~ttemin Coming Here Next Tuesday VOLUME 107 14 Pages I ÇL8ts ana £ices Il Reeve Bruce Ashton United Counties Council meti Tuesday and selected Reeve Bruce Ashton of Cartwright1 Township as Wardeni for thîsî year. He won on the firsi1 ballot with 36 votes lu 16 for Reeve Stewart Gray of Hope Township. Here TonghtI NIrs. Bla 1)ch cPI a. d e nlnîvri ed d i rector ai 1 ic i rxa.1-- %vi 1 bp flile LiiCsispekeat flic rîceting oFf lic(, Dii1a ni ('oiuity Dranla Wnrkslîîp fo bel libtis evrii itg. 'tliiirsdav.' Jaiiuary I!ih.ai 8,:30 )*uCinekt ini thre i Cal,,Co l i iluniltv Centrie. 'ihe public is inviited tri attelipi. Mrs. IHogg was 1the(irector of the uut.r4tanding religiouis piavy C' Daw \n in Dark Ba* 'on", wb,,ieh was present-' eey the Piigrini Players in ~ityiî United Church here f" st November. She has had a siicce(ssfu1i theatrical career in New Yor'k.I London, England, and in Canada. In this cotntrv ,,slîej has won acclaini as a dIirector,l adjudicatur, înst roi-toi'. and! npeakoîx Mrs. Hogg enniritjwhed' flhree London Little Theatre - University of Western Ontario! Somimer Schools of thel1 'heatre. She is the prpsidenti oI the C.O.D.L.. xiP-chairmaný oI the Christian Drama Coon- iil, a memrber oh file Dominiotn I)ramna Festival execultive, and' bhe director of the Conmpany ýf Pilgrim-s. Need More Canvassers For Jan. 3Oth Kinettç Club menibers xvho * %viII be responsible for the 'March of Dimes" bitz for funds here on M.ýonda. January 301h, met at th e home of MIrs. John lVerry last night to complete lheir plans. Mrs. Lillian Hooper, chair- man of the committee said that more Miarching IMothers are needed to complete thei blitz throughout the towvn in an bour. If you can spare ail hour on January a301h, rail VAJ 3-3893. 1'our services w.ll help In the prevention of polio and the rehlabilitation of the physically handi- capped. _____ ___ 1 Apple Growers Fiftieth Birthday Northumberland and Durham Apple Gruxveîs cc]cbraled Hlie 50th anini- 'zary of their organization at Newvcastle last Thut sdav- xith uver 100 j_ ,ers presenl. Onby' a few were present wh-o could î-ccal hose clavs w-lien thU late Tom Montague xvas the first presîdent. The iicxv president is Lar' Bur\ý left, of Brooklin. who is being congrratulated b\ i ieeesrFe MorîÉ-i. Trenton, while Bowmanvibbe's 1Mayor Wilfrid Catruthers, president u1 thep-_itario Fruit and Vegetable Grow ers, looks on. Durham County's Great Family Journal - Ë-BOW-MANVILLE, ONTARIQ-T H-U-R-SDAY,.JAN-UARY-l9th,-196110lcPer-Copy____ .___NUMBER_ 3: Counies Growers ProduceI $4,500OOO Tobacco Crop Dutchman Chefs Bring Home WiId Ducks for Dinner BIG CREDIT - Alex Carruthers, ÏM.P.P., advised The Statesman Tuesday that the Ontario govern- ment had. in effect. handed over $315,013.32 to the Ontario Hospital Commission. This amount is their share of the building cost of the new Memorial Hospital wing here. It will certainly be useful in helping to pay for this million dollar structure. Mr. Carruthers will return 10 Toronto next week for the opening of the Spring session of the Ontario legisiature, on Tuesday. BETTER HURRY - Police Chief Kitney suggests that would-be applicants for drivers' licenses who have not already passed througb the Traffic Clinic should enroil at the earliest opportunity. Classes for the balance of Ibis vear are f illing up quickly. MARLIE'S COMING - Our fast-skating juvenriles will have a real contest on their hands this Satur- day when thev meet famed Marîboro -Major "A" juveniles in an exhibition game here aI 8:15. Cobourg Midgrets wil] take on the local squad in the first game of tbis doublebeader. starting aI 6:30. Both games should produce some excellent hockey and give fans far more thrills and fresh air than wvatching tbe Toronto game on