PAGE POUR EIJITURIAL COMMENT j 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, 13OWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 1952 1953 1 1954 1 1955 -,j 1956 1957 1958 j Healthy Economy Cornes First Always at -this time of year, the newspapers are f illed -with reports of the inaugural addresses by incoming mayors and reeves of the municipalities. In this area, the 1961 speeches were exceptionally well prepared and pre- sented by Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers (Jf Bowmnanville and Reeve Garnet B. Rickard of Darlington Township. These are the only two we have seen to date but probably the others will tell a sirnilar story of the probiems connected with expanding municipalities, increas- ing budgets, higher tax rates, expensive additional outlays 'for education. hos- pitalization facilities and so on. But this is only the local scene. a small scale operation compared witil the provincial and federal problems in which ail of us also play a big. paying part. In the province, thîngs are fairlv ouiet at the moment,. but federally there is a great deal of activity because ail parties are aiready making prepara- tions for the next election. Earlier this week, the Conservatives held Iheir annual meeting in Orono with the new~ r' ise of Trade and Commerce, George Hees, scheduled as guest speak,- er. While Ihis event was laking place, Liberals from ail over Canada were meeting for a gigantic rally in Ottawa. At the time of writing this editorial it appeared that no matter what party forms the government foiiowing the next election, Conservatives, Liberals or the New Party (CCF), this country ,as already been committed to a heaith isurance program as the next step in security, welfare, social justice or what- ever you wish to cali it. What else wiii corne out of the Liberal convention is in the hands of the various poiicy committees which have been working hard to formulate a program which lhey feel will appeal to the electorate. We only hope the Libei'als dont veer too far to the ieft in an effort to offset any appeai they believe the Newv Party wiiI have. But, poiitics being wvhat ib is, there is no telling xvhat rnaY happen. Before the Conservatives book over from the Liberals, they jumped way over to the left wing, leap-frogging the Liberal reform party in their efforts to gel elected. The country is now suffering from the fulfiliment of some of those promises which were far more costlv Ihan Mr. Diefenbaker and his party could have anticipated. This year the country will have a defîcit of between two and three hundred million dollars. In te face of such a prospect, it was not surprising Ihat Mr. Fleming's "Baby Budget" failed to include a gen- eral cut in income taxes, much as he and the government he supports would have liked to have provided such a Christmas present. Now, they will save it until just before the election. That is Just political commonsense. Health Insurance is somelhing else ah-ain. Tt undoubtedly is of great im- portance t o folks ail across the country \vho will look upon it as a wonderful development xilhout reckoning its fanlastic cost or wonder'ing if we can afford it at this time. In our opinion, the mosi. important fundameutal moves by political parties should now be directed towards ways, and means of curing the