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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1961, p. 14

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p &GE FOURTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUSA.JN 9h Magstrte CortPublic School's 75-Man Choir Entertain Home & School Club ýDarlinglo o Ma itlt' Courtr er ppitd ob Set Ualntnsrpeettvso A34-year-old Bowmanville, 1.2 parts of alcohol per 1000Ses up r w bus driver, M. G. Gammon, parts of blood. Mrs. Charle-,o n nte sAscainfr16.Cucl heard the Magistrate reserve bois of the Attornev-Gener- lo SCih a apontd h decision on a charge of ben h4' reLeenbtv gav theenc tohvnsh impaired while in charge of in her experience, the accus- ouite a mnotor vehicle south of En- ed mîght have consumed 71 vâ ear were set up yDrntnCnevto uhrt o h niskillen on January 15th. pints of beer. Township Counrn h et er Bernard Oldenof, 43, piead- "The accused has admitted ing held in theTwsipHl,- ed uilty to the saine charge., that he was the driver of theIapton edsav f- lie passed P.C. B. Tilison in car. The doctor noticed the ternoon. Januar 11.Rev Newcastle at a high rate of' smell of liquor on his breath GantRyadadai e-FN ULT ,peed on January 4h.Tl-weheto tebodsa-ibers of the couni eepe ~ OUET N son followed the car at 80-85, pie. The accused very frankly! sent. RK S m.p.h wesbound Thecar' said he had five. six or seve m.The committees ohe couci Mwas weaving and at the junc- botties of beer. He didn't kee P ecmi fio ofl 0,he drve ]ost track of the number of bott- for 1961 are a olw:Fn control of the car, hit the les he consumedinteaer cCocl- cubnskidded 150 feet side- noon. He also had another and_________________________________________________ __________ _____ad onlir rdG mih RS WvLys, struck a direction sign. bottie at. his brother-in-iaw's'ýPbi rp kspun around, and then skidd-, a short time before the acci-: Mr. Warren Carson's. fl* Ajoy and Mrs. W. Archer visit- CrI ture. CounicillorSdeyCr ed 264 feet backwards. dent. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Far- D L A K è T O ed Mrs. Ceciu Ferguson and SAiULEM' nish and Deput-ev .L The penalty was $53 and jThere were no skid marks row \ sited at Mr. Carl Todd's. C Mrs. T. Bowman, Newcastle, Blanchard, Roas utyD/ his license was suspended for, on the road. The accusedi Mrs. Bill Reid, Orono, visit-' On Christmas Sunday three ,B v e rs, Bowmanville. a ni d Monday. The annuai congregational Reeve BlancharE n oni- i x months after the driverr could' Walk andou hold- Miltonr Sa-Bros.attechrhonlrMur said he had had three or four, ing on to the wall. As a re-! Shiloh W.A. met at the ed by Mrs. J. Scott and Mr. IOscar Graham, Biackstock, and derson. Toronto, called on Monday evening. Rev. G.', Laws, Councilo Smt ad drinks of whiskey and was in suit of the consomption ot, home of Mrs. Jim Stark last W. Campbell, in memnory of'the other relatives on the Wednesday and Mrs. Margaret Lockhorst opened the meeting Councillor Corns;ReeGr a hurry to get home to Whit- aicohol. he wasn't aware of hjs week. The meeting was in, Mrs. Campbell, were dedicat-, death of the former's wife and Carley, Whitby, spent th~e w'ith scripture and prayer. Mr. 1net Rickard îiato al'M nm na W rk hY after being in Campbell- condition. 