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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1961, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN S17ATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO HRDYJN 9t,16 WESLE VILL orde ta iagnoe his"ail I a m n e s f a etn o h .I Tenwyasgi f oa On Wednesday, January il itendance cards w ere gvnt peycnaecnet i t good start with the fis-st execu-.. the first meeting of thle Wo1 those betw een the agesc ieain imesi h iho Farm Management ,,Te next mein f thejtve metngo teW.A hl man's Association for 1961 w as'and fifteen. At theeennismoefrntecue- The Durham Farm Maniage- asoiation will be on Tues- tehm ftepeîet held at the home of the pre- ch îrch service, Rex .Kprs ment Association was reorgan- day, January 24th, at 1:*30 P..! itth hme f heprsidentit Mrs A. Austin, with Normn'sr emon xxas h is nFia vnn n ized in the Department of1 in the Department of Agricul- Ms-rs. A. Austin, last Wednes- sidaot1e aispeetARd faszela nu ate ulcnrgtoa etn Agriculture, Boa rd R oomr,1 ture Board Room. At this!day evening, with ail mem-* Cross quilt was in the frames Lenten seaison and wx~o h fYletnUie hri Bowmanville on Friday, Jan- meeting a set up figures forý bers present.1 iand finished during the after- theme "Do I xxan takovwshdiithchrhal uary 6th. The purpose of the a farmn in Western Ontario no.Ms utnoee h o. Lf pyu meeting was to select new wil provide the basis fori Mrs. Clarence Nichols is bsns eso ihteW .ýSeatLnin a offices-s and discuss the use of practice in using the Ontaria teaching ait Port Granby school theme and praver. Rail cal anthemi. the solo partiugb rnic ayohrbsns the Ontario Farm Account Farmi Account Book. Anyane frtecmntri was answered with wavs the, Mrs. Allin Clarke.retieaschamtng Book. belonging ta the Association rteCmil em individual might help the la-'.O audyaironw Aproimatlytwntfeo r interested in the use of the Ladies were busy qulting, cal cîîtrch. Several ladies attedd*u 7lnnaacmaidb Apoiaeytet-ieFarm Account Book is wei- at Mss Hectos- Darke's tn eiwo the eas c-quiiting ait the home o r.teLwec tpe fLf farmers enrolied in the new caet1tedti etn atwe.I h oko h association t hs benothatm t htesdtbeenet or-pat rek fardwok asth rrepre f hentatix - . Bsson hurda whchwil tat ropty tfis-st xveek is an indication of tivities was given by BernieceanhdtegLeerpt ConvFerj ganized. These farmers :0p..te oig erlteewîib Best a.nd, for this year espec-i done at quitting tirne. fArclu ntSc.o ke opeeacutinthe, l, rhofi on.fialiv shawed many prajects, Ontario Fa-m Account Booki Durham Farm Safety Counci'lmc fi oe pssncpaliy in connection wxith Bey. He-%ward of PatHp'Fra .FA speiul on their fa-m business man-, Annual Meeting There were 70 ait Sunday ,~.tecnenaa ela hs pn Fridav evenin ihcrdtdenodtewax agement setup. The books willL The annual meeting Of the Sehool with most folk making regulariy cars-led on. Financial Carol Thorndx'ke ait tecai1hsialt fteVcoi be handed in atteeo the Durham Farmn Safety Couneil' a determined effort to be there statements were given bx' Mrs.: noie party. and Carol rtre onyFdrtino gi yeaan nlssl edte wiil take place at 1:45 p.m. On! on time. Scripture was read. A. Ford for the flower coin- with lier for thie weekn. clueaiussa hi n Fs-rn that it is hoped that theý Thursday. January i9th, in the by Mrs. Pauline Payne. Pro-* mîttee, fsrn