PAGE~~~~VI SIX EE '.,* W ED E D Y iE . 2. 1 I 2. Miss Dora Purdon, Bownianville 5. iNrs. G. Knight, Bownianville ---i'aoterdo"Pa'bReg. (o s6.95 8 i nlugr takwihI-oie ricd PotatoD LL 3.Ms et ihiBw ivle G. Mr. C. Verbaht, RR.2. Bowvil vour Choicc A and Vegetable 0W~e Mn. Neil Baîîey spoke. ac2 9 Vienna Cake or Ice Creamc ln tePol' a'e ai TfItE,§ Coffee, Tea or 3Milk - Only 99 a ncl., gtea~ olta Biv ork tPat Pias been clone __________________ 9 9teo mggr ol Ai this lime rnay wl ake the opportunity the", 20 24andhigh. S-picce 91 ad help they ave received. HUNDREDS F ENGLISH adr1fr C rit a.,ie la is h o n a n ai aM ns. sh miore sp ok e w ord -M î~ tic s, n o st 10 0 % b a n d -.h jj M e l p n g e s, r o d of pricjaioj tothewonetiM wvenwoo byfanons mak- a oftP . . o xo e rs as Madawaska Weav'ers delusRfusrnharwt ibo os Ath etr*v i and others. Royal Staffordshirc, Paragon, Queen Anne peareytimc rcs ery i]errq ECIhl, stt,ïias Rv omrlo teUitdV eg 2OUeP eg.t 39 pntis hsnnsok Chur fiaci Mn. Herron of the Rg . UcchRc' o$9 SPresby-terian Church wclcomned Imcluded are hundreds of Royal Alberta Jumipo Cu P' e anid a tP etî niMsAIm nd Saucers (Henry Birks ~Rgt b9 10 tPe hhrch andi each spoke 4 for $1ur) $3 ( ~ 5 f t e l val v an i f en il essc a ta lo g u e p ric e $ 3 .5 0 ) C o u they w-ould' finci arnong the S L NLMN LO S 0 YOL'R CHOICE ---- - - - -- - ---------- c.' tappyq ia r/ Creopeighton DeviMn. 4 OF VOUR CHOICE 50 of these cups are filledl to the top with the fabulous Fr red inadM om aiu EIT~ "Countrv IFair" homeniade candy . . . at no extra SUDO butefrme@I of BwnniCe'cargw . . . frthe carly shoppers Saturday night and MDENTAr"M Parish, each'spoke a fe\vmin 9*ffe aer suda atrno Jackan -o fl terfrcivint er ColigffRTMEINAeNADA RaernogChlre' alig ok ýv with one anot . en. h(Wom baOpenEvery DayIncluding 01 Rcg.Yo lunch.B 1 S T A ssociation seL n dha de- IA3035 IVNAVLÉ ai 'S )souciatioNse i on Sale---o- 12---.------ ---.---Cho Bbc\_______________________ Ava-aa L.u _____()._________1,___ Sheld thet: u al0 Dec. 6th. Counîy- Master . -anniversa.ry of Mr. adMs ---- ULC ST C ntario St. Home Uwner Is Vinner E. Dawson in Yelverton Hall, £ Saturday evening. A Season's Greetings and ail was received by Alice Anne1 e.Roeidlirda j ~ ~ ~ ~ good wishes for a Merry Carnaghan and dedicated by fn emnfo h ujc SChristmas and Happy New Mrs. Taylor. Devotional was~ No Room- to a full church j AYear to the Editor and stafflin charge of Mrs. Ernest Lar- Sunday morning. The choir * of The Statesman, also to alimer and deait with the hymn sang O0 Night Divine". x wora hsclm sthe1Joy to the World, and the1 Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thornp- 19 sincere wish of vour corres- hymn was sung. Mrs. Glenn sn r n r.1. pondent. ;Larmer read the Christmas ThsnadfmfMisd A Twelve ladies and four chil-j Story. Mrs. Stuart Dori E thel Tompson, and Mr. and ~'dren attended the December dealt with the story of the Mrs. Donald Thompson. Ncs- Ai ~ meeting of the Women's Mis- caro], As with Gladness, Men tieton, wcre Sunday dinncr Ssionarv Society which was! 0f Old. ussfMradMr.are Aheld at the home of Mrs. ROy r.oei odo hit Thornpson arnd famnilv, Osh- ATaylor Wednesdav, after.noo, mas