JAN l2th. l~61 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANV!LLE, ONTARTO PAGE flVU rP:#:Y. j Vlrs. A C. Kilpatrick Celebrates 8Oth Birthday -......... fapî ... .. .. New 1961 Spring Patterns Sale Priced! "Ban River" Woven Oinghamns Five gencrations wec present at the party in 1 Jonor of Mrs. Arthur C. Kilpatrick, shown above left 1 when she celebrated her 8th birthday at her homej 25 Jane Street, Bowmanville, with heu family,' friends,l and neighbours on Sunday, January 8, 1961. Mrs. W.! Kilpatrick, Seugog Street. is next in the photo, theni granddaughtcr Mus. W,. E. Shane, Prospect Street, andý great- granddaughter Mrs. G. Geroux holding great-1 great-grandson Wayne. -Many cards, flowers and giftsj were received by Mrs. Kilpatrick. Tea and refresh-1 Cobourg M Was Specic At Local S As in former years the local Ministerial Association aurang- ed for Inter-Church Services for four evenings during the first week of thc New Ycar. This observailc' coinciclus with the Weok of Pra.vcr Ser- vices as encouragcd bv'%,the Canadian Council of Churches. Throughout the weck the local ministers participated in thIe services, and those taking part were the Rev. E. Boomer andl Captaîn N. Colos; tho Rcvs: J. C. Verbrugge and S. A. Grant: the Revs: H. A. Turner ancl A. G. Scott: thc ev. A. C. Herbert and W. K. lo.j de-. The congregations oif lhc churches of Bowmanvillc met in t.he Baptist Chapol. thec Re- hoboth Christian Rcforincd Church, St. Paul's Unitecl Church, and St. Joi-n's Angli- can Church. Music for thec services was providcd bY or- *b and choir s0f flic four ari three soloists, îîuniv, W~iss V. Sadler, Mu:;. G. Uit'& 1ugt, and Mus. Sý6Blac1k. . The preachcu fori- tic four different niglîts wa; the Rex'. James D. C. Jack, B.A.. of St. Aridrew's Presbyterian Chuuchi, Cobourg. Thc enrliem 4LONG SAULT 'Sunday visitous witl; Mu.' and Mrs. J. Johnstonl wci-e Mr.ý and Mrs. Freemantie, Toronto, Mr. and Mus. Woodlock, Scar-, 'borough, Mu. and Mus. James Rider and Mu. David Rider, Port Ferry. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc- Neil, Haydon, were Satuudav evening visitors of Mu. aîîd Mrs. H. Murphy. Mr. and Mus. Walter-Viî" were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evers and farn- ily. Toronto. Mr. and Mus. Beut Jolîjîsn were Sundax- visitor.s of Mr. John Johnson, Oshawî~a. Mrs. Penwarden pnd Mu1. and Mrs. E. Fenwardeîî andc family were Sunday zUDDFeu guests of Mu. and Mus. 'M. Kel- Iett, Janetvillc. and Satiird-x- evening guests of Mr. and Mus. Gordon Fletchcr. Mr. and Mis. R ' c Gib. on. Miss Sandra Gibsoji and Mu. N. Davis wcue Sundav vis;tous: of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ri. Pauk1in- son and familvy, Fencîl;a. Mr. and Mî-s. Chas. Piwu den and familv with Mr. an,! Mrs. G. Baker Sundýý- -en Mr. and Mrds. ýVn1. :l. Orono, were SaturrlaY :upp'"ý guests of Mr. and lMus. (G. Fletcher. Mr. and Mus. Eau eîxx den and funîîlv - oeS udi evening eLucStF Of NMu mcl M:Uý G. Fletcher. HKARLE'S AND BD! KING ST. E. 1959 Olds. 1959 Pontiac - "5 Dodge Sedan 1956 Ford 6-cyl. Se 1953 Chev. Sedan,j 1953 Chev. H-Top, 1945 Chev. '/2-Ion P Il-bd3 P I O TbR ilI ILE , ments were served the many who called to extend best wîshes and the social afternoon was enjoyed by ail. Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick who were born in Eng- land and came to Canada in 1912, have resided in Bow- manville for over 30 years. They are the parents of six children: William, Arthur (deceased, Garland, Harry, Sally, and Joe (deceased). They also have 20 grandchildren, 26 great-grandchildren and one great- great-grandchild. Most of the family members were present on this memorable occasion. I einvasion of Jerusalem by Sen-ý and Gladys visited , the former' s IflI 1~I'nacherib king cf A s s y r i a.1 sister in Our Lady of Mercy EEnNi ter Sennacherib usedth raetHopal ally that a general knows, hoe1 The missionary program at I ~sat and waited while the, Sunday School on Sunday people cf Jerusalem endured, morniiig was auuanged by Mrs. ai S ea e famine and were starved into1 Stan Milîson and consisted of sulomission. During this time a story read by Fat Davis, a the populace would eat any- uccitation by Glenn Milîson, ýe rvice.s thing, even te their own child- and a vocal solo by Gail Baker. ren. King Jehouam wore the, Communion service was held cf Mr. Jack's addresses was the hidden sackcleth over bis royal' at the church service. Fat Da- Great Physîcian, takirng twoý robes because lie was awauej vis was at the cugýan and ac- aspects of Divine Healing fuom, cf the depravity and degrada- companied Fat and Ken Knox tlic Old Testament, and twO,ý tien of his people. We 'to-day who sang a duet. incidents cf the Healing Minis- - experience the biddcn sack-i The Wonons Institute will try cf Jesus Christ from the cloth cf sic, the hidden sack- moot on Thursday afternocn, Gospes. M. Jak pented e loth cf life's stuuggles and January l2th (tcday), at 2 tlîat the migbty acts cf God circumstances, and the hidden 'clock'in the ccmmunity hall. are always crecative, and as' sackcloth of our own sorrow-s.i Reverend and Mrs. F. J. Repd nman socks wholeness cf lif e it Yet the Healing Power cf God xiii show pictures cf their trip 's grantod te him b*v the heal- is stili available to us, eveîî te England. ing pa)wer cf Qed. as it was made possible by the: Harold Yclloxvlecs returned1 On Tucsday night Mr. Jack: migbty act cf God in redemp- te O.A.C., Guelphi, on Sunday' deait with the fiftb chapter of! tien at or Savicur Cbrist's after tlic Chiistmas v.acation St. Mauk's Gospel, using the! suffeuing and agony on flic with bis parents, Mu. and Mrs. illustration cf Christ's dealingi Cross at Calvar 'v.' Wes Yelloweces. xitlî Demons, Disease andý The attendanre at the sel- Mu. and Mus. N. Fiee, Taun- Death. These are the enemnies1 vices was better tlîan had ben ton, Mu., and Mus. Fercy West- ni mankind, and every minis-icxpericnccd for several years. lako and Arlene, visitcd Mr. tel- ucads this in the faces cf l more than four hundrcd .,biîg, and Mus. Frank Wcstlake Jr.! bis people. Neveu a cengrega-:ý prcsent the four nights. and farnilx- and Mrs. Frank! tien meets with the minister _______ Westlakc Su.1 sccing and knewing that therç Mr. and Mus. Xcrii James,î i vrthe cnemx' cf mankind, LN Sauli Ste Marie. Mrs. Rayl demons. ciscase and death O IABornis. Oshawa, visited Mu'.! anion- fiche pople. Fcrbaps it and Mus. E. Spires and family. l ia language bardly mention- Mu r.aid Mi . Lornc 11oslkinJ ,Mr. aid Mî-s. Isaac Hardyl cd iri this twcnticth century,, L uiketon, and granddaughtoi-, and Stanley wxvc gucsts cf Mu. x-et social evils are ever wi;hîî mdu Hoskin, wcre Saturday, and Mus.' Harvey Hardy in, us. Stî-ugglcs arc ever with us,! tea guests cf Mu. anîd Mus. B3o\wmaiîvillc. but ftie ucdeeming power of Ralph Davis and Fat. Miss Heleîî Dechert, Mu. Gcd alone cari heal and break: Mus. W. A. Ormistoîî, Br-ook-- Douglas Dccut and Mus. De-1 dowxxitc power cf death. We lin. spent several davfs xith chert, Toronto, wci-e Sunday, max' bc living in a fearful Mi». and Mî-s. Bruce Tiîîk andl xisitors with Mi-. anîd Mus.