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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1960, p. 11

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21. 196n~ TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN,_BOWMANVILEONTAR!O PAGE ELEVEII - amily, .Bowmanville, with Mu. I ten sister and brother-mn- and Mns. Carl Fenguson. law, Mu. and Mus. Allen Pan- Mu. and Mus. Wilfred Banks ker fou a whiie. and girls, Weston, were vis- Mr. Ray Wilbun and son, htors at Mu. and Mus. J. E. Michael and Miss Manjonie Griffin's. Wilbuu, Toronto, visited MrMu. and Mus. Kenneth and Mus. Will Wilbur and Lamb, Port Credit, bad the Mus. J. Ilewson on Monday. misfontune cf falling, wbich Mus. Win. Axfoud in coin- gave bim a sbaking up We pany with hieu sister Mus. Few- wish him a speedy receoveuy. 1e'r cf Boxvmanviîlle spent Mu. and Mus. A. G. Boyd, the weekend in Toronto. Toronto; Mn. and Mus. Cecilý Symnpathy is extended te Rahm, Union; Mu. and Mus.jiMus. T. Salter ie the death E. IL. Harrisen, Toronto, weue cf lher sister Mus. Geo. Davey weekend guests at Mr. andicf Port Pirry. Mn. and Mus. Mus. H. Stevens. I Harold Sa1ter and Mus. J. Mu. and Mus. Fred Billett,lSalter attended the funenal Scanbonough, were with Mn.1 at Port Peuuy on Tuesday. and Mus. Roy McGill. 1Mus. Harold Quanny and Mn. and Mus. A. Brunt, î is Ruby Coiwill, Bow- Mus. Etta Page weue witb Mu. manville, vksited Mu. and and Mus. Howard Bradley,J T. \VraY on Sunday. Maple Grave. Mu. and Mrs. Murray Yeo Mus. Garny Vickens, Mrs. held a family gathering at Viekeus, Su. Hamilton, were' their home in honour cf heu recent visitons at Mn;. and parents Mu..and Mus. A. J. Mus;. Allan Weuny's. J Rosevear cf Tyrone on the Mn. and Mrs. Adam- Sharp,' occasion of their 25th wed- 'Mus. Ivan Sharp, Mus. Ross ding anniversauy on Sunday, Sharp weue recent visitons at iDec. Ilth, Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Sander-:______ son 's, Touonto, and tbe ladiesi attended a trousseau tea fori H Y O Miss Jean Edwards. H Y O Mn. and Mus. Keith McGili and family weue Sunday Mu and Mrs, W. Blackburn, tous at Mn. and Mrs. ya Doug'and Dale, Mus. K. Cowl- Buocks, Bowmanville. ing called on Mr. and Mus. Recent calleus at Allan Malcolm Elfurd, Port Penny, Werny's weue Mn. and Mus. and Mu. and Mus. John Hoy- Wes Wenuy, Sauina. land, Oshiaa, on Sunday. Mus. Lila Flewelling, Ton-. Mu. and Mus. Alfred Gar- onto; Mus. Jack Hercd, Wes- rard at Mu. and Mus. Chaulie ton, were Monday calleus on Garuarci's, Suinday. Mus. Henod's relatives,, the lMu. and Mus. Lloyd Siemon Griffin's. were Sunday dinnen guests at Menuy Christmas, Happy'i Mu. and Mus. Eaul Tuewin's. New Yean to readens cf the Mu. and Mus. Leslie Graham Statesman, Mn. James and weue enleutained to a duck bis staff. i cdinner at Mr. and Mus. Jhn, Rev. Harold Stainton, Cour- Guaham's, Bowmanville, on tice, was a recent caller at' Sunday. The occasion, Mus. Mu. and Mrs. H. Ashton's, 1 Leslie Grah-iin's birthday. The Enniskillen Mission1 Several fnom Haydon at- iBand and their buotheus andI terîded thep chtiucb service at sistens met for thein annuaI TIyreîie Suinday evening. Christmas outing at the home iSinday School wil be with- cf Mu. and Mus. Rudoiph dnawn on Sunday moun.tng. Stengen. The house was fes- iCburch service