* . . . . . --. - - z .- .- - -- - __ _ _ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRTO -~ ________________________ ThU±1~UAY, JAN. IZtZI, 19~ There will be no Town League Hockey at the Arena, tonight. The games scheduled for last week were cancefled when only one team had enough players. The executive had been trying desperately for the past weeks to keep the league in operation, but now have no other alternative but to cancel the remaining games. Lack of player interest was the main reason for caus- ing the league to fold. Many of the fellows will stili be able to play hockey i the Goodyear League or with the Sham- rocks. However, the biggest loss Is to those who only played In the Town League, and the break-up must certainly be a disappointment to the sponsors of the teams. t t. -1 * t i SHAMROCKS BADLY IN NEED OF SUPPORT This reporter is wondering where all the people are who told us that they didn't go to the Intermediate games, during the last several years, because there were no local players on the club. "What about our young players"' they said. Now we have a team composed entirely of Bowman- ville players, and still the Arena is practically empty. Evidently the worrîers about losing local talent couldn't have meant what they said, because we haven't seen them at the games. The Shamrocks play good hockey and are presently leading the league, without the need of imports. They are ,happy to be able to play hockey, as Bowmanville representa- tives, trying to give the fans Intermediate hockey, even to the point of buying their own sticks, I some cases, ini order to keep It going. Spectator support hit rock bottom last week, when the team lost a lot of money. 'Undoubtedly the first game televised on CFTO had a major effect, but in the previous Wednesday nights there was no TV and stili a small crowd. We don't intend to tell anyone that it's easier to go down to the Arena, instead cf watching N.H.L. hockey on television. But if Intermediate hockey Is to survive, the Bowmanville people must give their fan-support. If they would sooner stay home - the answerI obvious - the fans just don't want Intermediate hockey, and~ the Shamrocks rnay as well fold up. t t 1 t t 8 League Leading Intermediate Shamrocks Bowmanville Shamrocks' lead in the Intermecliate series is i not just the "Luck of the Irishi", but the resuit of some smarrtteam, work and hockey know-how. The team Ieads not only C and other! B teams in the ioop but also A teams, which include Oshawa,! Bob Marjeri right, Jim 0 Bun Welsh, back row. le JUVENILES LOSE FIRST GAME Toronto and Trenton. The players and 'management of one of thé! Gordon Cow Bowmanville Juveniles, alter running up an impressive best Intermediates to be iced here in several years are: front rov, 1 Burgess and record o! 16 wîns, in league and exhibition play, were upset left to right, Bob Fairey, Ron Pollard, Ted Fairey, Vince Vanstone ,! 5-4 in Alliston, Friday night. Many fans thought that a loss would spur the Juveniles te greater playof! efforts, but in Don Bagnel I Hurt t he game, Don Bagnell was injured and will be lost te the club for about three weeks. With the way Don has been playing this year, his loss will undoubtedly hurt the club, < s S u e i st L e a Howeeralthough the locals have finished their schedule, the rest of the teams won't be through until tomor- row night. By the time Bowmanville meets the winner between Whitby and Lindsay, Bagneli may be ready Lo i go A l st n 5 I4 reu n t e p eancit, te Ju eiis