PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV1LLEý ONTARIO rURDY AN Dh iTreasurer Mrs. H. Skinner,, toalal ta be present. Mr and Mrs. B. Hubbrd PrssRpotr r. .Ram Our social evening last Fr!- Ir. nd Mrs. GeorgeCr 1Harvest Home Canvass Com- Religion fo fda day night was poorly attend- ter, Boxvmanville, vereSt The joint meeting of Ty- the Worship period the theme, mittee, Mrs. W. Murphy, Mrs. I holansae Social ae theirand Ms. homa og e and rafle W.A. was held in the "The Church throughout the: A. Knowlton, Mrs. J. Cook..ý UNE U M R IIIIScia a Sunday Shool raom, January World". Mrs. A. Hoar gave a1 Senior Citizenship, Mrs. D. le an Mr.To sH( il, with 24 ladies present. reading "The Ladies i" aeProaeBadCm The M in istry of Solitude l Geoge.failyiMrs. amuelGran President Mrs. R. Glaspeil Mrs. G. Brent entertained ail mitte, Mrs.H hlMs.A yptyisetne a andMil, s awaxuer conducted the business period. with music from the new or- Richards, Mrs. A. Knowltan; Smah setne oadfmlOhw The annual reports were giv- gan. Mrs. L. Annis conducted Comfort Committee, Mrs. G.l P ekyTl-B e.I .Ncosn r R yr n eaie nSna usso en, $100 was voted ta give ta a musical game. Lunch was Alldread; Devotional Conyen- Sorr tas rporta Mrs. Mrs I D v an Cchae an.I the M. and M. fund of aur served by Evening Group. orMs.AHaionLte- Again andc again we read insilent sympathy was like heal- alone, yet flot alane, the Fa' E. Bryan had the misfortune family, Nestleton, Mr an rnurch. $25 towards the Pr E1tinof\.A ffcrsfrP rr m Commitee, Ms. ~ud.Mr. .Hailon ark.16 reas f Wallo fs, st Prtuc rearymrs. L. ni'the Scriptures that Jesus wentý ing balm on the wounded ther is with me". In the time to fal brea king hier thumb on Mrs. Edwin CochraneRa fud r.A. Hamitr, Mrs. R.6 Coombfolos, Pasrse apart from his disciples ta be :heart. af sorraw, seek ta be alone the ri"ht hand. She xiii re- ian; Ir. and Mrs. AlbetA R. Gaspsidnt rs.A. HmilonPre A.HamitonandMrs L.An- alone. He lived a lufe of con-! hen we are sufefring we with Gad and you will find R.areviind cmrsm .i s sideor .tMs .HmloPe A aitnadM .main 111 Port Perry Hospital arns and family, Bownvil 1r9 hevsiig6om1te.o sident Mrs. R. Glaspel lstnis; Auditors, Mrs. W. Park stant communion with God,' wish ta be quiet. We dan't peace. aînitbe for a fcw days. WreSnyglet0fM 18.vice Pres. Mrs. A. Hoar, n' and Mrs. R. Virtue; Pianist, 1 et he xvçnt apart at stated'ý want visitors ta camne to talk Jesus prayed and Mhtbe rs. aygE. .As. Mrs. Percy Werry and Mrs. vice Pres. Mrs. R. Coombes, Mrs. A. Hoar adMs and a a i me o tloeý0 s oe 0s ou wau ldve thogitladMr. and Mrs. . ltcsrndMradMs. . . dav A. Hamilton had charge of Secretary Mrs. H. Stainton, Brent; Nominating Comte fmeditation, prayer and wor- I knew, some time aga, a Krs o wudhv togi anzr.aZion;Wýtc Mr. and Mrs W for 1962, Mrs. G. Alldread, si.lti ilwawsvr 1 it wouid have been an easy rnz Oshawa; Miss Dar- sn Mrs WRah an Mr. A Werea intheScrptuesmatter for him, with hîs lene MacDonald, Oshawva; Ir., George Davidson and Pat Mrs.W. ahmand rs.A. e red i th Se ipueand weak. Her mother knelt t and Mrs, Albert Bryan, Cour-' Whitby, were Sunday get Harvey. that "He withdrew into thel beside her cat and was gentiy s p i rit u a 1 discernment taget fo r.adMs .I 4-H Club meeting numnber wilderness," "Rising in the' taiking ta her, trying ta soathe costev e u ilcxeeSna ussa iM.adMs .Hbad eight on Tbursday, Jan. 12, rnorning a great while before and comfort hier. The liltte aotahnrd e i pn V oIf the Eight Closeteers was it was day, hie departed iflta girl exciaimied pitifully "Don't th hl ight in prayer. hcld in Barbara Millsan's a desert place ta