1 uAÉev -. mar? i. T AAIINSAEMNBWMNLLOTROTUSAAN 2, vyIJYi 9ýRecreation t(Reviews By Douglas Rigg 000GO..ssO SO regcrIs fSO FOR SAFER WINTER DRI VING UET US DESKID TOUR TIRES b4kiddtng gives you 25% more traction, inememe tire life 15%. Drive safely in sim Ond slush - your tires need not 6e DOW. FOR HEAVY SNOW DRI VING LET US (UT SNOW CLEATS Do owoy wth choons -w. con cut mud ond snow cleots on your présent tires thot yuil pull you through in sofety. OnIy $1.50 Per Tire * Dancing Classes Minor Hockey *The Recreation Department's In tic first Pee Wee gamee _Wcdnesday aftcnnoon and Sat- played last Saturflay morning ~urday morning dancing clas. tie Bruins came up with theirý ses started their winten terin finst win of the season defeat-1 last week. ing the short banded Hawks1 There are sorne vacancies in 17-0. Randy Beauprie (2), Kent I the Pre-Sebool Ballet, Tapi Cleland, Peter Tard iff, Pault and Baton Twirling Classes on Meadows, Paul Parker andc Wednesday aftcrnoon. Tlierel Don Taylor were thc goal are also vacancies in Uic Satur- scorers for thc Bruins. day morning classes. In the second Pee Wee game The classes are under the Of thc morning the Canadian. direction of Miss Irenie Han- dcfeatcd the Rangers 5-2. AI- vey (Wednesday class) and lan Maguire, Bian Saunders Mrs. Shirley Fowler (Satur- (Ron Simpson), Joe Hircock day). (Bill Eby), Bud Depew <Allan If you are interested in join- Maguire) and Ron Simnpson ac- * Ing any of these groups please counited for the Canadians contact the Recreation Office goals. Don Forsey accountcd at MA 3-3335. for bath of the Rangers goals.1 IWayne Hunt of the Rangers1 Drama Workshop colected the only goal of the On ThUrsday, January 19th, game for tripping. at 8:30 p.m., Mrs. Blanche Hog"g In the third and final Pe will speak ta the Dramna Work- Wee game of the morning Uic shop on directing. Thc meet- Wiiigs and Bears played to ac ing will be heid at the Lions 3-3 tic. John Russell, Biane Community Centre. Thc pub. Peters (Russell) and Michaelt lic is invited ta attend. Bothwell were thc goal scor- AdultArt Casscrs for the Wings. Roger Swan Adut rtClss of thc Bears accounted for ailh There have been a few in- thnee of their goals.1 quiries about forming an Adult Bantam League Art Class again in Bowman- I i is atmgm ville. If you are intenested in Ithe ions chaed p the this type Of activity please fth str ait win by eea contact the Recreation Office fut tagtwnb eet as soon as possible. sng the Tee Pees 6-0. Ricky Wc have been fartunate.i Gay led the Lions scorers, col- securmng tbc services of te. Dn lecting four goals and an as- Bennett ta act as instructor. itTh OheLon gal< The formation of this cîass were picked up by Wayne will of ours, deend Leach and George Bail. Thc thell, 0f corseodpe nd UPof Lions collectcd two of Uic the umbr o pepleintrest- threc penalties handed out. cd in the formation of an Art I b eodBnangm group.the Flyers defeatcd tbe Braves Beginner'. Bridge 4-0. Lenry Simpson, Larry1 The Recreat ion Dcpartmcnt Pernis, John Kilpatrick and will definitcly be forniin'g a Don MoMurten accounted for beginner's bridge class. If you the Flyers four goals. Each are intcrestcd in learning how team, collectcd two penalties. ta Play bridge please contact In the third Bantarn ga.me the Recreation Office, mA 3 the Pirates hendcd the Cubs 3335, as soon as possible. their fourbi straight defeat by a 4-0 score. Glen Rabb was1 the big scorer for bbc Pirates1 FINE QUALITy collecting two goals and an MONUMENTS AND assisb. Wayne Foster and Lawv- MARKERS rence Wright accounted for thc Pirates ailier two goals. 