J 'PAGF, TME Vr~7!DrnrM. andi Mrs. Bruce Hleaslip of mjp j VpTlTGerf. MacDonald anMadyIstfanDnn eespr JLJJJILAJI Ne5t1eton for the winter. Il i y tucn ~gn rr J~ l as~Crlebrating New Yenslgesso aura vnn is hopeci they will enjoy better M\onday with Mn. at r.wihM.édMn.AtFr 4 Mr. Ja( - k Wilson was cIrcciet health in the futurePalan! ,IMackin has berti .Jack Neil anti family eerw rustee for S. S. No. 1I '<an- hoi'me foilavs Uanrs ti Bicky. lidMs en N eaat nifml iieiM.a -. 'crs ta il! the xacncv creat-Sorry to learn a former Yel-lînefaiQensInieit ritiM.KeNa.Jue MratiM.Go, err rdby Ray Robinsons comple-. operator, Mnr. George Clarke Mr nIr onTop ,M.JlnSehno ian of bis thirti \ear as trus- of Port Perry. was taken ta son Pnd fam-ily, Mis. Mary Pillrcl.M.atMn.Fn-fil, Mr. aniMr.Mhaii -~tee. hospital. but gladti t learn lhe Liiîxnn anti Roy Mercer were ci, QuanbnîllaniCalsOrEse and failMn at Mrs. Morris Manitle bas p,_ 5 c oming arounti quickly. 'aniNr aHuh. îto.'<JaidMsla-neM.RsslRsknTrnt cepteti position of secretary- Miss Emma Hentiers spent , Neal oiît Mir. nd r. Neol, s-o ud treasurer of School Boarti for- Christmas with the Roy Hen-1 Hope. Avaawrrcknan: MianMd GaYug n at r.Ge.Mcoî -w merly helti bv Mrs. R. Robin- tiers of Port Perry, returning; t TrontoAitDavabickd t ,mi.Dbi at ae e ada fm vstt n n ,snhome on Tuiestiav. 1eY Si'dax' bo speiî thbe xin- r tandMr C innof Bwdly o 1er &-Jcsn aebc? othore with her dtiîghter. fI.at r.Gîa agSna propo sine cai. sforth(, AS TTTiMrs.Edit h Fcrgiisnnî. namos eti s acoIbeiandfor i- BA E Li IILCogiaîuîalionis Ici Mfu. .iii diionaîldladi ,ini the pro- Mrsý. Garlanld Cahhcar vi't wl <essini of beîng purchaseti NI-,1n. d Mn'-. How'ard Civ- - feeraei tuer weddtin Pan- A DURO PUMP ant I rs. Fîank Glasherzen Vear'-, gueqs o f Mr. anti Mrs. fn isEm edr.M.tir-a ii aiywr e S. Caldwell ai Poi lHorepelo anti a transfrr of prorcrtiî,, E. Tw'ist anti famiîy, Salern. Thisday. Mn;. Tbompsan whlo Jn u Means Better Living H ! ,with the execûtois of the laie Mrs. Evelyn Molloy visited hBride retuirneti thomle M(7- QUR UReWaîe Sx -Mr. anti Mi-. Henrx' MiGilI iMr. anti Mrs. C. Wilson on Brtidsrefrne hbcoCeluc ith tilearac Sl 0 tem ix-es u,, fre'-h, pure M is (..'dijng very well again. Miwnt n;tddeCni' wenad ,e wYletojiswrsadi-coNTN ESls e i Mr atnd Mr.-.i-C tafar doa*0li' Mra ani arie dd nt atr hei ant wlirecon. edti o loup rnof the siidden do- sonf were Saturdav evening Nexv XRy'ade a ri x ekent cn to s'eniencreanti cnmfori-tof rdails mie fMr. -lf. Mitchell Of ge.of thoi' son, Mr. anti PolntN170- 11, Inbvgone eaisMrý.Haro!d Wilson. Bowrnan- onto u'ilh Mt- ant i r B av Aif. ,'a5sthe popsîlai' caifrber' ville..M r DUR0 Puma'- are avail!