1do not think tha, charge of the president, Mrs.I ed in St. John's Church. latters' sister. Mrs. Rupt. BY- weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig was appointed secre-. committees. ford. this intersection is particu- Ewart Robinson. Mrs. Sjd On January 8th, kneelers ers in Bowmanville on Satur- Clarence Marlow. tary. Minutes of last vear's' . onmn5md otc38Dna t ~ib Robert Hicks, 46, R.R. No. iarly dangerous. if You are liot Halloxvell read the scripture' for ail the pe\vs in churchdy Mr. Norman MeNally, Col- meeting -were read and adopt- Phone Whith 2, Newcastle, auto wreckeryu dri ing . n e waccng ishation wit tev d ievoi.a M1r-aso chi-otgihwr h ...Cu e a h onsetWdedyw d ianiai eors w he i the counicil are:Ti .VlirNOak835 -was convicted of failing to yo ar ong h ccsdltin b Rv hte s1donated by Mr. Charles Me- home of Dorothy Marlow 0o1 Mr. and Mrs. Cari Wright and various ogizain eegv '_____________ give a signai before making honest. He took a drink when, 1odnTi aetefl Laucrhlin, Willowdale, also a Thursday night with an atten- called on several other friends. en with ahi showing a favor- te 'erCuclo mt aleft hand tomn. Said the hebned t.Heupa si~nessaî reor After the, Litanv desk and Credence dance of 23. It was reported Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Mi-S. .b blnce Seso rpor Magistrate, "Before turning competent to use care and dis- bsnsand creonnesheif,- which xvas donated bytaoesein tohe hasý Glenn Larmer and Douglas was give by Rev. Lockhorst. from a line of traffie, either cretion on the road and dlaim Dseetons weenedb Mrs. ATi. Mr. Gordon Hall, WiIlowdale,ý been secured and labels areý visited Misses Annie and Effa' Election of officers i.esulted!__ ieft or right, you must first he suffered a Ioss of memory * . in memorv of his sister Mrs.1 being, coilected for another.l Wright. Oshawa, on Thursday as flos asng or, niake sure that such move- at a vital point. Flrec Whîte sowe- sAe boigpryn- h ilsýee Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Sharkle-: ment can be made safely. I, "I agree with hlm that he'euigsm of Bermuda.Foec aeawr ei own at o h il'eeig fin yu uityaschrgd'droe igt ffth hghayLunch was served. ,cated by Canon Ashmore. iand their husbands was ar-' Messrs. Rov and Bill Fergu- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Matthewý anirid th ao n yol astoppred 1 atov 30 li t o f 40 m tphe hitlwa! the turday evening a fine Following the service a din-! ranged for January 27. And son, Mr. and Mrs. Ceeul Hili Marchant; Organist, Mrs. S. and he raso youstoped, a n to 0mhe ond cocion crowd attended the presenta- ner prepared bY cousins of theý a family dance xas planned called on Mr. A. W. Pikard Buttery; Assistant. N'rs. K.,- iVas .not because you heard tree, adteolcnluintion and dance in Newtonviiie McLaughlins was served to M-.: for March. and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Jamnes. Shackieton: Moshe Commnittee,' a noise like a jet, it was be-' that I can come to is that he hhfoMran Mr.Muiead rsMcuginndtir Acm tee asppiedBowmanville, Friday and Sat- Mrs. E. Twist. Miss M. Buttery,: cause you realized you had is guihty as charged," chargd Haîwî iha drs aiis1 nai h a opa h xii o lc urdav. vek:Mr. Bob Craig; Eiders, S. soehm o sold aisrteR . ate nbeing read by Miss Diane icome to se the ehurch Chamies stock Fair. Material was given Carol Bam pn tewe-uttery, L. Squair. K. Shackle- îî't, reahized it, then stopped."' giving his decision. Trim, the