at 7:30 o'ciock. tive witb signs and symbols J Lieda and Janet Sharp, En- of the Christmas season, bothlJniskillen. spent Saturday with familiar and exotic cnes from1 their grancîparents, Mr. and Europe and fan away. The Mus. Lloyd Ashton. nativity scene was the centre ýMu. and -Mus. Neal, Oshawa, cf intenest, beautifully anuan ' visited MuýT. anti Mus. J. Pctts ged in a fonest cf cedan twigs, 1ancd familx' and Mus. W. Man- and complete with angels,! titi. candies and wîld animais. :Mu. and Mus. Clemn Rahm Mus. Edgar Wright and Mus.:; and fanîily. accompanied by Allan Weruy wene ln charge, Mu. and Mus. W. Rahm, Ty- cf th e meeting, which includ- nocoe, visited Mu. and Mus.' ed Christmas canols sung by]1 Alex Peuger and family, Ham- 'ail. and a stcry "A Gift Should. ilton, Suindaîy. be Given". Mus. Stenger aise, Mu. and Mus. Water Love- translated fromn the original r ide and Joyacopne Geuman a folk-tale et Christ- Miss G race Tuewin, Mn. FredJ mas eve, told to ber as a smali: Castle, Toronto, Mu. and Mus.! I cbild by ber guaridmothen. David M-ruow and Alexan-' Christmas cakes and cook- dua, Auirora, and visitedM. les cf fau-away lands and cus- and Mus. C. Avery and Ver- toms formed a part of the re- non, Lmndsav. fneshments senved by the lead- Mu. and 'Mus Roy Graham' eus and Mus. Stenger. Both anîd faînily visited' Mr. and childuen (twenty cf therni Mus. Alex Peugen and family,~ and aduits (six) felt that Mus.' Hamnilton, Sunday, Stengeu's hospitality had been I Mu. Nelson Gage, Rickle a real expression cf the spir'* and I~~.Tiiornlîll, Mn.Chi- o f the Cbristmas season fou xe:5 i'i ., ' O Scar- 'aL borouÏ14 visited r4r. and Mr#. 'N YUJKON CLUB GINGER ALE (Contenta OnIy) 230-oz btls2~5< Carton of 6 12-ex btla 29o FrIIL VVm FANCV QUALITY. LARGE PEAS a...' A&P PEACHES Nor B ttrliRetre SOIN BUR E ONM. Bertrim and family. 1 Mrs. Glen Thompson andfai Norm BotrellRetres OLIA 13 RKErO N Mr.and Mrs. Glen Thomp- iiy were dinner guests of Mr%' 1 i son and family, Carleton Place,! and Mrs. EarI Thompson,l iOn Sunday mýorning a White iOur chureh was fairly well Glad ta see Mrs. B. Breck are visitlng Mrs. W. Thomp- Bowmanvlle, Sunday. ~. as49 rs atG o dye rGift service was held during attended on Sunday evening from Kingston who is making son. Saturday evening visitors', Your correspondent wishes ý,W ci 4 9 rs. u G oo yearthe Sunday School period when the C.G.I.T. presented visits5 in the village this week. were Mr. and Mrs. F. Osmond,i the Editor and staff and al Thelolowig atice i th Godyer. ormhel a ar-with the superintendent, Har- their Candle Lighting Service. Sorry ta report that Mns. Bowmanville, Mr. and Mns. 1 readers of this column a Men- Theme fooinue artcl w ethe o obar. er held a ar-1 vey Yellowlees in charge. Re- White Gifts and "Cent a Meal"' Cyrus Ashton is not sa well.I1 Roland Thompson. Hampton. 1 ry Christmas and Happy New Decbrono isse foothelanbuew îtyof jabs oe r an3-er citations were given by Gon- offering was also observed. i We hope her condition will Mrs. W. Thompson, Mn. andt Yean. TormnoWnotCan aboul wlli teridan he tasere don Westlake, Beverley Pas-, Next Sunday morning at soon be improved. NoranBotrei il inersttoTech. Service where he Icoe. Lawrence Taylor and 11:15 a.m. December 25th Rev.