PAGE MOUR ED1TORL4L COMEM A Contribution Made by Ice The playing fields cf Great Britain have been credited with producing men of strength, co-ordination, courage. physical and mental stamina and good spertsmanship which stood the country in good stead during peace and war. In Canada, we have a comparative situation, flot se much with the playing fields as with our hundreds of arenas spread throughout this vast country. There, each week during the wlnter rnonths, many thousands of young would-be athietes pit their skating skills, their stick-handling abilities and their body-checking prowess against each ether in cur national sport, hockey. From as small as two-year-olds te those in their thirties, the males and some temales cf Canada gather at these ice palaces ta loin in one cf the greatest player-spectator sports ever lnvented. To celebrate the occasion, a special period bas been set aside as Minor Hockey Week, a time when parents are supposed ta "Take, not send, their boy ta the Arena". It's a good fdea for rnany reasons. The busy parents who have been routed out cf bed at 6 or 7 in the rnorning te prepare breakfast foi those on the early Saturday morning ahift, wvill next week leave the ether cilîdren ta prepare their own break- fast, while sleepy-eved, they will wvatch the earIv. birds glide over the ice in their search for goals. They will be able ta learn of the child's progress and f ind themselves drawn te this great gaine by an invisible magnet. If the going gets rough and injuries are encountered by their young one, they may also corne ta the conclusion that, at times, this robust game can get a bit too hazardouis for their beloved son. Se. watch fer the notices cf games ta be held duriniz Miner Hockey Week, and accompanv those voungsters te the area arenas. They will appreciate vour lnterest; you will find it a thrilling experience, %.ell worth the time and effort. The pla.ying fields of Britain pro- duced some of the greatest leaders in the world. We believe our arenas can do the same, although due te the rigors and casualties connected with the game, mnan7 of thern rnay bp lacking thieir front teet Must It Always Be More? L Euciid tvere alîve today, he would probably advance another pro- position which might read semething like this: The sum cf the services pro- vided b-v governments, a sum which is constantly increasing. plus the sum cf the people required te administer the service for the benefit cf the public, equals an increasing amount cf money taken eut cf the pockets cf taxpayers on the lef t hand, in erder to put benefits back in the right hand, writes Editot Roy Cornish in The Trentonian. He might also work eut this pro- position te the peint wvhere he determin- ed when the sum taken eut cf the lef t hand pocket far exceeded that put into the right hand pocket. In recent month s we have heard a suggestion that Ontario mlght adopt a sales tax. Deputy Welfare Minister James S. Band now suggests a cern- pulsory contributory insurance scheme study that pair of opposite Ideas unit- ed!) te meet the "needs of expanding welfare costs." The new.. chairman cf the Toronto Board of Education urges the public te seek morp taxes, s:uggest1ng mnr incarne tax for education needs. and ý;o-called "luxury" taxes, Where daes ail this end? Tne public may be regarded by people in office as a k'i:sd of milcis cow existing for the ber.efit of the state, %vhichi graciously confers the "benefîts" back upon the public, minus the in- creasingly enormaus costs of the bureaucracy needed ta maintain this ever-çtideningz sphere of social tvel-far- ism. Are there noe politîciars wlho will think in terms of trying ta manage with w-bat they bave, and of reduiici costs? Must we be everiastingIv