TERSDAY, DEC. 8th. 1960 r 6iaI ersonaI F>IIFPhone MA 3-3303 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Black was founded by Dr. A. E. Ar- and Janice spent the weekend cher, nated United Church o: in Toronto with friends. Canada medical missionary. Mr. Ronald MacFeeters and Dr. Archer's brother-in-law, sister, Mrs. W. J. Scott and Rev. J. U. Rabbins now of Linton Taranto, visited Mrs. Wellington, at one time was George Bickle on Saturday. minister of Trinity United Mrs. Wesley Cawker, Liber. Church. During Rev. Rabbins' tY St. North, is visiting ber pastorate Dr. Archer visitec son, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Caw- here on several occasions. ker'and iamlly, Foxboro, Ont. Congratulations and besi Mrs. H. Gordon MacNeill wishes are in order for Mr. and eilîdren, iormerly of Que- a.nd Mrs. Ernest W. Foley ai bec, have joined Mr. MacNeilI 48 Carlisle Ave. who were and re esiing t 14 Lber married 55 years on November t. aoretesh nga.14Liety 29th. On Saturday evening St. Nrth.their children, grandchildren, Miss Ann Edsall left by jet brothers and sisters arranged Plane last wcek frrom Malton a party in their honor. The te spend the winter with her evening was pleasantly spent, sister, Mrs. E. W. Boak, at aiter which lunch was served Victoria, B.C. inluding a wedding cake made Mr. Don Williamns, Guelph, and attractively iced by their vlsited his parents, Mr. and only daughter, Mrs. Bert Col- Mrs. Frank Williams, Church well. Mr. and Mrs. Foley were St., and attended the funeral the recipients ai many lavely of the late Miss Frances Hearl. gifts, flowers and cards ta Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Edger, mark the memorable occasion. Debbie and Randy, Peterbor- A very pîcasant event took ough, and Mrs. W. A. Edger, place at Salem on Saturday Town, wcre Sunday dinner evening, December 3, whcn guests afi Mrs. T. Depew, Bull Mrs. Mark Blackburn's entire and Bud. iamily, including four children Mr. and Mrs. George Gra- and 14 grandchildren, met ta Ixam and Mr. and Mrs Ed. honor her on the occasion oi Rundie attended the dedica- her 8th birthday. Mrs. Black- tion service oi the new Legion burn was the recipient ai Hall at Bewdley on Sunday many cards, flowers and gifts. Mr. Graham was guest sp)eak- A higihlight was a beautiful er. birthday cake complete with candles. Present, besides the Sunday visitors with Mr. hasts Mr. and Mrs. Farewell and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, King St. Blackburn and iamlly, were East, were Mr. and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black- Westingtan, Mr. Edward West-bunadfmlDnMls ington and his twa children, Mr and Mrs. Gerald Shackle- Douglas and Beverley, ah aif ton and iamihy, Salem, Mr. South Monaghan. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn --Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Rickaby and iamily, Haydon, Mr. and were in Toronto Wednesday Mrs. E. W. Foley, Mr. and Mrs. might attending a party for bis H. R. Foley, Mrs. Omer Cale, brother and sister-in-law. Mr. Miss Estella Blackburn, al ai and Mrs. Harohd C. Rickaby Bowmanville, and Mrs. T. priar ta their departure on a Cowling, Haydon. three or four month cruise ta New Zealand. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rigg Mrs.Ralh Aiesdaugbter' accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Raph "ee Don Stutt wiîî be in Cobourg Jill and Janice Black were Tbursday evening (tanight) ta Friday ovcr-night guests Of attend the first "Honor Night" the iormer's mother, Mrs. D_ af the east central Ontario dis- M. Palmer ai Oshawa. On trict ai the Society of Direc- Saturday Jiil and Janice were tors oi Municipal Recreation. inembers ai the baton twtrling Mr. Stutt is chairman af Bow- ,rpop which took part in the manville Recreation