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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1961, p. 1

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Town Firemen Help Fight - Oshawa Blaze VOLUME 107 16 Pages BOW? &'i Conservative Speaker Trade & Commerce Minister Hon. George Heesi suggcstcd that the New Party mîght form the nexti federal opposition xith the Liberals running in third! spot. This lorecast was made during his addrcss taý the annuai meeting of Durham Cotinty Progressive: Durham County's Great Famiily Journal MANVILLfE, ONTAR7IO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th, Says Liberals Fading a Conservatives at Orono on Monday evening. Shown iii this photo, lrom lcft bo right, are Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Mr. Ilees, Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P., and the party's counitv president Robert Sisson, Manvers Township. Hon. George Hees Speaker'ý At P.C. Annual Meeting R. Sîsson Elected Presîdenf Resigns - lion. George 1lices, 'Minister; DavclIdliggon and LylIe Low- of Trade and Commerce, ery. The chairman of the nom-- deait with the government's'inating commîittee was Irwin TW o R nning efforts Io expend Canada's ex- Colwell, and the other me m- AIport market in bis address bers of it n-cre: Lvle Lowery, 1 For W rden at the annual meeting of the: John Hamilton, William Aus- Durharn Conservative Assoc- tin and Mrs. beola Thrasher.1 iation held in Orono on Moni- Mr. iîgoîmox-cd that the Counties ~ day evening. There were about ncw constitution o[ the as- 1.... 100 people at the meeting inisociation be adopted in prin-il -rr lction of the newý the Orono Towvn Hall despite'cipl" and referred to the ex-, Warden xwill bc held at thethe cld weather. ecutive l'or clarification of opening session of the United, Officers elected for the ,Orne points, and the execu- Counties Couincil to be held in!cmn erwr:peiet tive cbecmpowered to then! Cobourg on Tuesday afternoon, Robert Sisson: îst vice-presi- adonI)t il. Mr. Austin seconded January l7th. The retiring dent, Clare Winsiow; 2nd vice-'the motion w hich \vas carrid Warden is E. R.1 Nelson, Percy president, Mrs, Ruth Clarke;I The iVinister o! Trade and! tne ikn ¶r0WIIsbJ.P. 3r~Iid vice-presidet, Byron Nes- Cmec nhsadespi tne hkn Rumours that Reeve Sdney bitt; 4th vice-president, Mrs.'high tribute to Dr. Percy Th, Board o! Directors o! Little, Bowmanville, and Reeve D.'R. Dewdney; secetary1 iï iin, M.P. for the riding ofi Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Earl Walkey, Clarke, will ailow Kay* Lycett: treasurer, How-i Durhanm. Men like Dr. Viv- ville, bas received the resig- their narves to stand in thej ard Gibson: auditors, W.1 (Continiied on page fifteen) ination of Stanley Wilkins, the United Cfountes aveen un-he hospital administrator. It was Unitd Cuntes hve eenun-effective on Tuesday, Mr. Wil- substantiated. Prior to the Li4 I kins owns a motel near Gra- Port Hope municipal ciection -o p t l A u ii r venhurst. Read Budge, who was flot re- Mr. Wilkins came to Bow- elccted as Reeve o! Port Hope, 15 maovulle in July, 1957, when was mentioned as a probable .gu s ew R frg ra or h was appointed administra- prominent candidate for Ward- tor o! Memorial Hospital. He en. lhad been assistant-administra- Th ots for clection as F or LocalI Blood Ba il < tor of Stratford General Hos- Warden has now narrowed pital for three years. Prior down to Bruce Ashton, Reeve At the meeting o! th e W jjto huihd bengv' to that lie had been business S!eCartwGrght T osb pe n men's Hospital Auxiliary held 1 anonymocîslY. The president,i manager of the Watts Hospi- Township. in the Nurses Residence of, Mrs. Lawr-ence C. Mason, stat- 1 ta], Durham, North Carolina. Reeve Ashton lis cevd Memorial Hospital on Friday cd (bat ail men-ibers will bel The former administrator on the finance comnîittee, roads afternoon it was decided to grateful o! this eeru con-,of Memorial Hospital was and bridges committee and bold a mcmbership tea on Fni-' tribution. born in Hamilton. He attend- the county property conmittee. day