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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1961, p. 12

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BEA J. Webl rioui qt Si ilton 1961. BYI' Boiv Janu Gert i)f ed ai eral Wve &GE TWELVIC THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANILLE, ONTARIO "rHURSDAY.. JAN. lm, . 198 :s Cominq Events Articles for Sale Help Wanted Work Wantedi îes R-er e'lhurda. arch HY. tra,"c-,ard v. hat IMA DO you need ext-ra caiCn waec hciiarin SRm" hec ao rat' r15 orînioral wo a -harief11A :1-_174-11. 3-1 v p 1 r te K ptîKarnival. :1-1 r Ifae ,r o'ei:-ts -o-eMA - 271.3 Caiti" i iRilt ['non Ce'reter,,4 CLR'rnewt 'e1? f"m '"BB~trg day o'r.nigit -teu :nco.udor riehRoIcgdDp A-14bJ- Re's'ooîsîbe adtule In or 'roar ja.eripo nt.ilc be uyîiM'd~ LADY'S grey ;'.'intpr (on-, ,,i-ze . 'û5 R1ichpibu'. NfonnîeaI. Bao:nvi ePhonp \=AW.' nietC11ttith. P1: ok 112-0Plone MA 303209. 2-11ic;Esîpf na : V ~1SPD tiW tIC o,- Dac:î'fleHll, WAT1rR ?or salea'ice ~Cdi sdreiitaîrcr.a;oito iHable hel u o o'n"r houre in SatU a: Jar.cîa7y2L. 9-42 Pei. Cl1 liffPeti-'k. Ci') . îresury at e t rrs. 'P. 0. Box 122 ,l i 0uîeî- r- îch"sýzrr SISwanpomp hpvBou.rna':y le. Ont'. or Pleur' ci TO 01x iAUx17Domtï1 01' - Va P'tiile o - erma VanDe Bell" Ja.*'tr?1'1t"' 'rile. l30- 31 Uifce r~aidEa:e k crt7A'liLideduee'il Pioniel OCCASiONALopportkiity f. Brick - glori, -'oncrète oii ri(iii,) cAI-S "p PoH rand îpublc oubii SENUV' IOUELandi REPAIRS ni t tI.' .a: a: 2).ItiO ALS 1ct0 'Ia' r- s e' , U'e ci car- dv-srr,,b!e.PHONE CO 3 ' l,2.O WV1OIS 'u;1i t )' '< RRCH 'o " .." 49 IV'MbWe, e igt.W, 'î'AnDtc Piasfering tiepairs * " iSY '!\ )î : r A BUiSINESS cf 0rot"a.n~:' ' \ î OF -'r.~~L "T-'AFT- - '1 . A 1;t O rr ~ 't rt Ltr- ti r bît d' ~ 6 î0î Ic rt etc 'fi ~ ~ ~ A U>r lmirrAt i- r- u . 1* e.. - : tr t. .fi I T P Cf) *IZ- 'À\IX'qArT.T 'r' t r r r [r~, r i :~- r '(t t La r ~r r - , "~rl :t~or., r*Jarr r~ r ..r~l.: r' rrt~tirc- \îrrrtr ~j' r ~i trr(~rt~> 4 r..' r ~rrttrrrrr r- rl'rr ~rk r, rrrrirrt r frit,, \Ittrr ~1 '2 ."' r .r ~ r . -îr IL r -s u ud : -'r i-ia' ..t HARDY-At Ora, ,îea tr-rrrr t r4trr~rr rrî' 01trtip'? Ilth, 1961. Dor'oth:. Fr-il" iifi- hý SIV P I.ho Dobson, in lier 66tli v'r'et. ber- itEP l tk- :irr - l" I i r.l-\ -r iv rd " a-' loved wife af Isaac Hardrv, ofltîd Ai'itr.i'-r rrr tt -~~î 'lo jmother o! Stanie- and] Dotiutt", al At -ti f[cr., ' irr r' 1rr ' r(\l '" rt trr rr i- 0\Trs. Joe Snowdlen. Service5 'vas held at the Morris Fuii d'ne'n " Iiar " î'l'<r r u rir i t-ui ue o--ral Chapel. Bowmiiain'-ille. on tS' ~r i'tr t *.,ýi 'rrî.r 'rrr ar S aturdaý-, January 1 li hai \,rçrLu tI Ii Memoriam PlIrrîre 2-, ,nclock. fnte'ment P ot, milati- N , ecî"ttr- t i.rr'îu' ft 'r-r ntJ"'l JFD trr ' n.ri tville Cemeterl-. 2 tey l ' tl'-'E tarr irr' rr"rîrrclr1Itl r'( t':: rirr r ' rr r JOHINSON. Nay Et:trt nif-ipaýnët--for rr ut t'. -î ',rr' rtr , p 'Pr ru . tr t At the Cedars Coi i v alesecent pre.