YEDNESDAY. DEC. 21, 196n Primary Department Of Salvation Army jAcf Christmas Star y hech il dren of the Salva- Bothwell and MNrs. L. Ai tinAm y Sundax- Sehool held strong. pianist. af the Star% their peciail Christmas pro- the Natîvitv. grarn on Sundax- aftcrnonn. Dece ~r l8th. Asssting iii the product ~ ir" riav Doai-trý(nrt f t h.s piavwere Mrs. J. micted out the Christmas Sto'. l.Mr.M env r Wvith great effeet. Scttings for For>cv d nd Mrs. W. Wl the Christmas Storv _VCIr e head. At the end of thep beautifuîîy painted b'ý- Ge rge gramn each Sunday sehool cý Forsey who wais also in charge received a bag of candyi .f the lighting. A broadcast fruit an leaving the buildin recording for Christmnas dav. The Young Peop1e's Sing over CKLB, Oshawa, at 4:30 Campany repeated their aft P.M., which waiscanducted hy noon performance during Captain N. Coles, followed the cvening service. A large c( Pýrimairy children's presenta- gregation was on hand to tion. and hear the young people :The main feature of the aif- out ilicir part*s. The singing ternoon was the presentation 'the group, as wcll as theira by the Young Peoples Singin.g in, was of high arder,a Compainy (Junior Chair> un- a source of inspirationa der-the leadership of Mrs. A. blcssing toalal. &  CfHRISTMAS WISI] \Loads and toads of our very bes i mthat Christrnas brings yoi everything you've hoped for! Hooper's Jewehl &Gif t Shop Mr. and Mrs. Lola Wright M1rs. Art Hooper- Mrs. Ulva L THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO OBITUARY Miss Eva Louise Hellyar Bowmanville lost one of il oldest citizens when the deal occurred of Miss Eva Louis Hellyar ait her home, 66 Di% ision Street, on Sunday, Dec ember 1l, 1960, following rm-brief illness. The decease ry of Miss Hellyair, who was bor in Tyrone, was the daughte ction of the late Mr. hand Mr.Joh sK. rnovcd to Bowmanville in th~ 'ht-late 80's when her father an, pro- his son John established hild well known boot and shc and business in the building no' in. occupied by Chartran's Gent' iing, Pupils who attended th, fter- Methodist Church Sunda: th-e'School, now Trinity Unite( con- Church, around the turn o sec the century became well ac >act quainted with Miss Hellyar ïg of: who, at that time, was one c art-i two ladies in charge of thý and' Sunday School library. Thi and deceased was a member o Trinity United Church. rït, She is survived by severa ~nieces and nephews. SThe funeral service wa: 9held in the Morris Funera i~Chapel on Tuesday, Decem. Aber 13, and was conducted b' ÎÈ Rev. Wm. K. Houslander A minister of Trinîty United IChurch. Interment was ir Bowmanville Cemetery. Palîbearers were nephew, Fred Hellyar, Brenton HelI. Syar, Fred Bartlett, and Dr. R. E. Ives, Mr. Sydney Br-n- jton and Mr. Art Baker. !Ce lebrate Twenty-Fifth IAn niversary IOn Saturday evening. De. cember 3rd, about 75 friends, relatives and neighbsours ga- Sthered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ulmont Bullock, Orono, for a celebration held by theji A th ree daughters in honour of their twenty-fifth wedding an- niversary. It was a complete surprise to the couple as they did flot Sknow about the party unti] that morning when they were à told a few relatives were com- X, ing. Ail but one of the bride's sisters and brothers were pre- serte lso rst osst sent. Th e ostwosst The attendants of twenty- kM:ý five years ago were present, ! and the best main, Mr. Sami SCastle, entertained the gather- C) ig wih a ocalsolo. Sý The room was decorated &with white streamers and Sbelîs. A table at the front of EK the room held a wedding cake baked by the eldest daughter Sand beautifully decorated by Mrs. C. Jones of Orono. On each side were taîl silver Scandles. SThe friends and neighbours presented the bride and groom X~i with a tri-light lamp, silver r K cream and sugar set, and a PV~I beautiful flower arrangement. lery The daughters and their fami- lies presented a chest of silver Sto the couple. Many other Sbeautiful gifts were received. STea aind lunch was served. Friends and relatives were athanue ipresent from Lakefield, War- Àthangu saw, Peterborough, Toronto S and Stratford. * q 1, OR AT DAIRY J i i :1 j .1 j .1 'j .1 j r - -- ~ Ihappy and vnjoyabIe evening. .