ilîs that have beset this country's economy and slow- ed its progress. Such measures wil]] fot have nearly the polîtical appeal of health insurance, but without them we might well face a future flot nearly as bright as it could be. We need to pro- vide more Jobs for our expanding work force and that means more construc- lion, more prosperous factories. service industries, retail outiets and other bus- inesses which can provide gainfuil cm- ployment for our citizens. However. one can almost forecast now that because ail parties are com- mitted directly or' indirectly to Health Insurance, that it will come in some measure during lte next few yeaî's no matter what condition the t'est of the economy is in, Tt is too popular a move1 bo be resisled. The next eleclion should 1 be most interesting with ail three parties olbidding eaehi othet' in Ihi-, fiel d. Checking Winter Unemployment Ini most cases expecting trouble when things are comparatively weli is regarcled as being downright pessi- misbic. Looking ahead to trouble in the form of winter unemploymenl. how- ever. is flot being pessimistic, but is taking a practical view of what lias ho- corne a regular unemployment patte tu in many sections throughout the Dom'pon, and Bowmanville is inclui- Each winter liundreds of local aiîd district ciizens join the ranks of the unemployed, not of their own xiii. The Town Council has done much inrt eceuti wvinters toalaleviabe the pi'oblem. b)v» sponsoring wînter works. Btt itizens in general cani help. Local businessmen at-e urgeri to Long Service The retirement lasi. wcek xt 7\INIr. H'1arold Rickaby (a native of Orono), from the Ontario Department of MVine's ends a long and distinguished career of public service. He was a member- of Che Deparbment for 33 yea rs, and Depuby Minister for 22 - the lougest tenure of the office in Provincial Mr. Rickabys years ot service sawv a remarkable transformation lu bbc rnining industry. When lie joined bbe Departmenb in 1927, minerai production iu Ontario vas x'alued at about $90 million. This year the -value is expeci.- cd to bc over $1,000 million. There has been progress flot merelv iti quarîlitY but iu diversity as well. The old staples of nickel, gold, silver and coppet' are riow supplemented b;' a wide \',arietvof metalliîc and uon-metaliic mitierals. including iron ore, uranium, zinc. cri- bait, platinum and associated metals. rock sit. sulphur,. ypsîtm and flutor- spar. Employing more ifan 60.00 perisous directIN and a nuuclî largcer nimber' îndirecîly, miitig uauks ssitli the manufacturing and foi-esti. ndusi ries as one of the tht-oc niaiiîstasotr Ontario's ecouomy. Inl this developmeniu. Mr. Rickabv lias played an important t-oie. Unider lis direction as Deputy Ministet-. the Deparîment of Mines bias kept pace with the growth of tbc industî'y. andc hias given it efficient regulatioti and earî'v oui. construtction, tenovation. decoration and maintenance work on their premnises during January, Febru- ary and Match. Home owners shouid arrange to have ail types of inside '\vork in their homes compieted tbis winter. A]] citizens in the town and community at-e uttged to scheduie the purchasing of clolhing, fîtruiture, etc., to the winter 1 rriouths in order to maintain steadv \'ear-rouud economnie buoyancy. Civie. municipal and provincial authorifies are beîng * requested bo sehedu le construction and maintenance oi' public buildings. roadwavs-, ev', etc-.. whiene possible intî he wiuteu' montits. A winter %vorks programmei is a pract icai one. and, if ail citizeixi ofi nul' cormuitîfvsuplporttic.