pray." talk, mamnma, don't talk." Iln the quiet place, alone with1i hoe ihteexeto f G-ad, his judgment was clanl- hom. it te xcptonai It is profitable ta study thel In lier weakness she did natified. He saw things in theirý Acivement Day an Satur- special cîrcumstances whichý want speech, but only the, true perspective anid there He l e day, Jan. 21, this evening fin- led Christ ta seek the ministry sulent sympathy ai bier lavingi1 learned His Father'swil V diied the unit, "Clothes Cia- af solitude. mother. In times of decision we, to sets Up ta Date." Girls who One of the saddest events in! oe ersao I knew a should go apart ta be with had quite completed their re- the lufe of Jesus, was the. woman who was very iii. Her1 God. In the holy place aur quirements were given assist- death af John the Baptist Idaughter, about txwenty years thougbts and purposes will bel I ance from the twa leaders and Jesus loved John. He lovedi0f age, was housekeeper and purified. Our selfish ambi-' xvhile the meeting was near- him for his bumility, bis fi-inurse for her dying mother. tians will be suppressed and! ing a close, the girls contni- deiity and courage. When John1 In order to comfort the dying, we shail desire oniy the glory buted the rail caîl, "Record was crueily murdered by King womnan, the daughter turned of God. Then God will reveal 1 books campleted up to date", Herod, the disciples came and the radia every marning ta the His will ta us. 1UE also their sewing rproie,, cts Jeus and he was very t-înu1ir proLiramme of "Tpie How often we choose a vo-i - AT - Achievement Day arrange- sd He said "Let us go apart Happy Gang", but alas, this cation, engage in a new busi- ments were made and each into a desert place." He want- was nat what the sick woman ness, start upon a journey mbILf girl received a programme ed ta be alone with God. He wanted. She needed a quiet without cansulting God! Ho1w D o I N o wsheet. Lunch was served. Ou~r needed the mînistry of sali- programme ai prayer, praise often we marry without con- D o tNwhelpful leaders for thisunit tude. Hé knew bist:wnxvime and Scripture-reading, whicb sulting Our Heavenly Father.95 C EV eL AIR haebeen Mrs. M. Yeo and for suffering was fast ap- would bring comfort and Some people plunge inta mat- MsL.Skinner. A e untV REPAIR ~ - REI'IDLLLIHUwiîî bein ~n Fbru- bve ta die at the hands of bis In aur dying bours, I think dashing into the station, eager-V Iihloe lietasmsin r. adMs . sadenemies. ail of us would prefer ta be to reach it's destination. But,! Vc8stnm'be ithadowvnder dwses INTERIGR DECORATING snAiut Mr. and Mrs.W.Rean In the time of sorrow we alone with God, and aur iavcd alas, after tbey are married, cusdoed dash.Oneiowncr ar son, Aincur; M. ad Ms.usually wish ta be alone. We ones, bowcd in sulent prayer when it is toa late, they dis- pde ah n we j Hamilton an-d iamily were desire sympatby but flot around us. caver tbcy have made a ter-199C'E .I P L 4-R SE A MIAINTENANCE WORK - ETC. idr. nd rguss. ron na iec. When our home has There is a solitude that is rible mistake, because they199C E .I P L 4- been desolated by deatb, when not blessed and which is not did not seek the xiii of God. V8egn ihPwrG The first Expédition of 1961 we are utterly dîsconsolate and ful of angel ministnies. "'Ail Saul of Tarsus sbortly afterV8egnewtPo rGld tasm si, was bcid by the Explorer in dcepest despair; xvhen ail loneliness ha,;flot healing in bis conversion retired into windshield wvas1iers. One onrcr Nen nd aleralsareGraup in hei Sunday School lufe se;ns notinrybut con- its wings. There is a îoneîi- Arabia and there hie spent 199HL M N -RaE A Men and Maerials areroom ih1 