PAGE TWO Make $1 .000 Donation International Proi Form Discussion During Rotary -M The Bowmanvilie Rotary Club reoeived a letter af thanks from the Ontaria Sa- ciety for Crippied Children on Dec. 30. The letter read by the president, R. P. Rickaby, at the luncheon meeting af the club held at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel thanked the Bawmanville Ro- tarians for a generous dona- tion of $1,000. President Rickaby explain- ed that the club had consid- erable money in its Crippied Children's Fund, and decided Lost 22 Pounds With Naran Plan "I waiild like ta say that I have found the Naran Plan very satis- factary. I have hst 22 paunds g adualy and certainly feei mauch tter. I certainiy recommend the Naran Plan ta anyone wishing ta reduce the easy way."1 Mus. C. MURPHY Toronto, Ont. Saie reducing is graduaI, yaur irenshould not be subjected ta t hck o "crash" diets. The Naran Plan can help anyone wishing ta hse weight in a safe, gradual manner. Almost ail cases of exces& weight are due ta aver- eating. The Naran Plan is the easy way ta reduce while stili eating three ineals a day Begin today -go ta your druggist and ask for the Naran Plan. It is sold on a maney back guarantee. ,ta make this extra contribu- 1tion. The Crippled Children'. .Society's ietter was most ap- ipreciative. Walter E. Elliott, a Tarantc Rotarian, was the oniy guesi at the luncheon meeting Marty Martin, Orono, waý the winner of the hockey draw conducted by John Bain Bill Thiesburger, speeia events chairman, annaunced that $92 had been collected on the sale o! Christmas. trees, A rausing singsong was enjoy- ed, led by Dr. H. B. Rundit, Murdoch Beaton was the pian- ist. An interesting panel dis- cussion was held witb For- bes Heyland as moderator. The members o! the panel were Morley Vanstone, Mari Raenigk, Walter DeGeer and Rex Walters. . Mr. Roenigk, the first speak- er, deait with the question "Shauld Canada try ta in- crease trade with Cuba?" He was firmly of the opinion that this country should attempt ta increase its trade with ail Latin American cauntries. Canadian Trade with South America is increasing, but it is not substantial overail, he stated. He pointed out that Canada's trade witb Central America and with Cuba has been hîgh for some time. "Canada has not been con- sulted in regard ta the Unitec States decisions an trade with Cuba, and I see no reasor why this countryshould be BELL UNE by John W. Lowry your telephone manager Well, January is with us once again. We've a new year to look forward to and many weeks of fine winter weather ahead. Yes, for those who appreciate Canadian winter January is the month to enjoy it. But the weather can some- times be our enemy! Because of the extreme cold, heating systems are taxed to the utmost, bous- es become hot and dry and the danger of fire is greatly increased. Every year at this tinie fire takes a tragic toil of ife and property. Frank Calver, Fire Chief for Bowmanville, would like to take this oppor- tunity to remind citizens of the ever-present danger of fire. "Make sure your heating apparatus is working properly," warns the chief. "Also, watch the cbildren. Make sure they don't get hold of matches or lighters. Don't leave thcm alone in the bouse. Children are apt to bc curious and they miglit try to find out how these things