WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21, 1916 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONT~ARIO new hospital wing. Christmas meeting "Give AndA H s ia e e v sHarry V. Cryderman, chair- E r AYIt Shall be Given Unto You ;M r .A ie. Hos pifai Receives ~~~~~~man of the Building Cormit-inwhtB was explained by Mrs. Ear;M . vr.,i .im n teinome hemein ha rinswill be pleased ta The members of the Wo- McQuaid, who also gave a~ teconstruction ofthe adi ivitht rs. Charles Smithz men's Missionazry Society o radngonfl e ejic L1 e gac> of $ 5 0O (J tion to the hospital is making, has returned home from St. the United Church were en- at Christmas". ivic rried 5 5 YJ excellent progress. Floors are, Joseph's Hospital, Peterbor- tertained at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Glen Wentworth, Mrs.' Ilos completed and the con-! ough.1 George Waddell for their Ralph Preston and Mrs. Don- ýOn Saturday Dec. lOth, 1960,1 law, Mi1s. Lavenilee ret wrkwil b fnihe b Mr. Lloyd Kennedy who bsmeigo usa.aid McGregor modelled hats i Mr. and Mrs. Aibin Clemens1 and Mrs. NormanCees middleArrangments ore hoe atLndsay, ( e . Geo inhationmadShorthoure wch thMliery hd fthi wdd P'ak ad themdl of February, he, been in a private nurs ig Ms Rv)Gog ihr-md ttercn inr uel celebrated the 55th Atrpra predicted. Ar hge e nts worinmg Lnsy sno ty o odce tenmnto hr Cus hc hyh anniversary ogj hcîous turkey dinner, picture * Receipt of a legacy of $5001 James Stutt presented three ctlevision outiets in th ein with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. and electian of officers as fol- attended at Nestieton; also when their family arranged a were taken aftrwic i wing were discussed. McMaster. ýlowz-: President. Mrs. Winni- giving some ideas for mak- dinner party at the Balmoral adjourned to tha oe fM theor emral Qpta hqe of S50 ech fr th Stanley Wilkins, the bospi-, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin McGee fred Spencer; vice-president, igohrtpso as Hotel. and Mrs. Clemeswhnt Ap)bivision Street, who dicd hosPital, gifts from Jury and' tai administrator, reported and family, Greenbank, were Mrs. Edgar Beer; Secretary, Mirs. Ralph Preston gave a Guests included their two balance of theevnn a MetApril, was announced at Loel lxMGeoadta hr ee23amsin udyget ihM. and! Mrs. T. J. Jackson; treasurer, demonstration oe band crafts, sons and wives, Mi. and Mirs. spent in gamernicrd the meeting of trie BoardI of Percy Cowling, the toxvn's to the hospital in November, Mrs. George Waddcell. iMArs. I-Irb. Coppins; Mission- with many ideas for Christ- Laverne Clemens, Hampton, Gifts from relaivenihos .. Directors of Memorial Flosoj_- three drug stores. and 262 discharges. Births Mrs. Byron Davis, who bas'ary Monthly secretary and mas gifts, decorations and at- and Mir. and Mrs. Norman and W. I. werereied ~ aiwhchwa hd nWid-' On motion of Glenholme during the month numbered been ili at ber home for some Christian Ste'vardship con- tractive wrappings. Under ber Clemens, Toronto; grandebil- Before leaving h uet nesday evening, December 14. Hughes, chairman o! the fin-Â 4. There were 1,788 patient time, is now in Civic Hospital, vener, Mrs. Henry Jakeman; instructions each mem b erdnMr. and Mrs. Roll. Cie- thanked Mr. and r.Cee SMiss Tod was a daughter of ance committee, accounts o! days in November 1960 as Peterborough. Temperance secretary, Mrs. made a Poinsettia flower. Mrs. mens and Barry o! Hampton, for a very pleaateei > the late Thomas Tod, .vho wa 'Sl12,288.85 wvere passed f or pay-! compared ta 1,643 during the 1Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phil- Mervin Porteous; Community Preston also gave a reading Marilyn and Keith of Toronto. and