- tif VYlet'hn ba3rtibal team M at-M-l ie av Mor-aniM.Rr It able in ail sizes ionircet n ii 141!he was anc ofthueanti ,clildren 8pent Sunia,- -ati] famîily were gliests- of '<Tý divïdual neeti'. Su'r ivour ninible nîne rrc.posîb]e for- vi tiilier parent.M.adMJ aud M'-.GarandC1tPlr Plun-ber oir DURI I de2lpr ý caiturfiiig the -lickling trupliy!A, Trimble anti famih'a ip p r a te n for tull information or w rie . !an honor we*ve been bragR î'ar i.loadr-,.- 'ani MnFR. A -re l ngt f D for FREE folder, "Runnini l.iîs Nr n rHwr gtng about ever sulce, h.is -v-orl-.EsPn I r ,aris l bn !y, modest chap anti a an niý" Ralph. speîît Sundas' in"f j at b MD C D T L A sport--popiilar with bath Trnovisiîing Mn. anti Mrs.,N hlf .xI< i~lio raîta ~rpn nbeiCirh îi î uas at. irffnslau-aneulbb, NMr.! James Walker anti family. , 1i -~ ;'.;svaîiknn niVn niM ath isextrdti a h; ife 1Mr' anti Mis. Lloyd Sno'<vdeuî 1 i daughtens instheir '1ti!andti Lu MiieG'-ove. 'ie oi liii 1lan rý,sjtr hfrh;tdjiMi- anti Mn-, Cy F3isev' n ar a n -bereax-urment. w'Iere SundcaY cvening duinr t*ton liniteti hîn1î,1 il es wihh iai eligîav'enli hth ain' iinri- sevetaI l( clrgynmii Shn' tCarlnti fuarilytii. D'-hav'ýa. M Yelveî'ton XW . va'-., li oîess tf MVr anti Mrs. R 'ui- for lîa',a. îiade au;il' âll d.<tii from flui q ai-o irlc'. i'ii iiI.iii.t .\aîl fI r W.ViVercri 'sere diii- Ih u p ittl P tMA hmpo nutnthatIlu hoe î '~ -VaCaiinci-i-ni- i-ri f 11lui-cerx ca rs 's luenririgrr2aaî with fno ncntion iiPA-IlNTutrîî îniîirl iigint r"Ya Arthuir Ils-lanrl of NestIetan: 'JrnBs.. Mchcalf w;gueAýtNorah Horn vxs;luonore'd.nific lW)theee aisoriist nji D17t)[111(laidMrs.. George st- u."t t li lve in s '-cehr- -l a n-,g-.'-. - hve .-.-. o bap....-.' -i, Mary I.iîxon. M s il to t h - b*'- A'- a ' <n. Duri.'<h Meneranti Mrs Vanc- Allr Ioteincidence o! coltis h rOa t. PLaul's Uniteti Chîîrch.!ist of file churc-i.iiig hic lgaul fluat he îîu.uîîi4rascltonl iii t3nx;iumnn'roi-'Bra. at Malconia. as eshreil Bowxnianviile. an Sunda, dJan-1 OnIy a 1eviîoîr'sAI,-c - -b Miss -nfr saiti liperaî îihusni.. <yfriuisç erîila n. ie a $$ BUY NW A D SV Vels-erton. we have n pr t arv n8th. aa~ta Vi;Hî us~ Ho-n Shp, reralp; o "ranti fortun lix ii rl ' ll. Ale pai fin sarn Mis . 5m Battans Piitti plax'e the oi'hotiruthoa u i tr l ~ Ii d î huut i-ni pl"- - w'cn'l-iig lionne Ible fa o lg o n Fiaalnnoni Ii aii'd s S ier ta rnseitebrs'cîii,ýe' I ll e n i-î r an in îîîîv' 1db bhr in t o'c-pt tht' POsu-foî îc -i' iM îc -fir;. ii.on anti onn Fntiav faennocun r honor 111-rayliliiiraneli-I11;1ci tuuiOOni Vani aaem ni r ib -r' Nov' I t ofiliervoilnorf1el biieti ail 53r\aeni oa i1ui1-ilioh main unît il AIr)il. Duarn CouManagemet Cioff o OMio. av Tnies bcinin .~isotli toaIrpecorpad traiiirulli"-iyc- aenîîîun t -e 2<'d tar w th xx a re lu - f w-J'nutainn n iue i rf lîs h ar. ;s.Fleleu-oJ . ui H .n tain ot uiclvaranet lnc men -@yJRetiwa ni n o nuis t iii Hi1chii iiiias ff- dto -Niefuim'-oi lin ir' uolaime Ar o Siîd DuiMTE l P z r's nule wa ottisecrffeinaofi'mble opTrmbeed birlia --nh,,- have n ýPrc i.nepnlcul oe ii : RNGS. '.M.