WEDNESDAY. DEC 21. 19~ TR~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvIT.~LE. ONTARJO FAUL TIt!~E and Jii h er be s «=d Flng as dncdbMa rried in Blackstock and saldchilden Rrenlt. C.G.176.T Jac" - sag " e ndnls" W . I Iieenld iestRev. Romei Ja k a d J i il m e sHughies. A timely Christm as' song and followed with the .i poe, as ectedbyGisll W.. rayr.Thesciptriake 5 Verlesen.was read by Mrs. Grant Camp- ~ond cI T init Ser ice V r5ival of Santa Claus, k ielandy Mrs. A. iol ws *St onduct Trinity Service çv~as heralded by the always gvnb r.A isn popular "Night Before Christ-, Hymn 53 was then sung withlA t #ihed iiTrcoee n ai t îa h tr f"hlmas" read with distinction by'iMs ael edn. ITeana 11 T-eServiceh lbl o iercfesor St"h the choir ol >a oofte a g du;cte Docu ;sonali: Back Madonna" tMd by Rev. Philip Dawson, and a fire-1 MinutSaes ler eadnd ap Pupt Ca t ýe 1. -f 0O -e Cro J O bv e senior Wn K. Housiander. side skit directed by Mrs. Ro- poe.Crepnec n hrhCGI 0bert Poste. The cast was coin- thank you cards were read the church o ChIrrstmlas t eauîiy oi The seni'o c îor sang Following the story, Mrs. Posed of: mother, Ave Thomp- onn r.Halpsteaue' nDcme deortei vti h kan ii QGa L heDa1W ing" Lloyd Ayre sang a solo, "'The, son, girls, Diane Piper, Angel- rpr a ienb r.R icembs ed elub, at ft u ýcý 'iics lei2h' ai--! 4Caro-l of the Good, repotthday cf Kiirs.R.gice" andd a~ n Ti' United Thi-f.' Tejnior chou, sangasmeD uc, ine aso ad Sadler. The President asked of Explorer Il SuAf: \ - -Dc 'juSo ýPr g'an "h a final carol "Away in a Man- Lise Hardcastle; boys, loeMrSaertrpotnthWrran l't.Shepaerd Had an Ange] * ' ll geor sng ith ateuireKitnyRiad Sehna furniture vhich had been Sommerville, riambers found greai. oir snigtels es arad bought for the parsonage. leaders Miss R~ xv:t1i the co-greýzat on. asaGae.Soossfrt e org ard in the role of txasved ha Cb4-junior choir were Jerry For- twsvtdhawegeMr.HA.T ,~A eaig.'Isieter. Bonnie Ormiston ~ h eecsSnaCasws $25 to the Mission and $25 Ms ae inas- by Mrs. Wm. K. 1' ilo- jovial and merry. On behalf ifs tJteM& . tecuc.~at i larider -,a, greatli" er4 ioyed. Bin eel.of the Holy Naine Society he: IMrs. Adams offered a couple ChurchTranini Thr junior choir ~ne:ribers Candie lighiters for this lm-ý presented a $500 cheque toý of Devotional books for use on hto, a gue tll lok î1r plcr i rsieservice were Rndy, Father F. K. Malane, the par- in 1961 and we decided to is a former ri c a n en o k h e r p l a c e s a n d p re s s î el , B l r m i , D n i ý s r e t f o t h h r h e d o r b l s o T o t o t P a ' C G I . Inw~JIRm~ iii front of the commnu nion MJeFeeters and Wayne Burgess. Building P'und. be sent on to Lamont, Alta. was"erci i Father Aalane thanked te; W l a ere delead M Ij.'Holy Namne Society for its Mrs ackwee enhand (I 1'II5'C#rY/14" i'ni-v nionetary contribution, and a .. look alter cheer boxes. * ± W - [~~IghIEII~IIEE~Ia.