T!IURSDA, JAN. lth, 1961TE C '..'TADIAN STATESMAN, BOWANVILLE, ONTARIOPAELVE Seek More Awards Re-elect John Rickard ..chooI Board Chu irman Newcastle- The init ial!, was open fer 16 days in Dec-1 meeting for 1961 ef the New-1 ember with an enrolment cf1 r castle Public Sehool Board! 224 including aine new stu- was held on Monday, Janu- dents from other schools. The ary 9th, with ail mem;bers in attendance during December attendance. The first order of was 94.08 per cent. He stated business wvas the election of with thL_ increased enrolment a chairman which was con- there are only three vacant ducted hy the Secretary, E. desks. During December Mrs. S, Barchard. The only nomin- Jose supplied for 4i2 days. ation for the office was made During 1960 the school was by 1. McCullough seconded by open 196 days with a per day George ihard, naming John attendance cf 200.96. Text ]Rickard, last year's chairman booli grants were used to the, who. xvas unanimously re-el- amount cf $561 and Library, ected. grants were used te the ful Mr. Rickard took the chair amount cf $194. During theý 1er the election ef a vice- next termi four students teach- chair mn a n and commîttees, ers will be visiting the school which resultod as follows Vice for cne weekc. It is planned Chairman, Mrs. Wm. Storks 1te enter a three part school and committees, first named group in the Peterborough as chairman, Finance- George Music Festival, the fee for Chard; Property, Irvin Mc- which is $1.25. The school is Cullough; Purchasing, Douglas planning a concert in the coin- Walton, Mrs. Sam Brereton munity hall in March. The and George Chard. principal reported the second Mr. Rickard thanked the set cf examinations would be members cf the Board for the held during the last weeks cf j co-operation he had received February. He said hie had been during the past year and for approached by the Recreation the honour of their confidence regardîng ice time at the shown in choosing hlm as arena and requested permis- their chairman for the comn- timefror the junid or ch e ing year. He officially wel- ande for the seniors every e- comed the new member cfanfothseir vys- the board, Mrs. Brereton ajrd cond week. Permission xvas expressed the hope the board asked te purchase educational woul bav a appyassoia-film strips. tien and a ,rewarding exper- nmtinDeug.Brreo 'f ence during the ycar ahead. adDu Walton the Board Mrs. Storks also said a kew will pay the fee for the Peter- word of elcoe toMrs.borough Kiwanis Music Fes- Brereon. ivaland on motion cf Wal- Tree ho PipaM.ton and McCullough ice time Munro, gave his report for mcre ai CommitteiR e December and for the year ceto omte ilb 1960 which revealed the school accepted te be used under sup- _____ervision as per the principal's S report. Should the pupils use Coming Events this te disadvantage the priv- ilege te, be terminated at once. The Newcastle }Iorticultural On motion ef Mrs. Storks and Society are holding a sale cf George Chard film strips may home baking in the Lions' be purchased by the principal Jtoom on Friday, January 2OtKIon the same budget as last from 3 te 5 p.m. 2-2 year. Nwcastle Community BOWLING ALLEYS Have openings for teams and Individuals ln league bowling APPLY TO MANAGER OPEN BOWLING Monday and Thursday - - 9 to il p.m. Wednesday- --------7 to il p.m. Saturday- ---------3 to il p.m. Atter seme discussIon I was decided te purchase five medium size desks for the school, Acceunts amounting te $ 160.06 we-e erdered paid. A motion by Walton and McCul- lough, that lady members look atter the drapery situation in the junior reem, was carried. Mrs. Brereton was appointed Soca/1 anc Mr. Frank Winho 1 d of Goodwood visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hodg- son cf Bowmanville were Sunday visiters with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Prout were in Oshawa on Sunday where they attended the Christening et their grand- daugahter. The Christening tookr place in St. George's An- glican Church, Oshawa, with the Rev. Canon Cross officiat- ing. The child Kathleen Mar- garet Prout was presented for baptism by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ross Prout. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allun and family were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allin and family, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Voutt oý tJxbridge, and Mr. Leslie Kinnell cf Lindsay were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Vcutt. