THIJRSDAY. JAN. 12th, 1961 (su c i &a[Prso nal Phone MA 3-3303 Miss Dawn Purcell. Toronto, visited Mrs. N. S. B. Jame:ý last Saturdav. Mr. and Mrs. Jes;se Ames arrived home last Sunday af- ter an enjoyablc hiol:day, in St. Petersburg, Floricia. Mand Mrs. Gordon lienî'- Kareffand Linda o! Lndza "v gperit the weekend withM. and Mrs. H. Powell. Jimm v and Billv Wrialht. Newcastle, visited Georg-e andi Brian Saunders. LibertY Stree:. North. over Ne;ýv Year's. Mrs. E. B. Menzies. Robert and Margot, Chnton. Ont.. are visiting her parents .Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dippeil, Wellington Street. Mr. C. H. Hptddy,'M \r. ard Mrs. Ed ill. Misse,_ Lena and Agnes, Hadd., Toronto. vst ed friends and relatives here ycsterday. Mr. Stane v i loclgson anîd Mr. Bernard Dilling have re- mmcnd to Gagnon. Que b t complete their work roor Good- )ear Tire & Rubbcr Cu. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Folev.' Mrs. R. L. Worden. Mrs. Bert Col%%,Pll and Irwiii wcre SatLi r- da ' dinner guesîs of 'Mr. an, Mr.sý Theodore Wilkins, Osh- awa. THE CANAPIAN STATESMAN, IROWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO Rotary Speaker Informative Ouf fine of hoe f -Li g gan Train ina School Pro gram moton. Mrs. George W. Giý- hîam. énd otiier relatixcs n nT'wn dunîng the Fest x e Sea- son. Given by Superintendent Mrus. W.X A.F' ot' ,andh 'ý W. J. Ba;uîeJl returned last Thlursýdav\ evening aller spcnd- ing New Year*ý with their bro. ther. Mr. and Mrs. Wslev Davoy. Detroit. Mich. The *we re overnighit guests or their se~i~a*Mîs. S. Da- vey off Flint. Mich. Mavor Wilfr;d Carruthec and Glenholme Hughes. Bo\v manville, E. R. Lovekin, New- castle. Profes'zor C. B. Sissons, Orono. Russell Honev. and Mrs. Helen Upper. Port Hope. are the members of the Durhami CouritY Liberal Association delegation attendinz the Na- tional Liberal Convention ;n Obbawva this \\eck. The officia lix ianed Inter- Counlty iVov:ie CIlub cumipr si lL Newvcastle and Oîrono will ha:d its first nmeeting of 1961 in thn Lion.3 Centre. Bowmanville, at 8 sharp, (tonight) Thurs- day'%. Jan. 12. Anyone interest- ed wvill be made most welcome. Th'le cilub plans to visit the Toronto Club later this month. Mm. and Mrs. Tei'ry Masters. In a lehIer iii las! wxeek'e Kim and Geoffrev, Mr. Bob Stabesman frei Will J. R. GilI,' Fairev and- Mis.,; Virginia of Necpawa. Man.. an import-, Brown speuît New Year'ç Day' v Pri part of the letter"«sin- with Mi'. E. M. Faîu'ey ..New- avrenl'ounitteci giving the market. naines and addresses afI h's Mr. and Mrsý. El. Faire'; MarY and bi'otber John. King SI.. East. spent Ne'« The v are Mrs. Fred Rabi. î76 Year's '«eekend tibhie lat-I ElliR Ave.. Bridstoîî Apt.. Win- ter's sister and bî'olber-in-lawý, nipeg. Man.. anîd John GUI. Mm. and Mrs. A. Dolan of Wil- 145 Ordnaîîce St.. Kingston. lowdale. Ont. Gai"' Bagujiel hi 'rli a., beeuî Me-su-s. Russell Osbornîe aýuI n iave wi-jhb his parenlts. irl.Xilberi Teeple Ofl Palc.sbinuî anîd Mrs. WA. w. Bagneil, Scul- Chanter RA.M.. No. 249. (;.R gog Street. leit Iast Fridc, lav C., B'«aîvle \e ei'lTor- the R.C.A.F. base at Coîc Lakep. olto Monîda 'Y eveniîîg attenA?