> .~We1 exPressed 'his appreciationM.Rmrlto h hi to te mmber an othrs!for inauguration cf officers who had assisted in making for 1961. He asked the com le Christmnas Party suclian. mittee in charge te present p nqualified success. He ex- am reseno ier is tended his blessing and bestl Adasiate sPat e s.,he Mrs. V. i ihsfor Christmnas and the 1\r. and M-ýrs. George Stephien Gibbs. pictured Mn alcolm;s Presn, Mrs. K OyvYerteal.jabove, were married in Blackstock United Church on sameils: lst vice, Mrs. G. Santa Clans then distributledi Friday. November 18, 1960. The bride isthforr Campbell: 2nd vice. Mrs. galmehrSsmasePryy was njo:sene nnuaneven ichardsGibs TfoneOnt d the' ndorsers.A WloC.rasrr y_____and______ fruit to Joan Marie Ros.oiv daugliter of Mr. and M.sA a ; eri \Ir S.,0. Sed o ud2 feno nsiigsle elgen an a . ach ad e .A oent,'Secad HEA[NG OLS te FI]y Nine ociey, ias oated I tnitay tUpnee o n thliaeir. ree- sth snofMr ndM s. Mrs A. Wilan: Parna ail joitedin teCarolAsingejard rsts n ed e iomMs.R adetndMs :Sten e reSut. p re t heng led by Mr. operchtardL.Gaicos. Pianist Mis.tL ben1 s o p r s p a o a c m A cos. A i stan t i nit The arg hal ha for 'li pa ist. Ms r on a y n e a d th e h alM s.l E ne s n. Gr _______ofe t thelv Mrs Robert Po te, two cf the ' v it i l Leaders are Mrs. W. Vine, . t frtehid*notepa-stan a rav o litachfe, h at. c ha moment's ..X~ M.a.lcol ms rsu .an l- ei ih o Copr rsdn oftaitedia r o ragig the e- tl ith. .,an te opo Coin.,Mrs. A.Bacock and > d HEA'I'IThese officStrsJwerchaccept - 'fIC .Ir hn2 .il;Ailcharmein thCro sino em L forChistas v co nin.Mst. a dle by d Rev . dre wee peset. ng dTh i r. Coloper by iti upperm Pans, is.L The litrgeahdalany VerleysenSeealcom; A sontu i n is er -eaning Ms.RonHyemllrand, tf AistrsarM. Emerso1961Cboup - ----o-sag- -----J-us-Went'Maple Grae oeI-.mdtahebrdaboad tectSleep." Hans sfitorethe' nersRbertPrseedw af ie thds o e is.Wg teite ,,s,~etedt and ilà arrnKitnyng the - po&uM uprwih-sonEoleto va 48 i loveix SilentNig.colinrnelsbands.s guest on Dec Ni etiniulleroal slo was ,i Hn afrsuPot MVrses wGr. a e cpsle. Reit- exchhngetgifts were dsr-s e ist er s weagainp 'Jseing e B L Ms.Eon utep. te bothd-. M s . Qacenbush e. loom-~ W e' e iap~ o h ve thilm iler p l ed rie ian e rs..guests.a.d mcm- copanment aiy te lsWt MpeGotwoj, I-md o h itd o n S l eioned n be, wlie r st v icepresidn rsservedthis oeyis t ot h is xed op or un ~ to sa ha k O > Ms Je o pe w sth pa o un i o t Baleyconu ced wth h histalitcxîa g dccompan, is t n e r oal business. Te resignation cf -s$gave. fo'Mulya aapa r na e.. etio" lns. pt.l re sident Mrds .s K. Hto pkins - wa Mrs. Willca slef Rein"Awa ev calMasger" was 12vas reicdand sprege5fuîy Camel. n m n jo598 wasKi "Jn-lACKs11M s.Eo LA jteS