afternoon, February 3rd.1 Mrs. Masoîî annouiiced that c d MeMaster University there Reeve Gray has also been a in St. John's Panish Hall. i1t Mrs. H. Saunders had been and received a Degree o! Reg- member o! these threc com-' wili be heid in conjunetion!appoiiîtcd corresponding soc- istered Industriai Accountant. mittees. with the regular monthlyI retary for the coming ycar. This course is given at Mc- The United Countics Counicili meeting o! the a u xili a r ., Mrs. R. Cramp, Mrs. Harold Master in conjunction wîth sessions arce xpected to las 4March 23rd was set as the Lake, Mrs. Tom Rchder, Mrs. the Ontario Society or Cost three days, although it is poss-~ date o! the Memorial Hospital Wesley Cawker and - Mrs. R. and Industriai Accounting. ible that a fourth dymyb1Bîrthday Party. Saunders werc a p po int e d He fîrst became assocîated necessary to complete the bus-j Mrs. R. G. Cowie , the trea-! members of the Membersbip wt optlwr h iness on the agenda. sure.r, announccd a $100 dlona-1 (Continued on page seven) management department o! -Hamilton Gener3'l Hospital. He is a member o! ihe Bow- Newtonville Contesi Winner mnanville Rotary l) 10e Per Copy NUMBER-2 Next Camera Draw On Monday, Jan. 23 Send In Your Coupons Two more Polaroid Cameras will be given away Ifree when the monthly Home of the Week Con- test draw takes place on Monday, January 23rd. Ail participating merchants are requested to send in the coupons f rom their stores by Sat- urday, Jan. 2lst or, at the latest, noon on Jan. 23rd, so the clraw can take place during the afternoon. There will be one more draw during February to complete the contest. Shoppers are urged to f îii in the coupons when they make their purchases. On~e customer and one merchant will win a new Polaroid Camera during each drawing. Lindsay Mon Dies UIn Crash Near Orono Fire Chief Frank calver and seven other members of the Bowmanville Volunteer Fire Brigade, and one of its fire trucks helped fight the tremendous l ire in Oshawa on Tuesday evening and in the early hours of Wednesday morn- ingr. They returned home shortly after 5 a.m. The cali for assistance came to the Bowmanville f iremen at 8 p.m. It is believed the large fire which destroyed about 10 shops on Simcoe Street South and Athol Street started in Fashion Village, a ladies' wear shop. It was a hard fight to contain the f ire and prevent it spreading toalal the buildings in the block. It was kept fromn reaching farther than hall way up Sîmcoe Street between Athol and King Streets. Firemen from Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and Brooklin assisted with Bowmanville firemen and the Oshawa f ire fighters. Hundreds from this area were spectators at the blaze with many more driving to Oshawa on Wednesday to view the ruins. -P SAJtf .pqJ tJçhaVV.% Timpt i A man was killed in a col-- later iii the month. lision between two cars on At the time of the acident 115 Highway at the Taunton the driver of the second car u urai AA,-irecc RoaO- north of Orono on Sun- involved, Jam~es King,28 nu day evening at 7:40 p.m. Ern- Gerrard Street, Toronto, was, est Jackson, age 63, Littie northbound on Highway 115. Kent Street, Lindsay, was pro- The MeKay vehicle came out nonetd at te eefof theTauntonRoad without e v e R i r.CJaclesoJ.Astaipassen- McKacar. Ctesiote S. J. manville. but was unable to avoid theP r b em ger in a car driven by Andrew Rospond, OPP, investi gated pbl m s J. McKay, 10 Lindsay Street. the accident. South, Lindsay. Mr. McKay Mr. King was 1101 injured was charged with Careless in the accident. His wife, Mrs.! Diigon Tuesday in Bow- Aileen King, Andrew J. Mc- Stres~urJses( manville Magistrate's Court. Kay and four passeng-ers in., The case was adjourned until his car, Duncani Daynes, Rob-,Drîgo owsî a h - -- - ert Spratt, Eugene Little and! alntnTwsi a h Ho~.d enrik, ai o argest population of any T~~o inquesis Lidsay were treated ini the. munipaiyi h Two Iques-s iOut-atients Department ofi Durham, Reeve Garnet Rick- Memorial Hospital for n-inor ard stated in his address at the inuis. They had reeeived