THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUSAJN 2h~ tural. Mr. Little, the consult- 1 Township By - Laws at h a alduo y 1961 Executive of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board '0 Mr. Strike. explained that it!ý wsthought to be logical toM d reserve this land for possible Approved at HearingM future usage of more valueU I he township.M S y u nicipl BoardThisland would eventually' be available if needed for!i The Ontario Munici pal1 re-zaîie a part of the Brokeno tle upseasfopriestnce'M Boardi Hearing held in theI Front fram agricultural to in- for parkland. or by the P.U.C. a Township Hall, Hampton, on dustrial, Mr. Strîke explain- r itesi.Eprec fp ~V1nda monin w The Officiai Plancaîotr municipalities lias shown 'rurnbull, x ce-chalrman of for a section east of Cour- CaefrnIaE adbe the Municipal Board, presdtil iu 0t be zoned industrial. zoned industrial or resident-a1 ing. The other member o! hý lb i s bounided on the west by li n lla endsoee board prescrit Nvas Armour th e Provincial Park. north by lter Ithat this hiad îîot been McCrea, Toronto. Foiu r No 4001 Highxwav and on the bs oe hs ui lîngton Ret î B d ou h b a strip of land 1,000 rýipalities had found il neces- were approvcdI)b the Munit i de' tom the bich water sarv then 10 expropriate land pal Boardmark of the lake. This stripfo park wavys, water stations' A.H.Srie. Di îgl s,îid agricultural. Mr. and bydro stations, lie as- 'Township solicitor, pre.,ont <j Strl:e pointed out. slld argumets in avour f lhe Ti Townships solicilor When MI-. ILitirbili asked arguments iirstasopreocriteof By-Laws. Derck Little, Tor- statcd ihe lots No. -9. 30 and nprospeeto- Ônto thctownbipsMunici-1 part of 31 ad.iining htis in-*cte 0B-a No21, pal Planning Consultant. W. zoned agricultural. and that Carl Dowri. who owns Lot 29 Runleth'Township CIlrki dstrially zoned section wer nleBoe rn n e we~ ls peen. ndRev '!B\:.Law 2132 re-zones theni sidcs there. addrcssed the Garnct Rickard. ail members' industrial. lie showed the board. Mr. Down sad lie owns' of the Township Counil, and Municipal Board a rnap or the'abouit 100 acres there. He, with hese partclaied lie wvould know bet- anumbcr of Darlington resi-tw hpwth toe prs trwehro o ewne dents also attendd thie Ilear- cl marked. trwehro ohwnI lng.Arkd b Mr Tujîbllto object to the re-zoning if Considci'atioîî wa.S irst giv- the presiding official,. Whv ahelalogrotctan1 en to By-Law,, No. '_132. The strip 1,000 feet wide along the davs of the hearing. purpose of Ihis By-Law ý,is 1 lakeshore was zoned agrrieul- MIr. Tiurnbull infornied hini ___________________________________________________________i a'. while sorine townships jioti f property owncrs in adl- x anic this is not necessary.i Mr. Down akdsol i indlustry warît to corne in to re'zone the part of his land l'le following were elected recentlx ta the 1961' dent), Lloyd Meteaif (President), Don McQuav (lst that is in the lakeshore strip Executive of the Oshawa and District Real Estatel Vice-Piesidnt Standing,. Ilftot right-Sal Hyman 11o0W zoned agricultural. île Board- Seated, fi-rn lett ta right-Jahn DeWith (2ndý (Secretary), Jack Shei'iff' (Directai'), Paul Ristawv C L E A