ý xvold, but faith iii Christ family. George Kniox and family. i alone ran protect uis fucm de- Miss Marilyn, Mc C a rrelîî Mu. and Mus. J. Leger, Su- striietion. Omemec, and Mu. Tom West- sac and Wayne,. Mu. and Mus.! On Wcdnesda-vngtMu. lake, Peterborough, visited Mu.' Heinier Fucitag, Randy and1 an us e Hlsan aiyDaleM.adMsKeM- Jack uiscd the illustration of aMd' Mu. and Mus. ancii Mely flic Hcaling of the Centurions on Sunday. Minn, Lynda, Gary and Rob- bic, Miss Jean Cryderman, Mr. 'Servant by Jesus Christ. By Mu. and Mus. Ferry West-' og itcr saa u the word of the people at Ca- lake, Mu. and Mus. Frank! and Mus. Sam Caru, Mr. and pernaum the Centurion was Westlake Jr. attended a party' Mus. Keith Crydernian and Mu. wouth 'y cf experieneing the, in Milbrook Hll in honor cf: and Ms osCyemn l healng pwer f ed. He was1 Mr. and Mus. Tom Westlake's len Mus. aRsry erman, El- a furiendly, kindly mac. He was ý 25th wcdding annivcrsarxr. Se- visitors with Mr-. and Mus. E. patriotic, fou lie net only lovedi lina ficnds extend best wishes Cuvdcuman. bis own, tien Rome, but Gali-< and congratulations te Tomui Mus. S. E. Weruy is visiting lie aise. uc was religieus, fouiý an d Gladys on this happy oc- ilMus. Sam Brooks, Bowman- lie but the synagogue at Ca- casion. ville. pcunum.He ws wrthyoi Mr. and Mus. Frank Westlakei Howard Milîson is somewhat the help cf Jcsus. ! r. visifcd Mu. and Mus. F. R. improved in Memorial Hospi- On Thuusday îight Mr. Jack Cook,' Bewmanville., taI, Bowmanvillc. deait with the healing cf the: Mu. Wesley Yellowlees af- Ms eti egsoOh Svî-iauî Geîîeral Naaman, tbe tcnded the Milk Fuoducers', awa, Mu. and Mus. Bill Mc- Loger. Syria xvas a great na-'Convention at the Royal Yeuk'Hugh and Shelley, R. R. 2 Osh- tien and empire: its gencral Hotel in Touonto. Mus. Yellow-1 awa, Mu. and Mus. Don Fer- ,,vas famnoos, he had enjoycdý lees spent the day with lier guson. Fatty and Lorie, Fres- oceod fortune at, the wars.1 sister, Mus. J. Marks. at Seau- tonvale. weî-e gucsts cf Mu. Naaman seenîcd tc have secur-i borough. Mus. J. Ycliowlees, and Mus. Bruce Montgoery. ify and success, but hie was a _________________________________ leper. The young servant girl. an Isuaclite. appealed te Naa- *' mac te visit hieu people, anuîd It at 's C o r perbaps tlic great prephet! M i t a e Elisha would Iead hlm te the i f Ccd who bas power te heal.' redyJa.1h,16 indfooewektte Israci, a poor nation, despised Tcdy In 0h 91 îîîddfuot cka h li- tlie mighit cf Syria, bow! Thomas Maunieîî, 19, 29 AI- uequcst cf tbe Croxvn. cuid an\- manin u Israci heal. bany Street, Oshawa, wvas fe- Anthony Killhngbeek, 17, cf Naèîmoui It is ail a question1 day convictcd cf failing te Oshlaxa, xxas continued on cf îo'x- do wve value life. Is it give the rigbt of way after Probation willî this admoni- se o cessauv te have colour coming te a stop at a througb tien luonu Magistrate R. B. andr litter to onjox- life? Sure- sret o'sa undatoa axter. Up util December l1 lîfe cuils for îu'mbleness cfcf $23. Evidcuice wos that bie bth, y our attitude towards oiid :o tiiotftic Great Fbvsi- was i collisiolî wit a va thom-ity was net vcry geod. cian roui heal