4 &oeaudWe muThe Pirates pickcd up tire KULK ~be~ p~ of the four penalties banded STAFFORD out in the game. BROS. Atom League '!3sE In the first Atorn game of i the day the Bombers handcd1 ltWid thc Bisons their f ifth defeat Dmw by a 3-2 score. Chanlie Cat- tran (2) and Bob Dustan (Jim4 Stafford Dros. Scott) agcunedforthe Bonid Monmenal arS accounted for bath the Bisons In the second Atom game of 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby the day the Hornets defcated Phone Whitby the Ranis 3-1. Borys Wereszc- MOhawk83552 zynski (2) and Bob Howes wcre the goal getters for bbc .*. . '-s. s f Hornets. Larry Devitt account- ed for the Ranis only goal. In the third Atom gante of the day Giants defeated the Barons 4-2 ta move into a first place tie with the Barons and Indians. Warren Aider was the big gun for the Giants collecting three goals. Gary Preston accounted for the other Giant score. Mîke Caw- ker accounted for bath the Barons goals. Gary Wilson of the Barons pickcd up the only penalty of the game for trip- ping. Lion Midget-,Juvenie League In the first Midget-Juvenile game of the day the Cornets defeatcd thc Generals 3-1 to hold on ta second place in the league standing. John Twist, George Kennedy and Bob Me- Manus (Andy Murphy) were the goal getters for the Comets. Doug. Hurnie (Dan Jones) ac- counted for the Generals only goal. The garne bas been pro- tested by the Generals coacb. In the final Midget-Juvenile gaine the Orpbans defeated the Raiders 6-3 to, hold on ta their f irst place standing. Jim McKnight (2), John Bruce, Joe Bothwell, Eric Fernlund and Paul Peterson wcne the goal scorers for the Orpbans. Dave O'Rourke, Keith Bail and Bob Clarke accounted for the Raiders goals. The Raiders collected four of the six penal- ties banded out. Sehedule, January l4th Bantam League- 7:00 a.m.-Tee Pees vs Tigers 7:45 a.m.-Huskies vs Lions 8:35 a.m.-Pirates vs Braves Pe Wee LTe.ngu- k'AUL TWELVM THlUSDA, JA. 1th, 11# efor ale!.lo 9:20 a.m.-Leafs vs Rangers Wednesday afternoon. Presil,- 10:20 a.m.-Bruins vs Bears dent Mrs. R. Davison opened ýuib n a ly r n r.K ael Atom. League- ner and anc minute of silence i i I " and Mrs. Albert Cale, Bow-1 11:55 a.m.-Indians vs Hornets was cbserved in memory of n101 a ineir 'manville.1 12:40 p.m.-Bisans vs Giants Mrs. Wm. EdgelI, a memb er' Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds 1:40 p.m.-Rams vs Barons recently deceased. Vfjspent Christmas wcckcnd with Lions Midget-Juvenile Mrs. W. Jackson was ap-iAmas Party bis sîster. Miss L. Reynolds.1 League- pointcd radia reporter in thiMn. and Mrs. Raymond Fer-i 2:25 p.m.-Gen'als vs Orpbans absence of Mrs. Heaslip. Bi1Isl On Monday, Decembcr 261h,.row, Roger, Marilyn a n d 3:10 p.m.