PAGE FOURTEEN a THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO A meeting of the united members of the session met In tis sasonof jyousat the Sunday School on Fr!- 'J, ~IIA~> ~day, Dec. 6th at 8:15 p.m.,, We bring you a li fu gaithins sand of jyous _ lu the Rev. . K. Norman i h g eingf g s, ad e c agyY b chair. There was a good re- of holiday wih s ç on icvri i w odnAgnew, Eio Phone 3621 was discussed, some were vet- myyu hita i on icIL n i w oed, others carried by vote, h c fu l o her tedepsirtalnwideas to further the work chc uio apns h e a r t h e d e e p s p i it u a Y I~j 8o f c h u r c h a n d S u n d a y S c h o o l a n d g o o d c h e. r c inspiatio of CTistnas.will lbe tried out in tecm M R SHing year which should prove tnlv n THE MANAGERskAND STAFF The regular monthly meet- Where are our birds?Ou THE ANA GERN AND 0FCOMERC ing of the W.A. was held i feeding station and table are as scarce of guests as many *I THE CNADIA BANKOF COMERCEthe Sunday School on Thurs- motels are along the No. 2G O ~R eIeve raff c Pr blemday, Dec. 15th, at 230:.m- Highway, even sparrows and!KN T Newcastle This was a Christmas gather- starlings seemn to have desert- ofgifts, there were few ab- jays exehange godmr-1 i-ire 3Q~~~~Jfl ~sentees. The president, Mrs. ing" with us. 1ht __________ Nw hate-e fina et l igo h iedpr-gteBowling Cmiteto meeting which opened wjth a Booth ommittee of aur W.A.~"- ~---- - Hr' oing 0f 1960 was held by the ment in case of fires. He said receive its share of the grant. wascale and aner.Ted r osad htcndv atpiethet T uir wonderflfred eeshopigyorvillage council on Wednesday when the fire siren gues, ev- Councillor Fred Couch, pro- each member giving the first Sale anCburoc Christmas will "ring the j vniglstt ean up the eryone jumps in his car and perty committee chairman, line of her favourite carol, gle s adCooargroncnd, bell" for good cheer and Ne business ofsthe village for the heads for the fire hall and by announced arrangements had the minutes of the November waainthis rvee ve t aVyear. the time the pumper Is ready been made to insta l seven meeting were read and adop- wot w ie ve tr.g warm thanks f r y u god e1oshp.0*1o A delegation composed of to leave the hall the passage new lights on Metcalfe Street tetrewsahotbins Mrs. William McHolm and ' w i s h e s fulfilled and >~'John and Gordon Heatlie was is blocked by cars from bath (base line adnwJno eso n otegnrl a-Ms ekt eeget tadgo flild adpresent seeking a chance to directions. He said something lights on Baldwin and North ~fcinarascained the Welcome W.A. Christmas îyîy il denscm re..frsybmnit tenders for snowplow- should be done to stop park- Streets. the year 1960 with a good al meighl a h oe0 and sincere wihsta ing n te vilag. Mr Hetli ingarond te hll.John Rickard, School Board round report of new projects Mrs. Lloyd Kellogg on Tues- r apns l rudsaid he was a taxpayer in the Jack Gray reported three Chairman and Chairman of undertaken during that per-daDcbel3hat8l the holidaysbrnyu yor ail ir1e. frvillage and thought the job dogs had been destroyed and Community Hall Board ad- iad. p.m. it was a very pleasant Y yorfml ice frshould be let by tender and xvas seeking further