young couple were, attended in his youth, and a the girls to, be used for the 1edwt rnaMlcltn .Cag Penalty- $33. Nathan Maracle xvas fur-, Nestleton. Trsesi.TwsGrl Walace E. ossau,33.thr rmaned ne eekonpresented with a china cabinet, pleasant reuntion was held in" March of Dimes. KindIv be Mis RuyMl vs T ru s eon E. Twes, W.rld Newcastle was assessed a total a charge of Rape. ai in want n hoe tedte"tHm' ntefrtegrswowl eeU er father in Bowmanville, Taylor, Cordon Shackleton,l of $76. He was convicted of IDonald T. Kent was furth- cannister set and bread box.' Rectory. ing on each home shortlv. Monday. Matthew Marchant; Stewards, being impaired on the nighit er remanded thrce months Maurice and Gwen expressed' iso adgtsatd Floigaeteofcr Miss Ethlel Thompson has.S. Buittery., F. Blackburn,L.IE of October lst, when he was for sentence on a charge of aprcaiMivtn h i sion Tad gth Ut-d flo n 191 reethe s iesgone to spend the winter withicarsR.CigW.Cig * inoledinanacidntwih riin wil ipare. friends to visit them. Speech- aanM adMs Lerne hmPson.'C. Shackleton. D. Reynolds., a tree since removed on the 1has sold his car ancd abstained sweemdbyRseiav'ed Sunday Sehool room. Nine! Gonter: lst Vice, Gwen Bah- G]ad to, report Mrs. Nomman'L. Squaire; Auditors, D. Reyn- e eemd yRselSv;children availed themselves of, lingal: 2nd Vice. RubyVa-Tao-gthmero hsp-odRCag;rprtin f Clarke-Darlingon Town Lînelfrom alcohoh silice being onl ery, Lorne Paeden and Ormne the opportunity. Mr.Hrl ap:Scy.Dr an; tal Satda me Mr E. Cra- elems,. r. L.Rchardsnof r and the 7th concession of thelemand. Falls. Music was provided, Kyte anIm. aod Mc- Treasure-, Kathleen Dorreil. ifodOsa ,istang ihMrL.Wsh Township of Clarke. His bro-1 Forty-three other charge-,vMsr.Prc n rno L aug nd ar hene H ad s Meetin cshowed it mecre- hemh for, som time iher James lost his life in the! under the higliway traffie act, F'arr Ji m Haleeinoweihthrere accident. broughit penalties of $460. ,John Stark and Mrs. LlwMrs. Kyte explainied the pur- tion and lunch. iSorrv to say Mrs. Wilbum oîornotepopcso wer sbmtte a dng es1 ne liqoor charge $18, Lunch* wa!evdpose and aimrs of the Mission IlA good many' parents ac- Tosiloieiî o majo thre osetin ofh SAERWN RDRV G ju Tere suitte s f dneo:ajore t52 a.m Cor'alteow ui on Band and told an initeresting cepted the invitation of the' Mr-. and Mms. Lorne Brad- chiurchi. Lunch was semved and' FO SFE ev dnceof 1adjumnd at5:2 p.m 'a th conluson.story of an African bov. Games' Scouits to attend theix- meeting' humn, Toronto, spent the week- a socialtm noel ~~~were then played. Next mieet- Saturdav nighit and witness end with his mfother, Mrs. W. The Siniament of o- I S EKI OR IE STARKVILLE ~ Dfl~T~T'~ing is to be held in the Sun-; the '"Comng Up"1 ceremony Of, Bradburn. fîno coin- obLUc at DErc 14'A T E R .j ~M r. andi Nrs. Pc'i riow 'lure are txvo studont teach- afteî sehool. and il is hoped lowing Cubs hecamie Scouts: 1JLYLI a colîomo a.21 sm usit cus o- _ ___- on Siuncay. ' D-Skdding givsyu2%moetoto Gran ~~~row wvere î'eccnt giests with, College atl, on' SBol isag.'ih h aleclttndan sltne Gen Boneta R'. LeS UL SlcriW . .h ueho anble ad rs BenonFa-,or fon Tm'to Tndhrs!al iie hidrn,6- var o Wr en ohrett og a' LONG SA L halia- rt n ld he ile inevuse ti Ii e15 rie oelr 9,T of .inur spîet'n thi ondrstn ands pro yourjtt tiresd needyn ant bes MIt rs G Smith, Newcastle. wock mnder the supervisionol pn hsiîectn n r-SigtRnl atn n Mr. and Mrs. ,Joe H-unter and nf Mrs.