking specimen. iliary, cut the three-tiered were organized at both S. S. Several deer have been seen No. 4 and S. S. No. 8, with in the neighbourhood also, cake, whieh was made by Mrs. Miss Hattie Osborne, Mrs. R. perhaps coming south from Hopkins. C. Pearce, Mrs. C. C. Wash- the hunting areas. Another charter member, ington, and Mrs. A. J. Gay as-- Mrs. F. W. Rundle, in hier cap- leaders. The B ab y B an d able and humorous manner emerged from the Little Light recalled many interesting ev- Bearers, with Mrs. H. F. Os- rq enta that had taken place in borne as the first superinten-B i those early gatherings. Mrs. dent. Eber Snowden read correspon- dence received from a number As early as 1898 there was of former members, who were a discussion on systematic giv- unable to be present. Mrs. G. ing, but not until 1921 did it F. Annis led in prayer, follow- corne into effect. It Is stili I N ing a period of silence, in the rnethod used to-day to memotry of memibers who have raise our allocation. The first by John WA. Low passed to their reward. 1 World Day of Prayer was -oh- It was with pleasure and 1 served in 1916. yu telephone keen interest we listened to The 44th, 5th and now 7th yu the "Story of the Years"y by anniversaries have been suit-m ngr Mrs. Allan Down. On a' No- abîy celebrated. Throughoutma ge vember day, 70 years ago, this "life-time" s we ep in g eleven ladies gathered aroundchnehae fetd vr -the old stove in the southwest cags av afeTed er corer f tisfacet of our way of life.Th corer f tis hurch, (the W.M.S. has not escaped, but SS. S. had not been built'then). like the bouse buîlt upon a ifel Tore eanrs. ilîson whossrock, has rernained true its werje e at Mrs. iddy's w watch word, "Not by might,Is suggestion t oranizea Wo nor by power, but by my nsgesionary s c ie Wo.Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." Meribership fee was $1.00 a Now i 1960 we are îookîng . £ovely, Syear. forward to even greater chang- fliose early meetings were es. We view these times of held on udy and a business transition wit*h mixed emo- meeting was held once in three tions, realizing that we must- months, on a week night, at always "give" in order to "«re-Lins the church. An iteresting ceive"l. Sfeature of these fit-st meetings Mrs. Lloyd Down, Mrts. Wes- is that the men attended, and ley Down, and Mrs. Murray.. It's the took part in the program. In Osborne favored with two extension 'phone that 1892, the Blue Book was fit-st very lovely vocal trios. Mrs. customers here beginr published, and our society R. Pearce led in devotions, Princess is dramatîcall Sthen had twenty-eight mem- choosing three verses from tln.I'sml- Sbers, and one life-member, various portions of sripture-stin. tssml Miss Louise Liddy (now Mrs. 1 Sam. 7-12, Zech. 4-6, and table or desk. It's mo( Otis Worden, Toronto), small John 3-16. The W.M.S. watch- taàte that asks for b daughter of the parsonage, word has been a great chai- And it lights up. That'ý who was made a life-memiber lenge to ahl generations, and in the dark so you eî at 13 months of age. certainiy as great and as im- ihsu foeayd] In 1898 it was unanimously portant in 1960 as it ever was. leihts up for eadi decided to hold ail meetings In conclusion Mrs. Pearcereee.Itwlbea on the second Tuesday. Elec- read the story of an air-pilot colours - white, beige, p etion of officers was by ballot. who survived the war, without The Princess wiii be on4 The Society was well organiz- arms or legs. In his despair, Commission Office, Bo ed and kept well informed, hie asks someone te read a starting December 5. with a delegate beîng sent to verse in his testament to him, Braach and District conven- It is John 3:16, and again the yourself. w orkings of the Holy Spirit TfI1P C1TTrI~ are made manifest in his life. A boy driving hi ILNG '.YMUiLT He becomnes able to use arti- Chamibly Road near Moi ficial limbs, and go about by a bit and run drive~ <~Mrs. R. J. Flemming, Union-l preaching. Prayer followed. corne to the aid of the Sville, spent the weekend withý Miss Louise Osborne pre- Bennett who had witne Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner. sented Mm-s. Otis Worden to cvrdtebywt * Mr. and Mrs. Morley Kel- the