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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1960, p. 4

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Trhe wondrous world of winter (for chi.idren that is) brings a complete new &et of hazards for the young arid .active child. Sleighing, skiing, skating, al have their attendant dangers.- Perhaps the greatest danger is in going ta and frorn these sports. The early darkness which descends sa quickly catches many youngsters stili dragging their sieigh home fsrn their favorite fiill. Parents who dress their children in dark clathes are adding ta thefr danger. Bright ciothes are best, but if your child is equipped with a dark coat invest a few cents' in a colos-fui scarf or better still sew on siome reflective tape or cloth. The Ontaria Safety League offetrs TRIJE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT At timres when wve are doubtful that the Christmas spirit is carried into the other 364 days of the year we like ta recali the story of a bus driver: I couid tell from the bus dsiver's greeting when the blind wornan. gat on that she must be a frequent passenger. She sat down directly behind hlm and they chatted as he drave. When we reached the wamnan's stop the driver got out and escorted ber across the beavily travelied street. He was chuckling as he returi-. ed ta his seat and I noticed the woman stili standing wbere he bad left ber. "She won't go on until she knows I gat back safely," be explained. Then, with a hank of bis born, he drove away. The wornan turned and walked toward ber- home. OUT O0F ORBI'f We'li soon know if the rackets frorn Cape Canaveral have knacked Santa Claus and bis reindeer out of os-bit. FIT TO BE TIED Ah, thîs mers-y season When peace and goadwiil should abîde; But I've wrapped sa many presents That 1, tao, arn fit ta be tied. DREAMING I'm dreaming of a whit~e Christmas And not the kind you think. It's a white refrigerator And a white new kitchen sink. PRICE 0F GOODWILL At this time of year you hear inuch Christmas has different rneaning ta almnost every persan. To sorne it means a long holiday af ter a busy season, ta others a period for refiecting upon the birth of Christ and ail it bas meant ta civilization. Tc stili others it bring s an ppotuntyfor gorging and dissipat- facturess it is filled with hope for profits which may have been absent the rest of the year.' And for those suffer- ing bardships or sorrow it cari be à bitter episode, a tirne for self pity and despair. Ail these feelings and rnany more emnotions are wrapped up in Christrnas this year, depending upon aur par- ticular way of living and our circum- stances. There is, however. one general rejoicing among ail children as this season gains its fui]lrnarentum. Especially for the yaunger ones, Christ- m-as with its gay decorations, its liglits, tinsel, colarful wrapping, the tree in the corner of the living-room, is a time to remember. For mothers, pestered by their young fs-y who irsist on dis- rupting carefully placed bits of arrange- ments and rnaking smali finger holes in the special cookies and cakes, it can be these addîtional suggestions for i. winter wise parent: 1. Always teach yousr child sleigh ride arn a bill free of obstac]( and where the end af the s-un wor wînd up an the street or road. 2. For skating, encourage a supe vised, approved rink wbere possible. a f rozen pond is used make sure it's tes ed carefuliy by an aduit first. Poiu out ta cbildren that the skate blade as sharp as a knife, and should1 treated with the sarne respect. 