Depart- Whitby Santa Claus parade, ment. A combined awards The Lamant Hospital, ta and social evening, the acca- which a number of Alberta sion will mark the graduation high school students were tak-'1 fromn the three-year mn-service en for treatment after tthe training course ofi five district tragic train and school bus mnembers and two former crash which ocurred recentîy, members. Mr. Rigg, local Re- ________________________creation Director, will b. anc of the graduates ta receive ENROLL NOW their certificat. frorn Dr. F. W 1S. Maine, director o exten- for the i*sion, University ai Western 1Ontario. Successful completion r NEWai the in-service training NEW curse cambined with the ex- WINTER TERN ! perience required by the Reg- Cm ndga Provincial certificate tai Tuesday, January 3, 1961 !municipal directors ai recrea-I at the tion or assistant directors ail recreation in Ontario munici- OSHAWA 1paîities. BUSINESS COLLECE 8 Bay Scheel Courses trom which te choose Individual Instruction Modern EQuipment Graduates asslsted in Securint a Position Evenlng Classes Tuesday and Thursday 7:00 te 9:00 p.m. Choice. otSubjects SPeclal Classes Get Free Literature Dial RA 5-3375 (Cantinued tramn page one) The Dunbarton - Pickering Kiwanis Club was ini charge af the pragram for the din- ner meeting. Ted Hutton, pre- sident of the Bawmanville Kiwanis Club, aiter making two annauncements turned the chair over ta Nelson West- lake, president ai the Dunbar- ton - Pickering Kiwanis Club. There were 20 members of the latter arganization present. and an excellent attendance af members ai the local club. The Peterborough Kiwanis Club will provide the pro- gram for the next meeting o Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Houslander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. THE CANADIAY STATESMAN, BOWMANMILE, ONTARIO the Bowmanville Kiwan i s Club on Monday evening, December 12, Mr. Hutton announced. "The Presidents' Conierence will b. held aiter this meeting," b. said. Be alsa explained that the dates ai the club's regular dinner meetings will b. chan- ged during the holidays ta -Wednesday cvenings, Decem- El ber 28th and January 4th. .Bath will be held at the Fly- j ing Dutchman. Ef The speaker wvas introduced ts by Herb Carey, vice-president aiO the Dunbarton-Pickering SClub. Mr. Armstrong spoke aiO the activities ai his com- pany. and described the many ,uses for aluminum, especially those in the automobile in- dustmy. Bf e discussed smelters in Canada and then showed an interesting film, "The Kiti- 9mat Story." This dealt with 1the development ai the great d smelter at Kitimat, B.C., from e the survey stage in 1948 ta the tstart ai commercial produc- dtion about 1954. e Ron Brooks thanked the rspeaker for his informative -address. Earlier in the even- eing twa members of the Dun- ybarton-Pickering Club led an cenjoyable singsang. L At a directors meeting ai cthe Bowmanvilic Kiwanis Club hehd after the dinner meeting chairman and vice- chairman of the cammittees wcre appointed as follows: 3Boys and Girls Work, W. H. fBrown, Bill Cameron; Key Clubs and Vocational Guid- ance, Dr. John Hendry, Floyd fMcKinley; Agicultural and Conservation, Jack Morton and Charles Bickle; Public and Business Affairs, Dr. Demry Hubbard, Crans toan Scott; Support of Churches, Peter Feddema, Harold Peck; Attendance and Membership, Neil Metcalf, Terry Price; Finance, Jim Colliss who is also the club treasumer; House and Reception, Laverne Firth, Ross Jackman; Inter-Club Re- lations, Cecil Alldread, Gar- don Clark. Contest (Continued irom page on.) lows: Juniors, Grades 4, 5 and 6, Section One- 1. Allan Foran. 