custonis in the various aa Delacesh av hs en.Sa.rlMr. and Mrs. iHarold Me- , _ A The viepeien.pei-1 more carols xvere sung,an Luhi and familv Vr inopened the meeting with Mrs. E. Larmer read Who is Sundax- supper gueOsts of Mr. MaeWvfor Ch rist This Santa Claus. ai Mrs. Ted LagIad Amas, After the singing of Oh 1 ai ..Colm Corne Ail Ye Faithful, Mrs. uchi- ..gCrita di Romeril offered a praver for ck adhemd caMndyanow sverallac ihar- Il Y l IV a Sthose bereaved. and a 'minute! brought a very pleasant and Dr.. snt d ac avsl n Ssilence was observed in mcem- enlightening afternoon to a NA ory of Mrs. James Henry, a close. Àaiv ivl.Ot Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trew n, M c prîuaI faithfiil member, recentlYv de-' The Scouts and Guides held Llovd and Earl, were Sunda cn 'kdpNngurneg ceased. their Christmas party Satur- ge's f rvad rs atolnk tog f si iseîklriea o4 SDonations were received day night, Dec. i7th, in the - re in ndfamlvEnns-t figre tl o ue h fu T lei froni Mrs. Clarr'nu Marlow, Community Hall and report akii .etnrgsnsohitiin fi\apl.Opoidsor _Vc~accua rý: Albert Wright and Mrs.ý very pleasant evening. -Messrs. Rov and BilIl Fer- is own mucles hdt4 ok tini;îifCnd eeg ed Fred Trewin. Plans xvere com-gussfMrad Nc pletcdfor te GoodCheer The O.N.O. Club met at the guson were Sundav supper, for Ihlm. -.izain s oeta IoMr. cot en nteas-night, Dec. l5th, with twenty- A ing ladies to save useci postagefiemmrspsnt David, Ruthi and Paul, Peter-i bis intellect to de)co nry spl aain ihceg SC L.w stamps from letters, cards anid Plans xvere made for a bowl- -'% borough, and Mr. and Mrs.' ores . histn-d cuaettthtpoucdb Chs .W re ,'parcels. The stamps when sent'ing party in January. 4C '"'x., Oshawa, a e nMrs. sqi(ii tflflrovie GNRAL CONTRACTORqK tO. Janlaica will help pav oleuws M aoie' John McKee Sundav after-' of living,. oe iaaaFis Ontrlo~ aitio fes or DvintvstU- Fancv Wrapped Christmas'fon Present. There was a nicely COlfax 3-2242 ~The roli l w~raswe decorated tree and Gw.rn Pv hrst ma Cuto~ f th Ba linga 1 im personateci Santa D o Y o u R e m e m b e r s oM P R AO IL M T E er Landis. Treasurers 1eport Claus. Each member was re- ~- W-as vr iaîxî Offering quireci to do a suint beforeo reiighrgt.Just One Year Ago?,foOyaCaaasednupirfeeg Lunch including Christmas! (Dec. 24, 1959) cake was scrved. roCmecepis Chaber uof ommexChrsa The December meeting OU o etotor bue ~ ~ < St. Joh's Womn's AuxIiarvýdecoration of private hue . wa s hn's Wnoen's Auxlal ~were as follows: Retiring Dep- -f R'Thursday, Dec. l5th. The pre- Mrs. H-elen (George) Piper of 107 Ontario St. reeeived an carly Christmas *uty-Reeve Jack Brough, Hor- -ý ths ec i te or f ce uefo $.She won-the moncy because si"' St.. Isi onize; Dr. John y & sident, Mrs. John Hamilton,ý present ti eki h om faceqefr$.Werry, 270 Kin, St. East, 2nd l' -'hApresiding, opened the meeting she and her husband identified thcir home as the one shown in the Home of the prize, andi Donald G. Wilcox, -q * Aand expressed the auxiliary'sý Week eontest page last week. Mr. Piper drew the envelope containing Ro, W. 56 Lambs Lane, 3rd prize. ý Mlars. inshore oCuann nthe' atewGray of North 'X A peasrein