-.... ....---- O eY a O l Ch it a a lietsSa hait.5 ff and manyj H od Y esauhlt vely ýi0for making P th ý o1c Yue, sch loelyevening possible. ~ Merry Christmas to you ail. £ . V_(Intended for laist veek) v *0v> o- Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston The Kinette Christmias din- aind Mr. aind Mrs. J. Ryder,y Bdner meeting was held at the: Port Perry. spent Saturdav in ~ Flying Dutchmain Motor Hotel Toronto. n ........ on Wednésdaiy, December l4th.r r adMs.R!0sorn.~ in President Ulva Lathanguel Bowmanville. were Sundav te was in the chair and conduet- visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jt!." le ed the business portion of the, Johnston. id meeting. Minutes aind corres- Mi. Don Lce, Enficld. Miýs ýfl a ~~~~~~~pondence were read by secre-:DreeFweHmtn De ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~tary Dorothy Dewell aind. the!Darle Sn Fowlner Hamtof e Xwn .hrso bs 'hs oyu wtreasu rer's report was givenr eeaSnday dinne Cr guetsio 's ,~~~~~~~by inette Gladys Stutt. At-, nIillhrs fbse~'szs oyu tedeting 85.7 per cent ait Mr. and Mrs. E. Penwarden IN lJoi themeeing a p- JOHN JUYSHOPPE iy Ajrx a o yFea per gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. H. &eO MN IL Kramp and bîrthdaiys were M celebrated by Jean Williarnsl Mr. Alan Brown and bo,;, M _aind Freda Kraimp. An ainni-iHampton, xvcrc Sunday %visi -_____ ______ r.l versary wais cclebraited by Kaiy1 tors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Browvn. Clen Mrs, W. Penwardcn speît À L eM.Eleainore Larmer was pre- Monday with Mr'. and Mrq. scntd with a baby gift, and teitn rw in vdi if ~gfs were presented to Helen , r a d M s .C iAlDunn, Dorothy Saiger, Doreen C hrinsMr.t.mamroas Rowe aind Mary Stutt who aire aind family wcre Sunday sup- ks ~lcaving the club aind will be1 per guests of Mr. and Mrs.r4 5greaitlY missel by the mcmin- Lloyd Webb, Newcastle. . bers. Mr. aind Mrs. J. Smiith, t yLittle Walter Frederick Marti, son of Fritz and Further plans werc discussed Brian and Jackic. Ajax, wcre rconccrning the March of Dimes,ý Sundaiy visitors of Mrs. A. J. ýt , a d Betty Marti, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, who was born in to be held next Jainuairy, andi McLaiggan and famnily, t n Jamaica and was a Christmas gif t for his parents last durîng the evening a decorat-ý Mr. and Mrs. '%. Vaneyk year, will celebrate his first birthday on Sunday, cd box was filled with canned~ were Sunday suppcr guests 0f- of Switzerland. _ -Photo______ -i GerbperiaI ___________________-Phot by udi Grber When the business part -of r~1 .~ ~ p, jthe meetin.g was concluded S oU the remainder of the Lvnn Sc u e skieH rfeBs 1 wais spent plaiyin'g games iniv Her Red Cross Society s eluding an exehange of gifts. lst Bowmanville Rotary Gv e l Sl aturday week sixteen ~ i A&nnual Statement Xa etn cu ro eddW re ýXm s eeingScut,;and Scouter hedèW stinghouse re off it the woods of Ontario (Bow anvile B cl*tch)They battled the cold bluster. 14* 3 Drying Temperatures 'ie11B M through scrub and bush and * Direct Air Flow Balance November 3th, 1959 . ----- -_ - $1,032.64 fînaiuly reached their destina- * Handy LaigDo i on-Thistle VLlady.g Door Receipts 'HamptonI IIthere wern't mnV aIldshouis *RecesseTo ail the boys had a wow of a rý< Pre-Christmas Speciail Dontios - -- ----- - ----$254365The Women's Misoaytîme and eooked, Up some[ rReimbursement from Headquarters Society held their Cristmas wierd and wonderful grub r f22.9 7 meeting ait the home of Mrs. Games, cooking made up most Bank Intrest -- ------- 34.8() $2,601.42 Merwin Mountjoy with Mrs. of the time aind then was M~u u u u Ban3I634.06 charge.