113 Ontario St., Bowmanville 2. Stephanie Prazienka, No. 5, Bowmanville; 3. Fred Ca- ombes, Millbrook; 4. Sharor Aldread, Newcastle; 5. Mar- ilyn Yellowlees, Enniskillen: 6. Peter Chard, Newcastleý 7. Sandra MacGregor, No. 31 Newcastle; 8. Victoria Schnie. dem, No. 3, Newcastle; 9. Mar- ilyn Hamm, Clamke; 10. Haze] Metcaif, No. 2, Bowmanville. Seniors, Grades 7 and 8- Section two- 1. Bannie Cor- bctt, 4 Caroline St., Port Hope; 2. Margaret Rose, 72 Brown St., Port Hope; 3. Diane Dat- zoko, Part Hope; 4. David Gra- hamn, 60 King St., Port Hope; 5. Wilfred Donnelly, 132 Wal- ton St. Port Hope; 6. Anne- rnieke Lookuizen, Fraserville, No. 1; 7. Wayne Mitchell, Newcastle; 8. Shirley Steven- son, 49 Sullivan St., Port Hope; 9. Dan Wladyka, 19 John St., Port Hope; 10. Stev- en Burns, 25 Duke St., Baw- manville.1 Control Cenietevy (Continued tram page one) council," he said. Councillor Ross Stevens suggested that A. J. Hoskin, the Dag Contrai Offîcer, could be uscd by the town as a checker for gravel. H. pointed out that this would ire. a Roads and Streets employee ta do work in that depatment. Councillor Lathangue said that he wouid 13e ageable ta this if it did not interfere witb the union. Deputy-Reeve Ivan Bobbs stated it would not jeapardize tih. cantract as the Dog Contrai Officer would 13e doing a special job for the town. Mayor Carmuthers ag- >Mr. and Mi Honored by Golden Ani On November 30, 1910, the marriage of Edna Spry, only daughter of the late Mr. and îMrs. Fred Spry of Sauina, and Herbert Henry Richa r ds, younger son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards of Bowmanville, was solemnized a' the Parsonage, Bowman- ville, by the Rev. Wm. Joliffe. After 50 years of happy wedded bliss on November 30, 1960, with the first hint of winter in the air, they re- ceîved their many relatives, friends and neighbours at Memorial Park Club House, which was arranged ta look like home. Approximately 2100 guests called throughout the afternoon and evening ta ex- tend congratulations and best wishes on this memorable ac- casion. Numerous beautiful floral arrangements were received fromn the Town af Bowman- ville Odd Fellows, Dr. George James, Women's Institute and athers. A beautiful swivel rocker and a chest containing a crisp $50 bill, 50 gold cov- ered silver dollars and several Kinsmen (Continued tram page one, pen as a result af household thoughtlcssncss or careless- ness. He warned particularly af the fire hazard which re- sults from, overlaading wir- ing. Scatter rugs on waxed floors are cause ai scores of falîs, Mr. Hamm pointed aut. He spoke oi the dangers pre- sented by children's toys left under foot, and by articles' placed an stairs. He also men- tioned that stairways should invariably be well lighted. One cf the greatest perils that can be encountered by the young in their homes cames from medicines being left within their reach. It is best ta keep ail medicines in a locked cabinet, the speaker advised. He also warned that a number ai cleaning fluids and powders cantain ingred- ients that are paisanous ta children. An interesting motion pic- ture an "Home Safety" was shown by a guest ai the club. R. G. Harding. A vote of thanks ta Mm. Hamm for his excellent address was moved by Gardon Stumrock, who also tbanked Mm. Harding for pre- senting the instructive film, HAYDON rs. Richards r Friends on nîiversa ry other cheques' were giits fromn relatives, iriends anc neighbours. A corsage af gold roses anc a gold carnation bouttonniere were pinned on the bride anc groom by friends. The tea table was attmact- ively arranged with a tbree- tier wedding cake, gold cand. les and gold foul arrangement. Pouring tea during the after- noon and evening were Mrs. W. Chaplin and Miss Ida Weeks. Hostesses weme Mrs. Harold Gill and Mrs. Gordor Richards. Miss Mary Chaplin and Mrs. R. Henry weme in charge af the guest book, and ar- rangements for the occasion were under the