informa- dressed council regardîn h Ifrtmeing ftgaeerng itha wll laned not continue as in the past. tion with regard ta his job. deedtathepoprtrconcl rmraeotvoalduts raf ai) A ment ta do the job and feit the Doc Contrai Offie in bigtercn lsdMr.Mto edsnOnmalgffreahnep- chance ta tender for it. clarification of the duties of sho tercetyoll r. Mtoneersnoteu-ndmahgpfy foreahonge-- fesive fu Sfo o e And jMHeAidber ayl ad equi e adoas adv fiiserta con act was s t i ta the Bard, ilbehl t h o e fig adCrls hr W saC S L N e o,,, 'un roreong an officer oolproperty. Councillors rol clt yabe fs forith cur- endhapysoilge-o Ah olbthylregadrt eed:a Deacnairsad t asstfi nthehadsoffered to send Greeting Cards __________ feA h onilwt eadtate KnDa, himno h of solicitor E. R. Lovekin. Mr. ta any sick or shut-in mem- CUC T BEAUTY SA O comrnunity bowling aileys Rickard also advised couricll eso ucuc.AtrteO KING Si' NEWCASTLE Nesilelo ton the grant received from the community hall bordde a l collections the meeting ZON _ ~~Government under the Com- the death of Ted Belsey and astreovra the pro- ___ __________Mr. Sim Sanderson had the, munity Centres Act. He said the teris of three members gancnee r.HryB- W .Dcme etn misfortune to faîl and break' he understood fromn the act expire this year. Hle as in- .ktt was held at the Sunday school.1 As the BlessedCrs.> ~~ b~is wrist, but friends are that the bowling alleys should fre h e poniet h tr fTeBrho A new slate of officers was i' pleased ta know hie was able be receiving a share of the wauld be made at the Janu- Christ froin St. Luke's gospel presented. The new president!~mý'fias Season appochs We'e enin tisliti (T/,g3~U(9~ Ita return home from Portigrant. After saine discussionarmetn fcui. wsradbMs.HrlO- is Mrs. Ray Cameron; lst Vc W'esnigti itePerry Hospital and trust leamoinwas passed authoriz..cara o h ereto f Crstns aolte Ms Jtrs. dVice ice cherub your ay wit __ R fees mu h bet r.,- A letter from Samn Brereton borne then followed a nuin- bergsie tJ r s. Hane rs iGeîs-w w il o r pa r n Wesalh e ter Durs-a PresrofChrsdentros, hethe blessings ti vn teceretgetnstan are visiting their daugh- : d. oskin; ecreAsitary f rng. e 'h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ arange for Police protection Mrs. Harry Beckett, Mrs. Mor- .Wli aeu sitn~ rns W hn i the ceerist geetigsi-ter and family in Whitby cmîteakdcuclesoo artesstae nd urn byeo Mrs arthqAen Secretary, Mrs. Tom Sobil; wek t heehes DrtaAi asit-a twhen hockey ley Harness and Mrs. Gju ho eled s w now', oping that -. Ms urtnisasst,1 games are in progress. Reeve Harness, accompan i le d on îepnigSceay rJP h epdu norty ing in he Post Office.D ouglas C unningham s ai e p a ' by M rs. H elen M cH olm G r y l sp l; e a su ing year and w s o thi h o id a w i l l e h e < D ugl s D vi on s h m e 0 ~ i w o u ld speak w ith C on stab le M rs. F red C orn ish gave an in - M rs. N elson F ice ; A ssistan t brin Q froin Waterloo College for the,.