3. Make sure yaur child learns1 ski properly, and conques-s gentie slopE f irst. Ski paies can be a help or hazard. Be sure they are used properil of the word 4"goodwill". We happene, ta think that goodwiii is priced on mos financiai balance sheets at $1.00. Odè for such a priceiess item. RIGIIT AFTER CHRISTMAS Right When Carne When after Christmas Santa bas beat it, the bis funds are depieted. SHORTEST NIGHT A father was teiling us thai. thE shortest night of the year is Christma. Eve from sundown ta son-up. THREE BAGS 0F GOLD Talking about Santa Claus, there was a tirne when be was known as St. Nicholas. In many countries gaac chiidren receive holiday gifts fs-a the saint on this day. And be is flot only the patron o! cbiidren and giver ai gifts - but the saint of mas-mers, sebal- as-s and pawnbrokers. Now, bow did the pawnbrokes-s, of ail people, get into this? There are rnany legends about St. Nicholas. Once for tbs-ee nigbts in a row be threw a bag of goid through the open windaw o! a poor man who was desperately cansidering seliing bis daugbters. Over the years the three bags. of gold becarne the pawnbrakers' sign of three golden balîs. LET'S NOT FORGEr We'hi drink and eat apienty, Our money wvill ail be spent, We'li likelv forget the very thing For which Christmas was really mneant.. BIRTHDAy 0F A KING 'l'ie beauty of the Eastern night. Did simple Bethlehern adarn, As ini a stable's saft, dim light, The littie royal babe was bort). While o'er the stable glowed the Star-, 1MMMTelling th-lcewee Jesuis la'. Bringing the wise me-n from afar. To lay their gifts upon the hay. They brought myhr., frankincerise and goid, Earth stilied, te hear the angeis sing, Oh! rnay we now, as they of old, Pay hamnage te the heavenly King. -Marjorie Cunningham Durham Counîy s Great Family JournaJ Lstabished 106 years ago in 1854 Aiso lncorporatinq The Bowmanvulle News The Newcastle Independont The Orono Newa Autlizea.d tus Scoand Cja,, Meil b! <h. Peat Oitite 0st,, Oiiowu Produced 6'irry Thurada'y by UHE JAMES PtJBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. BOX 190 62-66 Kng St. W., Bowmaoeiulie, Ontarrc- IOHN M. IAMES EDIn-OI-PuuLxsm $400 a Year. stnctly ini advane GEO. W. GRAHAM Azmv'r. MANALGEU SUSCRIPTION RATES GEO. P. MORRIS BuSInEs mGat. S5 00 a yearT i the United States ience a hectie but most satisfying experiE neyer to be forgatten. The kiddies most homes., really make Christrna great tirne of rejaicing. As we gi aider. therè neyer is quite the tl there was when the littie gaffers w~ getting inta everything and everyba( hair at Christmas. We can neyer rel the warmth of carning downstairs the very eariy hours with a squeali jîumping jack at aur side, unabie tav ta see what Santa brought during midnight jaunt. Christrnas will neyer die so iong there are young chiidren and pati( loving parents whose hearts bul aver and eyes f iii with tears of jay Christmas morning. In essence, it n have been the sarne feeling that M and Joseph had an that wanderful so rnany years ago. They had suffei many hardships and had practicaily mates-l wealth. They knew not wl tamorraw or even today would br:i They had little security. But, they( have a new-born child anrd the whi warld rejoiced with them in their go fortune. Things haven't changed ve niuch, have they? THE CANAIDIAIN STATESMAN, 3OWMAYV1LE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY. flEC. 21, Iggo May MX-:SUGAR and SPICE,"%,I * n fie d: M as ei-Russe l G if- John Lor and have gone ta LaI H erne i% s -- _rv -ived by tw <>a-:.EjL lin. Enniskilien. %visited at Mr. ýPieîc, Mich., ta s;pend Christ-Iý daughîcrs, Mis. J. WilliaMs, 8 ýe' e o y urd i i g Thos. Wotten's. i mas with their à;on, Dr. Clark! (Bertha). ai Bownianvillc.î.L t t e e g e r d r d i ig Sauina: Messrb. BruLc.e anltî Dorland. ýMes. J. Corbett (Vivian). nof Clire Hogarth, Toronto, are: Kenda .Cogat:tin '~Oshawa, and one son, Donald. visiting at Grandma Hogarth's. i Gerald Cornisb in winning the' o!. Oidawa. ,r r1 C rfesa dc r fe Tyrone: Congratulations tolJohn Squair peize for prafi-! Ii addition, a sjstei, M1is. : Me. and Mrs. Sidney Pedlar an' ciencv iii French at Oronao, Susan Pilkey, ni Brooklnn, one k theur niarriace on Monda. Continuation Sehool. brother. Norman. ofI O;hawa,ý Orono' Mr. and Mis. Ed. lianptan: Mr. and Mis. TJed1 six g andchione. îî Morfon arc- x'r'îfig friend5 in Chant and babe, arr s;pending great-grandrlîild RlSo u. v by train and arrive relaxed, in