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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1960, p. 19

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W'EDZSDY. EC. 1, 960THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PA<tlXr TîiN TNrI f 'Above Average Teaching ThsKs eNDACris shopping an, preparîng teChristmas concertsh benthe chief occupatior ln District High Schools wflh Mrs. H Martnei Sudaywere and rs. b. Clonand Weported by Inspectoir 1atnd MrnRogrs.CStn C ilo.and Mrs. agr olnH and rs.PalerPart Hi The Durham Caunty Dis- isfactorily with the teaching high. The secretary is ta ar- and Mr. and Mrs. Gai trict High School Board held an the whole above average. 1 range for a plaque for the 1 Martinell. Roseneath. there ular December meeting Capt. K. G. Rase was ap-! new school similar ta the anes Mr. and Mrs. Bab Yat 'l maniville on Dec. l4th, pointed Chief Instructor of in Part Hope and Bowman- ,man were in Orillia Sur Ih 17 members present. the Part Hope Cadet Corps ville. A refrigerator is ta beita see Frances. The resignatian af Mr. K. in place af Capt. H. J. Mum- ordered for Millbrook fram Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ri A. McLean from the Port by. the Public Utilit,Îes there. Toronto. were guests Sur Hope Staff was accepted with Burley Bus Lines Cantract The Hardware contract for with Mr. and Mrs. Gec regret. Mr. M. H. Wilson of for carrying pupils ta Port the Courtice Schaol was aw- Mercer. Peterborough hais been ap- Hope, Bowmanville and Or- arded ta the Canada Hard- Snow arrived this past w~ pointed ta fi the vacancy. ana was approved. 722 pupils ware Company. The contraet ta finally clothe the coun The resignation of Mr. H. Bowmanvîlle Praperty Com- for laboratory desks is ta be side in white and make D. Bigelow as Attendance 0f- are bing transported with ail awarded ta Valley City Of seem mare like Christmas, fçer was accepted with regret. routes totalling 878 miles.t Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Cour( MWanagenient Cammittee is ta mittee were given power tao a n MreadMs cosdrthe matter of a suc- have mare lights installed on Mercer spent Sunday with cessar. the parking lot and to bave OBTU R and Mrs. Vance-Allen. Mr. Lamne Johnston, the the windows weather strip- OBTU R Mr. and Mrs. John Bird Secondary School Inspector, ped in the aId school. MRS. THOMAS GOULD Dougie visited ber parents gave us bis report on recent Millbrook High School is ta After an illness of six days, day last dweek, and Mrs. V inspections of ail four sehools. have the name installed on the death occurred in Osh- nattaand Cecil, Bawmanv Ail schools were running sat- the new school in letters 8" awa General Hospital on spent Sunday with them. Tuesday, December 6, 1960, af Mr. Geary bas bad bis I Mary Isobel Dawney, in bier amputated and Mrs. Geary i 6th year. pects be xill be horne1 IThe deceased was born in week. . .li1ts andcl1 ieces Bowmanville and was the dau- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur La: ighter of the late Mr. and Mrs. staff and Helen were ta William J. Downey. On May Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thon WINS MOVIE CAMERA - If Centre Street resi- 5, 1910, she married Thomas son Saturday. dents notice a lady taking moving pictures of their Harold Gould, naw ai Oshawa, _Mr .and Mrs. Aylward 1 children their decaratians or the huge snow piles who survives. along the street, they needn't be surprised. Mrs. Prior ta maving ta Oshawa R. L Michel, wo lves t 5 Cetrewasthe two years ago, the deceased L. Mtchll, ho ivesat 8 Cetre wasthe had resided in Bowmanville lucky winner of the camera at Firth Bros. Meats for 40 years. ]ast weekend. Surviving besides ber bus- M band are two sans, Hector ai A A3330 SCHOL' OU - unded ofyougstrs ho Peterborough a n d Percy,ta nHOrmLySpenOmU T o hude da fylih ougtrs behn Bowmanville, and a daugbterfo desks in school will be free to roamn