îlo eadn hsadtrsigppruo he Treasurer, Hazel Glas p ell; 'et 1961 to Peae ad hapetever for you Christmnas vacation. alsota e what ioud be Meaning of Christmnas, Ms Christian Stewardship, Mvrsi and yours Mriaind Pr Hpelwre v1s-doncabout the congestion D. Haines sang "The Cradle Hn Gisbrewo.;rld. i apies r Zlims ftorst He nold ias at the fire hall. Sang" also accompanied by tian Citizenship, Mrs. Arthur'1 famtos i teArodWllas. Dart; Christian Leadershp YThe clerk was instructed ta Hellen an piano- by request, Ms rodGihre;Crs efMil. adMs rueFe-write a letter ta the Dept. of Mrs. Wm. McHolmi gave a Ms rodGibre;Crs JOH SG 'S DRU S OR ~ ov, tr. bo Ms rouc iiedFer n htawitnaretPrectDa" wnnngetry aass; Matinse CMmitteO S ANaON T» JOHN ON"S DRUG STOR ký ove Petrborughvisied lerHighways at Port Hope ask- shOrt poemi "Grandmother'stian Eduatie o te, Mrs. e Ai father Arthur Hulbert. n htawitnareetýefc a ainngnryk TOq RIN S. NWCSTL ~MarinNesit wa hmebe given council before the in a recent C.F.R.B. cantest August Geisberger Jr.; Lit- i» KromGToTonNEWoerSThe eeekof-the year regarding t o conclude the, program a eratuce Secretary, Mrs. Ae N T F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h r t t n i a g v e b a l a g r e m e t m d e i t h p i a o s l o S t a o f T h e E a s t " M c M a s t e r ; D e v o t i o n a l S e c r e - i f ___ ___ ___ _ e d. e h s een sta ing in M e rycouncil ta turn back highw ay w as played by the presid n tary, M rs. Tom Sobil; M ission-'r the city while Mrs. Nesbitt i5,35i hevlagfo ilaewo1lo aethdeeditn ary Convenors, Mrs. Henry i, in the General Hospital whece 'y igs0 hrsmsimitnac.Tagfreemlaet Durinogavrepteara ition.~ rtaDart, Mrs. F. J. Reed; Pianists, ______________________________ ~ fiedstrust she improves i cnerne .Tcerta grkewe eurnoyetexng o eaofMcs. Charles Naylor, Mrs. steadily and is1 soon able toal~al about us, we are p% eejydth xhneO Hans Geissberger Jr., Mrs.ý,, SPackages and packages 0.49eýe-10 ii cone home. dl dane an North Street and gifts. A dainty lunch was sec- Alex McMaster; Quîlt Comit-' of happy Christmas wish- Pi Mr. Ernest Herron is home - eîddt ihyn Kn tet eoeth on e ytelnhdiiitete Mrs. F. B. GlaspelI, Mrs. IR jg froin Knox College for the "ý and yours ail the joy oetrý cil would agree ta take avec Mrs. Morton Henderson and Harold Gifford, Mrs. Donld Once again we wan otk es..t o rmal f9 hita ecs.H ilfn1 the maintenance of the raad. Mrs. Harold Osborne, a vote Yellowlees, Mrs. Wes C am-11 t es . . t o rosi f~ h it i vis re cs. e wîthin- te ea o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ of thanks ta these ladies andi eron; Auditors, M rs. R. C. Y u o pot nt d rn h us! N ishhis Dîvinity course tri g nd his n J al helping in the prograin was Stainton, M rs. Russell Stain-l gala holiday seaso n oth n us! May thi tuly lie a * i rnds Wspcnh hi u hs uma y R D l! t proposed by Mrs. Win. Ma- ton; Christian Fellowship, Mrs.1 season of pence and cess. Fisher;IIII AIrn -on jAi What mîght have been a;"" i t adcric. ac ihr;Cneo f., rmn usoe8adt Clhurch Service was Cards, Mcs. Henry Dart; Flow-~ is o every one u ~ god viI, ithman .seriaus fb-e at KitchenerBur D- 1IlO eI1d at 10 a.m. on Sundy er Committee, Mrs. Harl ivil, wth anyene Burl"D avidAXday friends the fullesim asr ~ lesng.I ~ton's on Saturday when thel4 owin tl Dec. 1~~8th, there was a good Bennett, Mis. Perey DvdoV blsi-.stove pipes caught from a NWATE onofcating ths bingJngCmmitte s. o - ofato chrand ad- wood fire, was quickly put NEWASLEcangregation, the Rev. E. K. Ms .Cucsak oia-j~ge he n apns ou ihtehl fResulta ur Christinas Service the Geisberger, Mrs. Jin Stain- out ith the help of-es1eto chu ch w as nicely decorate ci ton, M rs. T racy G laspe l.a a S HELEN'S GROCETERIA Miss Ethel Thompson, Mr.!