('~ tesutifs are assuî'ed. Ends hechuical assistance. 0f particular im- portance was the leadership Mr'. Rickaby gave in the adoption Of scien- tific prospecting methods, especially tbe Lise of ait-borne geophysical surveys. His services ho Ontario deserve Io be temembere(d,--Globe and Mail. THE BUIIDENS OF LIFE We ai-e irevet' giveti mot-e Iban ,%e caiî boa r lile i preSelt IItUr we CAN alwass endurle; XVe find il brute whai. o*et- oui- catec, For' lc-da\-. our ts.rength is sur-e. 'l'lie htriaIs of iman vy oaîs, togetîicr± Wouîld crush Lils ho te ground. But. ines-et-y kind of weatber Ilis jurcgmeitf is really sound. AIl is nieasirued b o ot- stirengtlî. If wevo olv stop to smile and policier No svork or' trial xii] have mucb lerîgili For love xiii filus all witb voudeî-. hrcini cai bucltiiweIcàini a lessini As iiesw sti,(,iin.ýth sve socîn acjUitre \\'e fird uoniv joy frni ift"s but'cesîi. As \te louk Lup, wo beau' God's choir. So Fuietds. there is î'cally no bui-dei For tbe Sun shone again to-day And even ss'hen dark clouds bhreateri You have a Ftiend to case bbe wa .. -Marion Ford ~be nvitfl~in ~t4te~1rnrn N. Durha;n Coumtys Great F'amily journal Fstablished 107 y'ears aga in 1854 Aiso Incorporatung The Bowmanville News The Newcarstle Independent The Orona News CI 49 kI Authlized cilsZec"akd Cia.s MlAiby rire Fsz tari iie Depi .Ottown Produced Every Thursday by THE lAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PO. Box 190 62-66 Kng St. W.. Bowmanviie, Ontarna JOHN M. JAMES EDinot-PuBLISMEP GE0. W. GRAHAM Atnvt,. M.qNAGEa SUESCRIPTION RATES e4.00 a, strîctly in acdvcnce GEO . PMORRlIS tBustNLSS Mon».. 1500 arn in the Unted Stafe, D 29613 1 29701 1 2,921 j 1,960 DEATHS 1DEATHS 1 DEATHS 1DEATH5 2,084 DEATHS h Traffic accidents ovei' the lioliday w\cckcnlsý conld push Canada's fatality and injuî'y lutals to the; highest point in histor>'. according to figures rceased i by Ail Canada Insurance Fcderation. FigureTs comi- piled by the Fedes'ation. which represents 200 Canadian~ This, seenis to n as~ gooti a entdir. a gciîcroits courtes time as aîi., to ý,ay -'tlank which is nuch apprecialed h i O'o 1 aliil t e poople xlir) my ý- ite and LI 'sent usq nîce messages of gond Tlie Haroldi Wickcti «s will dluring the recent fest ive Whitby sent us, a beauil fi season and this includes the desk calenclar xw ii h s calendars that noxv adorn iove!y "season" picture t' our wails. eauh two moutth poriud. Thl The one Io arrive \\ as Wi'kettF are a coupie of rei, trorn Miss Beatrice Hardmtg. biot spark plugs in Ilie mici who lives near Ponityp,-ool,,penident Ordet of OtitiFel Wales, and whose brother, lowr., vwhich is huw 1 came i Reg Harding is so xvell kîîown make Iheir acquaintalicc. throiighout Durham Count'%,.' The other desk caleiîda Tlie picture was otf a French cano~ from KysBeatt.Sal poodie pushing a go-cart. oc- on. Oronio. and shows a dit cupied by another pooch; theyferent kind of hair-do foi, caci hati pauseti at the curb. thus!rnonth: thev run the garnt emphiasizingp the iiecessit.