- Alberta, xvhei'e lie is statioîîed. ing thc insallationi oI Dr. O. Mrs. J. E. Hobbs. 17 Division B. Dickison a;ý First Pî'incioal Street.'sa the liickyv '«innir of the Royval Arch Chapter'St. of the Shamrock Blou.'se ar thie An irex and St. Johnî No. C. Month contest held bY Bre.s- G.R.C. Dr. Dickinson is a \vehl 1inýs Ladies' Wear' Bowrman- kioiw n Durhamn Count.v Boy'. ville Store in conuiclion with ho ing a native ofl Hope To'«uîi- the ompaiv.ship and an offîccu' oI the Dur-' th.e Cmpn. o rshani Club af Toronto. his 80th birthday at tbc home A~fter Christ~mas anîd Newv o! Mr'. and Mrs. lei'b Pow«el Year's evervone nseemtat haveý Wellingtoni Street. on Saturdav: that "let d fei ecling. Then Pevening. Januarv 7, 1961. 'liuai oiigcorne those tvonder'iîul his famýilv aîîd a Ie\v close "-Jaliuar >v sales" anîd CdO \'« friendsw*ere gests, ometi perk uip quickly\. No- frinds~vee gest. bihing seerrs 10 have thie affect -Mr. and MrS. RruSc!I G i1- thatte sod 'al' do. bert acompaiedb\' 51ru.aiid Ad believe nie there are sonie Mrs. Everett Mountjoy off Sask. terrific buY.s in lic local shops leave Thiursda': ,(boclav) for~ a as '«e found out on oui' touir sKQLthern holiday in Fiorîda o b hîc.JUSt 'siSh the a JTexas. Thiey plan ta 'O- ' moulev bad been mîor'e plentii- Il1 around April Isi. fUI. 'If VOI o ae' rxs ~ r. anîd Mms. Gtorge Bî'o'«wr;,iound. do so ___ vou'\\,Onit 'li sud son. Las Anîgeles. Calif.,. disappointed and YOU'1l be 1(i«t Malton ast '«eek for their'ama-,'ed ai the slashed p'îc'es. PAGE SEVEN flength sleeves. and hallerina dress and Gordon and Milton skirt. Her elbow length veil Adams presented their parents of embroidered nvlon net was with two platform rocking caught 10 a t;ara of pearls, chairs. A granddaughter, Nan- rhinestones and sequins. She cy Barraball, Orono, presented carried a Bible with spray of a basket of pink roses from red rosebuds. the grandchildren. Other gifts Rer onl v attendant %vas Miss included a three-tier wedding Christina Lamb. London, for- cake f*om their daughter. Mrs.' nierly of Bowmianville. She Sidney Barraball, Orono. i wore a dusty rose satin gOiW11N rs. Adams wore an ice-blue1 %vith jacket of chantilly lace, (hantil!v lace dress ov'er taf-ý bîî of black net and wvhite feta with a corsage o! red1 btd.Her flowers \were a roses. ,\r. and Mrs. Adams iosegay of white and (elo Alice Gordon)> were married 4 Miis. ati lie Methodist Parsonage atý AI) informative otitline of hpre in rMaN. 1960.- 'Mr. Aal- MI'. Palit Vaîlk Newýon- Guelph. December 121h. 1920,1 thev.r carried on ai the ter.-, bated. I ville, attcnded his brother. bv Rcv. L. W. Anderson. OtroTann colfor Patience. îînderzstanciîng. and r m td Ushers wcirc Kennetb Rose- Boy- -%as gvenby olinBai, asens ofhumr ar neded Pro ote i ear, the bride's brother, aîd 'lie brider is a dattghter ot Bo; vs ienbvJhnBin sns ! uno renedd1ICh 1 e Pnare 1 r th ie late Mr. and Mis. Enoch rthe superintendent. in hi.; clas- in dealing with the boys at Chalesf tewgroom. oti- Gordon. Yor'kshire. England,1 sifiuation talk ai the Rotarythie school, Mr. Bain stated.i r îf h gorr.