sang gs wHardcastlcailsung ad Rv. o e rilhvecaps- r e hapy h ve AR S Jýuzl an e o thex. apdaoda a d.bue to niot sts anfor e t B O W X N TLL ' (Lee. "Suent fo igh e" was - o ntnuers. office. the meet in i 196r a nd We slI be ope T esd v t 9 ari:, ;cm posed fl Miche lrs, w egn, W s t ie by i e M rs. lfo daldt rt e st. toh s nî v d op orun:Dt sa «tankyoM s e oe an, Mihaelpiano Howardo radTeyn dtdolas theheryvoe ftarst i Pattv O'Bien. accniphe Cd4ristCOasft coupo plan No flicipians obyCrlBheilman snes hersintno Ma] s. CcmadeMilrs.,AMrW.llia- fo orlya atp[rng.slectN ew Doyeetrs. K.itcdtaotpkoinsMetin tend thegDistric short course - "ADffiaers nforl' À.a ps rceidond behretl hw bv aeMadMs.JmsEwr in CornisEShose mariage tok place i St. JosehssCOnpTelday em ber98 3th, Ig colletion for alWEAmansathoig Ch rchBrw m nvill, on Satu day, St. Pandl's Aft eri lA. ad ' Suanvoio ad t ion AmposilCh hriss it. o ve bî 2 90 t lan P rd i h o m rVfr on it a Terdlar andb Sradndra, theiteLdd, aghe o rs yrl meeting wt ryr preselCrst Cbyagru ommuneit s reoging cf Leffie - 'ilbc o e u sd y a . Mj ict Roed Co ss hcl eld te ir ,ýwa-ith Mrs. M . a ird at thr d P.1s Ew ra.nrns f O ha v .c md M ember.sJo n is to rs a 9 Daeenn hi the an iiecha n- piaow.nd s dollards Cy--P ot b R h e ar d trotuedof theAn enta Rune and ledyanusuateaisecedtehtetFthe most- a il Wume's Workcomniitee. o ntittesTegftwt- ' rR .Tia te ep rted tha 01f te gv oris a nadaI 4-Y peoplen tee accept Jesus as "Sa is - Pthe FeguonUNEySn -f COha agift c given pln No. ~ e r a D ~ sl, ~ e Crs Doyle umwer ien o the wrship eraod jilSecete'Ms .Mrdn theeDiasicthrtspiuit b~ reasuer is B. Bur; ub- cf the give. Wc can l not -e ed a te h m c r. ex lie'te e gnff m n af-r % oveai de îtt onmev en-Cditasastrs n j~ u~bordMr. . Sry Hasmpitsten u ndivi oleged coun- N eiarigetokplae in aySt. eph c Onl- Mrs Alex erer tc \'<<~ isoirwcsl; atrries olletithong or a- Roan . - icClLied the maviein trdandS .eauls And ho omeW.Acamed Noemer12-160PraIya.TebriadPris e woreer1 b.S ein he af the ~ fB vrn nvle~AIyr.B anll r .tivenollrgil f ilad paredfednsa. eprsmotovedor üjoitCrsms i iope; Cric CaînnianMnsarbothcnlylove. b real ereof Mr.end nînue, r in LiteT-nc ~<W. RueI: Woe's Wok Camni ty sadopted. andof meein ih" wr ug e. '~ he Boiaîi Mrs. E a nd Di- C ritmes werol senjd e a 'J, ow ia x7f , T ereom as the im dat Mn H. al ath r d te ri: - son ofsines.M r isrsRb Sehn wl; ii mein imheectilchi in andMr. w rdcxy--Poob edranitoucsae v Disaon ter C.hia -A iMn.Ede socialhe a on clde the ngingso Ue elctio cf-t or froipthervgos-1 ~MRidlen;gaetrp or ofChir e . s--Cecilofficen then teckplace.ATh s . el f e andulrs.Knneh AiW3Ms. Mrdenmiite. R. presscd appret n be-and I Il uslected ac as othes: Presi ____ . .Baereote ha O ct th e g entl bee o a. 1~ 4 ~ dNt e Shc onSec-f We ipont- elo ed w t heLeen &C