-.ýi onýofr t - n:,, r1c ttr -tS t'Ru.Irh: nirr :ti Rest Home. Columibus, on Sat-,beaîitifu! flora itl-iIt pt'- t'.f)o I)itr. "t trLr'li r t' Prl trrday. Janiîary 14ti,, 1961, eci cicriit ie! rfrrtrIir ~ r 'Mary Elizabeth Johnrson, widow inîerii of ftire lenîi oe [be~t if- i ' îKt: '1,1 (lr0 ' ct -eA îi'r I IIt i' tif Robert S. Johnson and deai' rr i "rt' niother of 'Wilson, at lhomic; '\'e 't "î 10 e:-uit'r ' t o0 . r:I'. r'ou s: o rri Aj' f\t r, Srtr0 ra, -: Eivart, Suant-- Bay: Brice,rapporecia-rlon ro: i, !te tlt' 'e- r nitj r' r:30 Agincourt; Èl1oy d. 'Toroiito: of k1iîîr1 tiineO d '.'4-tr t"r S rci ttr itrCs ltr-I t '(rr r C 'i. * N'elson. Beeton. and LarI, sý-inipathî'nanc i Ct ie~e.-tIî'i-ihim ",Jrh ttj1rrr Queensile. Rested at 'North- ter'ded Ïby ocrn' ela't' PF. f7t'-ji"tCt p, t tit t kr 'i mrO' t -i'b kCrx e& 5 ti ý:utt & Smith Funeral Homne, anci neiglibotir'-' iWrit ' Ie rarl r4r.rOl~r ~O 'JlIlir .53 Division Si., Bawianville. l'ec'ent fine-' z aini (eait , 7uof i r F i t*C i r 'rtlOrrrg vi ît-' rrrr-t t':1i Service was iîeld. Moniday et-en- hplo,.ed t' iîealiiirlirtr . ~ I e'ete-- r - '~~P!re tt' ing at 8 pai., then ta Agin- Rch r lre tc aîi[ îî ~Ite ircix Stit-a;.a: court Presbyterian Cliurc'h 'd't 4ttttîcierPolti ti±a[lca<e: i~.1 w'here service vwas heid oînon îil-d tie r4o0t 1r, i ' . Krri.314r ] Tuesda) , Januarv l7th ai nurses anidsafrt irtrt ::I)e-el!Oîîý; p[t rr p.m. Internient Si. Johnîs Hospit'al, Bow1t ran't ill(r r"'-' lI.ffl t i t.!'ertrr I. 11- 'Pý'ir X'u- Cem'etery, th LUne. M rhn.rter careAfie d iiîjî,. a"iia ieux tr d'ti ïonti (.1 iPIs Flc. îrrttisct .3- trelati'tez. YttentI- atr ( iritI r ' o : 1l.0C'.ti ii , lrirJ IL ï,< '1 bois O~Cl t *itî 'r ~ v.Ittt p i r l: 'Paîti" XP1IL h lleC - "(hi r lrt O e KEAN, Arhur Datid 'C'ow < attcf v t cf îerdrf-, sp"rtr uc lt o ocotet " oit.o n-,- boy"-At his homne. 18 Preston rthanks t riDi A t' DrLi * ' ti 11-,'tr 'ptîrtr u: i'i,- u c.s iff'ir Place, Torai-tc, or W'ednesdav. FWI tiDr-.G fi - c:I :, rtLet0Ptîrrne .'1p Janiuary 11, 196], Arthur David forP'î 11.-rr' [ îî,u t. t Kean, betoved husbancl of 1)rtit 0lu<t: Ir .[iirrorr, Betty Kean, dear fatlîer iR'aI riv, rt. p r il '( Beverly (Mrs. J. :K. Niu1hols-on '.trrt rue. rr trrr-rr' tIt trl r trr t'in l a a r -'I irc 'r and Fraser Kean, bî'otheî' of îaia '- ie c(.tl~'[rr: y..tlaetc it, Il e'îrî re I r Lymnan (Huhîl Kean of Ereni- raP e[r'P' r tu' t , Ftiriii , t-t t r 'tr "ttif -q t - e 1e2I't'-O' eýrton, M'aslî. Serv-ice -,"as held( flcwers rte' r î-I 2 '2c'ct( from the Trul] Fuxeal Chapel s:' [ ei.a l f P:rt r bci -: trtcit i it ti[( ~t" Ce ' on Saturday, Janii s' , 4thSpet'îal 'htrfl.str ji i- rtr r-A tc tc r.