(oming to Canada in 1919.j luncheon meeting in the Fly- He spoke o! the valuablo The reception %wa5 beld ai The groomn is a son of the late ing Dutchmant Motot' Hotol on training thev receivp to help I!the home of the bride's pa.ý- Mr. adMs hmsAas Friday. themn in becoming good citi-' , onts. 'Mr. and Mrs. Rosevearl' Poripol Ontario. They mov- 1 The birthdav of Mel Dale zens in the future. l ree h uss ihhee rmPnyol1 er a oast presidont. was cele'- He told o! the various de- latter wearing a cherry %Vool ago. Mrs. Adams is a memberý1 brated b.y bi- feilow Rotai-[ part mentis at the Training sheatb '«11h black and' wbite of Roseneath W. I. and a for-j in.Guests at the luncheon 'Sehool for Boys here. Il is thel accessories and corsage ()f mer prosident. mccei ing '«cre Laurie Oxinham, task of àdmnsti ation to see White mnis~. TueF groom 's paetWshse.xitb Mrs Their familv, of two daugh- Whty. and Bill Dawsoni, that ailare co-ordinated itV arnsyk iiible ryn mcactes bos Ms SdeyBr iCainpbellford. Dr. W. M. Ru- a smooth running organia-,Vny nbu a\nboae idcli '«as the %vinneir of the'lion, hoe added bieacc risad corsa-_ rabal. Orono, and (Bonie) ihockeY draw. The academnic and vocation ' !f ho mm.- r.Ni erg.Rsnah baud five sons, Elmer. o! Oak-1 *Rr\ Walters introduced the ai training programs are the ' ora bniefbone\mouîu îI lilltodoo arwrh speaker. lic said that Mr. Bain core of the institution, he brd chose a brown ý7ti oo1lto.enchVn Ix' wsas born 1n Gall and received; pointed out. Now there aire,' sheath. '«bite aud bi'owiî ar- Omono. and 18 grandchildrenr4 bis priniarv and sc'condamrmore and more boys of Hign r cessoi'ies aiid fui' jaekeb. Her 'vere '«itb lbem on this anîui-il edc(ation Iibere. Diiing lhe Schol calibre and there aieý corsagc 'ss"cd. rosebuICIS. World X.Vaî' Il be sei'ved \;yth c-oui-. os and facilities fori' The bride is a gracluale of the RCAF. Gracies 8, 9and 10. also Grades M omnîl ihSho id \r. and Mrs. Adams recalledlI "Whîepn lie lef thieaif'c6 and 7' and one ungradedjr Peterborougbi Teachers' Col- therc was a lot of snow ont n 1946, Mir. Bain .îoiried thelclass, the superintendent ex-,lg.Sei reeîvtahn the gmound on their wedding: Onîtario Departiment of Be-i plained ai, Siniclair's Sehool. East, Whît- day', but the suri was shining. forni Institutions."' Mr. W ait- 1Tliere is miîch in thbe voula- bv. -. ers told the meeinîg. "lie ser-1 tional training given al, the The grooiîîatîdc ni veci ai Gait and Cobourg froi school that '«il pay off for r ýSault Public Scliooi and Bow- 1951 ta 1959 and duî'ing this1 the youngstcrs wvnen they', manville Hi-h Sc'hooî . ~ pei-'od lieid positions of sup- eventually leave to find ern- The couple reside aI R. R. 1,P ervisor, chiief placemen t of- ploi'ment, Mr. Bain statedL I Tyrone. ~A~~ ficer. and assistant supemin- He described the residenicee,j E. R. "Ted" WVoodyard - r sn . IVlets tendent. Mr. Bain became1Iwhere the boys live 40 toa a suprrintendeuit of the Ontarioai They have dormitory Il'«as aiîiolinced recenitiv Train~ing Sehool. Guelph, in type accomodatuon with Illie vso' Syndicale of F in s H n rH r o ih Seotember 1959. and '«as aP-! gle beds. Mr. Bain spoke Of Canada Limited that Mr. E., ~visos andthe icufine'«rn of M~I~~sbe r . and M rs. A 1m(ect'iug of "le Bo\mn vîsors andDitrthtManage of' il" DeveiopmleîîtAssociation.r c leanlîuîe.