TV. Corne on out and give them some support. SMALL LOANS- We receiVed a lettet' fromr Dr. R. P. Vivian. M.P.. this week. includîng details of the new small business boans which are noxv available f rom local banks. This legislation should be of considerable interest tu many businessmen planning expansion or improvement. Maximumn boan is $25,000 spread ovet' a 10 \'Car period. NEARLY FOOLED THEM- Politicians seem to be in the news Ibis xveek. lion. John Foote, former M.P.P. here, nearly stumped the panel on Front Page Challenge Tuesdav evening when lie and Hon. Geo. I-lees were Puss.btIle denti- fied lîim later in the pro-rami. Major and 'Mrs. Foote had lunich ai the F]ving L)lch i ere prior tb the pro,î'am xiîrn a nv of tIli#- -îest s ai the wvild dock diiînr bacil ati<uîpîrtîitvfYo renewing acquaintantce wit h t hein. NEW AIR LINE Reeve (aîîîet r. 1B ickaiul of Dariington lhad anir oru iyof fi>' itîî tWOttawa today. free of charge, but dire t other commîtii- mnents wvas unable to accept..l'le Quebecair Companv which is trying bo obtain permission Io) establislh air services out of Oshawva aiiport \vas to have its bearing before the Board of Transport Commissioners and invihed Reeve Rickard and other interested parties to lake the trip t show that local municipal officials were supporting the project. If their application is acceptel. thie ine will carry passengers, mai], or other g9iods fo Montreal. Kingston, Oshaw-a. ionoTond i and Windsor. NOl' 50 BINI) You mrav remiember ani itemi in this colurrno stating the Ecitor feit certain lie had seen one of bis Nev York cousins on TV New Years eve. A letter ,vas receiveci from .M rs. Jamnes A. Phillips. forrnerly Sophia James, confirming the fact that Dr. Mosetta C. White and lier liusbanil Dr. Graham Bennett haci inil"ed heen diancing~ ai the Hotel Roosevelt on NwYearý's Eve. Tlîey had seen themn several tines on their own lele- vision ah Bedford, N.Y. The Bentietts have cele- brated their anniversarv in Ibis maniner every ,year since theiîr marî'iage. LIQUOR IN CLARKE ? Late MVonclaY nighit or early Tuesday mnorning, Clarke Township Counicil agreed lu apply for permission to hobd a liquni' vote on Wednesday, March 29th. T\vo questions will be on the ballot. dining lounge licenses and lounge licenses. Those petitioning for the vote were the proprietors of a restaurant, a motel and the new Mosport car racing urganization. Under ibis method of calbing a vote, tire petitioners wil be responsible for pav-,ings the costs of snIcb a plebiscite. Incidientall-\. construci ion staris this week on Eowmanville's nexv liquor store on Church Street. SELLING OUT- Another big event wîil ake place in Orono Ibis weekend we the Orono Telephone Compan 'y holds its annual meeting. ht is understood there is a distinct possibililv , that this organization may sel] outitis boldings 10 une of tbree prospective boy-crs. The decision xi]] be taken at a special shareholders' meeting folloxing the regular business meeting. thie cel igli t of aI vo cib gourimnet s, ais fol lows: cold shriimp, (-hef's Ant ipast<î. sw\eet andc soitr veg'(et ables, iluck-a-leeke soiîp. hroileil xvi Id doick lîî'ast on V ia lian, stiffcd orniatl o îewild rne, bt-amble jellv, Cacsat' salad, spiarklimîg borgundv, fresh fruit, Stiltori cheese and coffe. Photo showvs, frum' left tc igbt, Manager -Jini BourkeP, Soos-Clief Otto Pfeiffcr. Chef-Stexvaril Thomas v. Gaye aiid Owner, Walter Elliott cbecking ovex' the docks. Tobacco is the largest cash - cîop in Ontario, P. C. NewellU told the dinner meeting of thei Bowmianville Men's Caniadianii Elmore Philpott, M.C. Club held in the Sunday School. Next Tuesday evening, the Roomi of St. Paul's United Canadiaîî Club of West Durham Church on Wednesdiay evenîng, %viii have another outstanding Januarv llth. Mr. Ne-weil's guest. speaker at its meeting interesting address on "The \vhich opens at 8-,15 o'clock in Tobacco Industry and its Value'the Lions Centre. He is El-. luo Durham Coty," gave a more Philpott, M.C., radio clear pietturc of the tobacco ]n- jconime-itator, newspaper col- ]dustry as a whole, and an ex-luinnist, a distinguislied soldier, cellent description of th e f- world traveller and former 'tire process of growing a crop. 