R A N C E fso re couzoanatnas Vice-President), William McFeeters (RetiringPresi-, (Ti'easurer), Lucas Peacack (Direutor). MorrezDong. inuie lie h could build a bouse for a not. Ile showed a lopyo! the building on il yet. lie asked that Ille Municipal Board bl CO e e e. hircd mari or other farmý RegistereedPln pre-dating Mrs. Budai liov close to lber no hesitation iin approviiîg B.v- OURTICE builingsif te lad a fite Officiai Plan w'îtlifile loti prope'tY fie Cookson loi, is. Law No. 2158. bx' By-Laxv 2132 were rezoned1 marked commercial. . She answei'eu that it is two BLwN.263t emt fr. ad Mrs. Cel SiInIIîîînî Reg. .$59.93 Rcg. $79.95 industrial by il. Mr'. Strikel Mrs. Bert Budai J r. ub- and a hiaIt miles awav. Mi. cottaoe use on Lot13u leYa'oidy iîîrltvsa $4499 $5999 ~~told hin that lie could do 0jetd10Ii BLt. uillsaid il could no B ý Front, property oxvn-licio. $ .9$5.9as it wouldi be continoatîaîi started to give the di.stances aIflecI lier then. cd bv John Watson, \vas also Rcg $9.5 eg $49of agricultural use. Mi'. Down1 required fromi highvvay and Mi's. Bîîdai also asserted Ile e Mr'. and Mrls. Flovd Pi i,.ye Re. 699'Re. 4495Ilthen stated Ibat lie bad ri'oads, ti-ontages, sides and lot is near a sebool. v apî'xedMnîî Ie oi objetio totheBv-aw.Cooson wh reresnte hi'Bord.Seiason tvitb frieîids and relu- $9 9$3 99ojciî10teB-a.It back. The presiding officialI Coeon b iereetd Bad antIanrofeit.tcbua. $4.9$89 was Ihen approved' by the asked bler' 10 state fibe reasons par'ents, 5)01w il' support <il' \/11-- Stri'wi n oi'Iî i llte tfisnBncot Municipal Boar'd after tble itoi, lier objections. Mrs. Budai l'be Dv-Law, told of!ftbc plan1 boai d tilaiIll U ic i wiip lianO Mr. and Mi's. RusselIl DeCue, Reg. $135.10 Reg. $37.95 I-caring \,as adi ourned toi',askod if thte cbange cîcies 001 l)eiig registei'ed ii 19,58 prilr er ied approval of the pIn i l ale alid Jolin, xvitlî friicds ii anollici owner, J. M. Piil 1 comply Ici the Zonîng B\*-Lawito btir( Officia Plan and that a >'eni ago as il wa.s thbcIî lastiiîgs. $27.9 $2.99 o obain nforatio, ad al! whch hs be appovedbv'ilt ad taken three 'ears to 1:dravo. Atter discussion as to Mr-. anid Mis. Boîb Co'îk ail $79$2.9tterain informa ieoad 1 t h icial Bonarod by bsave il iegistci-ed.lie said fbe- blow flic malter could be re- faîiîilv visited vitb Wailer Reg. $39.95 Reg. $'35.0() that lie xas satisfied. 1tlhe sense of rezoliiig? cotild nlot Sec Iotv il coold ai-: solved file Tow'\iisipl agreed t:li cmsx',Newcastle. Tbe nextB-L , No. 2136,1 lt School Ilildien it al]. p ass a B -Law to I lott' sîicli N'li. uand Mis. George Recv- $3.9 $4.9 o c reenedlis 1ieese- Mr. Trnui'toi d lier' tliit 'l'ie Bv-Luw, No. 2136 tta s sunii micotages 0on thle pro- niuls lmd an unexpeeted phone $30,99$24.99ho be resened lia tbreesec- l i s îio question of xt'l-thuttiapl)io\'cd livtheitMiiii ici- ipei' as were Ilieie.Mri. St ke 'a il on Dec. '24tiiirou ilueir lions. Mr. Strike stahed that filer 'or-iiot fthe zoniiî cP-)al Board. zaddc( ..daugltrGlds ls .I the first deals witilifarmiers Law lîad been comîîlledwtb il' t'i iif'îid lu Ilpido. luaiiecl- iiibi aiAluis A.iE . e, retairîiîg a lot for tiheir owfl beeau se thcre is îîot vel