ý, good mannerither, organîization 'Nlthli thoý and habitz. Peerborough regiolu wil] be beldidlis veig ý 1 Pet 011. 'O sca r Ada MS lursda\ i .eig Th"ceto physîcaltrare ofg nd . Wood a rd. x'tio lias bbe Comiîittee Room at the r~ratodeatmnsa fiîvcd lin ibis area foi-mal Ts\o bidred gulests gatllrlr To\wnj Hall. The primary ob- R ka d Bain statcd. He lold of sea-, S 'vuîcicate as sales epresent- Hall, Decenibeî 11h. 10 lIoionor, finalîze ail arrangements, so' (Coniniiied fi'oiîî Page onle) sonal sports, and the swîmn atulve in Februar.v, 19601. Pre- 1i\lr. and Mis1-. Oscar Adams on, lhai an application for inr- fait-- be consuid. nolal .mnsLm iisy lie hîad Operated ap-!tlieil- 401h wedding aîîîiyer-lrporation of Bowvmanville în-. >h mebr fccil uTniondgservisi ie pliancî.e btisiiîesses iin Orono 1 arýy. Mipv cdaua-dustrial Development Limited Reeve Riekard congu'atiilated, Cl"inical stvcsa h and Bowniîanviîîe. i mav-liPh\ ed i l be filer! promptly. 'th mmbes f cLilc1 0lýt-aiingSehool bave been ---- tber re-election. and stated expanded and aie exceeding-. 'l'lie Investors Synidir'ate of, thiat lie ac'uepted the office of lv benefIcil There is a psy-. Canada, Limnited. '«as mmm(- I- Reeve it mi\ed feeir if('ologist, and assistant psy-, porated as a \vhollv Canadlian (1IiTTîFPIESPU PROA huîmîlibv and pride, because of' chologisi, social '«orker. aîîd .oiipainxr n Manitoba iin 1941). bus realizatin îor ils irnpor-1 a part tirme ps\,chiatrist. Boyý,s Pi'evinusi>' I il lad operaterd tanuc aid respooxibulibies. Heroi ai vlare - ' id Cnrasinice iirged blle counicil ho attend' cal and dental check-up, guid-I 1894- Tlîe c'nnipauiv offers fin- digitxto itS dulties. ance l.Q. test, gi'oup nia mnagemeuit serxJis "Demou'raev- s a b vilig thcrapy anîd individuai counî- ltor *sorinhdi1 foi-ce."'thie Reeve remninded seI After tbiey finish their meuh saviig- s plans, single * ~UW the people of the txni. training the *v are reburned toi paYnîilertîlcts bal-'rl a e M ~ I~ "As '«c atteipb 1 find solli- the communits' by a field anced mubrial fund. a inttua. ý - tions xye initîe vou r criticism. stfait of placement officers ", fund foi' rcvltax-dIeduci-i XVe ask fri' oui' understand- thc supel'intenîcient stated. P i registe r e d iceliremient1 ing ho seek out bbe trulli, and Dr. Keîtb Slemion tlbaniked!savirg, plans and g'ouIp pel-1 pra\, forOu r guidance rog'-N. Bain for bis iîteî'esting r sioii plans. ouît oir deliberations that oîîr and cnligbteniiîg talk coiîcei'n- 'l'liec orgauizalioii bas c.