'Member of Parliament. In The President. Len Lucas,11956-58 he made extensive welcomned the guests. Howuard visits to the mainland of Bradley. Nelson Wilkins and China and xiii speak on the A. H. Sturrock. A singasong subject "*Caniadian Eye-Wit- was enjoyed, led bv Harry V. ness in Swiftly Changing Crydermian. The pianist was Times". Mr. Philpott, now liv- Les Collacuti. . in g in British Columbia, was A slimu]ating poem dealing educated in Hamilton and the (Contintied on page thirteen)i University of Toronto. 'New By-Law Must Disconnect Eavetrough Drains From Town Sewers A By-L'aw to probibit the ý1792. Councit founci it neces- diseharge of coof water into, sary bu pass this By-Law ta the sanitary sewec was pass-1 alleviahe the situation at the ed ai the meieting of Bow-1,Sewage DisposaI Plant. Stormn nianiville Towxn Couneiil held water from many roofs in the in th Couinril Chamber on town has been draining into Mnnday eî'NPhiîg, Ii the ab-, sanihary sewers with the re- sence of Ma vor Wilfrid Car- 1soit that Ibis water has load- rutthici's, who xvas in Toronho: ed bhe disposai plant tu capa- attLndîn)g Ite Ontario Apple' city and soînetimes over. Growei's, Association Conven- B Y-Law No. 1792 provides t ioni, Rreve Sidney Little pre-i that no roof waher leaders wilJ sided. Ail othoer nenbers of be connected tu the sanitary counicil were present. sewer system. Failure 10 com- The B3y-Law to ban lte dis- PlY with the By-Law will re- charge of rouf water into the. suIt in a penalty of $300 for saniîary sewvers xvas given! each offense. It will become firsl, second and third read- effective on May lst, 1961. ings and numnbered By-Law (Continued on page seven) 10,000 Ibs. MîIk per Acre Thiir liglîllhf <of flic Diiibinî ('uiity Soi I aîîd 'top liiprove- mc if saccia io ou Tlurs- dav, ,lanua rY 1th îwas an r adîlress hy NIr. Douglas Parks. Cliief lusisruttor and Extenîsion ýSp(,cialist froni ie ho etnpf - ville Agricuit oral Sclmcol. Mr, Parks ciscuisseni 1îay anîd lîastiire inaniageniett iti special empliasis on thie use of tîeweî. varielies of grasses and lovers. He stated that the aver-age liord iiow produced appr0x imahcly luvo tbousand pounds of milk per acre. Gond productioîn %woild be fouir llousand îîounicls of milk per acre while excellent produc- linwas seven thousand pounds of iiilk per accu. rThte speaker pointed oui liow- ou i' lifat iiimlwri'orI aî'î rs wlii' arce leepi'. cl aceiclatO prodcluct itn'eiicrs %wel' rcpio n puiinds j-of oit k lpuracre c ypolra Pastutre. île sli aei'î iliif ish n H everylitie tollici aini fur i-x~u e v n n thtousancl pouocs Illieuil xvoui Id cU .0t f prodcuct ion. HI M tors statt< tht a gooci Pasture-i .By I o ors gramine xas a 1long ternIi jb. rbtPestae54 That you coîldni .change -oui Nobe Pesoî, ge 54 une type Ici antoler over nijght, fR. -2, Ponlypool, xvas t-c but Iliat il did pay iin the long b a ndkle nHigli- con fo plan forîtheli future. Heo WîYa No. 35 last FridaY ex'eî- pointed Oult ihat Sartoga ing Mr. Prescott was a De- Brome was ideal vvith DuPuit parttnenttOf Highways ciii- Alfalfa. ploý-ee. Mc. Pairs alsci discussed the At the tinie uf the accident xaious xarioties of grasses and Mr. Prescoîl xxas walkiiîg. (lover and Iheir place in the alun .' the higlixvay enroule lu (Conticuocl