work... It's a good idea to teach themn the danger of f ire at an early age. And finally, be sure to write down tl>e tele- phone number of the Fire Department in the front of your 'phone book and make sure every- one, including the baby-sitter, knows where it is. In the event of fire 'phone the Fire Depart- ment immediatchy - every second counts!" Did yau ever stop to think about the life- . time guarantee you get with you telephone? - That's right, it's the only appliance in your . home that gives you A such trouble-f ree serv,- ice. Yaur 'phone is buit for years of dependable service. On thie average, a 'phone requires repairs less than once every five years. But when something does happen to affect your service, we fix it fast and at no extra cost to you. This lifetime guarantee is just another reason why your 'phone is one of today's best bargains. And make one cail a day or 100 - it costs you no marc. It's the only service we know that costs no more no matter how much you use it. Sa use it al you ike ta bring pleasume ta yourself and others. A vag suggested to us recently that he could save money by using carrier pigeons in1 place of long distance service. We have just read an item that disproved his whole theory. According to no less an authority than the U.S. Arniy Signais Corp, it costs more than a third of a cent to send a pigeon messenger a mile, when you include the cost of feed, loift space and so forth. At this rate, allowing 6,124 miles for a round-trip between Bowmanville and Vancouver, B.C., the message would cost about $20.40. But for as little as $3.35 you can carry on a three-minute telephone conversation be- tween these two communities . witb greater satisfaction and less housekeeping. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO T}{URSDAY, JAN. 12th. 1961 tors at Norman Wood's, Oshl I. 1 I.. I our life on earth, and meet I bers, including some original! 1961 Executive which ar a.Jack & Jill Club, ROldS our Maker. arrangements which were Honorary Presidents, R4 Maser im ishr, shaa< e cncldedby ayig 161much enjoyed. and Mrs. Housiander, Pasý tuery..FieherOhaa!He owardeerythaynegte1igt61;gtfll eprse iesets- Ku ad e n visited at Allan Fisher's oa q etwlnb!Wht ouwlli" Presidents Doug and EteiihPesidents- oug and'e ham, sawa r.JhnFee- qet a l TesdyanBoannquetcillereed wa eewith arpanis the itrde thyexPresseanSmrfrd raue eleet1 Elva andcKenHocki Dorellyn eeting ~M.andeMs PatsFremaskn ,16,i rnt u-Catr3 es -Tespir-r. Mndapayingsomde-!'êrsneeta n p Eo aditoyrehandrr Khontp's 10oinattndane. he reat oftheAlmihtynumers aiteneyae i- adress atnd prteet e - Dc inin Sc n f h itr !t ec.h m andhRem ark, Graye was sung, andh del- hth0gvene lie ciaetho f ewop~ith ev- J&J1 Clumebesfrm is eging Merley, gScal Con- ack B s sMr. and Mrs. WEliamner Downnd and Marg. teoles oo o hebil- orzA- Munsirtda 1pesdetlyerKeithsJenSuerfrandesue brugtino thi qd l amdsns , Menzr,JhM reen-icius rast eTefdn n - Job aHenstese te alustesoedMrl dut ,lynumbrs o ee c t 1947 and staed its pu- Kenda ackso h Kly 'snle Mrioeskasetd.Ms Chuck Terry an Lie, serve y Scugogn rintSt. - ever 33ifershumbl e r -yaleguitars nd echo machind He eplaied tat h be-Osawavi, Mr. and Mrs. Geewtlr.CaWlhcnlpscnldn ihpae lied thseirmatroDaisnadPtWityvning. Afteoo Rorn din er .detad challmaenged prTevJasc an -Jill's Mens for gudnce inuurlMeretingaclsedto Abie Knapp'. 