-53 - O DO N - ANAD tieajrir.ant M. DugKem tns'gi-h~ani Iiaketbi tiot ricebke churl ingia if 1 Imft l a in_iut nanfi uaoi a' v- gi's;o M. ni '<i'î ________ af o manv ilhe.resitientw ni Afi en a sciI ltiihi realîx niiax'd t Asýo lue' the rgan 1-Il-a1Ph bo llze ,bcipd wasq aNaipdîîah ann JACK en iene memberi- ot u BUý arRKgEd TONctBLACKSTOCK t nPLUM)@-.Brve 1 e .N GfH i*anti PnEA1'an te ciIll(Il las in pha.lGfne cd.ili i.l Division Sireet soulhli-enflea fur last mirrh NIA 3-5615 BOIVMANVILLE, Mc. anti Mrzz.Gen. Hcaslij -~ -~~- -~ have takeu- an apartment witi IWORLP'8 FIRST FUEL DEUVERY T1~he fir-t nman nwho nicked up) a burning faggot and carried it into -hi: cave was mraking a delivery of fuel. A bit uie- Lable, perhaps, but it was a r5tep ini the riglit direction. Man lias taken many steps 5,jrward since then. On~e of the rreatest was wlien lie learned ta use oil. Because oil pî'oducts bav e been mnade av al!aibicai. îea- ýýonable prices everywhere in Canada, oil heats more thar- haLf our homes-.And speaking of reasonable prices-over the past 10 years the price Imperia] receives for home lieating vil lias risen far Iess than t-le cost of other things -only one-third as8rnuch as the general cost of living. ~SS IM~PERIAL OIL. LIMITED .., or$Oyears Canada's Ioading supplierof energy NOW...D AT WHITE SALE WHITES @ STRIPES @ P FASHION BORDERS@ PJ Made right here ini C DOMI"NIO*N TEIXT>LE CO.. 1950 SHERBROOKE SI pttnd 11onSunday morning 1n ridfor laO V ' vi il M;.f~ilnanrilai hil -Implconte OUI, new rminis linlidai î;tr. 'îîniî .cýnJM -a ber iVirW, Crawford. Tt w'as MslranM-{r'ln I1 d Wright. Oshalva. N mi 1n in grpRi nleasure ta heai' Mi' beetI a glet f " rMi- ?jr M r- anr indr i-HsroMr- Urawfrd~ nspiring message.,i Kennetb ln3nn aîil' a 01 to.I\l We twelcr'ne Mr. and MrsW. 1v (I îopîmi i' .agl n, fa' ni iv. Bîîîk fi Crqýv ford b a ur communîty ta flîî,rlnî nsiiiirla", Aîîd ]Mr and Mi,-, Rov M',ig ii Dont lorget aui- .Sundayispntl Nnw vVoars w ýitlIi hor. T adMi h'nBa Srhool Pl, 10:30 arn. and iand. Jhn Wttnnspen Nei chlîrc'h lWorsilip at 11-15 dPiVenr"s with hr'r Vis AIlhnu, M a'dand. Tht' C.GITwilI meet <îîîihei d n lcfor Shorti îdr atii cn,, Iod 11 the Ciîurch Hll on desay1failli],. . Wrand M\i f5Wih ii'i(,î~rralI ' n Fe ogo rvening, Januarv I 7th Pt 7 jaînJjî 31in i ' "i\.'iîr; pni VîcitnrZ wil, Mid î Vr ;'\ir îd lrs lVviliie arri Mr's Pt Ilbbard visîtpd rr-U - D adBn ~t u .3nni fxw 9 ir],5, ari Mrzc \i'ns Piti,îKepenan and 1,IsMr MtAn'-llMr7 Gordon ('atbc larTýI fI Nî'i M. alidlMi', M4ary Leach iniOshawa On ninîv n ,roro , V-p's rv~m mnjo lannïtaîî M\v nt u.. L. fl ArgiiE' B wai lnlfîcHr. 