*-~ -~-~ i PAGE EIGHTrEEm THECA-DANST TA. MNVàTLL1. 'rA Â-yr w'1zii.TCIA i', ~ 4ý% .anuary. 1961. aSter %vhicîî date la id. fl'oral tributes frmn the Session $64.95 counpleteiy in- oeaiL th sttsassets w-il] be dis-'-- Always re:îîeuuuercm b:,'of St. Pauh's CluurcI. St. Paul's saldadgaat PHILCO-BENDIX cin oeaIAL kin-ds aof hive paulo fi 'he~~~ estate'sEvcni- _uMhirM-. and one year. ced haunderettes equipped with feathers, new goose addc tributed, ]aving rega d on y ta T ewin. Rav.'and Ecîuiîdmcîî RAn du k: < - l . i m s t h a l ba v e b e e n r e c e i v - s uW'.ûi - . S i t h u a î k an d n i -.h o o t e e r l T u t S A E ' - î a - n î-mu o y a c l M r s H r o l i e r g i s o î . t u eO S A W A T Vi n g f ul-t m r f t i hspa r e e t han y R. R . i P h onted . b'Ci. Mpca hnst rR -10-3A 3-5919 AND D R Y E R S are deliver- Highesl prices paid. M. Fiatt,î Coptaio f aSMe-noriai Hospital, time management. cohecet. 21-tf e Toronto, Ontario. Ex--ecutor. mother, \Iabel Stacox 36h1ra GIBBONadSuuyîu ST.______________ oatnsm vlabe eetn hfpuirnforemetarstion-Crprain oSadeonoîirtodg-ap-B, auvll: GH. ay e36 GBON S. Coplteifomain n o HGHS picsord orhve__ _ __ __Cll cto lix' Ap a vI H ,Odg ns S ctar passed aw al D ce nb u- 5. 19 9.i x Da Uaî orris aîd ie 41 13 phases of planning, fnancing er icks, scrap irn, rags, J Bawnuavile. ntaia. Thee i al.-as aIofely A. W. Har-dinugfor theirf iipe LudeeteI-4a!-R1-24-Ohwaclle. opan hr _________ ___49-3 hatape.krdesad aM. n Mi Nrergrueda Bendix metals and raw Surs. Phone ieyu iilbengaaecoecinn No i esýnda,,a-saý)e'L)S 11e1 al fo te leadng coin 48-ti ____ Noticesavs re v riemr . t__ssi o r nnu .5a1-14 'aundry distributor in our 4 Hoiday is brigihto n , D c . b r6 - FOR COMPLETU . (ileîîSoi v.ere luc-re. - -- - ---___ CRITM S RES re. e -Lovin'ghy reierb"ý d lu'- ISCo mer ial ____ ____ ___ ___M o n *,a*O Insurance Cvrg -1l.4 ONýE Balehud.PonLWy No,. - l aItS Cm erilTO give away, puppies. Tele- MA 3-2,153.- 51-3, ~ pLane MA 3-2665. -i Se ilMrio STACEY-In -- - Certif icate Ii's Philco-Bendix TE-month aid Boston BuClPlo .,J nu r 26 CONCESSION ST. W . [ a- ux ie a d br .Pho W ITEber'E OR H e rre , male. C l MArket~ MA -348 ~ I1er a-etuuii~ eali ana- FO KonLudriae LASSIE Co1lie puppies, sixz FISH & CHIPS Friday altrongrbg iIh Fîr -Thfi Auombi e Lost i' weeks aid. Leslie Taylor,' BWA ILEpkdupnAM Trai-el1 Lite ti 'vx __ Burketon. Phaone Blackstock - 2-fNor age. nom tears. uîor paun, WHITE, black anmd tan maie' Van Belle Gardens i Lid. 8 2 u- o. e.2 abg iIb ikdu 80__r__121.__5____;mm Mon.cruel cal- ___________cruel______ beagle. Regisîemed. Phuone Highway,2 31A 3-5757 20 COLLEGE STREET ____________ Nursing Home Can hrni em ov al or enter Bethaniy 10 r 14. 