inaugural meeting of the 1961 Scheduled for bnuies and ]acerations. Dariington Township Council. H-e emphasized the >fact that Dariington is third in assess- W edn sdayment, and its assessment per VVednsday Makes News 'aiai h Dr. Charles J. Austin, Bow- cîny manville, wilI be the Coroner Alex Woods, 45-year-oldi It is the responsibility of who will preside at an in- Millbrook restaurant owner the members of the Township quest to be held in the Coun- and correspondence sehool Council to see that Dariington cil Chamber, Bowmanviile student of Iaiv, must have continues to grow in an order- Town Hall, next Wednesday been extremely busy Iately ly manner, the Reeve asserted. morning into the death of Ai- prcparing his own cases. 'Growth brings many prob- len James Kitchen, age 30, 2 For some trne he bas acted lems, more sehools, better Heahview Avenue, Willow- as agent for many people roads, police, and fire protec- dale. throughoiit the County in tion, health and welfare ser- Mr.Kiche ws njuedin court cases, vices, and many others that a motor accident on 115 High- Mr. Woods has beîi char-haebnacptdious- way in Clarke Township onl ged with pointing a firearm cial and economie standards of October l8th. He died in the and having a unregistered toa. Toronto General Hospital o1n revolver in a place of bus- -'o be popular alone is not ýP' October 2lst. iness. igood enough, decisions must je, A second inquest will also be made in a positive way and PIý be held next Wednesday morn- He also %vas charged wvith progressive manner," Reeve co, ing in Bowmanville Town breaking- a by-lawv con- Riekard said. He toid the meet- ml Hal.Dr J A MArhur, nected with closing hours ing utit ail 1960 accounts pr Blackstock, will be the pre- athsrstuat1 have been paid, and the coun- Of siding Coroner at this inquest Magistrate Baxter allowed cil finished the year within its ahl. into the death of Helen Rob- an adjournment on the first budget. or inson, age 52, R.R. 1, Ponty- charge and found WVoods flot In diseussing council's ac- tr« pool. guilty on the second. bhievements in 1960, the Reeve < 1 Mrs. Robinson was killed- in an accident in Pontypool o ethe sene o! he I p rtn Y a-E d C ottnd Septee er n ofShe I p rtnwas-E d C accident by Dr. Steiler, Beth- any. -rnoi couresy unawa i'ue :kard Ouflînes ,A chievements )rderly Growth Reeve Garnet B. Rlckard ioke of the road program pro- Dts accompiished, o t h e r s lnned, a study of education )sts, the sub-divisions agree- int draft, the study of fire rotection, and the formation an industrial committee. He o suggested that some rc- rganization of the adminis- ition of the township's af- (Continued on page seven) Local Couple WiII Ae On eevi i on Earlier this week The Statesman received an SOS phone eall from the new TV Station in Toronto, CFTO, channel 9, request- ing that the neLrative of the photo of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman, which appeared In the December 29th Issue of this paper, be forwar4ed to them. It is understood that the photo wiIl be used on their "Neighbors" program ai Z p.m. this Sunday afternoon. Jaîiuary l5th. The program bas as its theme the weekly newspapers in the station's coverage area. Mrs. Katherine Marston, Editor of the Elora Express, each week picks at randon illustrated news items for the programn and AI Pearce visits a different town each week, on film. By an odd coincidence another b- anch of the same famiiy xwon the$5O cheque in the Home of the Week contest last week. The photo xvas of a Newton- ville home which brought a caîl Thursday afternoon frcm Mrs. Allie Boughen whose son's home xvas shown a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, she xvas not J el cnough ta make the trip ta Bowmanville on Saturday, but son Ted Boughen e'd as proxy and drew Dykstra's Variety Foods envelope. Shown in the Uto are Mr. Bau ghen, left, and Robert Dykstra. Next eekend xiii see anothcr 1~amera draw, sa fi out those coupons as quickly as possible. ÇqI3îts anc1 £Iieces COSTLY MEETING - Foiiowing the Progressive- CorLervative meeting in Orono on