on page seven) \work. He suddeiily cro-ssedý (lie îoad directly in fi-ont of a Plani Special Meeting Tro Discuss Plans for Sewage Disposai Plant Box,i'iiîvîlle Tîixxii Couuîcil on Monda ' voveiiing madie ar- S r. Citizens nrangmefithel'o scial the Public Utîilios Comrmis- View Filmssioners. George Van Briig-r, View Fil s mnager of the PUC. and Don Redfeî'î. cepresenting Pî'oc- O n rit intoc andicl (ie, the enîgi neer'- inîg consultants. Tue, special meeting will The meetîîîg Of the Senior discuss planîs for theieiexv Citizens Club held ini the Lions sewagc treatinen t plant. il, Community Centr-e last Week viii be leld iiithie Coutîcil %vas enjoyed hy 54 memrbers of Cliambet' on Tieschav eveniiig, the club, and also members of JaiutarY 241r, at eiglit ock. Club 1,7),\vo assisted. -1"r s Th, eslîniated rosI of the Joan Mannt, past president of sewape disposaI plIantf is ,.Club 15, vas N.C. for the$400. ex'eniuig. At a prior nmeetin g tc be t1There ,vas a fine progri-n of (Continiued on page -sexen) entertatinniini. Anne \Vert>-, ýage M. dalughtcr of Dr. atîd Mrs. John We1 rr.', Kinîg Street Fatreeiedinchapplausîe (Q Ufl R e for tht-ee delilitfcti accordîoîî selectiouîs, 'aY s 0oh tbc Danuobe". "Wbisperinig Hope"1, y n T n 'and "Wesýt S eigh'.n Mrs. D. W.- Armnistcad shoxvý- ed mnotion picturos nI lier trip to Englatid andl Scolland takenLi e t S e conientry cconpaningthe Bow.iîianville Towvn Counici] filin -%vas xvidyintereslins. atthie tieetiiig held iin the Then Annie Wecry played Cooiicuî Chanîber on Mondax' txopiano selections, "Spark-cengopni vetndr Iing Ex-es" and 'Gloxx'Worm fI lic iboenýer vntet nidars liIn annootîcing Ibese nunibers xfoitebr tvSe anar IMrs. Marn reîerred lu the fad 'ro -TIR-y rutged ini puce that youtig Aiin is as versatile frm- 419(5I as she is talented. The saniiar' -cuxci- viii ex- Altet- the prog-arin a group ltnd îorthî on Liberty Sîrect veît Iotheli readiîîg roomn fromn Libeî-ty Place bu 3,527 urbere Mrs. Walter Reynolds feet nor4h or Conîcession uvas ini charge. Others piayed Street, and alotîg Third Street cards anîd crokinole. A de- 10 a point 1.50 feed east of licious lunîch u\as latet' serxed High Street. Thîe estimnated by Club 15 ineinber-s cost of the sanitar3' sewer is Mrs. W'. L. Reid. Liberty $5.100 plus engineering fees;. Street Nortbi, \vas the xinîier Councillor 0. J. Pressoti, sec- of the iuc'ky door pnîze. Ahl onded by Depuly-Reexe lu-an presetit sang -Blest be the Tic Hobbs moved that the tenders That Binds - - be referred to the engineering Miss Shiî-ley' Clonient. ugo 24, Toronto. tlie driver of the car,ý sluted uftetxvatds that because oI the dark clolhing xvorn by' Mr. Prescotl she hiad been un- uble Ici sec hlm until lie wus ini'iîcdiately in front of hec vehîicle. She aclded that il uvas îlîeîî iîipossible lu a':oid stcik-- ing hiîîî. The accident happened about two miles from Mr. Prescott's homoe. Ho is the father oI 1l cluildreiî. Constable S. J. Rospond, OPP, xxas the in- vestîgaf ing officor. At Il 0'-(10<- on Fridav ceV_ î-îîgthcîe xxa.s a ote-cur accident cn the Matîvers Road. Frederck M. Fecgosoîî, Aime Su-et, Bovimanville, was -dciv-! ting south when he was blirid-1 cd by the lighls of an onc-om-1 itîg car. His car went into the" wesl ditch and rollod ox-er.ý Aluîouîgh bis car was extens- ixeydamaged Mr. Ferguson fortuately wxas nul in.iored. 