5-2 OPËN EVENINGS TRNO NAI Nuringnom ier novhl.TROTO NTRI ivesiock For Sale K Pro a ____________________IShe that lox-ed, sa beautif ul ST Persian cal, 3 years oId. 50-2'TEgHOE V 5415i___________________ SOUTH Haven Nursing Homeý and faim Vicirnitv af Prinîce St. Answers '_______________-1- ORHîsenhiers, due ta upisoRbe -Accommodation____i_._ FORe sten 5 heCOHYENIC bMon., Jan. 2graewiIhpckdu -Acomoatonfor private From ah] lUfe's dangers now %,ta name of Rusty. Telephane i _i______________en_ suppdma liesp-d n lan ue,.ia. a nd seilli-ri'.-ate patients,ý secure is she, Mý\A 3-3898. W1 ___________ oresVanted -2519. 5 1 î god)maie o îtb pniceniî loulige TV Fully licenýed. Lavelv -- ev ~and [o' el' ALMOST ne'.'-, -c 1dsi-. EDadcipdtrnstock - ANTED-Ten young cattle'Six samnples 2.5c, 24 samnîes rew buildiiuug. modern Visitors , sue shah 1br mn.r bag. Dec. 9. a-. i;gý,School. pucked up promptly. Tele phone ROOM and board ax-ailabie for ta wintem. Plent:.'7of good hay 51.00. Mail Order Dep.T2,.ST ATSpt. wpiecome. Reasoriable rates. -E-cm reuie-nbered b"- hus- Please Phon.e Denise W*essellsJCOlfax 3-2721. MargwiUl Fur15 or 20 mcn Ii MArket 3-334.. for feed. Oshawa RA 8-1505.,INov.-Rubber Ca.. Box 91, Ham-, Phone Newcastle 4441. 8-tl'band and farnily. . 5I1l1IMA 3-3254. 51-1 Farm,4 Tyrone. 37-tf 36-tf, 51lilton. Ont 15 NEW EDLN FOR CASFE Bith I M mriam Coming Events Articles for Sale For Rent. Real Estate for Sale! * a' I t AtJGER-Eleanor and Vctor ADAMS-In loving memory cf i Attention, Ratepayers of S.S. SPY apples. Phone CO 3-2305. HEATED apartmnent. MAiket f~IRiIkIIU a re pleased to announce the a dear brother Gary .,who pass-I No. 21 Darlington 1 Vour annua1 ___ ___ 51-1 3-3573. s- M. E. LEASK iCu cl A p p iIl C I I bhirth of a daughter, Ann Marie ed away December 27th. 1956. School Meeting will be lield AR~T *b U U IF II -lf~ E E ~ u j, on Monday. December 19th,ýJust a thouglit of sweetlat Haydon School on W'ednes- 1UPRIGHT panreal go oAPR1N, avalSlHJanA 1960, at Memorial Hospital,< remembrance. day, December 28 at 8:30 p.Mindii Phone CO -21.51.Concessioert Mutto,4Mrvnisra Bowmanville. 51-l"i Just a memory fond and true; 1Plleasnessonattend. __Chrstmsad_ dollar. a-t047d.H51nd1 Ju ta token of affectionPP R oo s n a tl o hrsms DneinýSCOTCH Pine Christmas trees, Uba S5dumonth;3 Jan n s Nw Dpt COLOUT aryaT;yrone Hall. Saturday, Dec. ayszoe C Je-an announce the birth of - Yu. 24. Clara Nesbittfs Music __ __ _ 9-3*l _cugog St., MA 3-2095. 5l-2ýTO CLIENTS AND FRIENDS T ntlaino aer n rlriaypasmae eti16 ae theie son Sctt, Jmesott Jamesmembred, makrs. ponoredbpoHllofordaleyndOeNE larglare funisedsromhot _______ __hot_ 51-mmain tate ted 1.00 ee1.his00s arrid uanisus-and orkig cnditons December 14, 1960, at Mernor-1 Murray, Ada and Famiiy. Board. Corne and have a good IjTERfforseack. CO 32131. bads. onwaer.MA l-7213.IComimentsi4 Of along Bradshaw Street'- was 1y Hswrhp MyrCr 1,3 Hospital, Bowmanville. AI~ time. Admission 75c. àl -1 * 32-ioads.PhneA -71.4 UAIiIL ISO decided upon at the mneeting A By-Law was pasdt li ttle brother for Joanne. 