audience. For hier, too, it cvrdtebywt Slett and family. Janetville,' vas a day of reminiscing. It to bis truck for a fire évisited Mrs. W. Penwarden was returning to hier birth-. assistance of two passiný #and Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Pen- place. She recalled that lier ed in stopping the bleec warden and famîly.I life-mernbership had been held summoned the police ar - Miss Sandra Gibson and up as a challenge to her ail -Mr. Norman Davis were Sat-1 through hier life. ivas in hospital. On ex« day evening guests of Mr. andi atedngsreo oi Mrs. Robt. Cameron and fam- From her mother's Bible' tedn ugo on ily. The Cameron familv visit- shiowing nlany favorite extracts1 job Mr. Bennett had dong ed Mr. and Mrs. Murrav Ad- and verses she had saved andý ing. It was a lucky t] amis, Bowmanville, on Stinday' treasuiredi, Mm-s. Worden chose sonieone with a knowl, evenin.g. seko h 3dPam corne to his rescue. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. McNeii. Hav- using many apt comiparisons, don, and Mr. and Mrs* G -hetwceen the sheep and their, a splicer with the Bell. Kovncs were Saturdýi» ve ýshepherd, and the children ofý ister skilful assistance ing guests of Mr. and ivrs. H. . Do we foloxv blindly as- number of bis fellow eni Murphy. Mrs. H. Murphysiheep? do we kec:p 01;11 con-_ first aid training_. Sinci Mat-o an Trvor ere un-victions. or do as others do?ý Moand ail, ifordwere Gd.Se ea n nuul ndJ> J . ude Saturdy vi it o r- andveeaiflvronfte Eafild. ernonOf ion Mte ond Nofeth MisSandra Gibson and Mr. Mesdames Percy Snell, Roy oi L]1e' is te tory o Norman Davis were visitors at Nichols, John Groeneveld, L. wihsuistelw the Royal Wiater Fair oni Holdaway, A. Austin, H. Aus- more personal sense, it is Wednesday and on Saturdayý tin, E. Barrowclough, L. Hol- became you. The filmi they were guests at the wed-1 daway, H. Reeve, J. Walter, showing to organized gr ding of Miss Gail McQuaidI and Messrs. George Tufford, time. Contact Mr. Don and Mr. Nick Schurtoff atý Clarenice Nichois, and Allan Znt -30 Zion. Saturday evening they; Holdaway, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Znt -30 were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, Cheryl and Robyn, Joe Hoogeboomne, Pontypool. went to Cobourg on Tuesday Mrs. Bert Johnson and Jean ex-ening ta hear the medical sp2nt a few days holidaying irissionar-,' from India, Dr. i Toronto. Robert McClure, give an ad- Night at the Cottage It's ail so nice and friendly, tili ail the lights are out, And you are tucked up in your bed-it's then you have a doubt, You cannot see the window, 'cause it's just as dark outside, And you think of that old streetlight, that used to be your guide. Then somewhere in the distance you hear a dlock strike three And just with that a floor-board creaks-a prowler, co he uld t we? o'estlddonaant w An rteposen o'estlddonaantwe Yo erpose, nufin ondaber d Y upapose, snflngsud- erd o uppkos lle, wy n enst ae You e tikoilh, asan en he aet Wienyute in, dadsieigtebakt o your chin. You try to tell yourself at once, it's just a porcupine, That cottage walls are really thick, and then you feel just fine. coon, Bright sunlight floods my window, oh my! It nmust be noon. Memorial Hospitai Weekly Report L 7ry "Princess" - the new twiil be available to ning December 5. The [y different in size and takes up less room on dern - for the modern beauty with simplicity. as right, it actualiy glows -n find it quickly and iling when you lift the ,aiiable in five popular pink, blue and turquoise. display in the Industrial 'wmanville Town Hall, Come on in and see for is bicycle along bus: 'ntreal was struck dowi er. The first person t, injured boy was D. E essed tbe accident. H, tarpaulin and returneg rst aid kit. Witb th, ig motorists, he succeed ,ding. Someone nearb, id before long the buý caining the victim tho nented on the splendi( e ini stopping the bleed bhing for tlhe boy thai e(1ge of~ first aid bai Bennett bappens to Ix4 He was able to adn. because, like a greai rployees, he had taheil ce 1922. when the Bel] entre of the St. John vas formed, some 80,009 ýived first aid training. y, Plant Wire Chief, is lers wbo after 20 years 5rendered bis skilled red on a