Mrs. Tutt for the Russell, Ruth and HnB-na etn n inrhl fames aybeabe a tuyOddfeilows Hall, Os-oaa. The motion certificates were pre- à Save the Children fund. and,: macambe of Morrishw'ralo-i tebsetotKo their weaker points and thus' meeting will start promptly, sented ta Robes-t Dînner, James Mrs. Ken Ashby. the treasur-' here on Fridav nigTîît t njvP'sveinCuc xln ther as. h e returns ta home a film on safety in the Eyden, Sandra Payne, John MODERN INSIGNIA: The new trade- j er's repart, There had been 'the gaines brasm thcrefarse henthm and farm. During theý Tufford, Cheryl Clar-ke, Ruth. nine quiîts made for the Red i h uhadtimng s.GatnMK.Pei rmidrof the afternooný Nichais Gwen Fard, Bas-bas-a mark of the Canadian National is AI h uý n Croa ela eea ar f Christina and Nex ers-enof.CFofgip-e At the meeting on Friday,, rem.aindelas evralparI Darypl tokchrg o'reports will be given on the, Dinnes-, and Valerse Austin, now making its fisst appearance on of socks knit. have been put axvax-ac hr ildinhscsoayc the discussion on the use ofi alu ciiiso h u-LnaTonye The programme for thue af- lis a littie time ta enoth the Fasrn Account Book. Thecl urngthnea- ndP ansttrnanxasbochrg fcairsxvbok tandaeconeaurdnucks. esvd yDle-ld tain o ivntryan iswill be made for the 1961 r Starting with the fis-st Sun- insuated ox cas andtchakrgDe-bf xtheOxebook is "Bshaidvbe itechsc aalre tknofivnoyadisprogramme. Anyone interestedl day of this yeas-, children are eodbyTrnoesgrAla executive and coîîducted by . Oebo s" importance as well as keeping'i Fr Sfeyiss-cme eceiving a card ta record lpdb TrnodsinrAlnMs-s. Reeve. The themle of de- Mr. Foster Russel afCougtanepcd rd.Fax the figures up ta date and ac- a rm Saty iatten come hh atfendance, and there Fleming, the sybo i a continuous 'o niwstefis a- wxv 0 ias put xxorcls arvnaepitdrcl curafely entered was discussed. xvhm4- hepCu as an increase in attendance iefrngteltrsCN.I mandment and folawving this ta express the beauty g soto h a i eto Mr, Douglas Kemp of Bow- inhm4H he l iasf Sunday. Mrs. Ken Dinner unfrin th leess"N.t a discussion period %vas con- mon scenes. maii oal f1t mraxvilie wag elected Presidenti The Durham 4-H Sheepl sang, the solo part in thel ductcd concerning iunportanti poeîins of vas-ving lenghrsiiie 0 u l Cluluib met n he ntaialchor mh-eigOnthearoio deotedth rle f Cntdaneatona inCanfa' dvelpmet-te mveaptsonnials ndenets fn xer neasd t her tisboo' "va-n"thepitlit ofau of the Assýociation, with A. O.! Department ofAgicltre, munon-ice as heida te mnto mn atral n msags henwtrdmaki tefis te n 91)wliies ane d ets iirn r mont' mcd o NearbsI cv~- Dairympie, Agricultus-al Re- 1Boand ofomeonaFridals ad messages. Te nTw tra'emak is.the firs rnep innaitntacsn (i sp(1 presentativeoasrsecs-earn-trea- arv 20thirconclusion of the regulas- ses--1jfo 16. ie ua socuA as.t SuLidua norning.Aote-"hucb'*covstd s suse.vnip isectr ea remeetaiat 8:00 p.m. ThieviewthCr-lNcas comprehiensive re-design programn that wilI reflect the continuing moderniza- tirne was spent duî-ing tiue 150k, not 'a new aono rmsifnekdoaoet will open - ar nto,1Prmtly Pes-cx'Snell assisting REl . E.servin of fel . igt-rblino allsa sele;Cted wrigtn, wthafim ndieaeOf K.Norman. Rv.Ontinofthrsstm Bîgt olu sheesmcrortîg h nwaraemrca o Fidyevnof coi ain tIrel lio o 83,teowonseUnhipCurc rgii Alun~ Dov;Crw-gt a-Lsheep. Foilowing that