wîshed tbEm aymr1 a member of the Board of ment.. Hughes stated that;month last year. The average lips, Peterbor o u g b, werej Friendship secretary, Mrs. "Choose Life and Make Your Also attending were Mrs. years of bappines Directors of the hospital for S127,000 has been paid to dateinumber of patients daily was guests with Mr. and Mrs Wm.1 Walter Rowland; Associate Living Worth Wbile". Clemens' sisters and a bro- On Dec. 13th,190thda lill tametime. for the construction --o!f the 59.6, and there were 237 out- Pbillîps for the weekend. «secretary, Mrs. George Wad- Mrs. Thomas Jennings led ther, namely, Mirs. Fred Bat- o! their weddingteyaen operations, 91 minor, and 76 ener, is visiting with Mr. ad r. arRwland in the osngihyn !Chit a te r. om n e theS.ten'tre je M s. W ateeRo la d ea c rohea d ym s.Taylor, and M rs. Frank R un- i n r a h i n e t ~ eergnc. Te nnul eete Ms.- rakMMrtcheko.tanskipure lesonitbhe Mis. ddsonScot resde di, oil ! own ad Ms.sposord y Cub15. e oW.exendtoyouau igo! the board il eh The Betbany Cub and Scout Cbita tr rm Mt ortebsns eso.A Sidney Hughson, Toronto, who During tevig Myr jj on January l8th, en henx Mother's Auxiliary were en- f thewvs Gospel. anucmnwa nd !te~as bridesmaid at their wed- and Mrs. Wilfri artes îï! regular meeting on January tertained at the home of Mrs.i Mrs. George Richardson Achievement Day for 4-1 ig1 adacosno!M.CIe- called and extenddCrsmsciilefryu oa f2t.(Dr.) S. L. Speller for their !gave a talk an "What Christ- Club members to be heîd at mens an groomsman 55 years greetings to aliladcnrt- Those present at the meet- meeting this week and plans mas Sbould Mean" saying i rno on January 21st. Plans ago, Mr.. Hilton Eagleson anu lated Mr. and Ms lmn~ arn~ h atya ,.. ~e,;,: i. ofte wedofDre re wife o! Cobourg. o h 5hanvraya rng ! te Bord ! Diectrs mde a gve te bys prt XVe houd no se 50were also made for a short The tables were tastefully their wedding. Abetiu ,~7cALLf o MmoralHositl ereth aChristmas party on Dec- much o! the material side, but course on "Sandwiches For Ah ecr charma, IanHobs, y~ember 20. find the deeper, spiritual Occasions" whicb will be beld t e d whfio adwefonbse ! lwr rmte S.Crderman, Glennhobs ame IMrs. Douglas Smelt, Mrs. me2ine. The wise men found in Bethany on February i1b. rncidcnadawd on !Bwavlew e* HugesdReiWsoesJamsodttonScotdnd rsr[f.\ louriesan ha t reakwasageedtarenw he nacak mde y grndon' pesete tathm. dSID T NLtSh Sttitt, Harry Jase, Newcastle, ryWlo eeapîtda turii ta their homes a differ- subscription for the Canadian wi!e, CarraI Clemens. A bau- Mr. Clemens, o eafoR C E , Keith Jackson, Dr. Alan B a nominating cammittee for nt way. We should find a di!- Asociation o! Consumers Bu-tnieeadc rse weer bislwi!e adhis!,tnk di' Sylvester, Mrs. L. W. Dippel the election o! officers ta b frt way of life through aur letins. pinned on Mr. and Ms I- hwobdtknpr n O MNIL jIMrs. S. G. McMurter, Mrs. beld in January at tbe home fincling of Christ." mens by their daughters-in- making the dinnraden- g~ Carls Waren Daringofo Mrs. Vincent Jackson. Mrs. Henry Jakeman toîd Following the singing o!f n oejybeadt h Ai ~ r t t Mrs. Howard Gibson, Clarke, Mrs. Addison Scott gave an a story o! "Neighbors" bring- the National Anthemn and thetwnfrte!oesJ H" 4 îJ4 ý ' T4 o Cvo4$e £ andi tne secret ary -treasurer1 account of the finances. ing out the meaning o! Christ- Institute Grace, lunch was _____ __for____the_ - fi_ - ~~ f ~~ j< ~Ray Dilling. The hospitai aci- At the close o! the meeting mas andi aur relationsbip withsevdbthhstsaite ____________ ~ k I ~ A!ministrator, Stanley Wilkins Mrs. Speller serveci lunch andi people of other races wholilve by Mrs. Earl Weatheriît, Mrs. K ~ EO R G E S ws io rset a social bour was