------------e--ret-----ry,. fnthe faes toardhoymatcnd flg O M ÀI Rced, president, and Mrs L.fnihdUbyahokymthy 1_ TrulI, acting ertyi on the creek They turned BExpenditures The meeting opened with the with contented hearts as only Loan Cupboard ---------------------- 29.34 Reed. Mrs. Biliett gave a very thought of the wairm fire-sidiWtrSfy. - $7.4rainoftopesbMs.osofhsagcn hve, FrChitra Fie eie 2.7encouraging report forth and cosy bd and strode itm Reg. Price $679.90 ycar. The report of the nomin- out along the back roads of THE PAIR -- Welfare, plus $100 Chilean Relief 131.34 aigemitewspeetd Bowmanville knowing thait ______________ Womens Work - ------ -- - 186.44 The executive meeting is toahyhdlaedan on Blood Clînic ---------- --. ------------ 8 1.49 he held ait the parsonage o something in the woods as EX R D IA I Deceber28t an th WoldM only scouting Caif give. UB5 Aderisng - -- 4.6Day of Prayer is Feb. 17 1961 Our Parents' Nighit was a F,, Expenses re The Studv was taken by great success and the scoutsM WESTINGHOUSE 8 TRANSISTOR Annual Campaign for Funds - 149.7(J Mrs. Cavcrly. A Christmais put on displays for their par- Postage and Box Rentai ------ - 7.00 carol was sung foilowed by ents ta scec and plaiyed their i Trainsfer to Headquarters ------ - 225.9 8 $1,465.98, prayer givcn by Miss F. Wer- normal games. The Daids pro- C LO CK R A D[ IO) ______ C.Ye told the Christ- ved faister in the relaiys but Balance on hand November 3th, 1960 ni218.8 ais Bible Story and Miss N. thesotssirtc eold y Rg.$7t9 Vlu iHorn played a piano solo. beat the Dads in a kno tre. ,9 4 Reconciliation Very beautiful story, The Jour- O el esalhv o~ HIT A PCA ney ta Bethlehem,~ challenge themn ta a knot re- t General Accounit $ 191 .5byMrs Lews Tul lay one other night. Seven Less Outstaindng Cheques S 7.60 11 5 i glh rgam hc scouts were invcsted with ie Savng Acout % ,04 6 D asing cha rg aMrs. F.their tenderfoot badge in Petty Csh . unt --- --- $ m9ýasn diffre ountresweF.front of their parents aid - cS PetyCah ------- -- ------ -3.11 Paiyne, hym.ns and aosO wais a proud moment for bath e s n sung and caindles were lit bv boy and parents. histhurs Balance on haind November 30th. 1960 $2,168.08ý Mesdames Paiyne. A xford, pairty and shoulà prove to bce i"'OU FIED Joan Buî-k, Treasurer. Blanchard, Dewell, CIemens a good night fer ail.ADCUTMR andMis Jons.Our Scout Troop would te TA KVL EThe meeting closed with like ta wish ail parents, Lcad- t STAR VIL E pryerby Mrs. Reed. The ers, Council Scout members, ýnext meeting will be ait the helpers and friends of the £ A f~ Mr n r.Le al-home o isLl enldMomnil ra fBy A D R HARDW ARE well were dinner guests with Sot h ot odru Mr. and Mrs. Stan Falls, Tor- >onJa.Chhri91.:stmsthedmostpyoNdeful ~ onto. Yeair you have had. MN*ML CT I Mr. and Mrs. George Knox-F.Jhsn,_Dvs KagiA O E C RI 57 adamloinwtbe LONG SAULT Yours in Scouting, ~ 51 KING ST. E. MA 357 paens M. n Mrs. Howard Mr. and Mrs. _s Bowmanville Troop.__ Visited at Mr. M. Shutka's.Mr DnSh.-- Oh.a t Mr. aind Mrs. Brian Caswell were recent guests with Mr. and Mr. Bruce Morris, Wil- Mr. aind Mrs. Lloyd Barnesli and family, Hampton, visited Mrs. Victor Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier, Tor- onto, visited ait Mr. Lloyd - Hallowell's. 4 The ladies of Shiloh W.A.'i met at Mrs. Ewart Robinson's %M home Wednesday evening last' week with a fine attendance aind five yisitors. President î1jY.A.J OIOlis Mr. im Stark was in chargc IIrSm aind ail enjoyed carol singing.:yChism Mrs. Morley Robinson gave a ' [0a o u fine soUllanld Bill Robinson a 1_21 ou piano se ection. Mrs. R. c.. friends and patrons White gafve the Christmas StorY. A few Christmais plans PALNER'S werelfinalized aind the finan- DM cial repr presented by Mrs. l A B RS O Gordon T ýrim. B RMHO After the Mizpah Benedic- 5 BOWMANVILLE tion, Rev. White presided oe ,. the election of officers with Mrs. Ewairt Robinson being elected president and Mrs. Jîm Stark, secretary. Mrs. Gordon Trim continues as - treasurer. .J-'-, With the Santa introduction, " N Mrs. Dobson distributed the ý,' exehange gifts from the beau- tiful tree. Mrs. Orme Falis and Mrs. Clifford Fonk ser- ved ai delicious lunch. A very happy time is came ta mark the Birth af the Holy Babe. Maiy Peace prevail bathi fair and near. Good wilI toa ah Merry Christmais and ai gladM New Year. Throughout the Year M If ail the warmth of Christ- mais time was only made ta l Tetroubles of the world.' could be just relies of the paist. If that kind, friendly spirit could be kept throughout ther year, Then we should ahlb ha py, and our lives be full of glee.