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hodgson and son, Geoffrey cf Bow- mnanville visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hedgsen on Mon- day. Mrs. Verna Forsythe and son Ronald cf Toronto spent th2 weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gilkes and family. Mr. Taylor Kernohan and Mr. Arnold Coulter et Min- den, and Mrs. Norman Scott ef Newtonville were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago, Mrs. Marie Gartshore and Miss Dorrene Powell were Sunday guests with the Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Fisher in Fene- Ion Falls. te work with the caretaker, Mr. Gaines, on lunch room problems. on motion of D. Walten and J. McCullough, Mrs. Brereton was authorized te give re- ports of scheol board meetings to the newspaper. It is the feeling of the Board that awards should be given te encourage studentsi in their studies. There arei already awards for General Proficiency, Music and Public Speaking and any citizen de- siring to present awards for any subject cf his or her choice should contact any member of the school board. It wculd be a most welcome gesture and one which would certainly be self-satisfying te the donor. 1 £PersonalI1 E Sunday dinner guests with .Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis Lwere Mr. and Mrs. George Kimbaîl and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Johnson, Glenda and Gary and Mr. Erie Wicks. Reeve D. J. Cunningham is attending the sessions cf the Northumberland and Durham Counties Council in Cobourg this week. Immunization School Clinic On Monday Newcastle- The Northum- berland and Durham Health Unit is holding an immuniza- tien clinic at the local public school at 9 o'clock on Mon- day morning when immuniza- tien will be given against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and polio and vaccin- ation for smallpox. Mothers wishing te bring their pre-sehool age children te this clinic will be wel- comed. The only rational way cf educating is te be an example -if one can't help it, a warn- ing example.-Albert Einstein. îIt is by presence cf mind in untried emergencies that the native metal cf a man is test- ed.-Abraham Lincoln. The ability te keep a -cool head in an emergency, main- tain pose in the midst cf ex- citement, and te refuse te be stampeded are true marks cf leadership.-R. Shannon. <I VewS&4&e9«tcieaeotdeed Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phono 3621 Surrounds Sunday Fire Newcastle- The Volunteer Fire Department was called eut on Sunday afternoon te fight a fire in the Peel Con- struction Company trailer on the village lot on Manvers Street, which was extinguish- ed by the volunteers in short order with slight damage. According te Chief Frank Millar, the tire was caused by the cil steve in the office, but the watchman said their was ne f ire in the steve when he left it, but firmen found the lock was ripped off the door when they entered. Ac- cording te the theory cf the chief someene must have bro- ken into the trailer and start- ed the steve and when they left the cil steve caused the tire in the trailer. Bulldozer Stuck Whiîe cleaning up some cf the mess left on George Street east when laying the water main, a bulldozer owned by the Peel Construction Com- pany went across Mill Street and over the embankment tee far and xvas unable, te get back up onto the street. After several unsuccessful attempts te get back on the .road, the operator decided te go on thrcugh the gully and up on Manvers Street, but was un- able te climb this steep en- bankmeet «either. Another bulldozer was summened to the scene and attempted te tew it eut. The tîrst try was unsuccesstul when the chain snapped le two, but with ane- ther cable the tow lob was successful and the stuck dozer went up on Manvers Street. Despite the above mention- ed mishaps Peel Construction is making good time in lay- ing the water mains having completed nearly all streets from King Street North, and have the pumpheuse building, under construction. Plate and! Structural Steel Limited have the stand pipe at the north end cf Beaver Street nearly completed tewering m ore than 70 feet in the air. r--Ford leads in s'tyle and value- IFORD L (Crton fat rrsilusr ru.oor# optino ee ira ost) 1i961 Ford ... the carefree car wilh the ciassic Ford look. For Oshawa and Whitby Districts For Newcastle and Bowmanville Districts SEAWAY Motors Limited FCO 200 DUNDAS ST. W. WIIITBY CAR VETH Motors ONTARIO UBEO CARS AND TRUC»o Mr. Moore of the Westview Heights Subdivision addressed council regarding a water sup- ply for the subdivision. He said a contract has been let to Armstrong Bros. Construction Company te lay water mains in first stage of the develop- ment, running west from Bald-1 wrn Street and requested council te supply a connecting link on 'Robert Street from Church to Baldwin Street. The request was discussed at some length and council decided they could make ne decision on the matter until they had further information as to cost, etc., and decided to discuss the proposai with the consulting engineer. The preposed link is outside the area approved by the Municipal Board and would therefore require Board approval before the work could be done. A resolution was passed authorizing the deeding of a portion of the closed section of ,Munro Street, fronting on hîs property. to Mr. John Voutt in return for a road allowance farther south to give a right- of-way to his property which has been cut off by the clos- ing of Munro Street. A Delightful Event Community Bowling Resuits Newcastle- The Bowling Bill Harrison at the