2Constable Hoxx uard Wight, OPP, invesligated. .cei ves ders for N. Sewer 1conSUltants tor checking con- 2 erningý reliabilily and other ;dehails. The motion was car- snred. ý7 Tli" tenders sribmitted were 2Cross Toxwn Pax-ing. $66,99.5.39 D. I.et-o ancd Son S7 1.861A;3;ý Yearly Reid. $80,652.90: Clar- ison Construction, $67.7394; 7Dunclas Cotîstruction. $89.27d9. I ,2 95: Paul Rosa Construction.' t$67,913.60. and Dick King Ex- Scax'atiuîg LId.. S54.149.05. A communication was ce- ceived ini an.quver ho a letter' seuil by the Town Council lu internortb Contî'actors aîîd Enguneers, Ltd. It slated Ihal, s bc construction of the Gox- g(Continued on page seven> A dîinet iietiig of f lio Fot mnville Kîwvaiis <luth xvas lleinC ai thlicFlyîncDutîcît- mati Motoi Hf'el 0on Xoiîcay eIn v iing li presicleîî, Ted lon nas iin the chlait. The 1'larklîaiîn i-vais Club xvas ini charge of thec prnîgrani. 'flic 'peuiaîguest speaker, fald nvMiissclnmati. uus i- dwii'ecl hyIVoc eiionx. Both aie, ienîbeoîsf the Markhaîîî K îxz :iis Clu b. Mr. Mussel - mn is bhe clstrîît manager cf thlic lx-stors Syndicale, alid h i., 101-11- uas "Mulcial Fuîids.- l1-1"bd I lie iîîeeti hg thalt 2ý0(000 Ca nadia us have iii- x">-etd $1,i00,00.000 inIi lle S> 'idicate. fi-leal, saisd that. diffî-rcit coîupaîîies iîîxesl their oiiilloyeces-' iîonev xvith: the tîrn i n peunsion pla ns. Mr. MuSselîtan expiaiîîed (Cont inued ociiipage seven i Berniard llolden blas beenij eng'ageil as the nexv admnin-J istrabior of Merniial Hospihal., Rowinauîville, bY tlhe huard of, citechors, le wilt take op hbi djuiis hcrr on Mari-h I st. Mr.ý Hiolden i15 ah îîresent. the ad- mniirat or (d the ho'spital at, Deep River, Oint, Tlic recoiîtly appoîntcd adi-' iiiinisi rat or of Memorial Hos- pilaI îs a native of England.' He atlcîîded High Sehool there froîn 1944 lu 1949 wlîei he: graduatei. lic thon took aý course iin shorthanci, bookkeep-;: ing and lyping. Afterxvardsi hoe receeved advanced tuition itîý ant English Tcchnival Collegc.l In ,lune 1954 Mr. Holden, passed tbe Finîal Examination of the Intermediate Course of - Part 1 of the Intsitilte of Hospital Admitîislrators, Eng-ý land, ancd in June 1955 hoý successfull passeci the Final, Examination Part Il of the1 (Continued on page seven) Camera Draw Next Monday The flfth nionthly draw for two Polarold cameras ivill take place on Monday. January 23rd at The States- man office. Home of the Week con- test advertisers are urged to send ln the coupons whieh have accu mulated ln the special containers ln their stores, not later than noon on Monday. Shoppers are reminded ta fui out the coupons when ma.klng purehases at any of the particlpating stores. One coupon could result ln a free Polarold camera, val- ued at about $90.______ $5.OO Goes to Lucky Winner One of Bowmanvý,ilbe's oîler bouses aI 84 Concession St., was shown in the Hcme of Itie Week contlest last week and for a while, the Statesman staff thought tlîere %ould be nu claimnant for the $5.00 weekby prize. However, on Salut-day', moch t onu sui-prise, another member of the large Dykstra famniby identified if. and drew tbc envelope coîîhaining F. A. Kramp Furniture's adver- tisemetl. Mrs. 1.. Dy'kslra is sbown handing over the cheque ho Mr. Kramp aftet-rnaking ber pot-chases. This vweek. we bave gone a bit further afield in an effont lu avoid duplication and also 1<> hi-y' o stump our readers. So, check the house photo closely and try tu identify it. it is worth $5.00. 'Crop Improvemnent Meeting lKlwanis HeaysMeoilHpias Som Fames Podcin 'ddrssNéw Administrator--ýSome Fam'ers Prduming ! lCom*lng Here March i Au ounusualI('Vent xva lîed a t t111( lvii' ii tciali anMohor I btel Tucsda y inoon lien :îuirend aild businiess acquain tances o f tIlie est a lish meut1 at e b bei r xav lb roi gh a del icinus ltnbrncouriesv of t lie 1rnaîameîît anîd tie chefs. Rc Chev,( bf-, Stexvarld Thomas v. Ga.ve andl Sous-Chef 0()tt Pfeifletr visitedci.eWalpole Reservatioîî on1 the Huron Canal' near Wallaceburg and lîad a field ci-shooting wibd docks which tbey broughh home tu the spaclous refnigerators here. A special menti xvas worked out tb e ý anabian izýj illywillilwilla