Brantford. tu, pafh. Sask.. is aur nopuflar fpachpr. Mes, H .Armstrong Fjea nai ~n- Pc 'o '-n:W r or aî~ h.clmisrseda h o e h d "lttifg bc bothr..Dnc an' ba reigîcd ' Oshawa, for menioriai ' erv!ce - Arth ur arcoui of 11.1health. r t1cap sodi. eI____ _______________. : . * avdon r Mn i Mccr S. Blackstock NMiss N o r ma 12 Intermciîî xvas in Mount Woodle) enterfaîned a numn-J Hooey. Toranto Normal Seho itanCoee-, ____________ ir of "frieds n honor ai, is visiting hec parents. o~ Rex'. N. T. Honnes, pastor of * ier 27th wedding day. Nestletoîî. Mr. George Black! Harmony United Church, con- Courfiec Mes. Ami Brooks has mnoved fo Mr A. Southern's, ucted te services. receiei-d a fineffljm puddiIe farni. Past of Cadmus. Pallbearer.. were Orlie Coii Ironti' h- -ri F W 'M P.,aem M ogei-s-, Toronaicilnn. Kent ilia!yr . .Perry ,All E "ton, l Eng.*, elig hoiidavnng wtth1 man. Ross Merriil, Jack Cor- ton.Eng hisaun.-Mr. LSquanr. bett and Clarence Corbef t. fei1 - I -r - ~,-.--t.-, ,'--.-v-..----- - Another Christmas Approaches Ilispqui -,Y "Ii Ylilnit5y la a1 Anothcî Christmas is "upon! undez4wear. it was berause lk that. really. Stop thrl' us." And *we're acting as tbere.- were tears inen w. îz ocý r:,- d CIr.% fhough it were a fearsomp' pensînig iwarnîio. -,rl oseadvancing to engtilf Ai trlpaluiato bot rneath te flc or heril s r m al si e o n h %loci. o d-fash o nied C h r-ist-1 bad faste. (lirstîniab î sti annual lamentations an d Iac1h;; mas Is that gift-giving "a. a Ure for-*îoy and lome, foi, )dy's ryniations of the spoil-sports. muet) more simple foi- parentk ý iVing. lorie,eliietita?'9Lfi elive Most of tliem arc in, or near.J in tl-cose davs. 1 dîsam-ec one, renlewilng nur fa ith i th. s ine middle age. At cvery tuirn.I Chr:itmia-, 1 avesdropped onrimiracle aftl 1Ilclhri they bewail the "paganiçm"' mv arecnts,. as tliei-akd Ofxîlr~oî fd ap ling, and the, "comiiercialization" ab îil presents foi' thrir fivr U100in1gong to d mv vevv wait ~~~~~~of our modern Christ la-.and le 'ngin od wodr panievihts hlEîn I vsdrn h best fo have a MerryChst hisde 1a pcned t ivel %ht depiu4ssion. and the roiiversa- nas And for, ail the' adr fashonedChritm d, d-tonwas lheart-hrýeakitng.even of Sugar and Spîce, I lwant fahgnd hasma" for 4a& fa i iivtgh i-erod the sanie. Even the crabs. I ca mn tell theni. The sameý Their were deep in dsar_ j1 onIlas happened to the good old I(ýIs truc tildt tod.a\,s lis- on onrse and biugy and the goodias lias at(tric[ed 'Somc in- ý' ~ nust nidi Saturdély night bath in al deslj rable feafures: too inucli Y fay in tub in the kitchlen and theý ad,~tsn o an-rov~-- day good old two-hour sermon on Sarýaý,, fo niauiv Chrîstiuja - ,--red IlSunday inorning. soxgs, dinturc al Lus for tno M no 1il Iiivhoun; e acli day. t av no ost of the lîcople %v lu 111,V h rat i l alid ii iX îîiýi v 'ha t ~~.... fh~~ walliîi ah~Out, Our Man.lî'uY îîixtrcta ing ftr of ceelebratlng thr occasion d-~ Cîisinias rpI;ills fh' V di IMN OU A LDFG IO E IRSMiSt~~ old have to be tled, bra ft thing., of fltnh -~rf2 WIoMIe IO N OD A HO E HITA iat! an~id foot, beforfc thry of Chirinr;î Iole-o um - ruld bc dragged baek througb >u_'s Ithie ears toftheir good old ilu cars throb aildou itfasned Caitas oo. ea stoinaehs heave at -such mui- itwan' altht oo. cU !abortions as Jingle Bel ~ iY ou gmans C luni nRock, but Good King Weces- L4 What thev think they rc- lriié i5s s111 with us, and Vm 1 Somebody wants ta know at a fancy pie thikîng they whicli containd a poorly mIo d dfsir. DeaîVga WieCrs-~ why I did flot mention) Aus- were getting somcthing spec- dres'ýed wamnarî. and a iaif M C'hristmas- is a nostalgie, ni-s hoiv.i no signs of pîishing thei trian Pine as a Christmas tree, l. Barnum wvas right! Theres' dozen, equaily pooriy dc d rearn hey have concoctei Silent Night into. oblîvion., i in either of the iast two col- aile born every minute. The sed children. The iid ol h out of vague and distorted ' to ns thet u m lt s el k o saine chap aiso said that, tru'îk wouildn't stay p t msrioisois h y a e W C speird far' oomuch oi l, 1 metinig tbe Popeiocdto b hod Iheditwhiete thr lap red and heard, and the ten- glus and cards. But we stili '. - frained from mninn lb-iwinked. and he loved to hood- got the tree inside, and ee nya uast elr hpwu h data fi es, cause 1 think it's sale as a wink them." Human nature suppiied string to fasten te today and sce ye~s t.e r day rnoare biessed. as weil as mio-e .