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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1960, p. 17

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WZflESDZy DC ~î.1~flT CANAJDIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVrJLE. ONTARIO Nla--ter of the Grand Lodze of; * Ontario. Bro. Holligsworthý der Visils vehI-omed ail present ndý 1tr VlVhoDed we ol nyth j evening together, 0,F. Lod g Mr. Carruthers spoke of the e - eau tiful Hall and the service Wadel; tfwas rendering to th crn ingae Loge o. 6 .B r r 3 m nt - esatdte r v Grand Mas 'Orono I.O.1 M The banj iet pon orsrl by the Oddfellow Lodges of Dur- ham Dietrict 42. hrInri in thr Oddfellow: ( Corniîniijlmî1TaIX. Orono. recetiliI. 1 ia vfýrv J~C essu vxeil .\Ati tbrban- Stable gva Ws said hv1 dà ?ý Bazul LonZ'. fnlloxed h%- a toast hIo tue QusjeIn. xxîh *Mi-.1 Joan Mino at t11e p ,3t)0 Bro ( Hoiigsovh.D T).- G NI of' Durhamn District ;?, \%as Ms ter of Ceremor-nires. irî- tions oiff ichp ad table xxç'rc Made as follow. Bro. Ilarryi Wade N.G.. of Florence NîghIt-1 NG, <if frono Lonrge 436. and Mis. I i, Br. Wain;o-paký,î o)D(. f Ontarlo Dvtrict W1. 41 and Mrs. Wannainakerï \lrý Aiea Carrîîfhers. L.A. for- Dijrluitni('ouîntN, andi Nrc Carruf bn-t - iMaxta"rriof Prieprboro; Bro. John Buckley wh-o supplird tran:portatior for our catertainer-s: Mrs. Reid of Peterboro. ph-nist: Rex;. Ba- il Long and Mrs. Long, antd Bro. Ralph E. Yager,_ Grand «!! i -C ci' cP ,various *romnunities for the r fýnioYment of the citizens .t f beic. was xilling to assist -ftnancially by grants ta same. Misýs Max nard spoke of hec studie5 and hours of practice f 0 deveioro hec type of whist- lixîg, tenderiîg two numbers taixnl encores, -Bro. Xannarnakexr brouglit jgreetîrîgs frorn District 41. Bro. Ed. Youngman, in his usual good natured way, in- t codured the Grand Master g Bro. Yager. giving a resume of hil past lufein accomplish- mients. Bro. Yager gave a 1wonderfuil address including many spicy jokes. N-e had a miap prepared and aIl districts 1narked b-v a heavy line aroiu-id them. covecing Ontario in j r-Igth and breadt.h, He spoke Of the Hospital Bed Prograni and Ilie otîmber of uits ser-m inr' cOmmunities, also the CPi'. and the amowt of money raised and spent by thé local committees for distressi wherever found. He gave1 m.îth information on the Edu- cational Foundation. a fund where students wishing ta at- tend university rould receivei leans at small rate of interest and after finishing university start ta pay off the boans at a very small payment each1 Year. It was surprising the: number af students that have1 been assisted by this founda- tio.n. Bt-o. Riddell presented tthe Grand Master with a smail token suitably engraved as a reminder of his visit ta Orono. Bro. Yagec was taken by sur- prise and thanked the district for te Lift 2 .,. nr>A +ol MAPLE -- eMr. and Mns. Roy Topping and four sons, Barrie, were weekend guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens. and with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens. eMr. and Mrs. Jim Farrow, nDougrie and Donny, Bowman- eville, are visiting hier parents. sMr. and Mi-s. Phil Finney tMr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech were guests af. the wedding of their nephew, Lawrence Beech, r on of Reverend and Mrs, E. Beech, at Leaside tlnited Church on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chai-les Best. formerly of Pontypool. visitecl tMrs. T. Colliss and Ernest last .week, prier ta their trip ta 5British Columbia, where thpy will make their home in fu- rture. Mrs. Blanche Cooney, Saska- taon, is visiting ber son Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooîiev and .family for a few weeçs. LThe place of meeting foi- ;Evening Auxiliarv has beet' changed te the home ot Mrs. 1Steve Doyle. nhe ladies wili mieet on Thursday (tonîght) a î8 p.m. Sunday guesùs witl My, arId Mrs. Jimi La.vei-ty and family were his mother. Mrs. P. J. Laverty, London, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon James, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hannah, South Monaghan. 