1\ezFvelinIV; \îîn aîîi;,îo" attericied flic' fimieral of thr- lîtf 'iJani'\Il-.3BilRirne'. Z l f ilate Mr -Mitchell in Ballyduff St. Cat]îerîllrsý. andi Prs lrimnl Sanipits an Saturday. MVr, aid 1\r i fruct' lîtoî ui ni r. a ira MI' andi Mrs. Orville Greer aodfmicio -thcr'iti m anid girls, Oshawa, were Sun- the Ashion fanuliies in .am narn- ' li'c.Poprt eof'~ day gsîcests of Mrs. E. Bryi-. iri. to 1-al] tir a Nesk '-"r 20- anti Mrg. NMervvyn Graham. Mi. anti Mrs. Orvus Snmiththr ai lfamnily. Oshawa. ;%'ere te' MsjI Vo~.fir niM rrti Trfewii ;veî~îil giotsof Mr. and Sîî" "'~ '~ i i at ur ]bi Mrý;. Jack Stnitlîhi,~o rm n ;idnWrgî îtr-iîds'îîe M\r. andi Mrs. Walter TKrarît' .r -'elqg. I3oh aIBII ii11O0 oa rcd <hna andi-Mis!; Dariene MacDonald. n' îd ii-rî <bLor, -n Oshalwa, 1 wceSunday ,jinnieî'il J'.~'r irU zl'c-, 0of MN rand Mrs niWvî ot ~r i O IU B Hntbbgrrd and 0M-O-r C1ahpin, i O IU Mir.andT\I M B.R ugbe' mI-rRon Dtff and --I and farni1y, Oshaiva.ýMr. and iren. Miss Aorla Fu 1B?!! . RICHARD MsI MrZ, Norman McKpena andi i Bapon sR3ph Stronz, fainilv. I-{aiptop, Mr. andi Mr5. Don Sinclai'- and Belrer- The dc-aili ccurrcd folilir.- Mýr,. Walter Hicks andi Robin, Iey a*le1913il of Mrs. R lt'ha Oshawa. mwere Sunday guestR Dr andi Mi r-,J.A. hucArthuî let hy !l 3,iq lnefssrg. , sta;- Mcil of Taudon, inii Meni- of Mr. anri Mrs. Peter Gatcheil andi fanuilv ;penîi Chrîstmmsl anti fanîlîl'. w"pend with rp1atirziîn Ho aa llspital. Bownianville, j Mrs . F.Carnochan anid Mrs.Strafford-, Vi'itnr' wthth(, Rom nHaYdon she ip' 1J. Hogerverst have returneti McArthurs diiirinlg flic lwer'sfile' fnrnîlr rinda Cowling,ý homre tran-i Memorial Hospital, aint for NemiV '<'pr vr NMi- thp daiiglhter of th(' lqatý John Bownianville. feeling much Edith MAthî.Minden. Mi niFma rowling oni' -1aî r mnrovecl and lVrs Aexi Ir, vanti inoMî rNei va;Ini lii Nir. ati Mrs. Datin Knapp faniy, MnnitrI-'ai, Mr' Normnri81St e I an tifailnîly, Bownianville, Dvsart,. Peteiboro. M).Geui. Slip ic-flin' jélfr' lîîrh were Sunday guests of Mr. McArthiir Pand twvo -nOI, alld ai"d Mî'uNeil in lowrnanx 111e. anid Mrs. Stanley McCullough Mrs. Gardon. rhn. April 15 f)). Tht ropi' and farnîly. M'r.anti Mrg. Fiest Belvpa' liveài n ~rlne, iiî;jl' anti Npnri. l3ront,, Mr. #oh ani rtiriidfii H-aývtion tr ~~~ ~~ Fletcher. Un a.Mr ainirl î7.! 'Pend 111 il nînnz cr Frnnik Tl-oskijqiri tifaiil. MI- MiM-1 <eilPr-rteneao.1d .ilii anti Mr5z UT-rvei Grnhao-i an d -Wîfe.-'Ian '. 195!) rhiilclrrn, Mr. and MrBrucr Mir-.furNoî il m& .iýà rn- MUountjoy andi faillly. Mr aniiher of the ' Unitpri Cliii iihand: i\Lrs. NMurray 11 r-ani fîu:' irien -a oumrber efr iliv. Ml-and 'l Ia'Mo i ne-sajîri nif-pIîe1% îoy anci tam'". Mvandi MSS Ti.'renîî; etc I- .1 A, Johnston. Mr and-i '<T\'fol> YîJ71_ I Ciu !ým?u- and 7ITrý Dalton Porrpel4il 3îPi S .ii -ampton Cem- giî'1c, Mi- andi '<Ir.Stuai t for- 1er'; fpot- 77. _lznkrdta PR IC ES rl rd 1c\ h:; aniv orCuc. reuio n in he Rcratin C ti IeRlui. îVrio Coi ic'-Mr'~Albu-'i'13ui-oii-u ton.Atiir3in. i-Ja adMr antiMr:. 