100 n attedance.the ent athset the c hilens uabre ttesageveral n- vadd Hocin pisntued art h ith Me. nd Roemn ar CaanntaddxhCbahswr Chrsa gEstl aer - HousiGaner led n a si. ng-eandng fee on thefthe rightof heroad; taocal be-Jac _t by ugt prs int the Unie-d Mrnsack Lavern, Mr.hanva, Jea Billinet.. Rckamitultannga hy are ____the_________________________Club_____________________and____________________ and s States.Canadiansshouldde was aaluistofa Mondayuuestncharman of arnz-A-Pppiinabot4their aterial nd schul y r l oy ta the sevead goin at . CuP err y ant's. Dî srvector s epot.ed that theJacson D-1 Hfer inaed Cuantrad<be- Mrand Mr. H.nJ. uckergentui am otth r.Ca.W l h o astic r iningl.r oagiar n co, ocuigwihpae ~~~ will benefinthisacountydMr.r-shTh, were Cnidtmasldayearly date gducatedeth clubeHencted that ovr the year d ive Roe igk claie. tr of visars at O. Bull's. veinnds t e his ear' v s g o siet does not den'b u t et sag evrl n m_ E aHOci inroued helwt M .- do Thai n t'trrd i ade wit er. andhrisa s on Fie shoathePest evlnd e r.Guest. lives o ndonne ilut roato ed y st Cba has amunted t 1 andiot d amily wee Chritias pae Mr.Dae pavo age, th e r es o u it Paul, Flr- g. addedthat whis e doutteessit ae M, akun rg hwJa tre, Oshawa, v as intaue, Hetuatedinwngcanst ge or as ctante eanard , tasholk be Mr.andrims A.T. Sa tn yCaimnofBarrett.p i serice thoug th chrc brigin itup a $50,00,00 r. nd rs Adm Hwle Mr Saages aenig r- a bentei hmanity and smake - aoyar i hsl wshand think- and atern Pterbaraugh, mars were huorous tandorslesteuheorh sae -.afe ing. ae ua ta r n Misrniee Hapmankl, or-hlcdrax is audncati! ewl aet ivdna~ SDCR Mr. Rol enef tigk acounrMd.dOntow, MssIer eeChr s est, erlatbounats tmelub He c tofeta ver word, dee d hois err ta h Germany, wer C hri s t0m s bsned s tremaks on h easianod thought whenode finis ýd hiscoutry s t a d ing Mr. nd gu s s onSoil'show th- - ___. uet _vesonan o,______te s. Cubadhi Lai nterica. $1WyaMr. andMiywr. Frd Hug, eaerMr -. Sa age h 'vso ist al l e. ofd th Un ie d tat es i flot ESlia r, sa a w sitou dH tae eca etgie rI ihould e ein widthl o Mr..UnnideMers. AletiU1l, bD I .. .. t srviesthrugatecur - radeoiiethere? Canada0 000Ma.and MAlfredamoehal, Toi'-es pnn r tbeei umnt adm > is g admtr nuht n Miss riMea Hskn, Har-. (ienpdreaxfor astdeek)Afwell haristo and Mrs. i- Rownikay," he stated emny, were ChrissmnasyGehs on Crstonmasay eanaDavis twre wh r.indTh. I I~ l L h i cîorsing. testnin n guests at an mGe ssberge's. k f'h ntdSae s nt Mr. and Mrs. Gen tre liwt r.adMs. M ra Ms oglsGaama t . andnLatnMrs.ia. Earl Magee, Mssr. ADarvid a inul ge fre in ietrnn uie aeMr aan rxy teigtM.15 HV E I -R EA tDart Mr' Kenneth TyneraMadaamirNewnYear'seincluded Mr and caps it n al.Tehg ta ndao f 40 on Newiss ar'Hskay. r s. Jack Bifr ss adteirEvln MKino nai- otre l, uiuai.T-1tn uqoieadio loiving here is the rsulte o Miss Doristart, odilie, childr n ran ma d en ave., r and Mr.Vinen triy'lsntra esuce b or enryat's;and Aisrnld Dar t, Mr. and Mrs. a roi ad- a .D ogand GJo hn; mrs .Ahren- egncapsitgaluesadedione' WovlliBsedngafweondere guests o!Mr ad ad Sndrfr erono 97 IL.4-R L ans omaisd ays at H en Dat's.w Mers . eisSn e ,n i Tor- r n Mghrs. G . tapeMr.m uirdo cenn oeg outsid o! C nad c s n astEr Briarcck, O sh-wotaoun d ay