eoon. or A goal by Cliffora, with rEle, tacet! the elngm 0 f tct litlbe bain i.,a rOaci reak, ith At te peset tme, he uveile arelooingforfive minutes remaining in theice and sifted through the playoffs just around the cor- god omettonteshrpntheir pa o h lyis game, gave Alliston a 5-4 wuvln defence to fire the lone mark- ner'. over Bowmanville, in a juv- er o! the final session. Juvs' goal scorers were Jim rnr cksenile exhibition tilt. Friday Prior to the w.inning tiaf Rickard with two, Baganeli Sh m o k e dthe only one o league and bottied t! i their own ed Cotch ike Osborne fn Iexhibition games during the for alm-ost the entire first.albiw istak tte Lakeshore LeagUe jà regular season. The locals are hî h einl alr. tiki b1ew he Asto lay-th La c s or e gnowv awaiting the wierb- The game wvas marreci by~ crude crnss-checkcing and high ween Lindsay and Wbty o an injury to Don Bagnel.sikn yteAlitnply Intermediate Hockey Statistlcs the league final play-off. * which will probably keep him ers, and the team was given *(Including Games of WeI., Jan 4) Aliston Led 2-1 at the end! out of the line up for three a benich penalty ini the third W L T F A Pts.o! the first, but Bowmanvillei weekis. The ispeedy forward , 1od Bowanvlle9 3 O 7 49 20bounced back in the second:ý was hit by a knee late in the iThe locals were short-liant!- Bowmaville9 3 7 8 9 20to lead 3-2 and 4-3, before1 second period, causng a> rup- ed ,vithout the services 2f -Toronto________ 7 3 0 73 36 16 the homesters evened the tured muscle. The offenider Terry Black, Nels Yeo. Scott *Lindsay 6 5 0 56 42 14 score. Clifford picking up a escaped without a penalty be-! Essery, Doug James and! John P Tentn __________6 6 0 60 43 14 lose puck outside bis bu-ugche!Bgel~ls oTit - shw ________6 4 O 50 32 1 ~Cobourg 3 a o 42 106 f P Oort Hope 1_ 2 l0 54i99 'Town League Bas ketbai Por Orono 2_il_0 45_9 4: Assista 13 14 11 13 15 10 14 St., Cobo ISP E CIAL CONDIR 160 Church Our Store wili CLOSED WEDN ESDAY AFTE starting January PointsOpen s Four Team Schedule 26 The newly organized Mens' Pete Belsey scored six. ly-___- ___ 25 Town League Basketball Lea- iChopowick and Gllenn Rich- 4 gue startet! regular scedule ards each droppet! in a pair, 22 !it the Higb Scbool gymnas. The Fuels scormg %vas dont- 21im. The initial do)uble-berad-LYTc asnwtsen. o 5-Ail Tie 21er saw Coronation Cafe de-1 BilToc] Dason wix oiths anci 20 feating Stepben Fuels 27 - 1 'ý1cbittcolso,ixptont s an 20 and Snuffy's Auto Body win1- r 19ning over Surplus Sales 29- ket,.At U rig 1916. Ken Kelly wvas the nigcht'sý 19 n bthgams, nl tbeetop scorer wiîb a dozen points iAlilhough Bowunanville hiadi ourg. pn oit seaaes, - tre lbstolead Snuffy's to their vie-, a wide margin in the play, ýý ý- 1 I 1 ý,torv rn:er Surnlus. JoIa Mr.'- - -i at tbe end! o! balf time, but -y uer ' -' *iuzi ~- e il- tiiy %ere jorcedti 10settle for the ~ ~ ~ l winrmrpedi ibras rigbt in step with i11 thewiner doppd n 1 la h points, wbile Gord Dud-! a 5-5 tie ini a midget hockey points in each case to take fgie atTedyngti ]ay-wis ey picket! Up four. Pick o!.anls uedyngti eaywn.tbe loscrs were John Lunn Uxbridgc. The host team's rDanny Seto pacet! Corona- and Lloyd Cover]ey with eight goatl-kee(per, turneci in a sen- tion with eigbt points, wbile and five points, repectively., sationai net-mninding chore tol keep Bowmanvi]le froni romnp-1 ing to their fourth straighti __________Audience__ victorv. Unfortunately ouri Uxbridge reporter \vas unablel '%n fn vPi t o the namne ofhestarryj Nine in 15 Minutes DownCobourg 13-3 I After staying in the gaine for day night. The Shamrockg iýnearly two periods, Cobourg fired a pair of goals ini feIl apart before a srnooth- minute and! 13 secondis at the: passing Bowmanville club inr end! of the second periot!, and an Intermediate tilt at the rammed in seven more in the' Memorial Arena, hast W~et!