PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21, 1960 S PO RTDOPIC S By Frank Mohun MA 3.7234 NO TOWN LEAGUE HOCKEY TO-NIGHT Town League hockey players note: To-night's double-header bas been cancelled. BASKETBALL GOING STRONG The newly formed Men's Town Basketball League is going strong at the High School with four teams in operation every Tuesday night. The lone exception will be next Tuesday, December 27th, when the sehool will be closed for the Christmas and New Year's holidays. Anyone who is interested in participating in the league, rnay stili do so by contacting any one of the followng: Ted Dadson, Doug Rigg, Lloyd Coverly or Ken Kelly. t t t. t t JUVENILES HAVE WON il STRAIGHT Bowmanville Juveniles stili have a long way to go to catch up to last year's wini-Ung streak of 24 games, but at least they are on the right track with Il in a row heading into the xeckend's play. The locals have played each of the five other clubs in the league once and have corne through with easy wins in all but the Whitby clash, which went to Bowmanville 4-3. The Juvs. journey to Uxbridge tomorrow night, and will play a Boxing Day game on Monday at 3 o'clock. In what should be the best game until playoffs, Whitby will be here to do battle with the locals. Six of the il1xins have been in exhibition tilts, twice each over the Cobourg and Port Perry Juniors, with single decîsions over Oshawa and Peterborough Juveniles. t tt t t INTERMEDIATE STANDINGS ? This reporter has been asked why we don't publish the Intermediate standings. We'd certainly like to, but don't know what they are. Unless a release is eorthcoming very soon, we wont have them in this week's Statesman cither. However, by asking around we have corne up with an unofficial result of the first four teams, not includng either Monday's game, Lindsay at Oshawa, or last night's game here against Toronto. w L T Pts. Toronto _____ 5 1 0 10 Bowmanville ___ 5 2 0 10 Oshawa ___ 5 2 0 10 Lindsay 4 4 0 8 Orono has played once against Port Hope. We don't know how the bottomn three clubs, Port Hope, Cobourg and Trenton shape up,-and we're not even certain of the above standings, but hope it will give the fans some idea. i. t t t t MERRY CHRISTMAS -Sports Editor, Frank Mohun Juvs. Down Lindsay 7-1 Shut Ouf Stouffville 7-O Bowmanville Juveniles won back to back league games over the weekend, downing Lindisay 7-1, Friday niglit in tLindsay, and coming back to post a 7-0 shutout win over Stouffville here Satur da y night. Boivinanville 7 - Lindsay 1 1Five second period goals made the big difference in 1 hsgame, as the locals held an edge throughout the con- test, but really outplayed the home club by a wide margin in the middle stanza. Both teams were moving at a fast clip wvith play getting rugged at times as Lindsay elected to throw their weight around. Managaer Don Gilhooly, tak- ing over for coach "Mike" Osborne, had the boys play- ing fine positional hockey, iwhich rnight easily have re- Ssulted in more goals. Goodyear Hockey Bowmanville led 2-0 at the end of the first, 7-0 after two periods of play and Lindsay bagged the lone marker of the third period. Don Kerr fired a pair of goals for the locals, wîth sin- gle markers going to Terry Black, Alex Wiseman, Dave Werry, Scott Essery and Don Bagnell. Essery was really flying as he turned in his best effort of