ý Mrs. Edna McLaughlin, Hay- NO SANTA CLAUS! rnany Statesmani readers as he established - quite a reputation gusan Vice. The scripture W. A. Logan will preach bis don. was a recent guest of Mrs. is a native àf Bowmanville as a real "cut-up"! In this raigwsgvnb o-frwi emnbfr aigýEhlByn oSnaCas and brother of Frank Bottreil, sense, he is estimated to havelreang ar given by Don far p eiL ondbeoret arng MEthel Bran. No SantaoCoaus, May and Edna Bottreli, weillcut up hundreds of thousands'en am.Thofeng aspduisnLno.Acr- M.Aan amroono Let us but pause. kOwn residents of ihis town. of dollars wonth of tires- forlreceived by Phyllis Westlake. dial Invitation Is extended to spent the weekend with his aril elw:Arline Westlake. Marie Flett al, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Can you imagine a place ,featceflos checking purposes- and was and Lois Ashton. Four little Thi....Crsmspr amr Without music or grace, W]th lniot haf a entuy a eldepr. nthssei girls Karen and Brenda Yel- ty wil be held in the church; Mr. D. MacNeil and friend, Without love or beauty Of Goodyear Service behind iedfel.lowlees and Carol and Anne hall on Friday evening. Dec., Toronto, were weekend guests Poetry or duty? him, Norman J. Bottreil of Once neferred ta as ýISt.1Hills sang a Christmas carol 23rd, at 7:30 p.m. i of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lowrey You can't always see Santa Claus! Techoical Service retired on Peter" by a chap who tried1 and the Beginner's Class sang Mr. and Mns. Thomas Hodge! and family. Nov. 30., to dig up some backgroundi "Axvay in the Manger". The! were Saturday evening guests 1 The Scheol Christmas Con- Can you see Faith or Hope, Hf, started at Bewmanville matenial on hlm. Norm bas'1 story wsa vell presented by'1 of M.adMs ereCre etwl eo hrdyee.A bto rSoe while still a young lad at a îived an exemplary life and!Ivrs. Franscis Johnston.MranMs.GogCrtrct iibenThsdyvn-mbio orS pe statin saaryof 2'~cens hs pst f frs othng hat Nex Suday Chi~ ':s and fantily, Bowmanvllle. ing, Decernber 22nd, at 8 p.m., In this scientifie age so skeptical Per heur. Follnwing service bis crenies might jump on in Day, the cburcb service wiîî Thms and fnl Oh,îMs. CRarence inUic churca Can't we find room for just one miracle! Nih the R.C.A.F. during. compiîing humorous biogra- be held atil1'clock. There 1Thoma5 ndamilysh .andwa, Mrs.Cr.stae at n a-Marion Ford ý&1old ar , hi reurnd t i ýwll e n Sunay chol. Mrs. Bill Pedensen. Bownianville on Sunday. SA brother-in-law of formert The Three lVIs will meet ai Mr. and Mrs. James Lavery,ý Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Vanden Clan Editor Gene Dopp, Non- the homne cf Ewart and Clara Toronto, were Sunday guests, Bos visited Mr. and Mrs. John, man has the distinction of Leask on Tuesday evening, of Mns. Esther Carnochan. Ryken on Sunday. O P E NI N G aving bad the îongcst ser- December 27. C.oud f Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hub-1 Your Correspondent wouldl A U D Y E C R I N 0PEN1NG vice o n Goodyear em- rC.Fu-do bard wene Sunday Ilets filike to take this epportunity! A U D Y E C R I N ply1 a iec eieet Courtice. entertained t he Mr. and Mrs. B. Htubbard. ýof wishing the readers, editon SOON!Officiai retirement presenta- staff and employees cf Osh- Mn. Laurence Carnochan was