-rrctrlC rt "i'n" Interment York (eneîî'-. sai iand DiUcr'(r ~c'c' t i ttc-i i- r tf tr t; to ori- tITTLE--Aî e onrri t., onî Saturday. Jarcuiary,,, 7, 1961. tlobert Smi'tiî Lttir. in bis V'nd yeaî'. Resieci ai ireBPar- 'ow Fcne'a] Harn-e, Orno. O-,t. Service ixaF ltcid on ,otCrl mient Oronro 'rneî" - r'tt ct ainl : i'R r SANTIIS -At lier re, 3ceie'.Et- De'r-cj.tî"' "'r.F -iF field, aor Sundcar-, 1a~aî:-t5. 0tt"msqrct~ t c 1961, Cather'ine Jale ('ole. a3"t tîttre" ~8years, beio'"ed "ife of Mil- Ftti~i 'on Saîrîlsanîd cear irtotiîeî 'j Edith i \u- o i'n i-- V - ti: tu --t; i r: - 'ethr- . Oalçr"oocl: 1 red, EBu rk! -e-r e" uilt"ît-' :: 'orit:Corsiria. Oiar-:EI-le dctrtr2'trre-i r br t Mrs. huorle;nGlu-r Er-i-n'tr -Im hFlu, 'r <'fa i' ait nd rtlDonrail. ibe'ii, fttta:-tc uî t [îrlr.- r B.C. Sr wir tas hurld at ire qir'rie'ýP. cc- t ; nr r Morris rî.ieraî rrrn B o,,,.-lt" r nr'ti fe or TueFda Jat'.a": la, -r u' :'ttr'tt' 17 a t 2 octocis I"'n"-t îlitr I tt'tl-l Htamptont' r FLOWER SHOP ~rKr ~- " r CARNATION c-n 'î e'o rs l'or .Ail Oec'a'.joni jt tii ' t r Free Deltvery Laily to O"ham i'c-t t " et~ ,r~ an-d Boiinanvtilip'c.t i.t-'1 c PHONI NMA 1-71i41rr.ftt rr -r, 'itter store hour.s Pliour ii r'rt' rcrrr' IA 3r -944 t r 'r - Notice ta Creditors 'ri" r"' d4d o rt e n r rrj rI' 1 r ,ir t t:p R isi.e196(l.Fr e l c- C t ' 't r 'torsf oe ots'- r r-: rC -r ther r ri 'le, L"î tat S:'ot ori . b' e itnT ,rr . t r Ii r r 4tiir 0a f A 'îguîr ý 19 0. are le'iirrrr R:b t î'ofie tr snt [ ot- ie t i re 'r trs rîessrs.Sike &- tr tire, St)i0 - ail j).RIS ' . toe çaic" so'ivite otrc- [n'fo :r e - P t " ~ t - e.O îrrs lalfii io.» o ' b'fe iii rr --t rt S oATic'. ai' fttP,- l, anî-t !aeP f r r r' loeil (-)iit ,-io, tliiC1 Sî htli t Lc1"11'r, t t Jatii -ý A D.' 'l96r......1901. t-te Solitcrors foie the st;, it i e ýe' Uoice o edior of Ftrani Ieihîtd aîtnai' t 't" ut" 961 le Nuilctrrsig .om t' Ir e v. '451)u l ii îi- grrd o ly ti lin s of r. t tî 'AKED '-" C () -',r,.i r' 4ý i-e <aicrmd sulc'îoî'forr lIr.e Jx- F . -*£r ý ' FD..î- itto r i-shah d e t a-reitints,. Giarcui- r r 'ir' 11 - ;r lou geT V a i c niîilc- la54' f 's c: > ' t . esC,. (hîta oui l t t- i rg.t cf 't ve r '-'("' ' -1'V .r JantIaV AU Rr.-196,a -e ae'.. icin- foi t ' n.'- t i PhnSTRIKeis& 5141 R. o irS.+l' t- rt- otc r iir cro'rps riet iggoir lt'e irt'c--r . tC. ~ecia " o-,7. ;-L-la '(i art " ore - r 'nt en'-P o - Mitr pasi' "ie ce r. taw t- ~r t t it' r t tr 'Cil r ut 1 rc'n irtr t F Auttr tr-\"r . t hr' "ti ~1' ittsrie rtf cetiîab: c'a ljui r i1', Kî,r'itî LirIrondK['t1 Si P. r byit- i' rr a ' --t .M -if2- 1:1,' : la rnH't' r ie ttai ifr 't "a' F'u un therc *r n tr ptrlrc-Cl F Lut . i-tll l .t-a"t 6't r-1, I. n~ C' -tl', ~ ~'r c-rit' rî:1-? ( t c r r irjci t 9 tîic:ria -ndr'mip Ct. ' rrr ' i ~ -a' k:i br [1 .cî- . :icr r'and "'Or c»- M et' etlC. P!rtrr M A [t, , i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fx lent'iltrnntP~IrÀitIlA 5-3951 r ~ ~ ~ r i ni-feitr[lii,1PoAt-tu"- 2-ru"0 trcO aî:'r bon te- 'Wouh ni- iù' a"atîsrrtc lt r ~ ~ ~ PO Noiee 'i xtt iar ~' i r ", rit' flicr t' ' .'t :'-::lt27. it2.Iit.'