Explorers pre- fusionan the vr founda- ness whieh is only a haunt ai three ycars alone with God. 15 1L I.u 4D .S sent. New officers for the tions are reîing, it is good ta fears, the parent of a morbid Hîs time was spent in prayer, - year are as follows, Chief go apant ta be alone with God. moodi.ness and melancholy, in comn'union with God, in Lowv milea ge. One owncrca.A ex len Available Now Explorer Doreen Wrî g h t, We do not want much com- drying up the very springs ni searching the Seniptunes, in smnall car buy! Keeper of the Log, Arlene pany but only the silent symn- endeavour and hope. If in méiditation and the readjust-198 A XH L VE X 4DR D N Hall; Treasurer, Maxine Ail- patby aif a true friend. sorraw yau seek ta be alone ment ai bis thought.198V U AL E O dread; Vice Presudent, Janicc I knew a man whose littie witli yourseli, then solitude Saul of Tarsus came forth *Maiette; Press Reporter, Gail boy was dyingýa, and in the wili prove ta be a place of fram that period ai solitude, 6-cyl. engice, white with rti m Scott and Leader, Mrs. T. early marning bours bis be- terrible drought." Jesus cf strong in faith, ta become, 197M R UR 4D .SE A Scott. W had questions an îoved chîld passed away. Nazareth sought ta be alone Paul the missionary ta the 15 .pOE C"Y 4D .S aur Study Book followed by Ris minister sat beside the with God, the Father and the Gentiles and one of the great-To-oeedad eg. agm.The meeting ciosed mnan ail night long. He utter- thirsty land became springs est Christian men the world 1955 CH e. EL a IR 4-DRe . SE A "ihIChildren wbo walk in cd few words, but is deep, of water. Jesus said "I arn bas ever known. J resus way". dd hefamily. Mn. Crawford dcliv- 6-cyl. engine with Power GE tasisi, W hy W ait ~ ~Broombail game which start- o selp ered a fine sermon. A cordial custoin built radio. Two-ton uqos eda 73 t 0:0latThr- o se B il i g i s invitation is extended toalal and ivory. day igh hed attheCom at11:15 a.m. Sunday morning. daycveintwihCagntra-eTo-onencdanWivk, TiIi pringiesurC, ereeR. j Gve Kiwni CubaA social evenng washd ~1953 CHV.BEL AIR SEDA mit ndwn tes 3.Crcmae, tendance, sponsorcd by the MANY MORE RECONDITIONED CARSTH OEFO adhtdogs werc sold. AilU aV a ~ ~ 'p ip Women's Association. A fine i l twsara ucsBO s a a S e k r programme was arrangcd and' u n i .. laalit wa a nubrealducess games and contcsts were en- uiusmoie - i1nevrolex ov i hm alnbumber go irdlA wcll attcnded dinner feont aspects af the financing jndicecSawerndc keBul)C s out. meeting of the Bowinanville Of construction, and of the which brought a dchightfuladEV y(rlh CALL VOUR LOCAL There was a good attend-,-KwnsCu a eda h assistance given by the Na-,ccnng ta a close. C U TC ance at the Euchre pary g D Cuc sh MotorHthe tional Housung Act which was ieDn'tfne u Congre- sponsored by the Cornmunity weî.Te saa - passed in 1945.gaonlMeigo Wens- Centre Board. Ten tables in latwe.TeOhw i ainlMeigo ens N ationai ll ehnghylVIns.E ri. Ladies waflis Club was in charge of Mr. Banf ield said that there 1 day evening, January 25th, at Phone MA 3-3353Ph eMA3 92 -q1ýhgMs alPnescott, lad- the progxam. are four types of housing, 8 p.rn. in the church hall. Aan tcojrc ecrcr~a niaini etne ________ ios low, Mrs. Wesley Taylr. Du ring dinacri- n excellent fad ____ bic________dia nvtaio s xtndd YihMn odnM lornd solidi masonry. He also '~Ernploymen Office HigbMan, Gardon iison, programn of piarnoselections odf a new miethod of houýeN w th theeae mals alcr Mn. John Hill, Mrs. Edna Oshawa. A singsong was en- Poterboroughr ti cle x S CO S.SOSA ACherry, Mn. Ennie Cailadine, jayed. The winnor ai the spe- hIti cavaigwaîcnsrciodx o th