avng ann adlNichols' advertisement, so, in this photo Ted Miller-, manager of the Nichols' lyr.Mte Mrs.Ashmre ccupingthu!Se ilds, Eng-lanci, a'rriveci lastl' rectory~. The Canon led iný Bowmanvjlle branch is reeeiving the cheque on behaif of the f irm. The picethe e Saturdav at Malton airport for M' Aj general prayers and in prayeri in this xveek's contest Mnay be a bit tricky to ideniy but we epc the owners a surprise oiy visit with '%'for the Prayer Partner. Min-' will pick it out as they have everv week so far in this contest. bier daughter and son-in-law, ýî Alutes were read and reports re- Mr. andi Mrs, N. Allison, Kin- Y Aiceived from the treasurer andj Bishop andi Mrs. Hunt of Tor- Taylor conducteci the election charge. TPe chilcirean ner'St. East. U corresponding secretary. Good i onto, Canon and Mrs. Ashmore, of officeî-s which resuîteci as the direction Of their leaders Towvn will acivertise for new, 9 _ cheer boxes were planned forMr. George Wolfe iethe Rer-floy:WrsilMse- presenteci tPe pageant Tlie Works Superintendent to re- A!~sick and shut-ins, and a boxý tori-'foWarden) and Mrs. Wolfer Swill be sent to Mrs. Chaperlin 1 Mr-.'Neil Bailey (the People's Earl Dorreil; Deputy Master- Roato Bpe theh.' This ycplce Q inton.ofex A who leaves for Jamaica Dec.î Stanford VanCamp; Chaplain inesesdtruhu ihaThis caristheaci of cx- t A' 2th o theadvie ofherWarden) and Mrs. Baile y *'-Herb Swain, Secrie t ary the singing of Christmnas caroîs ca.iggfs h ebr A docto. Laee' MdWolf intrdcîc bv the chilciren andi congreý- Of the lst Bowmanville Cub ý A dotor.Late Mr Wole inrodLceI George Wolfe; Financial Sec- gation. The childrcn thon Pack decideci to. bring moneyý_ MissEvaParrreai a the Canon and told of som eiar icadVaCmeacP ,rceived a gift andi a andi donate it to the Salvation, Y ii isEa arra letter: of the offices he lias Pelci and Treasurer-Bill Ferguson; Dii-tet Army' hita he uc.i / 2 fom Mr. Sot epresîj the wor'k he has donce. ector of Ceremonies--Edmnci They riei$30 , Sthanks for a bale received. 'vried$3.0 gi Mis Par als thaneci tep Cnon Ahmorehas;penit Harris; Lecturer- E rnc s t Sanda.- evening 1\1-s. W. W. Hg eolB.ivsia-; ~!W. A. for presenting her wîth ah Phis ycars of the mini strv, Swain: Tyler-Leith B v e r s: VanCamp -as hOstess to twen- ing possibilities of crcck water Aa life membership. in the Northern Missions of th. , Committee-Carî Wright, Rovr ty or- more fîiends and neigh-, foi' use in Courtice school .... Anglican Diocese of Saskat- Ferguson, Lavern Devitt, wai- hors who spent a delightful' Bill MeFeeters was electeci ý4 A T e resdet t an ed Pechewan. Hearing the appeal lace Marlow v nninig C ri s t m as president of the Oshawa anci M Aladies for their co-oiperation for men from Bishop G. E. District Master R. Gibbs caros ba)th old and newx, xihDsrc Real Estate Board duing te year and asked Lloyd, lie volunteered as a, conducteci the installation. V s IL Taylor accompanist Lloyd Metcalf, st vice presi- f I b s. .S àlCanon Ashmore to take over summer student, coming foi n i-andi Blake Gunter leading tPe'( dent and John F. DeWith xvas FOK ila~ cr ,'1SIIS frî1itors were present from No. 43 sinlging. After a dainty luncbhfceiadrco., Athe