a tiý-iioii- th Il-pieduthatect Mi)]LinAGqtrte N resîclence a lier selliîîg theîî' buildiîgon Ille lot. Wlî'etiî fic- board tîmat B-a 21-58 le- I ages linO bel en rîîe semle Mexico. farmi propertv. It also coversI deds10billsi OR! Loi 17 froniîh ig oui fie hit'. lMr. Wctsoiî lîad a Iso Mi's. Robce't Bîvatîs lad the D E S S . .0a farr's abilit ' b ,deed a nesa redcdc winIe"awîîloîîRoacl 0 gicu Il ii-îîade soniîe algr'el eitsesdiPleascl'e of' speakîîîg l a pen D R ESS S....lot 1 a so oî'dauglîter foi'., Y al1îc<%,î11i o:ni mnResidential2-.]lIe sina- somle coltageS, but couId noi palfoi' ie ii's tililIl resiciîce altlîouglb thev v'oi'lc î.,a tud Iii hi s rpi s ott'i - I!etesae ia itil e rains GOOD SELECTION clsew bere. "ie sccoiid part cslktÂiMrs ilda i se i a1 u '" I 'O le )Toiî l lîicili Bs-Lat s sapprovcd. lie s <1 t o d B ecpie. Klaiusas, "t Regular Value $16.95 to $29.95 o!rItue By-Law deals wsvîth le aiiy othlîci' i'u'q(Ctuii es ilbfoi' a tT'is iwi'ci'are i13 cottage ut 1cr Mi.Deaniîuî .oilîistuiî iil exemptionîo! suiîîi' cottage 1"s. i i haye hi e l i arage, aîd loi' illie sto'age o f tlîhee, M r. St rikýe statcd. ssiinii sel il a rspI t e 'l REDUCED rrO CLEAR lots from the î'eqcîreîîeîît of 1 oiy cn~clie îcu' sand and lgiavel. 'l'le Owiier> lis.Buda i spoke iii sup- 1 ]- fi li'si tW.i Brown, I~~an hax'îng iî'oîtage ou a street. Mi'. hokSo i s a nieiîcbei' of 1, a111 ac.oiiiliîîg llands lcd1,i(!tijsByLw Sesuii Mu' iu MrsW.Bos' $10.0 $1.00$18-' Tie 3r'clsectioni o! tIi ' sBN' - 'îîiîoiPlaning-îiB)aicl arcc l is, lie addced. st ishe icd lsliocild l liBai'bar a, \Veuvanîd DeIbOie. $ 1.00$1.00$LawV concerîîs the rezonieig ori\ts. Budai sa ici. *iudca i rose aiîd su iI appros'e< as il was lonîg cutu*- VS'ited SLnndav s vitlî anM letlhe Cos property 'n : We do îot go ouileus s.'tuaI iMu. St n te liadl ot mii - ( ic'. and il Nwas lîîgilîtil1 r. .1,1sl I laiiuoi. Reiistered Plan, Lot 19 on' Mr .. lurîîbcîl Itold M .Bltduiioicâd tliai 1he garage inOlitu eccs M 1Wtoi i beîîezer Ev'eiing IW. A. À ~ 1 fie -2nclConcesioii atthue co-'I f youi aie prcpai'ed tbgive a li'cadv be'cîibcill. Mr. StrdwaI î'nd stuffercc leîiii Iali llie .1anitiarv oie m f, Eb- lier of the Maple Grove aîd' boniitde evidence takeîî milderpoinitetloutI iliat hIe buildinî~go aid fiiaiicialt lus. e/ci'r Eveiî îîAt[il iars' Ns as LAD IES'glliIZ Kingston Roads. Mrii. Strike onli we xill coiisidei il ."' ' olle garage M'as permilittcd ieid ;II the forni of a pot tlul C H I L D S , W EAR - stated that there was an agree-' Again Mrs. Budai as.crted Linder Resideitial 2. but that uulua ogtîi'fi li: ppr wdeit Ms.5 W 1f rc 37Kîg t.W.MA3-51 t with coulicilftlîat this lot sit'i Zoîing B-Lvbuildl- îxu'.'ed 10 aîîosvstorage 0utlkes of' theiî'lives, andîcl c Brownî opel Illie uieting wouid b zoned commercial.'îî eurmît.l\l' ltîiu rtsc idsîc.a uioister' lIes ca Il DesI i y.