the club' ,i e . h sadfthe tt spmnhoit nddipigPespr vex' Graham; Manvers, Law- 1 ugtsed[ shown on this truck and model locomotive wil eventuallv be applied to al noie paîtl-' iwill b oed bv tUfore96l.pcM. tndtUe Stqtes. a narne .tcooI iioîhe. iluth sicai lx- if uîat i rec iiis;CvnGronAyybn e son izefre1961.' Ms-.ind Toross.ntoiu onluo w hed nth xeha to bad a ycn eeStap es Cvp, Go sdo n nonmesn in;e1d xeei Trno o aud y items of the CN; cars and coaches. signs, telegrapli forms, stations, letterheadS, basernent witi edoen tables. nectiol: before.nuitiy Ctarks;oe, Rlav McHolm;îin caring for at ieast five ewes and we as-e sas-sy ta heas- plav-ingr, as xx el as about 15lâl_____ i isxei o ulcsek Clas-e, Wiliam ilinand between the age of twelve; Donna was suffesing fsrn a uniforms and advertising. The re-design programi is aimed at building and littie people plaving ttueir oxxn I;ig r owsdMiomo nd eny in Dufrbame 4 ounty fs-arcfused fonea l heextending the reputation of the CNR as a company interested in ps-oviding good BeinecBes t xx' Haondfis-st paflndî lic rd iels in FA I E VC lub. The club leades- is Ms-. Ms-. and Ms-s. Andes-son of service and merchandising ît with modern marketing methods. for the ladies, and Mss H. Best I u'LETNCien nStu'a aso DEA, LD CIPPEDJamnes Coombes, psesident of! Westmeath visifed with Ms-. won ilue tic breaker. Trurnaxi IThe flu h-ug lbas cuieti'îi atns-rakanlcm ns FARM STOCK teDîhmJno amr. and Mrs. Clarence Nichols Austinî xa-s the iuckv g(entie-' this coinunity xvlth abn uRsi ofi nîa e Ms-. CreoomCare he be i inftseeadsfe uigte ekn;M-.executive was heid at the which xill be heid on M1onday an adult, went for a long hike amLs - îns wx oîola-1 ed cff ta hosia vthvsy't Fdsai o gi- RmoedFree ofrChrge tebiecg0 hep n a1 Reeve was in Toronto an Wed- -1an and Russnei Bwincos 3ofi s haita itsbigcst fge o-hme-adCu Immdiae 4-H. ervce been a club leader for the nesday; Ms-s. D. Vannatto and home of Mr. and Ms-s. Murs-ay evening, January 1Oth. Ita the xxoods anîd fouxîd traces fions. jing ailmexîts, narnlv-Ms rýrehs cfrnnecu Ask Your Operator For past two yeas-s. Those young1, Cecil of Bow-manville visited Payne to discuss prablerns, Last Satus-day afteî'noon ýýOf maîîy animiais but saw onl'yThes-e xxese 66 ait Sunday Janice Stacey, Ms-. W.M-tnxe nbspe1iu i ZEnith 66550 people who do wish f0 enter wif h the Oughts-ed's on Sun- plan for tîhe coxning yeas- and Laus-el and Danya Hill of Part: a fexv. Tlîey found a large - chool with Mrs. Snell s-ad Cabe and Ms-. Ray Raisn1tnad Ssn xewse' No oiCare he meelatgos- onthnacti d n osning scriptu-e. If xvas the former fw'a bavin entis aa aatn ah plallCage te etngtaoreconat day.prepare a slate of officiessfor Hope, Robes-f and Jimmrie! beaver dam and plenfy of1 Conutdb 'mx utnseesdads-tsndhm.M- n r.Mlo sa NlckPecni eteborughOntas-io Depastment of te Agri- Last Tuesday evening a presentation to, the annual Sculfhas-pe and Earl Aslibv of 1 their xvork, alsa carpentryý as superintendent. and aftes- The rumanur that Ra, scn pn îna ihfinsl culture. meeting of the Sunday School meeting of the congregafion Part Britain, accompanied by xx'rk of pileated xvoodpeckers. flthe lesson pesiod, chu-ch at- fined ini the MaferniiyasdBlx'lc The Canadian Statesman "tHome of the Week"Cott Save Money on Fuel "~M B R~~n W A VLFK J See us for Free Estimates on Somethlng New ... HOO ERSL - BS T