number of ,y a tirneI've been very mn first aid,"I says Mr. ow when you'l be cali. [y if there are cbildren iderful feeling to be of wben an ernergency ýing exactiy like aîîy- even your brother or 70 million unless you ust why there's such a having a double was d of Life," newest pro- la Telephone System's peared over CBC tele- nber 28. "The Thread he science of genetics, of heredity. Or, in a the story of how you wiii be availabie for roups within a short Laid Weish, Oshawa, Admissions -------- Births, 4 maie, '7 female.. Discharges .......... Major operations- Miner operations ..... Emergency treatment Visiting heurs 3-4 p.n. a Mitchell's Corners The regular meeting of Mit- cheli's Corners Hîome and School Association was held! in the school on Wednesday, Nov. 16. It was decided at the meet- ing ta, ask eaeh family ta donate $1.00 towards the pur- chase ef a record player for use in mnusic appreciation and physical education. Mr. Veltheer, the principal, explained to the parents the marking system that wili bel used on the Decemiber reportJ carda. j Mrs. Perry gave an inter- esting talk on the educational system of Ontario and of Dar- lington Township. She ex- plaiaed ta the parents the responsibilities of the different' departments. A question periodi followed. The treasurer's reportwa given by Mrs. Harry 01ywer. The attendance banner was won by Mt-s. Perry's rooni. Lunch was served by Mrs.1 Geoge ins.lndand herj 57 il 60 12 23 15 and Y Weekend visitors last week. y with the Lawrence staples' included Mr. and MrUs. Donald, eOrton, Miss Donna Trimbleý d and Me. Frank O'Neil of wind-'l 1-soc, cousins of Vera's. tt On, Monday eveniag the! d corigregation et Yehlverton Chu.rch decided the aew loca- tion of the church and church, h.all Would be on the 7A high-1 tw,!>y wýst Of te Village. Wt wPes iÎ,a.gamreed to accept theý offie4-J the Dept. of Highways for cash settlement. Over two dozen Yelverton- îans were present on Satur- *day at Orono at the Durham sCounty Federation et Agricul- Sture annual banquet when Howard Malcolm was the cap- able guest speaker and show- ed slides of bis recent trip ta -Russia. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan *visited at Orillia on Saturday. Mrt. and Mirs. Ray Robinsonl and family were Suaday guests at the Ralph Mal- colm's, Scarborough. Nomination Day at the town- sh ip seat ef Bethany an Fni- day will no doubt be covered by the mprtial correspondent of Bethany, se wili confine aur rearks ta thanking Our nom- Inee s and in regretting thati previeus coumittments leave u s u na ble to participate I the race thi1 year (if any). Wefeel that oui, fit-st ob- ligation this year is to aur ewn community and ta the 'Yelverton Sehool Board an which we. currently serve in the capacity of Trustee i the planning and building of al new achool, and ta the Farm' Organization ta which we art! pleased te be closeiy asgociat-. ed for another year. It is aur conviction neo ne should accept or try for Position unless he has the time and energy ta devote ta it,, to do it justice.1 ROTECA VOTE Tro Re -Elect HERB MACKIE PU BLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE SOUTH DARLINGTON TWP. SCHOOL AREA Elect . 0,a R. H. (Russ) Dow TRUSTEE IN DARLINGTGN SCHOOL BOARD Offering a practical (farm and 5 years industrial work) plus theoretical (B.Sc. McGiIl) guidance to educational problems in Darlington Township. Will sincerely offer my time and effort to aid Darlington School Board in fimproving education at as moderate a cost as possible to taxpayers. IVOTE AND ELEC x For Trustee DOW Dec. Sth VOTE and ELECT for DARLINGTON SCHOOL BOARD ;y rn to 3. 'e TRSDAY. DEC. lst. 196nl HARRY OYLER FOR SOUND ADMINISTRATION Dec. 5th, 1960 PAGE m vý My Sincere Thanks TO THE TAXPAYERS 0F T13E TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTGN for placing your confidence i me hy electing me Deputy-Reeve by acclamation for the year 1961. A. L Blanchard Electors of 9I\irlington 1 wish to solicit your support to elect me to the South Darlington School Area Board and wvill try to combine efficiency with economy in the building and administration of schools. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO vu J ý 'l - - e".' - VOTE 1