1Mrs. E. C. Ashton spent the weekend with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 1. G. Traveli, Oshawa. Mr. atnd Mrs. Fred Stevens vîsited Mr. and Mrx. Frank 1Olliffe. StOuffville, and with Mr-. and Mrs. Charlie Rundle, Oshawa, on Sunday. Many fromt Maple Grave at- tended the Christmas party at St. Joseph's parish hall, Bow- mariville, on SUnday. Mr. and Mma. Cecil Millif and family attended a Christ- masa gathering at Hampton 'hall on Saturday aiternoon for the Milîs and Wells families. igi lu iiL na pprieciv ~ '~ t'he felin <i~fried -Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wood, 415h ip received on bis arrival. Temagmiand i-. re d J4 fie bopcd in the îlot too dis- Wood, Bowmavle eedn "'tant future ta corne back with ner gues-ts of Mr. and Mcs. Rhis od wife and enjoy an- Fred Stevens on Saturday. ote ii mn uhgood Maple Grave Chu rch was ote r s it a on u h o d filled ta capacity t b th ser- vices on Sunday. A special White Gift <ervice was con-, WESLEYVILLE ducted on Sunday morning. WE L Y IL ui was supplied by the junior and children's choir. o-Fifteen ladies attended the After the primary class had meeting o! the Womans As- presented their gifts, they socation held at the home o! sang, very sweetly, "Away iný Mrs. John Groeneveld on a Manger.' At the Candlelight i 14. he usiesswasconduct- regular choir supplied the mit- cd hy the president Mrs. A. sic. Ea(ch cariled a candie 1~l~' %ieme~ge t ~ Austin: Roll caîl was answer- which they placed near the cd by a cash gift for the Fred altar. Candles were lighted i Il ,b a Vi ctor Mission bringing a total each window and the tree was i ~ ~~ o<f about $12. Money was vo- beautifully decorated. Rev. H ted for the Sick Children's Staînton took charge of bathli to 1wMing etattf or aue Hospital and the Children's services. A.'Aid, and the decision takel, The Girl Guides held their' to fn-ýponsur, once again. a rhild Christmas Party in the chuccli 91j through the Save the Child- basement last Tuesday oven-.1 Î AREY e Fnd orsof apprecia- .- Each trlcontributed liad worked so liard and enjoyed. Santa Clauis arrived -1 l7 % aithit-ily througliot this cer- t itiuegfsa-t-d Christ- KIN .. .aLE fennial year. The report of mas treats. Sthe comrmittele on nominations Maple Gi-ove Brownies lîeld'm- was presentet by Mrs. Reeve, tlieir party at the school, Fi Sal of the officiers had con. Games and Chrstnas songs senteti ta carry on for this last year o h Woman'sAs P .1 soiatiti.NE WTON VILLE A.The programme for the day - %4 vas in charge o! Mca. Green.- i .adMS.Gog k- 4>-i x- Iai-d lier group. Mcs. A. ding o! Blackstock spent Sun- SThorndyke read the sciipture day with Mr. and Mrs, Wnj A. rom Colosians and Mrs. A. Skelding. ' Austin explained it. Hyrnns Mr. James Nesbitt ictux-neti' f oc Christmas wece used and from his trip ta the west coasti v Mrs. Groeneveld told a! thn and left on Tuesday for homie.1 g~ interesting customs in hier Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lane' - -A homeland where gift giving and two daughters, Heath~er' ~ sal avec before Christrnas and Wendy, o! Halifax, arî- Day. St. Nicholas and Black ed home on Monday last. k- si Peter coine along ta praise Mîr. and Mis. Frank Gilmer Boumand blame, and take bad child- spent Sunday with Mi-. and j; ren home to Spain. Wooden Mca. Raymnond Gilmer oif Tor'- Jt sholes fil]ed with hay and onto. Sfood for St. Nidiolas and bis Mi-. Bruce Kelly at-d Miss _____________ jihorse ai-e put out by the child- Darothy Sutherland oif Belle- i-en. They enjov a sîrnîlar par- ville visited Mr. and Mcs. Ray- ,~ade ta ouîr Santa Claus a!