r.Jm in aadanne,eMp.yanadiane, awaMspentna few aHenat Fred Mr.dandrMrs.Marre ri- es amrsl rey o! Kinso15 HY.BLAR4 EA are~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ms îneetdi nraigCrnrns r.Fe aeo er, etbrh, wnere New Year's icldygest wth157r. an4dR nnu pmatanda n e s bietandafaiyprt fMs. pareMr.and Mrs. Leo-Mr. ad s M. Charle sy6I ynalowvthP w r l transmission, custo n i cptagm e i ioc ae d a hyraisf4spen New Years at Aubrey a ckDriver or nhritma od wr r .n rs.aly ctrcfon e somingcompaisthe n sutheof dMis rs. KiaPtWovle, cMm. n an kr audlStnaniey ., Mr. aE rsL Vier, tHol- w.gradio. w tne ur oiead vr ~theadvunons en fthe smeosa wa, M.RlhPtrMnraQe, pn hit 1od I. r adMs .15 UL'A EA boat?" Toro~^ no M. nd Mrus.Trnacy mafweeebdrwiuhh.s a ckDsrossnleand their o s onLieg. On o nr r. A ex let Wr' atraDeGes e sked fow- Gnylasplitokandmotoldrtt, ohr Ms anhCirsivn r adMs om teg coadpobl emsca b ewYokfo afway. Mr. and Mrs. HJon Sa-apldiuand faihonPnt; Mall ca 95 CE.-r. EA SoivdWioech ounrystas i speJanga et aoG elphsLnsywere unday guest.sandadSnraî.n Trno "Mtese anaistic. easpent tHenrChDrits hldaswiMrs. wiand Mrs. aiTr-Gues.switMrG . a Ms. 153CustoV.2- d.CO H outsde it C isdaaRt ars pro- Mwit erparens .an d Mrok s. otwnla da ndMnd . Careld;o rteous dforstheJam- jectn tonecln ate te dn Ch aarieNtalor. JoiFrd ran d m us , au er- d a w e Mr. Kan g Ms. 1 5Rab- -R .H R aforinHess ondepred i men Mr. DgandMs. odCe, Gue h o!pare ndsMr. Ran Eud M s e Mr arrd Mr. Ca rs. Eric P owGitransmissioncson uitrd . a rores any nlearr a walkngrase a Nwekend guest at Ch ard Drwiersatno n hursma Port es, Mr and Mrs. 6wyAr-ti fot et thejecond mforie ndoturnlo ingle Nor's. emRg obe rtelous, aginoTrto . 15 H E I E A then- oer cek' or if thi ms a e eas- r .M ogilMs. TeRv n r.Gog but ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r idaii and sons M irok, Mr . gfeand ters. dau teyRian rsoEn entLertne he w-tn rdan vo "anaduians arusnthecomieOsa wa Mr . ChRie ayloPrsnd utFli, Mih., sen have sbeen nitd, Chur.achoirs.At159 theN SE A bneation i mTddanoJnt, M.and Mrs. TacHarr ust ihM.adMsPasngonWnsdayMNXMOERODTINDCSTOHOE}RM mustremmbe tht a log Sanly ad DanMr.DoulasMane Wih du rnd-.thegt.Gamiescnt and ersn asWatint hink only of tdheDo GeGuel ph, we otr ripNew eek. er s Cin. Ingi. ngdoCrîs.Tm my car- Oe£wrcr.A eclln th own d advantaesntratin- NYeak'srday gests aMs. AexMr.SanMSeaJhn t, Miss, ab- aisr nyd. olly owng Oldsoble - carroez uova aovi f ob cswicontinue' Mc Misat G elp, tidaySo, wMm. andyMrs R oohlait.uchsre b I Web-l ntoaiti. H p tteCrita o i a nd cot t r.and fmiiy WleO r us. R ih r atne choradv y 1ii Bul)C r DeGeeat sa tarepaoi- seiteran, Mr.endMrs on-Tusayo imid. amerporesentedthe i 95ad IDR CAC Sht o i cd ina e wad Ch arleisitor t lnFihe's n aea dnd, Fioriteda. cm, Mrs r . Spediers.Ro-Porth atan msso mritted te o theried Nio mn Mr. and Ms.oge Hlts, ofMr. and Mrs. HRe.Em Ryey ersonarrf, Mw.thndMrsToHA ILEEriee ruk OUTC ase anotheer qeton dalicus-sa w, m.ndrs Ray hr ece wive a r siai Cnhurs- t-a ennis, expressdngeAr- PoeNA335 tse n Mm.leniad thow lsNott ndfail edon M. angifat uesday wtbe thnks or er diofTrcto.15 an ELAR EA theoterchek orifths s .and M s. lpJaspMeian-Driioter. . i.Lngfant daug-r ougThe ea rs. _______ can idali e pie o! 00,000000 raidy Tyon, Mbrs. . . r.Mr s. Ryiey ld and the