. t'rfrnr e' 'ni 'n I -[27 2-1 ' i cf ai'.u tîS[r i':d t cr-ttr ' r' t ii: i tt t-E' r c! îl'-:n' C. ' tî Jt o i'tlt MA,.t. trrr t tkl' t I11 (.,r I S AL E SAVINGS TO 5V% Dry Godcs Insurance Coverage Bots-n Soe Bot and Rhoe bil DII orrison PORTEPI'S "4GENERAL STORE Ili.It îiitci.bul NiIl IONAVIT. LE Fral'% FI l-tePhoune Iarke Ail) 'O T'HE l'eio r':-n ro' Notice to Creditors :tSr.riti', Pul- - 1 *t ' - rtir 1 e l , obii , i ïik'vt -ttac (irji' ~ a -- t. ' i cr u: t 0 ttOrn.t t' u àitî'frr C)"" i .I ' :tao t-ti- îr-r. ~tittOtr r' tri i-ct u-" lt' M r r' rtttr I lit 6 .\r 'ic-f " r ." t -I r' [1--! "ri ue tr'4t- ~r ~ ~ -r- '--o 2 lic- "le DA' r i "tbr f r c-h -ii«- c Dg.r2i2î.r. ' I r IttlI c'ti.' r. ir 1 r-'s r- T! Ix S . c n -- -rney- 't' on dLoan n '-c-- it~r 'l '9t C'rié i ie. 1 1t tiCou ýrrrrr .'t OP[r RntU r t' lt ~ r..~r'u itou: t" trtr(r r.... Ct' a fi '~'rh ta: tri UI.I1± Vi ) 1i.v 111111,AND>BOR DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIEDi ~-,U a TV'O 'w1~i Ideal for'1960 PONTIAC sedan.vo M cûuay and tu Kidd -e'elh Town x a-toewhite and veIlov auito. ~ .. 1 ~ el'. AppV Vkt.ot:et. rnrtc Phone Necate15 Jautr~ît 1o~d'-1 coI1ect after 7 p.m. 1-1 <~. o r o Osnavi"a & Us 4 _ __________ R ra: BEz ICO-\IF tuse. 3 apar-ttnents,'ALLSTATE Auto Insî:rance. t:are anii u ercentral, cleariîng P' $15.ù00. Saýve 20%ý Six mný- 1 gar C -ýk1.. 1qr 2o "or s Ftah. o1For personal servicem#U T $,U00 MA 22k 3-1ihome cal] Oshawa RA 3-2802. 'S1 Wfl00 , Ltý.T Frlect2t tor0,ij *âe, icr n-1. Peter Kwl IF VOURE LOOKING FOR A na. .oo . n 3,'ju0 dowi-. GOOD QUALTV USED CAR Mode c:r r, h'îoeB0%81. RLvaL'i(>R Ont oïl~ iiroo:nO kce. Oiefl1 11JOHN STUTT at regi'-tei'ed lHobrreiin lier I B Y w ILui Alýne opxrr q'pnr<~ COT'RTIWF Mf3-3922 tel .',rl a, P:olres enb iY Vroîrself a good lUqed Car F-11 tîUu;ii kDJ io;' n ha r' -' 1 101m, foa~ or a change ~.'»t ie. Lut 121' ,: 't' -rr. "t- '; s Ir ' al. ar-' r t ALt~ I O lern fl's -Good - For - You Beaîifn S-'nm C'otage,f0lr w cratrrrr:s('a2 for Buy froin the Top Seller b~ti'Ofl. iepce rr i ot'partù'cula.-at Today's Prices ai C d"'*'WsOoR '.' ,noi sie people iwho think tw1cb c". ~' r' 'rC. r.aIivayi, sav' it'ç nonm othee r: ),î "r* r thil A 8 A 1 IIt BR '41. r-- or ne C'4a%- ý'ortien MODEM\ jyo~~ r--'r ait -"i îrenl r t rt»'.' rîîr îhr t - c r '('C- Rt r '.r r ( ~ r hi. r.' r ,alo.' 'r triO' t I rr~' r 'r r r~ ttrrrri. rt r. r ~ "'t': a,.,' -~ rr,.rr1 'jr-t t-r ~r n'a-il' Sa le. > it et): ,C A. Rarton 4 MA 3 l9 r[,rQj rtr:ARENDS Ii'KtaJ r- ' 0P IAt![ t'thtir~ELECTRIC IMOTORS cî-t, t - rrrrttiPte ;','prr~~~~Pte p*j L AR m I 4eI\Llla Sa1 ' i i r r L Ta%] 8 a n d [cu l j upN i rNG 'U . ttr~'I- r'rrtt~ j~ .Artr% 'A iI RRI A; r F'rrtr -" ri hird ,,t. Bwm vn il JNITY :4 %e reu î'p file ir-I' e Of ai] ernprzetir maîn ioricitririti' ta repi-esent u iinIlle Bawtnlanc- ville -N'ea catie tirea la handie ihe sale aof Homnes, 1i.arnx andi SlJburbtln Propertie., Ceai1 Eritaie or other sae'.eperiene desirabie. but Unot eni:I 'l1i% s j"an îiu,.tal apportunity ta beromne a.