direction ai Mrs. Ada Passant. During the evening- quiet music was played by Mrs. Edwin Wood. Many beautiful cards were received along with congratu- lations from the Prime Min- ister, The Hon. John Diefen- baker, R. P. Vivian M.P., A. Carruthers M.P.P. and also framed congratulations from the Provincial Secretary John Yaremko. Many out-of-town guests at- tended from Toronto, Brigh- ton, East Whitby, Oshawa, Coboconk, Sauina and Hamp- ton. Mm. Richards retired four and a balf years ago after 46 ycars service with the Good- year Tire and Rubber Ca. Mrs. W. Thompson visited fmiends at Oshawa. Mr .and Mms. W. Blackburn, Camai, Doug and Dale, and Mrs. K. Cowling were Sun- day tea guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb, Bowman- ville. t Wayne Blackburn and Ina )Beryl Read meceived their Secondary School Graduation Dîplomas at the Bowmanvilhe Higb Schooi Commencement recently. Mr .and Mrs. Clem Rahm and family were Sunday din- ner guests ai Mm. and Mrs. C. D. Bodgson, Bowmanville. Mr. Kenneth Graham and, Mrs. H. Crossman accompan- ied Mm. and Mrs. J. Graham, Bowmanville ta Toronto on, Sunday and visited their sis- >ter Mrs. Stanley Byam and family. Mrs. Byam celebra- ted hem bimthday. Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Ronald attended the "5th wedding anniversary celebra- tion af Mm. and Mms. Carlos Tamblyn, Omono, an Wednes- day. Mr. Milton Slemon visitedt Mm. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bowmanville. Mrs. Walter Lovemidge and Joy spent a few days with 1Mm. and Mrs. David Momrow and Alexander, Auroma. Mms. K,. Cowling-spent Tues- -- --- a , a ai mi e r,,ew day with Mrs. -Harol d -Fer- ai no reason why Mm. Bas- -uo adiaiy kmn could not do this work. Mr. and Mms. Arthur Tre- ilam.-MORNING WORSHIP The chaimman ai the Dog Win and William visited Mr. ContraI Committee, Council- anxd Mrs. Sulas Trewin, Bow- "To M ke Rady or ie Lod bmStevens, stated he believes manvill% Sunday îakbm themselves in the schoal yards and family and Mrs. K. Cow- a People Prepared" tbey should 13e picked uP. iing attended a bithday party this is done in Oshawa. home ai Mr. and Mrs. Fare- .p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP well Blackburn, Salem. Mm. J. Potts, Tommy and Vesper Service STARK VILLE Debbie spent the weekend MissNora Halowll, or-with relatives at Collingwood. conducted by the C.G,.I.T. Ms om aloel o- Suriday cahiers awith Mrns. onta, spent the weekend at Edna McLaughlmnanM.ad andBegnnes -îi .mMm. Llew Hallowell's. Mms. Ross Ashton and family Nursery adBgner lai.Mm. and Mrs. Allen Comnish weme Mm. and Mrs. Ted Mc- Ridratnand Primary- 11:20 a.m. ýand iamihy, U.S.A., were me- Laughlin, Columbus; Mr. and Kinderartencent visitors with ber mother, *Mms. Harold McLaughlIi n, Junior, Intermediate and Senior - 12:10 p.m. Mrs. Victor Farrow. Oshawa. Several fmom here attended Mr. and Mrs. Peter Singer, _______________________________ the silver wedding afniversamy Swansea, sperit the weekexid Sreceptian for Mr. and Mms. at Mm. and Mms. D. Cameron's. SCarlos Tamblyn, Orono, last Mm. and Mrs. Parker and week. family, have moved ta Osh- ~III~~Ak8 Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier, Tom- awa. REHO O TH HRIS IANonto, at Mm. Lloyd Hallowell's. Mm. Percy Dysdalc had a Mirs. Ela Formester, West- very succesfui sale on Satur- part, is spending a holiday day having sold bis famm. REFO R ED C URCHwith Mm. and Mrs. Alf. Dob- Mm. and Mms. David Mommow -. son. and Alexandra visited Mr. and Scugeg Street, Bowmanville Mm. and Mrs. Barton Mac- Mrs. Walter Loveidge and 1 el and Mr. and Mms. P. Joy. Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D. Tobin, Oshawa, were week- W.A. December Christmas end visitars with their par- meeting will b. held ini Minister 1 ents, Mr. and Mms. Warren chumch an Thursday aiter- Carson. faon (today) with an exchan- IlSaturday evening friends ge ai gifts. Santa also wili be iand neighboms met at Kendal there. 