\ of, ftom Swan Silhiouette, througi obeying traffic rmies, \which ,'Co-eti Caper. French Sophis urge caution andi ubsvrxani.e; tication. to Ch ristinas Part'ý before staî'tinig b cross thlifor ladies. iiatueh. street. Each year. Miss I-ard-ý The calendar fron; l"ied L' ing sends us an uîîcîsual cal- cett, Irîsurance Agent, Oronc and Distant Paist -Iiropi The Saesno1 ~ %YEAIR!s NGO (Jan,. 16, 19â6) l)arlingtruî councilrese to birv watbie fi.\ powtier for To wnsh ip.- Commissioner Fî'ed W. Ne!- les stas electeti Chairmoatiof the Public Ufililies Comaîlis- sion ai. bue inaugural mîeeting of the Commission on Mondav aftex'nooni. Fil-es xeu'e umoreiruîra andi damages higbeî' iiiBows- manville in 1935 than ini 19-li, as i-eVealed ini thie aiîîual î'e- por'ItufrFire chîier Geor'ge LylE - Boxstialiville I ricrîls rx'illb-- soi'tv to ieaî' t iat N'.is. 1. G. TIclfkeyý. i3plhev-ile. feu anîd fractureti lîi'r rigih arîkie andi is confiniech tu Ielu i on- l'le C'niIý101eni i 'arnrni ecd of Mi vC.A.. clauglitui' or Mi. andi\rs .lJohîn F -îuid ît Souithi Dariigtoiî. f0 Wilhrýaru M\. Alli:, son of the lute> Mu.rý anti Mi". A. W. Allun of Bor\ - nianvîlle. Tic rinari'iagr xvwiii take pin)-e rarl v iiiFebrir.rx Mir. C. G .?Ilorr-r xxm -ni Toronito tî: wack 9a1itiîdivîi the Ont~arîio I.':iei'atDirectîr--' Association atv" ira] î-qn-rr,.tba anti als-o tic National Fuirrii- turc ExJliiîtor. 1.nv.Fd. i. Drx lin n! lie Hiîtiî S:,Ilrt - ii tiSuSgir. t speaker- at Si. John's A.Xn-P.A. on Monda-c îîuolît wheii he de-, livereti an adresr- nnu"rc anti War." Newceastle: Mens- 'r.W. Vanu Dusen anti Ueo. Gras" are cut- tiug ice at the laite front for a numbeî- ohfax-mers. Nextonxille: Congratulationis ho Mm. ant iMrs. Clifforti Avcr- oni the hii'th of a baby box - CadMUS. Abnt irth'tI' (tientis anti nci-.hboî-s mri liarlington ioitnnr * ed to 'Mt Eti. Fow1ei-'s Jantial. .:31-d anti spenitthie ceseninpg î!icautis. crokîtrole ai-d dancing. Saleni: Sorrv ho heari! rît? tire -erious injur 'scîstaliet hy MIr. Rowrland Cousinsr x-len lu? tell several feet off a iadder at Mr. Fu'et Honey7's xvbere be is emplo-eti. He receiveti a sex-ere shakiing. a spranuieti back anti ankie. T-r'one: CongI'atuIatirs ',0 Mr. anti Mrs. L. J. Gootimani <nec Miss Ethlîe Skinner). otn their recent marriage. Nestietoji Mr. ant "irMm. Wî. Saniiells. Mr.- aiît Mî'C'eu'r isanaud famnilx . Mr. anti Mrs. Johir Hooe\x. Rot atîd Burnex. ixere enherbained a, a turke.v dinnrr Saturdat ex cli- ing at Mi'. Il. SanielIF.*'. '1 ir \xnnt-ti- tîaf faim speaks fa bus etîiitren in thpe Dnlvae3' of -home are niet ieard, vhe bcworid. but. as10 s'in o erinE gtilerik-s. teî' ai-e clearl.'1 hcarti at bthe i. anti1," pos- jterit,. -Jean Paul Richter. i r.Tlioiîias Pâterscîi. failli! la dv ioxs n tiiioiighîout. tili disýtriçt a1iîo-b iai f a crirtiri ago a-s ther'iuopricttuu' T' Glasgow fliouse. Bcusx'iatiiii xxleu'e a large tirx g,,oris Fusi ness was tarmi'i cr ui in the >ut tiors' ucuîîied Iu h1, rMorris o'sfirrtitîre stirr. asx-î ho tirs ett'uaai rtc i ron u Jan. 12, aprdl 96 'mars, 191 cAays ah Fils hîorîut'Queei St wlbcre li lc ian-r re-irl-tineiloal ever' ir c il ale iii Rosi' nîilic h l'ac-ntr u i user hlax et inru fnsîia;urilî n'a th' c e rtini-of ahi nMhoa' tender] th i alil r-h hesn cir I- li-ai bsrx aud Osli.isniahi 'h temrnii \tidar- iii gin i1If nn-; dnut tJuug1vîu tu t a brui, tlire ttriu'l'uu r iii' 111,11r ri. 