-Comcts vs Maroons were paid and several "îhanîç 1960 a unique Christmas Gloria werc Christmas guests' Girls Broombail yau"l notes for gel-weIl cards, gathcring was held at the home 't tic borne oflier parents,J In the only girls broombaîl Christmnas cards and Ciristmas! of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gil- Mr. and Mrs. Blake DeHert,1 gaine played last Monday af- cicer boxes were read. bank, Orono. whcn ail of Ern's Brookliii.j ternoon thc Daisies defeatcd Twa leaders plan -ta attend brothers and sisters were ta- Miss Florence Werry spent tbc Violets 2-0. Irene Knapp the "Eat ta Live Workshop" gether for the usual Christmas New Year's with ber sister, and Susan Calver (Gail Mul- in Hamipton, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., dinner of turkcy, plurn pudding Mrs. Clarence Rowan and Mr.i holland) were the goal scorers on Wednesday, January iîîh. and ah tice trimmings. Rowaii at Betbany. for tic Daisies. Irene Knapp Mrs. Wilfrid Bowles read an rThis xas the first timc i Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler of tbc Daisies collectcd tic intercsting eteronJpaovr 0 years that tuis family and family, Oshawa, and Mr.« only penalty of tic gaine. wittcn by Mrs. Burto and bcd had a Christmas together.Jc ynadfml pn Genie scieduled for next Mon- publisied in tic "Voice of Those present included Mnr. crswthM.adMs day, Jenuary 16ti, et 5:00 p.ni. Women" pamphlet. and Mrs. Norman Gilbank, S. Kcrscy. Roses vs Daisies. Mrs. W. Jackson and Mrs.IOshawsa; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mr. Allan Reynolds of Tor- ArtLecureA. yîad, eadrs f t~ sortProut (Ethel), Newcastle; Mn. onto, wio bas been attending Arn Lerdactnur 6tcur seA on Windl dsow tsrt- and Mrs. Clarence Allun Cambridge U.niversity in Eng- et 8:0 umris tc roo dd maur 6h oet", Wer aindp retdi(Myrtie), Orono; Mrs. Fred land tic past year or two, fel800ows' i halMr.Swron wi-met"a cueand acper ys. r Rowe (Vcra), Newcastle; Mr. spent a couple of days witb fellows' Hall, ~~Mrs. Stwrwt u n ac.rb r and Mrs. Pcrcy Gilbank, Hami- bis aunt, Miss Lulu Reynolds. Bagnani, cf tic Toronto Art H. Vine and fr.C.W or' ltn Mrs. Harry Clarke (Tva), Mvr. and Mrs. Austin Barron vanlr Goillan bis incen excelloenofeaeiain oBinbrook, and Mr. and Mrs. accampanied by Mr. and Mrs.' vanGog an hi inluece n ecelentleaersip ndin-iClarence Trigg (Bernice), cf Otto Jost spent several daysi modern art up ta Canadian art struction, from tic class. 1 on an enjoyable trip ta thc cf to-day. Four members of lie mil uigteatronsvrlLuetas tteNwYa This lecture wiII be illus- linery class modelled bats! *DicureLIng rtiatcnoon seeral Laurentine icNwYa trated with slides. Mrs. Bag- madc' during tic recent short wispure caetak enthPucsweknd naiis an outstanding lectuner, cousechld in tic Presbyter- iast. He also entertained bis and is the administrator of ian C'iurch S. S. Hall. Tihey brotiers and sisters by show- Extension Services for the Art dcscribed in detail prices, nia- i ing several of bis pictures dur- Gallery cf Toronto. tenials and metbods. 1ing tic visit. From Fcbruery 12 ta March Mrs. H. Vine, convenor of 10 an exhibit of van Gogh's Home Ecanomnics, presided for! wonk will be sbown at Uic thc followin-g program-: Read-' Gallery. This exhibît wiIl bc ings, "Bacon'", Mrs. Allen Bec-! BETHANY sbown in Canada only i Mon- cock; "Salads", Mrs. Wm. Ley- treal and Toronto, and bas land; "Butter', Mrs. W. Jack-' ln conjunetion wîîh theý been carefully ciosen ta show son. Tic rolliccli, "A brandý Week of Prayer, a special ser- the very best of van GoYgh's name of e produet and ils slo-1 vice wes ield in the Unitedr works. gan" was answered by 201 Churci on Wednesday evening,~ Tic lecture is being sponsor- memîbers. Tic mata, "No anc with tie Rev. G. E. Richard-1 mi Q ed by tic Carke Township gels indigestion by swallowv- son ins charge. A trio of choir