anci save. h icle diven bv Richard Wool- You xverc bi-ogflît back here Oný lime Fridav uiglt Mu Jack lier at the intersection cf for a breacli cf probation and i tcd flic illustration cf King Qucen anîd Ontario Stîcets Yeti are te bc senteneed foui ichuai x-criîg ht'bide on Novemiber '23rd last. flic Ilheft cf 2 wlicel dises, the i Jri-locicti wa fic tme hicf the n Your couuiscl sobniittcd in propeu-tv of E. V. Osborne'cfý ý,,("k1ol1 t ficfin ofthyooe defense the case cf Re-;tue Towun cf Bo\vmanvîlle. gin-i vs Sneiliuig wviiclî statcs At the uequest cf the proba- that lic conviction can be reg-, tion officier. anîd, witb the con-1 isteucd wbcue the prosecutioiiý currerîce cf Mu. Deyman, the 'USED CARSfais to pi-ove the By-Law Cuýoivn Attorniey. I am going settiiîg eut t li e Tlîrough te pIlace y-OU 0on probationî Street. That is net auî issue agaîuî. I noete in this report DY SHOP n tlîîs case. Yeu gave in ycur tliat y ou wcnt te cbuuch on evidence that yeu stoppcd for' Chriîstmîas *Day with your 1A .1-2301 teSeSg h fec familv and I tlîink ycur fam- alleg-ef affer yoti came te a ily arc starting te corne - - -stop. I arn finding that s'eu areund te flic idea- they and $20 uwn are guilty as eliarged,- said you might have a puoblem. the Magistrate un lus ju dgc- Maurice V. Collier, 20, 98 $100 Down- ment. Co.-,iR.N. Park Rd. S., Oshawa, a Jame Cok. 1 ofR.R.No.fined S50 an costs cf $ o cîsunîung lîquci- at tbe East - -3, Hamilton, xvas0charged thati Beach last Suîiday nigbf. « 60DU owR he did steal 505 Scotch Fines, F. Faterson, 27, R.R. Ne. 3, from the Nortbland Nursery Boxvmanville. was given 5 days' on December l6tb f0 the val- in Gaol foi- having liquor i ,dan -$ 50 Down ue cf $750. He asked forad received an adjeuunment util a place other than a î-sidence. bis counsel could bc puescrnt' cd o Carriers, xvas charg- Aut.- 2 Do n ad te tialwil bcsetat edanîd convicfed cf having a A ut. - $ 20 Down a datle.tilwl esta load cf aveu 50 feet and a 2nd laterdate.charge cf mcving a long wide William B. Gerry of Orone. load wiîliout signs front and A ut. -$ 25 Down xvas fuuthcr adjouuriicd unI il back cf the îoad warning January 31sf. The Crown At-,other traffie. Tbey paid $66. - frnoy in requesting fhe de- Edwaud W. Webster for Ar- lickup 5 Down lay stated thaf a neccssary gosy offered the explanation witness _fuom the- Attorney-. that they had permits for " "Exclusive" wrinkle-shed with Dri-do.' finish 0 Fast Colou ru 35" wide *Prlnfed Cela....' Acefef e end cet. ton blond fabrie *New 1961 Fashien pafterns end cel. ours 4311" width REG. 1.19 JAMUÂRY FABRIC SALE, YARD REG. 1.49 JANIJARY FABRIC SALE, YARD YouIl love the light safi silky texture spring foshion patterns ta sew youra ions . . . the woven acetat. ond cct right in weight for wearing now, thr sumrmer . . . se. them in Walker's1 ment - select ond s.w now for spring is a goad sovinig . . . chocs» fromn cao green, golds. blues, etc. Re.g. 1. .IANUARY FAIIIRIC SALE, YARD 1.19 5King St. E. 119 re ond Pie new 161 ovin exclusuve cria- itton blenid lu ust rougi, spring la fabruc deport- yt g when Iher. tanis, avo- s' 1.49 Wal'ker's o Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5451 088 When yau chaos. Darn River "Culpepper" Girîghams you choose the ultimoate ln carefree wash end wear cottons ... and you'Ii b. sewing the very newest crections when yau choose from these new 1961 spring patterns - gingham, pfoîds, checks cind some with lurex lni tons, blues or picks. . . note the fectures then choo;L, frcm Wolker's big new selection - saie priced. . . Reg, 1. 