%,i.aîed iith one aof the leadinga firims in the bus- ilnes-. -aitil caîxta.-çt'.tira,-h. out O>ntario. Appyi' n ,trict confilden-e lu. J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. 46 Eglinton Ave. .ast, Foranto 0r- O rs'iat! 'Aear, Of Ser'tiee - -i' You'1l Neyer Know: Till You Try This If there j'. rny doriaulin van,' mnciwhethe-r au <van reîilly -et into a big nney sellinz rPositionl ..otj<'n (md Out now al. Our e-,pense. Don't w'orrit about ý aur pasI hi.,tor. Vour ambitiotn andi abilitNa are mure importmnt to u'. tlîau pîe'tiou.r vrri as a -ale. -n 1' an> prove itis wvith eartiniga frin S8,000.00 I:i $12.000).00 ln a !.ear pali ta unir men ln Other Villes w-ha :started xirlitiît pre lotis mx- :perience l ur fildit. Business - Opportunitv PHILCO-BENDIX EQUJPPED Coin Operated Lauinderette DOU BLE LO)111) t)OI 111F PRIT(1j Washers and Dryers Dry Cleaning 1Machines -PIJII-(O-PBIiDF) X <'0111 pîrrat - ed Iaunderettes eqîîippc'd ith ('O..IIMEIrIAT. W A iSHFR S AXD L) . YV IC %are deliver- ilii. fuil-tinie profits witIt pare tiîne niamareent. ('amplele informnatiauon 01top locations. taiuable bi»ii all of planning, fiîîancing axti promotiing a Rendua, equipped 1,atidrettc j', Au ail- able froni IlIeie 1ading coin laundry- di.trilmitor hi u aur If lIfs Commercialr If's Philco-Bendix Koin Laundry Sales, Ltd. TORONTO.,flNTA4nîu A' 'r' ' tCon pt'w vit Itct r u"t' s';i .i',r , T- UtCtritt rt1. (10 i ac:res, SE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t IN -irrt: ctt:-c-.i U tOit t'S- r oproduc-t.r ilii- r -b ,rtr 2 ([' 't" A /Qrt)rt t~t tt kîiti rrclalt S; h'r ' 'ÀA 'rk' t t i"ttt-'i f' ri. 100 arrcS tif:l<rr ,iri. rr.rl.r-îti iitp f a rn::c î90 E .-avr3 rnoe. rJCr'~~ .r.trrttri~î itr:~eî b t ' Ltrt,9i1~>- e; ~ t~*dtr t'irrlr '4't2»( ' 2ra OP'.arure surO 44 l arme 'i 11PAE I-. t :'Ort arr 10 ~Ž2t u' ae a rr~tîr tr' r 1w. ; :s Pa-'rîP -k r t 44 :e. cS :ar t rrt r 't (e i~I't"rrr i 'ri -" aîtc r- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 0r 1-lr t.r2 0 ~ 41 rl ~'e' tGOUMi.i I'r-. Ar s tCar Markcet Tend ers Wantedi FOR SALE . Y TENDER HOUSE AIT-4.5CHISCIR SIL I-T]erns '!-Cash l'p ta Januuary 30. 1961 .Afternoons Oniu F. WILLIAMS 11O0X 56. O'AN-IL Pets foi Sale SIN pur.tri dGerrmatiShep. 4trd pr-poies. hlack anrd silver, ;1iso hia ir t'ti'iî fawvn. seveu trc'-îod 'SNot reistered), Pheie MiA .-08 - ELIZABETH VILLE St"Y-nea~i-ùLIu' .>r-àri (Ys auir'a-t V 'î 'on "-tt"g S 'tr. uio]andi eli-'cl aI II 'r ' - e cit. "H 1t -al t-eatl' tj'tei i i-i (lctt i l s e, -r.t's '-re heid as tirsual. quit aga T'ottcti 'tA :- 8 Price 1.2î;00. C..tAr' gourc ti i~t for' Sunda-, ' 'r. e-r'haolil0not m many at Ff U tîrs~tra3a'l'rc-t. Iu~~,ts \. -lie Hueana SCIrool . rCk i. Wavlsrt"ar"aiCL. 51. .