5 1 - 1 * mor Woodview Community Centre 51-1 _________ of Bowmanville Town Court- authorize an agreemetbtrhr nomdcuc]ta ALLI-.--In vingOf~ -Monster B i n g o. Twenty LARGE ail burner stove with iFOU R-roo-med heated apart- ieSao u cil held in the Counicil Cham-wenheCroainftetedtevsth9thbr. ¶1AX'-Nzil and Catherine (neeý my darling granddai-ihter,lgam~es-.twenty dollars: five fan, good condition. MArketmient, private entrance, 4-piecel ber on Monday evening. A Town of Bowmanve ddaofMsA.JBeal.9 Tceple) a re pleased ta announcei Sheila -Marie, who passed away j games-thirty dollars; $150 3-3474. 51-1 bath. $65. Phone MA 3-3935. r petition signed by residents Rhoda Elizabeth i ChrhS.woispbal l, itoftersnBruceiDecember 2lst. 1959. 51-11 ____________and 2~, 96.atCiicD~~eif oda. pm, edBan 13 MnAaS t Frie neby the counicil. Deputy-Reeve chase -land for theexnsoHesdthtehacledo Dlouglas.onMonday, Dcîo-nxhrei alttgirht, aeniS250. Door prizes. Next Scotch pine. Carl Gimblett, THREE Ëanýd four--roomed self- nsIa obscne y fFut tetadfrte e uigteatront Pc-erorug. î-~'Ananelwih olenliir, saa 6t 50-2.* cantained upstairs apartments,l Councillor Ross Stevens mo7- future developrnentofPs-onrtaebradpesn Peteborogh.Hnernees st oldbr igtand - PINK -tf heated. Phone MA 3-3102. brwi1a ofciibrtf~ eautifulsTo the RatapayersNth crystalette, street length' 48- ed the projeet be approved pect Street. This land i ed PARKER-Robert andci M\ay lier seul so pure and fairj Township of Cartwright-drsnyrwrse14 TWO 4-roorn houses, $35 eachî rn h odEli eolcr ît h onsbs ~r~eWery ae apytaan Ad rnn te oss trmgtCorne big, corne small. Freelhaif price. Orona 12016. 51-1 o, west ta Scugag Stree.Teise. MyrCruhr (r,e mcc flic arethofap snnyti]dntee tran-mAnt andnSEthGOrpatatoes, coakinglapartent Newcastle ele-Ger Byleen Stapurcliase price was ilusidetod MsBea [fi-b:Drt Allen, on Saturday,' M'as one little bud. the lunch. Blackstock Recreational ontions. Edwinx Staube. Teîe- phone New'castle 3856. 51-1 an undertaking by h u\rlta hetw sloîgfr T~crner Ot, n PrtPery Cotr WenedaaDeemerh___ N____________39. _50_3-itht R.---L ta pay haif the cost o ide-Wrlt leclbaino e l--,ene 0h nPr eri sweetest Cntthem ailsda, De bymPan wate219 0*TREE-raom apartrnent - wTL.- 101h birspdacneStreetr 1l os P pt al. 51-11-Lxingly remernbered by 28th. 8:30 p.m. Sponsored b ID...trcot ie 0 -icebtlanr aibte, . R.L1ovek1iI ýiisiien igCropetutre Grandma Farrow. 