19. . JANUARY FAIRIC SALE, YARD.9. Special Purchase! Save. up ta .59 yd. "Tex-made" Printod Cotions *Wide selection of pottetns *Washfait colout. 33" - 36" wide IJSIALLY .59 to .98 JANUARY FABRIC SALE, YARD 339 se« thls spécial purchase sélection . . . picture the doînty litile patterns in kiddies dressy fracks - th. patterns 1hot will sew inin -attractive daytime dresses, blouses and oprans . . . chaos. from a big selection . . . ail et good savings . . . woshfest colours of course becous. they're by 'Tex-mode' **.Usuelly .59 te .98 >ANIJARY FABRIC SALE, YARD .39. Weil napped for Bob ywear - Save! White Flannelette quality USUALLY .39 * Soft end absorbent JANUARY * 27" wide FABRIC SALE, 10 YARDS Double napped saft white flannelette especially kund la baby's skin . . . woven in 27" width especiolly for duapers and nightwecr . . . save .91 on purchase af 10 yards... U.sisolly .39 . .. JANUARY FABRIC SALE, 10 yards for 2.99 "Sonforized Plus" - a new finish with more! "Wabasso" Printed Cottons ewashoble colours *Sm@thir efter washinq a 33".36" wide REG. .89 JANUARY FADRIC SALE, YARD z7 Dainty cew geametrics end spring-Iike fiorals Ihot keep their f uesh- nems the seoson thraugh . . . "Son forized Plus" assures yau o new smaathness affer woshing; a cew creose resistacce ecd of course shrink resistant fobric . . . Ejoy this cew wasl¶- wecr fabrlc by Wobasso - . . Choice cf rmacy patterns . . . 35" 36" wide. Re. .89 . . . JANUARY FABRIC SALE, YARD .77 44"" - 45" wide Sove .20 yard! Novelty Arnel* and Cotton Fabrlc *Colourtost, end completely washable *Drip dries end resust. erosine *Check end geemetrit patterns REG. 1.49 JANUARY FAURIC SALE, YARD 1.019 The cavelty checks end geometrie patterns wulli ew ia s morlly practical spring dresses, suifs end children's wear . . . end be- cause it is an Arnel* ccd cotton weav. you'll know it's easy-cars, washable, drip-dry end creeise-resist ta stoy fresher looking longerr ...chaose from new 1961 colourings. Reg. 1.49 .. JANUARY FABRIC SALE, YARD 1.20 *Res'd. T.M. Save .31 yerd on this "sturdy-weer" fobrit Imported Cotton Corduroy Soft velvety fine wale Woshoble 33"-36" wldth New fashion colours, Goid, Mouve, Aveco. do green, Red, Tur- quoise, Sponish file, Kelly green. REG. 1.19 JANUARY FABRIC SALE, YARD * Solution dyed yern, sa 08 colours stcy bright a eWoshcble end ecsy- . 8 .eAuthentic clan Tartan, Sott, velvety, fine wcle corduroy that will sw int sturdy, good looking, gaod wearing childrec's wear - play suits, sîmcîs, averolis and umpers . . . women's sportswecr acd mec's lookets and shirts . - . woshoble of course . . . acd un seven of Spring's cew feshion colours: gold, mouve, avoco green, red, turquoise, sponisi fie or kelly green. Reg. 1.19, . . . JANUARY FABRIC SALE, YARD .88. Fine "16 wole" Cotton "Coper" cord - Soa .30 yard! Plain Colour Sporiscord ,6 "Tex-set' finish meons: litti. or ne ironlng, easier fe REG. 1.29 wosh, dries tester, JAMUARY shrlnkoge ton. FABRIC SALI trolled. eNote wide widt h YA RD, 4111.421, 99 Think of 0tt sportsweoir Voull want in this fabrîc i ts fashuon rught end t's easy-core, washeý *osier, drues quicker, is ahrinikage contralled, ond needs little or na ironing because of t's "Tex-set" fInish . . . se. it todcy end chaos, tram willow green, Crecion gold, ontetope, red or btock... 