\- SI'ECIAL VALUES AND REIMINDERS 11-OR T 'ontributions !iiav hoe a frult - iig itie xvcî'k foi' tbe boy s ai perip'nced faut astîc r gmwl fI oîcS tllati îbs to'«iijshi : the Traininîg School. President 1 oisiîcpin iirnl mal\ 'Ontiiiuc b grOW asudR. P. Riekaby also expu'esseri rbeinîg respouisible for hIe ad- pi'osper," Reexe Riekard Ui- appieciation for Mr. Bain 'sýl, minisîi'aîuoil of the saviugs 0fU d.excellent classifî<'ation talk.'î Canadiauîs '«cli'in Pxces Ou cd. - $400000,000. YOUR DRUGGIsT r SENIOR CITIZENS Hospital 0F BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT (otne rn aeoe THE KIWANIS CLUB 0F BOIVMANVILLE Con'unitiee. Thev* Nere gux'cn %voildlik toproidepowecr 10 add other nîemeiu WoLId lke o prvid 10bbthe'ollitiiiitee. ThiFs 'as FREE TRANSP RTATION10d t'c bx' is. V. Il. Stuu'v- FREE TRAN PORT TIONanîd secoi .ided b.v mi's. MarkL To the Church ofYo r hoceIroîig. uçnSitl(01 vecior of!tbe Bli'uig Cou'.mih-, PhIone MA 3-3(44 lev. reportcd on the fav-oui*s MA 3-2913douiated bv tic Aixiliau'*v 1o MA 3-913the Mý\eiiioiali Hospital Chruist- nia3s Part> . Sue aiso uepoî'te'J MA:-2312 on tic blond bauXrerge'bo' Befoe 6p.rn FrdayShie 1016 the aiixiiairv that p.m. ridayshe and Mu's. o. J. Presson. aý _______________________________________________ninhber of thie Bux'iuig Coin-ý iite. lhad uitrvie,,vccl ue h îueenbtivýeS cf firn,. a n(d disco veî'ed a Cauîadiai Trinity United Church mdebloodreeu'aatiyVil recader ab loodmei a' sa'iiU Mnister-Rev. \V'ni K. HioLstander-, B.A., B.D. leýs steel] fronit and s;ies. r NIu's. Sunitlî poiuîted.ouub tuai OrgLinist..\rl. Ar'thur' Collison. I\IUS.B., L.fl.S.Ml. the cosi of thîis onue i s 1,,406.( Tlii>;-,us <006 îmorue bhia ithea estuuna'ed cosb o' une aI Aniîeri-î'uîuîauufetreprevîouslv, Il a.m. - î%1RNING 'WORSHIP cisuss;ed. bTcneuuîebers feit i hit thie one cescrrbed li a "God and Man"' tn' er rm hli 7 p.m. - EVEN1NG WORS1Ir x\\as aged ha1 il cculd bho mîor'e easlx scu'viced. Film - "ÀA Careless Word"' M.-.R0enigl4, ecoied bvç Cuu','ichîauli ni:îcte blood ch 'ri 'g- cr lfoi' be ii 'iuur as de-t Sunday School :z-u'b,and piici'.'chi Inttîe con- f.niinug etter. 'hhis 'sas cau'- uied. 9:45 a.mi.-Jttiior, Interniediate and Senior lu1îoruîii 111te axju i 11:21) a.m.-Kindergarten and Priniary t cchhi aton's suad Siinp- i s.oli s tu it il xvotld be 's'se *,r BabysitingSericeluis;per'. [IitL[u'e on displax' at BabysitingSericescycria I Tou'ounto factories 1bec- A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALI, for'e 'eacbiiî-g a decusioui. Siue sii - aîd l *tie presideuit _______________________and sonile olhicu' iieiber 'çsa-- <o iii pali v ier aiîJ Mrs Pres son Jon Uîa tst I lu 'as dcrded Ituai Mus. rI~f~~tI1]Suîîtlî, Mrs. Prpssoi.NIrus. Ma- REH UBUIM CHRISTIAN i]l mu. bhe pNlrui. s. ('o'ie. ( j 1'ue bieasuu'eu'. and Mrs. W. M.a ýj Pýiddc!l o aidfguu'iiie for- SREFORM ED CHURCH toriesdct '«lok-a u rd gofoi j uic dayv-ruoom and auin liobv Scugog Street. Bovilaîiii1Iej for'thie uiew additioun ta the i Rc",.Johin C. Veubu'ugr~, B.A- B3.) 1 . u$ Fuuaue C I\Iînister .1iii he chia iru.anu. î'eporied ouir he bbc of ho'pital uotepaper.m 10ilM:'s. A. L. Hooev. Ttick Shoi) cei'veuucr. rî'epooî'ed thal $2;_3 it'uauh heeil re 1 i/ed duiriuig fieB 10A.31. - SERVICE IN ENGLISH ilnionth for band kwited babxý 7:30 P.11. - SERVICE IN DUTCH Nîrs. J. O'Neill. couiveuiou-of thie-Marathon Bridge. i:îori- la t, cdhie meeting th'ai S4.3i.8u) hadE Sunda.