the season. Grant Wright pullcd off several outstanding saves in the local nets, the f irst time the platoon system of Wright and Gary Hooper wasn't used this season. Bowmanville 7 - Stouffville 0 The Juvs' scoring followed the same pattern as the night before with a pair in the first and five in the second. Goal- les Wright and Hooper com- bined to earn the shut-out, particularly ln the third when Stouffville, although rough- ing it up, found time to direct their best scoring thrusts of the game. Bowmanville appeared to have lost none of their speedy attack in spite of playing two games in as many nights. Most of the scoring came in bursts. Werry started it off after only 35 seconds of play and two minutes and seven seconds later Kerr had made it 2-0. It didn't take the locals long to double their count in the second, as Black scored at the ten second mark and Wiseman made it 4-0, 15 seconds later. Doug James and AI Woodlock scored 32 seconds apart, after 13 min- utes of play, and Wiseman notched his second at the 16.04 mark to complete the scoring., Fan Beils Tie Mats 7- 7 5 Goals in 3 mins., 40 secs. Gives Hose Win Over Office In the final Sunday after- noon double-header until Jan- uary th, the last-place Fan Belts were thwarted in their attempt to pick up victory number one, and the Hose exploded for five goals in ~ - - ---three minutes and 40 seconds ~ ADNto extend their league lead to five points. LIB RT u~vu LI>.four goals for the Mats, int BASE LINE the first game, his initial mar- ker tying the score and the wishall heirfrieds aplacers one goal leads, which ~i the Fan Belts erased each time Then the cellar - dwellers if -'II went in front, leading 7-5 T lerry '%-iii'tLI as With less than five minutes remaining Ted Falrey picked up his second of the game and with 45 seconds remaining, and a Teenage Lge.t W appy Îlew Year Paeden's one-point held Upt appyin the final week, to give themn the Teenage Girls title, as 1regular league activity came Alleys available during festive season for -to a close, Saturday at Lib- OpenBowlng Day r Niht)erty Bowl. Paeden downed OpenBowing(Da orNigit)last place Luxton 5-2 and Bahl, second by one point won over i.. Munday by the same score.! P oeMA 3-5663Coombes trouicied Vanstonei 7-0 t end up a strong third. For Reservations for Teenage Girls 6 SJ. Paeden .... ---- 60 Your Party Bowling. i S. Bah -----59 .S. Coombes 511 ~ ~~<g~i~H. Vanstone- 281 C. Luxton--------------------- 23j In the Teenage Boys divis-! ion, champion Brown troun - ced Rundie 7-0, while Van- Sstone was defeating ast-place Rackham 5-2 to break a sec- ond place tie with Rundhe. î«~ Mason overwhelmed Phillips S7-0 in the other encou nter. V. SChant knocked off a rare three Sgame series, with a 153 score ~for each game. 1 ~ Teenage Boys ID . Brown ------------- - 65ý N.Rasnde 521 îT. Mason - --------_- 41! ~J. Philips 26: 'y~ Y 1IL. Rackham -------------- 21ý a Dadson trounced ast-place' j Oke 5-0 to end up second in, the Junior Girls League. Mc- iDonald dropped a 3-2 decisionî tito Brown to slip from second tthird. Osmond, with theý l eague-leidership all wrapped up, edged Kitson 32 Junior Girls SV.- Osmond 42: SS. Dadson ----__ 32: SL. McDonald -____30' SB. Brown ___. 