îesifirst 13 minutes of the thirdý to. walk away with an easy 13-3 j win. Bowmanville held a margin in the first period play, but hat! Vince Vanstone to thank, for enierging with a 2-0 leat!. r o m While the Shamrocks outdid r o therselves passing, Cobour, - oowm nviie ad the eolerfsormn ance o Marj o errisonalsrbgedba Van- ýn T R E ter thie loy hdHailtond twice, withrs ingtesgig toi orgiew Campe, aslex c Keen alsdnt!A ali saycoret! forte losite. a sana Theirsb teleDonviseteatý gefrtov ter CFTOalong ithh 25~rik t hatt e Lme al!tona andar-emptylena Bare10 ______________________ fnshwi e d up, singesulting i forute lossthee. Jon Htticock pace t *winners xitb a thiree goal p formiance. while Doug Nichq and Bob Sleep each scor once. ISNOW TIRES $12.95 and np wlth Class "A" Trade-mn JAMIESON TIRE A. H. STURROCII & SONS LTD. NIA 3-5516 J3OWMANVILLE the )r- loîs et I i p R p D E, rrison, Don Masters, Bob Sheridan; second row, left to ,)linski, Ray Preston, Hank Lane, Bill Lyle, Bob Abbott, Fred (Buck) Cowle, Archie Crossey, Terry Masters; ef t to right, Lloyd Hamilton, John Fowler, Paul Chant, w1e and lvIike Murphy. Absent when photo taken, Ron 1Mort Richards. MensMai The Men's Major League starteci the second schedule with a bang as 25 bowlers averaged over 220 and 43 bowlers were over the 200 mark. Larry Piper took the lead 1with a total of 778 pins for an average o! 259. Larry bad a very rough first scbedule so beware that the young one does flot, catch on fire in the second haîf. Clarence Oke bit 755, Dr. H. B. RundIe 744, ,Jack Bond 741, Ken Luxton. 7:19, Dr. Eci. Ewert, 717, Ernie Perfect 712, Don Bishop 703, Jack Gay 703, Dr. Keith Sle- mon 702. Clarence Oke liad a high single gamc 3,16, Don Bishop i343, Ken LUxton 323 and Don Bagnell 3.13. George " The Gener a 1" LIJoncs on.ail] low prizes hitt- iiîg a single o! 86 and a 3 gamic triple of 415. Barney Vanstone bowled 101, Bruce Milne 111, Ab Piper 114, Glen Lander had 422 for 3 games, Ab Piper 433, Bruce Milne 441i. Liberty Bowl had high single team score 1258 as weli as bigh triple 3430. Ailey Chatter Jack Brough is back In the league after his illness ant! wc nmight add' bis bowling bas flot changed. Treasurer Fred Cole re-1 quesis 0ail bowvlcrs pay theirý fees within, the next week. Captain George Stephen xvas really disgusted with.the1 way his team. was bowlngl and he put up a sign offerinor to sell bis team. There wer-e no takers.1 Ernie Perfect winner of! the high average ini the first! scbedule bias started out in 1 7th position. Perfect îvill be! trying for the bat, trick by winning both schedules. r Team Standings Teain IW L Pts. Liberty Bowl 3 0 3ý Canadian Tire ...3 O 31 Pepsi Cola --- --3 O 31 Lander Hardware 2 1 2: Bow'ville Cleaners 2 1. 2. Jury & Lovehi ---2 1 2 Kramp .sFu r ni1t u re 2 I 2 1oso Mtors ----2 I 2 Ken's NIen's Wear 1 2 1ý Nes Osbornle ]S. i Selby Grant Heat. 1 2 1' Cab 500 1 .I 2 il Coiwan Equip. 1* I 2 I Preston Transport 0 3 Ô!r Charirans---------0 3 0 Stephen Fuels 0 3 0! Averagesr Name G Ave Larry Piper 3 259ý Clarence Oke _ 3_2_53 252 Dr. H. Rundle 3 248ý Jack Bond 3 2471 Ken Luxton 3 246; Dr. E. Ewvert . 3 239 Ernie Perfect .. 