and staff cf The Canadian to SOON!tien cf a silver tea service was awa Wood Products at their Suria guest of Mr. and Mus. Statesman a very Merry made at a joint retirement annual turkey' banquet and'Harry Beauchamp, Solina. Christmas. ý party held by the Tech Ser- party at Solina Community Congratulations ta, Mr. and Anyone who 'vould like ta DR UIY A1 vic safffo 'Dc'CryerHall on Wednesday night wîth Mrs. Frank Melton (nee Mar- hiave a subscription on a ne- FINCHLEY APTS. A quiet, censcientieus em- I Selina Women's Institute, odgigadrtrnn uoStr. r ploýce, Norm had a legion cf Mr. and Mus. Charles Tay- Go on n eunn oeStro ny S. E. THONMPSON friends threughout the entire leu. Orono, viŽsited Mr. and ENNISKILLEN they juin in extencling hlmi Mr. and Mrs. N. Fiee and M.adMs rc e- M n r oe rc Belleville . $4.80 Bowmanvigle & $1.90 waunet es wihe fu Kitt. auitn; Ms.ath and famly, Pickering, and Mr, Mark Turner, Os- Cobourg . 3.00 Oshawa & & a 1.45 happy retirement. Perr.v Vî!illancouirt, Lindsay, visited Mn. and Mrs. J.D. awa xx eue visitons with Mn.. xisited Mr. and Mus. FuanklHogarth and the Saltens on and Mrs. Sam Dewell on Sat- I Port Hope à 2.75 Whitby i à à à 1.30 Grirn reaper: Deaths resuIt- Wetape. r. ntd famurciy. 24 Hrs. Service ing frori motor veicele tuaffic Mur. and Mus. Frank West- F/L Reg. Kersey, Mus. Ker- 1I;. atnd Mus. Mer wi n Corresponding fores fil intermediate points Ecp udyaccidents iin Canada in 19591 lak,, Jr. visited Mus,. Howard sey, Ronnie, Ricky and Rob- Mountjoy attencied the 25tb FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS ExcptSunaynunibered 3,201, up 1 er ceit IHariley and Mr. and Mus. J. by, Ottawa, spent a few days wedding aniniversary of Mr. on 1958. Ovenden, Oshawa. last week with bis panents and Mrs. Ed Lawsen, Yelveu-ý Mu. and Mus. Ed Davis, Mu. and Mns. S. Kersey. ton, on Saturday evening.1 i~ ~ ~Oshawa, were Suniday tea Mn. Lloyd Kersey and son Congratulations te Mr. and CNDA II C ' 'IA NAIOA Sguests cf Mu. and Mus. Ralpb Rebby, Westcn; Mn. and Mrs. IMus. Lewis Cryderman who 052 9 2Davis and Pat. Harold Ashton, Douglas anîd celebuated their 50th wedding __________________________ g! Mrs. L. B. Williams. Mr. Clane, Enniskillen, and Rex'. anniversary on Wedesay. Will Benthame, Bowvmanville; 'Ted Kers ey, Scarborough, Thecy received their friends, M ~Mus. Effie Collins, Mu. and visited their parents duning relatives and neighbouns at- Mus. WilI Tonkin, Oshawa, the weekend. the Hampton Commun it y vstdMn. and Mrs. N. C. Mu. and Mus. Elmen Boyd, Hall from 7 ta 10 p.m. Their Wote.Toronto, wene Sunday callers a mlîpton fuîends tnust AP Mn. J. Baker visited Mr. and at ber brotben's Mu. and Mus. thev may enioy many more A N SSTRA. %'Mus. Maurice Baker ai Geor- Bert Stevens. hap'py anniveusaries. ae'*nd u.JryMlsn M.adMs rdTeinx Sînday chrnousengiats10 ~s J a m e s D ry n a n , O s h a w a , Nw u e f r y w e l a t d n.u d a c u c i s e ic , viieda us oh ISKIL.JjL combined chuucb and Sunday 1>1 oxS. S-"hool service wilI be held ý;î 1)ý and family visited relatives Lloyd and Eanle. Blackstock; o'c]ocl-, it being "White Gift" 1. e on SundaY. . Mu. and Mus. Lloyd Siemoni, 'T\i trust there will Howard MiIon Is a patient Haydon; Mr. and Mus. C. E. be a good attendance.A spec- Bemavil Hosprn e, Oshawa, were