271 A. Kitson 23 UN~K. Oke --«-- - ..... lii UNI Etcher, a runaway winner ilin the Junior Boys' division, trounced last place Bromell: 5 -O. Beauprie edged Carteri 3. -2 and Perfect downed Bur- Sgess by the same score. Junior Boys a©. tR. Etcher -.------ - 561 '.Beauprie 34! '~R. Perfect. 30, R. Carter- 26' SSanta is here, brin ging good cheer R. Bromel .__ 141r fromalt f usto ach f yo...High Singles fromaitof s t eac ofyOU. *Teenage Girls- H. Van-ý and extending aur sincet-e wishes è stone-233, S. McMurter-221,, thatthi wil bethe errestS. Ball-209. that his ill e th HeriestTeenage Boys- T. Gould 1 Christmas you have ever known. -240, J. Carter-236, 208, L.1 IîVesna-236, J. Rundle-231,; FRIENDLY 1jI204, J. Phillips-217, T. Ma- SORE THAT SAVES '<OU M iii son-216, G. Woolner-210, R.' ý Hately-207, M. Charles-204. 1. Ai~ Junior Girls-D Wilcox-' S184, S. Dadson-184. à Junior Boys- W. Mooney- 191, B. Crombie-188. LillilivrdiýHli Triples j~Teenage Girls- S. McMur- tler--562, H. Vanstone-539. MR. AD ME. A.BOYD ND SAFF' -615 M. ohyis-57J. ude MR. AD MR. A.BOYDAND TAFFe61agM. Boyls-57J. Rn i Hlgh Doubles iJunior Girls-S. Dadson-, King St.IV. Bowmanville 358, D. Wilcox-280. Junior Boys-B. Crombie- a -1Min------ -- -333, W. Mooney-310. "Chuck" Kilpatrick notched the tying tally. Raye West paced the lowly Fan Belts with a hat-trick ef- fort, while Pete Stacey rap- ped in a pair and Paul Mc- Cullough and Bill Crossey each scored once. After losing their first game the week previously, the front-running Hose appeared ta be well on their way to another defat, as the Office overcame a brief 1-O deficit to run up a 6-2 lead. With Ron Burgess and Clint Ferguson showing the way, the Hose club rattled In six markers in seven minutes and 20 seconds, the last five in only three minutes and 40 seconds. The Office got one back, and then pulled goalie "Red" Mantle wîth little more than a minute to play. But, the Hose threw up a tight- checking display to hang on to the win. Burgess fired four goals and two assists, while Fergu- son scored twice and set up three of Burgess' tallies, to spark the comeback drive. Lloyd Hamilton and "Jiggs" Cowling completed the win- ner's scoring. Don Masters collected live points on four goals and one assist, while Bob Sheridan registered a hat-trick to look after the Office goals. Team Standings W L T Pts. Hose 8 1 0 16 Mats - 5 3 1 il Office- 2 5 2 6 Fan Beits -- O 6 3 3 Leadlng Scorers G A Pts. R. Burgess (H)- 14 13 27 D. Masters (O)- 17 7 24 Raye West (FB) 8 16 2 C. Ferguson (H) 10 13 23 T. Fairey (M) il 9 20 B. Crossey (FB) 10 7 17 B. Sheridan (O) 6 9 15 L. Hamilton (H) 9 5 14 Memorial Arena BOWMANVI LLE PUBLIC SKATING 8-10 P.M. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23rd SAT. and SUN., DECEMBER 24 - 25 CLOSED ALL DAY NONDAYI DECEMBER 261h JUVENILE HOCKEY 3:00 p.m. WKITBY JUVENILES VS. BGWNANVILLE JUVENILES ADMISSION- - Aduits, 50c; Students, 25e Booster Ticket Holders - 25e MONDAY, DECEMBER 26th PUBLIC SKATING 8 to 10 p.m. CHILDREN'S SKATING WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28 - 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. - 25e - 25e WEDNESDAY, DECENDER 281h HOCKEY 8:30 P.m. TRENTON VS. BO WNAN VLLE SHANROCKS Admission Aduits 50e Students 25e Children under 12 yearu of age Free if accmpanied by aduit 1Men's Major Bt With one week lcft in the first schedule, Kramp's Furn- iture team has alrcady won the championship. Kramp's has 30 points while Liberty Bowl and