Àe'beding htdbee' bouor forArelen Sturrock:rtedcfhheoe and pTe se cf "a Jh egsnfaiyi y anuthaprgrit ilenin . !thery Batic Bak; re-fr . ouSeasns cA ocnalg We wish You echargercfiiHistoricalrResearwlio ad been bungeConvenerprBonniewMtDof-lthemperslo tuale bloahe teriht i The follàwing slaNichols whPhonens, Florence Wery cttlosc with pr 11veeP.d. ______ ,ToCHRI an ilbauendkicf:: te bofîes andco4' Alfcer fail91 wreilecedhaecee Gd. veethothez fo and i on n t e oshi ented ene bealth and happiess.NE WTONCHRITMES! kîd-to us ti rougis.oW.'Rdel-operationacluenirgvtheepaste 12rsrsTeepleetexpneseesketch If *ý Vii Mr D. arsdn; ccpane tmd av etnge ee nmoThe D. Mbeeting nadofed C f the W.usomsA. J ertr 1r.D ase;the sDie cmbr efteiing yheScu Moteî' l îi o f or thea as. hree yenas W ki reasur'r Mrs B.Bu k; ub- ofthe g N. ewt nv l c I a s he -w s h ld a h o e f Mr ,e p a n d t e rg n o a y hi tstm t-Airs. aRhoEsand th Lgs fthenstareornvitdttetattend.acoter st and cli stms cake jy CupbordMr. R SryFArayer, ato ndeMry Steewa____________ dn tsociaf heleghou lu s a wunteî, sencghtla;dWaneangeie songd wita gront stardent îey .te an atî v ta l . .a an er nd staw îin xuad li g rs M Snîs ea te m oJ $ : Nlh e ie n l u s.A ex M G egrtId o clotires. tes c tUe ast m eting an A T l'E Ithe dm sip h Sao d ier an-d- #gax-e tUe financial report, TUe anaevice undavcvReport * ndtof irs Nel -- te ikle aJe. n seig rctie, b$57 hae b e ive tisto t te ord Jhur a sa ui n iei i- b-. raolrsh lyl ov scess ax an ils atndd te apad 0 rLtteiownofBetleem The Christ Child". G iris The service was led by C.G.I.T. Pres., Carol Smith,- Also on the platform e' >ervice Carol Sheehan, AnFruo and Rose Robinson, the latter two taking part in the Scrip. P a uI's thi rsponsive syC rtr tu resoiv reai a C artrld Candle Lighting Miss Hewitt also took part in ,t Paul's United the service. .T. was held inl Candie lighters wvere Gwen in Sunday even- Graham, Jennifer Purdy. Judy, ,r llth. The ser- Welsh and Glenna Frost antd lr the direction the offering was taken by leaders Mrs. K. Ruth Werry. Sandra Johnston. Miss Mari orie Lynne Frost, Heather Moore, and C.G.I.T. Brenda Virtue and Kathv Fer- uth Hewitt and ris. urner, Greatly enjoyed by the con- MeGregor, who gregation were the renditions- the U n i t e d by the choir. under the dir- ing School. Tor- ection of Mrs. S. Payne, of st speaker. She' "Aill 1y Heart This Night Re- ember of St.J joices", -Hark. the Herald * and her topic Angels Sing" and "ntng and FindingBleak Midwinter." - ,S W. MA. 3 riu a coin in a cup- *te thie tiall committee, also- - eninz inBowmanville.Th ýa$50 bond which matuned g Choir twas under the leader- 4<-ristmas us Dickens. and Scrocge. and Ttny Thrn. It's dnngte enosiý,cfMis vi anSaie c § lans wcre miade for the K, B9 anile4 hf pi.v nthe sparkneienfthuel. o ti cet!have ce atonie rs