1, r'î Yi. iv inoro.. Frri ('nwln 1ndAr lowee'. aintifainiiv. Sauna.mp 7r. ih'McNpiL. a nd Mr- Erneé-it Larînet' and ~'GI ln wi er'D andnv-guIC-,StOn 1\r. and Mrs. Raiph Larmner Santi familv. I ~tMr. andi Mrs. Fred Cr-awvl-rd IEETS and iMarv Lou and Miss HIn Siînday gniests of Mr. andi Mi-InMîlpiviac il I W JPeari-p àar] Mr'- (_; -aîannn~Clfr crawfordi. SA"3re Io )1 a.-1,i frnin Mr; Y lo~sn ati Mi, v, i iinnc; rili 1 Harld iHodg_;on Ca! nBorien îi ,n i c and A r Iira ASTELS_ a a aof NM" and M\r5 Frank -B ?il oii"leI IrIIO' the annad \Paareciw'e throuîig-. ilfýlk ariAfaniMsEne rhrrul o a leter roirinho- an-d farnill,. Whîitby. anti M1r. 1 reandIlle newc; of our fripnri'- T. ~'. MONTREAL IVicnArhrBonavle and krep ian on whal i, hap- Iwrre Suntia,% guests of Mr. and r >peîiiriparnîîintiBo'ravi, Mrs. W, Archer anti'Mr, Dever,, and bhen %vr i-' as il on ta oîîr .A Mr. anti Mrs. Artîiîuî'Rahm. iiri an nd i,-i~ ~fir. ant iMrz utiN2Trorîe. Mr, anti Mrs, Star ;L"Hopiný. nep Cooper. whro Rahm. Paul anti Carol. speui moyed lnb Sarraîneilbn froti Madxwith Mn ani M',Bola 'lpthiï pa.-l ;iim. Cecil Hilil mor au-I 'aý il (ioe; double dits' Mi- Bah Sn'itll, orontnlo i;s h srvhr r UALITY C ANADIAN spent Sunday w'îth N.r ndr a nd V ýomwî forthe p hcrn. MNIr. thaF. Snîth andi Olivier.,ii vat u'-fri'î ' SARC AVAILABLE '<u n nti0-.. Grant Y:'i ig~ 'cîe~ -on i!i4 faîii 1<. Toronto. MirsceE. ;RE IN TOWN! n'3rrz Georz'- Diiîokrîandi M!and M- John F, Hopp:; girlS. carborcuzyl. pnti ;i-e"kenld 11-i'1,1oi an i 11 Air, Rail or Steaniship Fprgusaji Siîin cia x. ;a 11tlr T 1 C K E T S abo;-e anti'\Ir. andiM' Noel TO EVERI'WHERE BowmanviIIe :'<fore gu ~ estl ofa. IUad RTrs M1A 3-5431 "T" Vn ý Xtlairiint.W- 336 lfarnl,- a7don. Mn.. and Mrs. -JANE PARKER SPANISH BAR CAKE Reo. 39< " SAVE 10c CREAM STYE CORN Reg, 2 tir4 3%-SAVE 180 TOMATOES eL,0t e re td +.e Ref i4m "--SAVE 16 A&P CHERRIES 51-ý«;99e Am" Page, M A i s-ehien Peg 14* Oe--SAVE 1"e PORK & BEANS 62o-zhs99c Coi.cce Quality WInl- SPECIAL I HENLEY PEARS 5 28-ei4m99C (mre Seo... You'l5ekm m these Super-Right Meut Feut ares!i QtJALITY sHORlT CIj- .5HANK <ppt.-p C if I ni,, Ie-tey >etu ie LAMB CHOPS Sv PORK LIVER LAMB HINDQUARTER >49c PORK SAUSAI Aiionil. Si,i.-upd. 51 -.'î. l'"ipe eg. huqlis or Breasts SIDE BACON 1l-b pkg5 9c CHICKEN CUT, Sweet Pickled, V;îc Pac Short or Cross Cut COTTAGE ROLL u59c RIB ROAST Sîu p e r R g u B ,-i w ' S r .' m e ' PORK PATTIES8->zpk949cý PORK HOCKS More- soivings ut ASPN RASPBERRY JAM Acfe39 KETCHUP 211"; b 3 5 BOKARCOFFEE SALE 1-bOKAR lbb Nbbog I 31 -.a g 63( SAVE 4,- 185 SAVE toc AN %m F si,, T1%.MèsAd Guared Thi e.au! n, 31C GE oN49c 'S 0,5 9c 1669c 0*I9c, &'es-h Fruit d dVetuble Spe 1s TANGERINES I "Zen3 9c MP*e- Gri5wn, G-<4d WSbera" &o*65 Fve r*, I "'4'lé, M «b4. APPLES -ek"9 ORANGES i."oo.-ted, New Cri>ýP, lre, <7a..gs1 iGracie CABBAGE 5-bcoba.ç 59C âp 7c THE CANAtIA STATESMAY.~W1L. ONTAPT' 4 THES E QI 4.1W"' PRODUCTS RJGHT HE] See thein today al Walker's of 5 KING ST. FI. 8 L