511Ilie newly-elected 1961 Council. CHIDSwne ot 1e1,3ieebtludyfchîsîCuncillor Wese n cggmns511*;xcellent condition. Sell for in quiet area. Gccupancy Jan.51_1 i, hi dta co that t MrsrIen. TrrIwshsnaeALINInrovngmenowifs___________________haf rie.PhneClrke273.15. hoe A -500 5-1Mc UAAofD IIes5y1eibrs*ee1 ______________51*UPSTAIR heated apartiment. ND1 Department mme ,innounce the engagement of a dear little niece and causinl Cards of Thanks MIXED hardwood, $35.00a three raoms, kitchenette and REALTORS The Christmas Party held by favor of hiax-ing aDeuy OPEN NG ho RauslitEdw'adllm Gance be Mri21, 1959,at ted age isaa hnyS.Joehload. 2 cords resawed, limbs bat] . Centrafly located. Wash- landthie Bow\manv ile Kinsmeni Fire Clief appointedrhe trr'of Muse. dand Ms.Rusllan' foubr.21The59,Miraculous Infte an t Jesup2h 0.J .Casadn rsrie. Rent $60. Pluone' TrI I T Club at the Flying Dutchman tluan two Pire Captiu Tlalîrnan of Bowmanville. TheiGod knows bow much we miss Of Prague and Our Blessed P0eOoo3r9 9t-A327.4-fI oto oe nTed.a rileven- Counire CnNick ua VriMayfr1l euno o wish to extend jing wvas unuch enjone.A htte ieCmiieb niarriage will take place quiet-I lierVri Mr ortereuno LARGE truck load of el-d CHEERFUL bed..sitting rortraieldertdChs-enwrdtapraeae 1Y. January 14, 1961. 51-1! Never shal] hier rnemory1bat. £ P .5-~ cuttings of lumber for kindling kithe fodbh, furnihe. Besi Vishes lnias trees was admired, andi comn-endatjon fronite fae od r.Phone Oshuawa uial fo bsneman.; h \f.an rs aro Se-Loving thoughts shahl alw,ýaysi I would like ta thank the IRA 8-1505. _ 51-1* Phone MA 3-5684, 18 Conces-. to all for a very thf festive X'uletide decorations i Departmnent for a Depu and i-r. Gin o doibi BC ,,ander Nestleton neighbours who - __---sian St. West. 4-tfik hebnutoo errotCif.O te ugetno Taitessotnberfsh issponed 0 pomply a te ISAVE on lumber, direct from .M±erryChistrnas effective. Couneillor Ficè 'lie aed 1CLYAT hto announce the engage-f laid. Ifire cal] at my home on Satuill ta you. Pbillips Lunîber kthete, amdm 3 roanu, and a Donu Stutt. the president, ex- ti oint pon o r"nt of their daugbter Elinor, Her memory is aur keepsake,-da-y. Ca., Kinmount. Ont a r10 ashr dryer, $60. MA 3-5996.' T tended bis b-est wishes ta bis! Lyle, Deputy Pire C'îe.Ti sETOPO \l~yta r.Alvn urryiWith wbich we'll neyer part, f Kitchener BronAhnepr 1 5 t. a7.r63 King St. W. Also' Happy and felloîv iKnsiieii and the guests -scare'>rn Cle Mastmr.on, son of Mr. and Mýrs.!GOd ha ber in Hiq keepiîîg, i -1p :[~wls~ ~ ~for a MNeru-v Christmas and w nas previously appointdPr NIKLE Tomn1vlasterson of Bowmnan-1 We have bier in aur bearts. ! ---For demonstrations telephone BRICK tliause nBa anieProsrierous New Yeariuappiîness in the New Year.l ChieS, replacing terH riilT osur rvTroe.ananY vh lasreird v-i1le, Ont. The nuarriage willL..Sadly ,missed by Auntie! I wouid like ta thank 80 r 12 Blackstock - Leslie cls aslol ahon xdS4Billî Dbrag ýrnaîzeWlitbywee On notion o Crutire( - O tri:c at St. Mary's de Paul- cousiuusffriends, neigbbours, nurses andýTaylor, Burketon. 