-do ~If we could give from day pO to day, the Yuletide love andj thought e _______ SBefore another year comes ewroughtcags o 'erou htcage oudYLI So let us now resolve to1 Fi try to keep within our hearts RADIO & The friendliness, the y BOWMAN'V -warmth, th e cheer when ,Christinas time depa.rts. ,ES k TV VILLE a E nïs illnana Mr. andi ivrs. ------------«----.... Jae Ryder Part Perry, were SSunday guests of Mr. aind Mrs. J. Johnston and family. Mr. aind Mrs. Murray Adams§ eaind boys, Bowmanville, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. aind Mrs. Robt. Cameron.i K Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cam- §v cran and family and Gregor Adams were Saturday eveningý C guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert§ Woods, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Cochran Sand boys, Enfield, were Friday, Àî evcning guests 0f Mr. and,àTŽ ,Mrs. W. Carr. , Mr. and Mrs. Win. Carr and 'Brendai were Saturda, gue_î Sof Mr. and Mrs. A. Goslcyuand I5 amilv, Beaton. g~Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy f ro i;: and family werc Saturday ev- Y A~ ening guests of Mr. and Mrs.N SFred Brooks. Oshawa. L d f VA Pý Long Sault Club [ On Saturday, Dec. 3rd. Club di mas party, but this year the ,î, ladies made if sornewhat dif W's" Sferent, thev hcld it in Tyrai c Hall and their husbands and' V'-1 families werc their gucsts. ~~ SAt 6 o'clock cveryone sait rt " îrIThe tables were beautifuIll dcoatdand complete with l~ighted Christmas candesAf . ' A tcr the singing of the Doxo Slogy, waist lines aind dietsý Swcrc completcly forgotten. SAfter dinner, community.......... ~ sîgin ofChristmas carols A, with Mrs. Don Davey at the1ý4 4' piano, was enjayed by every-1 r4 one With the ending of the'l dia singing a very entertaining ,%,programn was put on by the' jladies. First was "The Christ 6 Imas Story", then some veryl14 di! entertaiining poems were read, Athen a couple of most aimus r 'ing plays, which everyone en- \joyed. SJolly ald Santa Claus aind ~-.* Ai bis jingle belis finally arrived I j.ý5,* îU amid loud cheers by the young 11 Piry A huge, lovely decaratcd Christmais tree was ioaded1 Picturcd here is our sales staff, lef t to right, with gifts, and Santa and his BaarWehLoicLeMngrRuy odw dNeeRahrs Saible assistants were kept quite ràyBraaWlh oieLlMnge- uyWowrNli apos Ai busy for some time handing out the gifts for everyone pre- 1 =&i sent. The yaungsters ail re-' :9 ceived Christmas boxes of AT THIS TIMIE OF THE YEAR WE THINK IT MOST FITTING TO q~ candies, etc., the ladies useful 1 -gifts, and the men funny gifts, EXPRESS OUR GRATITUDE TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND Sa nd some were certainly veryg f amusing. Sainta later left for, CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR LOYALTY AND PATRONAGE Ai the North arnid ioud cheers 9ad good wishes from every- DURING THE PAST YEAR. jione. SThe cheerful crowd later. jlef t for their homes with ai >£'feeling they had spent a Most, PHONE MA 3-5444 SKING ST. W. 1f-iIf Plt BOWMIANVILLI IF 9 0ý»î U-M-M-Y J For a Successful CHRISTMAS MENU use delicious Whipping Cream FRESH DAILY FROM DRIVER 3 5c Exciling PARTY CHIP DIP . .. wth a fresh fIavsor dlfference! Wondcrful dip foi potdt() chips or crackers... Creami one 'Z' lb. package of crcarn hieet1ilsmnooth. Add 2 tbsp. prepared horse- radish, 2 tbsp. miiiced parsley. 1 tbsp. grated onion, 1 tsp. sait, %~ cup of Glen Raie sour crcarn. 4 tsp. lenon juice. Mix welI and serve.1 IGLEN RAE DAIRY PAGE FrVIC 1 - i 1 b-ý