meeting for the eleetion Wycliff College in the springanci No. 764 lodgcs. Speeches. n oilPafhu.Cnn hrytres nisxc gýof oficers. The Canon ex- of 1926, and going to the fieldiwr -cecnlrigorandshoiel nlmisecitPe atP ons xx-ey treysvondtix ca- frteraswlas undividcd Diocese. y a1 , ian pesser fr hersof sworigt- fPoosAt. te ntPaoat t P ov n ring xitli a benediction. <asile Lions Club's turkcv Mu or the ocal axiliary The * intaining the Protestant re-I iE R A election of officers resulted as He xvas ordained by Bishop' iin uc xa evc nci Ms hn onjy -soto audy Afollows: President, Mrs. John Lloyd in April, 1930, in St» a social Pour Xvas spent. Nextaxa, sprat last week, aci Mr. Officiais rail contest w~ -~ Sctt;Lawrece Mountjoy, Wark-ý brawl breaks out during U.- » Sct;Vice President, Mrs. Albans Cathedra]. During Pis meetigJn 2:91wi ..xorth, sprat Thursday wi'IÈbridge anci Bowmanville Ju-'4SH . A ecrtarhn MsHaharesleonundr-Bshos LoyddHalam vie b tP Susaysehol nd amiv. Pe olvsnomanlThoenJoh 1-amilonCReciditmyarsas initerhe ervainPe nnul CnismasoerdMr aa Mr. Hroli Svanvene hcke fiscoiasMco.LL -~~ A Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. udadMri nam~ chilciren of St. John's CPurii Mis.Jl0MKeMranisoeagop0fclirnn t. ~ ~ ~ A W. W. VanCamp; Treasurer, eeycre fteDoee was hcld Sunday aftcrnoon Mrs. Gordoni Strong- andi Bcth Quecii St. are making ouio ~ ,Mrs. Frank Stanilanci; Dorcas In 1934 he xvas appointeci with Canon Ashmore iattendeci tPe silver 'igr cotton batting. SertrMs v ar i-taeigpisfrtenrh ing Message, Mrs. H. Me- and chose to make Pishoe uý ;j! Laughlin; Little Helpers, Mrs. in Paddockwood so that he ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~!Ashmore; Junior Axlir would live among the settlers Adeih ulpaeb d yor hrs asSopn hs eeedfrhe essee io ofgfsa wee A' Mrs. J. A. McArthur: Chancel wowr hnmvng north lceI oyorCrsma hpin hswekn ortebs Al Committee, Mrs. F. Stanilanci. froni the drought area. kMrs. C. Smith, Mrs. J. Hamil- A ton, Mrs. H. Hamilton, Miss In 1924 Pc roarrieci Gwcn- ... ai prices you have neyer seen before . it he à&" kýi1Parr and Mrs. McArthur; doline Adela Dobbin. Mrs.: C_ Gî'oup Leaders, Mi's. Argue, smr ec fiei alu A ,Mrs. Shemilt and Mrs. H. departmcnts of tPe women' ABailey. associations. Tweive years as president of the Diocese board SMrs. Hamilton closed the andi was active in Sunday0NT1 HEAVEN BLESS YOUR CHRISIMAS i"4 tilgihpayr TP l-sehool woî-k, camps andi youih preparing the hall fo tere activities. km A e tO n F rid a y ev e n in g . 1 j m c i c to t e C n d a ÎÏ,Canon Ashrnorce aiso devotecid FUNERAL SERVICE pnt inlthe Parish Hall when tionalfRedi Cross, Sask. schoo1 . FUNER L SER ICE tit arecepion as hed forCano truseesdirertor of rural cd-R iR .2 O N an Mrs. Ashmore who have ucation oaci Provincial Home R R 2 RN BOWMANVILLE ~ ~ j recently taken up residence in and ScPool. He Poids the Caon- ½ * U L ZT' uthe Rcctory. ada Servie(,Medal l'or wr usi 11/mies North of nurby E a -4 ie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I n a t e e e î.in g l n ce se rv ic e , t e P ro v in c ia l R e ci Crossbade. ifememcrsr- PAGE MMEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. OMTAnTrl D