Pepsi Cola are tied for second with 26 points. The most points either team could finish with are 29. Kramp's team now has the rght to meet the winners of the second schedule for the John M. James Trophy. Kramp's championship team is made up of Captain Hap Palm- er, Russ Halîman, 1-arry Gay, Russ Lane, Butch Milne and Kari Bickell. Jack Gay put together games of 284-284-243 for a total of 811 to win high triple for the week. Ed. Lugtenburg had 746, Frank Lewins 736 and Ed Leslie 717. Tax Collector Clarence Oke took high single with a 306, followed by Aif Samelîs, 303. Ken Luxton smashed al Name Ernie Peri( Russ Hailî AI Osbornc Russ 01-e Dr. Keith, Frank Lew Elton Brocl Pete Dobbi Jack Gay Ted Bagne] I-ap Pailma.e Bob Williar Dr. H. B. Ri Ed. Leslie Ed. Lugteni Bud Moses Carl Leslie Jack Mund, Jack Bond George Ste Bill Oke - Harry Gay Larry Pipei Bill Wcstl; Harold Bcr Afternoon Bowling Our fîrst schedule ended on Friday, December 16, with Bea -. Sellers team winning with 20 point--. runner-up was Mar- ion Crowe's team with 13. Again only two 200 games -, were bowled- Doris Holroyd 241 and Gwen Reynolds 225. Gwen also had high double of 372. We will welcome any newv bowlers who would likej to start after the New Year, January 6. Caîl MA 3-3498. eam Standings aUAIM'~'gSellers 201 ~VVED55~ Crowe ~1 Patfield 1 Averages iHolroyd ~14 Games Ave. Davis ----1. fect 39 242ý McDonald 13 rnan 42 2281Coyle __ . ...... .~12 ie . 42 226, Richards ---------------- 7 -42 2221 Averages SIernon - 42 22]l Joyce Lylp -- ----- 194 vins --- 42 220, Olli'- Patfield- --- 1881 k 42 22() Aud'rey Bickell ------- 1841 uins 42 217, Betty Richards ----------- 165: -- 42 2 4 Sa-e Biucknell.-------- .- 1651 ff ------42 214 Boa Seller. - - ------1571 or ------- 2 2 4 Doris Holroyd - --------- 154 Ims 39 l3ýMarlon Gib-(n - ------ 154 Itindle 42 212 Gwen Reynolds-------15 - --- 42 212!G i li ------ ----- 15 burg 42 211 GnEli --4 21 Marg Coylo ---- 5 i ------- 39 210' lay --_ 42 209 1 -------42 209 S O JE ephen- 42 209 S O IE -- - -- - -- - - 4 2 2 0 9 9 2 A 3 5 a n d u p i th ' 7 39 209 i Class "A" Trade-n ake --- 42 2071 JAMIESON TIRE nnett Nance Colmer _____148 Marion Crowe _____147 Bonnie McDonald Evelyn Large e5___ Pat Bradd -_____144 Daisy Bell 4lyce Hodgson Jean Lobb 137 Jean Hariiess --- 133 Marg. McDonald 131 Betty Loti Locke 131 Cozette Ncads 130 June Clarke ------ 26 Elsie Richards -_ j126 Evelyn Butler .... 126 Dorothy Nicholas -------125 OIL> A. 1-. STURROCK &SONS LTD. I3OWINANVILLE MA 3-5516 records for the season with a ui]1 Mee ---- 42 20 low score of 86. Ray Fry gave FRank Kelly --- 42 206 Luxton a battle and turnedin aak Mohun - 42 206,V- h i urMn a low of 88. Kari Biokeli, a Piper - --- 42 206:1 TôAl u M member of Kramp's champion--Me-Da- - 42 205 ' ship team, had 94. MVatt Har- Cuth. MeDonald - 42 205 Fred adCstmr rison hit 107 and Coulson Wool- Murray Larmer - 39 205 V red n utmr ner had two scores of 107-112. Murray Tighe 42 203 JeSy Woolner ended up wth a 427 Frank Samis -- 42 203 ifSa winning low triple. George Hn azn- 42 202 9 > "General" Joncs and Keith Russ Lane 42 202 Shackleton had 433. Bert Englcy- 42 202 Y * Alley Chatter JackgePipker 42 201 Ill rr While Ernie Perfect cannot JcPate r4-2~ 201 Lo, goo t e imC -tl------- -42 201 Di? irîtiiî officially be declared champion Dave MKih 2 20~ pe ionship. down the cham- J _______------_ 42 200___n r ila pionhip.Perfect bas a 242 average with runner-up Russ Ever soaring as more of the!