511* furnace. Immediate possession.'_____ ___ guests. J. Presson, chairman f h rCral a iea. on iiaetand Paul Jr., also Unleidoctors' for kindnesses ta me'KE M'riPolice Comnuitte3, cecoTude Clrr.AbraonSaturdayl Raymond, Auntie Ruthî andIw.bi]e in Memorial Hospital, KEYS eut automaticaîîy, wîiîe WieAvrie 3 / Ie eiiu uftdne ___ br31l 16. 51-1"!yu atalasn& aeCanadian Stalesînan. P.O. Box, vvork atdA elcosbftdiiPlceCmte. Dr-ebe 351 160 -cousins Rager. MNaril7,i nand! Bo-wýinuanville. yuwaH a 6 Kn& Stle_ 9,B avle1i vne 'aueratlrey ab-by Counceillor Glenluom u- 2 r. evc Gloria. 51-1 .John J. lrelaud. Hrdware, 36 igt_.,10, t nile 1cued beadohrlsiu Deaths 51___, Bownîanville. 46-tf STORE for rent, central, 22 yOUNG reliable Canadian bedcAqigs, îud alsciausoghers, adthyorwnrdCar iKing Street West, Bawman-:wOmauî desires lîouseîvork by ,foyd. A . Rsotesynodsthe Twnerk c Sna C,Ë_ý_Kenneth Alexanudr- COWLING-In loving meinor, - - -ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt ville, (now Northucutt and1 day or hiaur. Phone MAr enjote B. l aynolswereloizc ____________ .3,I the Port Hope Hospital. on! of a dear faîber Fred H. Cowl- 1 wish ta express nuy sincere'service ta electrical appliances, Smilb) 18 feet bi.l 90 feet plus 3-7213. 151-il Thue arrivai ai Santa Claus, ----- Wednesdav. Decemiber 21, 1960, iuug wlua passed away Dec. 22. î hanks ta relatives. friends and 1large and small. Lander Hard- two garage areas. Parkiing - Bert Snowden, and bis helper, Kcnneth Alexander Green, be- 1953. ýneighubours for the nuany actsfxvare. Phone MA 3-77. anud entrance by alîey direct tierman VanD Bell Ken Nicks, was luailed withý Ioved lîusband ofS MargaretiI-e suffered muclu. lue earned'of kinclness during the illnessif _____ fanmUch applause. Bert Snowden,. (;Ien, Darl-icuaiand Paul. Broth-i The Lord tLook luin for He tuaxuks ta Arnold Mttice and fAPPLE lree wood, in slave- -19 feel by 50 tedt. Benova- GENERAL CONTRACTOR waexleninIerend c o Enue Gee, E. ,f ne bst.Bei Bow. ood leuugthu. for fireplace, lion arraîuged for reliable Brick. Block, Concrete and he and his helper. Mr. Nicks,~ PortHope Katlee (Mr.' My lus gin b gret ashisGeore Trmb 1 furnace or slave, $10.00 Ioad steady tenanut. Possession Jan- Carpentry added ta the Sun iltei Poranope;Bal] adleanor(Mrs.I ,lvhsaiic e deliveased. PhonerCO 3-2275. j uary lst, 1961. Apply ho own-1 New Vork and Repairs I gaiely and -it. Santa Claus > 51-1 41-tfd'lenr 1,Is. scifce er L. C. Mason, 30 King St. PHONE MArket 3-3694 I dislribuled thue members' ex-, p ~Konopacki), Bowmauî-1-Ever renuerbered by Fred. -___- W. Bowmanville. 