10 A.M. - SERVICE IN ENGLISB in honour of Mr. and Mms. Mr. Henry Ashton spent MacNeil and Mm. end Mms. Friday aitemnoon with Mr. 7:30 P.M. - SERVICE IN DUTCH Tobin, presenting tbem witb Herb Cameron, Tyrane. their recent marriages. A hap- Iny .r.B Abo adtm Sunday Schoel imniediately after py evening was enjoyed b aily, MoC.Rnine Movng day Sunaymenngsevie.S un id a y aftemnoon Rev. Mm. Cr anktyinetheavillge s Suda mrnngsevie.White gave a fine message with bi moprty iOshe lage Free transportation for those willing but unable tbougbts h. directed under mavng a shaw Sa. ithe caption "The Christian Pil Sun:3 ay suchooeiceun7:30. ta attend the services. Phone MA 3-5037 gim", some excerpts being 10:30, Chuc servic 7:0. Il "od everfores Hs wy,"service will b. held at 10:30. bei ore 9 p.m. Saturday nights. as be quated the pictuire "The Sun da y Schaoi et 11:15 ______Ligbt af the World"; the o'clock. Christian Gentleman with re -________ "Back To God Hour" Broadcast feence ta the same picture and John Wesley and Pil-, In Canada the average lengthý cKL, Ohaw. e 3 .m.eve~ Snda .grims fat ending with the ai an indivîdual hospital stayi Oshaa, a 3 .m. ver Sunay Mayflower but in continuance in any given year is a tri j Ien jC t present. Imore than 10 daYu. rone, was the driver of one chants ready to welcome their who can't make It during the. s èvera l r the cars mnvolved. Harry customers. daytime. S ev era. ogeterp, age 21, R. R. 4, Bow- Next Monday, iay t h This year, you are invited to manvllewa he r ai fth tres wilI start openlng even-icorne to Bowmanville to see n jeu Ried o~ther. Mr. Ski.nner is a pat« lngs, wvhen the. clerks willI beithe lgtn n h euiu lent in Memorial Hospital, happy te take care of viiosstores. (Coninud fom pge ne)Bowmanville, where h e has (Coninud tam pge ne> had surgery for a knee mnjury. of contrai on No. 2 Highway Har oeep rcie Snear Brooks Chicken Fari n n treatment at the hospital for;9 à Saturday at 9:10 p.m. Mr.ý a fractured wrist. He has been' Serviss was westbaund when able to return to his home. he drove round a curve and! His father, Hendrik Hergeterp, ~is a patient at Memorial Hos- into a ditch on the narth sidel pital. He sustained internai; of the road. The car struck 1 injuries in the accident. His1 a tree and ]ýounced back anto1 condition is improving. Con- 2 z the road. There was consid- stable Wight O.P.P. investigat.. NAPLE LEAF 2 Z erable damage to the car. ed the accident. Tin Constable S. J. Rospond, O.P.P. N ~ hqa u.P *was the investigatîng officer. i AIIIIILI'IAT . . L At seven o'clock on Satur- day evening there was a four S r e *car accident on No. 2 High- 64 oz. way at the Preston sideroad. M..MhtM ngaMJ IfY AEX * Bottle4 3c A car driven by Dan Kube, IR. R. 3, Bowmanville, was making a left turn, when the (Continued from page None)6 5 1ed. This car was driven by pytersaea h ot. fh' I I fRobert Archer, also of R. R. 3, pa teiuu *Ff h cst. b C Bowmanville. Bowmanville Utilities tech- I B U T E*. 4 6 5 nicians strung the necessary Cars driven by Reginald wlrlng, the town Publie lVorksl WITH $2.00 PURCHASE Taylor, Coiborne, and by Shir- employees hooked the brackets, ley Piper, R. R. 3, Bowran-11to the poles and on Tuesday,~ NPO UEDPR MN -ville, which were followmng inIthe Iights went on, to the ac-I RD C DPRM N - lne were also involved in the companiment ef most favorable collision. Fortunately naoone comments. 3 D !V 2lbs. was injured. Damage includ-th tanivtsts3 m ig ail four cars amounted ta Now, th twninits ts UUfl o hAI LA AdI OnIy3 5 ialmost $2,000. Constable Ras- citizens and those from the pond, O.P.P., also investigated district ta caine down tawn I this accident. and see the shopping section! OnFrda vein t :3,at its ali-time finest. The few D KrR ' On ridy eenig a .