-, Sehool immnediatels' atter 'J icen re-alizecl b\ bhc bridge lu'T 'Decerober. Mm s. %W H. Brmks. e Sunday nlorning service. Jchiai:'uîauîof thIe \'uit:ng Co011- i Free transportation for Ihose wvîlîng but tîîîableJdei':. Mrs.aon tad lr-. uJ ta attend the services. Phone MA 3-5037 'J d *v e::. r Maso auîd Mar. before 9 p.m. Saturdav nights. h osoital v-isi*oi-q for December. ti " 1Mrs. Ruddelî. couîvcuor of b thîe Bootee project. stalcd that H "'"Back To God Hour" Broadcast J ,,palii xxerne i the J u"u "UUo* JaeSIClaizýInhn.SeOshawa, at 3 pan. every Sunday J r"'iii uiih n Ibeeed i 1ý: oihaw"ut P-n vey SudliJas thev' arc now. uhnee ~ by the committet.j Fire Brigade ithi. \'iood.vard 'sil i conti nue, t liin O'oîîo. brut its diii- eps %vil take him nveir a %vide area froun Ajax to Belleville,' 10 Bai'i'x's Bax' aud nortbhIo Huntsville. His main efforts (Ccuitiiued fu'om pag-e one) îu'aîed nD il iCouîv gade iii 1921. lIn August. 19.58, lic ,tic(eeded Fire Chief Luc-',- lçwbnsîffercd a sprained lius H-ooper. '«ho lbad scrved '«yîst un Iliat capacity for 21 yeam-s.' A *s a Yoing l'lai' DcptbY- Former Fume Chie! Hack- Chier Lvte firsb voî'ked iin lie ' servedi as Deput y-Fuî'eihe Bowiiianilie Facundrv for- Chiief foi' 15 yeal's. Ho showx- sonir vears befome thiexvr ed a marked interesi iin bbc -1, scrt'd liine Mudàlauid '«on; o! thie brigade. anîd ioo.<Regneu-nit of thîe Caîîahuau several Uuiive'sui>' of. Toi'- Arniy tliroLug1liott World War onto e.xteuision cocurses iin luis connuection. Ch'ar'les Waller Hackuîe> lIn.haiiiary. t194 ,Depîitv- wsas boni ricar MVarkhîaill, Ouii.. Ch i'f l> ýle xx ciii io 'sork ini xbeure lus fatheu' o'«uied a'tie"muoai Goodyveam planît. île faî'uî. A.% a youuig iailie bas beecnuiuuall *V eliipho>,- '«o'ked iniiNe'«mriikcufor. a, cd ihîre curuuîg Isobelts for xvhile befoî'e uolniuig ta Bo - Illehas-t- 16 yas uîuauviihe in 1920. Depuity Vire Chie! L.x le is In October 1960. 'Mr. i-ack- lii mamnicc. He lias foui' bro- ncy u'etired as an emiplovce oftherLîouis sud Williauîî, hotul mhe Goodyeai' Tir'e anîd Rubber uîîm of nIthe Fiu'e Brigade, Comipali' no Caniada. George and Alec. a fici 25 cars u'outiuurs Ser- lInadditionu b Fume Cli et vice al the local plantl. Ac- Cah"-er auîd Deput>'-Fire Chief tualiY lie hîad mor'e thian 30Ll, h enbJ o h veaus service. because hoeîlfi L'eFti îeîhrs of bbc- a Iter lus îiî'st fixe 'vears Bo'.iiaiiire: a rFine Depart- bbi'c, auJdu'ebu'ed in 19:3.). rîîutacW tu lti u Duruig hi uîet fxe ars.Jiiiix' I lavniaui. bbe drivers. ai he oca Gorhycui pîîîîHarmx' Bartîcît, J iiBedhford. aim.h i-l Go'kîirx didcd lint F'an .k Brnsiu- Vtihtanî Calver. M r. di'ihedihmsColo. Ah Fletchier.,.loe timne belxvceuîIhîî'ee depart- Kilpatrick. Louis Lyle. \Vil- uiil~t. hle arpuit->'SliP.lini-un L'. e. Richiard Perfect, Stock and Shuppuîîg Roourn and. rn int.WliiiSal Depumitnlieuit 274 x'iîe lie Frlak Suîu.î iliamd haghit. xxokdon gas taniks. 