Sunday la] oi'dicir ofweuship will be Friends wish himn a speedy dinner guests at Mn. and urs used Q recoveny. ~- " ~To he ditr ad saffcfEanl Trewin's. Mu. and Mrs. .loyd Wilcox *The Caniadian Statesm an and Mr. and Mns. Robent Cook, and son Donald, Cobourg, vis- Scanbonougb; Mn. and Mus. ited heu parents, Mn. and Mus.I U Ithe readeus of this column Robent Wilson and Brian, J. D. Hogarth on Sunday. thuoughout the yean, may Oshawa; Mr. Clarence Avery,, The Season's Greetings are ~ror olnacorepodet x-Lindsay, were Satunday vis- extended te the Editor and SPECIAL BLEND itesa lrneAeys staff of the Canadian States-A W A enajyosasns ting Mr. and Ms. Wilbur Toms, man and te al its reades. 1ýMay happiness be with o u Puple Hill, were Sunday vis- (lntended fer last week) LL , Thuoughout this Cliiss itors at Mn. and Mrs. F. Toms. Mu. and Mus. W. Harrison APE 44il Ou 10P ?jO1ur eOqal Patronage Day. Mn. and Mrs. A. Telfen, and daîîghteî' Kim, Coîborne, DOLE'S FANCY QUALITY 15 For everyone is Santa Claus Paul and Janet, Toronto, spent the weekend with heu j part cf Christmas Day spent Sunday with Mn. and parents Mu. and Mus. G. Ad- I i ... if n beuts bev indaMus. A. L. Wearn. ceck. On Satuuday vnn J ~ C K D 10 U g ~ A thIrill tThe give aynd WenTsefamily1 the Haruisons andMr. andJNEPR ROAG, RP&PRT J al r uh 9 I ost ia hivesturaygatennosc ures, . sbawa, ý and on PIE PLUMAndNSantaEATING And ever brated at the Hampton HallJ visiteci xith Mu. and Mns. U .IE du In all heauts young and old Miss Elsie Oke, spent a fewv Sunday at Mu, Hannisoni's Su. HD E*% Division St. Bownianville 4i In the precieus Christmas days with ber sister Mn. and Port Perry. oach 4 cREVNOLD'8 HEAVV DUTY Story Mrs. Stanley Turner, Oshawa., Miss Louise Goodman bas ~~~That xiii ever more be tid. Mr. and Mus. Don Carr and 1gene te Toronto te stay with S 6 AVE Os ~ I ~ I -make sure you have plenly of Wilson's Ginger Ale on hond. Nothing-but nothing-goes botter with turkey than ginger ale-and Wilson's gives you more flavor, more sparkle, more for your money. That's why it's always smart ta serve, wise ta buy N - . - À* PUNCH (E RAGES ýtAP M GalAmI GRADE I"AFF 1 OVEN T F 18 Ibs P ond over 51 l Coeked, R'udy te Serve SHANK SMOKED PORTION ib49c BUTI HAiMS PORTION Il5 9c Reg. pkg Ie-SAVE Se 1-lbplcg 69C Reg. Uin 33*.-SAVE 2@ 20-or tin 31C£ Reg. S tins 95o-SAVE 0* 3 48-or tins 8 9 C Reg. roll OS-SAVE 4* f8inch roff 5 9 C Reg. 2 tins 39o--SAVE 10@ 3 15-oz tins 4 9 c 4 20-oz fins 998 TENDER PLUMP RKEYS 10 to 14-lb l average 5 No Contre Slices R.moeved SHANK i HALF lb57C No Centre Slic., Romoved BUll HALF lb 67C CENTRE (UTS STEAKS ib79c q e - - Frosh fruit andt Vegetuhie Speciols! CALIFORNIA, PANCV GRADE, NAVEL. ORANGES S-lb cel. Siuz.88'8 b" O5Jc doz Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, CoId Storage Stock, DELICIOUS and MeINTOSH A&PPLES 3 é é Floride, No. 1 Grade, Large Six., 1W0% TANGERINES Californie, Fancy Grade GRAPES REMPEROR bg39c doxn 4 5 llbuI9 «Chook full of Fruit% end Nutet JANE PARKER FAMOUS FRUIT CAKE l'h-lb pie 1.39 3-lb ring 2,e69 S-lb ring 3.99 ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGI4 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24th, 1960 PAGE BIZM B. for. you carve that vurk. y..

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