~mi'11 tac :o le heird Tuesday eVer u ~s t uexrr "sp"n"e.Roomn 5 artsD <.Bivlei ellx. i'îaîe MA y-50E)R aas0a fe r'pn'b for Cosu PR('1 L int"tPe't't-" Ol. R li. \It.x le 50 t!e il:t:r r r' Sîr'-' î oîîr 'r1 cIai- 3 1 Or' er:etf'ire %Vomnts r~~~~~~~rtr~~~~~f1 'Ort t'"-- r' t'tti'» r 't thpir manthly no'D e With Real lEstate;îg ; sIl. Ticikson'ýc F1[1\'u~t.t'- tOC,'t'rl dent MmAIr. C. Mer- a it -no itc-". oelreetr ut>ir.rîV IFX ACt rt" ""Uened it-e meetine ini the a a-tciRo.' 'rarî [leaI: î'-alie ant' i-ai tine-as'a ElIa rtrrTi rn'The Minutes of MnA S-IS ?O2 f guttg courre ,'1 Ex:tm!en 'bairr .e atr: ttgt 'read 1b>' ?Wbr~ti'i . ' ic1 g la ge Uti-rcîîe;t' -i' n ;rr Ie -o'<-rt7'-e 'ig eltfor the Xi Oi tK:'tr ('pa 01 c mivenr: en cespar ît ei't ra'r xC't 'ciuor'v.r : sa h- [ti:r 's- tai ltrr- c-f .!r- chin' bt Lte tiy tit n 'e'td 'ttrr~e ~ ta i r-r - ri. ort SI-ri. pu te encc t 8 Inn oit [0 lCr-i :-ar], G ra aî"-U V .1.1,' ay as w'ell AIA A-C 11- ' 4 -tfi'jcji' ' eii c r- Pricre a; \1'î E "e1p ere [i 831Liîc 'i . -r- !nrrec.a!c(-o- lie 'eut tao so"ne. '\PAR'I nKjrTt '-iX ihicu' 2ùUîALi. iL'AIS'î'FA*\1AL a- ?lm H. I OSIu!]gave a t'r'îrnt a Ci t't ftî 1. SSii "' agoing t'nnc'ern "I-h t i il!tça' 'i' le! i' .rr '~ <co~îtl tyrttI idtetll 'te.r 91. </Otit' rfld iitrtî larîtge I.-soaped Ii" Ru a' ' !ast (rrirtnit rt lrPrr CU:. Pc>: ba' ti< ikatrt% d iNe shedi. c'ttk MW . V. Pea'ci 'k gave current Yti [Ii -- t tn rt[t t'~f cu&i~ f î o:'tei kinh Itnri' f'rlt'5 fr-iict' t" e vr'ted v'th aU ni rrr-e' r Cf.tirtr'r-. A rrt4, r',~- a pleasant occ(uptioan ftat '-rl'li: tc i[' r±r:td 'iiga aÏpwi,ît'hsps afl'err, happv, healithfîîl work- -n--- r tc -u":a'- 'i S [ai o ing craîditjoi,.i at their be',f "t re e iJAt1e It ri at : -t firnr ec-k 1Offi, - 'rle ele' vvith top earnlngs, liheral battusisofa r Sr4iAt -t: . W r. 1 t!) s0ii-s 'Inapie f. e oi' '-ip c'rrirrhg year lincenives. profit<ehtrnZ te-"î±to mei M tirenient plan, and free ieU LhCSuumsr.itrte -l- rrti rI;'rO.Ej i.adMr..Fo[ean lneenji'e. prfiî--Iîain~ r r- op'o, oiililP "ceSi plain î'F REsoe:'ts' tcia" t.îtOsli ear- "lne "'[I e-' -iir ot o- t 3 r oo'ttni r S titer Por-t Hipe. 'l>tt.rSwrikbcitct crshoýr . e rr -tp tad spet a If this 'raitinds itere'.tinz a- -r IoCîr '.atre I C. trearti J ,-ir'oed ban' aP: l '. - t'rl: tiintg ti th e ,,illage, you, then please get in tauchA i wih e tnittatl. rie Vanted n h'r[o' rî"n, ¶. ,- e -cer gi£ks-, Tarontô, Mi. V4. Steplhen-,. Vire Pres,.,,DEAD -and . r.îod c-v-tri zl ar ttii t-aI r.-h e,'l iIn <crt' . r -e t0!enP fr e t"eekren d.i- TIexas Refixîert ('arp., Box 1 Y'.ditt &erî: - ci .