alleys. Comittee have announced they There are lanes available for have epenings for indîviduaals open bowling Monday, Wed- wîshieg te joie present teams nesday, Thursday and Satur- and for those who wish te day. enter new teams. Persons Following are the high wishing te bowl in beagues scorers je the various bowl- should contact the manager. ing leagues in the communîty LUNCHEON MEAT ~A1202. halASAVIE 92. tins IGA INSTANT - SAVE 12e CHOCOLAT] REDPATH GRANULATE» SUGAR Fancy Grade - 3 lb. Cello Bag NcINTOSH APPLES CFTO-TV 49c E tinz.3 9C Save 10e 10 Mb. bag 79C m m m35C1 m CHANNEL 91 DO WNAN VILLE . ONTARJO Toms' IGA Market NEwcuSTE, OiNIKao HoId Up Decision On Hiring Clerk May Combine Jobs Newcastle - The village Wood says he has had consid-1 council, at a special meetinglerable municipal experience in held Monday evening, left in the City of Toronto in both abeyance the hiring of a new clerical and police work and' clerk, treasurer, tax collecter feels he could handie the local and building and weed inspect- job. After considerable discus- 'or, in order to investigate and sien during which dissatisfac- study a newv proposai recelv- tien vas expressed with the ed from Mr. R. H. Wood Of policing received for the money Toronto. paid under the present police The new propesal would set-up, it was decided te in- combine the position of police- vestigate the references sup- man with the above at a saîary plied by Mr. Wood and te of $4,000 per annum or police study the matter before any efficer only at $3,000. Mr. application for the position of clerk was accepted or rejected. A committee of ceuncil will investigate the Wood applica- M ysterytion and report back te ceuncil FREE! A OTAL$32 EXTRA BONUS BOOSTER TAPES Wilh Free $6.00 Tapes POTATOES TEA BACS FLOUE TIDE Shirriff's Instant Mashed - 6 oz. Box Mother Parker's 10e Off Pkg. cf 60 Five Roses AUl Purpose 5 lb. Bag Detergent - 24e Off King Size Pkg. With Free $2.00 B. Tape BUTTER COOKED HAN CARROTS ORANGE JUICE IGA Royal Gold 1 lb. Pkg. Trable Rite Sllced 6 oz. Pkg. Canada No. 1 Grade 3 lb. Cello Package Donald Duck 28 oz. Tins BLADE BONE REMOVED BLADEC ROgmwAST lb. 49c SHORT Rib Roast lb.53c Jubilee Tray Pack Small Link SAUSAGE Lb. 43C Table Rite Sliced Rindiess SIDE BACON Lean - Meaty PORE TENDERLOIN 0 a 9 m m m m Lb. 75c1 LI). 99C A delightful event of the recent holiday season was the party given in their spacious home by Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Bridson in honour of their grandson Phillip Orr of Toronto. Those in attendance were the host, Phillip Orr, Kathy, Carol and Ricky Lovekin; Amy and Charlotte Mary Brereton, Ruth and Mary Grace Paterson, Douglas and Robin Rickard, Georgie Walton, Ricky and Vicky Harris, Catherine and John Bould, Kim Storks, Mallory and Gregory Cartland. Santa Claus (Bill Storks) was there to the delight of the kiddies who had a most enjoyable afternoon. Those assisting with the party were Mesdames Marion Orr, Irene Cunningham and Marjorie Paterson. Following the party Mr. and Mrs. Bridson entertained Mr. and Mrs. P. Orr and son, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. Cartland and sons of Peterborough; Reeve and Mrs. D. Cunningham and son. Mrs. Cartland was the former Magdalen Woodward, well known English opera singer. 1lewcast!e NEWCASTLF WOMEN'S NEWS On Page Five IGA - SAVE 6c APPLE JUICE tin2.9ci P.E.I. CANADA No. i GRADE A HEARTY ENERGY FOOD POTATOES Ilh. 45 Garden Fresh, Crisp and Tender - U.S. No. 1 Grade LETTUCE - - - - - 2 lor 29c A Gold Mine of Vitamin C - 5 lb. Cello Bag FLORIDA ORANGES - - 59c IGA PRESENTS STORIES FROM THE SATURDAY EVENING POST DESTF POST EVERY THURSDAY, 7 to 7:30 P.M. NEWCASTLE SHOP AND SAVE AT Bowmanville IGA Market 1 1 1 m TffMZSDAY, JAN. Igth, 1961 PAGE ELEVEN bowling lanes last week. Monday, Ladies League-- Alice Rowe 264, Myrtie Nay-. lor 253, Marina Graham 258, Edna' West 233, Ruth Couch 229, 1Èarilyn Couch 223, Dor- een Neal 214, Ruth Irwin 213, Theresa Langstaff 203, Tuesday, Men's League-- Ron Munro 320, Joe Lewis 284, Bud Wagar 265, Tracy Embley 243, Irv. McCullough 243, Earl Evans 240, Bob Glan- ville 238, Stan Powell 235, Ross Montgomery 232, Ken Whitney 231, Deug Walton 230, Albert Pearce 230, Art Dub- eau 227 and George Dubeau 226. WednsdayAfternoon, La- dies League- Jo Zxvier 255, Ruth Couch 236, Jean Mc- ïCullough 226, Irene Cunning- ham 227, Vera Barchard 223, Helen Hancock 221, Betty Brown 213, Alice Rowve 206, Irene Wincop 203 and Wilda Simpson 200. Wednesday, Teenage Lea-' Igue- Ricky Pearce 217 and Jim Stephenson 202. Thursday, Mixed League- Art Dubeau 298, Marilyn iCouch 263, Ross Montgomery *255, Joe Lewis 230, Stani Couch 215, Alice Rowe 213, Gord Laking 249, and Bessie Ferguson 200. *Friday, Mixed League- Stan Brown 267, Mary Dewd- ney 253, Ross Montgomcryý 253, Albert Pearce 249, jean Rickard 248, Gerrit Boumees- *ter 235, Stan Powell 230, Ken Whitney 224, Barbara Alldred 223, John Rickard 220, Bill McCracken 215, Bill Harrison 214, Murray Paterson 212, Eleanor Perrin 207, Ben Hoog- kimp 206 and Verne Jones 200.