ý; 1.eslk ehh hi as /r and Mrs, Oî'nic Falir wcre Br-o\%n1s H-ome anid School Congratulatins Io NI i 1 attend. 'weekend with Mm. and Mrs. Misses Marion Buttery and' M r. a d M rs R u ss ll S a cry C iiii ield h eir eT oronto.n h AsF oaen c ttîngig lfinishortot,!, plaaf-tJa m esnisha wdaen.a-CaacseaBlackhraciBlac b u rn ,srssr . D on '-c' and Betty andl Mc. and Mrs. Iv meeting on Tuesday even- i se M gil onin VVig h ohr Mr. and Mrs. C. Baker visit- and ROI' Welsh and Cieri' Jini Stark. ing. Jaur 0t.Drngte Nnxngrie o, AuxiliarY sre lunch. edM.and Mr.Wm. Johnson,îBlackbumi tn d teJno \\\Mr. and I'Vhms. Hlarold Littie.,business portion of the meet-; 400 entries, on a Christmas Eve Mr. and Mrs. Evereti Mouint- 'Lifford, Sunday afternoon. Farmer Conference at, the' And avigsioo..ngDennsanLau.. adeinnriiniaws dcidditehia thdisoryenttheg Te BrwchsinjoycSak.. ereguets f M tMhendMrsMrohanshaa Kng Ewar Hoel oroto wit Mr an Mr. lewHalo-:iiitil eiche ad dawin the weekend Trno' l-and Mi's. Kenneth Samehîs, and 'were'Sunday supper goests ai i ast Saturday. Miss Gra "oi\b ours well. March. There wilh be an ad-' gram. TuesdaY the Samelis enter-Itlie Kovac home and Mr. and Craig returned with them and D wywt hisw o u u caX .Mr. anid Mms. Jnhin Stark ditional fcature added this! A slightly haîger than uisual tained 17 of the Mountjoy and'Mrs. Harold Murphy and, spent the weekend at, home. » were suppor guesis at, Mr.'year - a dance fohlowing theý attendance was prescrnt for Samelîs cousins for a 'Jl5it'famix, were Saturday evenîng' The regular monthiy meeton owcesonyrpeettiett \ with a\ Russell Savery*s. euchre, hoping to interest moreI the annual congre g a1,i onr ai1 wîîh them. guests. ing of tne Salem Home and' iIpl o truhi oey Whihe phaying hockey in of our young people - andI meeting of the United Chiîmch Mrs. Ceo. Fowler lias; goneý Mr. and Mrs. Hibbert, Ehm- Sehool Association was held on Romerii led inpae.Atrwt e agtrwere Sunday aftemnoon gucsts' eight members xvere in attend- %W Ï R\Mm. and Mrs. Lomne Paeden, President in charge, was uîîf hyrmn was suing in memory of Miss Gertrude Henry, Tom- of Mr. Robert Sim. ance. The panel discussion' 50 FT EN ER and Jean visiled at Mr. Wii- with a cold, so Mrs. Me.lroNI members of the congregation onto. .,penit the weekend with 1 Miss Crace Smith and Mr. was held by Mr. Twist's group. f'dPohnsToot.adcag ofhecdsfor1 who have passed away diuringi Melville and Doris Griffin. î Roer Sim weme amnong the Members of the paniel were' e Tr jrdPeeis oot, 1a hreo h ad .Miss Norma Halhowell, Miss the evening. Mrs. Jonc Wi_ the year. M.and MIrs. Chas. Graharn1,guests at the Permyment - Hor- Reevê- Carnet Riekard. Mr., Helen Halhnweli and Mr Ancty'son and Mm. JT. Curson heid the" Rev. Rnmeril revîowed thc Cadmnus, visiled Mr. and Mrs. tensios wedding heid in Whit- Lycett, Mr. Coombes, and Mr. CGrey werc dîitnor giiests al high scor'es and Mrs. R. Pow-' work of the year and ini the' Mervyni Grahlam Satuirdav. 