-n t"~c.ail nîodr- -eekt r 1 'uatru Fort Worth 1, 'lexas * au 'r-17r 1 te , 7 ft"it it -t C.4 'itli5 tri . r-t " e ' - -'fhc - ille '-t i ;ra -" d o aici, i 26 u- ' Srtnday %tth There's a Man't Job, Livestock For Sale tat-r An-'d e-te s; i ' ata! MrV. peacock - 'rPOt ,'- -JecraAI.,r serf T. G - ; 156 [oûr C I fî 0n r-. dlt anai jc'to117, 'tcar Waiting For You .. PraeEla'rto] '2 2., cttî i-:(c-- aQat'l pn r A-xr'ion riSalet -tr 'cl'lte"r-et r vMiss Marv in T oday's pi .nrc' < u --t .t ttrr i lr Fl' ' e* <o îl ", trttiir. -tr~i(c t h i RA. A " tc rPî--Fl'. iîîi.rg wr'ra meetivi CANADIAN ARMY '~"Ai-: cl~~oe- n - 'î¾hcip' u un r'flî-îîr:jrOr A3 r r. rîiIrrr t c-. 't . ai ie[~ i . ttti'r' 'tA SSIFIED If vou are s<n ige. between t114 .(Iiîûrrr r M t ', - . !!i - ita'it 5 1 1 . ( tjr .ît :c'i ieti~ anr5adrnme noletFRrý : r rr rERTISIN( standards. think oairr ',al the Iî -3 pirc" --'" ur.F"0, - nc' l Sl w ct"En tr'r- I- , I'tOic-[L .5-ii<a .! r L! t' Jai.1at tct 2:F t a nt 'ît'1' r t I oRA TES Arrnç offers tati. Pi'drrtt id I îa trt a ttî ln tii o '3f"' t-VEA\R-ul'f cov, j;.2c-,. , "n'- s: 't - -OR AL (o pay. Finle prosPects +! i-tercjr *2r',rfr--f--alr ti't 1?9 f n. t',lii'tt S ' rt îh :tit<:t "i'-r EPrIE5FOR aALZ Tram'el and Avienture. Iaads n' ': 2t-c at ti (r '.- o rti - r it torn -t ct . ' Irt' ' ~nu as acS 18 r'! 1 r'N of friendie. in early pens.,ion, - - ie r d tO <f ~ Oi ~ UDecm 1 WIi P!"eb Raie 40 pet Ilt (;tduiso rînicareer R [î'['ID S-itttt tifet Pt '- a e tû t'l j0ir' e ' v!,amrinmm f Bie opportunlitie, tram yor ne-ar- pe(ïtgrec-L'eî.,P à ~rm~~ rT T~< i ' iîr r- 5""vd ;ccd!oa 5e e~t rm' reruutIu sttion I'cr:e ' r Uttu 3 LL~1Ll WLflflýq'< 'il be added. est i mS r-oruthiL ;taion. plir. - , e 1 8 û.ELM E WcriR'S rari ic'i Ol27,C ivill ho '-rads £o, Repairs SALES BARN k 'I-rt Army r '0FTMXK R ecruiting Station ana t) Cc 'j" ;' ltot t 'ritIC Ilitr-t tz rlttt. R0031 206, i ilDIIIAL BLD(;. E ti'~at'r~s : 'rt a bî rtk n 'Oi l~ $t)it. 'r- r - rURii NAGMI MARfiiAGFtS DEATHS PETERRflItoi ('11. IONTARIO)-------- furnittîre acid appliauces. d-rt"r .r-- - i(rr r rpet insertion TEILFPHONT RI -7414, or mail this ecouponîto Ose above A<td<'r- (lient'» fundç sa % ailaUe atm - tio 'ndelle, ov sîiitalile iarmi, . linjes;. lio, dres o tipartinenît'.. hotels. motels, Wanted to Buy tiînitips in the : buiding lot,. Promipt. u'aurton< L'ltA sert ire,. tFor informiation, z-ao".'rr' 'otea.:cn ~Naine Plione. %% rite or drap iu. 'z d eatr'r t're U'NITED C('0 1 il îrte nit"-ier rts'I.'. at'. ?î615 Bathutrst St.. Toronto 1.q ic'2 f drs Oînt. Ri' 9!25 c1-4 - " - ~~- - F~IGHESTpI r;ccn naîi) for " l-tt c t Ilat Boarders Wanted :ponltle,. gooase featirers. feat'n- - tînka,. craD ior rags.Poir -10'% and! baa-ro ava'lable for t-etais and ra'tr furs Pnae tla or 20 ntca M-\rký-et 3)'? A3-'2043 O'that-r-;;* Phonle ____ .1 6 t3 u.itloiuul biiga- carepr oppor- .xnâatAtirmy. ratira s Et', t. e. [ni ai. r.ti'.es.l REPAIRS ~ r"ang r 'Tt t i - Tit'.ed. 1 t II rt.'R'e' cr eleetnri nrý-'r 'pnR 're 18 !t2 Carî Pione VMA %V4e lhave gond u',,r- lm ai îtrcon: r.'tv ; .r'i"t " j'A EFMCH T U t'11(1 'IOI' W "'UR% -iiI r r i t r-. et wîten tog: and Fi UC\IcRErt"r P(nrjpit 1 e""i ont CAIl.. HANIP ON nr.t~u C Olfax 3-2294 e'- .n.iu 1~Pi Lost 1 to Ailt I i! '~li PREPAIRS I') al!ntae"o i* ( atr.t; "te p*,.'