'l'h( gret- uriei'Y i t? ors ns-ru a bontut r 's.At h th, nli rclîalîir Fiiîl \rii tri tie re ti a fite ns mi . - Aoncs aax i ngiemzil l uevr'boitter.Rns-\'îra hiati a liarî'cmailin rraa'li dili t. (Jhîi itie mus i-rs r i 'cuirclnue: C. Roneahlrs rnas the -tai- ic-fence mna l ithe ice ant i xcîl C. Cole 1wn ou cm ia hw che O-limWx iif 'ir -r s-n-l! euh, C. C') 1 playeti a'ort- t gaie ai porr Etiger' p1ay-etia fie(-uame ic goe al tpuig ianv liard one, Miss Minnii Hoar. daughhci o! Mr. W. H-. Huai', Providence bas gone to Roosevelt Htrnpi taI. New York ('iti - b thi, for a tinsr. iIs Ida i ,-'l r irr i onhii lVIi- \\.lAtîî-îi~ 'i andi Catlmniî \\'cdoinu:. l"rî-n i f-hi nrv e';pretI- huit qittxeii ii ssas so1-lmiired at hflic lîojîî or ?vI'. anud Mîs. S;is Fn-r. e Sccrgog StI. ontr dwCtitstlir JIarî. ]ithi. xhicri 1hi r niil clauglîter. Lena. ivas unrlrd ir the holv bonds of nmatrimion nsitb Mr. Erlir--hScott Fl igg Hawvartiet. Sask. Enniskilleiu Mrs. C'.1 Jýaii Miss Pascor arcE-;il iiif City - Solii: Depriatuiiin-urn iE xillinrîterviîew 'C.R. aut bri tics iuren i- tri a n-atinr amoîl of Sol a Tianîphoini 'i: N-ir iini a lioigeiliasr couetiri ni\o k ir Torontho. Darl'uigîaur .\1,'. l' Gli, iiiiinz a rec,'x hon-e fi i: fitî ti Siengn ou -baau uOl Ilý triai-e irE' 1 te Soîriui Enfieti iêet. S a niîu ne Bray andi W W' Orrmîston are exhlhifing stock ahithe Stock a-nti Pouit'-- Show af Ottawa. Tx'rortr e' Mn-rs ("hailes an- 'murn~n.!-y îh.. an are vis:tmng frieutis hem e. 3,184 3,260 3,118 EATHS DEATHS DAH insuratîce companies, show t appi'uacli thei 100,000 mar-k equivalent Iu the combined Nova Scotia; Gratibv. Quebe Brandon, Mýanitoba and Nanm /, 9 1- Il1 1959 j1960 I lm: SUGAR and SPICE : m Di'rpetised bvBill Sntiley One of my Gracie Il sttîdients is intensely interested in lin- identifieti fiying objects. anci visitors from outer space. 1 think he expected me to scof f when he told me about it. On the contrary. I assureti hîm' there was nothing ridiculoots about sncb stories. and incai- tioned one sncb xisitor Fcd liaÀl myseif. He spread the wordî. andi next thing I knew, al thce kitis in the ciass wvere clanior- ing fo hear the -ztory. There %vas no choice but to reaci it to thern. just as 1 bati put it downl two yeaî's ago.' Most of yoî will remeînbeî' it, but 1 think it bears retelling. if only to prove that yon can*t tangle with the *flue. eleventy- seven e\am iapers. andti th January* blues anti turn out a scintillating colurnn. So heri' it is. if vvas abîouît il p.ii.'b Mwite w.a oft, ba tîetiliz. The i.tierr off la .derp. I xvas looking at a pic#ture in t lî' paper. conlusive evideiter tha the huimin race is .m ,ia. of Mis% .Ias ne 1%Iarîsfirld. 1tond- eiling a dre%.s cut bo pro' e that the >-oung lady's bust is indeed biir<'r titan lber butt. or whichever it's '.up'pos'ed t lie. 1 nîust admît I w as ,,îj,,ý, iîig î"e in a tiisgusled Sort of wkay. ýO ia ha -n Mîkîka-i 11 3,202 (EST.) ,ii'oind andtI circ buli - rDEATHS DEATHS tlîink I1 know. 1\½rs riip en te;i hat 1960 injurt ot ils will 'Ho-vn? tr foi' the lu st Liu'e , was sýtPrk nakcd airc torrc 'f'l populations of Amherst,, highi that -tIartlvîrd i, ' Nu 'c; Nia.