for a week Bowmanville. T en grand- S during the Christmas holidays. We urge 'otarists cbildren and one .great-grand- ERVCE tobeonth lokou fr he drig hehoidy hild alsa survive. R C to e o th lok ut or her duin th hoida cThe funeral service was season, especially now that driving conditions are. held at the Nortbcutt & Smith poor. Please drive slowly through town and on Funeral Home, Bowmanville. the back streets Sa that rtobody's holidays will be on Friday, December 9, and ruined. xvas conducted by Rev. HI.A. ~. ~*Turner of St. Paul's United ¶ Churcb, Bowmanville. Inter- LATE SHOPPERS If you still have some me-nt was in Bowmanville shopping left ta do, we suggest you give a States- Cernetery. man subscription ta that friend or relative here Peare rs, aoldi radscns, oin some distant spot. Every week for a year werd e o GouldJr, Parick,1 they will be reminded of your thoughtfulness. Gould, Rae Burns and Bil' We have gift cards and the cast is only $4 a year Burns. in Canada and $5 for residents of the U.S. Among the many floral to- kens, evidence ai the esteem HAVEFUN Sa we oncude hisBitsand in wbich the deceased was HAVEFUN Sowe cnclde his itsand held, were those from R . M. Pieces column for Christmas Week with the hope 'Hoilingshead Ca., Local 380, that you and yours will have the best Christmas Deire nt 273 G odyearr possible. If you really would like ta feel Tir & might we suggest you send a cash or clothing donation ta the Salvation Army now in the pracess(Hp WfSL/ of distributing baskets ta those among us who are Zion(H p To nh ) having a tough time this year. «tt!pýcccc,,ý««ItýI,."CC«4"«IItitl!!X44 Mrs. E. Crusthwait and Miss ij D. Crusthwait, Perrytown, vis- Xited with Mr. and Mrs. H.1 ~Caswell recently. Mrs. R. Geraw spent Wed- Snesday aiternoan in Oshawa. ko é% Mrs. H. Caswell spent sev- Meral days recently with Mc.ý and Mrs. Victor Wilson, Can-' ,j MIK ta. N. Gei-ow is confîncd' jta the Port Hope Hospital for the past week. Her rnany fri-1 ends wish bier a speedy return home. Mrs. Arthur Germond, Osh-- awa, spent Wednesday with Zion W. Assoc. Meeting The Zion Women's Assoc. - à meeting was beld Thursday evening, Dec. 8th, at the home af Mrs. H. Caswell. There were - Z 10 members present. The pre- skient opened the meeting with prayer, alter which Mrs. SH. Caswell conducted the war- sbip service. She was assisted Sby several members. Mrs. E. >Caswell rend the seripture, Dv and carols were sung. Minutes %ttli; Of raai t Èa fthe Navember meeting were pviittge to genb Ctrigttias; read, and treas. report given. At the close ai business the 0uetillqe to Our rnanv fritnb!g. president tbanked the mcm- bers for their support during offices vacant. Rev. Mr. Nor- L.A. Parker & -Son man was present forth l- A ton f oficrsand cangratu- > Plumbing and Heating ' lated the association on their I qyear's effarts. I BOWMANVILLE 1 The follawing officers wcre '~elected for 1961: Pres., Mrs. ' _______________________________________H. Caswell; Vice Pres., Mrs.,e M. Irwin; Sec'y., Mrs. Dauglas, f Whitney; Assist. Scc'y., Mrs.'v S N. Assist. Treas., Mrs. R. Christmas Specials vcer; ss.Treas. Mrs. R Raby; Assist. Organist, Mrs. C. ýý AT Raby; Comfart Comm., Mrs. F. Tuffard, Mrs. R. Morton; Par- sonage Comm., Mrs. R. Mor-ýL ton, Mrs. C. Menleilley; Devo-,~ tional Comm., Mrs. C. Raby,'if Flower Comm., Mrs. C. Ra1by, ~ 20 Ring St. E. a e MA 3-5487 Mrs: Del Whitney; Press Secy., i 1 Sal s Ms.C. Meneilley. 