-k11 PAR'!T .-u v-t athe on D r~d<}P'rP-r tr"'rrtî'sSet -i'CUIof R t-& lJoh.n211F. eWith va rltt[e "~'s r-Se 'CCPI.o t r-' .- 4J-. 1Realtor and C(..'flertii Iiratii'e P"ioitte liA 4'-, -- 4t-f - . - -r t 57.-,'jh' ncicr of N Neticastie Phone 3341 REPALR.S ro ail xiakes of e es t r-rP.ý, bljack at-d, Donald MaIuntjo. MA3-3950 .r-..:rgertOs.dcraeý,:cleid corain round,"raie, lit-.e. gre: merciai: n iilking 'oolers. Hi.- arou:rd n-.r:rze. o eolar. Ross Da".idsoui, Bethany. 30R3 _______ 'c- e'n"î->U.t ' ed. M iîlCrtr-!'.am, Agar, Brî'ki.' ,U Lme Perrayîlt, ('larke 23 -s t X P"anne .MA 323(t1, 07-cf L5-3,1-4. 2-:3 :-1 th MEMORIAM, r sîi X Dl:t ior a lin. To, vers et-Irr 'lauffidat Il 50 Paz 'U"f wýtr'la fliflrntm of!onts Incl 411troirrî î d"r:orui 'e som r ruSofi,* nt]ierta 4:30 pro. Tuesday 'ta -ra tItropa xn onqy eaide, anid s"-j'e mone',. 21 v h-- crt for handy retrano. OFFICE HOURA "1onu;,ia 'otîqn Ptn 8-30 tir, to 5 oM, Uiiia.m. ta12 UNom l'he. anadîin Statesmas Dial MArke? 3.3303 ion 1 a.cfxed A Births - Cards of Thank. ACHAM.%-M-r. and M"s. V' \e 'ouldicik *0 Kt Beacham <x'ee Diana our sincere aotirecipiicm 1 bbeii are happy ,to an- Shiloh W.A. for 'hieir lot ince the arrival. of their son gifts tcwl1eiafr St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamn- recent fire. m on Thursdav. Janîxary l?,! H Upn ui -dBar*oî Deaths W iit v -. - 'y - y -i ERS, '-%abel 'manvilIe on Saturdav, iary 14th. 1961. Mabel rtrude ByerF, beloved vwie Robert Ruper't B:'ers. IRPst- at Northcutt & Siih Fuît- 1Horre. 53 Division Street, ere service lield on [nesday., January l'Ith ai p.m. Interrnent ('aRdmn.qI ýn Cenietsri'. -- tane v.ho "'as so k f1 aur i'-rfaîrl sontRri:r.0. Nfr. ;an'] 'trs,.(; ti~ Loprt tt' to t Des ROCHES- At Memurtai S'rc-ac t o~ H-ospital. .amavll oi WVednesday-, January 18. 1961, Arthur Des Roches, 181 Col- .'itdLe rOL:r- leg-e Ave.. Oshîawa. aged 60 appt'e'i'a't fut rlt.[e rears. htusband oi rTr.I ,rîft a-r -'i tîrr rrr Danise Des fRoches. cdearfa e ul .,it lr"rrr if Wils A,,tioii.,r Arthu.r, - Snrtr-Pr( [~ t . t Marie (Mrs. WriifriclLd i" tt .firrrrr Leonaî'd. Trhereta iMs Enile LeBlanc'i and .\ P--iini~h: at t'he M.orris iti':lChpl t rtr. rr r Bow-ia':ilc.Fuîîerki MaI i- t .t rr rr~ 1t11 Hale ' ossOIS . C. (-hUrc'h. lz :t a,3 4. t r'n (shav.'a on Sattîxciav ai 9 a: .me .""o 'i"t Interment St. Gî'ego7"t"z (erne- Sr(-~e'i I f'r ~~ ) i, ter'y. O ha a.:- Rîni. tît r .c rr ail 'hec ittitti tîr rr r <'irrrrirrrr t) *rrr.r. 1 i ue 1

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