h r a e sl m l c r 314 SACES.SOH W Port Credit; Mrs. Mary Cail- cial draw was Char-les Bickie. atiwl consssaitwoructoainrik adine, Toronto, rccently vis- cnit ftorw fbik RAndolph 8-4631 ied Mn. Henry Hill, Miss Ken Smyth, past president with insulation in betwcen, hie Mary Ellen Hill and brother, ai the Oshawa Kiwanis Club, said. It bas been designed for Rani-y. intnaduced the guest speaker, cold climatos. Sympatby ta Mr. John Wil- AI Banfieid ai Banficld Con- Ia Mn. Banfield's estimation and big smaca s ___________ -struction Ltd., Oshawa. The the best method of construc- tapie ai Mn. Banfieid's address tion is brick veneer. He stated was 'House Building". emphatically that this type ai N ew 00 alo ie r ady to rink die pl a The speaker discussed the bouse gives the best value for history of building in Canada manoy spent, n m llb g c r th tr al a t sg o !frorn Indian tepees and Es-1 The speaker adviscd anyonc n m llb g c r ___________kimo igloos up ta present day ho wants ta buy a house ta tha ~I y tste ~ ousing. He also spoke ai dii - plurohase a lot first. Then ta ____ make.sure that the bouse plans 1 "T 1 TIC Borden's ready dieL r; CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA 14ow weîght contrai is a pleasure because Borden's-the people wbo are very big on flavour-are the first ta make a diet plan good tasting and econamicai as well as suprcmely effective. For dieters, a full day's diet supplying 900 calories ... ready to enjoy! Smooth as a milk shake, neyer gnainy, has no medicinal aftcrtaste. Deliciaus fresh chocolate or vanilla flavours. Daily schedule... .To get the full efl'ect of this diet plan, drink ane quart of Borden's reaidy No moasuring, mixing or flxin . .. just pour diet each day witb no'other food intake. Drink a glassful and drink... .Bonden's ready diet gives as much as you like at a time (take calorie- you just 900 calories and important amounts of restricted vegetables for bulk if yau desine). vitamins, minerais and high quality pratein. Consuit yaur physician about your bealth and reody diot's wholesome nutrients wilI belp reducing program if yau plan ta use Borden's unaintain hcalth while restriction of calorie iftake ready diet as your sale food intake, if you are helps burn up excess body fat as food energy. now excessively ovenweight, have any history No separcitlng, settling or sedimerit because of kidney, heart or blood disorders or other Bordep's r.ady diet is scientificaliy blended. abnormal conditions. Look for Borden's rernydlet in the special gold carton! et your store or at your door GLEN RAE DAIRY 3-5444 BOWMANVILLE sanr on r iso fFr thon be planncd, zonin:g by- thliamonHarr inu a i Fort liws studied, and a building Willam n Jauar 7. permit obtained, Mr. Banfield Mn. and Mrs. Don Lake, stated. Fromn then on it is the Newcastle, vsited Mn. and builder's job ta excavate and IMrs. H. Skinner. camplete the bouse, lie said. ling, Aurora, visited Mn. and~ while costs bave isen gener- !Mns. Lloyd Smith. aily, building pnices have not isnaccordingly. This docs Mn. and Ms. Ted W n nt ap piy ta land. He explain- Patti and Donna, Enniskilien ed tha t land in Oshawa is visited Mr. and Mrs. E. A., ~ aot 04 ent k o Virtue. sqare foot.He told the meet- t k o Mn. and Mns. Ted White in.g that the pnice of a lot in and baby, Maple Grave, were Oshawa bas nîsen in the last suppen guests ai Mn. and Mrs. five years from $1,600 ta ai- W. Park Sn., and Mn. and most $3,000. Mns. David Park, Bowman- "Fortunatcly In C a na da ville, were cvening gucsts. there is anc building code al Mn. and Mrs. B. Cain and acnoss the country. la the U.S. fami1y, Oshawa, were Sunday there are soveral, as a differ- guest s ai Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd, cnt type ai construction is used Skinner. in Texas, Southera Caliiornia, Little Augusta Lokhorst en-'aiotowrmcmte" tertaincd a iew ai ber littho The speaker spake af thei pals on honr th bîrthda,!ncw package deai type aiý Monday. 