abytrRcado ntrand teT otoerdadio g ndTias mist on e a peMms. ale Ma ter andRethintCivic Hpitav, eter- nitd Curh coira K .h dedt Hemasserdthat tei asrog tat Gd eaMry.Dasp ls o ManestWrCavano, wg ho has ams c s an' th atin Chi k n a ofekcri- odayGulh, bNe een pedngte xthesninrfCrita ar lsobl herlt - ov presednts Ch in tna t Mm advMmus R s. Sainton mnthsin Scnterce isson - City, ' .Ye. Flloin Mm. Vanstne explaieatedaNr vYa' veFaarie oe y'ln a cabme i the nie a-li.em cM.a nderic o s.Ro-the dit uc evdb ýa dE v y( rts ul)C r tMons ntilrosae is tumned 1 Mr.and Mrs. JHn a mvey w j-lend ctandva. Emnet wh onIs ihrsote co otal l. TiIs h e seterLtined somi, e tei Min- Treman for wa fe lda s mmewithete herled dhaaynain meaans endso New Yela'se rs. Emake av loiaor vr.S .Sele iha BWAVLE Chvoe rcs CUT the ul Recgntin !CehCina c ads Mr. and Mrs. Hansrge iss-' Mrand Longfi e I d, Fhint.' "' ftwith.tW î hgiit y f o rheUtN atmembe Oshabeg M.anndBeth taher e g coi a nd .s s enng xpe g ePh n AQ-35shneM 33 2 ried r ongfadhwSot ndt, he sadrn, r.da iîy ts w e ihth thns o hr diet Mm. a Hpoplanod700t0e ,00odea d i Mm. lapllad rivloft nandn ot dBol- trog teyer tgo pe o th ionestthi on amly TroeMr, F .ton, AgincRt; Mmand he s. . o!spll fcregn eridicas bingG tem r nstLvierHositaoo,Ptr Fia., mad e ath' pp ulase nt by a d-ad Riyteddayai M ml .n Mr.A Degsi- Commie ssnertumned tth e ' le adso vaMm n quet Cion "Wha shuld di- MIF OIA 4A .Toa aikadfm idua Caadins o rgaring idaOR t. y.iyo Poenypoal g hwcre t r*,g:~gg . on news ver Renols n SndtercessionIICity, Mr astn e?" d ta '4O'LL aVNew e ..4 GuFa. estwihom. y anem t ha een pmth en itheTHa-!Mlin.ArthusrvWigeo iboht o e em tias t i Fat rscie tamifs Mrm M. and Mms onBro eoadCvn.Es. Athurwll iv odis hsadd nthi eng etrane eo t M f-rs. Rneyor ter i and wthi ~. " culture or ednation ,"e gMm. ens n N w ea's ve Msns mRamt an aga o .«. . .. that seomeitiorn Red ine'erg.Se,.o.avi.e. mattandcomingHntn-Canada Mm.andyMrs. Will1Fiaand. J , eis !bttefr Utyp e r can be é n eth ýeNwMiss Jill Ce, Oeshawof M .d sei fu Froalut.esc and -- Mrs. IRa E Magi and fam-1 Mm. Waltefsr statede thatd h iiy o! Janetvek adMm.n Mrs 10 er cnthefor tfdesa- MrCian BM wn. Rob r Bol- trcios, orofthe bnnesingtofn__________________0ebay 9 of fdeigablermign itseratumer rigadiLeer. S.pll rd FadDsictv iey.gfHlia op maoud takrenton. a Royal wreanucsts wît. Dm. oS l. - !~HEL~ ~ EAIM IL Sler and s Svan, r an'Ah ........ .Aca f s ic!Aîd o ,n rveit>'..alok Commisien.RHe ytnkedthY qthn modeat o a ndipve- (;SOIE-MTOROIs. Tundasw h îd-\ih cmprso oaidnadan ohe arinis la membtyers for teir iformative WT U OD0 hM. and Ms. Chtn arles. . . .. andates OILNV Mmes. Ci . hstnand . a ready-sct-go" stance tat tnticipates your desiWrtahbt off and giiding wiss t th restrcietamiand MirZetaJnMson Arthinr are nt a otalansw r toper-ville, and Ha r . Johnsto tir ami hies fd or 1961. MseRnt Satumday anditli Mis.rBtisîo ni aietr(hog h îe-hnee or)ta cutrIrrecton" M .sn Rowant and DR as fl- ?:e5z js *W ueio lsmbl eal s Mrsrge1-i B ranitlle: h ods'euet ecie t o'Iadyu o nadte'lma tha te 61OIs s deigt a rie!Drveit oo-ralson-t ou (Iîîende forhastw er. Y an'sday us tsll atre d marcnd ms.Tom obCa- ./ MiHs, Uionvile. sh wa , OdrnMr.ultvDal tended a famiv gatheming I 7/ ~-and\M. aMs.R. . ant AGEERL OTRSVAU Ross Lee's, Kedron. on Christ- mas day.1 Mm. and Mrs. Nomman Leach attended the golden wedding1~ anniversarv o! Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cryderman at Hampton - Hall. W ae Mm. and Mrs. Alian Fisher h t i attended a Christmas party al Archie Parrinder's, Myrtie. YOU Miss Eva Carruthers and girl !riend, Cooksville. s p e nit WC V e Christmas at Ray Carneron's. riglit Horni Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bottrel l, . Oshawa, spent Christmas day JCY hO fit at Glenn Bottmell's. Mr. and Mms. Ken Wood' and your spent Christmas Sunday at Ro- pendable bert Thomas' and George Fogg's, Orono. agaînst les Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach thcft, liai spent Christmas day with theij !amily at John Kiveii's, Solina. afld 'jdgir Mm. and Mrs. Douglas Knapp, ol epliy 'Mr. and Mrs. Ben Angfi, Sy 1- O 'via and Ben Jr., Walter Tickle,' premium. Oshawa, Ivan Tickle. Ponty-, for fuit if pool, were guests at Orv ci Knapp's on Sunday, Chistmas; Iday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peeling and famiiy ere Christmas day: guests at W. Gibbs', Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bull an family visited at Gene Bul's,'TUAflj Scarborougb. on Ch.ri st ma s Monday. INSURANCE Mm. and Mrs. Allan Fisher, George and Fombes, w e r e King St. E. Christmas Monday visitors al I Harvey Webstcr's. Little Bi-1 Office tain.MA358 jMr. and Mrs. Ken Wood:M -58 i weme Christmias Monday visi-,ý and tamiiy werMc v o n u aY guests at Harry Poloz, Osll-' Mm.a d Mrs. Lloyd Ayre and famniiy, Bawmanvillc, Mrs., ~ ~ Harvey Crassman, Mrs. Alfred home Ayre, Mm. Larry Metealfe, Osh- verl ML awa, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pas-, coe, Sauina, were Monday sup-' live in per guests at Boyd Ayre's. got. just the îcowncrs pol- Lyour necds budget. De- cprotection ses from fi re,, nents. Ail in y-at onl 1w MEIMORIAL HOSPITAL WEEKLY REPORT For the wý,eek of Jan. 2-8ý inclusive. Admissions -43î Births, 2 maie, 4 female...6! Disciîarges .54,ý Major Opemations ---.------8ý Minor Operatiens 17! Ememgency treatments 17: Visiting boums 3-4 p.m. and, 7 ta 8:30 p.m. 118 kw PLUS THE TOTALLV NEW le F-86IS J "~~~Ç ~ ERV INCH AN OSOI sors.yY~v NEWISPACIOUS INTERI- ORS. More headroorm, Iegroam, more comfort. ablIe seats. .hETWENvc A NEW OLDSMOBILE ACC RIDE! Live rubbercushions TIOI you-smooths yaur ride Hyci - ut aver 90 locations. Faste ecoc :EL-A.ROTOR AC- )Non Olds' all-new dra -Matic Drive. or, smoother, more momnical! A NEW SKYROCKET ENGINE for great new vigor,coupied with Olds' traditional economy. INDEPENDENT 4-LINK COIL SPRINGS keep your Olds' ride level at corners, stops and starts. A I9 à 1 0 - - - - -- --- - - - . - .. ... . Formation. HAYDON iVNEW in every way you ...... (Intended for ast wcck) Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Werry. Mrs. A. McKinnon and Miss Louie MKinnon, M. acDUSC Ba MuilBrowniee, Toronto, Mm.! R. JAaES MrielRussell Ormiston, Mm and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Linda REAL ESTATE and Janet, Enniskillen, Mm. RYWN I HL Bowmanvllle famnily were New Year's din-i Residencetnrgeî t ly sh- BUWMAN VILLE OLDSMOBILE - CHEVROLET .-(JOBVAIR COURTICE M 59fMm. Ra ' Ashton attended PHONE MA 3-3353 AND ENVOY (British Buit) CARS - CHEVROLET TRUCKS PHONE MA 3. - OSTF in the Royal Yomk ___________ Iwhle' i*n Toronto.