-ara F'alls, Ontar'io; 1t3 la le a papetr li r ie aimo, B.C. - rectia H river' Nor Il 1< lu i idoniy one andtlil tiep p lirpIe. st righit a tîr E LIZ.ABETHVILLE et fhssirI îir tt-ited, aibeit faintly. "We're not so bad as ail that. We may have our litie lanits, but after ail. we're ail hurnan and. . ." But 1 stopped talking and shook ln my boots when his purpie eye turned red and angry -lookitxg. Humtiian. Lh."'lie S oried. 'O.voti're a grand Yoiu buinans, Yon preach et- Iv love, andi evet'v 29 or 301 Vvar's yQu murder each other b ' millions. Yot boast of bui- Mnan kintines. but vont hold youi' grain foi'ftic right price %v'hiie millions of humaîis starve. Tour best braitis ar'e totallv cn,ýrossed in making tw<> things - more horrible wcaponis anti mor'e money. Yniiî churches are monuments fi) a lost railse. \'otir woinen Firr .zled\irews;. Yotu walioxv In r iois -iiqîtot. nicotine, ruVfr' 'iîii llîcI'Oes arle adutl- tî-'.ri; r~ri-.esanti thick- Iti'slie tva'. getting pretty lnkeie). hrcattse jlus thirn tiin#t) fleur off lik lit fie Poilnted i eaid and snioke pour- cd otuf.1 i mst have fainted in fero,' bea ue y wife caIniq iii atidtoiin i me in front of Vtr firrplace ini a deep sivooli. lVhrni f1 ried (de tell lier abolit if. -liPIeuit 'trFli'ilt t#0flie h ti i a titi ftpep ileî 4 Lotiý freiti Hie h' ipdvljiali bottk tf4lr 'dv Tiiere ws' a di-op "lit ni i, if. s sue aiti It must lhavi, hem itue vrioon pie and flet' <-epi<Iee rust i t l'il matie for diviner. Pui! i lrIeu bltcr 1 stapp)Ieci rii ticonvince lher. but 1 did 1-1-1110 y'ui a nmirthless iie e ciikeki cvhen she want- ('tI ti 1 rw ,3ci ailet the I: is dr1p-1-) r ai] over ihe 1I\xrîiII ira 'l/I M 11 On Wednr>ýday aiteriroon , Whl t ei s 'hoak rie, andi bLILZA.I iH VILLE lie \V.A. bield thei nronthly! throughout itee .'srilta ex.i- <(hifentiet fom iastxve1 r .iru'r tlie e iautntl ni Ilil-ia rnpieraig Iit \'irs Il."hîcksun's. c hatîge, 'L-as;I!hal I lit' Itais , ' Sirridax .r'hnnI andi ehurel lv tionalf ieîdliG arden, but Plî'e,îdetitMrs. "r opened 1 thi,îz that MiLahtib "ý u-ei~i' i'~ cre i elti oniSunday tiigirrlstotngix t an metailsasako ii gvnnua-.llal r) of wvhc're t i sîtiateti, js - .the meeting wji hthe rîsual ao savoel, ilad (ha nvu t air i i Mr. . e aan Il sj>rre, low il w\as toutiet, or motllo an(] therne. feiw minutp es '~ilsmIi ofaf a 11ml xverr Newr Year's gnest!r a v.110iîrovudc's the finances for;i' . mntso le atltee pikrsole ato týo ui t îaiteînc.wîicli lcavc's Fi iue he is ><<'.srnlott ,tto i Mr C. BraIt t v. Boy and anti, shoving it itto bis nîtli Jk Dr"attv. Toronto i- Lis wonrîiîtumg if if is the one' meeting werc rat anti ap- 'wieh 'tas. of course, litcatei Mr, anti L-s. E iuirti, il stradcllitîg the Canadian-Am-! proveti. Report. froni the sirk iu his left armpit, rrî,nch hap- O'haa.lcii Newv Year's af ericaii border. ont West. comrn-ittee xvas that Mrs. E. pUly on ilSîinxsîeaîd a- guests hall Ornbthe other hanti. the CariWiewoha bniPtr.