'building whuchl is heing used'o Sympathy ho Mr. Wilson more and more. It is popular, Jolinson on thie passing aof lebulig fieldbcas his mother. can eslaban costs. The work, ichrch yo ar reuesed o 'aribedonc more cheapiy in i~~~~~~~~ chnb o r rqetdt actory by skilled labor, bel Ifat ail intenested in your painted out.I ated the Congregational "Pre-fabnîcation building 1sý Meeting in Tyrone United abead in the U. S. compared1 Church, Jan. 23 at 8:15. Lunch with Canada. In 1960, 45,000 ta bc senved by the W.A. homes wene built that way, Ladies. and marc and more xiii be i ia1E 6 Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Rahrn the future. Luniber is eut ta! attended the Stone-Lang wed- specificatians. There is lessi ding at King, St. United waste, and a considerable part' Church, Oshawa, on Satun- ai the building is assemnbied! day. in a factory. Even the nailingi it's luxuri< Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moi- is donc by machine." fatt, Oshawa; Mn. and Mns. A vote of thanks ta Mr.I Stanley Ralrn and Paul,, Banfield for bis informative Blackshack. xvene Sun d a y address was moved by Tenny guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Arthur1 McAuley, secnetary ai th e Aiertehine mcin; i s ju tthe i Rh.Bowmanvilie Kiwanis Club., J s Cran5;ton Scott, chairman ofF BASE UNE the Boys and Girls Commit-' calld comitee met- The one with the girl in Mn. and Mrs. Claude Tuck- ing. Chevroiet. A Bel Air Spar en, Stirling; Mr. and Mrs. AI- I Trini, very tastefuily styled bort Caskey, Frankiord, were necent visitons with Mn. and uisE N big that driving is a chare 'Mns J. R. Metoali. a mail that it puts the squ On Tuesday aitennoon Mns. Sympatby is extendeci ta comfort. Sort of a just.right 1. C. Zwanen ententained sev- Mr. Mai-vin Nesbitt in the bile, from its parkabie si2 enai ai ber neighbours at ai- passing ai Mrs. Ncsbitt. We and ]JIU 131G cars ast in case you're confused, )k at an unusually normal automobile, CHEVROLET. It's roomy, )U5,ý riglit tit -is the size to go in your garage! remai-kable room. Luxuriousiy Jet. SÉE A Wi.ini; LÉW )rt Sedan. smooth and whisper-quiet an the **'.. - - d. Not so road; yet thorougbly practical 0F TE TYU re, nor so where yau want Chevrolet's thrifty CHEVROLET DEALER'S jueze on no-nonsense practicality. So ONE-STOP SHOPPINGLT tautomo- "normal" there's flot another car CENREEVROLE ze ta its ç.waite like it. CNR Whitewai tirs otional at extra tost. 'ternoon tea. The guest afi1 extend sympathy ta Mns -91 honour was Mrs. A. Trimble 1 Toms and family in thc pass5.- -See the new Chevrolets and Chevy Corvairs at your local authorized Chevrolet deale?'s who had recentiy clbEtding ai Mn. Toms, also 3iym- ber bintbday. pathy ta Mrs. Pnescott and ~D__ DMr.and Mns. Edwand Folev, famiy la the passing af Mr. i - Drtyand Don wene Sat- Pnectt as the resuit af a cari L urday evening dinnen guests accident. RYW I H af Mns. Bei-t Colweii and Our- cburch was well a t-. BOWMANVILLE OLDSMOBILE - CIIEVROLET - COR VAIR COURTICE' Irwin, Bawmanville. 1 tendcd on Sunday manning. IMn. Sam Battams and Mr.' The flowcrs in tbe church: PHONE MA 3-3353 AND ENVOY (British Built) CARS - CHEVROLET TRUCKS PHONE MA3Av2 Danny Battams spent the past wene placed in memory aof M weekend ini Eigm. Mr. Toms by Mrs. Toms and' 98 KING ST. W. PHONE MA ifs thrifty,