new'-F Aluminum Doors SeOrWno o OW L JEWELLERY SLOCKER'aes&SevceSCH Sec Our Wlnow for VW ales & rviLCE i V OLCASST and Windows PAINT BRUSHES For T weFunandGif t Shop Hm Freezers CL AR OK Oldsmobiie, Chevroiet, Corval cusv ai-emunig f For Paint, Shellac, Varnish For lea Funan Om MA 3-2312 and Envoi' (British Built) Carsc:oet nvn ltdbs No coarse bristie ... foam wlth Fml erain____ n a-sudsnah oha CU VA[NI cushion of mohair. VISIT OUR NEW29Kn St. E. from$2 9Mp APLE COET owmanvietsps-BtsalT er Equipment Co. MANGST.W54IR31 ILTANE MA 3-5747 73 KING ST. IV, We oei Electrohome,MA335sevcaif'.EET C N4 ICE. - - MA 3-5U9 M 5 Base Line Rd. DIA 3-5663 A 3-5578PhlpanAdia Courtice MA 3-39224RigW MURPHY See Us for The Bfest ... O WMAN VILLE FRANK'SDYSR S SALE - 20%7 Diseount 44.'B G AA G on New Furniture OL FUii-E Repairs AND SERVICE STATION LEEI- Spg 9 Trade-in Rug, 9x12 l eITi_____Wil ouWi 2-pce. Chesterfield 160 Church Street earonl tpsf Record Player WHEEL BALANCING IS V .H rw avsDae x hi rdesTMT UC o 9 4-burner Electric Range WE0 URSl?~. . CseDBrwnLlbhy'ealr I- 15 oz.dct 47 RNG S. W*SPECIALTIES PHONE MA 3-5497 8 IGS.W 2SUO T RI OKAL4tn 9 MA 3-3781POEMA-53 MA 3-3231 7 IGW A334 Buy Now and Save~ lothingHHARDWARE L D JW LLR M -3 Phone MA 3-5774 EC and deposit the slip. A local ds-aw ivill be held mont hly. TheIC mp yUsd a- Ep'fRais CGreeting Cards RN T .8 IGS.W customnes whase name is on the coupon viii xvin a nexv KIGST .85KN S.W Polas-oid - and so xvili the mes-chant whose namne is on ftue We Seli the Finest R. B. RICKARD24lr 27 Ring %V. MA 3-5556 BOWAIANVILLE MA 3-3134 coupan. in Building Materials Plumbin-, Iieating and NEWCASTLE 3456 Newcastle Poet.3931A.TE 25 STEPHEN Let George De It! Satisfaction______ _____ RobsonFUELSSec Our January ,eLUBER R &GIL LUCKY'S nB.A. NE'VCASTL RobsonFUELS ARGAINS S E P RGLLIlubrication SPECIALTY SHOP Mo tors Famous Reading Anthracite t1' n By'Wa LUMBER and B.A.GARGE Fuel Oil - Stove Oiî Mn' ad oy' ea COMPANY LIMITED l4 Service CLEARANCF j ,. FIlupno!Footwear NL End of Lines Dpnal t .i xne- ethrAha GIGuaranteed IVINDSHIELD WASIIERS Blouses, SitSet L t eWne ete ha E OR GE 'S "Everythinq for Builders> INSTALLED~ $2.00 to $5.00z rs n ile Poniac * Bick Bowmnanville, Ontario (Fos-merly Sus-plus Store) Perey S. Luxton, Necatl Srvc Pnic-BikMArket 3-5410 42 King St. E. bA 3-3211 Phone MA 3-3388 BOW31ANVILLE 96 King St. E. PHONE 2081 NewAcasARtlrop Vauxhall ___ ________B________1___________ NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO Phone 2021 POE27 GMC'- Trucks 129 J.B O G A. H. STURROCK I LNASE GOODE'SPO T R '4"DURO WATER PUMPS TOUR MASSEY-FERGUSON 166 King St. E. 11adSU Ld 464" 1DAEDFRHRWR -wOF BOWMANVILLE AN OTNR0 41CTALDHM MNArket 3-3321 JNAYPubn etn LADIES" WEAR Pick up your FREE NEWCASTLESNC BA Plmbng- eain FelBOMAILEAdmission Ticket at Benjamin Moore Fue BOMANILL SID LANCASTER'S Paînts and arni'shes «Se. Our Fine Selection ~S L 011 Mnd Gaz Burners Oul Bargains Galore at Our in the Canada Fam Show SALEpr- lorCveig FABamu A LE, Coliseumn, C.N.E. Park, Toronto Wlppr-ForCvrniSvnst 0 ci (lied Cars" See Page 5 for Bargains MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE JANUARY Jan. 25, 26, 27, 28 Kitchen WareEdofLeClanc 5 igSt. E MA 3-5451 BOWMANVII.LE MVArkct 3-5516 NEWCASTLE POE32 _________________ CLEARANCE SALE CLARKE 2703 POE32 ETNIL

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