46-tf 7 Mill Lane 5-tf'fchange oS gifis. i lie. Resting al the Ross Funu-1 June and Roy. 511* vou1 like ta tluank thue KELVINATOR. refrigeralor, ' --- ________ -- oral Chapel, Wallon Street, ______________ - __8_eu.l2ef rî,Ir - inurses and staff of Oshawa &and .sleigbllyused,8 cu.St. ade.,-.f.Rpaîr Port Hope. Service in thue: RFI-nlvn miuriomivll opt afegular $279. Special. ýl59. Help_'Nanted Dr-Im Chape] an Friday, Decernber! of aur dear son and 'rotyertheir came anud kindness, ail ahnc Don Morris, MA 3-5480., QUICK. SERVICE f~ ~M at pi. Iteren t] herli __ 11 AY-ITR for New I prII. 21 a 2p.. ntrmntUnion iReginuald R. uafiwooqstise iah senu get-wellcards, ____s Cenctery. 51c d away Gi uwaps. n. TCOADNWWIKV.' __ suddenly on Decern'ber visited me, or helped in anylINSULATION, bIowing rneth-IeasEv.PonMA)iuI 4 25. 1958 w~~%ay duriuug My recent illness.lod. with rock wool. Wark- 1RL T FTr s4 TrURNER. Roberla Lîhel-In' Just wiien yaur liSe ,:vas Special thanks te Dr. Miklos manship guaraniteed. Free eshi- FIGURE Skating Instructor - .Memorial Hospital, Bowman-I briglitest, ,aîIr osl.mates. Harry L. Wade. Teîe- forNecsl ktn Cub54KgS.E. MA30,1 It's a xxell establisfed fact b '-1le onThmsdy.Decmbr J~twiun aut yar~xvreArthîur Bell. ;phone Clarke 2420. 39g-tf Foi- dehails contact( s . .___ 16 If - --ille, on-Thu-sRickard.mbPhonesNewcastleui3 y6.r* ,,--ere[- -----fthat post masters bave mare i.. 90,RbetaEhe ar- best. HEARING aud service. Testing '11 C RPN R than thier share oS trials and iu, beloî-ed wifle oS the lateý yOu were called frame this - f service and complele stock of -- -.- -- CAtriulatons tl us ime oSf<mm u m .1,AurnderCartletoaSPJames Tor hoe oeelrest. ta' oîsh ta express nuy tluanks batteries anud cords at Higgon WANTED: Reliable man.a erJ~ eetvGore U m ~ ~ M E ~ *U Te as.hA.Turner, Cneton Plae, wotld S sorrcwand neiglubours tor iElecînic Limited, 38 King St. E., dealer ln Tawnships ViceEMODELlocaG -stEPAIRS . . ANI !vnTreOttawa,an theî...Sadly missed by Mam. Dadîbheir acts oS kindncss duing Bowmanville. Phone MArket East, Darlinglon, and Bawuuuan-.EW OR Vieaulolpatmsr,< [tev. Harold A. Turner, Baw-iand fanui]y. -il-If nmy stay in Memorial Hospital,,330. ___7t1fvll.Exeluiefo was faccd with a partîcularlyVMRONHYS eces- unique canuiudrunî.Prp plarivil1c, aged 80 years. Funu-; _______ Spcil hakssay.A inapprunitv to W Ia TERHUNE ri seirvice was ah Fleuuuiug ;tBotmanure.sesia taffanks ýBROALOM '%l- wÏla waîî' saryp ine dpoitbeb. Vcereeiedan.nel P?,tas. Funcral HmCarletan loy me- Dm. RundleDr. Shemoneandror raomsize. Free esîlmates se bodpoial us- I10 H 1h SI. '.%A 3. îe eeic a nv5-____________ l'lce StudaHoecmer GWILLI ofaMS-In bro a hi.Ruerses nd taffand to n wall-to-wall. Saunples hak- imess ihere Rawleigh Pro-, g 2* ,ope cantaiuîing a short note Plce Studa, eemer17fmryoSader roue adDr. Bowsell. ducîs have been sold for years. t rain a Mr. Slater alauîg with W Inter:nent United Cemetery,!undle, Fred, w,ýho passed away Hr oiui en out ta your home for colour Bgpois rdcsfmiî-D a neoeadesdt m CaîtnPae 1*Deceniber 2lst, 195J9. r omt: n dcrtn da.F .Bg ft. -wîrodut gh'rns,.l UmuHeajinga niSlater a dr pasphlte r CarltonPlac._5_1*Beautiful nu e n or i le E arc Kad dr3t7ngieaSt. - cd oui credît. Write awleighs lm iSlater anot adashlto.iMrs KMAmp7L7.. 