enjoyed. among tusbnditin Earl McQuaîd andi Mis. Wil-. ..... BOYS'WEARFollwingliam Pbilîips. MEN'S ANO Prescatt were Saturday even- Mrs. Waddell served lunch Mis. Thomas Jennings ex- Port Hope R.R.3H a l y' U s d C r __________Atte__ 'sIsttt mmer oMr.CumseYDarM.James:ar Miss Florence Gardiner, Mr., meeting heîd in Monday night for the use o! ber home and It wstrlig indeed ta Th hita evc ihadMs .Byam and Tim-' at the borne o! Mrs. J. C. Cum- toalal those who baci assisteci o omnii' o- igS.E A320 ~h~eCbrstms srvie Aldrad.o! i. nciMirs G. a ~ enjyec prssethethaks f teaDec. 19, 1960. a ndwBodyKShopSShoE, crlsinging and Candie Light- my were dinner guests o! Mr.1 miskey, the rail call was ans- in the pragram.deflgt.Vehvlan- igservice by C.G.I.T. girls and Mrs. W. Park. wercd with "A Gift For a The January meeting will eis ogta uhmCu-fAnucsteo i wsjw iargeîy attended Sn Mir. and Mis. W. Rahm visit- Needy Chilci". Some of the be held at the homeo!Ms ty bas no museum. Now per- Harley Aniig od t .,-,-r'ning The chair rendered ed their daugbters, Mr. and gifts will be sent ta a local Vincent Jackson, featuring haps we'll he able ta pre- King St. E. frcl i' oySo) i two Christmas numbers with Mrs. Alex Perger, Hamilton,familv, the remainder ta the Agriculture and Canadian In- serve, the relies, that haven't Farrow, a 1iesdbdrai eet ieyu eÏ!Mis. G. Brent at the organ. and Mr. and Mirs. M. Srniley, Children's Aid Society at Port dustries, with Mr. Ed. Young- been taken ta other places. SRev. G. Lockhorst delivereci a Buîhington, on Sunday. Hope. The miotta for the man ta talk on ReforestationSicrlartebsinbdrparFrestmtgvn g, Christmas message. G r a c.e1l and Tîee Conservation. Moore and Charlotte Anis There were two special - - .- _____ouh o aitn E. Brroclogh.otheintng nd odyWork Fo a oodUse reevdteo!eig9 wr Christmas services in the Uni- Ar alo tasi Car or Body o on n e aly _ bompson a nd Mirs. Oliver - Otesuet iitr ae TO EVERYIVHERE 1 59OLSSEA - 1Beckett, by their families. .Smevle etrc bt Consuît '5DO EHA TP - The East Group o! W. A. Gift service, witb all the Sun- JR LOVELL * ,~metat he ome ! Ms. aI-. Gday Sebool pupils attending 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 te upywt oda-and presenting their gi!ts. Bowmanville '54 CHVBEARAT ilA tedace.k Leader Mis. J. C. . The Junior choir sang twa '5LIE.DLX OC eookcanducted the business. nubes3oylC Officers for 16 r r.Wl ai' iy n lwyI 5 H!te Murphy, Leader; Mis. A. b A Manger". FINE QUALITY Wo 1Hrv erk mmitee, Ms w. The evening service in MONUMENTS AND'5FOD-MkOfe Wrh om is.H.Sker, M us. W. urtakst oufrcharge o! Rev. George Rich-, AKR _7Raim Ms.H Siner Ms Adou takstoyo frarcison was an impressiveMRER F. Scott and Mis. E. Murphy. 4e&f eO&ft" your loyal past patronage. Pageant o! the Christmas pê.. TRUCK iture, with Mis. Cook readingi tion by the Hi-C Club dur- OF SAFFORD '2CE.PNL-Mk fe the devotion. Carol singing' ected by Mr. and Mis. Allan BO.'52TD. Cn ae fe iw as noed rPercy M-1Beer.'4S ýTo ail our friends and patrons... XNCy played i pana solos and lRUDYilLilE Preston Neais arranged the accompanieci for carol sing-1efcieN O NPY ETNEE ~ ~ . ,j~ing. Mis. W. Rahm reaci a effecGRtive lightîng effeets. N we wisn thie very best ~Christmas stoîy. Dainty re-ý PwwTG&PE Taking part in the Pageant A ~~~BOWMANVILLE weîe Dianne Porter as MarOyASRBDYWR cluring the coming year l !reshmnts were served. e __ Murray Henderson as Joseph; ~ air rs Th EenngGroup o! h ___ __ilo, h nnep- Safod rs à W. A. beld their Christmas eGaîPthrilson, thid nnkeep- meeting at the home o! graup eroParica aviiso, Lnd BU L Y B S I E eae r. .Sot.Flo-Davidson, Dianne Mulligan Monumental WokHaly aes - A 3201-37 8 * BURLEY B S LINES ~ leader Ms. T. Seot. Follow andi