1 r - It was decided ta bald an -« installation service for the W. l A. afficers an Sunday morn-, T W O O N LY ng, Dec. llth, following thevý T W O ON L Y!regular service. pragram, with il, Mrs. H. Caswell in charge, was i then given, and consistedof S IM C A the folowing: Christmas car-11 THE BEST IMPORT BUY iMorton, and a contest. There', 0F THE YEAR! meeting clsdwt prayer. Lunch was served by hosts and lunch comm. and a plea- SIMCA 'ELYSEE" $ 5 sant social tîme was bad.. 4-DOOR SEDAN Zion Mission Band meeting was held at Zian, ,sehool Friday aiternoon, Nov.: e -AND - 25. The meeting opened with:q all repeating the Mission Band! purpose and bymn. Rail cal 1 SIMCA "AROND A" was taken and byrnn 438 was, SUPER DELUXE I <O sung. Mrs. Meneilley conduc t- ONLY $1 3 9 5 1 ed the worsbip service; Mrs - Whitney rend irorn the studye ______________________________________ book, Sa.ndra took up the ar-" ferin.g; Bruce distributed the; "World Friends"; and Heather ' cS~ ~Tre tirtclorsed the meeting with pray-! S eason s ie t-ger The regular church service 1~ was beld Sunday rnorning at ; To Alil Our Friends and Custoiers 10 a.m., with Reverend Mr.,~ Norman in charge. A short installation service was held ý SERVICE STATION - WILL BE OPEN for the off icers ai the Woman'si MONAYDEC 26'TI 9 .M.Association. Sunday sehool'i MONDY, DC. 6 'TL 9 .M.had a goad atttendance at 1 OPEN ALL DAY TUESDAY a.rn. The next church service wil.l be held on Christznas day, New! Practical! Usefu Hy-Speed Longhani A new ABC systemn of fai writing. Suitable for takin Dictation. Quick and Easy ta Learii Develop speeds up ta 80 words per minute NEW EVENING CLASSE forming at the Osiîaiva Business Colleg Tuesday, January 3, 196 Choice ai Subjects:' Hy-Speed Longhand Typing - Dictaphone Bookkeepin.- - Accountin Business Machines Gregg and Pitman Shorthand Tuesday and Thtîrsda, Evening, 7:00 to, 9:00 Oshawa Business College 10 Simcoe St. N., Oshaw; Dial RA 5-3375 In sincere aDoreciation for your patronage, we wish you ýA VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! ELLA'S GIFT SHOP BOWMANVILLE TO ONE AND AIL! BAY GIBBS SERVICE STATION AND STAFF Bow ni an ville Darlington Council1 fort -pp ntt. have Mrl~o Dist. Hîgh School Bd. [am- [ope, Darlington Township Coun- payment on motion of Coun-ý ment. ape, cil at the meeting held in the cillor Harold C. Muir, second-' Mrs. Bert Budai., ecie- 9f Townsh~ip Hall last Tusa ed by Cauncillor Fred G.1tary of the Darlington Rate- V" un-re-appointed Forbes Heyland Smith. Third reading wasý payers Association, complainced ti in-for a termi three years as given ta two By-Laws, onel to council about a culvert on i iday a Darlington representative on 1 was an amendment to the Zon- the road near the Maple Grave ush, ~iDurham BCounty Districtling By-Law regarding the! Schiool. She claimed this un- !, riay General Accounts amoun ting and the ather was ta cansti- and is dang-erous ta drivers at 1, rge o ue aCommitee0 __us-night. The matter xvas refer- ýO -ee -red ta the Road Conittee itte and family spent Sundaylliquar in a place other than a for* correction. wih îsmahe, rs Nv residence. The Ratep ayers Association ~~ Little. Since August lie lias been on secretary also brought up the ~ oux, The little bit of ice and a 7 p.m. curfew and is ta tat - matter of raad signs which 5 ATm. snaw bas flot praved too good ally abstain from liquar. Th e h ave not yet been puit up. Mr. for motorists. Friday a large Chief Constable told the court Councillor Muir informed Mrs. ý1'~ truck bad ta be pulied out of that the conditions bave been Budai that council bia., re- alo and the ditch at Brimacomb's met. Police check bis borne. quested the Department. Of ~ ery e oeHHi, while Sunday evening a and Webb haâ isept out of Higbwavs lu bave tiiese sin. ' IÏ)j Van- car went over the east bank trouble. He is not xvorking. erected. - W111ORds Of lstmas Seas er ~ 'ille, of Carson's Hill. The samne conditions apply ta Mrs. Budai, a clcfeatedi cai- .0'g't' ad Mrs. Alva Swarbrick visit- this adjournment. didate for a seat position asan yo! î leg ed the Raughîey family in Lyle Bligbt, James Burgess, cauncilîor in the recent mui- ex rn audyatronbe- F. Ward and R Luke, ail of e ial lection, ciiie the ZÎ- into the baspital Sunday. cd ta January 3rd. Their re-1whose naines are not (iii iiEliri ing- Ross Roughley and bis friend cords baven't returned fromi voters list. The Towu-sh ip see Don Chesebrough, Oshawa, the R.C.M. Police. Clerk, Walter Rundle, toîu AND STAFF" rnp spent Saturday evening with Five liquor charges braughit Mrs. Budai that the regula- y~ bis mather. ~penalties ai $70. 