- Mý,r. andi Mrs. W. Mîtltrew, Mr'. *taiu Btk o Cmec borongh Hospital xvas home Tîhen ire zpokp- At icasi. liii' airîri Mrs Wbitbred. Oshawa, -alhiiar shows a uhorse tirawn asain. not sure wbetber lie spnke. MNrs. V. Walfers, Mrs. Smith, mîg î'îossiîîg a pioneer type of, Tle meeting wa.s their tutu- y li ~ ave Luseti' soine Ivre Wjvr-r .1. Multirerv anti C. Row- I-woncicn bridge spanning al cd river to Rev. Wright andti <f ieni telepatbv, r tiîough T\ lnti.s ýFolr 0\1goge 1o01' a river: the bridge Mrs. Peacock foi' the ehertion t'nfrtr.A îi ae r M ic i ' olrci cunîîects snrne rock with an of officers. The following of- carrieri on ai conîversationî. irriarnlerl-Mr- anti Mes. ý auttimilcoloureti forest. Un- ficeri' were electeti for 1961: "oi'_i-aariti1Fi l'rMsnanigil , ci'~n - ternieath the picture. is an Presitient. Mrs. Keti Trew- sootlecl. ' vh 10]dtoltrr mrle I'o.ani m ndci exei'tartie on the need Ilst vice Presitient. Mrs. V: findîitaver ciage Earthiîîaîî.,Sam Mooî-e. Toronto. on ir for br'idges anti roacîs from Peacock; Missionary Coînven-rati- 31dv OuIrP ahoii i razr3\aa il Innerdt t he present in i or. Ms. il. White; Sec.-Trns.: as liev <orne" -Cr'Llnefil. rri-i "h arIlri NI SS'a M eo2re. 'ne -aloiedam or) onu o ffice Mrs. C. Mereer; Rep. tbIihe itig to y et oe sa-,r'a ntu, X'wtilsoi hM.n i wl sfrom McGregor's drug Chnrch Boarti. Mrs. K. Trewmv hay mnoo. TnkTiiso sire Bwranileand has anti Mrs. M. MeAllister; Par'- 1vcl*v 'tellhl'In ste- Miss Bervi Thirkson anîd tlie tiought. provoking cap- sonage representatives, Mrs. i 'They wvontier'ed.*' lie xrcn iieid Mr'. Jim Heron spent. -itir*'*' quirýty: A'uditors. Mrs. H. Mii- ping off anotbei' puece. c-un clî. Mrni: - Peroni, Collingwooti. ptutu-h s-arîrîiiig tr observe sev- dr*ew anti Mrs. H-. White. rriufl'ii "if thner xtAs andani m.H-oward Quani- 1 poinît ill.takîîug ovet-111, isli.i .trit helti New Vear's and hadt i 'ai tIiinpm \monrg.sucih as a T Lrîrcl wag ~'daltire 'rate pianet. as plailiieti, ati l i' a;nti Mr-s, Elliott, Oshawa, niraoI-r raie:. tonibackwýartis. a81clos,- of the mreetinig Th'e ib- to tludu ,omnetlll!12 '-w thian i ther' onact ack, t*stillite îmeeting Î7, It e We d -1Uc natives-. Eau a,-, Î'rn ! -Mr,and1 M i Aln eaeoclc I ini- l.hrlon halmner <of'e-dav a T/f FTh1i ck'sr'n.rrîe.oienfnehufi ii i ln a r'Iiel.'u-. i i é' ýNria Mc c -' îîur.uîîalr-hed SOX Oflic, cîî tir îol b1pwe't. CI -e 13 thr n n-ir ' îi 1'Cntafoi d2'A'm ti rrtit kîiis tof shoeF. ou-tai wcekend if Mm. anti Mrs. But F fl'o- iuh .ii hatuinai ef i'Ir -anti Mrz V. Pfýncoci aiia i;e rliil iati Tiueu'e Scoff's, Cailliîbeilcrofl fte miestigatirrg cormmttee:' NI, and M~ V, Peacoek aremmx ii~r' 'ron" bî~ iç5s weu. -lthant lon 'Crnnch, crtnci. fineldi New Year's with guesto Ili thcF ie rture -too -)Matny- b - WMr. andi Mrsi-lonev, Mary and rmenîtion lieue, but this wilî î ere. Toot. ee "Ie.v. wait a minute' 1 pro- Mrs*Jackson, Milligan. g-c yu an ira tif the in- horne for the weekenti. i__________- - i~gacu(' if? soîîîc artisis. Olai Mercer returneti borme 'nTh_, asIt ti arrive. 1,. a fioni iiai. Florîda, Ibis paste li e ýl)lotiici caleîîtar. front thatiweek anti îeported a fine poiiular M\'asse *NI - Ferguson! titiic. r- i h- and servire dealer. Siti 1\1,-s. Uo. F'owler, Oshiawa. triLanastr. t Nwcatle Ltart'iveti Satnmday to spend a i s a fiint oh irîtormatip On f: ew dta.