faced with more taxes? And once a comptslsory sclieine is ntroduced, as we shahl find -wiih the Ontario Hospital plan. and the IJneiî- ployment Insurance plan. ther-e is ne redî-ess against endIleýssly searing costs. If the tax burden gets any crreater, it wihl outweisgh the benefits it is sup- posed te confer. And the number of people required ta administer the "services" mav wrefl eventually be greater than the nîber of the beneficianie-. "\Nitchcraf t/ Thse manî in California who- filed ~for divorce on thse grounds that he was deceived into thinking bis wife beauti- ~~s1ciful land generous) use of cosmeties daims that she and al -other such w-amen are Iguilty of false prtenses and slîould be charged accord- ingly. A dî-astic remedy te be sure, and. net one, w-e think, likely te cornmend itself te mast other men. Still, it is irteresting ta note that the disillusioned 'Jalifornian is not the first te propose ,èevere penalties for those of the fair %ex whe seek te improve on Mother Nature. Face painting and thse like, calculat- ed te put a fresis complexion on thse features. w-as, it seems, se prevalent -back in 1770 that a Bill was introduced into the British Parliament providing that "aIl women of whatever rank. 'Pro- fessionor degree, that shahl impose Which Is Best? Officiai statistics frorn Ottawa recently revealed that, in 1953, cf 16,168 manufacturing companies in Canada no few-er than 4,570 lest money on the vear's epet-ations. A few- days later Dun and Bradstreet reported thal business failures in Canada in August of this year totalled 173.. a figure on1jy once previouslv exceeded in tise lasf. twentv-f ive vears. Hiere in tIiste two items is furtiser confirmation, if indeed any w-ere need- ed. that risk is by ne means always cew'ardeci, savs Thie Bush News of St, Catharines. This is something nev.ei mentioned by those who are se quick te denounce the successful companies w-ho %vithin the framework of our compet- dtive society do mianage ta make a Sprofit. But from thse standpoint cf the people w-ho work for it which, we wouid ask, is best? That tise company should inake a profit and prosper - or that it should consistently make à loss and finally go bankrupt? upon, se.luce or betray intio matriirori;', any of Hus Majestvs subi ects by the scents, paints. cosrnetic washes, arti- ficiai tee:h. false liair, S-paý-IsIi wool,- iron stavs. hoops. highl-heeled shoes and bolstered hirls. shall incur the pena1t-' of the law in -force against wi-tchcraf't and like misdemeanours and tia!thtle mnarriage upon conviction shaHl be nul and void." The Bill, if need hardly be s;aid, dici flot pass Quote of the Month "I believe ini reasuni, not beeause of the wisdom that men have «d-'ron- strated ini the pas,. but because it remains man's best tool for governinl- himself. It is flot mere chance that whenever society is swe-pt hv soine madness, reason fails as theé first victirn. Neither perfection nor iitopia are with- in man's grasp. But if the frenz-, of soaring hope can neyer be realizeci, we can aiso av'oid the panic of plunging despair - if we leirn to think aur probleros through, decide it is that we value most. and arganize our- selves both as incIýdiia.s and as a nation, to see that first things corne first."-Bernardi M. B aruch. 'You were right, Mlun - she hasn't yet tnade the bed&a.1 nt fflb4 ~a~4 Durham County'is Gz.a Farnfly journal Establshed 107 yeoarsago in 1854 Alio Incorporating 'he Bowmanville NSW.E The Newcatl. Indépendant The Orono Neme &uhors3ocg cm Uco"4 c'aiMail bi Ithe Peto4 it:,.vep. o E.' leu Produc.d Every Thursday by THE JAMES PtJBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PO. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanil.o, Ontario JOHN M. 1AME3 EnzTOxt-PtIÎLISHER QEO. W. GRAHAM ADYT. MAMi#AGE GEO. P. MORRIS Busszasu MGRt j iUBSCRIPTION RATES THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO "*C'mon Dad!-" iitwvlSA: m EJ ?Joungman Y çan Y, JAN. 19th, 1961 There have been reams of1 Hiighiayc." It contains thirty- 1 males read this, anxd snort at ecomniums written about the two colour photos of different! the idea of such, sissy goings- late C. De Howe, who passed t scenie spots in Arizona, be- on, let me assure you th. il away, recently, but none were! sides twenty-three shots of un-j properly staged. a fas'iiion better than the splendid cula-' usual places of worshlp. It1 show can niake vour e-, ebalis, gy, written by Editor James,! would b. L'nposble for me to r-evoive like crazy. The las-, in the Jan. 5th issuse of tis try o describe the breath- one I attended made the bald newspaper. Like Mr. Howe,~tk~ beauty o!these pictures,' headed row jiggle like ielly. himself, the article was con- which have created an ltch in! If arny of vou fellowv do attend, cise, plain, and direct. the tootsies o! Butc'h and me don't sit with the inissus, be- Las+ week, we descried &aome to travel that way, to sec thie cause whien she sees that cer. of our 1961 calendars, and originals in their naturel set- tain glint in your eye, sbe'u. would like to mention the one tiflgs. Each picture lis accom- elther want to cbobber 1 from the Pete Newvell Lumber Panied by a note statlng thei take vou home early. or'V., Cempnv I Necasleshow flmeof the photographer,l fuse ta chat for a week. lng the heads and necks of t%-o what exposure, filmtm ! OnJnavalttego beautifi 1 bay horses, wit-I the' day, and'camera used ; 1,aLsothe burghers oi Shaw', cho caption 'Bluegrasç Champ-fact that, a mllion copies of, held a Home and Schlool meet- tos. this bock are sold. ing, and were kind enough ta Lloyd Tayior, of Orono, who On Jan. 91 , we had thne t or cie oca uppies graelsan ar plasue o adresingtleWn-about Forest Probiems. Like suplie grve, £nd nd plasue f adresig te ~n-the meeting at Be'hany. my a ones upon request, sent along men's Inst!tute of Bethany, at pleasrewsi meeting ac- nia n in hp aders, in a beau- hello to somte cf the ladies whoqufnin ar tifully scenic spot, landing a have been acqualnted with the ~aig epewo - Although I've known Mrs. Ken 31 ~Although the picture needs no t!Tne, ard whom we don't meet Werryfraln ie i caption, LIcovd aught to use the nearly s cten as in the aId n rt for a tloJn. tim. I did s1ogrn "ee move the earth." days vnfehayue ta be gtkoutl As its cledarwa sonie:io'r saminggrund prtlu~sne had such a nice singirt As il caenar as a icei or taminggrunc, prtcu-voieHer w selections were and ina strong araundomrn con-1 elce-much appreciateci. Tt was ni"e, "tainer, we sent it aiong toa isto ie ta be on tiie sanie Progrpl-r %Beatric- ardn.wolvs eie en real goord- vith Cec Carveth. who screen- in Pont,.-pool, in Wales, Ht>pe Ionkers. the Manvers T nsipeda excellent rilni. owneci likes i4! gas ore go-getters, as evidenc'-,by General Motors, of Oshawa, Mr.Pearl Richardson, 1515. cd b'v their desire to hold a'and showing us hoiv acridents E. lielen St, Tucson, Arizona,liasbicn sh-ow prior ta Easter, catn be riimiized by proper ~~ ~ ...:.. ~~~~ U.S.A,, sent us another of I akati arneetjatrd time]v correction of! b- books n Demue n case SOIne.bits, andi niaterials, "Don't Send. T,.1'FKE your boy b Lthe Arena"-I Mrs. Carrne A.Mihl. C Mrs.' Frazier lvin t p~ ÏMINOR HOCKEY WEEK STARIS JAN. 21st1 c,L etters. tc> the )~cJ.r cas and is a wl-nw __________t parties in Brattie- S,-urîngfield,rher Ilie. -ts :r rain to f ei[dand Ckarenont, N.H. Si.c V-erm'nt, U.S.A sec thi!; story !N bo.ok formn. plays cards at least four nighitos I. UA n d SI E Please comey n-y best P oemns as wel as several Ionlgevity te f reshi air, harri. I es to al! citizens living in m~ylsongs. Sorne of the songs she, work and being vrith young, n îative 4town A .Bc-viaviIýpeople. IDksptsed hy Bill buffle% îhere 1 vas barn 95 y7ears ago1. Afe-,, years ago, Mis. Fra-ý It is bard to believe that 2,7 co'nling Marcik 10, 1961. 