1hIe Wahl.Ace Rulc'ak u rymon tu'aîu. errcd uo tue Electi-ica 'l 301,1A1C a n 'd u Departiîîentîiun 1944 '«leue lie FNo'euî he thid ond Ontilbe speuit the hast 16 years. Hotermhrcsuiiceuie Former- Chici Hackuiv'eYBoviauvil luse ifie died eaî'lv iin Deceimber. ieB\.ilavleFrD- t 96(1. He'lasone sull, Ne'«- pr îoî sii; >pi'o-ldn ton. whbo o'«ns adrug store ut uîodrln î cîuipineuit. xx'icb in ig la d s thie iliiti iî-to-date to tii New Depuly Tom Lyle fond iiin xti of a simuilai' The nuet., Deputv Fiu'e Chic!.,suze. Thie hatesi inipr-ovemeuits Thonias Lx'le. bas had a deep iîuirhriduing a unlaguifucent, ncx untcrest in bbc Fire Depari- trucký are fog and higli pros-. mcent silice boyhcod. and lias sur'e no7zes are trei'neuidous- beeu aineberof hieBox'- v eflicicuit. bavuîng a greaher iliicihie Vohuuiiccr Fime Bri- eifer(t vet usiug les x'atc. gadesuuîe Aîgui1,3,1. This puevents xvater damnae lIe %vas the brigade's mascol 'sheiu cxtinguisuuen i atiy as a boy. and in 1923 lie ac- fi res. O11P. lie truick rie i'oei1panied the nmembe's ,hoo0pallouns nofiater, andthe a fume figuierç convention in otbeî' 4<0 gallnis Oshaxx a. His fabicu'r. eorge 1.> tr. %v'as Bowvuian ville Fie Ch ieciDD N uni' a nuinbei' af xeau's. Oi011JN Septeunber 191h,. 1937. Fine N'ANE1'K - ROSEVEAI. Chue!f George LI*ve '«ax sex - Prel ' vinuu'd un au accident "iîernian'iage vxsofrJac- '«lien thiefume truck xvas oui- quicline Alice. daughbe.r o! Mr. route io a cbîice'v fume al and 'Mrs. 1.A. Roxev-ear. and the resideuice of Ms Thomnas John Walter Vanex'k. :On fl Richards. Duke Strecu. Mr. and Mr,*. Waller Vanex k. The lime truck %Vas; pro- aIt of byrouîe. '«cr0 excbaiigcd ceeding clown'u Div'isionî Street un a qcuiet c'audlelight, ceremouis' %vben il coliuced xx'uth a tralis- in Tymrone Unîited Churcii, part truck ah. tue cornier Of 1Monda'y evening. Dec. 26th. Division anîd King Stîcetls. 1960.* The transport trruck'«as ioad- Bey. G. Lokhonsi offuciatcd, ed , wutii steel beamrs. Fume -\>.-;h Dîrk\ Evers. Toront.o. as Cliief George Ly> le rcceived o'aii a bad blow ai the base af bus gas. ;kxill. , The chLirch xxas 6.'corated Others oui lhe truck ah the in a Chistmas sottuug of urne were Neul Ta 'ivor, 'hstIursra ree and poinsetiuas back waq iniured. Liucuus '«ith ligbted candies on tic H-ooper xv li later served as sitar table. Fire Chic!. Darwin Bickle.: The bride, '«la 'sas gît on 'i w~ho sustained hacerations t10mrnrage bx' hem lather. x'l'a a 's'rist and band. Hcubert simpîx' but prettulv goxwned un liooper. mincir injuries, Rich- satinî brocade. fashioned '«il ard Sudds. uninjured, and the fitted boduce fecaturniug bateau present Deputy.Chief Tomn necklin, and three-quarter RECOMMEN DS MULTIPLE VITAMINS Foch to&e cntoin s 7 essentiel vitomins. Coat s les thon 4e a dey. GT FAST RELIEF wt GIN PILLS Z.D.T.eP(àl CMOITRE r babYs ferlder sIMtr Daby *am rMN SIG 10z 7 HOSPITAL si. 5c 4oz. 4 NURSERY shze . 