7KngS ~Dept. L-140-163, 4005 Richelieu,,Sae'noerdss low:- WEBB-A1, Oshuawa Genieral f tesre vr M 77. __ Montreal. . - Lavestroughing '"Dear Sir: liosila on ridy, Dceme<Of lhappy days when ve 1 wish ta thank friends and -- _______________I 1 i.190 CaroteShwvere tagether. ne1busfrgfs lwrf TU asfrSl .B A S'Sonucone fraun your Town , lf)ý190,Chrlote haagedî5adly nissed by sister Alice,: and cards sent ta me during _________CarsforSalelA.____ j sent nue this lettet-. Tbey for- ~ 83 years, beloved wife of thhdbrtherin-laA, Cyril, niece aîî'niy stay in hospihal. Alsoi CHOICE YOUNG BIRDS IM -17gtt u ntigi l n lditero Haod D . William Her W b e e Ada. Murrax' anditaniks ta Dr. Sylvester, nurses;, 12 to 28 lbs. Auto InsuranceSt. W., Bo m nvle velope only arrived here. Fuc ad atlen ha. amily. 51 -1 and staff oS Memomial Hospital Desedan elveed Fo er%.Sixaî*sere or- "e simt 4tS tm issingheuIrcid was Iuan d nthe rrsha-for their kindness ta me and __________serica______tin - ox e-,rewshldi h orsRUNDLE-In loviiug nur especially ho the Bev. W. Hous- 3MArket 3-5058 j hainle eal Oshawa RA 5-1.802,1fi i u'bx Funeral Chapel, Bawmanvlle,- -' îaîîdeî-for îiA visits and FNNYcolect..2-tf' REJ.JDI1J.JMàybe youknow ~the writb! (no Mondav. Decenuber 19 at IoS a dear husband and PHIL FT'INNEY i 1,nc ngi ytî av-î s mllI o'claek. Intemmeuit Bowunn-Cepluas J, Rurudle, vw-ho passed pa. Wlac oms MPEGOE Buy yourself a good Ised CarLLblfllb1Y±UIUIbS sevIibul a rk ai t ifue dh v-ille Cemetery. 51-1 avay Deceniber 2lst, 1954. Mrs.si-îîfor chane SOll apecae lf o ____yr,'REPAIRS and REWINDINGto!m pan - pa you ro . fe - -your Ehectricai Equipmnent i ite,' Flowkelly-Tlbeesftneuil oswtheadIwit-iSales & Service 3MA 3-30581 îotiill.'\ih Flow rs Ie bess h oumsw hdwilate Gregory (Pal) Skelly wý-ishlFreshly KiIled Young TurkeYsý Buy froini the Top Seller 143 Third St. Bownmanvll!Nrtville. ih. 3'a ta ex res tueiag atiud tOFor Christinas and New Year's at Today's Price s 19-tû Trie evelope addressed ta Au eaver îLemerîe bwib Gov .tlueiî- relatives. friends an.d ing w-verreemndrei b is loy- s'r hi awyssy ts oeville psmakof Dec. 5,ad Table Decorations Ingwfofd auiy -1 kuiniuuss fnor ecenmauiadct1 C. B OR E K Rothn wîe______-- m.Saerbïs u osmn 'ýthe pamuphlet contains infornu- loss. A special thiauks la Drs. than-..Rpar -atocnenig"teet VanBele Crdeq 1 1D -- SCOTT-ln lovîmug îuenory of,.M\ills and Smîith, nurses oS îLeli1mnHaIAnrt%-- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOML&-ýP=Lr. ÔNITARIO WFFI AVý yirr__ 21 iM luril