n to 1 The Sadler family also was! iv n thedoo, acadieunthe~~-ndw -- .the sen thce ewonvîîcgrupsteamong thase attending the Sil- QUALITY ET Shall on the first and thid 1" erAixeaîy -ein 47IGS.I. - MA 3-5081 Chishi-as is red and c,,ieen. and bItte and silver. :Christ- !Wednesday evening of thecebato cf r.nd rs ___________________ lés s hiIl4Th b EFd. Lawson cf Yelvcrton. nisiswit.w,-inter months, begînnîng Jan. ~Mn. and Mns. Morley 'c NADDTET m ýake Neste gopwh ~ WAIIUAS àMllan of lavelock were Sun-! C'hristnmas is cards. and rtbbon. and tissue paper. 1Ifs a Il . 1 Fenusans.eader cf th M trs val QacMrbu.hand,' eaeacmleeslcino trip home. an open latch. and a lianicclasp. It's ,turke, ptýArcs snteder pofghe'AIOma SHOP uh n, e ae am plteseecio o ru. Sawen e gava m- ]BAU Y SH Àfaily.AN and and mincerneat pie. ',Ms .Sodngv u- Mn. and Mrs. Malcolmi En-' 4AONEU A NDU Christmas is cold and xarrnth . . . forgiv-eness, and a Gee, Mrs. M. Joncs acconi- extends Best WishesA erqson at their son's place in' ýpaned o thepiao byMr-z,-lDon Milis for a pre-Christ- RBEADY-TO-SERVE smilepaniforonhtUeipianonby. r smie.Gilmer sang a lovely Polish VA for thecolm famditîner. Carolkndcadls teparents, sA A*ins Chnstmas us a pt-en . a îeneweG plea for an aucentCof , n ledhinthsin Festive Season ,vekedaloini arentsa! Chi A o ec o a-b od\il oadMn f"WieCnsms.~grandpanents and great-grand- s nope For ence onTUetrohlooeau was an eMe-.te our many customers Aparents at Yelverton. #ichange cf gifts. These, in theijr9 Vera and Wiibur McCoyE gay wrappings, had been piled - and friends iHM ilendoonat la pntWison' under the big, lighted Christ- 9- rnnand f amily spen sna f 'mas tree. In a diffenent place,, froni the Staff Regret that RiÂby Fallis has WINNER 0F CAMERA DRAW -MRS. was a gnoup cf 27 gifts for been confined te bcd with a* the Golden Plough Lodge. Mrs. Gai] Piekard bad cold. lvy Hooey, we areý Maré Jewller PlnI 1Then camne the social hour Miss Violet Zaebonowieh ~sorry ta hean, has been ne- L~ ,Iit huîotssansropturned to Memonial Hospitalilrsi a Jessie and Jim Marr Auidrey Co.i)kson Nserving sandwiches andý Ms ineGhe nBwavle j coffee. ?%rs. T. Sowden was Mrs. IVanda Clark ii ' Nesztieton WVA teck the ftýorm OAL URFIED the lady- toreceive the "lucky o hita atya r. --------------------------------------------------------------- AnChdWillimsth m.'e .Leslie Carl Leslie aih their many f riends and custom-ers il Very erry C.nstm as py Ilew ?Jear fi. fi-- 'j- 1~ j,- 1~ t a' a'- <1 - il ------.,*.-- 'y-'-. - - .,, 4t b--.~$ >.- ~ -~ . r - GRADE "A" - OVEN READY FURKEYS 20 Ibs. over 4 aousage Meut lb.39C éTORE SLICED a5 l9 3acon lb. C .R. L. MITCHELL, Bowmanville U reetigs AND CUSTOMERS WEDNNESDAY. DEC 21. 198M TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOW3ýUE, ONTARIO AND Ar - >, 1 1 $1 isà0qip - elisot and Staff