11 BT. Baby Powder I. -- Choristers and Soloists Welcomed - COME TO - nOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL Monday, Jan. 16 - 8P.m. THIS WEEK'- Money-Savng b # %;À L I.1).4. Brand 16 07.. - Reg. 1.25' Beef, Iron& Wine with 31 1.09 I.DA. Brand- Reg. 98c. 2.49 Slomach Powder - - - 79c, 1.89 tc Off reg. 78c size Aika-Selizer-- - - - -68c 1? Bayer Aspirin Tablets Mith 99e size Bayer Nose Spray- Both for 99c 'riv Bath Size 1'almollve Soap wihh 98c size Colgale Dental Cream - - - 98c .31)c s17e Super An.shlst Cold Tablets wlth 98e size 1Listerine --- . . . 98c 'ria[ s e old or Silver Sparkles with 12 oz. ize Nestle Spraze -- -- --- 1.391 '0C Off reg.1.19 size Pepsodeni Tooth Paste . . - 99C1 Pond's Angel Skin Reg. 7.9 2 for 65C eg. 69r 2 For' 1.15 Silvikrin Shampoo 98C lleK. -,5, __2 For 98c, Trial size Templeton's Flame Cream wilh T.R.C.'s - 16--, 36,, 85c, 1.65 Relief frorn COUGH and COLD y, *"onxfort Bronichida('old Çap!4u leg Bronchida Cough Syrup - Bronehida Chest Euh Quellida Anacun Tablets Buckbey's Mixturp Coldene New Formula Dristan Tablets lleggezoneu Ornal - 8sa Lisc 1.50 26c, 53c, &Se, 1.07, 1.Z9 -. -. --67c, 98c -1.39 1.25, 2.25, 3.75 soc Pinex Concentrate --- Smith Brothers Couth Drops Sucrein- - 1.35 85c - .. 15c i's MELOSONDED. R G Ut.AR 23c MAN-SIZE 33c YOIR PFAM.%ILI"S HFALTII 18 IMPORTANT! UNKE VITANINS NOW Infan(ol Liquid1.. Drops 1.50, Vitadiet (Capsule% Paramette% 2.00, Pardec Capsules 3.50, 2.30, 1.95, 3.50, j DELSEY* TWIN-PACKi IN COLOURS ~ 2 ROLLS PIK!YELOI 35c AQUA!1 WHITE 1I*Reg. trade mark NEWI for ALL types of haïr! UNIX l,139 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.DA. Drug Store Phone MA 3-57921 ;Federation Heurs Convention Reports The January meeting of the eration for 1961. Fromn the Durham County Federation of interest shown at the first "Agriculture was held at the meeting of the Farmi Manage- home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ment Course, it appears to ho Mof fatt, Orono. quite a successful venture. President Harvey Malcolm. The hostess' served a de. read a copy of the Constitution 1 liclous lunch, bringing tb a of Durham County Federationýç1ose a very worthwhile even- of Agriculture. After someling. discussion a committee wasl The nrxt mieeting wvill he appointed to study the <consti-lhelci at the home of Mr. andi tution and to bring any chang. ýMrs. Douglas Kemp. es or recommendations before -_________ the next annual meeting. iAl Bruce Taylor reportpd on a! Members' Meeting he hadIJI, ýattended in Toronto. Plans are - already being made to celo-j brate the 23th Anniversary ofi .of Agriculture. It is lne ifor the 6, 7, 8 o! November,l Douglas Kemp wilI attend the Leadership Training Course in Niagpra Falls, as a dele- gate, early in February. Reports from the 24th An- !nual Convention were gven t the Directors present. It wasý decided to distribute the re- mraining Durham County Fed- eration o! Agriculture Annual S Isadtrn Reports at the Crop Improve- o sîdtomself 'Well. ment Annual Meeting, Jan. 12. if he won't dim his, I won't Some discussion centered dim mme'!" around the Aims o! the Fed- Bowmanville Choral Society IS PREPARING 'Trial by Jury" FOR EARLY SPRING PRESENTATION -(i -f SERVICE Kr;. 1,ý,1 rm%"ANm A a de