- mond Bruce otn Saturday.1 9 fair, and foc Christmas din- Mr. and Mis. MurrayvM-L ne'usaly have chieken or Cul.botgh and son left Maltonl rabbit instead of aur tîîckey. by plane on Wednesclay ta Tr e wre 61at Sunda spend Christmias with tie lai-~ i i es. Tarry Dinner is suifer- way and daughtec Gladys, Mr w i ng from a severe attack oif and Mrs. Forest Wakeiy 0f! ý ear trouble. Ail thîe little falk Part Hop and Mrs. Eileen, were lookîng forward with Baker o! Cobourg wece Sri atîticîpation ta their share in day visitors with Mes, Cecil the annual Christmas concert Walkey. this Tuesday night. The Board of Manager,, a!' the Newtonville Lakeviei1 y - "e. s'A lovelv -hcysanthemum eret Caiwr Sbrightened'the chucch foc the . esV -: . ~evruirg ervice: Rev. E. Nor-reev abcusto --- - Xman's sermon an "The Pro- fcom the estate <ifthie late.~ claniation fi-rn Heaven" and - s. George Jaytîes (nec An-'ki ~the choirs Christmas antheni nie Wragg) of Lethbridge, V ' wei-e both appropriatIe for fhe Alta. y seson îîMArs. George *McCilough YA A enieterv buard imeeting Stnday,. Those present were:'.1 was hield at the home of E. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McCul- ~Barrowclough on Thursday lough and ýhec mother Mrs. ening, and conducted by Harcourt, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rev. E. Norman. Mesrs. Har- Lang and son o! Part Hope,' . vAustin, Clarence Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Del. Whitne.y -A ~Geo rge Tufford. Leon a r d and 'Mc. and Mca. Ken Wht- m diOitghtred, Wilfrid Bec and n"adfml. ~I -7 ~.A. Ford wece present. Mr. and mci ayon . <j4 s1t and Mrs. P, Snell. MrII. Bruce spent Srsnday wtt -Mr. 411 -à Thorndlyke and Mcl. E and Mca. Earl McLeod of Osh- "Barroivnlougi' atten dle cd a awva, m:eeting o! ethe joint sessions Mr. and MVrs. Reith Steoh eI af tho Welcomne charge, held son and two daughters of -) t Niorxish United Church on Clarkson spetît the weked' Frtdav evening. with Mrs. G-ca. Ovens, q lUr atd-tr, isA. Thocodyke December meeting a! W, Aý1 t' t111 lîs L'Ptd hU and family vistted with Mr. was held on the evfning o!: ilh. tO Ut i-i,( andi Mts. Grenville Flett in 7th înat. in the S. S. roo-mr, î)ctr~ 'e a~X!r-rti UIî lajFetîclon Falls an Sunday. xvith the president i ie car ~:The lîglît snow which feli A committee was appoint ed tb And u'e 01so e-t,,d a biq -thiarnk yoi" o Sunday mnade a wonderful get prices for new cupboa.rdsý m rat for recocding the doinga in kitelien. Aiso the cxecutivel lfot gour patronage. Rof the little folk in the woods. were asked ta meet ChuirhJ Two dccc wcrc seen by the Board te study adequate heat-I w;%oods on Sunday a!ternoon, Ing in nhurnh soe hurch cari. gianti ducing a walk on Mon- be used in winter. Financial, da*, afternoon, we saw a fax, backing wa.q offeced. Alsô ac-1 andt a pactridge that took off sistancp ta M. & M. fund 'If' with miniature thunder, en- allocation neot met The x'.'or '1 jo.1-iog l-tp da taoa. Squirrel, ship service took the foim o! rabbtt and dog tranks were a Christmas play p~ut ons byl' !JffhIfV ~ ~ ~ shtaand rnarks o! ilmelisoftegru. lfcG]IEGLIUR flDIRDWiIRL hr excursions of mine Mca. Jack Elliott. Mrs. V frn theit home in a tone Bourgerie. Mrs A Wadm-. Mr 'pi if A large beaver dam bar 0. Edgecton, Mrs. P'. Hender-ý LIMITED naoi a nine pond, that would son. Mrs. C. Gilner and -Mix-se make a goad skating spot if Jinu Caswell who sang solo. it were not so inaccessible Little Miss Mary Fae Gilmer 95 King St. WV.>MA 3-3386 Dozens o! trees were eut down and Brenda Caswel4 i lsa help- 'with no benefit ta these ed in their small way. A s- BOW~AN~ LLE 'o-td cutters for they had iaI time and a Christrmt UME FOR C gleam ef candieli! every gay and gli Htoliday so hrighl, ROY wo 'AN! Courtice CHEVROLET - CORI -. i RISî AS ..where every phi, every crimson berry, dl "Hfello"l helps mate your Vour Christmas so Merrye! NICHOLS )STAFF MAR - OLDSMGDILE - ENVGY BOWrnanmille --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- e--- * -.-~..-.-. -.