- read iii a levYu mess;age_____________________________________________________________________ Tb'ogb au os'eisight il was .hi llI i'peated lucre is iiot au s' M,-l. T'Ici iUt u j n 1'tu Joli i ûiver'IHobbes. I miiin :'.Palt Ieisoi . Presideii f the Dominion Board, taken Thoughts' Io close the [rom the Missionary Monthlv. ing. N MIrs. Charles Elliott read the, Mrs. Carl Down then sho-, miinutes of the Decemnbercd somne very interesti ng anîd mieeting and reviewed the ac- beautiful slides which includcd ivities of the Auxiliary for'ý shots of several cornmunitv, 960. g«athering5; and some lovelv Plans were made for a quilt- Fall and Winter landscapes. ing to be held at the home of The Februar ' meeting wi'l Mliss Jean Gay on Wednesdaylbe lheld at the home of Mrs. afternoon, January llth. HarrY Gay. Mrs. Robert Br.v- Following a short businessans will assist Mrs. Gavy vitiî period, the offering wvas re-,the planning of this meeting ceived and Mrs. Robert Brv-j1vhich will follow the thenie ans read some "New Year's of "Steward.ship'. MWITH A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN Home Improvement Loans are available through your bank under the National Hlousing Act for alterations and repairs to the exterior or interior of a home and for a wide variety of other improx e- ments. You may borrow up to $4,000 witli up to ten years to repay. These loans are also available bo the owners of rentai properties. *WITH A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN Farmn Improvement Loans, backed by the Domin- ion Government are available from your barik- LIp to $7,500 at five per cent simple interest and up to ten years to repay. These loans cover the purchase of ail types of farm equipment and improvement to the farmn house and farmn buildings. *WITH A SMALL BUSINESS LOAN Enquire about Government-backed boans for improvements to small business establishments through the chartered banks-up to $25,000 and up to ten years to repay. Why Wait for Spring? FOR ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE, CALL YOUR LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OF ISSUED BY AUTHORITY 0F THE MINISTER 0F LABOUR, CANADA '61 Styles Being Shown BOOK CASES a 0 '60 Style. ..CHINA CABINETS ÀLL GREATLY REDUCED -UP TO 2j5yeOf 14 Sîîvdcee s nserlal KL% um ITCH EN SETS dlii Ctlshlons, NyIl ~on $199 .50 '16 gular $279.50NO~ Sonic in a îo naud Copper Toile . . . AliIw îth Xi oî i Ios, Vil, .yV Covers ...sonie %v uh lar ge faîîîîlv sie tables. Continental Beds FOR EXAMPLE.. Completc wi thIillcadhoard(k odd Mattresses and Box Springs B% such 5.PCE. HR MESET Spring-w-.all Table :'0" x 54l", Drosicculy R duce to leurFour Vinyl Covered$ Drasicaly R ducd toCler Iegular 899.50 -NOV 4 s Must Go - Regardless of Price 17 BEDROOM SU ITES W cill knomt n atnfacturers as Andrew Malcolmi, Vilas Kaulman, Kroebler, l>epplcr anîd iany others. FOR EXAMPLE: - 3.PCF,. SUITE BY PEPPLE'R D)ouble IDresser, (liest, Bookcase Bcd Solid tops andi sides, ilst-proof construc- lion, large bevelled plate niirror. $45 3-PCE. SUITE . .. WALNUT I)(>thle Dresser, Chlest, & à B okc-ase Bcdl l~lr$If5iNOW W W 45 -CHAIRS -45 WVe have 45 Occasional Chairs, Lazy Boys, Rockers, Cogswells, Swivels, ilostcs%, Odd Chesterfield Chairs . . . Good selcctiouî! Big Reductions to Cleaor jr LTD. FURNITURE AND HOME FURNISHINGS Telephone MA 3-7071 PICTURES . . IRRORS ... HASSOCI<S . . . FLOOR LAMPS ..TABLE LAMPS . . . ETC. CEDAR CHESTS . . . DESI<S... R THURSDAY, JAN. 12th,,lq6l FU RN ITU RE 'A C -FU R.-N > q 00.50