Monday, guest speaker George Hees was entertained at the home af Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Vivian in Port Hope. While there, hîs car parked in front, was struck by another vehicie driven by William R. Baiiey, Port Hope. Damage ta bath autos was estimated at $1,500. A taxi was called into service on Tuesday ta provide transportation for Mr. Hees ta Picton where he was slated ta speak. BUSY PLACE - Arena Manager Roy Neads hias had a busy, almost sieepiess, week ta date. One of the motors that operates the freezing plant broke down and had ta be repiaced. Mr. Neads had difficulty locating a substitute and fînally was able ta obtain one from Guelph. All day Wednesday, workmen were on the job making nccessary adjustments ta put the plant into opera- tion before the intermediate game during the evenin g. ROONI FOR M~ORE - In last week's Bits and Pieces column we încluded an appeal for ice skates whieh had been iaunched by King Whyte. The parade started ta Palmer Motor Sales on Friday and has been contînuing ever since, with the pile of skates growing quite high. However, there is still room for many more, so if you have a pair of skates in the cellar and na use for them, pack them along ta Palmer Motor Sales and some Indian or Eskimo youngster in Northern Ontario wili find a good use for them. JOKE - "Daddy, I have ta write a composition proving the white man's superiority over the Indian. Can you help?" "'Fraid I can't help you any, son. When the white man took over the country, the Indians were running it. There were no taxes, no traffic, na debts, no long-winded commercials, and the women did ahl the work. You can't improve on a system like that, my boy." Deputy Chief Tom Lyle Fire Chief1 Fire Chie! Frank Caiver 1 I 1923 when the first motor j tok over his ncw duties as fire truck, a model T Ford head of the Bàwmanville Výol- was acquired by the Town, unteer Fire Brigade on Janu- Chi'ef Caiver was its driver. ary lst. He succeeds former!i He served as the department's Chic! C. Walter Hackney,iskilled driver for many years who retired after 39 years ser- and as a fire tighter ever vice as a local fire-fighter, since. and two years as Fire Chie!. Hc bias been secretary o! Fire Chie! Calver bas an the Pire Department since extensive knowledge of mat-j February, 1942. In Bowman- ters pertaining to fire fighting, vil le's Centennial Yar, 1958,J and bas always had a keen h e was appointed Deputy-Fire interest in the welfarc o! the Chie! on August lst. During Bowmanville Fine Depart- his career Chie! Calver ser- ment. He joined the Bowmian: ved under four Fire Chiefs, ville Volunteer Fire Brigade Williamn Edger, George Lyle, on July lst, 1922, and has an! Lucius Hooper and C. Walter outstanding record o! service Hackney. to the community. l'ine Chie! and Mrs. Cal- Frank Calver Retirlnt Chief Walt Hackney rver have four children. One He eontinued with this woric 1son, William, a member o! the for 24 years and then trans- Bowmanville Fire Brigade, ferred ta the Cement House. and three daughters, Marion, Eleven years later, in 1951, sMrs. Francis McDonald, Flor- he made his third transfer. sence, Mrs. George (Jimmy)j This time to the Shipping De- rBiggs, and Madeline, Mrs. partment where he serves as Norman Hannan. a cheeker. weigher and ex- f On November 141h, 1960, Port clerk. He is a talented Fire Chie! Calver complcted woodworker, and woodwork- 42 years service with the ing has been his special hob- -Goodyear Tire and Rubber by for a number o! years. Company o! Canada, Ltd., Whe ake eie >where he is stili employed. The retiring Fire Chie! C. He started at the company'si Walter Hackney has also giv- Bowmanville plant in 1916 en long and valuable service curing heels, and nine monthsj to the Bowmanville Fire De- later trans!erred ta the Re- partment. He joined the Bow- ceiving Room as tbat depart- manville Volunteer Fire Brn- -ment's !irst truck driver. (Continuel on page seven) Ah lange in Fire Brigade -, ~'**W'7 - - - ' - - '- 'w -' - 3 - -r ~w ' eana. ian

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