24 under the tions are included ln the la-«s ~ S.WBwnnil Lit- The cburch biad quite a Highway Traffie Act totalled of Ontario, and are not drawn -~ i Christmasy air with Christ- $362. uip by the Township Cotiiwil. mas trees and candles for the special White Gift Service g p i Sunday. Quite a number aif the Sunday scbaol seholars ' were present. The service was taken by Rev. Mr. White with Mrs. Garland Cathcart telling . the Christmas stary ai the giit aifaaod ta David and Mary by a lawly servant lad at the Bethlehem Inn and the coming ai the shepherds ta worship the Christ cbild. The chair sang that favorite hymn Sulent Nîgbt. The congrega- tian, led by the choir, came ta the front ta give their Swhite gift or donation of 1!money. It was indeed a very y, pesnspecial service. de Chritmas meeting of evening, Dec. 14, at the hame tst af the president, Mrs. E. Cou- ng roux. The motta was "Kind- ness is a key that unlocks ' h earts." The rall cali, "A cbildhood remembrance of 0 Christmas" brought fa r t h rnany interesting and amus- L-S ing anecdotes, many with re- ference ta Santa's visit on re Christmas eve. A danation was made ta the Sick Chil- k.' « dren's Hospital. It was also decided ta scnd a Christmas box ai candy, fruits, toys, new and used clathing ta the Petyka family. Mrs. Petyko g was înjured in a car accidient a wbile ago and bas flot been wcIl since the arrivai ai ber baby daugbter. There are four '<' - " other- girls and a boy in the -~"" "'- Y family-tbe oldest the boy about 12 years. Anyone wisb- ing ta add a giit may leave - it witb Mrs. Turansky or witb Mrs. H. Foster. Gifts were also handed in for the folks at the Golden Plaw Lodge, - 7a Cobourg. Miss Stewart sbowed nicely coloured slides ai many in- Steresting local events and scenes in the neighbourbood as well as other places she visited. A contest ai naming articles an aur Christmas dinner table starting with the letters in Cbristmas did not ~provide the best of menus. '~ The programn was in charge - ai Mrs. MeMackin and Mrs. ' " A pleasant social time was .- enjoyed over the delicius9 lunch provided by Mrs. H."~ 1 Foster, Mrs. Stoker and Mrs. Cauroux. A vote ai tbanks N was given Mrs. Couroux. The - 4' SJanuary meeting is ta be at 'ithe borne ai Mrs. H. Faster. ~iMagistrate's Court T'uesday, December 20i Terry James Hallett 17, ahIt - ' 341 Pbillip Murray Ave. Osh- > awa, was placed on probationV Sfor one year because hie is . steadily ernplayed and the pre-1p" sentence repart thaught ne j mib ea good probationer. tIli SrKenneth A. Penwright, 17, ai < 1357 Cedar St., Oshawa, wa.s~ iii further remanded ta Marcl 7ýFe i~1961, ta get a steady job. Bath young men bad been convicted Ulnce miore we corne to Chistmas, the day of Grectings Son Oct. llth for the commis- .-o sion ai several theits and wil- 14u phaes. ta and fromn tele ý and family gatherings, of Joy andi Peace and Good Wn k Penwright biad turned down & ka job as a printing apprentice On this day we especillv' a to pas and sa 1because the proprietar insisted - E vrn as a Sthat be get a baircut. Magis- Itrate R. B. Baxter tald the 1< nkç" to you ouir mr very niiçtt tçnrn; JSmith agreed. "You bave ~ 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH - RA 8-1617 ('OURTICE -RA 8-1611 sbown you can't do se well on O AVIL -MA -2:0.JX- Ent2-0< L Iyour own and we will try ta OVMNIL M -10AA Eih290 beip you,"l said the Magistrate. F James Edward Webb, 22, ofSTF ,37 Baseline, was also urther 1 readdta March 7th. He a p- 1 J. C. aFaOUNDAND TAF W J. HERYIII peared aiter earlier convictions' ai theit. driving while bis i land two charge- i o having',ý %ýEDNESDAY. DEC. 21, 1960 rAGE NINETEEq

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