3 237, Don Bishop .3 2341 Jack Gay ----- 3 234 Dr. K. Slemon__ 3 2341 Matt Harrison . 3 229,r Jim, Casile . 3 229i H-ank Janzen - 3 229' Bill Westlake . 3 229ý George Glanville- 3 228, Pete Dobbins 3 228 Jack Munday 3 '2281 Cecil Mutton .. 3 227ý Al Osborne - 3 2271 Jackx Lander -__-_- 3 227 r E-arry Gay 3 226 But! Moses - 3 224 1',uss Oke 3 224 Ray Fry----- 3 22l' M1orley Vanstone- 3 22 0 Joe Nowlan 3 219i Ed Lugtenburg .3 219jr Ted Bagnell 3 218j HIarold Bennett - 3 215' Russ Lane ~. 3 215: MIel Dale 3 214 Dr. AI Sylvester- 3 213! Bill Shotter - 3 209ý rim Callan - 3 209 Paul Chant ~. 3 208l Ralph Kelly ___ 3 208' Pat Yeo 3 207f Doug Taylor 3 204 Ed Leslie . 3 203 Si Trewîn ____ 3 203L 'or BowlingI Jack Parker 3 200 2Bill Hearle . 3 200 sRuss Haliman. 3 200 Features This Week High Single-Clarence OkeI I346. High triple-. Larry Piper 778. à Low single- George Jones Low triple-. George Jones 415. t High team (l)-- Liberty Bowl- 1258. High tearn (M- Liberty Bowl- 3430. Low tcam (1)- Stephen Fuels- 876. Low teani,(3)- -Stephen r Fue's- 80 _ RKALPH S. JONES Barrister and Solicitor 130 King St. E. Oshawa 1 R8-6246 Two-tone tan and white FuIIy cquipped and witb Good Will Guarantee. Locally owned Only ILegion Bowling Samis, first schedule champs .rank- Samis 712, Tommy after a late splurge, got off tojGraham- 698, ]Ross Wright 672, la flying start in the Legion rSteve Nelligan and Irwin League's second schedule, last Beauprie 649, Bob Stocker 643 Tuesday night. Samis scatter- and Maxie Yourth 635. ed 3246 pins for a 7-0 sweepý Beauprie's 310 game took over the short-handed Taylor high single bonours, followed team. Martyn tied Samis inbv Elliott 306, 244, 235; Dob- points by virtue of a 7-0 win'bins 294, Yeo 289, 249, 239; over Yeo, but trail by 300 pins. Graham 270, 228; Bill Bates Perfect, leaders for most of the! 266. Samis 258, 249 and first schedule, defeated ae Stocker25,2. 5-2. 1 Team Standings Manager George Elliott i "s started the New Year off in Samis . 7 fine style, rolling up a big 785! Martyn 7 total to take high triple hon- Perfect _______5 ours. Keith Yeo was close Bates 2__________ behind at 773, with other hi ghs Yeo 0_________ going to Pete Dobbins 718, Taylor 0________ Memorial Arena BOWMANVI LLE ( - PUBLIC ~ SKATING FR1., JAN. 131h 8-10 P.M. UATURDAY, JANUARY 141h HOCKEY 6:30 p.ni. STOUFF VILLE NIDGETS vs. BOWNANVILLE MIDGETS 8 - 10 pm PUBLIC SKATING SUNDAY, JANUARY l5th FAMILY SKATING - 3 Io 5 p.m. CHILDREN'S SKATING IVEDNESDAY, JAN. 18th - 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Children - - - * *- 25e Aduits accompanying childrcn - - * 25e WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 181h INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY 8:30 p.m. LINDSAY BOMANVILLE SHANRGCKS Admission Aduits 50C Chlldren if Students 25e under 12 years of age Free aceompanled by aduit $1O95 1957 BUICK CENTURY 2- Dr. HARDTOP Automatic, with radio. Locally owvned. Excellent condition, Good IVili Guarantee ----OnIy ts1395 Over 40 Other Nakes and Models PROTECTION FOR YOUR CAR THIS WINTER! UND mA aSPRAYs7o Prevents Rust and Corrosion.$7 0 Complete Job - OnIy - PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR QUICK STARTING GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE TUNE-UP Six Cylinder .a.a. OuIy $m5.20 EIGHT CYLINDER - $7.20 PLUS PARTS Robson Motors Ltd. BUICK - 166 King St. E. PONTIAC - VAUXHALL CARS - GMC OSHAWA DIRECT LINE RA 5-271L TRUCKS MA 3-3321 s- FOR EXANPLL . 1957 METEOR 4 -Dr. SEDAN m m m gaqke -IL .... si