1 Stijl. zver was a guest of «Mr. and, years ago Eugcniia \vas ail An. viasnt tilat a lu'.ciy cold sanap wc fiad thiire?,sliced breaci ô.nd 3aiij iisîtead bave Dleasa:;,t nenlorfes o! th&e11Mrs. George W. James. Mr.f arthritic cripple. S'le couldn't Dicirt it juAt malze vou feel good ta be alive? Weren't you 'oi blubher, ..;.py tinse 1 had at t-'ise tcrwn's James -was editor o! the Cana-1 walk, couldn't get out, of becd glad you iw ere a fuil-bloodcd (aada.par4 .)f ard 1ir.n,- r> w c î u.C ~(erenary Celebraticon -three dian Statesmnan ila Bowman- wtothl.Btsh oe il~s ago ail:am inDi look. ville, Ont., whiere sle w-as1she woiuld walk- agin and did coi-e cf our Ii.frand fotonoi o! ntains~:o rin lin oli i 'lIrgf-ý-;ard +ta gettigback* borts. She L; the Iast survivor and tua assei reo aay ionni plkeei L1xe Sùuther-n Ontarïo andVîcur jvd. Es,-ery raition bas a olod town cr my looth'of 13 brothers and sses and, arthritis. Shie said she got v-o eac-iv kî.ur-' v. batng h1're rtw et c sn 1I 1: VWe .ev-al visitor dur- I ters, two o 0.,whO1re still 1and after taking themi for fou r lihe out'Axoi~e< piu~sî'sg te'. e rel Ca:îia.<' l-xathese abutite *'l.O2.c irg tne Yuletide hoiidays. I*Ving9: Mis. Harriet Rattee and months was eompletely _cured. %Vhy, 1 was An Toronto tast nri ai'ire ai-d rurs nsgrîI î:ïto .ci) fl butisth -lîyave tw.-ûgreat-granclsons l- weekend, ansd 1 felt Iik-e a Oie En liCann-gel, right n 1-'!les Of tour couit:-' Cs dccp'le Air Force. One is Seniorl Pro lem f P hard-bitten centurion frorn t'o tiiei knee oul '-hr te eni.,aUraster Sergt. at Peru, naî,I the provinces, visitixsg Ioniel 's ofteilaw- t. . nthe 'O's. and the other is in Greenland. D m fPcking lit the middle ot Çero's reigia.! Es un thiý,e Eskimnos liave ihis ,;otto 1l( They met in Texas over a vearM You kniow soniethlng! They trfiibic. Soine o! their o orîiAo1e i ca.sgo ai ter not seeing eac-h L fi ip~Tiii didit't have one 1ous.,ç11111e'have Jost ise aiod vdues, the relnegades anci people V. thlother for 14 vears. ineh uTofsiushs, ltLalone aniy truc w offutlife and a 1 ('1101,12l monc-, w-o slillisa l'in ~soryt eotm u- siiow. Vou'd lîardlv Iion the s'l-Oîî of0 to Fiorid x (aliforna 1l 1n l, in1s 7hyer I er-y~ A Contributor short tiîme the calibre et court was wintr, xeep fora wnd'Eidi-()-;Illýl, ý-0-Izilg f, rrcalsis firsi iv ,totaihr hlînd and hasn't! Aldermen are usua!ly very cils would be raised to that of blow~iîg up the concrete cari- 1ifirc:. <of all fti-;gs, c'îd e hili cal-~eenout on the street for over'busy people ln thelr own field, a board of directors in a comý y'ons tin,,t would eut the eye-,Iig sutf ,f îol van-.z i'îs e: it îiî't lte tact chat a Year, but gets aroi -nd the adtercvcdte lc eca raiain ilalls out of ron. tise resi, off vs.tee rnie ta gl e iluse. We ill !bave beenad hicvcdtespcea eriognzao. It isntht I ci'. z t.1 Thcv daunt see-m tu realize'It's their attitude. They're ~rare 62 years or, Januarylheavy additlortai demand on The mnayor is usually re- neonle. Not t ail.sal,]t ii a;7e lo.3t their oli L- in wrapped up An xhemsely es, aîîd! 9th this i'o-sth, ard have their time. Very cfe hi cruited from arnmong the ee~ es-ex-vveuîu ii ïlea- togriiy ai-d dÎ*gnity-the Àf Deeeve enoeyincet l 80 o al ty oui mat-niedt lemnodte ne! epnecdcucl en.Hmust id e 11t Cenrecs, 's liere !ive tbios i;ta macle UsîeeOog -Loog sitin w the st eather w as 1 e~cr-. - with their business heurs. Too represent his municipaityat off its Itp!