\,: with Mt-. anti Wrs, lai-ia-s <t hie. Woi'icl.' witii E. Fowlcr. a 6lr hi f-ntIl ! iitue Mir. .Strong and i arte ' 6~~~~ tmarhoftetwehvc momtbs, t.. dptii seine phase of farrm- Rowciiffe erîlertaîned Mr. -irig in F-rance. Nex. Zealmii Staniforti anti Roy Strong at~ l'ili ipi 1r)r's. i\-almiý>a, Sct Cbit'a bm . lah. alirti .nî tr r f twelvir' ! anti MIts. C. 1Beaf [s-ncri non h'. Srci - oiiinls ii -ic i dtet'taitnerh ou Thntrstiay ýev" * has i-aIrurici ;mîrrveiiii5t Mi's. Wiaters atIi-id r. . Sithfl lîrî"iiit Iie trohue anti were sortie of the vrisitors who t~ ~ ~~~~~111: li'1 îh iîi ti-.HLrhat dinncm rvith thîerî. in ii 1-orr-ei taie cru r I il i-r -r s 'r r-. lu il e r- 'i n. t. r n -I e i - - - Utenided for last 1veekl fielarPtWorship Son e w Do You Remember xî'aslUat 10 rn mu Yeau"; li a '-v Thuci(re s-ra î-er-n J ust One Year Ago? i 'ooîh coir'r.tiunpi-oa ul I Iai.Il 161>li ' nis -anti a Nrrv \'eii- nes- Sage frrnuithlie'Rex'. E,. NNon. Wi i-nuilircscrr inn Btmnniari- , niTh'e Sac-uaînerll of T'ue- n-il lu- s-nsat as sI lnolig as U(Iiri Lord's Supner ias serx pcldur n - oi Wcclic.mux ilrmiiui. iirg the servic,.ill citimigtoi Thiriu>as K, Siexi arttic'irer- nike a v'er * vwortbwlîile bgn ct-nus- aphrîlitecl Superintend- uing of a new year. M\'r. Fred ent of thie Boxtnanvilie De- MeConneil assisteti ticring the, psaîrmentb of Works, wiii balte offerin.e of bbc Sacrament. rip hii- riens' tinis next MVon -, The text o! the sermonîs' Ciax . Janilîmims' 3tli. takeuî from Psali 60. verse 9., huersniks aairl anae-'As a taie that is tbld -, Mnr s1111. Normanr eîarei upoi the Nen- nnlltrim e- otli-e-iin th ree staricof a nuar'; lu le [tarI îuiii 1m Truis'rlip - Renive , Ytnti, Mahurît v andi Old Age. Baic Rick.-irt. Dcpirjtv- enuphasizînuî how ('trishians, Fhcr- vr: - B 1 iami.Cotin- âlould nlî,' the ziftýt- gn ç ii ruiai;fi-n o-i hîr Fn~tiG ns7 'b-vGot - rire tihey iizmn :Iriiut lu niui m-te ruu athe best of olîn abilrt-v cr -Io Bla 'elusî IClua;rnpinný.ntcfoniWnutld the' taie of vair lIfe bs inrn iciegishia CliS r bar'- sswn-nili. tcllrng wnxer wr ri7,achl quiel lmm'I 'caenIr cetiuing.:Iit' enri of ouClays" ---a (îuraî':30ut b.n-lien tllien' wer tbought a. c shoti do0st e t punrhrlnsnthii d isitial bno-, potudet os ci - finies lu)n li- Vnoihip Maý'-oi' There nvere aqirunîher cf \Vilfrri('anritliems <hiltiren îsresent at this e- FPur Chiref W. laknrngisepS Vhe. There was no Sunntav ximiirimnl i h70fl arislast SChîool, rt wilt nieel as usual n emnnnext Suntiay at 11 arn. Secre- M.-s iue 3uthll anti Mrsý Edrua l3rttmeil rnt-rtained ah tic F-'i'-nigDiilhtraiiNlocto r lil n tiSitnclav aha cdinper im 1ului.u of Itic 4fth annîver - ar unAî t hic r tling of flir bI-notiruantid ¶ Mi-a .s N amndm Mî Fraiik 1Bottrrill ts'eî -ic .i-niui R 1uukar.- Imearlz pul'iniir 'nitBorri (Prouo %Pas hVia WGultan i etiuin-J io'uie ta-t rn-cck fron r-i-.iting hbem nlphusxt Mr .Jac-n- Uhýitrilan. Mr- Gilfillan anti Hanu obou Pleancd bf o ee Mrz S!-- il !uith rfag3n- ahtnr ...rininz an attaek of mumns- taries (if ail branc'hes of chiîreh work were asked by Mr. No'- man to have reports readv b,/ th, nmiddile of t.his month vh,-nJ the anotial church meeting' '.vtil bfe heid. Mr. Nt-il Andeix. oiî )lrbac- heeri ýpcnding thp Chri--ti-ra holda-s ai lhomc witlîh!--' ro- ther. , Frank Anderson. re- turnrl to WVinds-ot on Monday, Jan tst-V 2Ind Mr and I MIrNorbertXMc- Hob-n. Mr Jin'my McHolm. Mu~s M, Osiant an-d _Mrs W!!- h1aro MeHolm were dinner zuicsf of Mr' aniMrs. T-iarold Pay-ne. Port Houe, on Nqeaj Years Dai,. è REPAIRS - REMODELLING INTERIOR DECORATING MAINTENANCE WORK .ETC. Me n and Naierials are Available Now Why Wait TiIi Spring ('ALL N'OUR LOCAI. National Ernployment Office M11 SIMCOE ST. S,~ OSHAWA RAndolruh 9.4631 i r-- ý Ir ! i - 1 m 1 1 10 i 1