Recreation Commission, and ing bis pride," was well en- members, Mrs. S. L. Speller, admission will be SOc for lerged upon by Mrs. M. Emer- Mrs. Mervîn Porteaus and Mrs., adults and 25c for students. son. Vincent Jackson sang "Tic Remember this date-Thurs- Mrs. Vine displayed a col-I Be-utiful Garden of Prayer".I day, Jenuary 26th, 8:00 p.m. et lection of irons dating fromn Mrs. Frank White, Trenton,' tic Orono Oddfellows Hall. 1860 - 1880, a 20 lb. tailor's bas spent tie pesl wcek withi iran, an electnic iran 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryley. feather weight and steam irani. Mr. Hugi MacDonald suf- N esilelon Station Sic also gave a denionstratian fercd a sudden heart attack of the rigit way to press gar- at hus home and was takcn by. Sympthyis xtcded ments, different niaterials, and ambulance ta Civic Hospital,, Symp-th is xtededta points on sewing. At tic end Peterboroughi, on TuesdaY. Mn. and Mrs. R. Davison and cf bhc talk caci lady was pre- Numerous friends and rela- family in tic deati of Dick's sented with a booklct on tives; from icre attcnded th e' father, Mn. Roland Davison, "Pressing" fram lie Depart- funerai service for tie laIe / PotHeosfnera wa el ment of Home Econoics. Mrs. Ross Backus in Havelock .~ Por Hoe o Saurdy.Mrs. Hyland and tie group on Tuesday. Sunday visitons witi Mr. in charge servcd tic usual Five new memibers were re- and Mrs. Carl Elliot and David tasty lunch and Mrs. Davison ceivcd m ticth United Ciurch, wcre Mn. and Mrs. Harold El- expressed appreciation of lie aItich Sundav rnorning ser- liot, Ralpi and Cieryl, and members fan lie splendid talk vice - Ross Neels, John Jack-' Carl's grandmother Mrs. H. and demanstration and to son, Miss Muriel Necîs, Missý Harrison, al of Leaskdele. everyone who helped with tic Lynda Davidson and Miss: Mrs. Arthur Hyland opened pleasant meeting. Dianne Porter. Rcv. G. E.ý ne oeo n taa hcapacîy eetngof- Richardison conducted tic ser-1 noonto caacit metin ofvice and administercd HolY Yelverton W. A. memnbers and Commun ion. visitors. Kiwanians Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bcd-ý Mn. Bruce Heaslip errivecî Iuk and family, Pontypool,! home on Satu.rday after five I l erc Sunday guests with Mr.' S wceks' rcst in Port Penny Has- Lea n Fow ta and Mrs. Charles Re.ynolcls. pitl with coronary trouble. Ati m mein nTus Fricnds trust he makes steady À I5 Dday ii i1ex fieso improvement. ivaise Boxes thc Loyal Orange Lodge No.! Mrs. Jas. Farder closed ber 1022 were installed for 1961: home in tic village and went Ted Hutton, tie president, WosiflIseBo e-à lest weck ta spend thecocad was chirman of tic Bow- r- iJkmn;dpt a- wcaltbcn with Mn. and Mrs. manville Kiwanis Club din- 1 -. .Jkmn euyms Harry McLaughlin. ner meeting beld aItich Fly- ter, Bro. Fenton Fellis; record-1 Mr. nd rs. . Hrron ingDutcmanMoto Hoel 0, np secretary, Bro. Louis Neals: Mn ad rs E Hrrn t- igDtia oo oe financial secretarv and trees- tcnded Open House et Uic An- Wedncsdey evening, January ue r.Jh ane:Mr glican Rectory when Canon 4h. Tic Wiitby KiwanistieBoJhnPlrM - and Mrs. Asbmore wclcomed Club wes in charge of lie pro-i shaîl, Bro. Levi McGill; first fiends of tic Penish and the grami. lecturer, Bro. Harry Gillis; community on Sunday efter- Tiere were 28 members of second lecturer, Bro. Offa noon. t h e Bowmanvilie Kiwanis Steples; committce men, Bra. Thc communîîy bas again Club et the meeting. Tic Ernest Youngman, Bro. Ross guets ereBrck van, pe-Neals, Bro. Ecni Argue, Bra. been seddened by tic deati guesîs wWrigBrick Evans, pre-' of two nesidents, Mrs. E.B. sident of tic Whitby Kiwanis Mne ngt uios so Downes whosc funcrai is. ta: Club, S. Beaton, John Towne,;H .