ý .9 )n't Christmas tree shouid be ban- doesn't seem ta have changed lid. No! I didn't 'pinchhm through a rosy haze. Jhiînta give than ta receive.41. ned by law, and by common much aver the years- homo He was being puni s Ih e d The trouble is theY tr ta A nd every time esn seso con fis very sapiens is still a "sap".- enougît. îvîng ta support a convince their chilidren that emxd, we are sending a littie r ~ ' sharp needies, xvhich can i i spite of the low retail wife and six kids.Iwihd haas te'rderb-icefousvendhret er en e o cc u t f i h I w sle tis la ta y th yre d sci - ef tfou slv s Ldth r if cause acute pain, and, if jab-,:cost of Christmas trees, some, thcrn al, a very Merry Christ- ing was infiniteiy superior ta is a moment of warmth and ýst- bed in an eye. eould destro 'v ordinarily honest, cburch go- nias and tîtat5s the sam h rs aeîlsi hit 'esr o ecsn-ie, nt that preciaus piece of humaii ing people. tlîink it's quite ai- cere wisli that 1 extend to ail mas of today. I know the -when he opens if. machinery. righit to go onto ]and that readers of this columil, aîîd story pretty well. Perhaps be- * * is In general appearaître. it!docF:iit belong ta them, and also ta the Editor and Staff cause 1 have told it quite a Our children are ex- bi be 1 esembles the Red Pine, ex-1 steai a tree, on which they of this splendid famiiy journ- fw ms.,ited about Santa Claus and cept its foliage ias a brighter will liang aîîgeis, and other ai.,* *lhe Christmas tree, and the, to en tips are white; bark' toesoftefone o hIt goes something like this. :mYsterl&u.3]y wapdpres es les are weil namcd; "spines" Seems rather ineonsistent ta pier occasion when we were ,knoawand lave the story of the ~ a grow between the 'vioris of nie. casei bldren. You kids, ail you Christ-child as welî as ever ~ ta1 R a e c.ones ai-e somewhat larger. Io me of a producer visiting goingta j et. You don't have,' fljoy the lovely aid carols as ,' X'ouî- scribe f hinks that, his plantation, in time to stop any real fun out of Christmnas.ý much as ever we did. aiu ta, >anyoiie offering this potential a chap with ten nce trees in a The tree. for exampie. Now-ad Scf "maimer" for sale ou ght toltrailer, for which hie did flot dYwejsbu be hng u by he he sand nten ta ay. he iate ree oroito adas wejustbuy tre. Wh FoFo thae crbs wo iaa't nsurnce aal stat b ugu ytehesi-i nedt a.Teiaete ootOt when we were Y01111& ie'd I I enjay the Christmas of todaylt#Kîng St. E. Bowmanville kicked to death by spiders.J grower blocked the poach- December 5th, 1960( go out ta the bush with Dad -because they neyer stop talk-itf ed while beiîîg jabbed with Aus- 1 er's path, with a locked car, e dtxad u1u w re.At n bu te"od l-0'Of- eie StItrian Pine needies. Numerousi and started to ijike for a tele Mtwsjs a ceaf we ecm breMr asindCrsta, ae cases of chiidrcn reaehing into iphone, to aleaupolice, ta ap I asi'tdJO d ddoulhen ae ho e MMA 3-5681 Ch'stmsA"I3hve4938 d. neot hee pie<ly tres reien te igh figeedtha t we first a 'îtacted au 'oiî av ot Pand a suggestion. Wake up. For- 4A. l 59 ondelosif te spihtr nee, 'ladie, wtho pramtly inrd and solîcited your support.fil home-made bread for us, and get the dream. It neyer wsY ý thraugh a needie jab, lhavelldouble the usual price, per bringing befoi-e Your readers we'dthavtre. A lltndeo.. __ been reported: sa please, tree, ta get out of his self - the phight of reiLigees through- lgtete."Ads n DON'T buy an Austrian Pine appointed jam. Although hie out the world. 