~ f~:rŽ.~.Nwate..alwn r with evecgreens, twa small Donations were given oî 21 andi Mrs. Dnl Thompson,i \1/Necsl-\Vlwn reCrsma re i. oor genecal church funci, M. & M KING ST. NEWCASTLEï-Mc. andi Mrs. Ivan Thompson thegu ers n the mmn-aera s n niM oit I a va-eci ights and an the pulpit fund, crippleci chilciren, andu TEMANAEETITF andi faml and .ac Mrs. 105tb ket of pin ndMssianary Scey. I Lorn Thmpso ani Jen ~ity bowling alleys last week. vlorsethgitfMs.dceitaember the shut- I ' ~ ' ~ ' ' ~ ) ~ Y < : ~L H a i e y T h o r p s o n a an d J e ah 2 3,ne a S e e e s 3 2 c o i r r s t r he i t fM r sa d S o i l , r . i S t î t n s I NS T enjye afai, gtherhome at i Monday, Ladies League- William McHolm and Mrs. mns at Christias. A ~ A _ J arly as o 2 0, aiy Be k t .T r w s aL e-' i4 the ho ~mc.Bue oHer.asn isslol 2, agtf 14 fCrstnsfui"AWne-lo ecMbrs. AuupM.1.oq u wc tHareve homsiaoniLyna and an ouesda38, en'sege 3,chair, Jr.;as vns i oal Msalma, Ms.Tonmrs- theholdayseaon.FrinciiJu4ia.JMcCusough2302, iG ord -bu;vocassooNMs.S.TC ndthi goc ise. .-Gra 7, rc mlyThoelsectof c.Nomn' Santn.Th rop evei r _ working Satesman staf fro25 Teare s237aBansRowe 214, of Cgrs ortma eChristiWnaserscilti e Hee Couistu 208dsugMctK eith ege villlbcuabe à Te s~dy ney th "Fer an son 225, Rloss Mnt3 me2, in ofa SvivocbingngolSaon ene R- 22hetaail te Worl. Theservie tainci he knitdngpclbeone est se PNt YPr oo L hs.ý Werdnesda, ATroon La- losdwteyyn"o t odyeeig ~ ie' Le g e RtaC uh The World" anf pryermay the i ntMc . an e M rs. Wlim Prs n t e sp t o h ~ i~284, DKay PPowell 220, L rH eln rm n sTev. E K orm n of t on vifr siteci t s Caerjon's Mose retChîs to as otree rd acc 1,Hee oe hswsourh hitmGifthan suniay. di Pearce 23irst Christmas6,,Aitgis were very ptesmnstiaf rîy n , Ken WhitJne M33CBoacken-207 ssa 0naye, Schte ool w"as Mc. andi Ms. ed CStinol, ary 07aAicoRwejer b'4jr uespc shwa woefudapvsioblioucsncre wih ha jî ve pssblesaesfo th 160l'232, eanMilcCu miouth231. el season. VIdmanci ia s rvice "arran e ssavg te O at R. C. Sctito m's. ou anTyour fa mil v~cei goeci es lecilt he as tDI D oMae l is 2 34, Grce CT cilMlD p rtne t of Chi t The C.G . a cpEp o l ianeuaton acndcTe ci il to at ntecade sanedffcite Mo4n orty hter17 y .GefSvourgeHanesssup- iNonmsric ntuda t a s c u r e e n o u h s u t a b l t r e s ?~~f S a n C u c h 1 1 , e s s i F e r e r i t e n d n t . h e r e w a s g o oo e v e i n g . M r s . R a s s S t a i t o n f m e s u r e o f a l t h GREETIGS~~ cidayWMixe Leagether.WMarin an ThMasericein c.d lrs.keith Stailuton gs y thWesned hs 'fo cuog 270sda, Albte ac -ncss coillected the Y gits nattndayed afailvChitias Saudy 4,dougDewdeyu239, ur-teWrd"a,1payr h ~ Mc anc Mrs Arc ie W it- P A TI N TS nd S AFF1 i ra Pat rson 238, Geor e a vcry reve entrannensta d paty ailuliMoo e's, Osh-- Da , wh ch f r so lon f Osa a vstd f ie ; xsPoKwebaî 237, He cer thev.E .N r a .tn vstd a