'by United Church, Saturday, Cmaig. Manyv Parents were OUG 1ý Mr.and Ms, Ti '0 ýhappy bo bea .r thait ive are Io. J AC K B RO UG EMr. Llew Hahlowchl'11s, Satur- <'Il and Mrs. Hilda Cal] the.absence of Secretarv .Jarn1.'s Mc n îs -arry Johns-ýeeig JACK BR day.low scores. Marlow read the inultes or ton and two daughiters, Streets- j Svmpathy of the comnmunity have a ncwi school iin Salem., PLMBN ad ETIG ,Ir. ai-d Mrs. Mnrlecy Robini- Mr. and MIrs. H. M1cllroyý the hast meeting. Mrs. Romeril ville, calhed on Mr. and Mrs. ýis extended to Mrs. O. Pres- 'Probîcîns hetween parents and' sonBIN and famihGJý y hiad dininer at motored Io Toronto on Sundayý reported for Explomers: Mrs. J. A. Johnstoîî hast week. cott and famiby in the sudden'pupils were. disciîssed and il' Division Street South :Mr. Brian Caswel's, Saturday.ý to visit witlh their son and! Stuart Dorî'cil for Mission Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar-'death of a husbaod and father.'was decided to have thie teach-1 MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE c n r.B aNii'duhtri-aM.adMs'Bn n W.M. Mrs Rslhow left for Flomida Monda'î. ýMm. Prescott wvas killed Fmi-- crs meel with the parents.1 ____________Oshawa,_____ Ohaw, spn hehe eeknd t J.Mcaroandgraddauhte. Munand ave he meaure's M. ad Ms. aMouTtî-'dy nghtonao.e3 Hihwat Prensstil b noifid b report and Mrs. W. Archer the monds, Port Per, cýilIed on Mr. and Mî's. Mauisell Wright, tel eph one wlhen arrangemnentsI0 sccretarv's repor't foi' W. A.* Mr. and Mrs. Cccil Hill Suni- Bethaiiy. werc Friday supper have been compheted. Every-:. - 1 6 W f& V 8 RaphÉame rpote fr heda,. ýguests of Mr. and Mrs. Orme one is invited to attend our Runalp ar rported ors Ie Mr. and Mirs. Russel Miounit- Miller. next meeting.___ _________________ Sundavo fehol r s [van ___________________ Club: Ivan Thompson report-, ÀA &Pcd for church treasumy. Ahi these reported a balance of, NTCcash on hand.- John Camnaghan. lreasurei, of the building fond. reporte'd' PEATLJRING CANADAIS FINEST QUALITY R90 BRAND BEEF of~ a hymn, the roll caîl was BY OSUN AN3CEAIN answered with many interest- JIDEAL FUR ing items from the r "ýqionary Cti* O S TAS OR an xito ok ed n .8 8 ou-ie o are Beautiful.. R O A S T Sa lbv and treasurer gave AReg. $59.95 fine reports. Committee t'e- ~.ON SALE ported used camds and band-W ages for lepers almost readv -R O S T Sto mail. The new Prayer Part- PO TRO SSRON or WIGMeColgan. Newfoundland, and $ .9ade5 kit PORTEHOUS, SILOINWINGher letter in "'Missionaries at Ladies' Slims Go eeto Sauerkraut and Wiener Dinner Stew~amdslîip seci'etary is to 100% Wool Plaids - hah aets~~ n write hec. 3 4Rclos ilszs Produce Speciols' SX BRAND WIENERS 1-lb cello pkg Agee that the Julynieet- Nationally Advertised Lines1 FLRD.MARSIH SEEDLESS, SXg BRAN 1-l pkgn W.A. vi h Regular to $9.95 ýIZes 8 to 20ReuatoS69 forIAS BRACKND GIBETS 2 '1 -l isg RuWin Thns. NO. GRDE 6' MUCI~~U Romnerii conducted the CLEARING ITBt o6 CDevotional peî'iod w'ith Mms. yaiable Bron, Bige, LARN GRAPEFRU T B1hfo 9 Walter Wright giving the of- Sandt and f r 9 CFanicy Qualty 1 etr ryr Mrs . Rus -sel Mountjoy gave ea d a d B ak 1HIKE YIBT 'b29 a fine New Year's reading and I W e Faney Quatity lb~~~~~~Mrs Walter Wright read "The_________________________________ CALIFORNIA NAVEL, PORK KINY b3c ReaYh Larmer told some GRADEh usomr expres-LAES ORANGES sionls of thanks and the Bene- i . dietion, the group and hostess ~u b~ ~Csemxed a da;nty lunch. "a lu ou cm Conev'G Craham and Mr. Ail Prices In Tiim. ~~~~Ad Guarante.d Throuh 'Colur tom ntedaho DW A IL lin Ennîskilien on Wednesday; mormung; also to Mr. Rupt.,L

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