ý30merchants who did flot com-1 o'clock there was a collision' lete their Christmas windows V I E Y O D an the Darlington - C 1a rk e ast weekend, will be working VRE1 OD Township Line Road, near the feverishly ta finish them thisi Orono Sales Barn. Two, cars week ta complete the mosti hn A 334 met an the crest of a hill. alluring picture of an up-to-1 hn A 334 Harold Skinner, age 64, Ty- date. eneraqetic riroimlli n________________________________ 1 We IDADRULG STORES' (A) KODAK "STARFLASH* CAMERA OUTFIT Everything that's needed to "catch" Christrnas fun ... end sav i fo yarstocorne. Camera, f ilm, batteries, f loshbulbs saveit or ear to Special $10.95i See us for other Cameras, Ou tf its for stili1 or movie pictures. B) RONSON SUPER WINDLITE Leader of the wind-lighters - lightweight but rugged $3.50 l»'nson Sport .. $6.50 Ronson Varof larne <butron) -~ $9.95 PAPER-MATE "CAPRI" BALL PEN Perfect for anyone; ha.ndsornely styled, srnooth-writing $2.49 j Paper-Mate "Holiday" Pen $1.95 "Lady Capri" $2.95 :» ROGER & GALLET SOAP FROM PARIS 3 individual ly-wrapped cakes of the f inest of French soops, avoulable in tave popular scents, and beautifully boxed $21Ô0 (E) GUERLAIN SHALIMAR Gift Set Special - Cologne, 50 c.c. and Perfume, 10 c.c. în the exciting Shalirnar fragrance. A $ 10.00 value for $6.50 (F) HAZEL BISHOP EYE BEAUTY PURSE KIT Everything she needs to accent her eyes - mascara, shadow r stick, eye pencil and liner - in a handy purse kit ... $3.95 (G) "FRIENDSHIP GARDENi- ShUlton .2'DESERT FLOWER" Charmer Set-4 piece set Spray Cologne -delicate in a light f Iower-fresh mnisty spray .......$3.00 frag rance .. ....... $.00 Bubbling Bath Crystols- pkge. of 8 tubes .... $1.50 Toilet Water-handsorne- ly packoged, complete * ~' <H)MAX FACTOR PRIMITIF COLOGNE -> Glamour scent in glass ...2 oz. $2.25 4 oz. ....$4.0 Max Factor High Society Lipstick (not shown> ....$1.95 ( 1) LENTHERIC "CLASSICS IN FRAGRANCE" SET Alovely gift of f ive favourite cologne fragrances includinq the popular 'Tweed", in an attractively-styled package $2.25 (j> COMPACTS from ENGLAND Beautiful designs, superbly finished by master croftsmen. Eoch with inner door, puff and sifter ....$2.75 te $4.75 (K> CUTEX LOVELINESS for HER FINGERS Folding Case with large sizes of Polish, Polish Remover, Cut- icle Remover and accessories $2.95 Other sets 98c, $1.95 (L) LIP QUICK by RICHARD HUDNUT It rails on! Outlines and colors lips perfectly. Takes the place of tipstick, lip liner and brush. Neyer loses its point $7-00 (M> ~YIe M EN m ymjor/'st (M) IFTCARTONS of GILLErrE SUPER BLUE BLADE,,. 30 blades in dispensers $2.00 50 blades in dispensers $3.45 Adjustable Gift Set - Gillette Shave Cream, 195 Adjustoble Razor and Super Blue Blades attractively packaged $2.39 (N) KEYSTONE CLUB BRUSH The cornpletely personol gift. A beautifully-finished rose- woad bock brush with genuine white boar bristies .- $495 e (0) GENUINE LEATHER BILLFOLDS A gift he'il use every day. See and choose frorn our extensive assortment, including London Brand .... $1.79 to $12,50 L (p) "OLD SPICE" - the tangy scent for Men Shoving Mug with Soap $1 .50 Af ter Shove $1 .50, $2.25 Whether lie shaves with a blade or an electric shaver, there's 2 fine OId Spice Gift Set just right for bim. $1.50 to $5.75 JOHNSON TOILETRY SETS . $ 3 different combinations cf fornous Johnsonro rducts for the care and carnfart of baby -.-...-$1.50, Ï2,50, $3.7.5(KW ~1 COME IN AND SEE THSE AND MANY OTHER FINE GIFTS ON DISPLAY L PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY AlIex. McGregor, Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store MA 3-5792 Il -. I PAGE SEVES - -- . -Y 1Avmmmý-