îie v. "o a ~.',i a hole Jrl 1h.' iee foi this niorning witeayou left tise' I'n- a~Sn le the man wlth the ability !important tunctions bath ir- th-isîtough nnr ihr su ic-e Jdas, wa tiî o asL'ear-north country, what a rougW moto LeDiOl Eagle ola-- egîve efficient a.nd wise dir- side and outside hi5 commun>' limhae be-cn-e zciit dxî'n~ st eai. sone e;'chestrip you bail down through the i e acshrWid ection te municipal affairs lslty. 0f greater importance, he luxcrve-los inc". Fi- u;and kos rodri Fi-'Ekiios have Llpe'blizzard, and tise tact that'! zýontaî1rs a wieofo! mylast tcbs ihhspiaebs-ms acpbeo lc tltem ,' Titpy Lrong 0ihe wciXh: -0 far frote their great lheritug,-elyou'Il prob-ably never iinake t' irth'ldav wi'lich night lnterest Iness ta ordts ier-eeyp~benceryad Coast. in JusI,:, :îin eii ae 'lseei io o ' fhm oilM !es, nsustý soute «r--urreaders I met. I uied for cuditahe ities; an un Pbid way andre in ý1nîe as s--,hot yvou hae t o our Canadiian s-rters, iike have been I ad," they conimenti' iknd regards tOalais a resuit the bulk o! candi-1 counicil so that ail factors are take off -u.; ; < ahc.Fr-?.oa, thed 1 ,l2oiblY.;lndlffereîitl-. then ,t-art talklng, &om "The Old Lady"1 dates are recruited froin po- clearly understood before a Soneof ei'rîla c-e bco so tbink thse-, were hvn a god about television. w-ho recp&ved tireo.f:,eedcf, pewhs ostos nte ncso smds st s IîjgCnî-tetÂt-lliiton af2 :îse. ein wani an etitg~It's f'ortuirxte ltali. l n nativCel~ebr t the Cen oîunity places very littie sure that Policies adopted will real heart cf :theconr. rigîsti n-Cleato. denar.d on their tiTne. produce thse resuits desired, iiiiili ineriý,.tiee ae pentl Dlna Frver and that there is proper au- !li le irt:erùitire ed plntl EsgnaDna rze Itegardiess of Vise eb±lity, thority for actions taken. Too y y.~' fus le! t lite ad breed lult1 igenia Ceiebrats Ber training and experience re- otnamyrcniesta In> thell D LJLl mofeets iegod I Cnd 94th BlrtIsda.y quired by a pe-son in his pri- his psto eurshmf j s-nt" fae 1 frc,' l v. -vate vocation, At seldom lits decide wha+ actionl should be boutinte eessianiltixses j MS. H C.-E:nrOe aFre'h ta suddenly teke thse re- taken, then directs his counicil ali 1,bou itfeirlesSyandi. c. (EuzGra) ld ai - pnsbliisInvolved ln ad- toaect accordingly. ebsevesber91,hbir1daî 'ministering a municlpalty. The SNtoftitis loi!îrg aboutn; On ber l)irthdpy diuring theýqueston is tlsen how are pro- One very serîous defect in Iseateci subcsi'y tralis for u. !lsserlyasse has P.r- spective councilors to get their aur syste steprcieo l"g, c- cc sÏrt ccr-Wiixne d vaiu5 activities sucili ing and experience The plcing before the electors a a il- And, b;- :Gc-îr-ýe, thcr' r&~s.zi n a, jdi rga represent prectice Is to, elect hlm coiebetween twa of tire Frn RIe -h1ir4ifllî11 oi: ch-t'-l e ta st 5 uler saig kpigrope" A thse position and let hlm g etimest experienced memnbers cf 'in~iuiy, sse-haîh'd ,!sul ~ '~' -~d~" the training by experience tat the counicil, or between a pre- zi ncA - AG 19 aRSAc-f1e (3ivc.hanaiV.g1ketise position at tenub]ic's e-setmayor, wois fien,, ic .i-1aý;nlr. oc-an boaprdec' oorfhelssi lodsira Dos:. ru5t-12 a dves J ' 0 - i 0il_-e - ' ic'rird t < 1e<sh - - ufatuies oneneM-'.ecu e o h ofce n o sc; < inSt'in4 ane sîiAwe ui 1'. 1 tl . hC'S r csr-i '-ae a abilit"ange a ct---.- ra t c c-n ', ' ' . ss- H - la-s 1f1 'c.-, pn publir T effAcer v-l'h as-gea Dr. l" 1'r s- i.<i-O -u v ni hW"-" , '0'tlt o! expeon. dsazience.iece - - i-c . r-~- -~-Th ri'ie o ia î--o~St~ asa olto- 'for theasabeenate1as edend eo- 'i ~ Jas.-. 'a rt us. Iht's naî I.