1Tihis littie stary is typicýli ta be used as a Christmas might have feit a bit «waxey" Naw it is tfiie to report oli'o h eta t affc ii tree. at being assessed such a high the outcame of Warld Refugee oftîf es o f haffc ads t Some deulers. last year ýtarifflie gat off a lot lîghiter Year activities i Canada f.ncy. My.fther,.f. . xvere offering 'Australiat'iî' than if he had been invited which the press and radin andlone~ had moreý sense than ta Christmas trees foi' saie. to keep a compuisory appoint- televisian tlîîoughout bt h etohi waoundin sthy Dont be a sueker! No pro-; ment with a magistrate, whose countryspatd ~ t i a st ii ow fessional t'nresteî- nf my ac-! views might flot have been tOO heprtedly.hae He sind a much bettergosastnîà quaintance bias knowledge of:ý Christmassy on "tree-knapp- s y u wl oe iite ci gl a Ic. A d I rt i ir aîîy such animal. Checks on !ing."A OIWl lt l h n ge re n u fal- te lots advertisiîîg this, sup- A year agi>. while out on closed summarv, if is relative- dragged if three miles hom.e poenoveity. revealed that, patrol. I1 came acrass a chap iy easy ta, measiî-e restilts iland arvdehutda, in reaiit . the public a stufting one oi our trees in teî-îns of dollars onitribufpd lhalt frozen. And rny mother uig tsFeiv ,buyiîîg plain, aId Scotch pines< ; hie tîunk of a beat up aId car, but titis is tiai by any me-nalî,i deeorated it, as mothers breVve esn1tk th the__fullmarkthe WRY h Seasoteeni Ig siCakee thes met. as you will rnast certain-i1 Christmas tree was cut. opportunity of ln the Il jygi Overall, thle Canadiaji WRYacPenspaî t ýeIi h D mContmittee feels that Caîîad*sý cated aIedo their childrenSic r t . ~WRY record is a most con,_w hen it cames ta Christinias icr medbpac -adw r escrits. The kids aren't satis- e andmost particularly grateful to lied with a pair of skatese, or th rcss. radio and teievisioîî abbig doil. They want a 1r-mrt- e t W s s of Canada which did so mTuch ~ et W s e ~. D st nt as ~t ~~hev ~y )1< One and Alifin Durhani Cotintîý ___ ___ ___Fro Th Stste ,na Fi es locus attention arr the refugee C hristm as" faity tale, rW hen for ýwith siiinin-g eyes and lttie ,~~iea01on w cn~td e r h it a 49YEARS AGO 25 1'EARS AGO arsyngip ie teeres irrCanadasqiicals af appreciatiai tnay-' e ry C rit a (Dec. 28, 1911f (Dec. 26, 1935) plight ai refugees t--- uh~tfhing that wve found u4ider an 011T "lursda\' after-noui r Erectecl oithtie site oItrf i heîol. the t)Id. Line, wveré surprised al, theirý fire a yeaî- ago. the new Unit-i -oiîld -not have been done thal, tlîis lis pure piffIe - and y and P o p r s shome by a number af lriends ed Counties Home for thel without voui- hclp and d'O- pappycovk. Greed is rel:utive. and neighboi-s gathei-ing ta Aged was officialiy opend at, operal lorr. 1 covetecj a pair of real hoc- Y Niewf Y'ea r lcelebi-ate their- 2Oth weddiin1 Cobourg iast Thursday. Please accepi îîîitoiî1l\ :rr key skates asý furio-uslv as îny ~day. Witlî the advent aI tîhe New' Canadian WRXT Cuiniî*ltci*s sont(Ovets a tape recorder. ~4g a*L ,~ Dr. J. B. Daiidciuo ias ur Year tunie uniforms xill beisineîe gratitude, but aiso thie Aid if my eyes were slatning chaseci Mr. Alpha Pich*s intraduced into Bowýmanville gi-catnt easurîr of appîrc-viatinu' ivhen the neiv skates tuîrned for DIMrhauîî. ~ bouse anîd tour acres ut land'Higli Sehooi for the gil. which tf s ou ll rvlegeîa ut to he a new~ suit or, longiý on Liber-ty St. north. --Lnrd fcn fsrretn nbhl f lcfil Mise Qeeiean Mr-vegetables and othcî- foodsi aids of n 1u,010w \'v il] Fe- gacet Ramsa 'v gave a pino \vCI-C adcled Ia tlic suppiv of ceive a chanrce for a bvec 1 duet aItheli cantata concert ini Welfarc Camuiiittec on Thurîs- life becaLîse you and bsu maux . Caiborne, Dec. 27. day. when tlîe anînual matinieel 01t10l' CanadiLîns dlic take a Mc. and MAin. D. B. Simpsonr in'beliaif of the Committee&sI iOtlpathetic iiiteresît in thelir are visiting luis dauglîter Mils.: Christmas basket fund pIight in Wurld Reftiger Yean, J. M. Biack, Wiîînipeg. Mari. 1sta2ed al.thtîteRai Tete Yu5snerlI 1t's Snow Time for Accidents Editil aJottings

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