- - mn ro ar r day from McDcmmott-Panne- Keiti Lunney, Don McQuay, gue: Tyler, Bro. Edward Mc- bakr fnerl arlursta n-Harold Stickler, Verne Harris, Gui. ione CueetenypCedus, a nd Bob Cawker, Nip Hooker Tic first meeting of the New ion emeery CadusandJeck Fudge, H. Wnight, Ji,-s Yeer for thie members of tic Me r d Ri hrd o e r who wir- W arri, Denis Ullyet, me ni- W omen-, Association of the, beur buni esd aye t e pr- -bers of tic W itby Kiwanis UntdC uc was eld t tic lous n ueday ccctry1 Club. om f Mrs. Winnifred Spen- Wor we rccied us Other guests w ere Cy Pow-, ccc'.with lie newly lce morning of bic passing of Mrs. cil, president of tic Oshawa- sidet r.Cr atos Marvin Nesbitt in Pivate Pa- Westmaunt Kiwanis Club,l presiding. tiets'PailinTornt, fi-John Howson, Dan Ormiston, Rev. G. E. Richardson ad- loieng ' avimajoroto.fonsJohn Reiger, Harold David- dnesscd thc graup, cxplainlsg, Nesitt awmjorbegraty io.Mse son, Dan Michael and Gordon! tic fortheaming amalgamation in tc cmninit. Hr radyOsborne, members of tcOi ftasceis the Woshn' in te cmmunty.Hospitaliy awa - Westmount Kiwa n i s Missionary Society and lie, A QENERAL NOTORS VALU[ sinile and greciaus Clubtait Womens Association wiich! wcrc extendcd ta anc and al.A neetn classification wili bc known as "Tic United lagce isymetend o tahe hus- talk was given by Verne Hem- Churci Women" 'Tic pur- A YT 1 land e rviexn ad to hrlaivs: ris of the Wiitby Kiwanis pose is ta unite aIl women of band fnindsin adth e l aives:Club wio is asociated with tie congregation for tic total' ECONOMICAL T anMciss ters.LydHalip and1tic WV. J. Anderson Box Corn- Mission cf Tic Churci and ta Messrs Lly e wbo ean!y n.He spoke of gencral provide a medium tirougi arrvedfron Grmay werebox manufacture, and descri- whici tie.v may expriýss their .r1-ed-feinG.r. ny 1wcrcbcd in detail tic vaniaus plia- loya.1t. and devotion to Jesus, (WITH A HEART 0F GOLD!) Vauxhall is an amazing car. A big-hearted car i evr conceivable way- with a few wcry big excepions! Vanibal s a real penny-pincher when you buy it and when it cames ta operating and upkeep çastn. IL hoards its gas and oh like f ew other carsca... goes incredible distances on next to nothing. Yet for ail uts frugal ways Vauxhai bous a gifted sen~ of' overwhelming generosity. Roory, restfuiteors thet eat five people in ail-day comfort and style ... a spackM2s tmnk. imvtn foeir.dooe convenience, huge, rear picture window . .. and sa ià goes on and ont Why don't you go on dow, to yotl Vatraftl dealers - and bey yourself a miser - today 1 Whilewoil tires are opt~lG at extra coe NEAMRTHEATER AND DEFROSTER' ! Vexhal'a iater.wandertul eatoe warms op ail five passengers in next teanofiatme. Fast defrosting and fresti air coing whefl yu w ant it, fao. AMPLE POWER AND PERFORMANCEà Zing! And yoo're off hIeiiothorwof of dependable moWM rmlagi Y.alls peppy 55 hp ingine n en a det o gas that malcos drivlnt à delight and owniflg a plesrel GENEROUS IROOM flaam ta camneaNi go et yoe pfs. -wlthwt disturbing tihe driver, tliroiigl Vauxairs 4 wide-qmeng deors. And once Inside mcm t pelax for lise hippy pasmunr PLUS AIL THESE NOCOSI EXTRAUS.wi m m T1CU eRS* FORT IS UM BALLe RACf !US *LOWITO MM AS IAPROURD WINDB.4 SHIEUD Ne MOAL. MYITCONSTRUCTION *ECONGMIY CARBURETOR e ROSTPROOFMNGBODY DtP * IL-BATII AIR CLMeA R* LEVELRID SUSPENSION * MTRAULIC- ,d 4-D. sed. *55111CWTCI wu MW aada dby Gex" ulMo ON MOTORS% LIMITED E. Bowmanville MA 3.