--- 4 ~ -t ~ ~-* - %ýEDNESDV. D4C. 21, 1910 Le MAPLE- 1 ý4 Noble sang à solo. and a trio, Groi-P Vnited Church Circlezi nrices on treDlacinz tifbrr- 'ng x:1bý-- n charge 'of thýe ~ V Eand Larry Budai, sang also. December 6th and openedl Winnie Brown readi the'Jafluary 17th were enjoyed. The girls ex., Nme girls ini grades three with hymn 65 and the Lord's:siate oif Officer5ý for 1961 as: The Ul & 1. Circle ser'ré changed gifts and Santa Claus; and four. dressed as angels. Prayer in unison. ýfollows: President, Irma Moi'- hot miînce pie, ire cream and gave out candy canes and gave recitations. The boys The worqhip set-vice, 1he ton: Firsi. Vice President. Eliz-; roffee Ini the 5" ladies pre- other- Christmas treats. MNr- ýfroni these grades sang two Christmas Story, was prescrit- abeth White: Second Vice Pre- sent, ail seaied taound a table Wally Bothwell, Mrs. John w) 1Christrnas sang,,. An accardion ed by Alice Beech and Jean sident, Doreen Doyle; Secre- set with Christmas centre piecr Noble and Mrs. Jim Colliss1 selection was played by Jim Edwards. Mrs. H. Stainton tai-v. Enid Burgess: Trvasur- and ranidies,. The coffee wxas arranged and conducted thel Gould and John McGuirk gave sang a lovelv solo accompant- 1 et Myrtle Bradley.prprdiiteex 5cp Party. la piano solo. .ed 1w Ross ;'Met caîf. Linda atpe ictLoa pkcfre rin presiete 75d tP h M Home and Srhool Divid Pinglr, pia.ycd t he and Carol Edwards. Diane ancod s rsdn LoaMlscfr uipeetdt h Maple Grove Home ant.ifiute-a-phionc. and Fred dv IcLe Ano Hoar, Judy Fice ald fhiaîîked ail for- thi t spprtriur-i I flir Srotits ;an-d Sehool Association held theirS ailey playrd a clarinet solo Boxînie Beech, in white choir tduring lier icuyartri oj Cittbs. rie ladies areciate December meeting at the WestUand thien played anoiher nuni- govns and earh earrving a otfi<--c- The_- ext - oint_ mrt- thî- - tft1 v-rv.n__ic school on Wednesdav evening. ber with piano arcompantinient candle. sang wo caris. We 1 The parents were greeted -M 1w Johîn MrGiiirk. apprectateri having flch ire the door and given a copy ofi Bolbvy Roberts playeH ê%0-lderis and then- Leadeirs with i! ' the evening's program by- D, nhttr;ber on flie electric ehord: us fer h. part of flic srri«cet.: Dobbs and J. Cunningliamn ,otgali and Dianne Huiienik, Af the close or the wvorship M# The meeting opened in thp:ffla veci a nandlolini solo) toservic-Exvr adjourned iin tiîeY usual] way and president Mr-.- brnrng a iovely program te anî basement. of the clîureh who.rc , 1g Robert Bothwell took charge'end. Miss Johnson led in crini'the chairs wcrr placed i of the brief business perioid.isuiiging, in whiclî ail Joîned. circle for our business mccel- , eceay Mrs. Bert Budai! Lunch was served boy nie- ing. A good report was given.I read the minutes oif the No-I thers of Miss Mill igan's- rooni.!by treasirci- Myrtle Bradle ' v vember meeting and took the' 4-H Club showtng a balarnce of oVeri room count,- which xvas i tic Pe s'et etn if$tiM)o în.Thc sre with Miss Milligan's and Mrs. Maplv Grove Girls 4-H Club, taries alid treasIIror.s of' nach - Sinclair's room each recciving; the Hi-l'epns, xas helId ai theiCirclr also reliorted ont î# « t the prize. clîurch on iDeember 1 1. t ie-s rmxied couf turing fhr Trepsurcr IVir. Rtr-e pMr The nmeeting openet xiib11 ir Donald gave ber report andtâ fi Pe g ad ii4grlqMt -t3t.fkrîks îim'-)tei. A witI, tbat's aid, yef ever-new.. batik balance shows-a credit1 dxev flan-tes for ;t-i excehange for- the rorniftee rie.pon-.îible this greetig we exteiid îo you oif $167.57. It, was decided toi f gifts. A!z lîts vas a wnrk for seiri îîrn-e. foit replar- donate $4.00 b carl-i schooi rneetinz, the girl- prex'arcd, tng fhe rîrtain ai tile fr-otof ~ for~~~ hrsmscnvtheti- record books for Acluteve- flic cîircî nV liFIdu AIRu~u mn. Firt on, the prograin xxasmntfDay xs-rre iinitnînîî il, iii, ttv W Y8DE8'A'Ai3 ' the grade one room presentingi Nexi mieetigxiiig vil b i c!ring the corniiîittee 10b cre Z$ the Nativîty play. Thosr ili Deceniher 29. flic secrVices rtf Bob) Bofhxx-ell fl1 INVLia grades two and three told thi ; ircles JIoint Meetiig tu rdo this xvork forii s. A ci - > Christmas Story in song. Jante A Joint meeting of__Maple1 mittc xas cliosco to secure MCV.

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