~ and a Halîman standing 14 points or water resources are tapped, ~I approximately 500 pins off the Canada's generation of electrie c i pace. energy in 1959 reached 103 , 1F a n, e r The second schedule gets 844,274 megawatt hours or 7.3'j 9 a p I e a underway on Wednesday, Jan. per cent over 1958.y 4th, so get in a littie practice between Christmas and New frorn Yenrs. The executive of the Men's Major League wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a big STEVENS' TAXI average for 1961. FlashMA2~' Elgie Harnden Lorne Stevens Jack Miller One of the stars of the Men's MA330 ilWstvrOieFwe Major League bowled a 76 r forBi WetvrOie olr single game the other night inmm T the Goodyear Bowling League; For Fast Dependable Service his name, Ted "Pappy" Bag- CrsmsadNwYa' nell. If you wish to stay s EIKMVIbE during CrsmsadNwYas' friends with Ted please do flot discuss this score with him. o Standing End of l3th Week ilM 3-82 o MA -70 Team W L Pts. Kramp's Furniture 30 12 30 '100 Kn St. E. omnil Liberty Bowl -- 26 16 26KigBw anil Pepsi Cola ---- - -- 26 16 26 _______________________ Ken's Men's Wear 25 17 25 ~~~4 Canadian Tire ----- 22 20 22 Preston Transport 22 20 22 ' Nels Osborne Ins. 22 20 22 Cowan Equip. - 21 21 21 Selby Grant Heat. 21 21 21 la' Robson Motors--- 21 21 21 J m Stephen Fuel 19 23 19 . . . . Bow'ville Cleaners 19 23 19 v' Chartran's 18 24 18 V~ 'Cab 500- 16 26 161$ Jury & Lovell 15 27 1 Lander Hardware 13 29 Features This Week High Single- Clarence Oke ____306 High Triple- Jack Gay 81~ Low Single- Ken Luxton - - 6 ..... . Coulson Woolner 42 Lowh Traile- î7 Ken's Men's Wear - 1290 High Team ()- Ken's Mer'q Wear - 3417 Low Tcam ()- Jury & Loý,ei1 849 Low Team (3)- Nels Osborne Ins.- 2832,~ This Schedule ;' Ed Leslie ----- ------- 401 Ernie Perfect 853 IV; Ken Luxton - - ---- -- _ 86 Garf Clarke ------ ---- 336 Preston Transport 1318 Kramp's Furniture ---3486 D ChartanvilleCleaners ---2611 Legion Bowlin Samis clinehed the first 'schedule tîtle in the Legion Bowling League, last TuesdayeÏ. night, on a 5-2 xin over Mar-~ tyn. Perfect, leaders most of the way, were badly beateni t 1 7-0 by Taylor, who moved ~ right up into third place, five;1 behind the losers. Bates mov-, edout of the cellar, on the,~ strength of a 5-2 win over ý Yeo, with the lasers now in1 last position by two points. 668 total to take high triple honours. Dick Perfect was I three pins behind at 665, with other highs going to Pete Dob- F bins 647, Bob Stocker 646,i- "' ,- Jack Geddes 641, and Doug 1 Taylor 638. W ? Dick Perfect notched the X high single with a 285 game, May the truc meaning of the scason followed by Maxie Yourth 258, 9 Stocker 248, Taylor and Ben- corne alive i your heart with joy and nett both at 245, Jack Martyn'if 239, Jim Barclay 236 and Pete .Japies o ruyM ryChitns Dobbins 235. Yhpie fo a rl er C rst sf After rolling games of 261 .ýe and 245, Frank Samis ran into V a lot of trouble in bis finale game, blowing no less than Yf four 4-mes .o en ..up with a tA0M L AmJ L Children ....» Aduits accompanying children 207:FÀMMIIIIMWI 1 milis; THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. B01MANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21, 1960 PAGE EIGHT 1 9