-33 SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORON TO Good going and returning same Saturday only. EXCURISION PARI PROMs Belleville $4.80 Bowmanvilleà $1.90 Cobourg. 3.00 Oshawa a 1.45 Port Hope 2.75' Whitby a 1.30 Corresponding fores from intermediate points FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS 0529 s 1 j THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO -- by Mrs. Clarence Rowan, sang I "God Will Take Care of You".'A The scripture lesson was « read by Mrs. Addison Scottm and thoughts on the lessonh were given by Mrs. Winnifred s Spencer, who also led in pray-b er for guidance in the New. Year. S Mrs. Walter Neals gave the p financial report stating total s receipts through the year had been $1,174.49, with expensesl v and donations to cburch worka amounting to $895.09. It wasý agreed to donate $200.00 ta the' Church Trustees ta assist in3 payment for a new heatingj systemn now being installed. Av donation of $5.00 will be for-0 warded ta the John Miltonr Society for the blind and $5.00 sent to Presbytery for fees. ItC was also agreed to purchase t some new hymn books for the church. M-s. Addison Scott gave aD report of the Sunshine com- mittee, stating ail sick and shut-ins had been remembered% through the year and at Christ-1 mas with cards and gîfts. Aa letter of thanks was received from Sophia Pariskou, thea Korean Refugee child, adopt-1 ed by the Parish earlier in thej year. Plans were also made1 for the serving of lunch at thei annual congregational meeting" to be held on January llth. 1 Following the closing hymn and prayers, lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Leonard Driver, Mrs. Samucl Brown, Mrs. Addison Scott and Mrs. Ross Carr. Mrs. Har-E vey Davidson expressed the thanks of the members to Mrs. Spencer for the use of lier home and to aIl those who had assisted with the meeting. HAMPTON TRAMWAY IN THE SKY-Tie steel framework of an acriai tramway tower juts boldly f rom a Yukon mountain peak. It is part of a systein to boist meni, food and fuel to mountain-top sites on the 1,200-mile Canadian National Telegraplîs micro- wave network between Grande Prairie, Alta. , a nd the Yukon- Alaska barder. When completed late in 1961, thc netxork wiil be a vital defence and civilian communications link betwcen Alaska and the United States and will inîprove trIe- phone and telegrapi communications throug"hout the Canadian northwest. For most of the route, the microw ave towers follow the Alaska Higixay,. LI ýsl OWN- ro OPERATE - ý. .1ýla.y ýj . 1 1 Mr. and Mns. Woolliead, "COME BEFORE WINTER"y Agincourt, and Miss Shirley' There is a kind word I should say, Woolhead of South Porcupine But how busy I amn each day! were Yuletide guests at the! home of their daughter and There is a letter 1 should write son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. AMan Ta tell someone that ail is right; Macklin and daughters. There is someone sick, someone sad, Mr. and Mrs. Len Player and Perhaps a word fromn me rnay make them glad; son, Bow'manville, visited ber There is a visit I should make parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ker- But there is lots of time, lil waiti sey, on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens I meant to say "I love you," this morning, were Christmas guests of Mr.1 But so soon another day is swiftly ending. and Mrs. Wes Taylor, Tyrone. Ail these things - perhaps just one flower Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Far-1 Would bring joy to the most lonely hour. row, Welcome, and Mr. and Think uo t! There saBk Fke on he Mrs. Paul Nimigon, daughter "o upodiince . r e aoo ie nnenoe Janet and son Paul, Bowman- "otydlgnet on eoeWne. ville. were New Year's guests Rr f. 2 Tim. 4:21-Mrn Ford of Mr. 4nd Mrs. Raymond Fan-- _ __________ row an Jan. 2nd. TWILIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Don White, The faint glow of a candie after sunset. Oakville, Mr. and Mrs. Charl- Tranquil Twilight! I can feel yet ton McBride, Mr. and Mrs.1 Gardon Sleming and son Peter, The warrnth of noon upan my face; Peterborough, were guests ofi The dew of morn as sunbeams chase Mrs. W. G. Whlite and Miss Away the gathering gloom. Twilight! Nancy Johns, New Year's. When my soul finds restful right, Mr. Jackson Wray, Oshawa, WhnImy eeGoaoe visited bis uncle, Mr. W. W. hnImy etGoale Horn, and also bis parents, Mr With but humility for His throne. and Mrs. T. Wray, on Sunday. My heart hears again the meadow-lark. New Year's guests of Mr. "Let the stars of the Twilight . . . be dark." and Mrs. Cecil Siemon were Ref. Job 3:9 -Marion Ford Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mount- .-______ joy and Miss Rose Mountjoy, Nestieton, Mrs. Mabel Duck- worth and Mr. Charlie Briggs,ý Toronto, and Mrs. Austin! Wood, Bowmanvillc. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truli were Saturday evening guestsi of Mr. and Mrs. W. Cameron, Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawson and son Stevie, Long Brani were guests of Mr. and Ms Aus-tin Barron on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd SIc monj and Mr. Milton Siemon, Hay- don, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Siernon. ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter, Osh- awa, spent the weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Chant. Congratulations to Mr. and j Mrs. Tom Westlake of Mill-i brook, formerly of Hampton, who celebrated their 25th wed- ding anniversary on Fnîday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Farrow and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence' Yeo, Mrs. Jack Macnab and Mrs. Sam ]Jewcll were among those who attended tic gather- ing at their home on Friday evening, when they were pre- sentcd with a beautiful silver,"Glcgosm Ioba tea service fromn relatives and, their Hampton friends.Goagosm ei Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, the oid man!"" Bowmanvillc, and Mr. and' Mrs. Raymond Clapp, Tyrone, Beat illness ta the punch by a periodie medical visited Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson on Thursday evenin.g, check-up, and prompt medication at the first it being tic occasion of Mrs. smtm files Hodgson's birthday. Hampton smtm files friends extend very "Best Wishes" and trust she may en- joy many more Happy Bîrth- days. Whatever of outward service* or obedience we render ta God TED«f TR and man, if love is withheld, TEý TR BOWMANVI LLE the law is not fulfilled.-F. B. Mayer.