Muriel Neals, as The An-31Dnast.E WhbyM ~ there uIE II BOWMANVILLEe W A. theme prayer, - gels; John Jackson, GeorgePhe htb Jim Farro nyan -331 BW AVLEfsion a!ter which Gail Scott , M cat, ihl Cark3Te55ep AS played a piano solo, "The berds; Donald Scott, AllanMOak835 ____________ ~ Tîee ings" Teesa arso Smih ani Ra Poreous The________________________Smith___and___Ray_______________The_ * ~reiThree pogs" esaais ess Wisemen; Ross Neals as King SImmortality, andi a Morning, eac;Bb ducsac theforer wa îit ~/'Ronald Jackson, the Scribes, y, sPaer he fre was fin yeaî John Logan, the King's Her- aid andi the latter especially"Tecare!cieytl tfor oui Christmas meeting. f the story in sogbgnig- é~Mrs. Robert Lambert îead n l i ag enig the eripure fohowig wheh f li W ~# ~wîth "'Angels We Have Heaici the sMis. Dona old Dve rndered - on High" andci cntînuing with y MsmeDbatfld Cheyristas u e.:"La, How A Rose", "Unto Us somRne eatiuaChstmya! the AChilci is Bain", "As Lately g ~ jsic on the piano. Mis. John *'W* Watched", "'O'er the Hilîs.............. Sorigin a! a few o! the familiar M< ..<.~. o DgankJdea"0 "Biightest fiChristmas carois. Mis. A. J . Mni"ad"OY Joul 0- . A H ci dht J ~ ~andi Best o! the Sons o! the * rHoar and au0 teus o-Anne People Corne". Sandi Kathy a iaveîy piano triao' Mis. S. L. Speiler, chairi M "Dace i theShadws."Mrs.directar,, sang a gîoup o! Aîdmboarbn thon Crisas xp sRgooryJo aleWoi M ~ whetehervants osiCitbous o ~ bis w!e Crstas bms andThe srnimp tersstionaLCi Tscilhepour snja yed asin .~I wieyd xas uten reiustmas "the undyheold ha Lorith et of eae custom ombined slunch seveci ta te member ,die i EwtDeritiejaous oceteratod,! a the"ar. i- ru ac ~ peduratince o the same peitasal siea brghl Th huc asflld ir~ , of Polservnsoutts pecius . aîem W.for A. histheias 'h odand sCoo mbers ci Miesar sidenBGeraleheamketon e d Mr. and Mis. T. Gibbs. mas carois were sung again. rQvstdMand MrsI H..Philp isenior cta es.The setid re- 4 and Jean. *ipresident thankeci ail who haci MrW. and Mis. Don Buînham .. helpeci heu during ber twa X Coiebuaok, Mi. andi Mis. L.OA1I 1I LADUi years in office andi weîcome, Mayyo an al yurlovd nesbe A Abranmi andi family, Syden KIjIjjIJ IluJIlMis. W. Craig as oui new pue- Shami, visited Mus. Jean Abrams j * sident. A Sympathy ta Mus. E. Deeîey 5ttf 5ifc ~k'~~Lunch asevdnd , blessed with life's finest gifts- love, oA tepsigo e letjt oil~~a evc n di sister, Mis. C. Bateman aof There was a verv gooci at- Stourbxýdges eorstersh4retendance at the White Gi!t' England. She celebrateci heu srvcea/DI.ayscoo o A82nd birthdav Dec. l2th, and £fsmr m l aDuie 019e4. îSunday. an jyflsuces.~ died Der. i3th. t'Mi. and Mis. F. Blackburn Miss Florence Gardiner of and family were Sunday stip- 5Bowmanville is now stayingfprget f L n r.L Sfor a wbile with Mr. and Mrs. f Mi, sh erawag auovec fi G. B%-am. Viiailer u CHRISTMAS DINNER WILL BE SERVED SveOsaa E' wert McLaughiin, Oshawa,, FROM 12 NOON UNTIL 7:30 P. home from Califounia on Sun- ý1rand____D.____________ti______hritmasit i nd san Alan, King, Ont., and ber parents, Mr. and Mis. W Public U tilities omi s o M.and Ms. D.thenrsan ay to penci Co.hrstastheddMLONJ L kg -:isited Mi. and Mis. W. King, '.-oronationt the C.G.I.T. church service at, ChairmanMage X Mu. andi Mis. Elmer Boyd, r AI May I take this opportunity -- ~~ Big 0 é Toronto, visited Mis. R. Bur- KK\IIta extend best wishes for a M geýs.Merry Christmas and a Happy BOW1AVILEMandile.Mus. RH.e Hady, BOWMANVILLE New Ycar ta the Editor and %.%%m.andile Mr.sseH. Hadyi staff o! The Statesman andi to --*'~. ------------ affad"dy. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E.--------ail oui' readers and friends. '»MIIM---- "A'- PACM Tff MTV.lp." . . ý - 1. ý.,