- ixn. wc>ul-I assre thatthe co Quec's iiîor2 ak' ycandidate !i ',ore oluyonrîforu]dri ls a -*~' î' 'b -e 4. -t -,-,tt. ou s t lsil Js n erAo~whaslc hi r d r;te gin the elcyotheappui- f 'L'u Ug lof i(te srs-e.-on point ieisetheic'nception en-' tctnit ltetsathan tise ballo t - Iug latia iliD-,iA. ou re t'nn r: t L , ; u S tret aea epnrel rna "or.The Io-s etsserie Of Oe ofeleïr' 5 c t . ' ne frs;~'~' '~cornr, yu pt on3ou br-ka-, ,- tr a-nssit, ne :.-end 2-rlmat theie are tise oras a aldi-xiîan1, i,1h0 ' Trvv-nTinc-iz', ais 25InersctInhea swiviln1 kr il;WonhivMs o'lirc ahutheor ities temd y or meayor.dt zîîld t be- --1ssn a .trin aon, It 'lbrk'e r-gtsop.,ad -ucntse letdpasdxtofteO- il), w-ha are respns Îiblecta vieue.sîcîl canidate foc BovîannEeIneisc'ats rac.n t ea-ron, bai. ;ysaddieoI na-ý i jr "ti coenof a ant. ucilol raie h nhn eeig eseto due~_1a11 Yoseîwno rPr oitdPicplc h iiSatadT Wcsley iige et ppouitynd het s lc oni oldsmi o a S tlo,-î:tt di the1tru, r . .MCed e Ties tnune i od in paty-'Ca-.a !eesbnie'-e gesnsed not edr n dsUtthey core mayr knoing iai h c cille tClkces'e the mall ectio e! ie onld te lc thei ardNm v-rue oe-aifin~hr.'bu nwintr Ocrtikr c acto yBwnann -. eetoilch V00rman mayreea, hade iC r ss d t.Int'-ll ttýnMa k a h o itze l, flica n. and Mrs crui a~îî edjdmnd, agat a' _____ec lo u!llyf, GuO. l{e iroî_ihave soldtheir Poscand'butlangcsae o! the strne adlf- eelers, 31 On:nio Street, un- NEW Yhe th -Cl.Te,-rfý wa,ýasac 0,1itaintls oi Hon.vamrelantCandierofeiee. ay ti fanvonth lkesîoeHsxis~letn a t acln lic leens1o wmavileJuenienwo former Maria as-chia farm Minis-esraod litwarsa psv Illehiesas-a termsa phîl tAnnesfinete peit weelc l-I"rmn & W:svteis o~ ets- axcad'r.. h~ ambtion bin'i îke: Ja male tri lîllifirstta YeOfn Ilnia. eaguemd Wer its ages illed ith lughte vnaskile:iGadte innt-s wllas anendbo, abl here5's nouv ae ofgai.Isec; Do7la Pieron Ien Ri h- Or eltdandwih earan-srie Ma' is cGilsasi im-'to hz 2ît h blseeat60 csa "uh o ld e e mleds o owranile re in ile o uhproe rs ugse ouinta proin niei aterbi rcea Hmnor:WecograulteAcies; nd Hada s para 0-eHop onlSaurdaulcinassurthiga theetnereorded accden whil savig wod Rcv. . . foretteadhî th vhe blaoytingon a udesinte 4t anelDHe make yufelto red Tyon: onrauaton t wfe-1f aso. in"; and "H?, ost-man eions-1 pigeonf show tisere, put onuld b Mr11 girlr.ThooeDv. cscsle e;s N intesrt p o! ,va, i,,,.,o Y oe Re c Pieo Clb. Remembe-,«r, you ýeaete bL"authorene f dihr nilalsAu r st.l mraic ht ,4ar.a,1" r 4i tc iodr adiaefrnayrwud N-, liY.rvlo rebaydlgts!o h talk you get al'on k n d re Leio Axuiryprsets ith unod o e ndw stt On-erA oii ilrpotCarar o- a twintr ro ôra are- e Bue. -ý-ý7vf g eealian .Te be:tr aterhis occst lirts.'Tyrne: U2.a2d t vo.A. eems t meft' e ourt lke ma iproeÎ.iage' eqi- A h fa Se rofrte a akn betera, i es B-leustAa-Mn an Trs;HakV eteraceD a s:nm"+,elanguage ed by vavaotess thoent' aqu re mail aux i - rnt ihnteplce nucsfli addtr JonCreTtxtte r- f red Wdedyee inhdtefceeisad, bite igt ary rIl Te tryHeswatitrhir on-anig.'n M. Ln ghIL !aeser owoy heeilot.dI mr phy njoed h e cký-sey bado ietr cu-slet 41ei uoltctà !o Dbeezr:Mn Ha Ti-rvz, Wan- Oncana. WgestOr iedad cnvicîs who gaeetwepsent fthe OWhîtby N o are ter ons l oie ngwsuthessro.adidat , dean ovf p csar, tshried-, Sna: MQiC. H. rScotcele- !aw-ere dnumedihrectinafa-'nosadte use er ou org n ahre'er dimiedo or ors~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fnd; senn -inbi rtdbi OhbrhdyStsrli.O htfrtmaes'tMpeLan ad es, Tube-1tesaeodr lcos and~~~~~~r,.e - iedceIbfte csbirh- CortneoMnuHwar Cur-o!tis teesthav bo fnienvs met t ishoeray enag by a arty. who eys ndie oucm net'dy veg. I Har HTmoronto.Wellone, - tigseod n day.~hee' tchareuedtOtaa tnlehackt - .atvk B.T.S. honrges ts mayro Cing ham ewo -)IVOf )ýl7h te %1. . . -----ad li rne raercvesrie