41"-42" wide. Reg. 1.29 . . . JAMUARY FABRIC SALE, YARD .99 "Sonforized'! Save up to .50 yard! ""Tex-made*" Broadcloth USUALLY .59 TO .89 JANUARY FABRIC SALE, YARD 339 Plain colour broodclath by "Tex-mode" a kcown qualuty ont "Sonforized" se yeu kcow garments you make will keep their size . . . first qualîty fabrics bcught in bundle lots with good sovings for you . . . chocs. frcm green, rase, pick, yellow, bILmu, red, black or white. Usually .59 te .89 . JANUARY FABRIC SALE, YARD .39. Close weave - Sol tly napped-Save .21 yd! 36" Printed Flannelotte USUALLY .39 JANUARY FABRIC SALE, YARD I g; 1; r! r- *39 Saee.21 a yard on this fine "Tex-mode" printed flannelette --woven especiolly for nightweor . . . we[l napped ta be ,oIt- and worm . . . patterns for children acd grown uit . . colours are woshable and resist fading . . . 36" wicW usually .59 . . . JANUARY FABRIC SALE, YARD .48. Hand washable - Sale priced! Plain Acetate Taffeta REG. .99 JANUARY FABRIC SALE, YARD .88 'c, 1~ i Y1u'Il l1ke tk- relîcied l-,k rf ttirs Pleiin Acelole Toiffeta . , woven especcIoly for Party dresses, blouses, *vscing and bridait cg)wns.. perfect for licings .- . by Celocese' acd, hocd wash- roc'ô'e. frcm block, red, light blue, Pink, apple green, ',r whtte . . .47' widlth, Reo. .98 . . . .IANUARY FABRIC SALE, yasrd .88 R eq'd. T. M. lrmported from U.S.A.* Save .30 yard Prînted Cotton Pique REG. 1.49 JANUARY FADR IC SALE. YARD /l I i 'y I 1819 Amerucon i iue pricled in on unusually dilferent icroil floral deu'gqr wilh con embroidered affect. . . perfect for blouses, skirts, ali ncd shorts thot wîil be different . . . chocs@ fromi coloiurs of tomj mrnd white, white and toc, block and white, white acd black., nivy and white, or White and novy. . Reg. 1.49 .- JANUARY F.i RIC SALE, YARD 1.19. Ài t'- Àj 1,4 REG. 1.98 J AN UAR Y FAERIC SALE, YARD t orlons cre c lrodiccoal fovourîte for skîrfs, suifs, jUrp'ert and sportswear for mec, womnec acd children , . . ccd "Cicn- elle" is a fovourite fabric for ils washable easy-care quaulie% . it woshes lîke cotton yet feels lîke wool acd the solution dyed yarcs kcep iheir colour almost indefucitely . . . se. it un auuhentic clon tartans of: Accient Highland Toulon, Accient Elock Wotch, Phoctomn Comneron ccd others. Reg. 1.98 JANUARY FABRIC SALE, YARD 1.69 Fresh as the breath of Spring Printed Lustre Cotions * Fabric by "Tex- mode" * Evergieze finish * 36" width * Fiordls, plaids ond heunds faoth de- sig ns FABRIC SALE YARD m77À 'The setin-ie fi': h rnf thrs f; letý,.woven d'ilIon mockes i sa suiloble for high style teshionis . . . Dresses, skîrts, housecocts, drapes ccd spreeds cf 'lustre' cotton by 'Tex-moade' have on ever frestilock beceuse it is crease-resist . . . easy fa À wesh and easy fa sew --ch'-cse from large and smell florals, plid ccd houndstoolh desugnsiun colo r. off tan, green or blue . .Reg. 98 FABRIC SALE, YARD .77 *Seveit colourc plus white *36" wide " Wcshes and wears 1weII " Big selection of patte rn s eb Calaurfast shades resist fading * A sprnq gweight Celanese* fabric * Five colaurs plus wMhite * 47" width " Guaranteed washable 100% cotte" " Dri-smooth finish 9 Pre-shrunk - 35"-36" wlde Washos like colton - feels like wool - save .29 yard '"Glenella" Alil Viscose Tartan Soa .30 yard lmported - hond washoble 1961 potterns "Sunkist" American Prints THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO JANý 12th. 1961 *lwlll*ýomp ç PAGE F"