e a eo ' Clîis ma s as n wII br n M ~o ns unhr st a. r e g ow e s O U H H V N i3 ce e C o i gh m 2 2 O f c t r P aT, th s Yuhor e p n enso l î1 Hnsimple eenBoenwserieoug hithe ikeonSndy wish Edîtor many PERCY LUXTON $simitic darlyU ~~HI~ny21 tnPwl 1,Sitainys ua Sho ,~y.Te21fc1,wce JaDrth iney 207, Hoen oa07,gifs Mrth and MerCs.tena s ne, 4 i!stale oi be V.esWor. .the 16 lma GNECAS EraMuyo204, i ccke hlssn fortnaechiden th pe-Ofawpyanir sounyvsit Newsncre ~ Pay e, Pa tpMis02s, fJPane1M C.... .ugh 02.0. seaon HwevaLhccnd a ilanrces. Ye te aR. C-. StW. I!DAUA L U C K Y ~~~ S B - Al ofa Ponty p l L . .thW AT 15 CH IS M A ? OL D ND LI UI F EL ThrdyMe e .&M eitptn hif h -GTT yo GEand you officersvnnro 9 gýAwl teddecr a eChristmas is Hope, Peace, and Lve, -: J A whel at tee omeuch re.asd W pnesStars sinngfrom Heaven above!tI1ii helci at ted onm o c nd-ri-No matter the form, it must sreysay %day evenîng,. This euchre was D UNNEY'S BARBER IO sosrdbo o"For urito you is born this day -- ee ~Manvers Unitedi Church, The KING ST. A-Maio rd ý-b1 & wînnecs wece: High gent, -Marion Ford 1l jii Alvin Olan; hgn'5lodv, Mcs. __ SMAlvin Olan; ihldy r. X~J .~. N. 'alAge(playing mn) HOME FOR CHRISTMAS.4 Ho.I'd lovata gomnce mar ~ladies' low, Mrs. Murray La- Home f overitmas nc mr gan. A dainty lunch was secv- CHRJÉTMAS FIRE SAFETY g eOnath ousveniongh On Tursdv evningtheAnd f ind things as of yore ri % W. A. helci their monthîy DONT LET FIRE COME TO YOUR Ail Peace and Happiness. *8 A ~ ~~~ ~~meetin g at th e Y u n gm anC H I T S A YIm n c pi o a d u c ,,lt s f n f lk k e y u h o m k I JOur young people htive tak- was the warning issued teday by Fire Chief Frank MillerrA goose upon the table *en their skates andi hockey iSavory mice ieoan ucI fefl sticks Out af math bahîs anà KEEP THAT CHRISTMAS TREE FRESH AND GREEN Everyone s very ale ~Crsta n To ou f ie ds an at o n - a e nj y ng sk ti g nc h c by setting itl n w ater, and keep cigarettes and m atches To enjoy it a l im m ensely. a p e s r eat the pond near the vil- * * *lwa age. We wish the hockey teain away from the tree. jy ihu esr!Bs a l t h e p l e a s u r e s o f a a ~ e u c s f i y a . e j yC R L S M K N A S D N A L 0 0 0 F R ST e i ~ n a g t r -% i h r m o rs a f jhl A candy cane stuck in a sock - -s Wi g o d o d f s h o e h l d y !a C r i s t i a s t r e e s w i t h f r i e n sC h s m a m r i gandt e t î H o l i a y e n t i r Sin Toronto we do xish ta ex- ln Ontario last year. Andisas threianrtheUAD. la I R NA Dbrs ur vecyý best wshes foc BE CAREFUL, AND HAVE A ...- R . DNG - E A I C K A R Dii a M e ry C hristm as an c a g od ,H A P P Y FIR E SID E C H R IST M A SC ou ld it b e*tht te d a ur f ie cidad ne gh J o h n uv vt PLU MBI G . HE TING - ELECTRICAL y ea r in 1961. We aiso %visn Sa smhyr J% to thank those who ass;sted us Tust beyond the Open DoorR AL R an GE RA IN U NC ______________________________smoelneretýi ola- NEWCASTLE FIRE DEPARTMENT There'1l be a special Christmas day PLneU"4 P h o n e 3 9 3 8 e w - - -ti e ou m n ay b t a a e h s a -A n d w e 'l l a l g o h o m e o n c e m o r e . e c a s t le --- --- -- --- --- -- ---J - --- ---~' urv ry est __ __ ___ __-M arion Ford M M M- --i rý Wlçi RnAv nvé- 4#1 ..-